Nicole Schmidt Ejaz , PharmD
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Medical Sciences Building
COM Surgery Transplant - 0558
Ohio University and Xavier University Athens, OH and Cincinnati, OH, (Natural Sciences)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sadaka, Basma; Alloway, Rita R; Shields, Adele R; Schmidt, Nicole M; Woodle, E Steve (2012. ) Proteasome inhibition for antibody-mediated allograft rejection.Seminars in hematology, , 49 (3 ) ,263-9 More Information
Heaton, Pamela; Tundia, Namita L; Schmidt, Nicole; Wigle, Patricia R; Kelton, Christina M L (2013. ) Authors' response.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, , 56 (2 ) ,e12 More Information
Schmidt, Nicole; Alloway, Rita R; Walsh, R Carlin; Sadaka, Basma; Shields, Adele R; Girnita, Alin L; Hanseman, Dennis J; Woodle, E Steve (2012. ) Prospective evaluation of the toxicity profile of proteasome inhibitor-based therapy in renal transplant candidates and recipients.Transplantation, , 94 (4 ) ,352-61 More Information
Heaton, Pamela C; Tundia, Namita L; Schmidt, Nicole; Wigle, Patricia R; Kelton, Christina M L (2012. ) National burden of pediatric hospitalizations for inflammatory bowel disease: results from the 2006 Kids' Inpatient Database.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, , 54 (4 ) ,477-85 More Information
Sadaka, Basma; Ejaz, Nicole S; Shields, Adele R; Cardi, Michael A; Wadih, George; Witte, David; Abu Jawdeh, Bassam G; Alloway, Rita R; Woodle, E Steve (2015. ) A Banff Component Scoring-based Histologic Assessment of Bortezomib-based Antibody-mediated Rejection Therapy.Transplantation, , 99 (8 ) ,1691-9 More Information
Ejaz, Nicole S; Alloway, Rita R; Halleck, Fabian; Dürr, Michael; Budde, Klemens; Woodle, E Steve (2014. ) Review of bortezomib treatment of antibody-mediated rejection in renal transplantation.Antioxidants & redox signaling, , 21 (17 ) ,2401-18 More Information
Woodle, E Steve; Alloway, Rita R; Ejaz, Nicole Schmidt (2013. ) Plasma cell biology: principles for therapeutic design. Clinical transplants, , 277-83
Woodle E.;Shields A.;Ejaz N.;Sadaka B.;Girnita A.;Walsh R.;Alloway R.;Brailey P.;Cardi M.;Abu Jawdeh B.;Roy-Chaudhury P.;Govil A.;Mogilishetty G. (01-01-2015. ) Prospective iterative trial of proteasome inhibitor-based desensitization.American Journal of Transplantation, , 15 (1 ) ,101-118 More Information
Ejaz N.;Shields A.;Alloway R.;Sadaka B.;Girnita A.;Mogilishetty G.;Cardi M.;Woodle E. (12-01-2013. ) Randomized controlled pilot study of B cell-targeted induction therapy in HLA sensitized kidney tran.American Journal of Transplantation, , 13 (12 ) ,3142-3154 More Information