Vernon L. Scarborough
Charles P. Taft Professor and Distinguished Research Professor
Professional Summary
Vernon L. Scarborough is a Distinguished University Research Professor and a Charles Phelps Taft Professor in Anthropology at the University of Cincinnati. His topical interests remain settlement, land use, and water management in the context of the archaic state. By examining ancient engineered water systems and landscapes, he addresses societal sustainability issues from a comparative ecological perspective. To achieve this end, he has emphasized cross-disciplinary exchange and international fieldwork. He has taught and conducted fieldwork at the University of Khartoum, Sudan (postdoctoral exchange with Southern Methodist University—1981-82), the University of Peshawar, Pakistan (Fulbright Fellowship 1986), and the University of Texas at El Paso (1982-1986). In addition to ongoing land use and water management studies in Belize and Guatemala, he has worked in the Argolid, Greece (1994) and Bali, Indonesia (1998). He has been directly funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Geographic Society, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation (Balinese support) in addition to several grants from the Taft Foundation Fund and the University of Cincinnati. He received a Weatherhead Fellowship (1995-95) and two Summer Resident Scholarships (1996, 2000) from the School of American Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 2004, he was awarded the All-University Faculty Rieveschl Award for Creative and Scholarly Works from the University of Cincinnati. Most recently he received a Taft Center Fellowship for the academic year 2006-07. He has published 7 books and over 70 book chapters and journal articles. He is currently editing the volume Water and Humanity: A Historical Overview for UNESCO, a major initiative of their International Hydrological Program (Delft). He is also a member of the Scientific Steering Committee with IHOPE (Integrated History for the Future of the People of Earth—an effort of the IGBP—International Geosphere and Biosphere Programme and the Stockholm Resilience Center) for both the global (Berlin meeting) and the regional Asia (Akita, Japan) and Americas (Santa Fe) initiatives. Since 1992, he has been co-director of the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project, a large, annually active, research project in northwestern Belize. For more information on Programme for Belize follow link: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/%7Emarl/pfbap.htm
PhD: S Methodist U 1980
Research and Practice Interests
Water management, nonindustrial complex society, archaeology, ancient landscapes, tropical ecology, anthropological assessments of economy, resilience, and sustainability
Positions and Work Experience
2010 -To Present Charles Phelps Taft Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2010 -To Present Distinguished Research Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2008 -2010 Head of Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2006 - Co-director with Fred Valdez, Jr. (University of Texas at Austin) (since 2000), Spring. Ancient Maya Water Systems and Landscapes. Programme for Belize, Northwestern Belize. , Three Rivers Archaeological Project , Belize and Guatemala, Central America
2004 - Co-director with Fred Valdez, Jr. (University of Texas at Austin) (since 2000), Summer—two-week season. Ancient Maya Water Systems and Landscapes. Programme for Belize, Northwestern Belize., Three Rivers Archaeological Project , Belize, Central America
2001 - Co-director with Fred Valdez, Jr. (University of Texas at Austin) (since 2000), Spring-- one-week pilot season. Ancient Maya Water Systems and Landscapes. Programme for Belize, Northwestern Belize., Three Rivers Archaeological Project , Belize, Central America
1999 -To Present Professor of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
1997 -1998 Principal Investigator with Drs. Nicholas Dunning (UC) and Fred Valdez, Jr. (University of Texas at Austin), Spring Quarters for both years. Ancient Maya Water and Land Management. Programme for Belize, Northwestern Belize., Belize, Central America
1997 - Principal Investigator with Dr. Stephen Lansing (University of Michigan), Summer --six-week season. Ancient Balinese Water Management. Sebatu (Gunung Kawi), Bali, Indonesia
1995 - Co-director with Dr. Sam Sherrill (UC-DAAP), with supplemental support from Dr. Stephen Lansing (University of Michigan), Summer-- two-week pilot season. Water Management and Planning at the Ancient Maya City of La Milpa, Belize: A Computer Simulation Project . , Belize
1994 - Surveyor for Dr. Gisela Walberg (Director--UC—Classics Department), Summer--six-week season. Late Bronze Age Water Management., Midea Archaeological Project, Argolid, Greece
1994 - Director, Spring--one-week reconnaissance. , Ancient Maya Water Management Project, Belize
1992 - Director, Spring Quarter., Ancient Maya Water Management Project, Belize
1992 -1999 Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
1991 - Director, Spring Quarter. , Ancient Maya Water Management Project, Guatemala
1990 - Surveyor for Drs. Fred Valdez (University of Texas) and Leslie Shaw (Andover Foundation for Archaeological Research), Co directors, Summer--three-week season. , Kichpanha Archaeological Project, Belize
1988 -1992 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
1987 -1988 Co director with Thomas O'Laughlin (University of Texas at El Paso), Survey and Major Excavation Program in the Hueco Bolson. , University of Texas at El Paso/Texas Highway Department, Texas
1986 - Investigator, Summer Semester--part-time. Ancient Pakistani Water Systems Reconnaissance., University of Peshawar/Fulbright Program, Pakistan
1986 -1987 Instructor of Anthropology, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas
1986 - Fulbright Lecturer of Archaeology, Full-time during winter semester and a portion of summer semester 1986, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
1983 - Instructor of Anthropology , One week for U. of Alabama and UT at El Paso Center for Inter-American and Border Studies during the summer, University of Alabama and the University of Texas at El Paso, Yucatan, Mexico
1983 - Director of Archaeological Field School, Three-week session during the summer, University of Texas at El Paso, Texas
1983 -1985 Director, Fort Bliss , Meyer Pithouse Project, El Paso, Texas
1982 - Director, Spring--two-week reconnasissance. Jebel Marra Archaeological Project., University of Khartoum, Sudan
1982 - Director of Archaeological Field School , Two-week session during spring, University of Khartoum, Sudan
1982 -1983 Lecturer of Anthropology, University of Texas at El Paso, Texas
1981 -1982 Lecturer of Archaeology , Full-time, University of Khartoum, Sudan
1981 - Surveyor for Dr. Anthony Marks (Director--SMU), Winter--three-week season. Butana Archaeological Project. , University of Khartoum/Southern Methodist University, Sudan
1981 - Field Director with Dr. David Freidel (Overall Director--SMU), Spring Semester. Cerros Archaeological Project. , Southern Methodist University, Belize
1980 - Instructor in Archaeological Field Methods, Summer semester, Southern Methodist University and Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos, New Mexico
1979 - Surveyor for Dr. Anne Woosley (Director--SMU), Summer Semester. Pot Creek Pueblo Archaeological Project. , Southern Methodist University at New Mexico; Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos, New Mexico
1976 -1977 Laboratory archaeologist, Fall and Spring Semesters--part-time. Archaeological Research Program, Lake Fork Archaeological Project. , Southern Methodist University , Texas
1976 -1979 Surveyor for Dr. David Freidel (Principle Investigator--SMU) , Summer Semester 1976; Summer Semester 1977; Spring and Summer Semesters 1978; Spring Semester 1979. Cerros Archaeological Project. , Southern Methodist University, Belize
