Atsuo Sasaki , PhD
Vontz Center for Molecular Studies
3125 Eden Avenue, Room 2112
ML 0508
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-5611
Fax 513-558-6703
Email atsuo.sasaki@uc.edu
Bachelor's Degree: Tokyo University of Science 1995 (Biochemistry)
Master's Degree: Hiroshima University 1997 (Plant Molecular Biology)
Doctoral Degree: Kurume University School of Medicine 2001 (Molecular Biology)
Fellowship: Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan, 2002
Fellowship: Harvard Medical School San Diego, CA, 2005
Fellowship: Harvard Medical School Boston,MA , 2009
Research and Practice Interests
The GTP-Sasaki Lab is investigating the role of GTP metabolism in human diseases. We are GTP geeks and we recently discovered the very first GTP-energy sensor kinase, as recently published inMolecular Cell. Much more high-impact work remains to be done on GTP sensor kinase and GTP-metabolism. The Sasaki Lab investigates GTP for Life with goals: To understand how cells Respond and Regulate GTP-energy levels; To apply our findings for developing new therapeutics for brain tumors and better life.
Positions and Work Experience
2012 -To Present Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2010 -2012 Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Harvard, Boston, MA
Research Support
Grant: #1R03MH096575-01 Investigators:Atsuo Sasaki 01-01-2012 -12-31-2013 NIH Role:PI Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Atsuo Sasaki 03-01-2007 -02-28-2008 Kanae Foundation for Life and Medical Science Role:PI Completed
01-01-2002 -12-31-2002 Takeda Science Foundation Role:PI Completed
Investigators:Atsuo Sasaki 07-01-2001 -06-30-2002 Welfide Medicinal Research Foundation Role:PI Completed
Investigators:Atsuo Sasaki 01-01-2000 -12-31-2000 Uehara Memorial Foundation Role:PI Completed
Grant: #R03 MH096575 Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 08-01-2012 -12-31-2013 National Institute of Mental Health Chemical Probes that Modulate a Stress Pathway Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase Activity Role:PI $38,254.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Industry Sponsored Research Agreement Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 02-19-2013 -02-18-2014 DAIICHI SANKYO CO., LTD. Validation of SSK1 as a new cancer drug target Role:PI $145,834.00 Active Level:Foreign Industry
Grant: #ABTA Discovery Grant Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 07-01-2014 -06-30-2015 American Brain Tumor Association American Brain Tumor Assoc. Role:PI $50,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #1R01NS089815-01 Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 09-30-2014 -08-31-2019 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Targeting the Novel PI5P4K Pathway to Induce Glioblastoma Senescence Role:PI $330,679.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R21NS100077 Investigators:Kofuji, Satoshi; Okumura, Koichi; Sasaki, Atsuo 09-01-2016 -08-31-2018 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Synthetic Lethal Combination of KRP203/Fingolimod with PI3K signaling for glioblastoma multiforme death by catastrophic vacuolization Role:PI $251,104.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #5018 Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 07-01-2018 -06-30-2020 Ohio Cancer Research Associates Targeting the metabolic vulnerability of GTP-metabolism in IDH mutated glioma Role:PI $30,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2018 Brain Cancer Research Investigator Grant Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 11-19-2018 -11-19-2019 B*Cured Sasaki B* Cured Role:PI $50,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R01CA255331 Investigators:Phoenix, Timothy; Sasaki, Atsuo; Sengupta, Soma; Takiar, Vinita 07-07-2021 -06-30-2026 National Cancer Institute Therapeutic resistance and aggressive malignancy in glioblastomas: the contribution of GTP metabolism through regulation by IMPDH2 Role:PI 413481.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Sasaki, Atsuo 12-01-2022 -11-30-2025 Human Frontier Science Program Super-resolution multifunctional scanning ion conductance microscopy: tapping the cell's energy grid Role:PI 360000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #R01GM144426 Investigators:Perez-Tilve, Diego; Sasaki, Atsuo 12-15-2022 -11-30-2026 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Mechanistic role of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase beta in GTP-dependent lysosomal acidification for stress-resilient cell growth and metabolism Role:PI 372318.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Baker R, Lewis SM, Sasaki AT, Cantley LC, Kuhlman B, Dohlman HG, Campbell SL Monoubiquitination Activates Ras by Impeding GTPase Activating Protein Function .Nat. Stru. Mol. Biol., , in press ,
Fujimura K, Sasaki AT, Anderson P. Selenite targets elF4E-binding protein-1 to inhibit translation initiation and induce the assembly of non-canonical stress granules .Nucleic Acids Res. 2012, , Jun ,20
Garcia-Cao I, Song MS, Hobbs RM, Laurent G, Giorgi C. de Boer VC, Anastasiou D, Ito K, Sasaki AT, Rameh L, Carracedo A, Vander Heiden MG, Cantley LC, Pinton P, Haigis MC, Pandolfi PP Systemic Elevation of PTEN Induces a Tumor-Suppressive Metabolic State .Cell 2012, , 149 ,49-62
Anastasiou D, Poulogiannis G, Asara JM, Bellinger G, Vander Heiden MG, Sasaki AT, Locasale JW and Cantley LC Inhibition of pyruvate kinase M2 by reactive oxygen species contributes to cellular antioxidant responses .Science 2011, , 334 ,1248-83
Sasaki AT, Carracedo A, Locasale JW, Anastasiou D, Takeuchi K, Kahoud ER, Haviv S, Asara JM, Pandolfi PP, Cantley LC Ubiquitination of Ras enhances activaiton and facilitates binding to PI 3-Kinase and Raf .Science Signaling. 2011, , 4 ,1-9
Hanai J, Doro N, Sasaki AT, Kobayashi S, Cantley LC, Seth P, Sukhatme VP Inhibition of lung cancer growth: ATP citrate lyase knockdown and statin treatment leads to dual blockade of mitogen-actiated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol-3- kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathways .J. Cell Physiol., , Jun 17. (doi: 10 ) ,1002/jcp.22895.
