Professional Summary
I am a Sociologist with an extensive background in basic research and policy analysis. I have extensive research and consulting experience and have taught methodology and statistics for over 3 decades. I am very knowledge about programming and data management. I am knowledgeable about methodology (e.g., research designs, sampling, weighting of data with complex designs, and questionnaire construction); structural equation modeling (e.g., confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and combined structural equation measurement models); measurement (e.g., modeling based on classical measurement theory and item response theory); and specialized analytical procedures, including simulations, negative binomial and Poisson regression for skewed and truncated distributions, hazard or event history models, random effects modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, individual growth modeling, and path analysis combining OLS and regression coefficients based on non-OLS regression equations. Additionally, I have an extensive background in research reporting and writing.
Ph.D.: University of Georgia; Athens, GA;, 1972 (Sociology)
M.A. : University of Georgia; Athens, GA;, 1971 (Sociology)
B.A.: University of Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama;, 1968 (Sociology)
Research and Practice Interests
Research Methods--- Quantitative Methods, Evaluation / Policy Analysis
Research, Performance Measures Systems,
Stigma--- Prejudice, Discrimination, Bullying, Inequality
Medical Sociology--- Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, Headaches, Disability,
High Risk Behaviors--- Substance Use and Abuse, Delinquincy, Crime
Adoption/Abuse--- Child Abuse, State Custody, Adoption, Foster Care
Demography--- Migration, Demographic Techniques, Fertility,
General Demography
Positions and Work Experience
09-1968 -05-1969 Research Assistant, Staff Project: The Poverty Dimensions of Rural to Urban Migration", University of Georgia,
06-1969 -08-1969 Full Time Research Assistant: Population Group, Human Resources Branch, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
09-1969 -09-1970 Research Assistant, Staff Project: "The Poverty Dimensions of Rural to Urban Migration", University of Georgia,
09-1970 -05-1971 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Trainee, University of Georgia,
06-1971 -01-1972 Research Assistant, University of Georgia,
1972 -1973 Visiting Lecturer, University of Tennessee: Department of Sociology,
06-1974 -08-1975 Head: Population Studies Section, Energy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
02-1972 -09-1976 Associate Scientist: Population Institute, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
09-1976 -08-2009 Associate Professor: Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati,
09-2009 -10-2010 Full Professor: Department of Sociology, University of Sociology,
Research Support
Investigators:College of Medicine: University of Cincinnati 2009 Offices of Continuing Education and Faculty Development Meta-Analysis Related to Treatment of Asthma Role:Consultant
Investigators:PI: Dr. P. VanVoorhis, Criminal Justice, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Social Work, UC 2010 Reporting Programs in Georgia Evaluation, Georgia Parole Board Role:Consultant
Investigators:PI: Nabors, Co-Investigators: Ritchey, Baker, Ludke 2010 Doctor-Child Communication: Relations with Satisfaction (NICHD, Resubmission (under review, 50,000 per year)
Investigators:PI: Nabors, Co-Investigators: Ritchey, Kloos 2010 Obesity Stigma: How Do Race and Context Influence Peer Acceptance, NSF (under review, 150,000 per year)
2000 -2007 Drug and Poison Information Center Evaluation of Smoking Cessation Program
Grant: #R21 HD050137 Investigators:Acklin, Dana; Carrozza, Mark; Cotton, Sian; Jacobson, Clement; Leonard, Anthony; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Ritchey, Phillip; Szaflarski, Magdalena; Tsevat, Joel; Williams, Rhys 05-01-2007 -04-30-2010 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Religious Organizations' Responses to HIV/AIDS Role:Collaborator $425,100.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005059 Investigators:Brown, M. Kathryn; Horner, Ronnie; Ludke, Robert; Ritchey, Phillip; Szaflarski, Magdalena; Ying, Jun 07-10-2007 -06-30-2008 Cincinnati, City of Data Collection to Eliminate Health Disparities in Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $76,657.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Ritchey, P.N. and Stokes, C.S. 1971. "Residence Background, Socioeconomic Status, and Fertility." Demography, 8, 3:369‑377.
Ritchey, P.N. and Stokes, C.S. 1972. "Residence Background, Migration, and Fertility." Demography, 9, 217‑30.
Ritchey, P.N. 1973. "Effects of Marital Status on the Fertility of Rural‑Urban Migrants." Rural Sociology, 38,1:26‑35.
