Ionas Rus

Ionas Aurelian Rus , Ph.D., M.A., B.A.

Associate Professor

Professional Summary

                 My main fields of specialization are Comparative Politics and International Relations. My main research interests, publications (book, articles, etc.) and presentations deal with nationalism, elections and civic culture, especially in Romania, Moldova, Italy and Austria, and also recent U.S. elections. I am teaching Introduction to American Politics during the falls and springs, one section of Introduction to International Relations in the falls, and one section of Introduction to Comparative Politics during the springs.


Ph.D.: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2008 (Political Science)

M.A.: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2002 (Political Science)

Graduate Certificate in Russian, Central and East European Studies: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2002

M.A.: Columbia University, New York, NY, 1997 (History)

B.A.: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1995 (Major: History and Political Science. Minor: Economics)

Positions and Work Experience

08-15-2014 - Associate Professor of Political Science., University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College., Blue Ash, Ohio.

09-01-2008 -08-14-2014 Assistant Professor of Political Science., University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College., Blue Ash, Ohio.

01-16-2007 -05-18-2008 Part-Time Lecturer of Political Science., Taught Causes of War twice and European Politics once. , Rutgers University,, New Brunswick, NJ

01-23-2003 -01-15-2007 Instructor of Political Science., Taught courses such as Introduction to International Relations, and Independent Study and Research in Political Science. , Rutgers University,, New Brunswick, NJ

09-01-2000 -05-20-2004 Teaching Assistant of Political Science., Had recitation sections for Comparative Politics. , Rutgers University,, New Brunswick, NJ

01-15-2001 -05-17-2003 Research Assistant at the Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies., Rutgers University,, New Brunswick, NJ

09-01-2000 -12-24-2000 Grader., Rutgers University,, New Brunswick, NJ


Peer Reviewed Publications

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2018. ) "The Union of Bukovina with Romania in 1918 and the Impact of Exogenous Shocks on Nation-Building" .Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, , 15 (2 ) ,116 -135

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2011. ) “The Dynamics of Civic Culture in Ex-Habsburg Italy and Elsewhere: Testing Putnam’s Theoretical Model” .Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, , 8 (1 ) ,3 -32

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2009. ) "The Roots and Early Development of Moldovan-Romanian Nationalism in Bessarabia (1900-1917)" .Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, , 6 (2 ) ,8 -22

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2008. ) “The Rise of Moldovan-Romanian Nationalism in Bessarabia (1900-1917)” .Interstitio. East European Review of Historical Anthropology, , 1 (2 ) ,51 -66

Ionas Aurelian Rus (1999. ) "The Electoral Patterns of the Romanian Right in the Interwar Years (III)" .Arhivele Totalitarismului (“The Archives of Totalitarianism”), , 7 (3-4 ) ,8 -32

Ionas Aurelian Rus (1999. ) "The Electoral Patterns of the Romanian Right in the Interwar Years (II)" .Arhivele Totalitarismului (“The Archives of Totalitarianism”), , 7 (1-2 ) ,12 -31

Ionas Aurelian Rus (1998. ) "The Electoral Patterns of the Romanian Right in the Interwar Years (I)" .Arhivele Totalitarismului (“The Archives of Totalitarianism”), , 6 (4 ) ,8 -24

Ionas Aurelian Rus (1996. ) "The Roots and Early Development of Moldovan-Romanian Nationalism in Bessarabia (1900-1917)" .Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A.D. Xenopol ("The Yearbook of the A. D. Xenopol History Institute"), , 33 ,287 -301

Ionas Aurelian Rus (1994. ) “Romanii si minoritarii in Basarabia interbelica" ("The Romanians and the Minorities in Interwar Bessarabia") .Revista de Istorie a Moldovei ("Moldovan Historical Review"), , 5 (1 ) ,29 -39

Other Publications

Ionas Aurelian Rus, review of Dylan Riley, The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe: Italy, Spain, and Romania, 1870-1945 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010) .Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 40 (1 ) ,162 -165 Taylor & Francis

Ionas Aurelian Rus, review of Viorella Manolache, Dinamica Modelului European Asupra Localismului Creator in Epoca “Modernismului Ofensiv” (Prima Jumatate a Secolului XX) [‘The Dynamics of the European Model over the Creative Localism in the Era of “Offensive Modernism” (First Half of the Twentieth Century)’], (Sibiu: Techno Media, 2011) .Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, 8 (1 ) ,159 -161 Romanian Academy

Published Books

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2009. ) The Electoral Patterns of the Romanian Far Right during the Interwar Years (1919 -1937) .Saarbrucken , Verlag Dr. Muller (Author)

Book Chapter

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2019 ) The Union of Bukovina with Romania in 1918 and the Impact of Exogenous Shocks on Nation Building 100 Years since the Great Union of Romania .(pp. 214 -239).Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Author)

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2019 ) The Roots and Early Development of Moldovan-Romanian Nationalism in Bessarabia (1900-1917) 100 Years since the Great Union of Romania .(pp. 64-81).Newcastle upon Tye, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Author)

Electronic Journal

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2003. ) “Deportation der Roma in Moldawien”/”E Romendji Deportacija An Moldavija” (“The Deportation of the Roma in Moldova”) .Romano Centro, 43 ,

Encyclopedia Article

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2008. ) Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet & Eurasian History .8, 179 -181 Blacksburg, VA, Academic International Press