Locasale JW, Grassian AR, Bass AJ, Heffron G, Metallo CM, Sharfi H, Sasaki AT, Anastasiou D, Vokes NI, Sasaki M, Ligon AH, Beroukhim R, Stephanopoulos G, Asara JM, Myerson M, Wagner G, Brugge JS, Cantley LC and Vander Heiden MG Amplification of phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase activity in cancer cells diverts glycolytic flux and contributes to oncogenesis .Nature Genetics 2011, , 43 ,869-74
Thou P, Zheng B, Hsu CH, Sasaki AT, Cantley LC A fluorescent reporter of AMPK activity and cellular energy stress. Cell Metabolism 2011, , 13 (4 ) ,476-486
Wang XS, Shanker S, Dhanasekaran SM, Ateeq B, Sasaki AT, Robinson D, Cao Q, Prensner JR, Yocum AK, Pflueger D, Wang R, Jing X, Fries DF, Asangani IA, Li Y, Cao X, Kumar-Sinha C, Kahoud ER, Omenn GS, Rubin MA, Gopalan A, Reuter V, Palanisamy N, Varambally S, Cantley LC, and Chinnaiyan AM Amplification Breakpoint Assembly Identifies an Oncogenic KRAS Fusion in Prostate Cancer Cells. Cancer Discovery, , 2011 (1 ) ,33-41
Charest PG, Shen Z, Lakoduc A, Sasaki AT, Briggs S, Firtel RA A novel Ras signaling complex controls the RasC-TORC2 pathway and directed cell migration. Dev. Cell 2010, , 18 (737 ) ,479
Carracedo A, Ma L, Teruya-Feldstein J, Rojo F, Salmena L, Alimonti A, Egia A, Sasaki AT, Thomas G, Kozma SC, Papa A, Nardella C, Cantley LC, Baselga J, Pandolfi PP Inhibition of mTORC1 leads to MAPK pathway activation through a PI3K-dependent feedback loop in human cancer .J. Clin Invest. 2008, , 118 ,3065-74
Sasaki AT, Janetopoulos C, Lee S, Charest PG, Takeda K, Sundheimer LW, Meili R, Devreotes PN, Firtel RA. G protein-independent Ras/PI3K/F-actin circuit regulates basic cell motility. J. Cell Biol. 2007, , 178 ,185-191
Takeda K, Sasaki AT, Ha H, Seung HA, Firtel RA. Role of PI3 kinases in chemotaxis in dictyostelium. J. Biol. Chem. 2007, , 283 ,11874-84
Inagaki-Ohara K, Sasaki A, Matsuzaki G, Ikeda T, Hotokezaka M, Chijiiwa K, Kubo M, Yoshida H, Nawa Y, Yoshimura A. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 in lymphocytes regulates the development of intestinal inflammation in mice. Gut 2006, , 55(2) ,212-9
Lee S, Comer FI, Sasaki A, McLeod IX, Duong Y, Okumura K, Yates JR, Parent CA, Firtel RA TOR complex 2 integrates cell movement during chemotaxis and signal relay in Dictyostelium. Mol Biol Cell 2005, , 16(10) ,4572-83
Taketomi T, Yoshiga D, Taniguchi K, Kobayashi T, Nonami A, Kato R, Sasaki M, Sasaki A, Ishibashi H, Moriyama M, Nakamura K, Nishimura J, Yoshimura A. Loss of mammalian Sproty2 leads to enteric neuronal hyperplasia and esophageal achalasia. Nat Neurosci. 205, , 8(7) ,855-7
Kuriyama M, Taniguchi T, Shirai Y, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A, Saito N. Activation and translocation of PKCdelta is necessry for VEGF-induced ERK activation through KDR in HEK293T cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004, , 325(3) ,843-51
Sasaki AT, Chun C, Takeda K, Firtel RA, Localized Ras signaling at the leading edge regulates Pl3K, cell polarity, and directional cell movement. J Cell Biol., , 2004; 167(3): ,505-18
Nonami A, Kato R, Taniguchi K, Yashiga D, Taketomi T, Fukuyama S, Harada M, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A. Spred-1 negatively regulates interleukin-3-mediated ERK/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation in hematopoietic cells. J Biol Chem, , 2004;279(50): ,52543-51
Inagaki-Ohara K, Chinen T, Matsuzaki G, Sasaki A, Sakamoto Y, Hiromatsu K, Nakamura-Uchiyama F, Nawa Y, Yoshimura A. Mucosal T cells bearing TCRgammadelta play a protective role in intestinal inflammation. J Immunol., , 2004;173(2): ,1390-8
Endo T, Sasaki A, Minoguchi M. Joo A, Yoshimura A. CIS1 interacts with the Y532 of the prolactin receptor and suppresses prolactin-dependent STAT5 activation. J Biochem (Tokyo)., , 2003; 133(1): ,109-13
Sasaki A, Taketomi T, Kato R, Saeki K, Nonami A, Sasaki M, Kuriyama M, aito N, Shibuya M, Yoshimure A. Mammalian Sprouty4 suppresses Ras-independent ERK activation by binding to Raf1. Nat Cell Biol., , 2003;5(5): ,427-32.
Sasaki A, Inagaki-Ohara K, Yoshida T, Yamanaka A, Sasaki M, Yasukawa H, Koromilas AE, Yoshimura A. The N-terminal tuncated isoform of SOCS3 translated from an alternative initiation AUG condon under stress conditions is stable due to the lack of a major ubiquitination site, Lys-6. J Biol Chem, , 2003;278(4): ,2432-6.