Ritchey, P.N. 1973. "The Fertility of Blacks Without Southern Rural Experience: A Reexamination of the 1960 GAF Study Findings with 1967 SEO Data." Population Studies, 27, 1:127‑34.
McCoy, H V, Ritchey, P N, & McCoy, C B. Effects of migration on cancer incidence and resources for prevention and treatment in Florida. Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 107(4), 389-96.
Ritchey, P.N. 1974. "Urban Poverty and Rural‑to‑Urban Migration." Rural Sociology, 39: 1:12‑27.
Patrick, C.H. and Ritchey, P.N. 1974. "Changes in Population and Employment as Processes in Regional Development." Rural Sociology, 39: 2:224‑37.
Shannon, C.S., and Ritchey, P.N. 1974. "Some Further Observations on Childlessness and Color." Journal of Black Studies, 5, 2:203‑09.
Ritchey, P. N. and Stokes, C.S. 1974. "Correlates of Childlessness and Expectations to Remain Childless: U.S. 1967." Social Forces, 52, 3:349‑56.
Ritchey, P.N. 1975. "The Effects of Minority Group Status of Fertility: A Reexamination of Concepts." Population Studies, 29, 2:249‑57.
Ritchey, P.N. 1976. "Explanations of Migration". Annual Review of Sociology, 2:363‑404.
Ritchey, P. N. 1983. Review of C.F. Mueller's "THE ECONOMICS OF LABOR MIGRATION: A BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS", in Contemporary Sociology, 12, 1: 61‑62.
Freymeyer, R.H. and Ritchey, P.N. 1985. "Spatial Distribution of Opportunities and Magnitude of Migration." Sociological Perspectives, 28:4, (October):419‑439.
Ritchey, P.N., Hastings, D.W., Robinson, W.W. 1987. "Confidence to be Given Findings Derived from Fixed-Period Definitions of Migration." Population and Environment, 9:4, (Winter):201-224.
Ritchey, P.N. and Dietz, B.E. 1990. "Catholic/Protestant Differences in Marital Status." Review of Religious Research, 32,1:65-77.
Ritchey, P. N., Baulu, J., Horrocks, J.A. 1991. "Abstract: Demographic Modeling to Overcome Imperfect Data: Assessing Effects of Trapping on Subsequent Population Growth Among Green Monkeys." American Journal of Primatology, 24,2:131.
McCoy, V., Ritchey, P.N., McCoy, C. 1992. "Estimating Migration's Contribution to Cancer Incidence: Implications for Cancer Treatment and Prevention Services." Public Health Reports, 107,4 (July-August):389-396.
Hoffman, C.A. and Ritchey, P,N. 1992. "Differentials in Distance of Interstate Migration, 1980." Sociological Focus, 25,3:241-255.
Dietz, B. and Ritchey, P,N. 1996. "The Relative Influence of Single Identities, Number of Identities, and Particular Combinations of Identities on Facets of Well-Being." Sociological Spectrum, 16,1:1-25.
Smith, R., Hasse, L., and Ritchey, P. 1999. "Headache Diagnoses in Family Practice." American Council for Headache Education (ACHE) Newsletter, 10,3:8.
Mathieu, A., Bruvold, N., Ritchey, P. 2000. "Intercultural Research on Organizational Commitment with a 6 OCQ French Instrument." Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 20,3(Summer):129-138.
Ritchey, P.N., Reid, G.S., Hasse, L.A. 2001. "The Relative Influence of Smoking on Drinking and Drinking on Smoking Among High School Students in a Rural Tobacco Growing County." Journal of Adolescent Health, 29,6:386‑394.
Ritchey, L.H., Ritchey, P.N., Dietz, B. 2001. "Clarifying the Measurement of Activity." Activity, Adaption, and Aging, 26,1:1-21.
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Smith, R., Rudawsky, D.J., Cassedy, A.E. 2001. "Abstract: A Model for Studying Headache Diagnostic Data in Family Practice." Cephalalgia, 21,4 (May):291.
Smith, R., Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Cassedy, A.E., Rudawsky, D.J. 2001. "Abstract: The Extent of Migraine and Migrainous Headache in Headache NOS Patients in Family Practice." Cephalalgia, 21,4 (May):291-292.
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Smith, R. 2002. "Predicting the Number of Headache Visits by Type of Patient Seen in Family Practice." Headache, 42(8):738-746.
Savage, C.L., Wray, J.N., Ritchey, P.N., and Fulmer, M. 2002. "Measurement of Alcohol Consumption in a Pregnant Population." Substance Abuse, 23(4):211-214.
