Gian Andrea A. Rassati
Associate Professor
Baldwin Hall
CEAS - Civil Eng - 0071
Professional Summary
Dr. Rassati earned a PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Trieste in 2001. His research interests include steel and steel-concrete composite structures, with particular interest on lateral force resisting systems, dynamic behavior of structures, and earthquake engineering. He is licensed as a professional engineer in Italy, and he is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, of the American Institute of Steel Construction, of the Research Council on Structural Connections, and of ASTM International.
PhD: University of Trieste Italy, 2001 (Structural Engineering)
Research Support
Grant: #OSP05193 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 10-01-2005 -09-30-2007 Research Council on Structural Connections Investigation of Resistance Factors for Bolted Connections Role:PI $81,532.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 07070668 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 03-01-2007 -03-31-2008 Metal Building Manufacturer Association Investigation of the Resistance Factors for Fully-Threaded Structural Bolts Role:PI $14,995.00 Active Level:Other
Grant: #CMMI-0653920 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Shahrooz, Bahram 09-01-2007 -02-28-2013 National Science Foundation COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Development of Innovative, Replaceable Coupling Beam Systems for Damage Mitigation in Coupled Core Walls Role:Collaborator $241,589.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EGG0040966 / N00178-04-D-4042 Investigators:Rassati, Gian 09-28-2010 -05-31-2012 Naval Surface Warfare Center Seismic Characterization of the Response of an Erector in SWFPAC for Design and Verification Purposes Role:PI $97,466.25 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #26601_135031_E140888 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 11-03-2014 -11-03-2015 Ohio Department of Transportation Inspection, Repair, and Retrofit Procedures, and Design Recommendations for Non-Redundant Steel Structures Role:Collaborator $87,534.19 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #2017 Research Agreement Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 10-01-2017 -10-01-2018 American Institute of Steel Construction Extra-Long Slots for Slip-Critical Bolts Role:PI $44,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OU UT20480 su ODOT 31795 sub FHWA E180338 Investigators:Chicchi, Rachel; Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 05-23-2018 -02-06-2020 Federal Highway Administration Division of Engineering Research On-Call Services #31795 Task 2 Role:Collaborator $48,284.09 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #UT20480 / ODOT 31795 - Task 4 Investigators:Chicchi, Rachel; Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 02-28-2019 -10-01-2019 Ohio Department of Transportation Load Rating of the Combs-Hehl Stringers under Permit Vehicles Role:Collaborator $39,841.11 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #24803 / ODOT 34655 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 05-01-2021 -10-31-2022 Federal Highway Administration Evaluation of the Effects of Wind Loads on Flexible Backing Plates Role:Collaborator 45290.13 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Research Agreement Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 12-20-2021 -08-19-2022 American Institute of Steel Construction Influence of Hole Making Processes on the Low and High Cyclic Strength of Plates Role:PI 79354.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #RCSC(AISC); Cross Investigators:Cross, Rachel; Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 04-01-2023 -10-01-2024 Research Council on Structural Connections Research on Slip Coefficients of Metallic Coatings Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 12-01-2023 -05-31-2024 Hytorc, Inc. HyTorc Research and Development for Structural Bolting Role:PI 59659.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #ECC Loaded Bolt Investigators:Rassati, Gian Andrea; Swanson, James 12-01-2024 -01-31-2026 American Institute of Steel Construction Experimental Investigation of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Role:Collaborator 100154.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Brunesi E., Nascimbene R., Rassati G.A. (2015. ) Seismic response of MRFs with partially-restrained bolted beam-to-column connections through FE analyses .Journal of Constructional Steel Research , , 107 ,37
Hantouche E.G., Kukreti A.R., Rassati G.A., and Swanson J.A. (2015. ) Strength Prying Models and Modified Stiffness Model for Thick Flange Built-up T-stub Connections .Journal of Structural Engineering, , 141 (2 ) ,04014102
Tartaglia R.;D'Aniello M.;Rassati G. (08-01-2019. ) Proposal of AISC-compliant seismic design criteria for ductile partially-restrained end-plate bolted.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 159 ,364-383 More Information