Lehmann U, Schmitz , Weissenbach M, Sobota RM, Hortner M, Friederichs K, Behrmann I, Tsiaris W. Sasaki A, Schneider-Mergener J, Yoshimura A, Neel BG, Heinrich PC, Schaper F. SHP2 and SOCS3 contribute to Tyr-759-dependent attenuation of interleukin-6 signaling through gp 130. J Biol Chem, , 2003;278(1): ,661-71
Sasaki A, Taketomi T, Wakioka T, Kato R, Yoshimura A. Identification of a dominant negative mutant of Sprouty that potentiates fibroblast growth factor- but not epidermal growth factor-induced ERK activation. J Biol Chem. , , 2001;26(39): ,36804-8.
*Wakioka T, *Sasaki A, Kato R, Shouda T, Matsumoto A, Miyoshi K, Tsuneoka M, Komiya S, Baron R, Yoshimura A. Spred is a Sprouty-related suppressor of Ras signaling .Nature., , 2001;412(6847): ,647-51
Sporri B, Kovanen PE, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A, Leonard WJ. JAB/SOCS1/SSI-1 is an interleukin-2-induced inhibitor of IL-2 signaling. Blood., , 2001;97(1): ,221-6.
Sasaki A, Yasukawa H, Shouda T, Kitamura T, Dikic I, Yoshimura A. CIS3/SOCS-3 suppresses erythropoietin (EPO) signaling the EPO receptor and JAK2. J Biol Chem., , 2000;275(38): ,29338-47.
Aman MJ, Migone TS, Sasaki A, Ascherman DP, Zhu M, Soldaini E, Imada K, Miyajima A, Yoshimura A, Leonard WJ. CIS associates with the interleukin-2 receptor beta chain and inhibits interleukin-2-dependent signaling. J Biol Chem., , 1999;274(42): ,30266-72.
Marine JC, McKay C, Wang D, Topham DJ, Parganas E, Nakajima H. Pendeville H, Yasukawa H, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A, Ihle JN. SOCS3 is essential in the regulation of fetal liver erythropoiesis .Cell., , 1999;98(5): ,617-27.
Sasaki A, Yasukawa H, Suzuki A, Kamizono S, Syoda T, Kinjyo I, Sasaki M, Johnston JA, Yoshimura A. Cytokine-inducible SH2 protein-3 (CIS3/SOCS3) inhibits Janus tyrosine kinase by binding through the N-terminal kinase inhibitory region as well as SH2 domain .Genes Cells., , 1999;4(6): ,339-51.
Wakioka T, Sasaki A, Mitsui K, Yokouchi M, Inoue A, Komiya S, Yoshimura A. AAPS, an adaptor protein containing Pleckstrin homology (PH) and Src homology-2 (SH2) domains inhibits the JAK-STAT pathway in collaboration with c-Cbl .Leukemia., , 1999;13(5): ,760-7.
Yasukawa H, Misawa H, Sakamoto H, Masuhara M, Sasaki A, Wakioka T, Ohtsuka S, Imaizumi T, Matsuda T, Ihle JN, Yoshimura A. The JAK-binding protein JAB inhibits Janus tyrosine kinase activity through binding in the activatgion loop .EMBO J., , 1999;18(5): ,1309-20.
Yokouchi M, Wakioka T, Sakamoto H, Yasukawa H, Ohtsuka S, Sasaki A, Ohtsubo M, Valius M, Inoue A, Komiya S, Yoshimura A. APS, an adaptor protein containing PH and SH2 domains, is associted with the PDGF receptor and c-Cbl and inhibits PDGF-induced mitogenesis .Oncogene., , 1999;18(3): ,759-67.
Suzuki R, Sakamoto H, Yasukawa H, Masuhara M, Wakioka T, Sasaki A, Yuge K, Komiya S, Inoue A, Yashimura A. CIS3 and JAB have different regulatory roles in interleukin-6 mediated differentiation and STAT3 activation n M1 leukemia cells .Oncogene., , 1988;17(17): ,2271-8.
Sakamoto H, Yasukawa H, Masuhara M, Tanimura S, Sasaki A, Yuge K, Ohtsubo M, Ohtsuka A, Fujita T, Ohta T, Furukawa Y, Iwase S, Yamada H, Yoshimura A. A Janus kinase inhibitor, JAB, is an interferon-gamma-inducible gene and confers resistance to interferons .Blood., , 1998;92(5): ,1668-76.
Masuhara M, Sakamoto H, Matsumoto A, Suzuki R, Yasukawa H, Mitsui K, Wakioka T, Tanimura S, Sasaki A, MisawaH, Yokouchi M, Ohtsubo M, Yoshimura A. Cloning and characterization of novel CIS family genes .Biochem Biophys Res Commun., , 1997;239(2): ,4_39-46
Sumita, Kazutaka; Yoshino, Hirofumi; Sasaki, Mika; Majd, Nazanin; Kahoud, Emily Rose; Takahashi, Hidenori; Takeuchi, Koh; Kuroda, Taruho; Lee, Susan; Charest, Pascale G; Takeda, Kosuke; Asara, John M; Firtel, Richard A; Anastasiou, Dimitrios; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2014. ) Degradation of activated K-Ras orthologue via K-Ras-specific lysine residues is required for cytokinesis.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 289 (7 ) ,3950-9 More Information
Subramani, Arasukumar; Alsidawi, Samer; Jagannathan, Sajjeev; Sumita, Kazutaka; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Aronow, Bruce; Warnick, Ronald E; Lawler, Sean; Driscoll, James J (2013. ) The brain microenvironment negatively regulates miRNA-768-3p to promote K-ras expression and lung cancer metastasis.Scientific reports, , 3 ,2392 More Information
Matsumoto, Toshifumi; Ishio, Tetsuya; Sasaki, Atsusi; Aramaki, Masanori; Bandoh, Toshio; Kawano, Katsunori; Yoshida, Takanori; Kitano, Seigo Pancreatic resection with ultrasonically activated scalpel: preliminary observations. Hepato-gastroenterology, , 49 (45 ) ,635-8