Warner, J., Fishbein, H. Ritchey, P.N., Case, K. 2002. "Children’s Attitudes toward Race and Gender." Resources in Education, Educational Resources Information Center (ED458469), (April), 1-17.
Ritchey, P.N., Seufert, R., Carrozza, M. 2002. "An Ecological Analysis of the Impact of Anti‑Drug Community Partnerships on Drug Use in Ohio Counties." Applied Sociology, 19,2:35-48.
Savage, CL, Wray, J, Ritchey, PN, Sommers, M., Dyehouse, J, and Fulmer, M. 2003. "A critical review of current screening instruments related to alcohol consumption in pregnancy and a proposed alternative method." Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatal Nursing(32): 437-446.
Deitz, B, Carrozza, M, and Ritchey, PN. 2003. "Does Financial Self Efficacy Explain Gender Differences in Retirement Saving Strategies?." Journal of Women and Aging 15(4): 83-96.
Ritchey, PN, Frank, RA, Hursti, UK, and Tuorila, H. 2003. "Validation and cross-national comparison of the food neophobia scale (FNS) using confirmatory factor analysis." Appetite(40): 163-173.
Van Voorhis P, Spruance LM., Ritchey PN, Listwan SJ, and Seabrook R. 2004. "The Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment: A Replication of Reasoning and Rehabilitation." Criminal Justice and Behavior 31(3): 282-305.
O’Bryan, MO, Fishbein, HD, and Ritchey, PN. 2004. "Intergenerational Transmission of Prejudice, Sex Role Stereotyping, and Intolerance." Adolescence 39(155): 407-426.
Hasse, LA, Ritchey, PN, and Smith, R. 2004. "Quantifying Headache Symptoms and Other Headache Features from Chart Notes." Headache 44(9): 873-884.
Szaflarski, M and Ritchey, PN. 2005. "Individual and Areal Socioeconomic Factors in Health: Comparing the United States and Poland." International Review of Modern Sociology 31(1): 33-55.
Szaflarski, M, Ritchey. PN, Leonard, AC, Mrus, JM, Peterman, AH, Ellison, CG, McCullough, ME, and Tsevat, J. 2006. "Modeling the Effects Spirituality/Religion on Patients’ Perceptions Living with HIV/AIDS." Journal of General Internal Medicine(21): S28-S38.
Case, K. A., Fishbein, H.D., and Ritchey, P. N. 2006. "Personality's influence on higher order factors of prejudice and discrimination." Current Research in Social Psychology(11): 187-201.
Sumajin, I., Fishbein, H., and Ritchey, P.N. 2006. "The Influence of Personality on Workplace Bullying and Discrimination." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 36(10): 2554-2577.
Listwan, SJ, Van Voorhis, P, and Ritchey, PN. 2007. "Personality, Criminal Behavior, and Risk Assessment: Implications for Theory and Practice." Criminal Justice and Behavior 34(1): 60-75.
Dulay, MF, Gesteland, RC, Shear, PK, Ritchey PN, Frank, RA. 2007. "Assessment of the influence of cognition and cognitive processing speed on three tests of olfaction." Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurology(25): 1-11.
Case, K. A., Fishbein, H. D., and Ritchey, P. N. 2008. "Personality, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Women and Homosexuals." Current Research in Social Psychology, 14(2):23-38.
Dulay, Mario F, Gesteland, Robert C, Shear, Paula K, Ritchey, P Neal, & Frank, Robert A. 2008. "Assessment of the influence of cognition and cognitive processing speed on three tests of olfaction." Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 30(3), 327-37.
Iobst, E.A., Ritchey, P.N., Nabors, L.A., Stutz, R., Ghee, K., and Smith, D.T. 2009. "Children's acceptance of a peer who is overweight: relations among gender, age and blame for weight status." International Journal of Obesity, 33:736-742.
Svaflarski, M., Kudel, I., Cotton, S., Leonard, A.C., Tsevat, J., and Ritchey, P.N. (In Press, published online Dec., 2010) "Multidimensional Assessment of Spirituality/Religion in Patients with HIV/AIDS." Journal of Religion and Health.
Bai, H., Pan, W., Ritchey, P.N. (In Press) "Another Look at Resampling: Replenishing Small Samples with Virtual Data Through S-Smart." Journal of Applied Statistical Methods, 8(2).
