Sarah M. Schwab-Farrell
Asst Professor
Health Sciences Building - 301C
Phone 513-556-4508
Email schwabsr@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Sarah Schwab-Farrell, PT, DPT, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise, and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. She earned her DPT from the University of Cincinnati in 2018, MA in Experimental Psychology in 2020, and PhD in Experimental Psychology in 2022. She also completed post-doctoral training in the Neurorecovery Lab at the University of Cincinnati. Sarah has advanced specialty training in nonlinear time-series analysis and complex dynamical systems, including training and experience in the collection and analysis of postural control, grip control, and interpersonal motor coordination data. Sarah’s current research examines the impact of contextual factors (environmental and personal factors) on the motor control of individuals with movement-related disabilities using the theoretical frameworks of ecological-dynamics and disability studies. The overarching goal of her research is to improve the rehabilitation experiences of people with disabilities. Sarah’s research has been funded by the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research and the Ohio Physical Therapy Association and internal mechanisms at UC.
PhD: University of Cincinnati 2022 (Experimental Psychology)
MA: University of Cincinnati 2020 (Experimental Psychology)
DPT: University of Cincinnati 2018 (Physical Therapy)
BS: University of Cincinnati 2015 (Health Sciences)
Research and Practice Interests
Motor Control & Motor Learning; Disability; Rehabilitation; Perception-Action; Nonlinear Dynamics & Complex Systems; Ecological Psychology
Research Support
Investigators:Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Williams, H., & McGregor, J. 04-01-2024 -03-31-2025 Partnership Development Grant, University of Cincinnati CCTST Understanding Hispanic and Latino Community Involvement in Stroke Rehabilitation Research Role:PI $5,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Schwab-Farrell, S.M. 05-01-2025 -04-30-2027 URC Faculty Scholars Award Collaborative Design and Production of Stroke Motor Control Research Studies Role:PI $25,000 Active Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Angeli, J.M., Harpster, K., Hanson, E., Sheehan, A., & Schwab S.M. (2019. ) Patient- and caregiver-identified preferences: Dimensions of change in developmental therapy treatment goals.Developmental Neurorehabilitation, , 22 (1 ) ,39-46 More Information
Angeli, J.M., Harpster, K., Huijs, L., Seid, M., Sheehan, A., & Schwab, S.M. (2019. ) Patient-centered goal setting in developmental therapy: Discordance between documented goals and caregiver-perceived goals.Pediatric Quality & Safety, , 4 (4 ) ,e199 More Information
Angeli, J.M., Peck, M.N., & Schwab, S.M. (2019. ) Self-perceived scholastic competence, athletic competence, and physical appearance are enhanced in children and young adults with physical disabilities following a community-based running program.Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, , 31 (5 ) ,701-723 More Information
Harpster, K., Sheehan, A., Foster, E.A., Leffler, E., Schwab, S.M., & Angeli J.M. (2019. ) The methodological application of goal attainment scaling in pediatric rehabilitation research: A systematic review.Disability and Rehabilitation, , 41 (24 ) ,2855-2864 More Information
Grover, F.M., Schwab, S.M., Silva, P.L., Lorenz, T., & Riley, M.A. (2019. ) Flexible organization of grip force control during movement frequency scaling.Journal of Neurophysiology, , 122 (6 ) ,2304-2315 More Information
Schwab, S.M., & Zeleznik, A.J. (2020. ) Using the language of the ICF to distinguish physical therapy and occupational therapy services in the acute care setting.Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, , 11 (1 ) ,40-43 More Information
Grover, F.M., Schwab, S.M., & Riley, M.A. (2020. ) Grip force-load force coupling is influenced by altered visual feedback about object kinematics.Journal of Motor Behavior, , 52 (5 ) ,612-624 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Grover, F.M., Abney, D.H., Silva, P.L., & Riley, M.A. (2020. ) Children and adolescents with cerebral palsy flexibly adapt grip control in response to variable task demands.Clinical Biomechanics, , 80 (105149 ) , More Information