Sumita, Kazutaka; Lo, Yu-Hua; Takeuchi, Koh; Senda, Miki; Kofuji, Satoshi; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Terakawa, Jumpei; Sasaki, Mika; Yoshino, Hirofumi; Majd, Nazanin; Zheng, Yuxiang; Kahoud, Emily Rose; Yokota, Takehiro; Emerling, Brooke M; Asara, John M; Ishida, Tetsuo; Locasale, Jason W; Daikoku, Takiko; Anastasiou, Dimitrios; Senda, Toshiya; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2016. ) The Lipid Kinase PI5P4Kbeta Is an Intracellular GTP Sensor for Metabolism and Tumorigenesis.Molecular cell, , 61 (2 ) ,187-98 More Information
Sasaki, Atsuo T (2016. ) Dynamic Role of the GTP Energy Metabolism in Cancers.The Keio journal of medicine, , 65 (1 ) ,21 More Information
Davis, Mindy I; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Simeonov, Anton (2016. ) Method for Assaying the Lipid Kinase Phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase alpha in Quantitative High-Throughput Screening (qHTS) Bioluminescent Format.Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), , 1376 ,1-9 More Information
Takeuchi, Koh; Senda, Miki; Lo, Yu-Hua; Kofuji, Satoshi; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Senda, Toshiya (2016. ) Structural reverse genetics study of the PI5P4Kβ-nucleotide complexes reveals the presence of the GTP bioenergetic system in mammalian cells.The FEBS journal, , More Information
Liu, Hongqi; Feng, Xizhi; Ennis, Kelli N; Behrmann, Catherine A; Sarma, Pranjal; Jiang, Tony T; Kofuji, Satoshi; Niu, Liang; Stratton, Yiwen; Thomas, Hala Elnakat; Yoon, Sang-Oh; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Plas, David R (2017. ) Pharmacologic Targeting of S6K1 in PTEN-Deficient Neoplasia.Cell reports, , 18 (9 ) ,2088-2095 More Information
Su, Rui; Dong, Lei; Li, Chenying; Nachtergaele, Sigrid; Wunderlich, Mark; Qing, Ying; Deng, Xiaolan; Wang, Yungui; Weng, Xiaocheng; Hu, Chao; Yu, Mengxia; Skibbe, Jennifer; Dai, Qing; Zou, Dongling; Wu, Tong; Yu, Kangkang; Weng, Hengyou; Huang, Huilin; Ferchen, Kyle; Qin, Xi; Zhang, Bin; Qi, Jun; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Plas, David R; Bradner, James E; Wei, Minjie; Marcucci, Guido; Jiang, Xi; Mulloy, James C; Jin, Jie; He, Chuan; Chen, Jianjun (2018. ) R-2HG Exhibits Anti-tumor Activity by Targeting FTO/m6A/MYC/CEBPA Signaling.Cell, , 172 (1-2 ) ,90-105.e23 More Information
Wolfe, Kara; Kofuji, Satoshi; Yoshino, Hirofumi; Sasaki, Mika; Okumura, Koichi; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2019. ) Dynamic compartmentalization of purine nucleotide metabolic enzymes at leading edge in highly motile renal cell carcinoma.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , More Information
Miller, Taylor E; Henkels, Karen M; Huddleston, Mary; Salisbury, Richard; Hussain, Saber M; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Cho, Kwang-Jin (2019. ) Depletion of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate at the Golgi translocates K-Ras to mitochondria.Journal of cell science, , More Information
Yoshino, Hirofumi; Yin, Guowei; Kawaguchi, Risa; Popov, Konstantin I; Temple, Brenda; Sasaki, Mika; Kofuji, Satoshi; Wolfe, Kara; Kofuji, Kaori; Okumura, Koichi; Randhawa, Jaskirat; Malhotra, Akshiv; Majd, Nazanin; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Shimada, Hiroko; Kahoud, Emily Rose; Haviv, Sasson; Iwase, Shigeki; Asara, John M; Campbell, Sharon L; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2019. ) Identification of lysine methylation in the core GTPase domain by GoMADScan.PloS one, , 14 (8 ) ,e0219436 More Information
Kofuji, Satoshi; Hirayama, Akiyoshi; Eberhardt, Alexander Otto; Kawaguchi, Risa; Sugiura, Yuki; Sampetrean, Oltea; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Warren, Mikako; Sakamoto, Naoya; Kitahara, Shuji; Yoshino, Hirofumi; Yamashita, Daisuke; Sumita, Kazutaka; Wolfe, Kara; Lange, Lisa; Ikeda, Satsuki; Shimada, Hiroko; Minami, Noriaki; Malhotra, Akshiv; Morioka, Shin; Ban, Yuki; Asano, Maya; Flanary, Victoria L; Ramkissoon, Annmarie; Chow, Lionel M L; Kiyokawa, Juri; Mashimo, Tomoyuki; Lucey, Greg; Mareninov, Sergey; Ozawa, Tatsuya; Onishi, Nobuyuki; Okumura, Koichi; Terakawa, Jumpei; Daikoku, Takiko; Wise-Draper, Trisha; Majd, Nazanin; Kofuji, Kaori; Sasaki, Mika; Mori, Masaru; Kanemura, Yonehiro; Smith, Eric P; Anastasiou, Dimitrios; Wakimoto, Hiroaki; Holland, Eric C; Yong, William H; Horbinski, Craig; Nakano, Ichiro; DeBerardinis, Ralph J; Bachoo, Robert M; Mischel, Paul S; Yasui, Wataru; Suematsu, Makoto; Saya, Hideyuki; Soga, Tomoyoshi; Grummt, Ingrid; Bierhoff, Holger; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2019. ) IMP dehydrogenase-2 drives aberrant nucleolar activity and promotes tumorigenesis in glioblastoma.Nature cell biology, , 21 (8 ) ,1003-1014 More Information