Butler M.;Swanson J.;Rassati G.;Dues E. (12-01-2018. ) High Resolution Modeling and Modeling of Connections in Pony-Truss Bridges.Transportation Research Record, , 2672 (41 ) ,186-195 More Information
Wijesundara K.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G. (11-01-2018. ) Evaluation of the seismic performance of suspended zipper column concentrically braced steel frames.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 150 ,452-461 More Information
Butler M.;Swanson J.;Rassati G. (09-20-2018. ) Structural health monitoring for combined damage states.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 419 (1 ) , More Information
Tartaglia R.;D'Aniello M.;Rassati G.;Swanson J.;Landolfo R. (03-15-2018. ) Full strength extended stiffened end-plate joints: AISC vs recent European design criteria.Engineering Structures, , 159 ,155-171 More Information
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G.A. (01-01-2018. ) Seismic fragility analysis of MRFs with PR bolted connections using IDA approach.Key Engineering Materials, , 763 ,678-685 More Information
Tartaglia R.;D’Aniello M.;Rassati G.A.;Swanson J.;Landolfo R. (01-01-2017. ) Influence of composite slab on the nonlinear response of extended end-plate beam-to-column joints.Key Engineering Materials, , 763 ,818-825 More Information
Tartaglia R.;D'Aniello M.;Landolfo R.;Rassati G.;Swanson J. (01-01-2017. ) Finite element analyses on seismic response of partial strength extended stiffened joints.COMPDYN 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, , 2 ,4952-4964 More Information
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G.A. (01-01-2016. ) Seismic Response of High-Rise Mega-Braced Frame-Core Buildings through FE Analysis .Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the Joint Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016, , 276-287
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G. (01-01-2015. ) Seismic response of MRFs with partially-restrained bolted beam-to-column connections through FE anal.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 107 ,37-49 More Information
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G.A.;Casagrande L. (01-01-2015. ) Seismic performance of high-rise steel MRFs with outrigger and belt trusses through nonlinear dynami .COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, , 721-735
Hantouche E.G.;Kukreti A.R.;Rassati G.A.;Swanson J.A. (01-01-2015. ) Prying models for strength in thick-flange built-up T-stubs with complete joint penetration and fill.Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), , 141 (2 ) , More Information
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G. (06-01-2014. ) Response of partially-restrained bolted beam-to-column connections under cyclic loads.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 97 ,24-38 More Information
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G. (01-01-2014. ) Seismic performance of steel MRFs with partially-restrained, bolted, beam-to-column connections thro.Structures Congress 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Structures Congress, , 2640-2651 More Information
Wijesundara K.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G. (01-01-2014. ) Modeling of different bracing configurations in multi-storey concentrically braced frames using a fi.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 101 ,426-436 More Information
Brunesi E.;Nascimbene R.;Rassati G.A. (10-17-2013. ) Evaluation of the response of partially restrained bolted beam-to-column connection subjected to cyc .Structures Congress 2013: Bridging Your Passion with Your Profession - Proceedings of the 2013 Structures Congress, , 2310-2321
Mitchell S.J.;Rassati G.A.;Shahrooz B.M. (01-01-2013. ) The Development of a Steel Fuse Coupling Beam for Coupled Core Wall Systems .Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VII - Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete, , 494-507
Suleiman M.;Shahrooz B.;Bill H.;Rassati G. (01-01-2013. ) An evaluation of expected mode of failure in extended single-plate connections .Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, , 4 (January ) ,3143-3150
Hantouche E.G.;Kukreti A.R.;Rassati G.A.;Swanson J.A. (01-01-2013. ) Modified stiffness model for thick flange in built-up T-stub connections.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 81 ,76-85 More Information
Fagá E.;Rassati G.;Nascimbene R. (10-01-2012. ) Seismic design of elevated steel tanks with concentrically braced supporting frames.Structures Congress 2012 - Proceedings of the 2012 Structures Congress, , 1473-1484 More Information
Hantouche E.G.;Rassati G.A.;Kukreti A.R.;Swanson J.A. (10-01-2012. ) Built-up T-stub connections for moment resisting frames: Experimental and finite element investigati.Engineering Structures, , 43 ,139-148 More Information