1975 - Research archaeologist, Fall Semester--part-time. Archaeological Research Program, Nambe Falls Archaeological Project. , Southern Methodist University, New Mexico
1975 - Archaeologist, Summer--two-month season. Archaeological Survey. , Bureau of Land Management , Boulder, Montana
1975 - Excavator , Spring--two-week period. Puerco River Archaeological Project. Dr. Cynthia Irwin Williams (Principle Investigator--ENMU). , Eastern New Mexico University, New Mexico
1974 - Archaeologist, Summer--two-month season. Site Inventory in southwestern Montana. , Bureau of Land Management, Dillon, Montana
1973 - Excavator and Laboratory assistant, Summer Quarter--full-time; Fall Quarter--part-time. Dirty Shame Rock Shelter Archaeological Project. Dr. Melvin Aikens (Principle Investigator--UO). , University of Oregon, Oregon
1970 - Student excavator, Summer Quarter. Kalapuya Site. Dr. Melvin Aikens (Director--UO). , University of Oregon , Oregon
Research Support
Investigators:Scarborough, V. L. 2009 Chair and Grant recipient for seminar in support for "IHOPE-Maya: Tropical sustainability from an Ancient context" at the School of American Research, Santa Fe
Investigators:Scarborough, V. L. 2009 Alphawood In support of "Water Management and Agroforestry at Tikal, Guatamala." $93, 094 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough V. L. 2008 Unesco Editing support for "The UNESCO Water Project". $6000
Investigators:Scarborough, V. L, co-investigator with David Lentz and Nicholas Dunning. 2008 Wenner-Glen Foundation Anthropological Research $24,973 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V. L., co-principal investigator with David Lentz and Nicholas Dunning. 2008 National Science Foundation $249,276 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2007 UNESCO $8000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2006 -2007 Taft Research Center Fellowship academic leave Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2004 Taft Competitive Faculty $8000 Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2004 All-University Faculty Rieveschl Award For Creative and Scholarly Works $2000
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2003 Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund Publication Subvention $5000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2002 Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund Publication Subvention $5000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 2000 School of American Research Summer Resident Scholar
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L., Dunning, N. 1997 -1998 National Science Foundation Grant Role:PI with Nicholas Dunning--UC-Geography as Co-PI $250,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1997 -1998 Wenner-Gren Foundation Anthropological Research $14,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1997 -1998 University Research Council Faculty Research Grant from the University of Cincinnati $5,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1996 Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund Sabbatical Research $12,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1996 School of American Research Summer Resident Scholar supported partially by sabbatical leave from the University of Cincinnati
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1995 School of American Research Summer Resident Scholar supported partially by the Taft Memorial Fund--1995 grant entry
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1995 The University of Cincinnati Social Science Funding Program $7,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. & Dr. Sam Sherrill--C-DAAP 1995 The Office of the President at the University of Cincinnati University Support for Faculty Development $4,800 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1995 Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund Summer $4,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1994 -1995 School of American Research Resident Scholar Program Weatherhead $30,000 Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1992 Competitive Taft Faculty $15,000 Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1991 National Geographic Society with matching funds from National Endowment for the Humanities $15,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1990 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship from the University of Cincinnati $3,500 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1990 University Research Council Faculty Research Grant from the University of Cincinnati $8,100 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1990 Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund $900 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1988 Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund $2,200 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1986 Senior Fulbright Research/Lecturer Fellowship to the Department of Archaeology approximately $20,000 Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1985 Funded by the Arizona State Museum and the University of Arizona, Tucson $10,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1982 University of Khartoum Research $2,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1979 National Science Foundation dissertation improvement $8,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1977 Southern Methodist University, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man $3,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1975 Summer Internship with the Western Interstate Commission $5,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Scarborough, V.L. 1974 Summer Internship with the Western Interstate Commission $5,000 Type:Grant
Grant: #BCS-9631024 Investigators:Scarborough, Vernon 01-01-1997 -06-30-2000 National Science Foundation An Accretive Model of Land and Water Use for the Ancient Maya of Northwest Belize Role:PI $249,514.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005863 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 07-01-2008 -06-30-2009 Wenner-Gren Foundation Agroforestry and Water Management Practices of the Ancient Maya of Tikal Role:Collaborator $24,973.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #BCS-0810118 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 01-01-2009 -12-31-2013 National Science Foundation Ancient Maya Agroforestry and Water Management Systems at Tikal Role:Collaborator $171,693.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #URC Intersiciplinary Awards Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Scarborough, Vernon 04-01-2014 -03-31-2015 UC's University Research Council An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Climatic and Environmental Change In An Early Puebloan Society Role:PI $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #BCS-1642547 Investigators:Czaja, Andrew; Dunning, Nicholas; Hamilton, Trinity; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 09-01-2016 -08-31-2017 National Science Foundation Novel Molecular and Geochemical Analyses of Reservoir Sediments at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal Role:Collaborator $34,937.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #BCS-1632392 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 09-01-2016 -02-29-2020 National Science Foundation Long-Term Human Land, Forest, and Water Management in a Tropical Environment Role:Collaborator $231,563.00 Active Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Scarborough, V.L. and Lisa Lucero. 2011 “The Non-Hierarchical Development of Complexity in the Semitropics: Water and Cooperation”(invited). Water History 2(2):185-205.
Scarborough, V.L. Lisa Lucero and Joel Gunn. 2011 “Climate Change and Classic Maya Water Management. Special Issue, "Managing Water Resources and Development in a Changing Climate." Water 3, 479-494.