Naffouje, Rand; Grover, Punita; Yu, Hongyang; Sendilnathan, Arun; Wolfe, Kara; Majd, Nazanin; Smith, Eric P; Takeuchi, Koh; Senda, Toshiya; Kofuji, Satoshi; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2019. ) Anti-Tumor Potential of IMP Dehydrogenase Inhibitors: A Century-Long Story.Cancers, , 11 (9 ) , More Information
Manz, Theresa D; Sivakumaren, Sindhu C; Yasgar, Adam; Hall, Matthew D; Davis, Mindy I; Seo, Hyuk-Soo; Card, Joseph D; Ficarro, Scott B; Shim, Hyeseok; Marto, Jarrod A; Dhe-Paganon, Sirano; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Boxer, Matthew B; Simeonov, Anton; Cantley, Lewis C; Shen, Min; Zhang, Tinghu; Ferguson, Fleur M; Gray, Nathanael S (2020. ) Structure-Activity Relationship Study of Covalent Pan-phosphatidylinositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinase Inhibitors.ACS medicinal chemistry letters, , 11 (3 ) ,346-352 More Information
Manz T.D.;Sivakumaren S.C.;Yasgar A.;Hall M.D.;Davis M.I.;Seo H.S.;Card J.D.;Ficarro S.B.;Shim H.;Marto J.A.;Dhe-Paganon S.;Sasaki A.T.;Boxer M.B.;Simeonov A.;Cantley L.C.;Shen M.;Zhang T.;Ferguson F.M.;Gray N.S. (03-12-2020. ) Structure-Activity Relationship Study of Covalent Pan-phosphatidylinositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinase Inhi.ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, , 11 (3 ) ,346-352 More Information
Naffouje R.;Grover P.;Yu H.;Sendilnathan A.;Wolfe K.;Majd N.;Smith E.P.;Takeuchi K.;Senda T.;Kofuji S.;Sasaki A.T. (09-01-2019. ) Anti-tumor potential of IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors: A century-long story.Cancers, , 11 (9 ) , More Information
Yoshino H.;Yin G.;Kawaguchi R.;Popov K.I.;Temple B.;Sasaki M.;Kofuji S.;Wolfe K.;Kofuji K.;Okumura K.;Randhawa J.;Malhotra A.;Majd N.;Ikeda Y.;Shimada H.;Kahoud E.R.;Haviv S.;Iwase S.;Asara J.M.;Campbell S.L.;Sasaki A.T. (01-01-2019. ) Erratum: Identification of lysine methylation in the core GTPase domain by GoMADScan (PLoS ONE (2019.PLoS ONE, , 14 (10 ) , More Information
Han D.;Sasaki M.;Yoshino H.;Kofuji S.;Sasaki A.;Steckl A. (08-01-2017. ) In-vitro evaluation of MPA-loaded electrospun coaxial fiber membranes for local treatment of gliobla.Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, , 40 ,45-50 More Information
Kim S.M.;Roy S.G.;Chen B.;Nguyen T.M.;McMonigle R.J.;McCracken A.N.;Zhang Y.;Kofuji S.;Hou J.;Selwan E.;Finicle B.T.;Nguyen T.T.;Ravi A.;Ramirez M.U.;Wiher T.;Guenther G.G.;Kono M.;Sasaki A.T.;Weisman L.S.;Potma E.O.;Tromberg B.J.;Edwards R.A.;Hanessian S.;Edinger A.L. (11-01-2016. ) Targeting cancer metabolism by simultaneously disrupting parallel nutrient access pathways.Journal of Clinical Investigation, , 126 (11 ) ,4088-4102 More Information
Senda M.;Hayashi T.;Hatakeyama M.;Takeuchi K.;Sasaki A.T.;Senda T. (03-02-2016. ) Use of Multiple Cryoprotectants to Improve Diffraction Quality from Protein Crystals.Crystal Growth and Design, , 16 (3 ) ,1565-1571 More Information
Baker R.;Wilkerson E.;Sumita K.;Isom D.;Sasaki A.;Dohlman H.;Campbell S. (12-27-2013. ) Differences in the regulation of K-Ras and H-Ras isoforms by monoubiquitination.Journal of Biological Chemistry, , 288 (52 ) ,36856-36862 More Information
Emerling B.M.;Hurov J.B.;Poulogiannis G.;Tsukazawa K.S.;Choo-Wing R.;Wulf G.M.;Bell E.L.;Shim H.S.;Lamia K.A.;Rameh L.E.;Bellinger G.;Sasaki A.T.;Asara J.M.;Yuan X.;Bullock A.;Denicola G.M.;Song J.;Brown V.;Signoretti S.;Cantley L.C. (11-07-2013. ) XDepletion of a putatively druggable class of phosphatidylinositol kinases inhibits growth of p53-Nu.Cell, , 155 (4 ) ,844 More Information
Davis M.I.;Sasaki A.T.;Shen M.;Emerling B.M.;Thorne N.;Michael S.;Pragani R.;Boxer M.;Sumita K.;Takeuchi K.;Auld D.S.;Li Z.;Cantley L.C.;Simeonov A. (01-17-2013. ) A Homogeneous, High-Throughput Assay for Phosphatidylinositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinase with a Novel, Rap.PLoS ONE, , 8 (1 ) , More Information
Baker R.;Lewis S.M.;Sasaki A.T.;Wilkerson E.M.;Locasale J.W.;Cantley L.C.;Kuhlman B.;Dohlman H.G.;Campbell S.L. (01-01-2013. ) Site-specific monoubiquitination activates Ras by impeding GTPase-activating protein function.Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, , 20 (1 ) ,46-52 More Information
Fujimura K.;Sasaki A.;Anderson P. (09-01-2012. ) Selenite targets eIF4E-binding protein-1 to inhibit translation initiation and induce the assembly o.Nucleic Acids Research, , 40 (16 ) ,8099-8110 More Information
Hanai J.;Doro N.;Sasaki A.;Kobayashi S.;Cantley L.;Seth P.;Sukhatme V. (04-01-2012. ) Inhibition of lung cancer growth: ATP citrate lyase knockdown and statin treatment leads to dual blo.Journal of Cellular Physiology, , 227 (4 ) ,1709-1720 More Information