Nascimbene R.;Rassati G.;Wijesundara K. (03-01-2012. ) Numerical simulation of gusset plate connections with rectangular hollow section shape brace under q.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 70 ,177-189 More Information
Hantouche E.;Kukreti A.;Rassati G. (03-01-2012. ) Investigation of secondary prying in thick built-up T-stub connections using nonlinear finite elemen.Engineering Structures, , 36 ,113-122 More Information
Rassati G.;Fortney P.;Shahrooz B.;Johnson P. (05-02-2011. ) Performance evaluation of innovative hybrid coupled core wall systems.Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VI - Proceedings of the 2008 Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete Conference, , 479-492 More Information
Moore A.;Rassati G.;Swanson J. (09-01-2010. ) An experimental analysis of strength and ductility of high-strength fasteners .Engineering Journal, , 47 (3 ) ,161-173
Rassati G.;Baseheart T.;Stedman B. (01-01-2010. ) An interdisciplinary capstone experience using BIM.Structures Congress 2010, , 1689-1698 More Information
Bower O.J.;Rassati G.A. (12-01-2008. ) Axial Restraint in Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams: An Analytical Investigation .Proceedings of the 2008 Structures Congress - Structures Congress 2008: Crossing the Borders, , 314 ,
Fortney P.;Rassati G.;Shahrooz B. (11-01-2008. ) Investigation on effect of transverse reinforcement on performance of diagonally reinforced coupling .ACI Structural Journal, , 105 (6 ) ,781-788
Xuan G.;Shahrooz B.;Harries K.;Rassati G. (06-01-2008. ) A performance-based design approach for coupled core wall systems with diagonally reinforced concret.Advances in Structural Engineering, , 11 (3 ) ,253-268 More Information
Shahrooz B.;Fortney P.;Rassati G.;Xuan G. (12-01-2007. ) Performance-based design and innovative hybrid systems to overcome design and construction challenge.Structural Engineering Research Frontiers, , More Information
Fortney P.;Shahrooz B.;Rassati G. (11-23-2007. ) Large-scale testing of a replaceable "fuse" steel coupling beam.Journal of Structural Engineering, , 133 (12 ) ,1801-1807 More Information
Fortney P.;Shahrooz B.;Rassati G. (01-01-2007. ) Seismic performance evaluation of coupled core walls with concrete and steel coupling beams.Steel and Composite Structures, , 7 (4 ) ,279-301 More Information
Rassati G.;Fortney P.;Shahrooz B. (12-01-2006. ) Hybrid coupled core wall systems: An innovative approach to post-event damage mitigation .8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006, , 1 ,132-141
Fortney P.;Rassati G.;Shahrooz B.;Noé S. (12-01-2006. ) A steel-concrete composite solution for practical design of coupling beams .Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas - Stessa 2006, , 605-610
Fortney P.J.;Shahrooz B.M.;Rassati G.A. (05-01-2006. ) Grace under pressure .Civil Engineering, , 76 (5 ) ,
Fortney P.J.;Shahrooz B.M.;Rassati G.A. (03-31-2006. ) The next generation of coupling beams .Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V, , 619-630
Clemente I.;Leon R.T.;Noé S.;Rassati G.A. (03-31-2006. ) Interpretation of the experimental behavior of two semi-rigid composite frames by means of a by-comp .Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V, , 674-685
Harries K.A.;Shahrooz B.M.;Brienen P.;Fortney P.J.;Rassati G.A. (03-31-2006. ) Performance-based design of coupled wall systems .Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V, , 686-697
Green T.;Leon R.;Rassati G. (02-01-2004. ) Bidirectional tests on partially restrained, composite beam-to-column connections.Journal of Structural Engineering, , 130 (2 ) ,320-327 More Information
Rassati G.;Leon R.;Noè S. (02-01-2004. ) Component modeling of partially restrained composite joints under cyclic and dynamic loading.Journal of Structural Engineering, , 130 (2 ) ,343-351 More Information
Swanson J.A.; Rassati G.A.; Larson C.M. (01-01-2020. ) A reliability study of joints with bolts designed with threads excluded but installed with threads n .Engineering Journal, , 57 (1 ) ,33-49
Swanson J.A.; Rassati G.A.; Larson C.M. (01-01-2020. ) Dimensional tolerances and length determination of high-strength bolts .Engineering Journal, , 57 (1 ) ,3-21
Pettersson F.; Rassati G.; Swanson J.; Burns T. (01-01-2018. ) Behavior of deep, wide-flange steel beam-column members in seismic applications .Engineering Journal, , 55 (2 ) ,77-88
Tartaglia R.; D’Aniello M.; Rassati G.A.; Swanson J. (01-01-2017. ) The influence of a composite slab on the seismic behavior of moment resisting frames .Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VIII - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete, 2017, , 607-618
Tartaglia R.; D’Aniello M.; Rassati G.A.; Swanson J. (01-01-2017. ) Influence of composite slab on the nonlinear response of extended endplate beam-to-column steel join .Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VIII - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete, 2017, , 526-537