Scarborough, V.L. 1998. "Ecology and Ritual: Water Management and the Maya." Latin American Antiquity 8(2): 135-159.
Scarborough, V.L. 1994. "Mesoamerican Graffiti." The Sciences 34(2): 40-45.
Scarborough, V.L. 1992. "Flow of Power." The Sciences 32: 38-43.
Scarborough, V.L. 1992. "La Distribution de l'Eau dans l'Empire Maya." La Recherche 23: 924-926.
Scarborough, V.L., G. Gallopin. 1991."A Water Storage Adaptation in the Maya Lowlands." Science 251: 658-662.
Scarborough, V.L. 1989. "Site Structure of a Village of the Late Pithouse-Early Pueblo Period in New Mexico." Journal of Field Archaeology 16(4):405-425.
Scarborough, V.L. 1988. "Pakistani Water: 4500 Years of Manipulation." Focus 38(1):12-17.
Scarborough, V.L. 1988. "A Water Storage Adaption in the America Southwest." Journal of Anthropological Research 44(1): 21-40.
Scarborough, V.L. and R. Robertson. 1986. "Civic and Residential Settlement at a Late Preclassic Maya Center." Journal of Field Archaeology 13: 155-175.
Scarborough, V.L., B. Mitchum, H. Carr, and D. Freidel. 1982. "Two Preclassic Ballcourts at the Lowland Maya Center of Cerros, Northern Belize." Journal of Field Archaeology 9: 21-34.
In Press
Scarborough, V. L. and Fred Valdez. 2010. "The Prehistoric Maya of Northern Belize: Issues of Drought and Cultural Transformations." In the Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context, edited by G. Iannone. University Press of Colorado.
Book Chapter
Scarborough, V.L. and W. Burnside. 2010. "Global Change: Mapping Culture onto Climate." In Climate Crises in the Human Past, edited by Claudio Vita-Finzi and Robert Giegengack. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.
Scarborough, V.L. 2009. "Beyond Sustainability: Managed Wetlands and Water Harvesting in Ancient Mesoamerica" In "The Socio-Natural Connection: Integrating Archaeology and Environmental Studies.", edited by C.T. Fisher, J.B. Hill, and G.M. Feinman. University of Arizona Press.
Scarborough, VL. 2009. "Beyond Sustainability: Managed Wetlands and Water Harvesting in Ancient Mesoamerica." pp. 62-82 In The Archaeology of Environmental Change: Socionatural Legacies of Degradation and Resilience, edited by C. T. Fisher, J. B. Hill, and G. M. Feinman . University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Scarborough, V.L., C.L Redman, C.L. Crumley, F. Hassan, K.F. Hole, Morais, F. Riedel, J.A. Tainter, P. Turchin and Y. Yasuda. 2007. "Group Report: Millennial Perspective on the Dynamic Interaction of Climate, People, and Resources" pp. 115-148 in "Sustainablility or Collapse? Integrated History and of Future of People on Earth (IHOPE).", edited by R. Costanza, L. Graumlich, and W. Steffen. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Dahlem Workshop Report 96R. Junior Author
Scarborough, V.L. and J. Clark. 2007. "Introduction." pp. 1-10 in "The Political Economy of Ancient Mesoamerica: Transformations during the Formative and Classic Periods.", edited by V.L. Scarborough and J. Clark. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 2007. "The Rise and Fall of the Ancient Maya: A Case Study in Political Ecology" pp. 51-60 in "Sustainability or Collapse? Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE).", edited by R. Costanza, L. Gramlich and W. Steffen. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 2007. "Colonizing a Landscape: Water and Wetlands in Ancient Mesoamerica." pp. 163-174 in "The Political Economy of Ancient Mesoamerica: Transformations during the Formative and Classic Periods", edited by V.L. Scarborough and J. Clark. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Author 0826342981
Scarborough, V.L. 2006. "An Overview of Mesoamerican Water Systems." pp. 223-236 in "Precolumbian Water Management: Ideology, Ritual and Power", edited by B.L. Fash and L.J. Lucero. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 2006. "Intensification and the Political Economy: A Contextual Overview." pp. 401-418 in "Agricultural Strategies", edited by J. Marcus and C. Stanish. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA.
Scarborough, V.L., J.S. Lansing and J.W. Schoenfelder. 2006. "Rappaport's Rose: Structure, Agency, and Historical Contingency in Ecological Anthropology." pp. 325-358 in "Reimagining Political Ecology", edited by A. Biersack and J.B. Greenberg. Durham: Duke University Press. 978-0-8223-3685-3
Scarborough, V.L. 2005. "Landscapes of Power" pp. 209-228 in "A Catalyst for Ideas: Anthropological Archaeology and the Legacy of Douglas W. Schwartz." edited by V.L. Scarborough. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 2005. "Introduction." pp. 3-18 in "A Catalyst for Ideas: Anthropological Archaeology and the Legacy of Douglas W. Schwartz", edited by V.L. Scarborough. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
Scarborough, V.L., R.E.W. Adams, et al. 2004. "Programme for Belize Archaeological Project: A History of Archaeological Research." pp. 175-184 in Archaeological Investigations in the Eastern Maya Lowlands: Papers of the 2003 Belize Archaeology Symposium, edited by J. Awe, J. Morris, and S. Jones. Belmopan, Belize: Institute of Archaeology. Second Author.
Scarborough, V.L., F. Valdez. 2003. "The Engineered Environment and Political Economy of the Three Rivers Region." pp. 3-13 in "Heterarchy, Political Economy, and the Ancient Maya: The Three Rivers Region of the East-Central Yucatan Peninsula", edited by V.L. Scarborough et al. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 978-0816522736 Senior Author
Schreiber, Katharina and Josue Lancho Rojas. 2003. "Forward." pp. xv-xviii in "Irrigation and Society in the Peruvian Desert: The Puquios of Nasca". Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Scarborough, V.L., F. Valdez, and N. Dunning. 2003. "Introduction: Archaeological Research in the Three Rivers Region" pp. xiii-xx in "Heterarchy, Political Economy, and the Ancient Maya: The Three Rivers Region of the East-Central Yucatan Peninsula.", edited by V.L. Scarborough, et al. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Beach, Timothy, Sheryl Luzzadder Beach, Nicholas Dunning and V.L. Scarborough. 2003. "Depression Soils in the Lowland Tropics of Northwestern Belize: Anthropogenic and Natural Origins." pp. 139-174 in "Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface", edited by A. Gomez-Pompa, M.F. Allen, S.L. Fedick, and J.J. Jimenez-Osornio. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 2003. "Ballcourts and Reservoirs: The Social Construction of a Tropical Landscape." pp. 77-92 in "Maya Space: Representations, Uses and Beliefs.", edited by A. Breton, A. Monod Becquelin, and M.H. Ruz. Mexico: Centro de Estudios Mayas (UNAM)/CEMCA.