Garcia-Cao I.;Song M.S.;Hobbs R.M.;Laurent G.;Giorgi C.;De Boer V.C.J.;Anastasiou D.;Ito K.;Sasaki A.T.;Rameh L.;Carracedo A.;Vander Heiden M.G.;Cantley L.C.;Pinton P.;Haigis M.C.;Pandolfi P.P. (03-30-2012. ) Systemic elevation of PTEN induces a tumor-suppressive metabolic state.Cell, , 149 (1 ) ,49-62 More Information
Anastasiou D.;Poulogiannis G.;Asara J.;Boxer M.;Jiang J.;Shen M.;Bellinger G.;Sasaki A.;Locasale J.;Auld D.;Thomas C.;Vander Heiden M.;Cantley L. (12-02-2011. ) Inhibition of pyruvate kinase M2 by reactive oxygen species contributes to cellular antioxidant resp.Science, , 334 (6060 ) ,1278-1283 More Information
Locasale J.W.;Grassian A.R.;Melman T.;Lyssiotis C.A.;Mattaini K.R.;Bass A.J.;Heffron G.;Metallo C.M.;Muranen T.;Sharfi H.;Sasaki A.T.;Anastasiou D.;Mullarky E.;Vokes N.I.;Sasaki M.;Beroukhim R.;Stephanopoulos G.;Ligon A.H.;Meyerson M.;Richardson A.L.;Chin L.;Wagner G.;Asara J.M.;Brugge J.S.;Cantley L.C.;Vander Heiden M.G. (09-01-2011. ) Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase diverts glycolytic flux and contributes to oncogenesis.Nature Genetics, , 43 (9 ) ,869-874 More Information
Wang X.S.;Shankar S.;Dhanasekaran S.M.;Ateeq B.;Sasaki A.T.;Jing X.;Robinson D.;Cao Q.;Prensner J.R.;Yocum A.K.;Wang R.;Fries D.F.;Han B.;Asangani I.A.;Cao X.;Li Y.;Omenn G.S.;Pflueger D.;Gopalan A.;Reuter V.E.;Kahoud E.R.;Cantley L.C.;Rubin M.A.;Palanisamy N.;Varambally S.;Chinnaiyan A.M. (06-01-2011. ) Characterization of KRAS rearrangements in metastatic prostate cancer.Cancer Discovery, , 1 (1 ) ,35-43 More Information
Tsou P.;Zheng B.;Hsu C.;Sasaki A.;Cantley L. (04-06-2011. ) A fluorescent reporter of AMPK activity and cellular energy stress.Cell Metabolism, , 13 (4 ) ,476-486 More Information
Sasaki A.T.;Carracedo A.;Locasale J.W.;Anastasiou D.;Takeuchi K.;Kahoud E.R.;Haviv S.;Asara J.M.;Pandolfi P.P.;Cantley L.C. (03-08-2011. ) Ubiquitination of K-Ras enhances activation and facilitates binding to select downstream effectors.Science Signaling, , 4 (163 ) , More Information
Charest P.G.;Shen Z.;Lakoduk A.;Sasaki A.T.;Briggs S.P.;Firtel R.A. (05-01-2010. ) A ras signaling complex controls the RasC-TORC2 pathway and directed cell migration.Developmental Cell, , 18 (5 ) ,737-749 More Information
Sasaki A.T.;Firtel R.A. (01-01-2009. ) Spatiotemporal regulation of Ras-GTPases during chemotaxis. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), , 571 ,333-348
Carracedo A.;Ma L.;Teruya-Feldstein J.;Rojo F.;Salmena L.;Alimonti A.;Egia A.;Sasaki A.;Thomas G.;Kozma S.;Papa A.;Nardella C.;Cantley L.;Baselga J.;Pandolfi P. (09-02-2008. ) Inhibition of mTORC1 leads to MAPK pathway activation through a PI3K-dependent feedback loop in huma.Journal of Clinical Investigation, , 118 (9 ) ,3065-3074 More Information
Sasaki A.T.;Janetopoulos C.;Lee S.;Charest P.G.;Takeda K.;Sundheimer L.W.;Meili R.;Devreotes P.N.;Firtel R.A. (07-16-2007. ) G protein-independent Ras/PI3K/F-actin circuit regulates basic cell motility.Journal of Cell Biology, , 178 (2 ) ,185-191 More Information
Takeda K.;Sasaki A.T.;Ha H.;Seung H.A.;Firtel R.A. (04-20-2007. ) Role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases in chemotaxis in Dictyostelium.Journal of Biological Chemistry, , 282 (16 ) ,11874-11884 More Information
Sasaki A.T.;Firtel R.A. (09-27-2006. ) Regulation of chemotaxis by the orchestrated activation of Ras, PI3K, and TOR.European Journal of Cell Biology, , 85 (9-10 ) ,873-895 More Information
Sasaki A.;Firtel R. (12-01-2005. ) Finding the way: Directional sensing and cell polarization through Ras signalling .Novartis Foundation Symposium, , 269 ,73-87
Lee S.;Comer F.;Sasaki A.;McLeod I.;Duong Y.;Okumura K.;Yates J.;Parent C.;Firtel R. (10-01-2005. ) TOR complex 2 integrates cell movement during chemotaxis and signal relay in Dictyostelium.Molecular Biology of the Cell, , 16 (10 ) ,4572-4583 More Information
Meili R.;Sasaki A.;Firtel R. (04-01-2005. ) Rho rocks PTEN.Nature Cell Biology, , 7 (4 ) ,334-335 More Information
Sasaki A.;Chun C.;Takeda K.;Firtel R. (11-08-2004. ) Localized Ras signaling at the leading edge regulates PI3K, cell polarity, and directional cell move.Journal of Cell Biology, , 167 (3 ) ,505-518 More Information
Kopra, Kari; Mahran, Randa; Yli-Hollo, Titta; Tabata, Sho; Vuorinen, Emmiliisa; Fujii, Yuki; Vuorinen, Iida; Ogawa-Iio, Aki; Hirayama, Akiyoshi; Soga, Tomoyoshi; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Härmä, Harri (2023. ) Homogeneous luminescent quantitation of cellular guanosine and adenosine triphosphates (GTP and ATP) using QT-LucGTP&ATP assay.Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, , 415 (27 ) ,6689-6700 More Information