Additional Publications


Invited Presentations

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2016. ) “Moldova and an Unenthusiastic EU” .Presented at the analytic exchange, “The EU in the Post-Soviet Space: Challenges and Prospects”, sponsored by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. . Conference. . Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2015. ) “Moldova after the 2014 Elections: The Road to a New Government in Chisinau” .Presented at the executive analytic exchange, “Moldova after the 2014 Elections: The Road to a New Government in Chisinau”, sponsored by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.. Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2015. ) “The Romanian Impact on Moldova” .Presentation at the executive analytic exchange, “Moldova after the 2014 Elections: The Road to a New Government in Chisinau”, sponsored by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.. Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2012. ) “A New President in Chisinau: The Election of Nicolae Timofti as Moldova’s President and Its Consequences” .Paper presented at the analytic exchange “Moldova: Prospects for Political Stability and Conflict Resolution”, sponsored by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State and the National Intelligence Council, Arlington, VA. Professional Meeting. . Level:National


Ionas Aurelian Rus (2018. ) “2016: The Congressional and State Elections” .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2017. ) “2016: The Demographics of an Unpredictable Presidential Election” .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2016. ) "The Latino Vote and the 2016 Elections" .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2015. ) “On the Borderline of the New Cold War: The Moldovan Elections of 2014 and Their Aftermath” .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2015. ) “An Analysis of the Elections of 2014”, in the discussion, “2014: A Predictable Election?” .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2013. ) “November 2012: A Predictable Election” .University of Cincinnati Blue Ash, Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:Local

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2012. ) “The Elections of 2012: Predictable Partisan Polarization” .University of Cincinnati Blue Ash, Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:Local

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2011. ) “America in Post-Electoral Abyss”, in the discussion, “The 2010 Mid-Term Elections and Their Impact” .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2010. ) “The 2010 Elections: An Analysis”, in the discussion, “Election 2010: What's New, What's Not, What's Hot” .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC. Level:College

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2019. ) “2018: The Congressional and State Elections”, talk at UCBA sponsored by the Department of History, Philosophy and Political Science, UCBA, March 26, 2019 .Blue Ash, Ohio. UC.

Paper Presentations

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2018. ) “The Bessarabian Moldovan Identity and Self-Determination Preferences during the Period of Interwar Romanian Rule, 1918-1940” .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2016. ) “Moldovan/Romanian Nationalism and Self-Determination Preferences in Bessarabia (1917-1918)” .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2014. ) Romanian Nationalism in the Elections of 1907 and 1911 in Bukovina .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2012. ) The Role of Exogenous Shocks on Nation-Building: The Union of Bukovina with Romania in 1918 .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2011. ) “Romanian Nationalism and Its Alternatives in Habsburg Bukovina in 1880-1911” .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2010. ) “The Impact of Four Variables on Nation-Building: Ethnic Basis, the Educational System, Industrialization and Sudden Shocks” .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2009. ) “Measuring the Intensity of the Various Nationalisms in Austria (1907-1962)” .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2007. ) ‘“Moldovan” and “Romanian” Nation-Building in the Odessa Region of Ukraine (1989-2004)’ .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2006. ) ‘“Romanian” and “Moldovan” Nation-Building and Voting Patterns in the Chernivtsi Region of Ukraine (1979-2002)’ .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2002. ) “Variables Affecting Nation-Building: The Bukovinian Romanian Case from 1880 to 1918” .Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2005. ) “The Rise of Moldovan-Romanian Nationalism in Bessarabia (1900-1917) and Its Legacy” .University of Pittsburgh. Conference. Level:International

Ionas Aurelian Rus (2001. ) Variables Affecting Nation-Building and the Bukovinian Romanian Case from 1880 to 1918” .Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Conference. Level:International

Honors and Awards

Neil A. McDonald Prize in Political Science for an outstanding undergraduate paper, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, April 1994

Stipend from the dean for participation in the seminar for faculty and graduate students in the year-long seminar, “Cultures of Democracy and Democratization: Israel, Eastern Europe and Beyond”, sponsored by the Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies and by the Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, 1999-2000


Political Science, Ionas Aurelian Rus, Nationalism, Romania, Moldova, Italy, Austria

Courses Taught

Introduction to American Politics (semester course, fall 2012-present, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to International Relations (semester course, fall 2012-present, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Comparative Politics (semester course, fall 2012-present, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

American Government I (2008-2011, fall quarter course, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

American Government II (2009-2012, winter quarter course, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

American Government III (2009-2012, spring quarter course, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

Comparative Politics (quarter course, 2010-2012, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

International Relations (quarter course, 2011-2012, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

American Issues and Problems I (American Foreign Policy) (2008-2011, fall quarter course, UC Blue Ash)

Senior Thesis I (fall 2016, UC Arts & Sciences) Level:Undergraduate

Senior Thesis I (spring 2017, UC Arts & Sciences) Level:Undergraduate

Independent Study in Political Science III (Spring 2010, Spring 2011, quarter course, UC Blue Ash) Level:Undergraduate

Individual Work: International Relations (Spring 2010, UC Arts & Sciences) Level:Undergraduate

Causes of War (Spring 2007, Spring 2008, semester course, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey) Level:Undergraduate

European Politics (Fall 2007, semester course, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey) Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to International Relations (Summer 2003, semester course, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey) Level:Undergraduate

Independent Study and Research in Political Science (Spring 2003, semester course, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey) Level:Undergraduate

Contact Information

University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College,
9555 Plainfield Rd, Office: Muntz 267C
Blue Ash,  Ohio, 45236
Phone: 513-558-9447 (home: 513-429-5117)