Scarborough, V.L. 2002. "Physical and Cultural Properties of Ancient Water Management." pp. 1-28 in "Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems", edited by D. Hardesty. Oxford, England: UNESCO.
Scarborough, V.L. 2001. "Hydrology." pp. 352-356 in "The Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: an Encyclopedia", edited by S. Evans and D. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing.
Scarborough, V.L. 2001. "Ballgame." pp. 67-71 in "The Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: an Encyclopedia", edited by S. Evans and D. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing.
Scarborough, V.L. 2000. "Resilience, Resource Use, and Socioeconomic Organization: A Mesoamerican Pathway." pp. 195-212 in "Natural Disaster and the Archaeology of Human Response", edited by G. Bawden and R. Reycraft. Albuquerque: Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and the University of New Mexico Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1996. "Reservoirs and Watersheds in the Central Maya Lowlands." pp. 304-314 in "The Managed Mosaic: Ancient Maya Agriculture and Resource Use", edited by S. Fedick. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1996. "Water, Power, and Organizational Planes." in "V Encuentro: Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya", edited by W. Folan. Campeche, Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Campeche.
Scarborough, V.L. 1994. "Water Management as a Function of Locational and Appropriational Movements and the Case of the Classic Maya of Tikal." pp. 105-121 in "From Political Economy to Anthropology: Situating Economic Life in Past Societies", edited by C.M. Duncan and D.W. Tandy. Montreal, Canada: Black Rose Books.
Scarborough, V.L. 1993. "Introduction." pp. 1-14 in "Economic Aspects of Water Management in the Prehispanic New World", edited by V.L. Scarborough and B.L. Isaac. Greenwich: JAI Press. From "Research in Economic Anthropology, Supplement 7."
Scarborough, V.L. 1993. "Water Management in the Southern Maya Lowlands: An Accretive Model for the Engineered Landscape." pp. 17-69 in "Economic Aspects of Water Management in the Prehispanic New World", edited by V.L. Scarborough and B.L. Isaac. Greenwich: JAI Press. From "Research in Economic Anthropology, Supplement 7"
Scarborough, V.L. 1992. "Ceramics, Sedentism, and Agricultural Dependency at a Late Pithouse-Early Pueblo Period Village." pp. 307-333 in "Research in Economic Anthropology, Supplement 6", edited by B.L. Isaac. Greenwich: JAI Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1991. "The Mesoamerican Ballgame." pp. 129-144 in "Courting the Maya Lowlands: A Study in Pre-Hispanic Ballgame Architecture", edited by V.L. Scarborough and D. Wilcox. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1991. "Water Management Adaptations in Non-Industrial Complex Societies: An Archaeological Perspective." pp. 101-154 in "Archaeological Method and Theory, Volume 3", edited by M.B. Schiffer. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1986. "The Dispersed Settlement." pp. 23-44 in "Archaeology at Cerros, Belize, Central America, Volume I", edited by R.A. Robertson and D.A. Freidel. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1986. "Mongollon Variability." pp. 271-284 in "Meyer Pithouse Village: A Preliminary Assessment", edited by C. Benson and S. Upham. Las Cruces, New Mexico: New Mexico State University, The University Museum, Occasional Papers, Num.
Scarborough, V.L. 1986. "Drainage Canal and Raised Field Excavations." pp. 75-88 in "Archaeology at Cerros, Belize, Central America, Volume I", edited by R.A. Robertson and D.A. Freidel. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press.
Scarborough, V.L. 1985. "Late Preclassic Northern Belize: Context and Interpretation." pp. 331-344 in "Status, Structure and Stratification: Current Archaeological Reconstructions, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Chacmool Conference", edited by M. Thompson, M.T. Garcia, and F.J. Kense. University of Calgary.
Scarborough, V.L. 1985. "The Anapra Pueblo Site." pp. 129-136 in "Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Jornada Mongollon Conference", edited by M.S. Foster and T.C. O'Laughlin. El Paso. "The Artifact", vol. 23, nos. 1 and 2
Scarborough, V.L. 1983. "Raised Field Detection at Cerros, Northern Belize." pp. 123-136 in "Drained Field Agriculture in Central and South America", edited by J.P. Darch. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
Scarborough, V.L. 1982. "Subsistence, Trade and Development of the Coastal Maya." pp. 131-151 in "Maya Subsistence: Studies in Memory of Dennis E. Puleston", edited by K.V. Flannery. New York: Academic Press.
Other Publication
Scarborough, V. L. 2009. "Future of Planet Earth: Seminar Proceedings". Sponsored by UNESCO/Man and Biosphere Programme and Foundation For the Future, Paris, France, published by Foundation for the Future, Seattle, WA.
Scarborough, V.L., Connolly, Robert., Ross, Steven. 2003. "Water Management at Kinal and Adjacent Sites." Ixcanrio Research Reports 1&2: The 1990-1991Seasons, edited by R.E.W Adams and F.Valdez, Jr., 340, 393. University of Texas at San Antonio
Scarborough, V.L. 2001. "Archaeologicqal Investigations of the Meyer Pithouse Village, Fort Bliss, Texas." 2, (Appendices), Appendix A and B. 2001S (edited by John A. Peterson). US Army Air Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss, Directorate of the Environment, Conservation Division, Fort Bliss, Texas
Scarborough, V.L. 2001. "Archaeological Investigations of the Meyer Pithouse Village, Fort Bliss, Texas." 1, Chapters 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18. 2001S (edited by John A. Peterson). U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center and Fort Bliss, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. 1994. "Water Management Studies at Midea and Adjacent Areas, Greece." Report submitted to Professor Gisela Walber and the Classics Department, University of Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L., Becher, M.E., Baker, J.L., Harris, G., Hensz, J.D. 1992. "Water Management Studies at La Milpa, Belize." 1992S Report submitted to National Geographic Society, Grant No.4595-91
Scarborough, V.L., Cliff, M.B., Baird, L., Garber, J.F. 1981. "Archaeology and History of Lake Ray Roberts, Vol.2, Testing of Sites Environmental Consultants, Inc. Dallas."
