Elizabeth Riorden , MArch
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
DAA Addition
DAAP School of Arch & Interior Design - 0016
Professional Summary
Elizabeth Riorden studied architecture in New York City, receiving her Master of Architecture degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Historic Preservation in 1981. After working in New York City as an architectural designer, and after 1988 as a registered architect, in 1990 she returned to an earlier career interest: archaeology. With an undergraduate degree from Brown University in Ancient and Medieval Culture (graduating magna cum laude in 1978), Riorden had always sustained an deep interest in the built environment of past civilizations; in 1989 she was invited to participate in the newly resumed excavations at Troy, in Northwest Turkey, as a collaborator to the late Prof. Manfred Korfmann of the Universität Tübingen, and to Prof. C. Brian Rose, then of the University of Cincinnati. At Troy she pursued field documentation, architectural studies, and site conservation, this last under the mentoring of an older generation of international Bauforscher and conservators consulting for the Troy project. Her Troy drawings and articles are published in numerous volumes of Studia Troica. Most recently, she has authored an entire chapter, entitled “Conservation and Presentation of the Site of Troy, 1988-2012”, in the first volume of the final synthesis, published in 2014 and edited by Rose with Ernst Pernicka and Peter Jablonka.
In the mid-1990s, IBM Deutschland sponsored Riorden and her team in a project to use CATIA software to build 3D models of some of the layers of Troy most difficult to visualize. This work was expanded in the new millennium, in collaboration with Dr. Peter Jablonka of the Tübingen Troy Project, to include detailed models of six major periods of the Bronze Age and classical city. In 2002 Riorden adjusted her career path once more and became a full-time academic, teaching architectural design, history and preservation at the University of Cincinnati’s School of Architecture and Interior Design. Using the resource of CERHAS (Center for the Electronic Reconstruction of Historic and Archaeological Sites), located in her department’s College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, and a generous grant from the US National Endowment for the Humanities, Riorden’s team produced the educational website “Troy” (cerhas.uc.edu/troy), which featured animations of the six computer models and other original material.
In 2006, the Troy Project invited Riorden to consider authoring a “Site Management Master Plan” for Troy. With funding from INSTAP (Institute for Aegean Prehistory) and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, Riorden and a team of two University of Cincinnati graduate architecture students spent the 2008 season at Troy preparing material and conducting observational and other studies for the Master Plan, which Riorden completed in 2009.
Riorden is a Fellow of the American Academy of Rome (Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Historic Preservation 2002) where her Fellowship project involved a study of roof interventions in sensitive archaeological sites. She has pursued field work at the medieval site of Psalmodi in the Rhône delta of France, bringing her students to the ruined monastic site for training in advanced architectural documentation and analysis. She has given numerous public lectures on her work in Turkey and France, and is currently working on several manuscripts, on architectural and urban topics ranging from the Early Bronze Age cities of the Aegean, to diachronic analyses of Mediterranean cities. She has also served on the Board of advisors of a Cincinnati area advocacy group, the Friends of Whitewater Shaker Village, and directed her students in a successful HABS documentation of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Boulter House, which won an Honorable Mention in the 2009 Charles E. Peterson Prize.
