
PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 1998 (Psychology)

MA: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, 1993 (Psychology)

BA: Agnes Scott College Decatur, Georgia, 1979 (Psychology)

Positions and Work Experience

09-01-2009 -08-31-2015 Graduate Program Director - MHR, Director of Masters in Human Resources program., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati

09-01-2007 -To Present Associate Professor - Educator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati

03-2000 -08-2007 Research Associate, Program Evaluation within schools, communities, and non-profit organizations, UC CECH - Evaluation Services Center , University of Cincinnati

01-1991 -03-2000 Director - Government Marketing Assistance Program, Provided technical assistance to small businesses interested in selling to the government. Active on Boards including the Minority Business Opportunity Committee, Women Entrepreneurs, Inc., and National Contract Management Association., UC Small Business Development Center, University of Cincinnati

08-2013 -To Present Educator, University of Cincinnati,

2015 -05-2024 Program Director - ORGL,

Research Support

Investigators:Steven Howe and Nancy Rogers 05-2011 -06-2013 Ohio Department of Mental Health Predictors of Successful Outcomes in Permanent Supportive Housing Role:Co-PI $60,000 Active Type:Grant

Investigators:Ilya Vilinsky 2011 -2013 National Science Foundation Molecular Genetics in Neurophysiology Laboratories Role:Collaborator $199,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #MBOD00-022 Investigators:Rogers, Nancy 01-01-2000 -12-31-2000 Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Government Contracting Assistance - FY 00 Role:PI $5,694.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #FY '99 Investigators:Rogers, Nancy 01-01-1999 -12-31-1999 Defense Logistics Agency Procurement Technical Assistance for Business Firms - Fiscal Year 1999 Role:PI $46,875.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #MBDD 00-022 Investigators:Rogers, Nancy 01-01-2000 -12-31-2000 Defense Logistics Agency Government Contracting Assistance - FY 00 Role:PI $202.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DUE-1044643 Investigators:Buschbeck, Elke; Rogers, Nancy; Vilinsky, Ilya 06-15-2011 -05-31-2013 National Science Foundation Molecular Genetics in Neurophysiology Laboratories Role:Collaborator $199,968.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #11.1263 Investigators:Howe, Steven; Rogers, Nancy 05-17-2011 -06-30-2012 Ohio Department of Mental Health Predicting Successful Outcomes in Permanent Supportive Housing Role:Collaborator $59,662.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #11.1263 Investigators:Howe, Steven; Rogers, Nancy 05-17-2011 -12-31-2013 Ohio Department of Mental Health Predicting Successful Outcomes in Permanent Supportive Housing Role:Collaborator $59,662.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Abbreviated Publications

Teaching and Resource Materials

Rogers, N. & Jordan, J. (2011). Instructor’s Manual with tests for Vicki S. Helgeson, Psychology of Gender4th Edition. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Book Chapter

Nancy E. Rogers (2005). International Handbook of Women and Small Business Entrepreneurship. In Fielden & Davidson (Eds.), The impact of family support on the success of women business owners Cheltenham: England: Edward Elgar Publication Ltd.

Newspaper Article

Nancy Rogers (1994). To WBE or not to WBE? Weigh it for yourself. The Cincinnati Business Courier

Nancy Rogers (1993). Contracts: Getting past the list and into the loop. The Cincinnati Business Record. pp. 24.


Invited Presentations

Nancy Rogers (10-2012. ) The Psychological Make-Up of College Students .Graduate Teaching Seminar, DAAP. UC. . Level:College

Nancy Rogers (10-2010. ) Preparing for Graduate School and Considering Your Options .McNair Scholars, Swift Hall. Level:University

Nancy Rogers (10-2010. ) Conducting Research in Psychology .STARS Scholars, Swift Hall. Level:University

Nancy Rogers (05-10-2011. ) Social Psychological Factors Affecting Women in Business. Women and Entrepreneurship Business Delegation, Center for Entrepreneurship at the Lindner College of Business. Level:International

Nancy Rogers and Erinn Green (10-10-2012. ) How Active Learning Techniques Can Change Your Classroom Dynamic .Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Langsam Library. UC. . Level:University

Nancy Rogers (04-19-2013. ) Teaching Large Lectures: Strategies for Success .Teaching Committee Workshop, Lindner College of Business. Level:College

Rogers, N. & Green, E (08-23-2013. ) Active Learning for Large Enrollment Courses .Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Kingsgate Conference Center. Professional Meeting. . Level:University

Rogers, N. & Green, E (05-2013. ) Course Design Institute for Large Enrollment Courses .Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, CET&L. UC. . Level:University

Rogers, N. & Green, E. (05-2014. ) Course Design Institute for Large Enrollment Courses .Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Cincinnati. UC. .