Scarborough, V.L. 1975. "Archaeological Survey in the Jefferson Planning Units of Jefferson County, Montana. WICHE, Boulder."
Scarborough, V.L. 1974. "Archaeologial and Historical Survey in the West Dillion and Tendoy Mountain Planning Units of Beaverhead County, Montana. WICHE, Boulder."
Invited Presentations
Scarborough, V. L. (2010. ) Presentation entitled, “Wetland Water Management: Past and Present." .Chair and presenter for the seminar “IHOPE-Maya: Tropical Sustainability from an Ancient Context” sponsored by the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Tempe and Integrated History (and Future) of the People on Earth (IHOPE). Conference. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2010. ) "The Cultural Impact of Past and Future Water Access: Through an Archaeological Looking Glass” . “Water: The Crisis Ahead” sponsored by the Foundation for the Future (FFF) , Seattle, WA. Workshop. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2010. ) Chair for the seminar and workshop “IHOPE-Maya: Tropical Sustainability from an Ancient Context” .sponsored by the Amerind Foundation, Dragoon, AZ. Conference. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2010. ) Scientific Steering Committee Member meeting for IHOPE (Integrated History of the People on Earth) and the Stockholm Resilience Center .sponsored by NCEAS (Nat’l Cntr for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis), Santa Barbara, CA. Professional Meeting. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2010. ) “The Wet and the Dry: Water Abundance and Ancient Social Complexity” .Water in the Ancient World, University of Pennsylvania Museum,, Philadelphia, PA. Conference. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2010. ) Presentation entitled, “Wetlands to Drylands: From Agricultural Origins to the Archaic State” .Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University,, Columbus OH. Professional Meeting. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2009. ) Chair and presenter for the seminar "IHOPE-Maya and Tropical Sustainability from an Ancient Context" .sponsored by the School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe.
Scarborough, V.L. (2009. ) Presentation entitled "The Self organizing Social Systems of Semitropical Societies" .for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cincinnati. UC. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2009. ) Presentation entitled, “Complexity and Sustainability from the Ancient Maya to the Living Balinese,” .for job talk at the Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin.. Professional Meeting. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2009. ) Panel discussion for the Integrated History (and Future) of the People on Earth (IHOPE) global working group .National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA . Workshop. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2009. ) “Environments, Water Systems and Cooperation from an Ancient Global Context,” .for the workshop and panel discussion “Water and Power” sponsored by Department of Archaeology, University of Durham, England.
Scarborough, V. L. (2008. ) Presentation entitled "The Archaeology of Complexity” .for a job talk at the Department of Anthropology , Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Professional Meeting. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2008. ) Presentation Entitled "Complexity: Alternative Pathways" .Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE)-Americas Short Seminar , School of Advanced Research, Santa Fe..
Scarborough, V. L. (2008. ) Workshop and Panel Discussions Entitled "The Planet in 2050" .sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the International Geosphere and Biosphere Program, Lund University, Sweden. Workshop. .
Scarborough, V. L. (2008. ) Presentation entitled "the Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese" for the workshop and panel discussion "Climate Crises in Human History" .for the workshop and panel discussion "Climate Crises in Human History" sponsored by the American Philosophical Society, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Workshop. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2007. ) The UNESCO Water Volume VII. In an invited session entitled, “Water and Society: Past, Present, and Future” .106th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association Meetings , Washington, DC. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2007. ) The Role of Anthropological Archaeology: Addressing the Global Water Issue. .Fifth International Water History Association (IWHA) Conference , Tampere, Finland . Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2007. ) Water Scarcity and Abundance: The Rate and Process of Cultural Pathways. In an invited session entitled, “The UNESCO Water Project: The Legacy of the Past” .Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology , Austin, Texas. Conference. .
Film documentary for Japanese television (NHK) (2007. ) featuring segment on “Tikal Water Management" . Level:International
Scarborough, V.L. (2007. ) Presentation entitled, “Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese” .” for the Taft Center Fellow Symposium , at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L. (2007. ) Presentation entitled, “Sustainable Complexity among the Ancient Maya and the Balinese” .at the Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE), Asia, Akita Prefecture, Japan.
Scarborough, V.L. (2006. ) Presentation entitled, “Anthropological Archaeology and Water History” .UNESCO—International Hydrological Programme, Delft, Netherlands.
Scarborough, V.L. (2006. ) Presentation entitled, “Rate and Process of Societal Change in Semi-tropical Settings: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese .the Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio .
Scarborough, V.L. (2006. ) Discussant for the symposium entitled, “ Landscapes of Intensity” .Seventy-First Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology , Salt Lake City, Utah. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2005. ) Discussant for the symposium entitled, “Space, Time, Metal and Mud: New Developments in the Reconstruction of Cultural Landscapes in Southeast Asian Archaeology” .Seventieth Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology , Salt Lake City, Utah. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2005. ) Presentation entitled, “Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese” . for the symposium “Environment, Economy and Civilization—The 21st Global Program” , at Lake Towada, Japan, sponsored by International Research Center for Japanese Studies .
Scarborough, V.L. (2005. ) “The Rise and Fall of the Ancient Maya: A Case Study in Political Ecology.” .Ninety-Sixth Dahlem Workshop on “Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE),”, Berlin, Germany.
Scarborough, V.L. (2005. ) “Anthropogenic Landscapes: Social and Environmental Complexity in Lowland Latin America.” .Seminar at Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, sponsored by the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Scarborough, V.L. (2005. ) Presentation entitled “Rate and Process of Societal Change in the Tropics,” .for the symposium “Environmental Controls on the Collapse of Civilizations: Lessons for the 21st Century” at the Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle.
