Armando Romero
Charles Phelps Taft Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
Professional Summary
Armando Romero obtained his Ph.D. (1983) and his M.A. (1981) in Latin American Literature from the University of Pittsburgh. A scholar and a writer, Professor Romero has dedicated his life to the study and practice of literature. Although he has written numerous articles on contemporary Latin American fiction, his field of concentration has been Latin America poetry. His book, Las palabras están en situación, was considered by the Colombian critics to be one of the most important books published in the XX Century on this subject. This book, and the following book, El Nadaismo o la búsqueda de una vanguardia, have been adopted as text books in Colombian universities. As an author, Professor Romero has written poetry, novels and short stories. All of them have been acclaimed by the critics. The academic journal, Hispanic Poetry Review (Texas A&M University), recently published an extensive interview on his work. Also, in the year 2004 he was invited to read his poetry at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Currently, thanks to a Taft Research Competitive Fellowship, Professor Romero is working on an ambitious project that deals with the inner life of contemporary Latin American poetry. The result of this research will be the publication of a book. Furthermore, Professor Romero is working, with the editor Luis F. Macias, from the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia, on an edition of his collected poems, and he is also researching for a novel dealing with the Afro-Colombian communities in the Pacific Coast of Colombia.
PhD: University of Pittsburgh 1983
Abbreviated Publications
Selected poems published in Sibila, Sevilla, Spain, 2009
Selected poems published in Revista Aurora Boreal, Madrid/Amsterdam, 2009
Selected poems published in Revista Casa Silva de Poesia, No. 22, 2009
Selected poems published in Revista Aurora Boreal, Madrid/Amsterdam, 2008
"Poeta de río" published in chapbook, Pen Press, New York, 2007
Selected poems published in Sibila, Sevilla, Spain, 2007
Selected poems published in Colectivo R, No.1/2, 2006
Selected poems published in Hofstra Hispanic Review, No.1, 2005
Selected poems published in Il gallo silvestre, Italy, 2005
Selected poems published in Sibila, Sevilla, Spain, 2005
Selected poems in Miniantologia della poesia Latino-America d'oggi. Italy: Proa, 2010. (Translated by Emilio Coco)
Slected poems in Poetas del Mundo Latino. México D.F.: Universidad Intercontinental, 2009.
Selected poems in Antologia de la poesia colombiana 1958-2008. Ed: Ivan Beltran Castillo, Caracas: Editorial El perro y la rana, 2008.
Selected poems in Un nuevo continente - Antologa del surrealismo en la poesia de nuestra América. Editor: Floriano MArtins, Caracas: Monte Avila Editores, 2008.
Selected poems published in Transatlantic Steamer/Vapor Trasatlántico, Bilingual Edition. Ed. Miguel Angle Zapata, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008.
Selected poems published in Mundo Mágico: Colombia - Poesia colombiana no seculo XXI. Brasil: Edicoes Bagaco, Recif, 2007.
Selected poems published in VERSschmuggel - Festival del Poesia de Berlin, Spain, 2007.
Selected poems published in La casa sin sosiego (La violencia y los poetas colombianos del siglo XX. Antología). Ed. Juan Manuel Roca, bogotá: Taller de Edición, 2006.
Selected poems published in Boca que busca boca (Antologia de la poesia erótica colombiana del siglo XX). Ed. Juan Manuel Roca, Bogotá: Taller de Edición, 2006.
Selected poems in Poetry International. colombia.poetryinternationalweb.org
Selected poems in Lyrikline. lyrikline.org
Selected poems in Sibilia (Revista de poesía). Sevilla, Spain, January 2009.
Book of Poems
Romero, Armando. Antología del Nadasísmo. Sevilla, Spain: Billioteca Sibilia, 2009.
Romero, Armando. Una gravedad alegre. Valladolid, Spain: Editorial Difacil, 2007.
Romero, Armando. El nadaismo o la búsqueda de una vanguardia perdida Bogotá: Tercer mundo editores, 1988.
Romero, Armando. Las palabras están en situación. Bogatá: Editorial Procultura, 1985.
Romero, Armando. El árbol digital y otros poemas. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia Press, 2009.
Romero, Armando. A vista del tiempo. Medellín, Colombia: Universidad de Antioquia Press, 2005.
Romero, Armando. De noche el sol. Medellín, Colombia: Eafit Publishing House, 2004.
Romero, Armando. Hagion Oros: El Monte Santo. Caracas: Editores Pegueña Venecia, 2002.
Romero, Armando. Hagion Oros. (Italian translation) Venice, Italy: Sinopia Libri, 2006.
Romero, Armando. Cuatro Líneas. Jalapa, Mexico: Graffiti Editores, 2002.
