Jainagesh Sekhar

Jainagesh A Sekhar


Professional Summary

Professor Jainagesh Akkaraju Sekhar (Jai) is an educator, researcher, and inventor of technologies, particularly in the fields of energy, materials, climate, and decarbonization.

He has discovered new technologies in materials and devices, ensuring that a majority of these have successfully entered the marketplace. Many of his discoveries and related products are being used in countries worldwide. He has been granted over 100 patents in the past few years. The findings have enabled substantial energy and environmental benefits. His research and patents specifically address conserving the quality of energy, novel high-temperature materials and devices, steam systems, aluminum and steel extraction processes, antimicrobial materials and devices, and several sustainability-enhancing devices. He is the author or editor of seven books. He has delivered several technical and management lectures worldwide. NSF, DOE, DOD, AFOSR, EMTEC, and many US and European companies have funded his research.

Professor Sekhar has published in premier scientific journals, created usable relevant technology, taught innovation principles to students, and directed the marketing of engineering products. He has published over 180 scientific publications in journals like Nature, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Entropy, Technology Forecasting, and Social Change, Acta Metallurgica, Metallurgical Transactions, Resources Policy, Journal of Materials Science, Scripta Materiala, Journal of Applied Physics, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policies, Current Science and other leading journals. He serves or has served on the editorial boards of several journals.

Professor Sekhar received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1982 and has been with the University of Cincinnati since 1988. He is currently a  Professor Emeritus. He has received several academic and industrial awards, including the Herox DOE 2020. He has been elected a Fellow of several societies, including ASM International. 

His current research is focused on the areas of entropy production/generation (MEPR), climate change, global warming, tropospheric phenomena, self-organization, climate and weather, pattern formation, high-temperature materials development, industrial decarbonization, heat transfer, quasicrystalline materials, antimicrobial materials and devices, texture and friction, avian flight, solidification and interface sciences, high-temperature materials and devices, icosahedral materials, high-pressure solidification, functional metallic nanomaterials, beam,  plasma processing, antimicrobial textures, and clean energy devices. 

His technological inventions and innovations have impacted engineering disciplines such as materials manufacturing sciences, electro-thermal materials and device technologies, heat transfer, solidification patterns, aluminum production, nanomaterials, steam production technologies, laser materials processing,  plasma use, and production and thermal design with high-temperature materials.  

Professor Sekhar has given several talks on a variety of subjects all over the world. His most recent presentation was on The Genesis of Shapes. A discussion that related patterns, texture, irreversibility, defects, and beauty in nature focused on the evolution of shapes from other shapes in biological and chemical systems.  

Professor Sekhar has experience managing large research groups and serving on the management team of new global energy and health product companies. He was the first director of the International Center for Micropyretics and a school board chairman for gifted children. He is also involved with energy-saving thermal technologies, climate research, and the study of self-organization, including bird flight.

Research Support

Grant: #OSP98127 Investigators:Sekhar, Jainagesh 09-01-1991 -08-31-2000 Moltech Power Systems Ltd Micropyretic Synthesis of Charge Transfer Composite Eletrodes Role:PI $2,011,667.00 Closed Level:Foreign Industry

Grant: #TECH 10-014 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Nagy, Peter; Qian, Dong; Sekhar, Jainagesh; Vasudevan, Vijay 07-27-2009 -07-27-2013 Ohio Department of Development Ohio Center for Innovative Laser Processing for Advanced Materials and Devices Role:Collaborator $3,000,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio


Peer Reviewed Publications

J. A. Sekhar (2020. ) Rapid Solidification and Surface Topography for Additive Manufacturing with Beam Surface Heating.Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, , 28 ,10–20 More Information

YD Bensah and JA Sekhar (2020. ) Solidification Morphology and Bifurcation Predictions with the Maximum Entropy Production Rate Model.Entropy, , 22 (40 ) , More Information

JA Sekhar, AS Mantri, S Saha, R Balamuralikrishnan and P Rama Rao (2019. ) Photonic, Low-Friction and Antimicrobial Applications for an Ancient Icosahedral/Quasicrystalline Nano-composite Bronze Alloy .Trans IIM, , https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-018-1535-1 ,

