Annette  Rowe

Annette Ruth Rowe , PhD, Microbiology

Visiting Scholar

Assistant Professor

Biological Sciences
731F Rieveschl Hall
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 5135569715

Professional Summary

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Water Quality, Alternative Energy, Electromicrobiology, Electrosynthesis, Microbe-mineral Interactions, Anaerobic Microbiology, Microbial Ecology


PhD: Cornell University Ithaca, NY, 2011 (Microbiology )

BS : University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA, 2003 (Microbiology )

BA: University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA, 2003 (Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics )

Research Support

Grant: #USC sub / OCE-0939564 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 06-01-2018 -05-31-2019 National Science Foundation Uncovering Novel Mechanisms of Extracellular Electron Uptake in Subsurface-Relevant Marine Bacterial Isolates Role:PI $74,475.00

Grant: #URS Rowe New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 06-01-2018 -06-30-2019 UC URS Rowe New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Role:PI $2,500.00 Completed

Grant: #FA9550-19-1-0305 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 06-01-2019 -05-31-2022 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Developing a bioenergetics framework for understanding stimulated electron flow using electron-uptake in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as a model Role:PI $332,844.00 Type:Grant

Grant: #EAR-2025687 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 08-01-2020 -07-31-2023 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Understanding the Drivers of Microbial Survival and Autotrophy in a Characteristically Marine and Terrestrial Serpentinizing System-Ney's spring Role:PI $181,189.00

Grant: #DE-SC0021356 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 09-01-2020 -08-31-2022 Department of Energy Identifying a novel pathway for extracellular electron uptake in Methanosarcina barkeri using shotgun proteomics Role:PI $266,138.00

Grant: #80NSSC21K0482 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 01-15-2021 -01-14-2024 NASA Headquarters Understanding Energy Transfer and Biologic Interactions in a Characteristically Marine and Terrestrial Serpentinizing System Role:PI $553,461.00

Grant: #OCE-2239052 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 06-01-2023 -05-31-2028 National Science Foundation CAREER: Microbial Mineral Oxidation in a Temperate Marine Sediment Role:PI 241961.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #W911NF-23-1-0199 Investigators:Rowe, Annette; Soltanian Pereshkafti, Mohamad Reza 07-01-2023 -06-30-2026 Department of the Army Monitoring and predicting subsurface biogeochemical hot spots Role:Collaborator 485953.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #W911NF-23-1-0199 Investigators:Rowe, Annette; Soltanian Pereshkafti, Mohamad Reza 07-01-2023 -06-30-2026 Department of the Army Monitoring and predicting subsurface biogeochemical hot spots Role:Collaborator 485953.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #DE-SC0024599 Investigators:Rowe, Annette 07-01-2023 -06-30-2028 Department of Energy Investigating Extracellular Electron Uptake from Redox Active Solid Substrates: Mechanisms for Gaining Electrons from Minerals, Electrodes, or Other Microbes. Role:PI 99167.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #EEC-2349580 Investigators:Bellur, Kishan; Payton, Eric; Reeping, David; Rowe, Annette; Steiner, Matthew; Sun, Ying; Watzman, Sarah; Webb, Amanda 04-01-2024 -03-31-2027 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for American Leadership of Industry with Zero Emissions by 2050 (REALIZE-2050) Role:Collaborator 445485.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #W911NF-23-1-0199 Investigators:Rowe, Annette; Soltanian, Reza 07-01-2023 -06-30-2026 Department of the Army Monitoring and predicting subsurface biogeochemical hot spots Role:Collaborator 485953.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #W911NF-23-1-0199 Investigators:Rowe, Annette; Soltanian, Reza 07-01-2023 -06-30-2026 Department of the Army Monitoring and predicting subsurface biogeochemical hot spots Role:Collaborator 485953.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #W911NF-23-1-0199 Investigators:Rowe, Annette; Soltanian, Reza 07-01-2023 -06-30-2026 Department of the Army Monitoring and predicting subsurface biogeochemical hot spots Role:Collaborator 115000.00 Active Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Rowe, Annette R; Yoshimura, Miho; LaRowe, Doug E; Bird, Lina J; Amend, Jan P; Hashimoto, Kazuhito; Nealson, Kenneth H; Okamoto, Akihiro (2017. ) In situ electrochemical enrichment and isolation of a magnetite-reducing bacterium from a high pH serpentinizing spring.Environmental microbiology, , 19 (6 ) ,2272-2285 More Information

Mansfeldt, Cresten B; Heavner, Gretchen W; Rowe, Annette R; Hayete, Boris; Church, Bruce W; Richardson, Ruth E (2016. ) Inferring Gene Networks for Strains of Dehalococcoides Highlights Conserved Relationships between Genes Encoding Core Catabolic and Cell-Wall Structural Proteins.PloS one, , 11 (11 ) ,e0166234 More Information