Master of Architecture (M Arch): Columbia University New York City, 1981
Bachelor of Arts (AB), magna cum laude : Brown University Providence, 1978 (Interdisciplinary major in Ancient and Medieval Culture, John Rowe Workman, advisor; Junior semester abroad, Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, 1977)
Research and Practice Interests
Historic Preservation and Conservation, Architectural History and Archaeology, Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Resource Management, Computer Visualization and Cultural Applications, Design and Urban Design
Positions and Work Experience
2008 -To Present Associate Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Interior Design (SAID), University of Cincinnati,
2013 -2015 Associate School Director for Faculty Affairs, School of Architecture and Interior Design (SAID), University of Cincinnati,
2002 -2008 Assistant Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Interior Design (SAID), University of Cincinnati,
2001 - Adjunct Assistant Professor, SAID, University of Cincinnati,
1990 -To Present The Troy Project, Most recent accomplishment: publication of chapter in Volume 1 of Troy Monograph series (2014); UNESCO site master planning—completed Troy: An Archaeological Site Management Masterplan , September 2009; public educational applied research, articles on interpretation of architectural finds (2001-present); direction of site conservation, surveying and architectural research, taught CAD to staff (1995-1999); site documentation, re-publication of archaeological comprehensive plan (1990-1994), The Universities of Tübingen and Cincinnati, Troy, Turkey
2003 -To Present Digital Psalmodi, Creation of a digital interpretation of the archaeological remains (2003-present) Most recent work: manuscript with summary of analysis on the architecture of the monastery (submitted 2013 for editorial review), Former monastery near Nîmes, France
2008 -2009 The Digital Lerna Project, A combination of archival and digital reconstruction work for the Early Bronze Age site of Lerna. Initial investigations in 2008 and 2009 supported by the Institute for Aegean Prehistory and the American School of Classical Studies in Athens., Greece
1979 -1997 Psalmodi Excavation, Electronic site survey (1997); site documentation (1979-81, 1974-77), Nîmes, France
2000 - The Agios Spyridon Project, Site mapping, Milos, Greece
1999 -2002 GBBN Inc., Architects, Team member for Children’s Hospital Medical Center., Cincinnati, Ohio
1990 -1991 Cioppa Rosen Associates Inc., Rockefeller Center commercial renovation., New York City
1987 -1990 Kupiec & Koutsomitis Architects PC, Diverse residential projects., New York City
1986 -1987 Eli Attia Architects, Diverse projects., New York City
1984 -1986 Prentice and Chan, Olhausen Architects, Diverse projects, New York City
1982 -1984 Mascioni and Behrmann Architecture and Interiors, Diverse projects., New York City
2011 - Professional Consultation, Ohio Mid-Fest. Official review of programs supported by Ohio Humanities Council.,
05-2005 - Professional Consultation, Advised on NEH and other sponsored research grants for projects involving the application of technology to culture., The School of Architecture of the University of Nebraska,
Research Support
Grant: #EE-50122-04 Investigators:Riorden, Elizabeth 04-01-2004 -12-31-2007 National Endowment for the Humanities Troy on the Internet Role:PI $182,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OHC-R04-214 Investigators:Riorden, Elizabeth 11-01-2004 -06-30-2005 National Endowment for the Humanities Culture and Technology: Understanding and Preserving the Past through Visualization Role:PI $2,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Pr Inc 1 Investigators:Riorden, Elizabeth 11-01-2004 -06-30-2005 Program Income Culture and Technology: Understanding and Preserving the Past Through Visualization Program Income Role:PI $2000
2008 -2009 The Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) "A Site Management Plan for Troy"
2009 The Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) "Digital Lerna"
2008 The Samuel H. Kress Foundation "A Site Management Plan for Troy"
Investigators:Elizabeth Riorden and Jeffrey T. Tilman 2008 The Psalmodi Foundation Role:Co-principal investigator
Investigators:Elizabeth Riorden and Jeffrey T. Tilman 2005 The Psalmodi Foundation Role:Co-principal investigator
2004 The Psalmodi Foundation. Role:Principal Investigator.
2003 University Research Council of the University of Cincinnati
06-2014 The Institute for Global Studies and Affairs, University of Cincinnati
03-2004 The Institute for Global Studies and Affairs, University of Cincinnati
06-2005 The Lindenwald Civic Association (LCA) Gift to the School of Architecture and Interior Design from the LCA, through leading an adaptive re-use studio, including exhibit of student work in Hamilton, Ohio.
10-2004 The Ohio Humanities Council Grant for symposium and lecture series “Culture and Technology: Architecture that isn’t there.”
Peer Reviewed Publications
(2009. ) “Dörpfeld’s Theory of Wood and Mudbrick Architecture: Implications and a Reassessment” .Byzas , , 9 ,199-210
(2007. ) “Ilion’s Odeion: a reconstruction and its implications” .Studia Troica, , 17 ,47-55
(1996. ) “Three-Dimensional Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) in Anastylosis: A Case-Study at the Odeion of Ilion” . Studia Troica, , 6 ,103-110
Elizabeth Riorden and Friedmund Hueber (1994. ) “Plan von Troia 1994 and Troia. Freiliegende Ruinen und Besucherwege 1994” .Studia Troica, , 4 ,115-120
Other Publications
Elizabeth Riorden, and Jeffrey T. Tilman; to be translated into French by Kirsten Koehler. (2011. ) Psalmodi Final Report: Architectural Studies and Overview .