J. A. Sekhar (2018. ) Tunable Coefficient of Friction with Surface Texturing in Materials Engineering and Biological Systems .Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, , 19, ,94

MC Connelly, GS. Reddy, MN. Nadagouda, JA. Sekhar, (2017. ) Antimicrobial and Anti-Corrosive Efficacy of Inorganic Nano Porous Surfaces .Clean Technologies and Environmental Policies,, , 19 (3 ) ,845-857

YD Bensah and JA Sekhar (2016. ) Interfacial instability of a planar interface and diffuseness at the solid-liquid interface for pure and binary materials, .arXiv, , 1605.05005 ,

JA Sekhar, AS Mantri, Y Yamjela, S Saha, R.Balamuralikrishnan and P Rama Rao (2015. ) Ancient Mirror Alloy Revisited: Quasicrystalline Nanoparticles Observed, .JOM (Springer), , 67 (12 ) ,

YD Bensah and JA Sekhar (2014. ) Morphological Assessment with the Maximum Entropy Production Rate (MEPR) Postulate .Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering,, , 3 (91-98 ) ,

GS Reddy, MN Nadagouda, JA Sekhar (2012. ) Nanostructured Surfaces that show Antimicrobial, Anticorrosive, and Antibiofilm properties .KEM, TRans TEch, , 521 ,1-33

Michael C. Connelly and J. A. Sekhar (2012. ) U. S. energy production activity and innovation.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, , 79 (1 ) ,30 More Information

HP Li, GK Dey and JA Sekhar (2011. ) New entropic routes to Nano-particles and Nano-bands .Ceramic Transactions, , 229 ,21-34

JA Sekhar, HP Li, GK Dey (2011. ) Belousov–Zhabotinsky Nano-bands and Nano- particles, .Acta Materilia, , 58 (3 ) ,1056-1073

J.A. Sekhar (2011. ) The Description of Morphologically Stable Regimes for Steady State Solidification Based on the Maximum Entropy Production Rate Postulate by JA. Sekhar, .J. Mater. Sci,, , 46 (19 ) ,6172-6190

HP Li and JA Sekhar (2010. ) Belousov–Zhabotinsky dissipative reactions in Ni-Al and Ti-B high temperature reactions .Acta Materiala, , 57 ,5530-5444

Delali Bensah, Yaw; Sekhar, J A (2019. ) Solidification Morphology and Bifurcation Predictions with the Maximum Entropy Production Rate Model.Entropy (Basel, Switzerland), , 22 (1 ) , More Information

J. A. Sekhar (2021. ) Self-Organization, Entropy Generation Rate, and Boundary Defects: A Control Volume Approach.Entropy, , 23 (8 ) ,1092

More Information

Sekhar, Jainagesh A (2021. ) Self-Organization, Entropy Generation Rate, and Boundary Defects: A Control Volume Approach.Entropy (Basel, Switzerland), , 23 (8 ) , More Information

J. A. Sekhar (2022. ) An Entropic Model for Assessing Avian Flight Formations.ArXiv, , arXiv:2204.03102 ,1 More Information

HW Park, VM Balasubramaniam, AB Snyder, JA Sekhar (2022. ) Influence of Superheated Steam Temperature and Moisture Exchange on the Inactivation of Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spores in Wheat Flour-Coated Surfaces.Food Bioprocess Technol , ,

More Information

J. A Sekhar (2023. ) An Entropy Generation Rate Model for Tropospheric Behavior That Includes Cloud Evolution.Entropy, , 25 (12 ) ,1625 More Information

Sekhar, Jainagesh A (2023. ) An Entropy Generation Rate Model for Tropospheric Behavior That Includes Cloud Evolution.Entropy (Basel, Switzerland), , 25 (12 ) , More Information

Other Publications

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2011. ) Technological Forecasting & Social Change .Elsevier, 78 ,303-318

