Arindam Roy
PhD Student
School of Planning
5470 Aronoff
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 5157086444
Email roya2@mail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Arindam Roy is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Regional Development Planning. His primary research interests are child play and the city and place identity. He was a GIS intern for three years at Iowa Department of Transportation and completed his Masters in Community Planning from Iowa State University in 2016. Earlier, he worked as an architect in India for two years after earning a Bachelors degree in Architecture in 2011 from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur.
Bachelor of Architecture: Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Howrah, West Bengal, India, 2011 (Architecture)
Master's in Community Planning: Iowa State University Ames, IA, USA, 2016 (Community Planning, Urban Planning)
Research and Practice Interests
Theories on Place, Placemaking, Sense of Place. Studying child play in urban settings, especially in the context of developing countries.
Positions and Work Experience
08-2016 - Research and Teaching Assistant, Site analysis report for Fulton Place location in Cincinnati. Observation studies on human activities in public spaces around Street Car route. Investigating spaces and opportunities in Cincinnati for children play. Instructor for Site Design Theory (Undergraduate level). Co-instructor for Summer Studio (Undergraduate Level), Teaching Assistant (Graduate and Undergraduate Level). , School of Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
05-2014 -08-2016 GIS Intern, Project on Linear Referencing Systems using GeoMedia (a similar software like ArcGIS) and SQL Developer, Project on Road Database building using video logs, Iowa Department of Transportation, Ames, IA, USA
08-2013 -05-2015 Teaching Assistant, Site Development Studio (Graduate Level), Introduction to Design (Undergraduate Level), Environmental Law (Graduate Level), Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
06-2011 -05-2013 Architect, Master planning, conceptual designing, working drawing, campus planning and architectural designing, 3D Modeling, Rendering, Presentations , Medica Synergie Private Limited, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Research Support
Grant: #23-POLISCI-247428-UCINCI Investigators:Mehta, Vikas; Roy, Arindam 08-16-2022 -09-29-2023 University of Maryland Formalization of the Informal Sector through Hawkers Unions in Kolkata India - A proposal for case studies of efforts to preserve small businesses in gentrifying neighborhoods in the U.S. and internat Role:PI 7250.00 Awarded Level:Higher Education
Book Chapter
Alenka Poplin, Timothy Kerkhove, Marina Reasoner, Arindam Roy and Nick Brown (2017 ) Serious GeoGames for civic engagement in urban planning: discussion based on four game prototypes The Virtual and The Real: Perspectives, Practices and Applications for The Built Environment .Routledge (Co-Author)
Poster Presentations
Arindam Roy (2016. ) Vacant and Underutilized Parcels Suitable for Student Housing in Ames .ACSP (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. . Conference. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Arindam Roy (2018. ) Free-Play Opportunities for Children in Existing Urban Parks of West Cincinnati .Buffalo, New York. Conference. Level:National
Arindam Roy (2018. ) Accessible Nature-Play in Neighborhoods: Providing Access to Nature-Play in Nature-Deficit Spaces of Cincinnati .Groningen, Netherlands. Conference. Level:International
Arindam Roy, Binita Mahato (2017. ) Mitigating Class Struggles Through Privatized Public Spaces .Munich, Germany. Conference. Level:International
Honors and Awards
05-2018 -08-2018 University Research Council (URC) Research Graduate Student Stipend and Research Cost Awards for Faculty-Student Collaboration 2017-18 University Research Council, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
2015 American Planning Association, Iowa Chapter – Iowa Student Poster Contest. 1st Position American Planning Association, Iowa Chapter Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Monetary
2015 Property Rights and Land Use Scholarship Iowa State University Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Monetary
08-2016 -07-2018 University Graduate Assistant Scholarship School of Planning, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Monetary
2018 Best Teaching Assistant College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
Contact Information
Academic - School of Planning
5470 Aronoff
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 5157086444