Ritchey, P.N., Nabors, L., Olsen, B., & Schonfold, D. (2011). "Smoking Intention of 5th Graders." Advances in Psychology Research, 74: 91-109.
Nabors, L.A., Hoffman, A.R., Ritchey, P.N. (2011) Four Illnesses: Lenses for Critical Topics in Child Quality of Life Research. The Journal of Pediatrics, 158(4):529-31.
Published Abstract
Savage, CL, Wray, JN, Ritchey, PN, and Fulmer, M. 2003. "The Time Line Followback method and measurement fetal exposure to alcohol" [Abstract]. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research (27): 40a.
Book Chapter
Smith, R., Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Cassedy, A.E., Rudawsky, D.J. 2003. "Headache Symptoms and Other Headache Features in Non-Specified Headaches in Primary Care" in Olesen, J., Steiner, T.J., Lipton, R.B. (eds) Frontiers in Headache Research. New York:Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
Nabors, L., Ritchey, P.N., Sebera, K., Ludke, R.L. (In Press). "Mental Health Providers and Children with Medical Conditions in School," in Child and School Psychology. Nova Science publishers.
Other Publication
Ritchey, P. N. and Howe, S. R. 2003. "AdoptOHio Performance Report for Federal Fiscal Year 2002. Steven R. Howe and Associates, LLC’s Report to Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Office for Children and Families, Adoption Services Section."
Mehdizadeh, S.A., Ciferri, W.B., Roman, S.P., Wellin, V., Ritchey, P.N., Kunkel, S.R. 2004. "Profile and Projections of Ohio’s 60+ Population: A State Study.", Oxford, OH: Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University.
Mehdizadeh, S.A., Roman, S.P., Wellin, V., Ritchey, P.N., Kunkel, S.R. 2004. "Profile and Projections of Ohio’s 60+ Population: A County by County Study.", Oxford, OH: Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University. [One 35-40 page bulletin for each of Ohio's 88 counties.]
Ritchey, P.N. 2005. "The Emerging Potential of Learning Objects" in Ritchey, L.H. (ed.), Teaching Introduction to Sociology as a Hybrid Course: A Resource Manual. American Sociological Association, Washington, DC: 30-32.
2007. "Developing Performance Measures in a Social Services Agency. Cognos, Incorporated ." Ottawa, ON Canada. (A white paper)
Ritchey, P. N. and Howe S. 2007. "The Ohio College Access Network Program Is Working: An Overview of Results of Analysis of Available Data.", Ohio College Access Network.
Poster Presentations
Hasse, L., Ritchey, P., and Smith, R. (04-24-1999. ) “A Preliminary Look at Headache Patients Seen in Community Family Practice Settings.” .17th Annual Ohio Academy of Family Physicians’ Research Day, Fairborn, OH. .
Case, K.A., Fishbein, H.D., and Ritchey, P.N. (2000. ) “The Personality of Prejudice and Discrimination Against Four Target Groups.” .Annual Meetings of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.. .
Hasse, L., Ritchey, P., and Smith, R. (06-2000. ) “Predicting the Number of Headache Visits by Type of Headache Patient Seen in Family Practice.” .42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society Meeting, Montreal, Quebec. .
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith R. (08-12-2000. ) “Predicting the Number of Headache Visits by Type of Headache Patient Seen in Family Practice.” .18th Annual Research Day of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, Columbus, OH. .
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith, R. (09-2000. ) “Predicting the Frequency of Overall and Headache Visits by Type of Headache Patient Seen in Family Practice.” .Headache World 2000, London, England. .
Smith, R., Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Cassedy, A.E., and Rudawsky, D.J. (07-2001. ) “Extent of Migraine and Migrainous Headache in Headache NOS Patients in Family Practice.” .10th Congress of the International Headache Society, New York, New York. .
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Smith, R., Rudawsky, D.J. and Cassedy, A.E. (07-2001. ) “A Model For Studying Headache Diagnostic Data in Family Practice.” .10th Congress of the International Headache Society, New York, New York. .
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith R. (08-11-2001. ) “Physician and Patient Variables Associated with Under-diagnosed Migraine and Migrainous Headache in a Family Practice.” .19th Annual Research Day of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, Columbus, OH. .
Smith, R., Hasse, L., Ritchey, P., Cassedy, A., and Rudawsky, D. (12-2001. ) “Headache Symptoms and Other Headache Features in Non Specified Headaches in Primary Care.” .11th International Headache Research Seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark. .