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2009. ) Generic innovation dynamics across the industrial technology life cycle. Platform equation modeling of invention and innovation activity .Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76 (1 ) ,192-203

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2010. ) Decay-dissipative Belousov-Zhabotinsky nanobands and nanoparticles in NiAl .Acta Materialia, 58 (3 ) ,1056-1073

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2009. ) New relationships between patents and technological innovation: Modeling patent activity as a driver of innovation .PICMET: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, 2722-2739

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2009. ) Accelerated radical innovation (ARI) methodology validation .PICMET: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, 677-691

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2009. ) Belousov-Zhabotinsky dissipative reactions in Ti-B and Ni-Al alloy systems .Acta Materialia, 57 (18 ) ,5430-5444

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2008. ) A case study in metals for inventions and innovations .PICMET: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, 639-655

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2008. ) Invention and innovation: A case study in metals .Key Engineering Materials, 380 ,15-39

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2008. ) Innovation with low-lonization plasma sources for enhanced aluminum processing .Key Engineering Materials, 380 ,209-225

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2008. ) Key Engineering Materials: Preface .Key Engineering Materials, 380 ,v

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2007. ) Platform equation modeling of innovation activity across the industrial technology life cycle .Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, 834-844

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2007. ) A technique to determine the emissivity with the temperature of a Fe-5.8 Pct Al-22 pct Cr alloy .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 38 (4 ) ,725-728

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2006. ) Low ionization plasma sources for enhanced aluminum processing for energy savings, environmental benefit and increased productivity .Industrial Heating, 73 (10 ) ,49-52

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2006. ) Heat-transfer enhancement using weakly ionized, atmospheric pressure plasma in metallurgical applications .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 37 (4 ) ,565-570

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2006. ) A common pattern in long-term metals production .Resources Policy, 31 (1 ) ,27-36

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2005. ) Processing bulk structures from nanoparticles of aluminum .Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 58 (6 ) ,1189-1202

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2005. ) Enhancement of heat transfer due to plasma flow in material processing applications .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 376 (2 ) ,889-893

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2004. ) Coherency, hot cracking and Wilfried Kurz .Solidification Processes and Microstructures: A Symposium in Honor of Wilfried Kurz, 131-137

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2003. ) Microstructure and properties of MoSi2-MoB and MoSi2-Mo5Si3 molybdenum silicides .Materials Science and Engineering A, 340 (1-2 ) ,204-211

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2002. ) The location of the first side branch instabilty during directional solidification .Acta Materialia, 50 (19 ) ,4841-4845

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2002. ) The influence of heating element temperature on productivity .JOM, 54 (11 ) ,76-80

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2002. ) Simulating convective die heating for forgings and pressure casting .JOM, 54 (8 ) ,39-43

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2001. ) Transformation behavior in nano-scale binary aluminum alloys .Advances in the Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys, 398-405

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2001. ) The sensitivity of the interface heat-transfer coefficient to pressure and fluid flow .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 32 (6 ) ,1213-1215

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (2000. ) Micropyretic synthesis of NiAl containing Ti and B .Journal of Materials Research, 15 (1 ) ,63-75

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Rapid thermal processing of implanted GaN UP to 1500 °C .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 537 ,G6.33

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Rapid thermal processing of implanted GaN up to 1500°C .MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 41 (SUPPL. 1 ) ,

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Preferential oxidation processes in carbons used in the Hall Heroult cell .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 531-537

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Reduction conditions encountered in cryolite baths .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 383-387

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Activation characteristics of donor and acceptor implants in GaN .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 572 ,513-518

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Convective heating below 1000°C .Advanced Materials and Processes, 156 (4 ) ,213-215

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Redistribution and activation of implanted S, Se, Te, Be, Mg, and C in GaN .Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 17 (4 ) ,1226-1229

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Micropyretic synthesis of MoSi2 powders through an aluminothermic reaction .Journal of Materials Research, 14 (5 ) ,2023-2028

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Micropyretic synthesis studies of Ni-, Al-, Ti-, and Nb-containing alloys .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 30 (2 ) ,171-188

