Drake Anthony Seccurro, MD
Instructor of Clinical Fellow
Medical Sciences Building
COM IM General Medicine Division - 0535
Professional Summary
Personal Statement
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an army to raise a patient with a chronic illness. The teams that have taken care of me have changed my life forever, and at the helm of all of them was not only an internist, but a person who’s training allowed him to orchestrate the symphonies of medicine to give me the best care possible. As they say in cross country, “you’re only as strong as your 5th person” and as an aspiring internist, I hope to incorporate this philosophy to lead teams of nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, social workers, and physical therapists to patient success stories like my own. My internist always had an answer and a plan that revolved around my interests, goals, and values. This allowed me to push myself to live as normal a life as possible. Importantly it has taught me the importance of humanism in the delivery of medicine.
Why I Chose Cincinnati
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, virtual interviews were the standard when I applied to Cincinnati. Almost every interview I attended before my interview with Cincinnati had the same schedule with a limited amount of exposure to people within the program. Needless to say, it was very hard to interact with current residents and faculty outside of the actual scheduled interview time slots. However, during my interview with Cincinnati, every resident and faculty member made an effort to get to know the applicants. Some of the residents even joined the zoom call while working just to say hello. Due to this I was able to see that this program is a family. It was the first interview in which I felt as if everyone was genuinely interested in everyone’s success within the program. On top of this, the program’s emphasis on humanism, medical education, and evidence based medicine was second to none. The program’s mantra was echoed by everyone I interacted with on my interview day, which is why I had no hesitation in choosing Cincinnati.
MD: Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 08-26-2024 )
Clinical Interests
Internal Medicine
Primary Care
Internal Medicine