Hasse, L., Ritchey, P., Smith, R., Rudawsky, D., and Cassedy, A. (12-2001. ) “A Method for Quantifying Headache Symptoms and Other Headache Features From Clinical Records .11th International Headache Research Seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark. .
Warner, J.L., Fishbein, H.D., and Ritchey, P.N. (04-2002. ) “Measuring Children's Attitudes Toward Race and Gender.” .Annual Meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Charlotte, North Carolina. .
Smith, R., Hasse, L.A., and Ritchey, P.N. (06-2002. ) “Comparing Medications Prescribed for Migraine (ICD 9:346) and for Headache NOS (Not Otherwise Specified, ICD 9:784) in Family Practice.” .44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society, Seattle, Washington. .
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith, R. (06-2002. ) “A Comparison of Migraine Symptoms/Features Between Headache "NOS" and Migraine Patients in a Family Practice.” .44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society, Seattle, Washington. .
Sumajin, I., Fishbein, H., Ritchey, P.N. (08-2002. ) “The Influence of Personality on Social Aggressive Behaviors.” .Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. .
Hoover, RL, Fishbein, HD , Ritchey, PN, Nabors LA. (08-2005. ) “Family and Personality Variables Associated With Discrimination and Bullying” .Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.. .
Olsen, B. T., P. N. Ritchey, Nabors, L. A., & Schonfeld, D. (2009. ) “Do Inaccurate Ideas of Cancer Transmission Lead to Peer Rejection?” .Midwest Conference on Pediatric Psychology, University of Kansas. .
Nabors, L., Ritchey, P. N., Olsen, B., & Schonfeld, D. (2010. ) “Smoking Intention of 5th graders.” .Division 38 of the American Psychological Association 2010 Annual Conference,
Hasse, L. and Ritchey, P. (10-30-1998). “A Procedure for Estimating the Influences of Population Composition on Rates in Ecological Analyses: The Case of 1985-90 Inter-County Migration Rates.” . Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati, Colloquium, Cincinnnati, OH.
Paper Presentations
Ritchey, P.N. (08-1970. ) “Poverty Among Rural Urban Migrants to Metropolitan Areas.” .Washington, D.C..
Ritchey, P.N. (08-1972. ) “The Fertility of Negroes Without Southern Rural Experience: A Reexamination of the 1960 GAF Study Findings.” .Seattle, Washington.
Ritchey, P.N. (08-1972. ) “Social Factors Mediating the Alteration of Fertility Accompanying to Rural to Urban Migration.” .Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lee, E.S. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1973. ) “The Prospects of New Cities: The Historical View.” .New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ritchey, P.N. (04-1974. ) “An Alternative Methodology for the Study of Migration.” .Atlanta, Georgia.
Ritchey, P.N. (07-1974. ) “Reconceptualizing Minority Group Status Effects on Fertility.” .Paris, France.
Ritchey, P.N. (03-1978. ) “Unique Incentives and Constraints to Minority Migration: The Case of Out Migration.” .New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ritchey, P.N., Hastings, D.W., and Robinson, W.R. (05-1980. ) “Confidence Given Findings Generated with Fixed Period Data on Migration.” .Knoxville, Tennessee.
Freymeyer, R.H. and Ritchey, P.N. (10-1981. ) “Movement to Opportunities: Are All Migrants the Same?” .Little Rock, Arkansas.
Hoffman, C.A. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1984. ) “Native and Foreign Born Differences in Recent Internal Migration: The Role of Past United States Immigration Policy.” .Indianapolis, Indiana.
Ritchey, P.N. and Hoffman, C.A. (04-1985. ) “Internal Migration Among Second Generation Americans in the United States.” .Charlotte, North Carolina.
Ritchey, P.N. and Walters, M. (04-1985. ) “The Development of Population Projection Methodology for Policy Decision Making.” .Louisville, Kentucky.
Ritchey, P.N. (04-1986. ) “Adjusted Migration, Population Stability, and Population Expectancies: Measuring Underlying Effects of Age Specific Migration Rates.” .
Ritchey, P.N. and Hoffman, C.A. (04-1987. ) “Foreign Born Interstate Migration in the U.S.: 1970 and 1980.” .
Walters, M., Van Voorhis, P., and Ritchey, P.N. (10-1987. ) “Sequential Decision-making in the Criminal Court: The Influence of Prior Court Outcomes on Sanctioning and their Relationship to Discrimination.” .