Lee, Calvin K; Kim, Alexander J; Santos, Giancarlo S; Lai, Peter Y; Lee, Stella Y; Qiao, David F; Anda, Jaime De; Young, Thomas D; Chen, Yujie; Rowe, Annette R; Nealson, Kenneth H; Weiss, Paul S; Wong, Gerard C L (2016. ) Evolution of Cell Size Homeostasis and Growth Rate Diversity during Initial Surface Colonization of Shewanella oneidensis.ACS nano, , More Information

Nealson, Kenneth H; Rowe, Annette R (2016. ) Electromicrobiology: realities, grand challenges, goals and predictions.Microbial biotechnology, , 9 (5 ) ,595-600 More Information

Rowe, Annette R; Mansfeldt, Cresten B; Heavner, Gretchen L; Richardson, Ruth E (2015. ) Relating mRNA and protein biomarker levels in a Dehalococcoides and Methanospirillum-containing community.Applied microbiology and biotechnology, , 99 (5 ) ,2313-27 More Information

Rowe, Annette R; Chellamuthu, Prithiviraj; Lam, Bonita; Okamoto, Akihiro; Nealson, Kenneth H (2014. ) Marine sediments microbes capable of electrode oxidation as a surrogate for lithotrophic insoluble substrate metabolism.Frontiers in microbiology, , 5 ,784 More Information

Mansfeldt, Cresten B; Rowe, Annette R; Heavner, Gretchen L W; Zinder, Stephen H; Richardson, Ruth E (2014. ) Meta-analyses of Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain 195 transcriptomic profiles identify a respiration rate-related gene expression transition point and interoperon recruitment of a key oxidoreductase subunit.Applied and environmental microbiology, , 80 (19 ) ,6062-72 More Information

Heavner, Gretchen L W; Rowe, Annette R; Mansfeldt, Cresten B; Pan, Ju Khuan; Gossett, James M; Richardson, Ruth E (2013. ) Molecular biomarker-based biokinetic modeling of a PCE-dechlorinating and methanogenic mixed culture.Environmental science & technology, , 47 (8 ) ,3724-33 More Information

Rowe, Annette R; Mansfeldt, Cresten B; Heavner, Gretchen L; Richardson, Ruth E (2013. ) Methanospirillum respiratory mRNA biomarkers correlate with hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis rate during growth and competition for hydrogen in an organochlorine-respiring mixed culture.Environmental science & technology, , 47 (1 ) ,372-81 More Information

Rowe, Annette R; Heavner, Gretchen L; Mansfeldt, Cresten B; Werner, Jeffrey J; Richardson, Ruth E (2012. ) Relating chloroethene respiration rates in Dehalococcoides to protein and mRNA biomarkers.Environmental science & technology, , 46 (17 ) ,9388-97 More Information

Hug, Laura A; Beiko, Robert G; Rowe, Annette R; Richardson, Ruth E; Edwards, Elizabeth A (2012. ) Comparative metagenomics of three Dehalococcoides-containing enrichment cultures: the role of the non-dechlorinating community.BMC genomics, , 13 ,327 More Information

Rowe, Annette R; Lazar, Brendan J; Morris, Robert M; Richardson, Ruth E (2008. ) Characterization of the community structure of a dechlorinating mixed culture and comparisons of gene expression in planktonic and biofloc-associated "Dehalococcoides" and Methanospirillum species.Applied and environmental microbiology, , 74 (21 ) ,6709-19 More Information

Ohkawa, Taro; Rowe, Annette R; Volkman, Loy E (2002. ) Identification of six Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus early genes that mediate nuclear localization of G-actin. Journal of virology, , 76 (23 ) ,12281-9

Young, E., I. Kohl, B. Sherwood-Lollar, G. Etiope, D. Rumble III, S. Li, M. Haghnegahdar, E. Schauble, K. McCain, D. Foustoukos, C. Sutclife, O. Warr, C. Ballentine, T. Onstott, H. Hosgormez, A. Neubeck, J. Marques, I. Pérez-Rodríguez, A. Rowe, D. LaRowe, T. Bryndzia. (2017. ) The relative abundances of resolved 12CH2D2 and 13CH3D and mechanisms controlling isotopic bond ordering in abiotic and biotic methane gases. .Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , , 203 ,235 -235-264More Information

Rowe, A., P. Rajeev, A. Jain, S. Pirbadian, A. Okamoto, J. Gralnick, M. El-Naggar, K. Nealson. (2018. ) Tracking electron flow from a cathode to Shewanella cells: Implications for Energy Maintenance in Redox Gradients.mBio, , 9 ,e02203 -e02203-17More Information

Chang, R.*, L. Bird, C. Barr, E. Wilbanks, M. Osburn, K. Nealson, A. Rowe. (2018. ) Thioclava electrotropha sp. nov., a versatile electrode and sulfur oxidizing bacterium from marine sediments. Internationals Journal for Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, , 68 ,1652 -1652-1658

Lam B.,Rowe A., Nealson K. (2018. ) Variation in Electrode Redox Potential Selects for Different Microorganisms Under Cathodic Current Flow From Electrodes in Marine Sediments.Environmental Microbiology , , More Information