Rogers, N. & Green, E. (08-2014. ) Active Learning for Large Enrollment Courses .New Faculty Orientation 2014 (CET&L),, Kingsgate Marriott - University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University

Rogers, N. & Green, E. (08-19-2015. ) Active Learning for Large Enrollment Courses .New Faculty Orientation, Kingsgate Marriott. UC. . Level:University

Rogers, N. & Green, E. (05-2015. ) Course Design Institute for Large Enrollment Courses .Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), CETL. Workshop. . Level:University

Poster Presentations

Nancy Rogers (03-2010. ) Using mid-course evaluations to improve classroom culture and quality of teaching .Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning (AFTL), Univeristy of Cincinnati. . UC. . Level:University

Nancy Rogers (11-2006. ) Using Evaluation to Achieve Program Sustainability – Identifying Promising Practices and Garnering Support .American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. . Conference. . Level:International

Rogers, N., Green, E., & Bruns, K. (10-2014. ) A Parallel Universe: Can active learning activities be as effective in traditional and online venues? .American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.. . Conference. . Level:International

Rogers, N. & Rendina, C. (11-11-2015. ) Program Evaluation: The Perfect Solution for Providing a Meaningful Research Experience, Increasing Career Awareness, Resulting in a Sense of Accomplishment .American Evaluation Association, Chicago, Ill.. . Conference. . Level:National


Nancy Rogers (11-2010. ) The Psychological Make-Up of College Students .DAAP - University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:College

Paper Presentations

Rogers, N & Jordan, J (11-2011. ) What are Course Evaluations Evaluating?: Establishing the Validity of University Course Evaluations. .Anaheim, California. Conference. Level:International

Williams, J. & Rogers, N (11-2011. ) ). Using Band-Aids When Major Surgery is Indicated: Evaluating the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Survey’s Impact on Trauma Informed Practices .Anaheim, California. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N., Williams, J. & Powell, B (11-2010. ) Evaluation Synergy: A Multi-purpose Evaluation Design for Fundraising, Applied Learning, and Community Service .San Antonio, Texas. Conference. Level:International

Williams, J., Rogers, N., & Powell, B. (11-2010. ) Out of the Crossfire: Evaluating Fundraising Materials for a Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs Serving Stigmatized Populations .San Antonio, Texas. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N. & Chou, P. (11-2010. ) Turning Points: Critical Incidents in the Formation of Academic Mentoring Relationships: An Evaluation of a University Learning Community .San Antonio, Texas. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N., Rimer, N., & Lipuma, A. (10-2012. ) Participatory Course Evaluation Using Facebook: Opportunities, Challenges, and Effect on Student Perceptions of Course .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N., Rimer, N., & Lipuma, A (10-2012. ) Meeting Students on Facebook: An Examination of Feedback Quality Using Public Social Media Venues versus Anonymous Learning Management Systems .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N., & Vilinsky, I. (10-2013. ) Rogers, Evaluating an NSF-Funded Neuroscience Course - Challenges, Influences, and Insights. Washington, DC. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N., & Fender, R (10-2013. ) Through Their Lens: Evaluation as a Tool for Increasing Student Engagement and Critical Thinking Skills .Washington, DC. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N., Smith, L.J., & Smith, L. (10-2014. ) Plan, Revise, Teach: Using Digital Portfolios and Blogs to Evaluate Critical Thinking and Learning .Denver, CO. Conference. Level:International

Rogers, N. & Green, E. (01-2015. ) Bridging the Relevance Gap: Collaborating with Undergraduates in Course Development Participant Idea Exchange .St. Petersburg, Florida. Conference. Level:National

Rogers, N. & Booker, C. (11-13-2015. ) Epiphanies and Connections: Using the Critical Incident Technique to Understand Student Learning and the Value of Teaching Program Evaluation .Chicago, Ill.. Conference. Level:National

Event Organized

MHR Advisory Board Kick-Off Meeting

MHR Advisory Board Kick-Off Meeting Prof. Meeting 09-2011 09-2011 Lindner College of Business Level:Prof. Org.