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1999. ) Redistribution of implanted dopants in GaN .Journal of Electronic Materials, 28 (3 ) ,261-265

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Ultra high temperature rapid thermal annealing of GaN .Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 1 (3-4 ) ,3205-3214

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Processing, microstructures, and properties of molybdenum aluminosilicide .Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 81 (12 ) ,3205-3214

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Ultrahigh Si+ implant activation efficiency in GaN using a high-temperature rapid thermal process system .Applied Physics Letters, 73 (2 ) ,229-231

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Processing of C - Si Composites by Micropyretic Synthesis .ASM Proceedings: Heat Treating, 295-301

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Activation annealing of Si-implanted GaN up to 1500°C using a novel RTP technique .Journal of Electronic Materials, 27 (12 ) ,1329-1333

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) A novel technique for RTP annealing of compound semiconductors .Solid-State Electronics, 42 (12 ) ,2335-2340

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Porous titanium diboride composite cathode coating for Hall-Heroult cells: Part I. Thin coatings .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 29 (1 ) ,59-67

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Micropyretic synthesis of nickel aluminides .Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 51 (1 ) ,79-89

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Graded non-consumable anode materials .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 597-603

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) TiB2/colloidal alumina carbon cathode coatings in Hall-Heroult and drained cells .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 605-615

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Improved oxidation protection for carbon anodes .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 645-650

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1998. ) Pitch free carbon components for aluminum electrowinning .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 675-683

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1997. ) Micropyretically synthesized porous non-consumable anodes in the Ni-Al-Cu-Fe-X system .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 347-354

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1997. ) Micropyretic synthesis of Ni-Al intermetallic composites .Journal of Materials Science, 32 (7 ) ,1815-1824

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1997. ) Novel technique for RTP annealing of compound semiconductors .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 483 ,345-353

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1997. ) Micropyretic synthesis of tough nial alloys .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 28 (5 ) ,905-918

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1996. ) Modeling of sequential reactions during micropyretic synthesis .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 27 (4 ) ,961-972

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1996. ) Critical analysis of sodium membranes to prevent carbon cathode damage in the Hall-Heroult cell .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 271-276

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1995. ) Influence of the reactant size on the micropyretic synthesis of NiAl intermetallic compounds .Journal of Materials Research, 10 (10 ) ,2471-2480

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1995. ) Numerical analysis for micropyretic synthesis of NiAl intermetallic compound .Journal of Materials Science, 30 (18 ) ,4628-4636

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1995. ) Dynamic modeling of the interaction of gas and solid phases in multistep reactive micropyretic synthesis .Journal of Materials Research, 10 (5 ) ,1235-1246

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1995. ) Processing of composite materials by the micropyretic synthesis method .Key Engineering Materials, 108-110 ,19-44

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1995. ) Cathodic coating for improved cell performance .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 507-513

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1995. ) Carbonaceous micropyretic sidewall materials .Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 257-264

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (Jai) (1994. ) Solidification morphology and semi-solid deformation in superalloy Rene 108 - Part IV Directionally solidified microstructures .Journal of Materials Science, 29 (19 ) ,5005-5013

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1994. ) Quantitative microstructure maps for restrained directional growth .Journal of Materials Science, 29 (2 ) ,473-477

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1994. ) Solidification morphology and semisolid deformation in the superalloy Rene 108 - Part III Equiaxed solidified microstructures .Journal of Materials Science, 29 (14 ) ,367-3642

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1994. ) Analytical modeling of the propagation of a thermal reaction front in condensed systems .Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 77 (1 ) ,202-210

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Castability maps and mechanical properties semi-solid superalloys and nickel aluminides .57-66

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Influence of multi-dimensional oscillating combustion fronts on thermal profiles .Journal of Materials Science, 28 (23 ) ,6403-6408

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Rapid solidification by unstable combustion synthesis .Journal of Materials Research, 8 (10 ) ,2515-2523

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Semi-solid deformation in multi-component nickel aluminide - Part I Equiaxed alloys .Journal of Materials Science, 28 (13 ) ,3581-3588