Schwab, S.M., Andrade Pinto, V., Kloos, H., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2021. ) Unpredictable task demands and motor performance in individuals with neuromotor disability: A scoping review.Physical Therapy Reviews, , 26 (3 ) ,177-187 More Information
Angeli, J.M., Schwab, S.M., Huijs, L., Sheehan, A., & Harpster, K. (2021. ) ICF-inspired goal-setting in developmental rehabilitation: An innovative framework for pediatric therapists.Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, , 37 (11 ) ,1167-1176 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Dugan, S., & Riley, M.A. (2021. ) Reciprocal influence of mobility and speech-language: Advancing physical therapy and speech therapy cotreatment and collaboration for adults with neurological conditions.Physical Therapy, , 101 (11 ) ,pzab196 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Carver, N.S., Forman, M.H., Abney, D.H., Davis, T.J., Riley, M.A., Paxton, A., & Silva, P.L. (2022. ) Child-caregiver interactions during a collaborative motor task in children with cerebral palsy: A descriptive exploratory study.Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, , 34 (2 ) ,255-277 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Spencer, C., Carver, N.S., Andrade, V., Dugan, S., Greve, K., & Silva, P.L. (2022. ) Personal factors understood through the ecological-enactive model of disability and implications for rehabilitation research.Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, , 3 ,954061 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Andrade, V., Santos Moreira, T., Cavanaugh, J.T., Vaz, D.V., & Silva, P.L. (2023. ) Narrowing the physiotherapy knowledge-practice gap: Faculty training beyond the health sciences.Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, , 39 (4 ) ,675-689 More Information
Dugan, S., Schwab, S.M., Seward, R., Avant, J., Zhang, T., Li., S.R., Eary, K., Mast, T.D., Riley, M.A., & Boyce, S. (2023. ) A qualitative analysis of clinician perspectives of ultrasound biofeedback for speech sound disorders.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, , 32 (3 ) ,1252-1274 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Mayr, R., Davis, T.J., Silva, P.L., & Riley, M.A. (2023. ) Precision aiming performance with the paretic upper limb is associated with center of pressure patterns in individuals with chronic stroke.Gait & Posture, , 103 ,133-139 More Information
Schwab, S.M., & Silva, P.L. (2023. ) Intellectual humility: How recognizing the fallibility of our beliefs and owning our limits may create a better relationship between the physical therapy profession and disability.Physical Therapy, , 103 (8 ) ,1-6 More Information
Schwab, S.M., Cooper, D., Carver, N.S., Doren, S., & Boyne, P. (2023. ) Motivation-related influences on fNIRS signals during walking exercise: A permutation entropy approach.Experimental Brain Research, , 241 (11-12 ) ,2617-2625 More Information
Awosika, O.O., Garver, A., Drury, C., Sucharew, H.J., Boyne, P., Schwab, S.M., Wasik, E., Earnest, M., Dunning, K., Bhattacharya, A., Khatri, P., & Kissela, B.M. (2023. ) Insufficiencies in sensory systems reweighting is associated with walking impairment severity in chronic stroke: An observational cohort study.Frontiers in Neurology, , 14 ,1244657 More Information
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Dugan, S., Sayers, C., & Postman, W. (2024. ) Speech-language pathologist, physical therapist, and occupational therapist experiences of interprofessional collaborations.Journal of Interprofessional Care, , 38 (2 ) ,253-263 More Information
Doren, S., Schwab, S.M., Bigner, K., Calvelage, J., Preston, K., Laughlin, A., Drury, C., Tincher, B., Carl, D., Awosika, O.O., & Boyne, P. (2024. ) Probing the neural underpinnings of motivation for walking exercise.Physical Therapy, , 104 (3 ) ,pzad159 More Information
Fernandes, C.A., Norte, G.E., Schwab, S.M., Gokeler, A., Murray, A., Bazett-Jones, D.M., & Sherman, D.A. (2024. ) Interpersonal coordination between female soccer players: Leader-follower roles within a collision-avoidance task.International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, , 19 (5 ) ,548-560 More Information