Romero, Armando. Cuatro Líneas. Universidad del Valle, Colombia, 2005. 2nd ed
Romero, Armando. Cuatro Líneas. (Italian translation) Venice: Sinopia Cuaderni, 2008
Romero, Armando with introduction by Gonzalo Rojas. A rienda suelta. Buenos Aires: Ultimo Reino, 1991.
Romero, Armando. Las combinaciones debidas. Buenos Aires: Ultimo Reino, 1989.
Romero, Armando with introduction by Alvaro Mutis. Del aire a la mano. Bogotá: Colcultura-ABC, 1983.
Romero, Armando. El poeta de vidrio. Caracas: Editorial Fundarte, 1979.
Romero, Armando. Los móviles del sueño. Mérida: Ediciones de la gobernación del estado Méridia, 1976.
Eroticá Tetrágrama, Trans, Agathi Dimitrouka of the book Cuatro Lineas.
Published in compete form in the literary magazine Poetiki, Spring-Summer, 2010. Pataki publishers, Athens, Greece.
Versi Liberi per Venezia. Poems. Bilingual Edition in Italian and Spanish (Sinopia Libri, Venice, Italy, 2010), 88 p.
Gente de pluma (essays on conemporary Latin American literature). Madrid: Editorial Orígenes, 1989. 143 pp.
Gente de pluma. Madrid: Editorial Orígenes, 1989. 143 pp.
Romero, Armando. La rueda de Chicago. Bogota: Villegas Editores, 2004
Romero, Armando. La Piel por la Piel. Caracas: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1993.
Romero, Armando. Un día entre las cruces. Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1993.
Romero, Armando. Un día entre las cruces. 2nd ed. Cali: Universidad del Valle, 2003.
Romero, Armando. Ritratti di un civilizato in Cina. Venice, Italy: Sinopia Libri, 2007.
Short Stories
La radicce delle bestie. (Italian translation of La raíz de las bestias) Venice, Italy, Sinopia Libri, 2004
La raíz de las bestias. 2nd edition Xalapa: University of Veracruz Publishing House, Mexico. 2004
Lenguas de Juego. Caracas: Editorial Tropykos, 1998.
Una mariposa en la escalera. Cali: Centro Edtorial Universidad del Valle, 1993.
La esquina del movimiento. Caracas: Alfadil Editores, 1993.
La casa de los vespertilios. Caracas: Monte Alvila Editores, 1982.
El demonio y su mano. Caracas: Monte Avila Editores, 1975.
Book Chapter
"Apólo de los árboles, homenaje a Eugenio Montejo." Buenos Aires: Revista Proa, 2009.
"Pedro Lastro: Poeta extranjero." Arte de vivir: acercamientos críticos a la poesía de Pedro Lastra. Santiago de Chile: DIBAM, Biblioteca NAcional/RLL Editores, 2007.
"La prosa que no vendra. Los escritores y la creación en Hispanoamérica, Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 2004.
"Años de aprendizaje y años de olvido." Poesía latinoamericana contemporáneas, University of Puebla, 2004.
Esa cosa abominable del Nadaismo, in Elmo Valencia, Bodas sin oro (Cincuenta años del nadaísmo), Editorial Rocca, 2010, Bogotá, Colombia. pp.198-213
"Un intero paese nel cuore del poeta." Mappe Colombiane by Alessio Brandolini, Rome: Lito Colle Editors, 2008.
Alerta de Juan Ramón Jiménez, introduction to the book Alerta by Juan Ramón Jimenez (Visor Publishing House, Madrid, 2010)
In Press
Presencia y ausencia de Juan Ramón Jiménez en la poesía colombiana (Accepted for publication, proceedings Simposium on JRJ,
Universidad de Huelva, 2010)
Invited Publication
Un caballero andante por America, Revista Aleph, oct.-dic, 2010, no. 155, Colombia
El surrealismo mientras camina por las calles (with Floriano Martins), Agulha Hispanica, Ed. 6, nov. 2010. Fortaleza, Brazil.
Poems in: Miniantologia della poesia Latino-american d'oggi, Proa, literary journal, Universita di Foggia, Italy, No. 3, 2010
Work in Progress
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot, selected Works, introduction and Edition (Accepted for publication, Fundación Biblioteca Ayacucho, Caracas, Venezuela. )
Under Review
Cajambre (o las aventuras de mis tres tíos), a novel.