Scarborough, V.L. (2005. ) “The Cycles of Social and Environmental Complexity in Lowland Latin America.” .Short Seminar at the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico .
Scarborough, V.L. (2004. ) Presentation entitled “Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese,” .for the Department of Anthropology and the Middle American Research , Institute at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Scarborough, V.L. (2004. ) Presentation entitled “Tropical Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese,” .for the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico..
Scarborough, V.L. (2004. ) Presentation entitled “Beyond Sustainability: Managed Wetlands and Water Harvesting in Ancient Mesoamerica,” .for the A. Watson Armour Spring Symposium entitled “Indigenous Ecologies and Sustainability: Humans and Landscape, Past and Present” at the Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois.
Scarborough, V.L. (2004. ) Mesoamerican Wetlands and the Origins of the State. In an invited session entitled, “The Early Mesoamerican State: Papers in Honor of Barry Isaac” .Sixty-Ninth Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, Canada. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2003. ) Ancient Ecologies and Social Structures: The Import of Wetlands in the Emergence of Mesoamerican Civilization. In the invited session entitled, “Interaction between Human Groups and Lacustrine Environments in Mesoamerica” .15th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences, Florence, Italy. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2003. ) Ballcourts and Reservoirs: The Social Construction of a Tropical Landscape. In the invited session entitled, “Sacred Water in Mesoamerica” .36th Annual Chacmool Conference , Calgary, Canada. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Junior author with Nicholas Dunning and Timothy Beach) (2003. ) Altered Lands: Environmental Disruption and Cultural Adaptation in Ancient Societies .Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers , New Orleans, Louisiana. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Second author with R.E.W. Adams, et. al) (2003. ) Programme for Belize Archaeological Project: A History of Archaeological Research .The Belize Archaeological Symposium, Belize City, Belize. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2003. ) Presentation entitled “Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese,” .,” for the Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory and the Department of Anthropology , at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas .
Scarborough, V.L. (2003. ) Presentation entitled “Water Resource Management in Pre-Industrial States,” .,” for the Department of Mechanical Engineering , at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Scarborough, V.L. (2003. ) Presentation entitled “Ancient Belize,” .for the Honors Program at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Scarborough, V.L. (2003. ) Presentation entitled “The Wetland Legacy of Ancient Mesoamerica,” .,” for the Fellows and staff of the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, Umbria, Italy .
Scarborough, V.L. (2002. ) Monuments, Settlements, and Water Systems: History, Prehistory, and the Built Environment. In the invited session entitled, "Anthropological Archaeology from the School of American Research: Vision, Impact, and Conceptual Integration: Papers in Honor of Douglas Schwartz" .Sixty-Seventh Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology , Denver, Colorado. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2002. ) Discussant for the Symposium entitled, “The Prehispanic 'Fossilized' Canal Systems of the Tehuacan Valley: Their Distribution, Chronology, and Environmental Contexts" .Sixty-Seventh Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaelogy, Denver, Colorado. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Senior author with Stephen Lansing) (2001. ) The Flow of Power. For an invited session entitled, "Complexity and the Idea of Power" .100th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2001. ) The Archaeology of Water Management Systems. For an invited session entitled, "Archaeology and Sustainable Development" .American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting , San Francisco, California. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Senior author with Nicholas Dunning, Richard Hutchinson, and Jason Herrmann) (2001. ) Evolution of a Maya Landscape: La Milpa and its Immediate Hinterlands. For a session in Honor of R.E.W. Adams' Contributions .Sixty-Sixth Annual Meetings for the Society for American Archaeology , New Orleans, Louisiana. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2001. ) Discussant for Symposium entitled, "Precolumbian Water Management: Ideology, Ritual and Power" .Sixty-Sixth Annual Meetings for the Society for American Archaeology , New Orleans, Louisiana. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (2001. ) Presentation entitled "Maya Water Control: A Global Perspective," .for the Trustees of the University of Cincinnati Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Scarborough, V.L. (2001. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Economy and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Federal Chapter of Sigma Xi in Cincinnati (EPA and NIOSH), , Cincinnati, Ohio .
Scarborough, V.L. (2001. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the International Conference on Comparative Archaeology: Old and New World Prehistory at the Crossroads, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio..
Scarborough, V.L. (2001. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Department of Anthropology and the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, , Cambridge, Massachusetts .
Scarborough, V.L. (2000. ) Ballcourts and Reservoirs: The Social Construction of a Tropical Landscape. International Invitational Conference entitled "Maya Spaces: Representations, Uses and Beliefs," at the University of Paris X Nanterre, Paris, France .
Scarborough, V.L. (2000. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and Living Balinese," .for the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. [Junior author with Timothy Beach (Georgetown University), Nicholas Dunning (UC) and Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach (George Mason University)] (2000. ) Environmental Change in the Bajos of the Three Rivers Region, Northwestern Belize .Sixty-Fifth Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1999. ) The Engineered Environment and Political Economy of the Three Rivers Region .Sixty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology , Chicago, Illinois. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. [Junior author with Nicholas Dunning (UC), Fred Valdez (University of Texas), John Jones (Texas A&M), Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach (George Mason University) and Timothy Beach (Georgetown University)] (1999. ) Water Mountain Breakdown: Ancient Maya Landscapes in Northwestern Belize .Ninety-Fifth Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, Hawaii. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1999. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. (1999. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Honors Program Legacy Lecture, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico .
Scarborough,V.L. (1999. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, New Mexico State University,, Las Cruces, New Mexico .
Scarborough, V.L. (1999. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Economy: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Department of Material Sciences and Mineral Engineering, , University of California at Berkeley .
Scarborough,V.L. (1998. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Department of Anthropology, Davidson College, North Carolina .
Scarborough, V.L. (1998. ) Presentation entitled "Two Worlds, One Planet: Statecraft and Human Ecology in the Tropics," .for the Central Ohio Valley Archaeological Society in Cincinnati. , Ohio.