Ikeda, Yoshiki; Davis, Mindy I; Sumita, Kazutaka; Zheng, Yuxiang; Kofuji, Satoshi; Sasaki, Mika; Hirota, Yoshihisa; Pragani, Rajan; Shen, Min; Boxer, Matthew B; Takeuchi, Koh; Senda, Toshiya; Simeonov, Anton; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2023. ) Multimodal action of KRP203 on phosphoinositide kinases in vitro and in cells.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 679 ,116-121 More Information
Takeuchi, Koh; Senda, Miki; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Okuwaki, Koji; Fukuzawa, Kaori; Nakagawa, So; Sasaki, Mika; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Senda, Toshiya (2023. ) Functional molecular evolution of a GTP sensing kinase: PI5P4Kβ.The FEBS journal, , 290 (18 ) ,4419-4428 More Information
Nakata, Satoshi; Murai, Junko; Okada, Masayasu; Takahashi, Haruhiko; Findlay, Tyler H; Malebranche, Kristen; Parthasarathy, Akhila; Miyashita, Satoshi; Gabdulkhaev, Ramil; Benkimoun, Ilan; Druillennec, Sabine; Chabi, Sara; Hawkins, Eleanor; Miyahara, Hiroaki; Tateishi, Kensuke; Yamashita, Shinji; Yamada, Shiori; Saito, Taiki; On, Jotaro; Watanabe, Jun; Tsukamoto, Yoshihiro; Yoshimura, Junichi; Oishi, Makoto; Nakano, Toshimichi; Imamura, Masaru; Imai, Chihaya; Yamamoto, Tetsuya; Takeshima, Hideo; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Rodriguez, Fausto J; Nobusawa, Sumihito; Varlet, Pascale; Pouponnot, Celio; Osuka, Satoru; Pommier, Yves; Kakita, Akiyoshi; Fujii, Yukihiko; Raabe, Eric H; Eberhart, Charles G; Natsumeda, Manabu (2023. ) Epigenetic upregulation of Schlafen11 renders WNT- and SHH-activated medulloblastomas sensitive to cisplatin.Neuro-oncology, , 25 (5 ) ,899-912 More Information
Liu, Xiaoxiao; Sato, Naru; Yabushita, Tomohiro; Li, Jingmei; Jia, Yuhan; Tamura, Moe; Asada, Shuhei; Fujino, Takeshi; Fukushima, Tsuyoshi; Yonezawa, Taishi; Tanaka, Yosuke; Fukuyama, Tomofusa; Tsuchiya, Akiho; Shikata, Shiori; Iwamura, Hiroyuki; Kinouchi, Chieko; Komatsu, Kensuke; Yamasaki, Satoshi; Shibata, Tatsuhiro; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Schibler, Janet; Wunderlich, Mark; O'Brien, Eric; Mizukawa, Benjamin; Mulloy, James C; Sugiura, Yuki; Takizawa, Hitoshi; Shibata, Takuma; Miyake, Kensuke; Kitamura, Toshio; Goyama, Susumu (2023. ) IMPDH inhibition activates TLR-VCAM1 pathway and suppresses the development of MLL-fusion leukemia.EMBO molecular medicine, , 15 (1 ) ,e15631 More Information
Osaka, Natsuski; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2022. ) Beyond Warburg: LDHA activates RAC for tumour growth.Nature metabolism, , 4 (12 ) ,1623-1625 More Information
Takeuchi, Koh; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Senda, Miki; Harada, Ayaka; Okuwaki, Koji; Fukuzawa, Kaori; Nakagawa, So; Yu, Hong Yang; Nagase, Lisa; Imai, Misaki; Sasaki, Mika; Lo, Yu-Hua; Ito, Doshun; Osaka, Natsuki; Fujii, Yuki; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Senda, Toshiya (2022. ) The GTP responsiveness of PI5P4Kβ evolved from a compromised trade-off between activity and specificity.Structure (London, England : 1993), , 30 (6 ) ,886-899.e4 More Information
Ikeda, Yoshiki; Hirayama, Akiyoshi; Kofuji, Satoshi; Hirota, Yoshihisa; Kamata, Ryo; Osaka, Natsuki; Fujii, Yuki; Sasaki, Mika; Ikeda, Satsuki; Smith, Eric P; Bachoo, Robert; Soga, Tomoyoshi; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2022. ) SI-MOIRAI: a new method to identify and quantify the metabolic fate of nucleotides.Journal of biochemistry, , 170 (6 ) ,699-711 More Information
Warren, Mikako; Mitsinikos, Tania; Yanni, George; Sasaki, Mika; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Thomas, Dan (2021. ) Mycophenolate Mofetil Hepatotoxicity Associated With Mitochondrial Abnormality in Liver Transplant Recipients and Mice.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, , 73 (4 ) ,463-470 More Information
Osaka, Natsuki; Hirota, Yoshihisa; Ito, Doshun; Ikeda, Yoshiki; Kamata, Ryo; Fujii, Yuki; Chirasani, Venkat R; Campbell, Sharon L; Takeuchi, Koh; Senda, Toshiya; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2021. ) Divergent Mechanisms Activating RAS and Small GTPases Through Post-translational Modification.Frontiers in molecular biosciences, , 8 ,707439 More Information
Takashima, Tsuyoshi; Taniyama, Daiki; Sakamoto, Naoya; Yasumoto, Maika; Asai, Ryuichi; Hattori, Takuya; Honma, Ririno; Thang, Pham Quoc; Ukai, Shoichi; Maruyama, Ryota; Harada, Kenji; Kuraoka, Kazuya; Tanabe, Kazuaki; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Ohdan, Hideki; Morii, Eiichi; Murai, Junko; Yasui, Wataru (2021. ) Schlafen 11 predicts response to platinum-based chemotherapy in gastric cancers.British journal of cancer, , 125 (1 ) ,65-77 More Information