Okamoto A.;Rowe A.;Deng X.;Nealson K. (07-24-2018. ) Self-standing electrochemical set-up to enrich anode-respiring bacteria on-site.Journal of Visualized Experiments, , 2018 (137 ) , More Information

Lam B.;Rowe A.;Nealson K. (06-01-2018. ) Variation in electrode redox potential selects for different microorganisms under cathodic current f.Environmental Microbiology, , 20 (6 ) ,2270-2287 More Information

Chang R.;Bird L.;Barr C.;Osburn M.;Wilbanks E.;Nealson K.;Rowe A. (05-01-2018. ) Thioclava electrotropha sp. Nov., a versatile electrode and sulfur-oxidizing bacterium from marine s.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, , 68 (5 ) ,1652-1658 More Information

Rowe A.R.;Rajeev P.;Jain A.;Pirbadian S.;Okamoto A.;Gralnick J.A.;El-Naggar M.Y.;Nealson K.H. (01-01-2018. ) Tracking electron uptake from a cathode into Shewanella cells: Implications for energy acquisition f.mBio, , 9 (1 ) , More Information

Young E.D.;Kohl I.E.;Lollar B.S.;Etiope G.;Rumble D.;Li (???) S.;Haghnegahdar M.A.;Schauble E.A.;McCain K.A.;Foustoukos D.I.;Sutclife C.;Warr O.;Ballentine C.J.;Onstott T.C.;Hosgormez H.;Neubeck A.;Marques J.M.;Pérez-Rodríguez I.;Rowe A.R.;LaRowe D.E.;Magnabosco C.;Yeung L.Y.;Ash J.L.;Bryndzia L.T. (04-15-2017. ) The relative abundances of resolved l2CH2D2.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, , 203 ,235-264 More Information

Lee C.K.;Kim A.J.;Santos G.S.;Lai P.Y.;Lee S.Y.;Qiao D.F.;Anda J.D.;Young T.D.;Chen Y.;Rowe A.R.;Nealson K.H.;Weiss P.S.;Wong G.C.L. (10-25-2016. ) Evolution of Cell Size Homeostasis and Growth Rate Diversity during Initial Surface Colonization of .ACS Nano, , 10 (10 ) ,9183-9192 More Information

Rowe A.;Chellamuthu P.;Lam B.;Okamoto A.;Nealson K. (01-01-2015. ) Marine sediments microbes capable of electrode oxidation as a surrogate for lithotrophic insoluble s.Frontiers in Microbiology, , 6 (JAN ) , More Information

Rowe A.;Pringle A. (06-01-2005. ) Morphological and molecular evidence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal associations in Costa Rican ep.Biotropica, , 37 (2 ) ,245-250 More Information

Rowe A.R.; Xu S.; Gardel E.; Bose A.; Girguis P.; Amend J.P.; El-Naggar M.Y. (03-01-2019. ) Methane-linked mechanisms of electron uptake from cathodes by methanosarcina barkeri.mBio, , 10 (2 ) , More Information

Karbelkar A.A.; Rowe A.R.; El-Naggar M.Y. (11-20-2019. ) An electrochemical investigation of interfacial electron uptake by the sulfur oxidizing bacterium Th.Electrochimica Acta, , 324 , More Information

Lam B.R.; Barr C.R.; Rowe A.R.; Nealson K.H. (08-28-2019. ) Differences in Applied Redox Potential on Cathodes Enrich for Diverse Electrochemically Active Micro.Frontiers in Microbiology, , 10 , More Information

Rowe A.R.; Abuyen K.; Lam B.R.; Kruger B.; Casar C.P.; Osburn M.R.; El-Naggar M.Y.; Amend J.P. (03-01-2021. ) Electrochemical evidence for in situ microbial activity at the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMM.Geobiology, , 19 (2 ) ,173-188 More Information

Rowe A.R.; Salimijazi F.; Trutschel L.; Sackett J.; Adesina O.; Anzai I.; Kugelmass L.H.; Baym M.H.; Barstow B. (12-01-2021. ) Identification of a pathway for electron uptake in Shewanella oneidensis.Communications Biology, , 4 (1 ) , More Information

Vu L.; Sackett J.D.; Leach E.; Wilbanks E.; Rowe A.R. (11-01-2021. ) Complete genome sequence of halomonas sp. strain fen2, a novel cathode-oxidizing bacterium isolated .Microbiology Resource Announcements, , 10 (46 ) , More Information

Rowe A.; Urbanic M.; Trutschel L.; Shukle J.; Druschel G.; Booth M. (02-21-2022. ) Sediment Disturbance Negatively Impacts Methanogen Abundance but Has Variable Effects on Total Metha.Frontiers in Microbiology, , 13 , More Information

Trutschel L.R.; Chadwick G.L.; Kruger B.; Blank J.G.; Brazelton W.J.; Dart E.R.; Rowe A.R. (08-25-2022. ) Investigation of microbial metabolisms in an extremely high pH marine-like terrestrial serpentinizin.Science of the Total Environment, , 836 , More Information

Contact Information

Academic - Biological Sciences
731F Rieveschl Hall
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221
Phone: 5135569715