Ritchey, P.N. and Dietz, B. (04-1988. ) “Catholic/Protestant Differences in Marital Status.” .
Ritchey, P.N., McCoy, V., and McCoy, C. (04-1989. ) “Estimating Migration's Contribution to Cancer Incidence: Implications for Cancer Treatment and Prevention Services.” .
Dietz, B., Hasse, L., Ritchey, P.N. (05-1990. ) “The Role of Structural Variables in Research Relating Multiple Identities to Psychological Well-Being.” .
Ritchey, P.N. and Hoffman, C.A. (05-1990. ) “Native and Foreign-born Differences in Distance of Interstate Migration, 1980.” .
Ritchey, P.N. (1991. ) “Distance of Migration.” .
Dietz, B. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1991. ) “The Relative Influence of Single Identities, Number of Identities, and Particular Combinations of Identities on Facets of Well-Being.” .
Ritchey, P.N., Baulu, J., and Horrocks, J.A. (06-1991. ) “Demographic Modeling to Overcome Imperfect Data: Assessing Effects of Trapping of Subsequent Population Growth Among Green Monkeys.” .
Ritchey, L.H. and Ritchey, P.N. (03-1992. ) “The Attitude-Behavior Link for the Special Case of Addictive Behavior: A Study of Cigarette Smoking.” .
Ritchey, L.H. and Ritchey, P.N. (10-1992. ) “Estimating and Projecting Alcohol and Other Drug Use.” .
Hoffman, C.A. and P. N. Ritchey (04-1993. ) “Differentials in Distance of Inter-County-Group Migration, 1980.” .
Ritchey, P.N. and Ritchey, L.H. (08-1994. ) “Estimating and Projecting Local Estimates of Alcohol and Other Drug Use.” .
Ritchey, P.N. and Reid, G.S. (1995. ) “Evaluation Research with Emphasis on Evaluation of a Community Partnership.” .
Ritchey, P.N. and Reid, G.S. (05-1995. ) “The Relative Influence of Smoking on Drinking and Drinking on Smoking Among High School Students in a Rural Tobacco Growing County.” .
Hasse, L.A., P.N. Ritchey, and Kues, J.R. (04-1996. ) “Does Patient’s Race Influence Physician’s Bedside Manner?" .
Ritchey, P.N. and Frances, K. (04-1997. ) “Change in the Determinants of Births to Unmarried Women during the 1980's.” .
Ritchey, L.H. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1997. ) “Measuring Activities: Theoretical Implications for Activity Theory.” .
Carrozza, M. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1998. ) “Estimating Reliability Coefficients for Common Single Item Demographic Variables.” .Cincinnati, OH.
Miller, T.D. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1998. ) “The Influence of Population Heterogeneity on 1985-90 Inter-County Distance of Migration.” .
Hasse, L.A. and Ritchey, P.N. (04-1998. ) “A Procedure for Estimating the Influences of Population Composition on 1985-90 Inter-County Migration Rates.” .
Ritchey, P., Seufert, R., and Carrozza, M. (04-1999. ) “An Ecological Analysis of the Impact of Anti-Drug Community Partnerships on Drug Use in Ohio Counties.” .Detroit, MI.
O'Bryan, M.C., Fishbein, H.D., and Ritchey, P.N. (04-12-1999. ) “Parental influence on Adolescents' Prejudiced Attitudes.” .Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Hasse, L., Ritchey, P., and Smith, R. (05-1999. ) “Headache Studies in Family Practice.” .Columbus, OH.
Hasse, L., Smith, R., and Ritchey, P. (06-1999. ) “Characteristics of Headache Patients in Family Medicine.” .Boston, MA.
Fishbein, H.D. and Ritchey, P.N. (08-1999. ) “Adolescents Do Not Influence the Prejudices and Stereotypes of Their Friends.” .Boston, MA.
Hasse, L. and Ritchey, P. (08-1999. ) “Does Patient Race Influence Physicians Initial Impressions and Diagnostic Decision-Making.” .Chicago, IL.
Hasse, L., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith, R. (11-1999. ) “Characteristics of Headache Patients.” .San Diego, CA.
Ritchey, P. and Hasse, L. (04-2000. ) “Predicting Frequency of Headache Visits Among Patients Seen in Family Practice.” .New Orleans, LA.
Frank, R., Ritchey, N., Tuorila, H., Pliner, P., Hursti, U-K., and Prescott, J. (07-2000. ) “Assessing the Food Neophobia Scale Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis.” .Dublin, Ireland.