Nakasuka, Fumie; Tabata, Sho; Sakamoto, Takeharu; Hirayama, Akiyoshi; Ebi, Hiromichi; Yamada, Tadaaki; Umetsu, Ko; Ohishi, Maki; Ueno, Ayano; Goto, Hisatsugu; Sugimoto, Masahiro; Nishioka, Yasuhiko; Yamada, Yasuhiro; Tomita, Masaru; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Yano, Seiji; Soga, Tomoyoshi (2021. ) TGF-β-dependent reprogramming of amino acid metabolism induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in non-small cell lung cancers.Communications biology, , 4 (1 ) ,782 More Information
Koehler, Abigail; Karve, Aniruddha; Desai, Pankaj; Arbiser, Jack; Plas, David R; Qi, Xiaoyang; Read, Renee D; Sasaki, Atsuo T; Gawali, Vaibhavkumar S; Toukam, Donatien K; Bhattacharya, Debanjan; Kallay, Laura; Pomeranz Krummel, Daniel A; Sengupta, Soma (2021. ) Reuse of Molecules for Glioblastoma Therapy.Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland), , 14 (2 ) , More Information
Wolfe, Kara; Kamata, Ryo; Coutinho, Kester; Inoue, Takanari; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2020. ) Metabolic Compartmentalization at the Leading Edge of Metastatic Cancer Cells.Frontiers in oncology, , 10 ,554272 More Information
Kofuji, Satoshi; Sasaki, Atsuo T (2020. ) GTP metabolic reprogramming by IMPDH2: unlocking cancer cells' fuelling mechanism.Journal of biochemistry, , 168 (4 ) ,319-328 More Information
Book Chapter
Sasaki AT (2012 ) How mTORC1 tastes animo acid, leucine. JIKKEN-IGAKU, (Experimental Medicine) .
Sasaki AT, Firtel RA. Spatiotemporal Regulation of Ras-GTPases during chemotaxis, Methods, Mol. Bol. 2009:571 .(pp. 333-348)).
Sasaki AT, Firtel RA. Regulation of chemotaxis by the orchestrated activation of Ras, PI3K, and TOR. Eur. J. Cell Biol.2006;85(9-10) .(pp. 873-95)).
Sasaki AT, Firtei RA. Mechanism of directional sensing and leading edge formation during chemotaxis JIKKEN-IGAKU, (Experimental Medicine) 2006;24: .(pp. 1930-1936)).
Meili R, Sasaki AT, Firtel RA. Rho Rocks PTEN Nat Cell Biol. 2005;7(4): .(pp. 334-335)).
Sasaki AT, Firtel RA. Finding the way: directional sensing and cell polarization through Ras signalling. Novartis Found Symp. 2005;269: .(pp. 73-87)).
SasakiA, Taketomi T, Kato R, Seaki K, Nonami A, Sasaki M, Kuriyama M, Saito N. Shibuya M, Yoshimura A. Mammalian Sprouty4 suppresses Ras-independent ERK activation by binding to Raf1 Cell Cycle. 2003;2(4): .(pp. 281-282)).
Sasaki A, Endo T, Yoshimura A. Analysis of tyrosine kinase signaling by yeast Tri-hybrid system JIKKEN-IGAKU, (Experimental Medicine): Close Up the Methods. 2002; .(pp. 125-129)).
Wakioka T, Sasaki A, Kato R, Yoshimura A. Spred and Spouty, negative feed-back regulators for the Ras/MAP kinase pathway JIKKEN-IGAKU, (Experimental Medicine) 2001; 19: .(pp. 2194-2197)).
Wakioka T, Sasaki A, Kato R, Yoshimura A. Spred and Sprouty, negative feed-back regulators for the Ras/MAP kinase pathway SAIBO-KOGAKU (Cell Biology) 2001;20: .(pp. 1328-1330)).
Endo T, Sasaki A, Yoshimura, A. Application of yeast Tri-hybrid system Cellular Molecular Medicine 200; 1: .(pp. 282-285)).
Yasukawa H, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A. Negative regulation of cytokine signaling pathways. Annu Rev Immunol. 2000;18: (pp. 143-64)).
Sasaki A, Endo T, Yoshimura A. Analysis of tyrosin kinase signaling by yeast Tri-hybrid system JIKKEN-IGAKU, (Experimental Medicine) 1999;17: .(pp. 2579-2583)).
Yoshimura A, Sasaki A, Kinjyo I, Suzuki A. Mechanisms of Negative regulation of Cytokine Signaling SAISHIN IGAKU 1999;54: .(pp. 166-177)).
Sakamoto H, Suzuki R, Yasukawa H, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A. RINSHO MENEKI 1998;30: .(pp. 478-486)).
Sakamoto H, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A. Regulation of cytokine signaling by CIS family JIKKEN-IGAKU, (Experimental Medicine) 1998; 16: .(pp. 472-479)).
Honors and Awards
2006 -2012 Genentech Foundation Fellowship
2004 -2006 Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship to Study Abroad
2001 -2004 Japan Society for Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Postdoc
1999 -2001 Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship for Ph.D. student
2001 Best Presentation award: General Promotioin of Cancer Research
Professional Affiliation
Associated member of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
Associated member of American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB)
Associated member of American Heart Association (AHA)
Adjunct member of American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Section on Tumors
Other Information
Link to Atsuo Sasaki, Ph.D. lab's webpage: http://www.thesasakilab.org/
Contact Information
Academic - Vontz Center for Molecular Studies
3125 Eden Avenue, Room 2112
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-5611
Fax: 513-558-6703