Noris Rodriguez

Noris Rodriguez


Educator Associate Professor

Old Chem 719A

Professional Summary

Having organized the Study Abroad In Antigua, Gautemala/Spanish Immersion And Service Learning Program, my primary work is teaching upper-level undergraduate Spanish composition, conversation and grammar courses. One of my priorities is making sure to be available, several days each week, for one-on-one help to any students that are encountering special obstacles. It is also a pleasure to help undergraduate students with various Capstone projects, and to help out as a member of our Graduate Study Abroad committee.

My teaching style continuously evolves to improve my classes' immediate practical value, for the newer waves of students who are destined to engage with increasingly multilingual societies.


PhD, Spanish Literature: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2005

MA, Spanish Literature: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 1999

BA, Psychology: Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellin, Colombia, 1990


Paper Presentations

(05-04-2012. ) The value of the study abroad experience for L2 students with low levels of proficiency .University of Cincinnati. Conference. Level:National

Event Organized

Study Abroad

Study Abroad 06-16-2011 07-16-2011 Antigua, Guatemala Level:Department

Immersion Study Abroad

Immersion Study Abroad 06-20-2012 07-31-2012 Antigua, Guatemala, CA Level:Department

Study Abroad in Antigua, Guatemala

Study Abroad in Antigua, Guatemala Other 04-26-2013 06-07-2014 Antigua, Guatemala Level:International


Prentice Hall Editor Type:Editorial Service

College Board (AP Spanish Language Reader ) Judge Type:Service to Professional Development Programs Level:National 06-11-2010 -06-17-2010

UC Department of Romance Languages (Study Abroad ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-01-2011 -03-31-2011

UC Department of Romance Languages (Study Abroad ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 04-01-2011 -06-30-2011

College Board (AP Spanish Language Reader ) Judge Type:Service to Professional Development Programs Level:National 06-12-2011 -06-18-2011


Basic Spanish

Courses Taught

15-SPAN-454 GRAM & STYLISTICS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-454 GRAM & STYLISTICS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-302 SPANISH TEXTS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-302 SPANISH TEXTS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-302 SPANISH TEXTS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-115 EXT BASIC SPANISH 5 Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-115 EXT BASIC SPANISH 5 Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-301 SPEAKING IN SPAN Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-302 SPANISH TEXTS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-302 SPANISH TEXTS Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-252 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-422 TOPICS IN LA LIT Level:Undergraduate

Orientation to the Romance Languages Classroom Level:Graduate

15-SPAN-101 BASIC SPANISH I Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-300 GRAMMAR & COMP Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN-701 SPANISH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate

15-SPAN-422 TOPICS IN LA LIT Level:Undergraduate

Spanish Composition and Conversation II Level:Undergraduate

Spanish Composition and Conversation II Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN3002 Level:Undergraduate

SPAN3002 Level:Undergraduate

15-SPAN4001 Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

06-11-2012 -06-18-2012 AP Reading Reading scoring the AP Spanish Language Exam, College Board Cincinnati, OH Type:Continuing Education Program

06-12-2013 -06-18-2013 Reader Grading the AP Spanish exam, College Board Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

Other Information

Contact Information

Academic - Old Chem 719A