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Mayr, R., Davis, T.J., Riley, M. A., & Silva, P.L. (2025. ) Effects of constraining postural sway during upper-limb precision aiming task practice in individuals with stroke.Journal of Motor Behavior, , 57 (1 ) ,61-76 More Information
Boyne, P., Miller, A., Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Sucharew, H., Carl, D., Billinger, S.A., & Reisman, D.S. (2025. ) Training intensity parameters and longitudinal adaptations that most strongly mediate walking capacity gains from high-intensity interval training post-stroke.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, , More Information
Avant, J., Zhang, T., Seward, R., Dugan, S., Schwab-Farrell, S., Li, S.R., Biehl, S., Boyce, S., Riley, M.A., & Mast, T.D. (2025. ) Participatory design: Amplifying speech-language pathologists’ challenges through collaborative interface design.Design Issues, , 41 (2 ) ,44-59 More Information
Book Chapter
Silva, P.L., & Schwab, S.M. (2024 ) Disability through the lens of affordances: A promising pathway for transforming physical therapy practice The modern legacy of Gibson’s affordances for the sciences of organisms .Routledge
Invited Presentations
McGuire, M., Angeli, J., Bailes, A., Sunderland, J., & Schwab, S. (2017. ) Community collaboration to enhance participation in children and adolescents with developmental disabilities .American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Schwab, S.M., Angeli, J.M., Garcia, M., Peck, M., & Long, J. (2018. ) A comparison of two postural control measurement systems following a running intervention in children and young adults with developmental disabilities .Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Angeli, J.M., Schwab, S.M., Garcia, M., Peck, M., & Long, J. (2018. ) A community-based running program enhances temporal-spatial parameters of gait in children and young adults with developmental disabilities .Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Peck, M., Angeli, J., & Schwab, S. (2018. ) Running toward enhanced self-concept: Wellness programming in children and young adults with developmental disability .American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 72nd Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Schwab, S.M., Grover, F.M., Silva, P.L., & Riley, M.A. (2020. ) Task variability and grip control in unilateral cerebral palsy: A case study .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO.
Schwab, S.M., Carver, N.S., Forman, M., Abney, D.H., Riley, M.A., Paxton, A., & Silva, P.L. (2020. ) Where you lead, I will follow: The influence of child-caregiver interactions on motor performance in children with cerebral palsy .Ohio Physical Therapy Association Virtual LEAP Conference, Virtual.
Schwab, S.M., Andrade Pinto, V., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2020. ) Unpredictable task demands facilitate motor performance in individuals with neuromotor disability .Ohio Physical Therapy Association Virtual LEAP Conference, Virtual.
Schwab, S.M., Carver, N.S., Forman, M., Abney, D.H., Riley, M.A., Paxton, A., & Silva, P.L. (2020. ) Collaborative motor task performance in children with cerebral palsy and their caregivers: A case series .American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Virtual Conference, Virtual.
Schwab, S.M., Grover, F.M., Abney, D.H., Silva, P.L., & Riley, M.A. (2020. ) Unpredictable task demands facilitate grip control in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy .American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Virtual Conference, Virtual.
Li, S.R., Annand, C., Dugan, S., Schwab, S.M., Eary, K., Swearengen, M., Stack, S., Boyce, S., Riley, M.A., & Mast, T.D. (2021. ) An automatic, simple ultrasound biofeedback parameter for distinguishing accurate and misarticulated rhotic syllables .Interspeech, Brno, Czech Republic.
Schwab, S.M., Grover, F.M., Cavanaugh, J.T., Silva, P.L., & Riley, M.A. (2022. ) Theme and variation: Capturing the complex, adaptive nature of motor behavior with nonlinear data analysis .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX.