MHR New Student Orientation

MHR New Student Orientation Other 09-2010 09-2010 University of Cincinnati Level:Department

MHR Advisory Board Meeting

MHR Advisory Board Meeting Prof. Meeting 12-2012 12-2012 Lindner College of Business Level:Local

MHR Advisory Board Meeting

MHR Advisory Board Meeting Prof. Meeting 02-2013 Lindner College of Business Level:Local

MHR Awards Banquet

MHR Awards Banquet Prof. Meeting 04-2013 Level:Department

External Program Review

External Program Review Other 02-2014 02-2014 University of Cincinnati Level:University

Annual Awards Banquet - MHR Program

Annual Awards Banquet - MHR Program Other 04-2014 04-2014 Art of Entertaining Level:Department

Honors and Awards

11-2011 Pi Kappa Phi Rose Queen Pi Kappa Phi Rose Queen Award in recognition of Outstanding Support of and Influence in the Lives of Pi Kappa Phi members presented at the Chartering Banquet of the Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi – 2011 Status:Recipient Level:Honorary Type:Recognition

08-01-2011 -08-05-2011 August Instructional Technology Institutes Week long workshop covering new and emerging instructional technologies for classroom use to improve pedagogy. Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant

04-2011 Order of Omega Professor of the Year Nominated for Order of Omega Professor of the Year by Theta Phi Alpha Sorority - 2011 Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition

04-2011 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Faculty Recognition Nominated for The Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Recognition at the Breakfast of Champions – April 14, 2011. Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition

2009 -2009 Psi Chi Instructor of the Year Award 2009 Status:Recipient Level:Department

2009 -2010 Psi Chi Belenky Award 2010 Award for Outstanding Faculty-Student Relations Psi Chi Status:Recipient Level:Honorary Type:Recognition

09-2012 -05-2013 UC Women in Leadership Development Program Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Non-Monetary

04-2012 -04-2012 The Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Recognition Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition

02-2014 -2030 Fellow of the Academy for Teaching and Learning AFTL members are chosen based on their excellence in scholarly teaching and contributions to student learning and assessment. Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship

10-2014 -01-2015 George Barbour Award for Good Faculty-Student Relations – October 2014 Recognition for Faculty-Student relations that are on-going and demonstrate active involvement with students, informed advising, active with student groups and activities, supportive of long-term development, a commitment to mentoring beyond graduation, concerned about multicultural needs of students, and has the respect and trust of students. Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition

2015 George Barbour Award for Good Student-Faculty Relations University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition

04-2015 -2017 President, Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning AFTL Membership Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Non-Monetary


Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (Educator Position Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2011 -To Present

Department of Psychology (Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 07-2011 -09-2011

American Evaluators Association (Topical Interest Group - Higher Education ) Special Interest Group Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Prof. Org. 03-2011 -04-2012

WGSS (Undergraduate Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -To Present

Department of Psychology (Masters of Arts in Human Resources ) Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -To Present

CET&L (Peer Consultancy Program ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2008 -To Present

AAUP (Grievance Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 06-2008 -06-2010

A&S Graduate Program Directors (Graduate Program Directors ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2007 -To Present

Master of Arts in Human Resources Director Type:Departmental Service Level:University 09-2009 -To Present

Department of Psychology (Introduction to Psychology Committee ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:University 01-2012 -To Present

Lindner Center of Hope (High Hopes Auxilliary ) Co-Chair Type:Community Service Level:Local 02-2011 -To Present

Gymcats Club Faculty Sponsor Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 05-2007 -To Present

A&S Peer Review Sub-committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 04-2012 -11-2012

A&S Digital Portfolio Project Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 04-2012 -11-2012

Brown Bag Lunch (Taking Control with Online Tests ) Coordinator Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 03-2012 -03-2012

Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (Workshop Presentation for Classroom Instruction ) Co-Coordinator Type:University/College Service Level:University 10-2012 -10-2012

Learning Communities Other Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 11-13-2012

Psychology (Intro Psychology Committee ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:University 01-2014 -12-2014

Master of Arts of Human Resources (MHR ) Director Type:Departmental Service Level:University 01-2014 -12-2014

Psychology Department (RPT Criteria Revision Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2015 -05-2015

Psychology Department (Undergraduate Program - Organizational Leadership ) Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2015 -To Present

Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning (AFTL ) President Type:University/College Service Level:University 05-2015 -To Present

UC Instructional Design/Pedagogy Governance (UC Instructional Design/Pedagogy Governance Subcommittee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 11-2015 -To Present

Psychology (Merit Grievance Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2015 -11-2015


entrepreneur, program evaluation, course evaluation, psychology, teaching, small business, women's studies, community evaluation

Professional Affiliation

10-2009 -To Present: Society of Human Resource Managers Professional HR Organization

Bad Format: 200130## -To Present: American Evaluation Association National

Courses Taught


LER Capstone

LER Capstone

Teach Lab Empl Rel

Faculty Development Activities

08-01-2011 -08-05-2011 August Instructional Technology Institute Week long program covers various technology that can be used to improve instruction. Participants were expected to understand and utilize the various technologies and present their learning in a final presentation to the class., University of Cincinnati Libraries University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop

12-13-2011 -12-13-2011 December Instructional Technology Seminar Review of instructional technology with demonstrations for uses in class., University of Cincinnati Libraries University of Cincinnati Type:Seminar

03-2012 -10-2012 Active Learning Techniques Faculty Development Grant, awarded $3700.00 from University of Cincinnati to attend professional development workshop on active learning strategies, July 27 – August 3, 2012. This was used to develop teaching resource for Introduction to Psychology instructors, University of Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island, Canada Type:Continuing Education Program

04-2012 -06-2012 Lesson Study Research Institute Quarter long program focused on the development of lesson studies and active learning., UC - CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop

06-17-2013 -07-26-1013 Summer Intensive Institute for Online Course Creation 2013 Development of online courses based on Quality Matters guidelines, Faculty Development Council Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Type:Other

06-21-2013 Quality Matters Certification for Quality Matters - Applying the Rubric, CET&L Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Type:Workshop

05-06-2013 -05-10-2013 Course Design Institute for Large Enrollment courses Co-facilitator of this workshop on active learning techniques that can be used in large lecture courses., CET&L Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Type:Workshop

06-2014 -06-2014 Creativity Workshop Workshop to explore creative processes in teaching and learning., Creativity Workshop Barcelona, Spain Type:Workshop

10-2014 -10-2014 Annual Conference Dedicated to the professional development of program evaluation and to the teaching of evaluation., American Evaluation Association Denver, CO Type:Conference Attendance

01-03-2015 -01-06-2015 37th Annual NITOP Conference Conference covering new technology and teaching methodology; review of current and new research., National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology St. Petersburg, Florida Type:Conference Attendance

01-03-2015 -01-07-2015 National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology Focus on active and experiential learning techniques and various teaching methodologies., NITOP St. Petersburg, Fla. Type:Conference Attendance

05-18-2015 -05-22-2015 Designing Online Courses Tools in Blackboard for designing student-centered courses., CETL CETL Type:Workshop

12-07-2015 -12-11-2015 Fall 2015 Experiential Learning Course (Re)Design Focus on experiential learning activities, service learning, and study abroad., CETL CETL Type:Workshop

Other Information

Two graduate certificates (Human Resource Management Certificate and Graduate Certificate in Diversity for HR Professionals) approved and are being implemented

The ORGL/PSYC/MHR 4 + 1 program has been introduced and is generating interest from students. Ten 4+1 students admitted Fall Semester 2013

Accreditation of MHR Program by AACSB. Actively supporting College of Business accreditation through AACSB by providing documentation and addressing issues relevant to certification.  The  AACSB certification will be an important credential to the MHR program.

Established MHR Advisory Board.,

Contact Information

3265 Clifton Court Hall
2800 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221-0376
Phone: 5135561476