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith, R. (11-2000. ) “Predicting the Number of Headache Visits by Type of Headache Patient Seen in Family Practice.” .Amelia Island, Florida.
Van Voorhis, P., Spruance, L.M., Listwan, S.J., Ritchey, P.N., Pealer, J., and Seabrook, R. (11-2000. ) “The Georgia Cognitive Skills Experiment: Phase I Outcome Evaluation.” .San Francisco, CA.
Buchanan, T. and Ritchey, P.N. (08-2001. ) “The Effect of Client-Worker Contact Type on the Significance of Race in Evaluating Level of Risk in Child Abuse Investigation Scenarios.” .Anaheim, CA.
Warner, J., Fishbein, H., and Ritchey, P.N. (08-2001. ) “Children’s Attitude Toward Race and Gender.” .San Francisco, CA.
Case, K., Fishbein, H., and Ritchey, P.N. (08-2001. ) “Personality’s Influence on Prejudice and Discrimination Against Women and Homosexuals.” .San Francisco, CA.
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., and Smith R. (10-14-2001. ) “Physician and Patient Variables Associated with Under-diagnosed Migraine and Migrainous Headache in a Family Practice.” .Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Smith, R., Rudawsky, D.J., and Cassedy, A.E. (04-13-2002. ) “A Method for Quantifying Headache Symptoms and Other Headache Features from Chart Notes in Family Practice.” .Columbus, OH.
Szaflarski, M. and Ritchey, P.N. (08-2002. ) “Individual and Areal Socioeconomic Influences on Self Perceived Health: Poland vs. the United States" .Chicago, IL.
Smith, R., Hasse, L.A., and Ritchey, P.N. (09-24-2002. ) “Migraine and Unspecified Headaches and Their Treatment in Family Practice: Is there a headache treatment problem in family practice?” .London, United Kingdom.
Sumajin, I., Fishbein, H., & Ritchey, P.N. (06-06-2003. ) “The influence of personality and social motivation on workplace bullying.” .Evanston, IL.
Smith, R., Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N. (06-19-2003. ) “A Preliminary Comparison of the Number and Type of Diagnoses Between Headache NOS and Migraine Patient Visits in a Family Practice.” .Chicago, IL.
Savage, CL, Wray, JN; Ritchey, PN; Fulmer, M. (06-21-2003. ) “The Time Line Followback method and measurement fetal exposure to alcohol.” .Fort Lauderdale FL.
Szaflarski, M, Ritchey, PN, Tsevat, J, Leonard, AC, Mrus, J. (2005. ) “Modeling the effects of spirituality/religion on patients' perceptions of living with HIV/AIDS.” .Philadelphia PA.
Jacobson CJ, Wulsin L, Ludke RL, Ritchey N, McNamee M. (10-12-2006. ) “Multi-method Approach to Evaluating and Improving the Validity of a Spanish PHQ-9 in a Sample of Honduran Women.” .Washington, D.C..
Szaflarski M, Tsevat J, Jacobson J, Ritchey PN, Sherman S, Cotton S. (03-28-2008. ) “Religious Organizations' Reponses to HIV/AIDS” .Cincinnati, OH.
Szaflarski, M, Jacobson, CJ, Ritchey, PN, Williams, R, Sherman, S, Cotton, S, Baumann, A, Meganathan, K, Ellison, C, and Tsevat, J. (06-25-2008. ) “Religious organizations and HIV/AIDS: Census of congregations in the Cincinnati area” .Durham, NC.
Szaflarski, M, Jacobson, CJ, Ritchey, PN, Williams, R, Cotton, S, Meganathan, K, Baumann, A, and Tsevat, J. (11-11-2008. ) “Religious congregations’ responses to HIV/AIDS: the role of theological, organizational, and demographic factors.” .Philadelphia, PA.
Baumann, A and Ritchey, PN. (04-16-2009. ) “News Viewership and Prejudice: The Role of Perceptions of Crime” .Dearborn, MI.
Szaflarski, M, Jacobson, CJ, Williams, RH, Ritchey, PN, Sherman, SN, and Tsevat, J. (08-09-2009. ) “How welcoming are religious congregations of people with HIV/AIDS?” .San Francisco, CA.
Szaflarski, M, Ritchey, PN, Kudel, I, Cotton, S, Leonard, A, and Tsevat, J. (09-25-2009. ) “Measurement of spirituality/religion in patients with HIV/AIDS.” .Calgary, Alberta.