Schwab, S.M., & Dugan, S. (2022. ) Better together: Advancing speech therapy and physical therapy collaborative practice .Implementation Science, MGH Institute of Health Professions.
Schwab, S.M. (2022. ) Innovative use of biomechanical tools and technologies to understand leader-follower dynamics .American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Research Biomechanics SIG Spring Webinar: Innovation in Biomechanics, Virtual.
Schwab, S.M., Carver, N.S., Cooper, D., Doren, S., & Boyne, P. (2023. ) Application of permutation entropy to detect motivational changes in fNIRS signals during gait .International Society of Posture & Gait Research World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Sherman, D.A., Corbin, S.F., Carver, N.S., Cooper, D., & De Silva, A. (2024. ) Methods, tools, and measurement for the advancement of interpersonal motor coordination research in physical therapy .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Boston, MA.
Pressler, D., Dugan, S., De Silva, A., & Schwab-Farrell, S.M. (2024. ) The effect of oral-motor complexity on center of pressure patterns in individuals post-stroke with and without communication disorders .XXII International Conference on Perception and Action, Trondheim, Norway.
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Andrade, V., De Silva, A., Male, J., Dickson, C., & Silva, P.L. (2025. ) Confronting ableism in rehabilitation: Niche construction and affordances to support alternative movement strategies in disability .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Houston, TX.
Pressler, D., Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Reisman, D.S., Billinger, S.A., & Boyne, P. (2025. ) Maximal speed locomotor training alters spatiotemporal gait dynamics in chronic stroke: A longitudinal analysis .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Houston, TX.
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Silva, P.L., Mescouto, K., & Stilwell, P. (2025. ) Engagement with ecological theory to support individuals' unique contexts and abilities in physiotherapy .World Physiotherapy Congress, Tokyo, Japan.
Rose, B., Andrade, V., Pressler, D., De Silva, A., Fiallos, J.J., & Schwab-Farrell, S.M. (2025. ) Perspectives from the Hispanic and Latino community on stroke rehabilitation research participation in the midwestern United States .13th Student Research Symposium: Research Topics and Intercultural Learning in the International Context, Varaždin, Croatia.
Poster Presentations
Angeli, J., Harpster, K., Hanson, E., & Schwab, S. (2017. ) What does the finish line look like? A thematic analysis of desired end-of-treatment scenarios in client-identified goals .American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 71st Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. .
Schwab, S., Angeli, J., Harpster, K., & Hanson, E. (2018. ) Something to be desired: Dimensions of change in client-identified goals .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, LA. .
Vargus-Adams, J., Angeli, J., Garcia, M., Livecchi, A., Long, J., Peck, M., & Schwab, S. (2019. ) A community-based running program enhances gait parameters in children and young adults with developmental disabilities .Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL. .
Schwab, S.M., Angeli, J.M., Harpster, K., Huijs, L., & Sheehan, A. (2019. ) Agreeing to disagree in pediatric goal setting? Discordance between documented goals and caregiver perception of goals .NEXT Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL. .
Grover, F., Schwab, S., Silva, P., Lorenz, T., & Riley, M. (2019. ) Online organization of grip force control during continuous scaling of load force oscillations .International Conference on Perception and Action, Groningen, The Netherlands. .
Grover, F.M., Schwab, S., Silva, P.L., Lorenz, T., & Riley, M.A. (2019. ) Online organization of grip force control during continuous scaling of load force oscillations .Progress in Motor Control, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. .
Huijs, L., Schwab, S.M., Garcia, M.C., Livecchi, A., & Angeli, J.M. (2020. ) Meaningful interventions in developmental rehabilitation – It’s as easy as riding a bike .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO. .
Schwab, S.M., Alt, J.M., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2020. ) Emphasizing interactions: Advancing the movement system concept in physical therapy research and practice .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO. .
