Meera Rastogi
Clermont College
4200 Clermont College Drive
Batavia, Ohio 45103
Professional Summary
Meera Rastogi, PhD, APIT/ PSYPACT, ATR-BC, LPAT is a licensed psychologist, board certified and registered art therapist, and psychology professor at the University of Cincinnati, Clermont College. She teaches in the psychology program and directs the University’s Pre-Art Therapy Certificate Program. Dr. Rastogi received the 2023 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, the 2021 Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching Outside of the Classroom, and the 2019 Lucille Pederson Hardgrove Exemplary Educator Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Southwest Ohio. She has a secondary appointment with the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation and is an affiliate of the UC Psychology Department. In addition to teaching, Dr. Rastogi runs art therapy groups for people with movement disorders and multiple sclerosis at the University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute and sees individual clients through a telehealth company.
PhD: The Ohio State University Columbus, 2001 (Counseling Psychology)
MA: The Ohio State University Columbus, 1995 (Counseling Psychology)
MA in Art therapy: Saint Mary of the Woods College Saint Mary of the Woods College, IN, 2015
BA: The Ohio State University Columbus, 1994 (Psychology BA Minor in Art History)
Positions and Work Experience
01-15-2023 - Faculty Engagement Center Director, https://ucclermont.edu/faculty-staff/center-for-faculty-engagement-.html, University of Cincincinnati, Clermont College
01-01-2021 -To Present Affiliate Faculty, A&S Psychology Department, University of Cincinnati, Clifton Campus
08-01-2013 -To Present Pre-Art Therapy Certificate Coordinator, Created Certificate Program, mentor students, University of Cincinnati, School of Art
08-01-2010 -08-01-2017 Psychology Program Coordinator, Scheduled classes, advised psychology club, addressed student-faculty issues, University of Cincinnati, Clermont
08-01-2007 -06-01-2008 Interim Director, Multicultural Education Center, Multicultural Education Center Director and Ethnic Studies Minor Program Coordinator, Edgewood College, Madison, Wisconsin
Peer Reviewed Publications
Rebola, C., Rohan, R., Koehler, A., Rastogi, M., Gómez Enriquez, D., Norton, R. Lachnit, I., et al. (2024. ) Pilot testing of CAN digital apps to improve the quality of life of cancer and benign brain tumor survivors. .Journal of Neuro and Oncology Research, , 4 (2 ) , More Information
Schwartz, J., Rastogi, M. Scarce, J. & Pate, M. (2021. ) Undergraduate art therapy programs in the United States survey report. .Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association., , 38 (1 ) ,33-41 More Information
Rastogi, M. (2017. ) Creating a successful career in art therapy: Advising guide for faculty and students .Division 2: Teaching of Psychology Resources, ,
Rastogi, M. (2016. ) The validity of projective drawings in clinical practice: A review of using drawings in clinical practice .PsycCRITIQUES, , 61 (31 ) , More Information
Published Books
Rastogi, M., Feldwisch, R., Pate, M., and Scarce, J. (2022. ) Foundations of Art Therapy: Theory and Applications .Academic Press (Co-Editor)
Foundations of Art Therapy: Theory and Applications
Rastogi, M. (2011. ) Instructor's Resource Manual to Accompany Abnormal Psychology .New York NY , Worth (Author)
Book Chapter
Lacnit, I. and Rastogi, M. (2023 ) Online Group Art Therapy Encouraging Creative Healing in the Virtual Space The Virtual Group Therapy Circle Advances in Online Group Theory and Practice .Taylor & Francis (Co-Author)
Rastogi, M. (2012 ) Using Art to Enhance the Teaching of Psychology Essays from e-xcellence in teaching .(pp. 9 -16).
Additional Publications
Honors and Awards
2021 Faculty Excellence for Teaching Outside of the Classroom
2019 Lucille Pederson Hardgrove Exemplary Educator Award The prestigious award, named after a UC faculty member dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with mental illness, is given to “…those in our community (Southwest Ohio) who have demonstrated extraordinary work and advocacy on behalf of people with mental illness and their families.” National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwest Ohio
2017 Dean's Excellence Award
Post Graduate Training and Education
2015-2017 Post Master's Clinical Work for Registered Art Therapist License, Hope Community Center, Marjorie P. Lee Retirement Community, Good Samaritan Hospital Adult Behavioral Unit, ,
2001-2008 Post Doctoral Internship , Clinical work for post doctoral hours for licensure, University of Wisconsin, Madison, , Madison, Wisconsin
Contact Information
Academic - Clermont College
4200 Clermont College Drive
Ohio, 45103