Scarborough, V.L. [Senior author with John Schoenfelder (UCLA) and Dr. Stephen Lansing (University of Arizona)] (1998. ) Water and Land Management at Sebatu, Bali .Sixteenth Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Melaka, Malaysia. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. [Junior author with Drs. Nicholas Dunning (UC) and Fred Valdez (University of Texas)] (1998. ) Temple Mountains, Sacred Lakes, and Fertile Fields: Ancient Maya Landscapes in Northern Belize .Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle, Washington. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. [Junior author with Drs. Fred Valdez and Nicholas Dunning] (1998. ) Ancient Maya Soil and Water Use in Northern Belize .Fourth Annual International Congress of Mayanists, Antigua, Guatemala. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1997. ) Sustainability, Resource Use, and Socioeconomic Organization: A Mesoamerican Pathway .Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville, Tennessee. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1997. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and Living Balinese," .for the School of Natural Resources and the Environment , at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor .
Scarborough, V.L. (1997. ) Archaeology as Mediator: Its Role in Assessing the Loss of Cultural Property. For the School of American Research Advanced Seminar entitled, "Evolving New Strategies for Conserving Cultural Heritage," .Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. (1997. ) Presentation entitled "Tropical Ecology and Ritual: The Ancient Maya and the Living Balinese," .for the Department of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Scarborough, V.L. (1997. ) Presentation entitled "Ecology and Ritual: Water Management and the Maya," .for the School of American Research, , Santa Fe.
Scarborough, V.L. (1996. ) The Ecology of Ritual: Water Management and the Maya. For the Conference entitled "Sacred Mountain, Sacred Stone: The Face of Maya Ritual." .Fourteenth Annual Maya Weekend, University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia.
Scarborough, V.L. (1996. ) Colloquium presentation entitled "Current Status of Archaeological Theory," .for the School of American Research, Santa Fe.
Scarborough, V.L. (1996. ) Presentation entitled "The Ecology of Ritual: Water Management and the Maya" .for the Archaeological Institute of America and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
Scarborough, V.L. [Junior author with Richard Hutchinson (UC student) and Dr. M. Wilson Tabor (UC)] (1996. ) Environmental Health and Maya Archaeology .Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, Covington, Kentucky. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. [Junior author with Dr. M. Wilson Tabor (UC), Richard Hutchinson (UC student) and Dr. Andrew Manning (Kettering Institute)] (1996. ) Precolumbian Maya: A Retrospective Exposure Assessment Study. For a symposium entitled, "Modulation of Chemical Toxicity and Risk Assessment" .for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Tucson. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1995. ) An Accretive Model of Land and Water Use for the Ancient Maya of Northwestern Belize .Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1995. ) Water, Power, and "Organizational Planes" in the Maya Area. For the Conference entitled "V Encuentro: Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya" .sponsored by the Universidad Autonoma de Campeche and the Instituto Nacional de Anthropologia e Historia, Campeche, Mexico .
Scarborough, V.L. (1995. ) Presentation entitled "The Flow of Power: Water Management among Ancient States" .for the Maxwell Museum and the University of New Mexico Anthropology Department , Albuquerque.
Scarborough, V.L. (1995. ) Presentation entitled "Water Work: History and Early State" .for the Arizona State University Anthropology Colloquium Series, Tempe.
Scarborough, V.L. (1994. ) Presentation entitled "The Flow of Power: Water Management among Ancient States" .for the School of American Research, Santa Fe.
Scarborough, V.L. (1994. ) Presentation entitled "Prehistoric Water Systems and the Maya" .for the Central Ohio Valley Archaeological Society, Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L. (1994. ) Economic Aspects of Water Management Systems .Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, Georgia. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1993. ) Topography and Models of Ancient Urban Settlement .Fifth International and Interdisciplinary Forum on Built Form and Cultural Research, Cincinnati. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1993. ) Reservoir Dependency and Watershed Landscaping: Water Management in the Southern Maya Lowlands .Fifty Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1993. ) Presentation entitled "Reservoirs and Watersheds: A New Reflection on Maya Civilization" .for Faculty and Students at Trinity University and the University of Texas, San Antonio.
Scarborough, V.L. (1993. ) Presentation entitled "Water and Land Management in the New World" .for Faculty and Students at the University of Texas, Austin.
Scarborough, V.L. (1992. ) Presentation entitled "Water Management by the Ancient Maya" .for Faculty and Students at the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia.
Scarborough, V. L. (1992. ) Maya Lecture Series .Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L. (1992. ) Presentation entitled, "Reservoirs and Watersheds: A New Reflection on Maya Civilization" .for Maya Lecture Series , Cincinnati Art Museum.
Scarborough, V.L. (1992. ) Presentation entitled, "Maya Water Systems: Centralizing Forces for an Ancient Civilization" .for Faculty and Students at the University of Texas , Austin.
Scarborough, V.L. (1992. ) Water Management as a Function of Locational and Appropriational Movements .Fourth International Karl Polanyi Conference, Montreal, Quebec. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Senior author with Gary Gallopin--UC student) (1991. ) Water Storage Adaptation in the Maya Lowlands .Fifty Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1991. ) Water Management as an Aspect of Prehistoric Economies .Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Illinois. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. with Robert Connolly and Steven Ross--UC students (1991. ) Reservoirs and Watersheds in the Central Maya Lowlands: Tikal and Kinal Compared Conference on Ancient Maya Agriculture and Biological Resource Management .University of California, Riverside, California.
Scarborough, V.L. (1990. ) Presentation entitled "Maya Water Systems: Centralizing Forces for an Ancient Civilization" .for the Department of Anthropology Maya Lecture Series, University of Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L. (1990. ) Proposed Methods for Renewed Study at Cerros .The Cerros Symposium: Ten Years After, Dallas, Texas .
Scarborough, V.L. (1990. ) Ceramic Investments and Subsistence at Meyer Pithouse Village .Fifty Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas, Nevada. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1989. ) Archaeology of Fluid: Water Adaptations Made by Non Western Complex Societies .First Joint Archaeological Congress, Baltimore, Maryland. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1989. ) Presentation entitled, "Water Management by Early Civilizations" .for the Hamilton County Park District, Cincinnati .
Scarborough, V.L. (1989. ) Presentation entitled "The Archaeology of Fluid" .for the Central Ohio Valley Archaeological Society, Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L. (1989. ) Presentation entitled, "The Archaeology of Fluid: Water Manipulation from the Four Quarters" .for the Greater Cincinnati Anthropological Society , Cincinnati.