Elizabeth Riorden (2009. ) Troy: An Archaeological Site Management Masterplan .
Elizabeth Riorden (2000. ) "Visions of Troy" .Archaeology, January/February edition ,52-59
(2006. ) Practices 7/8,
Published Books
The City, the Ship and the Temple; Aegean Architecture and Urbanization in the Early Bronze Age. .
Pirates, Empires, People: the Deep Time Structure of Mediterranean Cities (tentatively) .
Book Chapter
(2014 ) “Conservation and Presentation of the Site of Troy, 1988-2012” Troia 1987-2013: Grabungen und Forschungen I; Forschungsgeschichte, Methoden und Landschaft, Teil 1 (Studio Troica Monograph Series 5) .(pp. 428-519).
“The Architecture of the Benedictine Abbey of Psalmodi”
“Memento Mori: Ruins during Antiquity”
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
(03-2013. ) “Locus vs. Metis: the complexities of depicting versus measuring, at Troy, and elsewhere.” .The Symposium Troy: New Perspectives on Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Turkey at the Allard-Pierson Museum and the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands,
(03-2013. ) “Troy: Fact, Fiction, Significance.” .Hanover College, Madison, Indiana. .
(11-2012. ) “Troy, the Iliad, and the Nature of Epic.” .The Symposium Myth and Memory at Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL..
(04-2011. ) “EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ARCHAEOLOGY AND CRM*but were afraid to ask.” .The University of Pennsylvania, School of Classical Studies,
(10-2008. ) “Troy: past, present, future. Why Site Management Plans matter.” .The University of Texas, Austin. ,
(2008. ) “Looting in Turkey” .University of Cincinnati, Department of Anthropology.,
(02-2007. ) “What did Homer Really Know?” .The Honors Seminar of the Department of Classics and Comparative Religion at Ohio University, Athens, OH. .
(03-2006. ) “Greece, Troy, Archaeology and Meaning” .The CMC’s “Just for Teachers” series at the Cincinnati Museum Center,
(11-2005. ) “Visualization and Site Conservation at Troy” .The University of Pennsylvania, School of Classical Studies.,
(09-2005. ) “Timeless Troy – Homer’s Windy City” .The Smithsonian, Washington DC.
(06-2004. ) “Traces of the Iliad at Bronze Age Troy” and “Uses of the Legend in Classical Troy” .The Smithsonian, Washington DC.
(02-2003. ) “Between Two Chairs: Archaeology and Architecture” .UCLA Honors Program at UCLA,
Elizabeth Riorden and Betsey Robinson (02-2002. ) “Troy and Corinth: Perspectives on the Past” .The American Academy in Rome,
(02-2002. ) “The production of The Ancient Roman City: a collaboration" .The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome ,
(07-1997. ) “A Few Things an Archaeologist should know about Site Conservation” .At the restored Odeion of Troy, Turkey,
(10-1993. ) “What does an Architect do at an Archaeological Site?” .Williams College, MA.,
Event Organized
“Architecture that isn’t there: Virtual Recreations of the Destroyed, the Altered and the Never Built"“Architecture that isn’t there: Virtual Recreations of the Destroyed, the Altered and the Never Built" Symposium 04-2005 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Student Advising
Ana Ozaki (Master ) Committee Member 2014
Gözde Doğramacılar (Master ) Committee Member 2010
Banu Bedel (Master ) Committee Member 2006
Jose Kozan (Master ) Committee Member 2003
(Master ) Chair 2010
(Master ) Chair 2009
(Master ) Chair 2008
(Master ) Chair 2007
Reviewer of Ohio Mid-Fest 2011 on behalf of Ohio Humanities Council grantees Type:Community Service 2011
Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, annual photo competition Judge Type:Community Service 2007
Member of the Board of Trustees, Friends of White Water Shaker Village Type:Community Service 2004 -To Present
Presentation to fifth-graders on Troy, Waldorf School, Winton Place, Cincinnati, OH Type:Community Service 2005
Member of the Board of Advisors, Friends of White Water Shaker Village Type:Community Service 2003 -2004
Volunteers Coordinator, Society of Architectural Historians 61st Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, OH Type:Service to Professional Associations 04-2008
Paper reviewer, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2007, 2008 and 2010 meetings. Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations
Chairperson, SAID Faculty Search Committee Type:Departmental Service 2011 -2015
