Gabe Sanders
Asst Professor
Teacher-Dyer Complex 436M
Phone 513-556-6517
Professional Summary
Sports science and human performance research focused on wearable technology, daily workloads, and fatigue in athletes.
BS: Ashland University 2006 (Exercise Science)
MS: Ashland University 2008 (Exercise Science)
PhD: Kent State University 2012 (Exercise Physiology)
Research and Practice Interests
- Sanders, G.J., Skodinski, S., Peacock, C. Analyzing the Impact of Various Jump Load Intensities on Countermovement Jump Metrics: A Comparison of Average, Peak, and Peak-to-Average Ratios in Force-Based Metrics. Sensors. 2025: 5(1), 151; https://doi.org/10.3390/s25010151.
- Sanders, G.J., Chatlaong, M.A., Peacock, C.A. Dose-Response Effects of Exercise and Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Body Composition, Lean Mass, and Heart Rate Responses: A Case Report Using Wearable Technology. Cureus. 16(12): e74928. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.74928.
- Sanders, G.J., Skodinski, S., Cabarkapa, D.V., Howard, M., Cabarkapa, D., Kollock, O., Peacock, C. Positional Differences in Countermovement Jumps and Acute to Chronic Workload Ratios Throughout a Division I Volleyball Season. Translational Sports Medicine. 2024: (1): doi.org/10.1155/tsm2/5933923.
- Sanders, G.J., Skodinski, S., Cabarkapa, D.V., Howard, M., Cabarkapa, D., Kollock, R.O., Peacock, C. Countermovement Jumps and Acute to Chronic Workload Ratios in Low, Moderate, and High Jump Load Groups Throughout a Division I Volleyball Season. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Accepted. 2024: Published Online Ahead of Print: doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000005030.
- Howard, M., Sanders, G.J., Peacock, C.A., Kollock, R.O. Freire, R. The Effect of Daily Heart Rate Workloads on Preseason, Midseason, and Postseason Oxygen Consumption in Division I Basketball. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2024. 38(4): 704-708. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004692.
- Sanders, G. J., Howard, M., Carpenter, R., Peacock, C. A., & Byers, P. (2024). Heart Rate, Oxygen Uptake and Anaerobic Thresholds During a Maximal Treadmill Test with World Class Mixed Martial Arts Fighters. Sports Innovation Journal, 5, 38-48. https://doi.org/10.18060/27565.
- Schwarz, A., Byers, P., Stern, L., Antonio J., Silver T., Sanders G.J., Peacock C.A. Rapid Weight Regain is Not Linked to Success in Professional UFC Fighters During Competition. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Accepted: In Press 2024.
- Textbook: Sanders, G.J. & Peacock, C.A. Data Analysis in Sports Science: Utilizing SPSS and ChatGPT. Second Edition. 2023. Kindle Direct Publishing. 2023. ISBN-13: 979-8871237359.
Positions and Work Experience
2021 -2023 Professor, Northern Kentucky University,
2009 -2012 Graduate Assistant, Kent State University,
2012 -2016 Assistant Professor, Northern Kentucky University,
2016 -2021 Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University,
Contact Information
Academic - Teacher-Dyer Complex 436M
Phone: 513-556-6517