Amanece aquella oscuridad, book of poems
Invited Presentations
Romero, Armando (03-2010. ) Versi liberi per Venezia .Libreria Pangea, Padova, Italy. Level:International
Romero, Armando (03-2010. ) Poetry Reading .Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Vicenza, Italy. Level:International
Romero, Armando (10-2009. ) Poetry Reading .Casa Universidad del Libro, Mexico DF, Mexico. Level:International
Romero, Armando (10-2009. ) Poetry Reading .Universidad Intercontinental, Mexico. Level:International
Romero, Armando and Valerie Martínez (11-2009. ) Burque poético with Valerie Marínez and Armando Romero .Instituto Cervantes, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Level:National
Romero, Armando (11-2008. ) Poetry Reading .La vache blue (French/Latin American Cultrual Center), Paris. Level:International
Romero, Armando (11-2008. ) Una Gravedad Alegre .Casa de América, Madrid. Level:International
Romero, Armando (2007. ) Ritratti de un civilizzato in Cina .Libreria Pangea, Padova, Italy. Level:International
Romero, Armando (2007. ) Ritratti de un civilizzato in Cina .Publishing House Sinopia Libri, Venice, Italy. Level:International
Romero, Armando (11-2007. ) Una Gravedad Alegre .Librería El Buscón, Caracas. Level:International
Romero, Armando (10-2006. ) Poetry Reading .Casa Universidad del Libro, Mexico DF, Mexico. Level:International
Romero, Armando (10-2005. ) Poetry Reading .Casa Silva, Bogotá. Level:International
Romero, Armando (04-2005. ) Narrativas de la violencia .San Francisco University, San Francisco. Level:National
Romero, Armando (04-2005. ) Walking Around Pablo Neruda .Texas A&M University, Collage Station, Texas. Level:National
Romero, Armando (04-2005. ) Inventando a Cervantes .Central Connecticut University, Hartford. Level:National
Romero, Armando (09-2004. ) Readings from "La Rueda de Chicago" .Casa del Nadaismo, Bogotá. Level:International
Romero, Armando (10-2004. ) Readings from "La Rueda de Chicago" .Libreria Nacional and Instituto de Bellas Artes, Cali, Colombia. Level:International
Romero, Armando (09-2004. ) Readings from "La raiz de las bestias" .Pen Club, Mexico City. Level:International
Romero, Armando (09-2004. ) Readings from "La raiz de las bestias" .Festival del libro, Xalapa, Mexico. Level:International
Romero, Armando (04-2004. ) Literature and Exile .Feria del libro de Bogotá, Bogotá. Level:National
Romero, Armando (07-2004. ) Poetry Reading with Fernando Charry Lara .Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Level:National
Romero, Armando (03-19-2010. ) Versi liberi per Venezia .Libreria La Tolleta, Venice, Italy. Other Institution. . Level:International
Romero, Armando (03-19-2010. ) Versi liberi per Venezia .Casa Sinopia, Mestre, Italy. Level:International
Romero, Armando (03-18-2010. ) Versi liberi per Venezia .Festival Direpoesia, Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Vicenza, Italy. Other Institution. . Level:International
Romero, Armando (03-19-2010. ) Versi liberi per Venezia .Libreria Pangea, Padova, Italy. Other Institution. . Level:International
Romero, Armando (04-2004. ) Vanguardia y retaguardia en la poesia contemporanea latinoamerican .Bogotá. Conference. Level:International
Paper Presentations
Romero, Armando (04-15-2010. ) Caminante, si hay camino... Homenaje a E. Stanton .University of Kentucky. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Romero, Armando (05-09-2010. ) Un caballero andante por America .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:National
Event Organized
Session: Homenaje a Eduardo Caballero CalderonSession: Homenaje a Eduardo Caballero Calderon Conference 05-07-2010 Cincinnafi Romance Languages Conference,University of cincinnati Level:National
Honors and Awards
2008 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Athens, Greece Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2005 Latino Book Award (La Rueda de Chicago) Best Adventure novel for La rueda de Chicago Status:Recipient Level:International
1976 Los móviles del sueño - First Prize in Poetry Governor's Office, Mérida, Mexico
06-01-2005 Charles Phelps Taft Professor Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
06-05-1997 Rievschel Award for Scholarly and Creative work University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
01-03-2010 -04-02-2010 Taft Visiting Fellows award I got this award for Professor Floriano Martins, for my seminar on contemporary Latin American poetry Taft Research Center Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Grant
03-28-2010 -06-01-2010 Taft Visiting Fellows award I got this award for Professor Pedro Lastra for my seminar on colonial Latin american literature Taft Research Center Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Grant
Taft research Center (Taft Professorship Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:National 02-02-2010 -04-04-2010
Depart. Romace Languages (Research Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:National
For a Better World (Poems and Drawings on Peace and Justice ) Member Type:Public Level:National
Department of Romance Languages (Policies and Curriculum ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University 09-24-2010
University of Cincinnati (Rievschel Award Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-24-2010
Latin American Literature, Contemporary Poetry, the Baroque, Discovery and Conquest, Pre-Columbian Culture and Civilization
Courses Taught
Special topics Lat. Am. Lit. Avantgarde poetry Level:Graduate
Special topics Lat. Am. Lit. Colonial literature Level:Graduate
Las tres culturas Level:Undergraduate
Las tres culturas Level:Undergraduate
Other Information
My scholarly and creative work has been quoted and annalyzed in several articles, books, electronic journals. I also gave interviews to journals and newspapers, during the year 2010,