Chairperson, Ad-Hoc committee to review/rewrite School’s Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure document Type:Departmental Service 2009 -2010
School Committee on Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Type:Departmental Service 2009 -2010
Presentation for Graduate Student organized colloquium Type:Departmental Service 2007
Reviewer for Master of Architecture applications Type:Departmental Service 2006 -2009
Reviewer for Master of Architecture applications Type:Departmental Service 2012 -2013
Chairperson, History, Theory and Criticism Curriculum Committee Type:Departmental Service 2005 -2006
Committee to Review SAID document on “Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure” Type:Departmental Service 2005
Organized a 2-year lecture series Type:Departmental Service 2003 -2004
Faculty Search Committee Type:Departmental Service 2002 -2005
Associate School Director for Faculty Affairs Type:University/College Service 2013 -2015
College Committee on Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Type:University/College Service 2008 -2009
Committee on Research Excellence for DAAP UC/21 Type:University/College Service 2004
Chairperson, Humanities & Arts Committee of the University Research Council (reviews grants) Type:University/College Service 2006 -2009
Ad Hoc Committee to Review Faculty Interdisciplinary Grants Type:University/College Service 2006 -2007
International Student Travel Grants: reviewer Type:University/College Service 2011 -2012
Graduate Student Poster Competition Judge Type:University/College Service 2006
Graduate Student Poster Competition Judge Type:University/College Service 2010
Department of Classics Faculty Search, Associated Faculty committee Type:University/College Service 2005
Historic Preservation Certificate Program Advisory Committee Type:University/College Service 2002 -To Present
Cincinnatus Competition Assessor Type:University/College Service 2004 -2005
Cincinnati Art Museum Type:Other 2015
Professional Affiliation
2013 -To Present: ICOMOS/US Member of scientific committee ICAHM (International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management).
2012 -2013: Affiliated Member of ICAHM
The Society of Architectural Historians
The Society of Fellows of the American Acedemy in Rome
The Cincinnati Preservation Association
The American Association of University Women
Brown University Alumni Association: applicant interviewer
Architectural Registration New York State License #019699 (currently dormant)
Courses Taught
MS Arch Teaching Colloquium Level:Graduate
Techniques of Historic Preservation
Thesis Year Studio Level:Graduate
Thesis Research Methods Level:Graduate
Introduction to Historic Preservation
Urban Housing Studio Level:Undergraduate
Immersion Design Studio -- a Library Level:Undergraduate
Immersion History Segment: Precedent in Design Level:Undergraduate
Comprehensive Studio -- a Spa Level:Undergraduate
Historic Preservation Capstone
Independent Studies
Seminar/Workshop: Interactives for the Cincinnati Art Museum reinstallation of the Greek, Roman and Egyptian permanent collection.
Design Studio: the Culinary Center of Cincinnati
Design Studio: Rome & Alexandria Interrota: a Coptic Christian Village in Cincinnati
Seminar: the Many International Styles in Architecture.
Design Studio: The Bertoia Museum
Introduction to Architectural History for New Master of Architecture Students from other disciplines
Design Studio: A New Museum for Troy
Adaptive Re-use: the Miami Woolen Mills
Design Studio: the Former Slaughterhouse Site on the Tiber, Rome
Seminar: the City of Rome
Lecture In Rome at the foreign academies
Lecture: Arts & Society—Monuments and Innovation
Design Studio: An Enclosing Building for Rome’s Ara Pacis
Lab/Seminar in Historic Preservation: Anastylosis
Seminar: Archaeology and Architecture
Urban-focus Design Studio: Thinking Big and Different in NYC Post-Sandy.
Faculty Development Activities
06-2006 The Cranbrook Teachers Conference “Preservation Matters” Organized by the ACSA and AIA, Type:Conference Attendance
Other Information
Curriculum Development
Chaired ad-hoc committee in 2010 & 2006, of the faculty teaching History/Theory/Criticism (HTC) throughout the School programs: in 2010 to convert the HTC curriculum to semesters; in 2006 to improve the delivery of HTC content for the various tracks of the new MArch degree.,