Professional Summary
Publications in the Journal of Business Communication, Journal of Business and Technical Communication,Technical Communication Quarterly, Business Communication Quarterly, and other journals on the topics of genre, narrative, ethics, service-learning, and business communication as a discipline. Has served as interim editor of the Journal of Business Communication and is currently co-chair of the Association for Business Communication's Publications Board.
Ph.D.: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1986 (English - British and American)
M.A.: North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, 1977 (English)
B.A.: Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC, 1975 (English and French)
Positions and Work Experience
2008 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati,
2000 -2005 Coordinator, Professional Writing, University of Cincinnati,
1994 -1999 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of English, University of Cincinnati,
1992 -2008 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati,
1986 -1992 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,
1986 -1990 Coordinator, Professional Writing, University of Cincinnati,
1983 -1986 Instructor, University of Cincinnati,
1977 -1979 Instructor, Western Carolina University,
Research Support
2006 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant
2002 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant
1999 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant
1997 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant
1996 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant
1985 Provostal Support Grant Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
Other Publication
Priscilla S. Rogers, Nittaya Campbell, Leena Louhiala-Salminen, and Jim Suchan. "The Impact of Perceptions of Journal Quality on Business and Management Communication Academics." Journal of Business Communication 44 (2007): 403, 426.
"ABC Publications Award Winners for 2006." Business Communication Quarterly 70 (2007): 243, 46.
"ABC Publications Award Winners for 2005." Business Communication Quarterly 69 (2006): 83, 93.
"ABC Publications Award Winners for 2004." Business Communication Quarterly 68 (2005): 97, 104.
"Making Knowledge in Business Communication: Collaboration Between Editorial Teams and Authors." Journal of Business Communication 42 (2005): 289, 94.
"Selling Peace in a Time of War: The Rhetorical and Ethical Challenges of a Graduate-Level Service-Learning Course." Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy 4 (2004): 103, 122.
"Adventures in Collaboration: The Story of an STC Faculty Internship." Intercom 50 (2003): 18, 21.
"A Flare from the Margins: The Place of Professional Writing in English Departments." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Language, Literature, and Composition 1 (2001): 185, 90.
"What Can We Learn from a Sample of One?: The Role of Narrative in Case Study Research." Narrative and Professional Communication (1999): 37, 62.
"Doing a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Your Writing." The Bulletin of the Association for Business Communication 57 (1994): 63.
"The Value of Narrative in Business Writing." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 6 (1992): 293, 315.
"Literary Genre Theory and the Teaching of Professional Writing Forms." The Technical Writing Teacher 16 (1989): 196, 208.
"Language and Corporate Values: Teaching Ethics in Business Writing Courses." The Journal of Business Communication 24 (1986): 37, 48.
"Some Discouraging Words about Checkmark Grading." The Bulletin of the Association for Business Communication 48 (1985): 20, 24.
"Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research." Journal of Business Communication. (2002): 149, 56.
"Discourse and Organization." The Journal of Business Communication. (1999): 419, 22.
Technical Communication Quarterly. (1993): 439, 43.
"Business Ethics." Journal of Business and Technical Communication. (1992): 256, 59.
"Business Communication: An Audience-Centered Approach." The Bulletin of the Association for Business Communication. (1989): 42, 43.
"A History of Our Own Times."Rev. of The Impressionist as Historian English Literature in Transition. (1989): 478, 82.
"Ford Madox Ford and the Voice of Uncertainty."Rev. of The Edwardian Ford Madox Ford English Literature in Transition. (1985): 98, 101.
"Joseph Conrad."Rev. of Navigating Joseph Conrad English Literature in Transition. (1983): 209, 11.
"English Literature in Transition."Rev. of The Question of James's Influence on Ford's The Good Soldier (1982): 104, 14.
Business Communication (with Marie Flatley). 1st ed.
Business Communication: Making Connections in a Digital World, with Ray Lesikar and Marie Flatley. 11th ed.
Invited Presentations
(2006. ) Research Roundtable, ABC Annual Meeting,
(2005. ) Research Roundtable, ABC Annual Meeting,
(2004. ) Research Roundtable, ABC Annual Meeting,
(11-2001. ) ABC Publications Award Winners’ Panel, ABC Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
(10-2000. ) ABC Publications Award Winners’ Panel, ABC Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
(2000. ) Research Roundtable, ABC Annual Meeting,
(04-1996. ) “The Future of English” Conference, University of Pittsburgh.
(04-1991. ) Solving Problems in Qualitative Research .ABC Midwest Meeting, Akron, OH.
Paper Presentations
(10-2007. ) Is Nothing Sacred? A Discursive Analysis of Recent Publications on Spirituality and Business .Washington, D.C..
(10-2006. ) The Impact of Journal Rankings on Business/Management Communication Academics .San Antonio, CA.
(10-2005. ) Business Communication Research: Past, Present, and Future .Irvine, CA.
(10-2004. ) Making Knowledge in Business Communication .Cambridge, MA.
(11-2003. ) Selling Peace in a Time of War: The Rhetorical and Ethical Challenges of a Graduate-Level Service-Learning Course .Albuquerque, NM.
(10-2000. ) A Cultural Studies Primer for Business Communication Researcher .Atlanta, GA.
(10-1999. ) Dale Carnegie and the Tradition of the Self-Made Man: Implications for Business Communication .Los Angeles, CA.
(11-1997. ) What Can We Learn from a Sample of One? The Role of Narrative in Case Study Research .Washington, D.C..
(11-1992. ) Toward a Definition of Managerial Communication .New Orleans, LA.
(03-1992. ) Challenging the Dale Carnegie Legacy: A Reconsideration of Persona in Business Writing .Cincinnati, OH.
(04-1991. ) A Reconsideration of Grammar Instruction in Business Communication Courses .Akron, OH.
(04-1990. ) The Value of Narrative in Business Writing .Detroit, MI.
(12-1988. ) Teaching Form Through Literary (and Nonliterary) Genres .New Orleans, LA.
(10-1988. ) Integrating Ethics into the Curriculum (Or, Integrating the Curriculum into the Teaching of Ethics) .Indianapolis, IN.
(10-1987. ) Who Am I This Time?: Inventing the Writer of Business Communications .Atlanta, GA.
(03-1987. ) Inventing for a Living: Transferring Composition Heuristics to the Business Writing Classroom .Atlanta, GA.
(03-1986. ) Manipulation Versus Communication: The Role of Ethics in Business Writing Courses .New Orleans, LA.
(Association for Business Communication (ABC) ) Board Member 2003 -2006
(Association for Business Communication (ABC) ) Committee Chair 2003 -2005
Journal of Business Communication Editor of Journal 2000 -2001
Journal of Business Communication Editor of Journal 1991 -1994
(Journal of Business Communication ) Editor of Journal 1996 -2000
(Journal of Business Communication ) Editor of Journal 1993
Journal of Business Communication Editor of Journal 1990
ABC Annual Meeting Editorial Board Member 1998 -2001
(ABC Annual Meeting ) Editorial Board Member 11-1994
(ABC Midwest Meeting ) Editorial Board Member 04-1993
Business writing, technical and scientific writing, information design, writing instructions, professional writing theory, online documentation, discourse communities