Vincent F. Sansalone , M.Arch
Assoc Professor - Educator
Assistant Professor, M.Arch Program Coordinator
DAA Addition
DAAP School of Arch & Interior Design - 0016
Professional Summary
“Where to start”? This is a question I ask myself now, as I sit at my computer looking at a blank sheet of digital paper. It is a question asked by students of every age when faced with a challenge. So what is the answer? As an educator and artist, my answer is that there isn’t one answer, but rather, just the question which requires investigation and for me, investigation begins with the hand of the maker. The maker is imaginative, inventive, and innovative. The maker is the lover of the how-to. Making is an infinite game and the maker is the player who plays simply for the pleasure of process, understanding, and the made object.
My love of process, understanding, and the made object comes directly from the doing. I discovered that I loved doing at a very early age. I was raised in a family of eight children. The environment was structured, yet we were given independence and freedom of inquiry. In my world, the pursuit of knowledge and creative expression was not only encouraged, but fostered. As child number four, I was the tinkerer, the maker, the creative one. I had three older siblings to follow, learn from, and compete with. I also shared the responsibility of mentoring, modeling, and competing with child numbers five, six, seven, and eight. We were taught discipline, respect, individuality, and community, principles key to building well-rounded, thoughtful people.
Department 7 is where I conduct my own creative research. Currently, my work is focused on large format oil paintings and related three-dimensional, sculptural works. Mainly I am focused on exploring surface. My own studio practice is where I can explore concepts, make discoveries, and experiment with materiality and methodology. My studio practice feeds my academic interests, pursuits, and pedagogy. Much of my work is intuitive and process-driven and it forms an empirical base of understanding of the materials and concepts that underlie art, architecture, and design. My co-founders and I have been invited to enter work into two competitions. So far, the founding group has entered a total of three, highly conceptual works into local an national competitions.
At the center of what some might call my “constructivist” teaching philosophy and practice at the University of Cincinnati are those principles of my upbringing combined with my education at Rhode Island school of Design and Cranbrook Academy of Art, two institutions known for boundless creative exploration, intellectual and artistic individuality, and collaborative studio practices. I've enjoyed applying my teaching philosophy and practice at the University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP), School of Architecture and Interior Design (SAID) and I believe my students have benefitted from it.
Masters of Architecture: Cranbrook Academy of Art Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 2001
Bachelor of Architecture: Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island, 1989
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island, 1988
Study in Architecture and Interior Design: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1984
Study in Architecture: Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois, 1981
Research and Practice Interests
Art, Architecture and Design Foundation
Drawing and Painting
Three Dimensional / Space Making
Conceptual Thinking and Visual Culture
Positions and Work Experience
2008 -To Present Assistant Professor of Education, School of Architecture and Interior Design (SAID), College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2004 -2008 Visiting Assistant Professor, SAID, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2003 - Adjunct Professor Architecture, University of Detroit-Mercy, Detroit, Michigan
2003 - Adjunct Professor Architecture, SAID, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2001 -2002 Adjunct Professor Architecture, Lawrence Technological University, Detroit, Michigan
2000 - Adjunct Professor Architecture, Co-Taught with Amy Dienes, University of Detroit-Mercy, Detroit, Michigan
2000 -2001 Teaching Assistant, Architecture, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Research Support
Investigators:McInturf, Michael; Sansalone, Vincent 10-15-2023 -12-15-2023 Procter & Gamble Company P&G Future Workpspaces Role:Collaborator 55911.94 Hold Level:Industry
Honors and Awards
2012 DAAP Outstanding Service Award
2011 The Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program, Faculty Recognition Award
2008 The Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program, Faculty Recognition Award
2007 Volunteer of the Year, Birmingham Bloomfield Arts Center, Michigan
2004 Detroit Home, Overall Residence, 1st Place Award, Detroit, Michigan
2003 Masco, Michigan Fine Arts Competition, 1st Place, Michigan
2002 Newhouse Award, Michigan Drawing Bieenial, 3rd Place, Michigan
2000 Zonar Award, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1998 Baccus Glass Competition, Honorable Mention
Student Advising
Ball, Ryan Advisor 2012
Hope, Travis Advisor 2012
Kung, Caleb Advisor 2012
Plichta, Megan Advisor 2012
Shafer, Claire Advisor 2012
Tabet, Gael Advisor 2012
Ali, Sarosh Chair 2011
Carlson, Stephanie Chair 2011
Dahlman, Alexandra Chair 2011
Fein, Zach Chair 2011
Hogg, Kelly Chair 2011
Langenberg, Kristen Chair 2011
Pope, Barrington Chair 2011
Reising, Natasha Chair 2011
Roush, Emily Chair 2011
Saltzman, Adam Chair 2011
Sashi, Tippu Chair 2011
Beighle, Kory Co-Chair 2011
Brown, Keith Co-Chair 2011
Malpani, Czaee Co-Chair 2011
Cottengim, Sean Chair 2009
Downs, Marco Chair 2009
Eberhardt, Sarah Chair 2009
Faehnle, Amanda Chair 2009
Hoebbel, John Chair 2009
O'Connell, David Chair 2009
Parrot, Jordan Chair 2009
Raun, Truitt Chair 2009
Richards, Catherine Chair 2009
Schreur, Kevin Chair 2009
Stoughton, John Chair 2009
Tallos, Gregory Chair 2009
Everett, Brittney Co-Chair 2009
Fleming, David Co-Chair 2009
Morgan, Nate Co-Chair 2009
Ringley, Brian Co-Chair 2009
Andrews, Abby Chair 2008
Burns, Keith Chair 2008
Hamaker, Whitney Chair 2008
Kong, Chern Chiat Chair 2008
Krakovich, Lina Chair 2008
Papa, Jason Chair 2008
Rabe, Justin Chair 2008
Varghese, Jenson Chair 2008
Young, Jessalyn Chair 2008
Ziola, Zachary Chair 2008
Dritz, Emily Co-Chair 2008
Finke, Tara Co-Chair 2008
Germann, Nick Co-Chair 2008
Mutchler, Mattew Co-Chair 2008
Rudary, Thomas Co-Chair 2008
Yokel, William Co-Chair 2008
Gergely, Karen Advisor 2009
Cowen, Aaron Advisor 2009
Lofton, Susan Advisor 2011
Germann, Nick Advisor 2011
Shipe, Rebbeca Advisor 2012
Courses Taught
Design Lab 1, 2, 3
Documentation Lab
Architecture Studio
Design Studio
Graduate Elective Studio
Graduate Topic Seminar
Thesis Studio
Foundation 3D Design (School of Design)