Rebecca Sanders
Associate Professor
Assistant Director, School of Public and International Affairs
Professional Summary
Website: https://www.rebeccasandersphd.com
I am an Associate Professor of Political Science and the Assistant Director of the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) at the University of Cincinnati. I also direct the interdisciplinary International Human Rights Certificate and am affiliate faculty with the Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
My research agenda addresses pressing global challenges at the intersection of international human rights, international security, and public health. I am especially interested in how societies grapple with rights tradeoffs in real and perceived emergencies and the dynamics of rights advancement and retrenchment.
Ph.D. : Department of Political Science, University of Toronto 2012
M.A. : Department of Political Science, McGill University 2005
B.A. (Honours): Arts and Science, McGill University 2003
Research and Practice Interests
International Security
International and National Security Law
Global Governance
Terrorism and Counterterrorism
American Foreign Policy
Intelligence Agencies
North-South Relations
Ethics and International Relations
Human Rights
Women's Rights
Norm Contestation
Research Support
Grant: #URC Faculty 2012-13 Investigators:Sanders, Rebecca 05-01-2013 -06-30-2013 UC Permissive Constraint: The Paradox of Law in the American “Global War on Terror” Role:PI $8,000.00 Completed
Grant: #R40746 Investigators:Jenkins, Laura; Sanders, Rebecca 07-01-2019 -12-31-2020 UC The Indivisibility of Human Rights?: Religious Freedom, Women's Rights, and Conflicting International Legal Claims Role:PI $10,000.00 Completed
Grant: #SES-2034367 Investigators:Mewhirter, Jack; Sanders, Rebecca 07-01-2020 -06-30-2021 National Science Foundation RAPID: Public Perceptions of Civil Rights Trade-Offs During the COVID-19 Pandemic Role:PI $199,251.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #URC Faculty Pivot 2023-25 Investigators:Sanders, Rebecca 08-01-2023 -07-31-2025 Antisemitism in Global Politics Role:PI $15,000.00 Active Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Rebecca Sanders. (2011. ) “(Im)plausible legality: The rationalisation of human rights abuses in the American ‘Global War on Terror’" .The International Journal of Human Rights, , 15 (4 ) ,605-626
Rebecca Sanders. (2014. ) "Legal Frontiers: Targeted Killing at the Borders of War" .Journal of Human Rights, , 13 (4 ) ,512-536
Rebecca Sanders. (2016. ) "Norm Proxy War and Resistance Through Outsourcing: The Dynamics of Transnational Human Rights Contestation" .Human Rights Review, , 17 (2 ) ,165-191
Rebecca Sanders. (2015. ) "Torture" .The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, , Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell ,
Rebecca Sanders. (2018. ) "Human Rights Abuses at the Limits of the Law: Legal Instabilities and Vulnerabilities in the "Global War on Terror”" .Review of International Studies, , 44 (1 ) ,2-23
Rebecca Sanders. (2018. ) "Norm Spoiling: Undermining the International Women's Rights Agenda" .International Affairs, , 94 (2 ) ,271-291
Andrea Birdsall and Rebecca Sanders (2020. ) "Trumping International Law?" .International Studies Perspectives, , 21 (3 ) ,275-297
Rebecca Sanders (2021. ) "Human Rights and Counterterrorism: The American “Global War on Terror"" .International Human Rights in War, , edited by Damien Rodgers and Stephen Hoadley, Singapore: Springer Press ,
Danielle McLaughlin, Jack Mewhirter, and Rebecca Sanders (2021. ) "The Belief That Politics Drive Scientific Research & Its Impact on COVID-19 Risk Assessments" .PLOS ONE, , 16 (4 ) ,
Anne Sisson Runyan and Rebecca Sanders (2021. ) "Prospects for Realizing International Women’s Rights Law Through Local Governance: The Case of Cities for CEDAW" .Human Rights Review , , 22 (3 ) ,303-325
Jack Mewhirter, Mustafa Sagir, and Rebecca Sanders (2022. ) "Towards a Predictive Model of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among American Adults" .Vaccine, , 40 (12 ) ,1783-1789
Andrea Birdsall and Rebecca Sanders (2023. ) "Opportunistic Oppression: U.S. Migration and Public Health Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic" .The International Journal of Human Rights, , 27 (5 ) ,809-829
Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins (2022. ) "Control, Alt, Delete: Patriarchal Populist Attacks on International Women’s Rights" .Global Constitutionalism, , 11 (3 ) ,401-429
Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins (2022. ) "Special Issue Introduction: Contemporary International Anti-Feminism" .Global Constitutionalism, , 11 (3 ) ,369-378
Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins (2023. ) "Patriarchal Populism: The Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) and the Transnational Politics of Authoritarian Anti-Feminism" .The International Spectator, , 58 (3 ) ,1-19
Published Books
Rebecca Sanders, Plausible Legality: Legal Culture and Political Imperative in the Global War on Terror .Oxford University Press, 2018
Technical Reports
Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins (2021. ) Pushback against Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the USA .Power Over Rights: Understanding and Countering the Transnational Anti-Gender Movement, Volume II: Case Studies,7-26
Rebecca Sanders, Anne Sisson Runyan, Jack Mewhirter, et al. (2020. ) Gender Equity in the City of Cincinnati .Report of the Gender Equity Research Team,
Courses Taught
Terrorism and Insurgency Level:Undergraduate
International Law and Organization Level:Undergraduate
International Human Rights Level:Undergraduate
Ethics, Violence, and War Level:Undergraduate
Ethics and International Relations Level:Undergraduate
Human Rights & Security: Seeking Balance in a Free Society Level:Undergraduate
Contemporary International Law Level:Graduate
Fascism: Violence, Power, and Hatred in the Past and Present Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
5135 Clifton Court Hall
2800 Clifton Avenue
Ohio, 45221-0375