Li, S.R., Dugan, S., Annand, C., Schwab, S., Eary, K., Swearengen, M., Terrell, G.A., Stack, S., Boyce, S., Riley, M.A., & Mast, T.D. (2020. ) Classification of accurate and misarticulated rhotic syllables for simplified ultrasound biofeedback therapy .Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Virtual. .
Schwab, S.M. (2021. ) A consideration of liberal arts post-professional studies for the physical therapist .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Virtual. .
Schwab, S.M., Mayr, R., Davis, T.J., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2022. ) Movement time is associated with postural control in individuals with chronic stroke: A pilot study .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX. .
Li, S.R., Dugan, S., Schwab, S.M., Annand, C., Masterson, J., Boyce, S., Riley, M.A., & Mast, T.D. (2022. ) Comparing tongue movement vs. shape representations from ultrasound imaging of /ɑɹ/ articulatory strategies .International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, The Netherlands. .
Schwab, S.M., Mayr, R., Davis, T.J., Silva, P.L., & Riley, M.A. (2022. ) Toward the promotion of task-sensitive postural control patterns in individuals with chronic stroke .World Federation for Neurorehabilitation 12th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria. .
Schwab, S.M., Mayr, R., Davis, T.J., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2022. ) Physical therapist postural assistance after stroke and underlying motor control strategies .World Federation for Neurorehabilitation 12th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria. .
Schwab, S.M., Mayr, R., Davis, T.J., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2023. ) Task-sensitive postural control patterns as a target for stroke rehabilitation .International Society of Posture & Gait Research World Congress, Brisbane, Australia. .
Boden, S., Dudek, M. Golowenski, B., Koenig, C., Waldeck, C., Buckley, S., Heins, R., Emenaker, T., Faller, A., Bodiford, Z., Carl, D., Riley, M., Schwab, S., & Boyne, P. (2024. ) Brain activity differences between walking and cycling may explain the importance of task-specific practice .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Boston, MA. .
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Davis, T.J., Riley, M.A., & Silva, P.L. (2024. ) Motor control consequences of constraining postural sway during practice of an upper-limb precision aiming task in individuals with chronic stroke .International Conference on Perception and Action, Trondheim, Norway. .
Male, J., Dickson, C., Dunning, K, & Schwab-Farrell, S.M. (2025. ) The intersection of therapeutic affordances and rehabilitation in research: A scoping review .Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Houston, TX. .
Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Andrade, V., Wagner, E., Pressler, D., Rose, B., Fiallos, J., Rosen-Guevara, K., Miller, V., McGregor, J., & Williams, H. (2025. ) Factors that influence Hispanic and Latino stroke rehabilitation research participation in the midwestern United States .World Physiotherapy Congress, Tokyo, Japan. .
Pressler, D., Dugan, S., De Silva, A., Riley, M.A., & Schwab-Farrell, S.M. (2025. ) Individuals with stroke-related communication disorders alter postural control in response to speech motor task demands .World Physiotherapy Congress, Tokyo, Japan. .
Pressler, D., Schwab-Farrell, S.M., Reisman, D.S., Billinger, S.A., & Boyne, P. (2025. ) Longitudinal spatiotemporal gait changes following maximal speed locomotor training in individuals with chronic stroke .World Physiotherapy Congress, Tokyo, Japan. .
Honors and Awards
2017 Regional Finalist, Regional Three Minute Thesis Competition, Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools
2017 Physical Therapy Rock Star, Ohio Physical Therapy Association
2019 Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) Level I Scholarship, Foundation for Physical Therapy Research
2020 Outstanding Research Abstract, APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy
2020 Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) Level II Scholarship, Foundation for Physical Therapy Research
2022 Student/Post-Doc Travel Award, APTA Academy of Research, Biomechanics SIG
2023 Physical Therapy Journal Editor's Choice Article
2024 CAHS Faculty Excellence in Scholarly Work
2024 Emerging Leader Award, Ohio Physical Therapy Association
Courses Taught
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Building - 301C
Phone: 513-556-4508