Szaflarski, M and Ritchey, PN. (11-2009. ) “Measurement of spirituality/religion in patients with HIV/AIDS, Part II” .Cincinnati, OH.
Hasse, L.A., Reeder, R.A., & Ritchey, P.N. (04-2010. ) “Are Conventional Determinants of Family Formation Behavior the Underlying Cause of Recent Changes in the Sex Ratio at Birth?” .Chicago, IL.
Szaflarski, M and Ritchey, PN (09-2010. ) “Measurement of spirituality/religion in patients with HIV/AIDS, Part I” .Cincinnati, OH.
Van Voorhis, P, Groot, B.L., Ritchey, P. N. (07-10-2010. ) “Reporting Programs in Georgia: Examining Program and Implementation Models" .San Francisco, CA..
Olsen, B. T., Ritchey, P.N., Nabors, L.A., Schonfeld, D. (2011. ) Do Inaccurate Ideas of Cancer Transmission Lead to Peer Rejection? .University of Kansas. Conference. Level:Regional
Reeder, R.A., Ritchey, P.N. (04-02-2011. ) Variable Force Versus Change in Compositon: The Effects on the Sex Ratio over States and Time .Cleveland, OH. Conference. Level:Regional
Hasse, L.A., Pelikan, S., Ritchey, P.N. (04-02-2011. ) Using Administratie Data to Gain Insight into When Multimorbidity Reflects Comorbidity .Cleveland, OH. Conference. Level:Regional
Honors and Awards
1970 -1971 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Traineeship Status:Recipient Type:Fellowship
1971 -1972 B.O. Williams Award: Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Georgia, Department of Sociology Status:Recipient Type:Recognition
1994 -1995 Faculty Achievement Award, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Type:Recognition
2001 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Status:Nomination Type:Recognition
08-11-2001 Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Research Day: Outstanding Poster Presentation Smith, R., Hasse, L., Ritchey, P.N., Rudawsky, D., and Cassedy A. "Physician and Patient Variables Associated with Under diagnosed Migraine and Migrainous Headache in Primary Care." Status:Recipient
06-19-2003 -06-22-2003 . Poster chosen for oral presentation at the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society.Chicago, IL. Hasse, L.A., Ritchey, P.N., Smith, R. "A Preliminary Comparison of the Number and Type of Diagnoses Between Headache NOS and Migraine Patient Visits in a Family Practice." Status:Recipient
2004 Award of Service to Graduate Students: Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient
Drug and Poison Information Center 1999 -2008
People of Color Wellness Alliance 2005 -2008
Hamilton County Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Consultant 1997 -1998
Hamilton County Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Consultant 2000 -2002
Northern Kentucky Alcohol and Other Drug Council Board Member 1996 -1997
Alcohol Council of the Cincinnati Area Consultant 1996 -1997
Prevention Alliance Consultant 1997
Sociologist, Research Methodologist, Demographer, Evaluation Research, Performance Measures Systems, Quantitative Statistician, High Risk Behaviors, Prejudice, Discrimination, Simulations, Migration, Fertility, Medical Sociology, Headache, HIV/Aids, Health Inequality, Forensic Research, Social Policy
Professional Affiliation
American Sociological Association,
Population Association of America,
North Central Sociological Association,
Southern Sociological Association,
Ohio Program Evaluators' Group,
Courses Taught
15-SOC-141 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
15-SOC-142 INTRO TO SOC II Level:Undergraduate
Population Issues
15-SOC-642 DEMOGRAPHY Level:Graduate
15-SOC-705 INTER SOC STATISTIC Level:Graduate
15-SOC-706 INTER SOC STATISTIC Level:Graduate
15-SOC-712 DESIGN & TECH Level:Graduate
15-SOC-713 MEASUREMENT Level:Graduate
15-SOC-806 TEACHING SOCIOLOG Level:Graduate
Medical Sociology Level:Graduate
Sociology of Mental Disorders Level:Graduate
Demography Level:Graduate
Demographic Techniques Level:Graduate
Seminar in Human Fertility Level:Graduate
Seminar in Human Migration Level:Graduate
Seminar in Medical Sociology Level:Graduate
Computer Use in Analysis Level:Graduate
Simulations Level:Graduate
LISREL Level:Graduate
Policy Analysis and Performance Measures Systems Level:Graduate
Societies in Change Level:Undergraduate
Computer Data Management and Analysis Level:Undergraduate