Scarborough, V.L. (1988. ) A Transitional Period Pithouse Village .Fifty Third Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Phoenix, Arizona. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1987. ) Presentation entitled, "Maya Archaeology" .for the Southwestern Association of Hispanic American Physicians, El Paso, Texas .
Scarborough, V.L. (1987. ) Presentation entitled, “Maya: Treasures of an Ancient Civilization" .for the Plateau Sciences Society, Gallup, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. (1987. ) Presentation entitled, "The Historic Archaeology of Pakistan" .for the El Paso Archaeological Society, El Paso, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. (1986. ) Presentation entitled, "Maya Archaeology" .for Faculty and Students at the University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
(1985. ) "The Native American Ball Game: Regional Context and Comparative Interpretation" .International Invitational Conference , Tucson, Arizona.
Scarborough, V.L. (1985. ) A Study in Pre Hispanic Maya Ballgame Architecture .International Invitational Conference: "The Native American Ball Game: Regional Context and Comparative Interpretation" , Tucson, Arizona.
Scarborough, V.L. (1985. ) Presentation entitled, "Pre Hispanic Water Adaptations" .for the El Paso Chapter of Sigma Xi at The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. (1985. ) Presentation entitled, "A Pueblo Period Water Adaptation" .for the Southwestern Federation of Archaeological Societies, El Paso, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. (1984. ) Presentation entitled, "Water Control in the El Paso Area" .for the El Paso Archaeological Society, Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. (1984. ) Presentation entitled, "An Introduction to Maya Ruins" .for the Joint University of Alabama and University of Texas at El Paso Yucatan Tour , University of Texas at El Paso.
Scarborough, V.L. (1984. ) An El Paso Phase Pithouse Village .Third Annual Mogollon Conference, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1984. ) Late Preclassic Polities in Northern Belize .Forty Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Portland, Oregon. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1983. ) The Anapra Pueblo Site .Third Annual Jornada Mogollon Conference, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Senior author with Dr. Robin Robertson--Southern Methodist University) (1983. ) Civic and Residential Settlement at Late Preclassic Maya Center .Forty Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1983. ) Presentation entitled, "Intensive Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands" .for the Fort Burgwin Research Center and Southern Methodist University, Taos, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. (1983. ) Presentation entitled, "Maya Origins" .for the El Paso Archaeological Society, El Paso, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. (1983. ) Presentation entitled, "Sudanese Archaeology" .for the African Student Union and "Africa Day" , University of Texas at El Paso.
Film documentary for German television (ARD) (1983. ) featuring segment on "Farming the Jungle" .El Paso, Texas.
Scarborough, V.L. (1982. ) Presentation entitled, "Intensive Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands" .for Faculty and Students of the Department of Anthropology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. (1982. ) Late Formative to Early Classic Economic Development in the Maya Lowlands: A Speculative Model .Eighty First Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1982. ) Raised Fields at Cerros, Northern Belize .Conference: "Intensive Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands" (P. Bloom and M. Pohl, organizers) , Minneapolis, Minnesota . Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (1981. ) Presentation entitled, "Middle American Archaeology" .for Faculty and Students at the University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan.
Scarborough, V.L. (1980. ) Presentation entitled, "The Settlement at Cerros, Northern Belize" .for the Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos, New Mexico.
Scarborough, V.L. (1980. ) The Dispersed Settlement and Environment at Cerros .Seventy Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.. Conference. .
Scarborough, V.L. (Junior author with Dr. David Freidel--Southern Methodist University) (1979. ) Subsistence, Trade and Development of the Coastal Maya (with David Freidel) .Conference in honor of Dennis E. Puleston entitled, "The History and Development of Maya Subsistence," University of Minnesota , Minneapolis, Minnesota. Conference. .
Honors and Awards
2010 Charles Phelps Taft Professorship at the University of Cincinnati
2010 Distinguished Research Professorship at the University of Cincinnati
2009 Elected to the Fellows of the Graduate School at the University of Cincinnati
Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund (Executive Board ) Board Member Level:University 2007 -2011
(Latin American Studies Committee ) Member Level:University 2006 -2007
UNESCO "Water and Humanity: A Historical Overview" Editor of Journal Level:Prof. Org. 2006 -2009
J.I. Staley Book Prize (Anthropology Review Panel ) Review Board/Panel Level:Prof. Org. 2004 -2005
(Interdisciplinary Council Subcommittee for Education and Research ) Member Level:University 2003 -2004
Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund (Faculty Awards Committee ) Member Level:University 2003 -2004
(Headship Search Committee ) Member Level:Department 2002
(Review Committee for the establishment of a Ph.D. Program in Anthropology ) Committee Chair Level:Department 2000 -2001
Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund (Lectures and Conferences Committee ) Member Level:University 1998 -2001
Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society) (UC Chapter ) President Level:University 1998 -2000
Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund (Chair Search Committee ) Member Level:University 1998
(Speaker Coordinator ) Other Level:Department 1997 -1998
(Academic Leave Committee ) Committee Chair Level:Department 1997
(Merit Review Committee ) Member Level:Department 1996
(Headship Review Committee (Classics) ) Member Level:University 1994
(Headship Review Committee ) Member Level:Department 1993
University Research Council (Review Committee for Faculty Grants ) Member Level:University 1992
Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund (Publications Committee ) Member Level:University 1991 -1994
(Headship Review Committee ) Member Level:Department 1991
(Curriculum Review Committee ) Member Level:Department 1990 -1991
(Evening College Coordinator ) Other Level:Department 1989 -1992
(Director of Graduate Studies ) Other Level:Department 1989 -1990
(Latin American Studies Program Committee ) Member Level:University 1989 -1998
(Blegen Chair (Classics) Search Committee ) Member Level:University 1989
Archaeology, settlement patterns, water management, architecture; Maya, US Southwest, Pakistan, Bali.
Professional Affiliation
American Anthropological Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Association for Field Archaeology
Current Anthropology
Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
International Water History Association
Latin American Studies Program at the University of Cincinnati
Sigma Xi
Society for American Archaeology
Member of Board of Directors Dr. Peter Harrison, President AHAU Foundation (philanthropic foundation for Maya research),
Research Associate Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM
Research Associate School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM
Courses Taught
Water Management of Non-Industrial Complex Society
Spatial Archaeology
Maya Archaeology