Mbani Sayi

Mbani Thoutou Sayi

Asst Professor - Adj Ann

French Hall


A&S Mathematical Sciences Adjuncts - 0025


PhD: University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa., 2020 (Mathematics.)

MSc: University of Cape Town. Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa., 2008 (Mathematical Statistics. )


Other Publications

Justin B. Munyakazi, Kailash C. Patidar, Mbani T. Sayi (2019. ) A robust fitted operator finite difference method for singularly perturbed problems whose solution has an interior layer. Elsivier, 160 ,155-167 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

Justin B. Munyakazi, Kailash B. Patidar, Mbani T. Sayi (2019. ) A fitted numerical method for parabolic turning point singularly perturbed problems with an interior layer .Numerical Method for Partial Differential Equations, 35 (6 ) ,1945-2422 Numerical Method for Partial Differential Equations

S.M. Thoutou, R. Guo, T. Dunne. (2007. ) The average run length of Shewhart style control chart under normal fuzzy random environments with trapezoidal membership function .IEEE International Conference, Engineering, Mathematics

S. M. Thoutou, R. Guo. (2007. ) Economic design for random fuzzy variable quality control charts .Inproceedings of the 5th international conference on Quality and Reliability,