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) An investigation of the effect of porosity and diluents on micropyretic synthesis .Metallurgical Transactions A, 24 (3 ) ,617-628

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Dimensional changes during micropyretic synthesis .Materials Science and Engineering A, 160 (2 ) ,221-227

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Interface configurations during the directional growth of salol-II. Thermal stress cracking .Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia, 41 (2 ) ,425-439

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Interface configurations during the directional growth of Salol-I. Morphology .Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia, 41 (2 ) ,409-424

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1993. ) Semi-solid deformation in multi-component nickel aluminide - Part II Directionally solidified alloys .Journal of Materials Science, 28 (14 ) ,3885-3894

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1992. ) Planar to equiaxed transition in the presence of an external wetting surface .Metallurgical Transactions A, 23 (12 ) ,3361-3368

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1992. ) Growth of noncrystallographic dendrites .Journal of Materials Research, 7 (8 ) ,1987-1989

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1992. ) Metal-ceramic composites based on the Ti-B-Cu porosity system .Metallurgical Transactions A, 23 (1 ) ,251-261

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1992. ) Combustion synthesis of niobium aluminide and its mechanical properties .Journal of Materials Science Letters, 11 (8 ) ,475-476

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1992. ) Numerical modeling of solidification combustion synthesis .Metallurgical Transactions A, 23 (1 ) ,23-34

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1991. ) Solidification microstructure evolution in the presence of inert particles .Materials Science and Engineering A, 147 (1 ) ,9-21

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1991. ) Analysis of the steady state molten pool obtained by heating a substrate with an electron beam .Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia, 39 (5 ) ,725-733

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1991. ) Evolution of solidification microstructures at high interface growth rates .Journal of Crystal Growth, 109 (1-4 ) ,113-119

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1991. ) Solidification microporosity in directionally solidified multicomponent nickel aluminide Metallurgical transactions .A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, 22 A (1 ) ,225-234

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1989. ) Faceted-nonfaceted dendritic transitions during the laser processing of Al2O3-1.0 Wt Pct MgO .Metallurgical Transactions A, 20 (10 ) ,2191-2194

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1989. ) Modeling of multidimensional solidification of an alloy .Metallurgical Transactions A, 20 (9 ) ,1833-1845

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1989. ) Development of solidification microstructures in the presence of fibers or channels of finite width .Materials Science and Engineering A, 114 (C ) ,133-146

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1989. ) Moderate pressure solidification: Undercooling at moderate cooling rates .Acta Metallurgica, 37 (5 ) ,1509-1519

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1989. ) Solidification microstructures near the limit of absolute stability .Metallurgical Transactions A, 20 (4 ) ,769-777

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1989. ) Computational technique for heat transfer due to a fast moving heat source .Defence Science Journal, 39 (2 ) ,183-193

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1988. ) Positron annihilation and Mössbauer effect studies in rapidly solidified aluminium based iron misch metal alloys .Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 49 (1 ) ,15-20

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1988. ) X-ray diffraction from single Al6CuLi3 grains showing five-fold symmetry .Pramana, 30 (4 ) ,L347-L353

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1988. ) High pressure induced crystallization of rapidly solidified AlFe and AlMn quasi-crystalline alloys .Materials Science and Engineering, 99 (1-2 ) ,413-416

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) Mechanical properties of large quasicrystals in the Al-Cu-li system .Nature, 327 (6123 ) ,609-610

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) Crystallisation of AlFe icosahedral quasicrystals under high pressures .Scripta Metallurgica, 21 (12 ) ,1623-1626

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) Solidification of the quasi crystalline phase in the AlCuLi system .Scripta Metallurgica, 21 (6 ) ,805-810

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) An icosahedral phase in the PbBi system .Scripta Metallurgica, 21 (4 ) ,543-547

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) Pulsed laser control .Metallurgical Transactions A, 18 (3 ) ,354-357

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) Effect of moderate cooling rates on the formation temperatures of icosahedral and T-phases in the Al-14at.% Mn alloy .Scripta Metallurgica, 21 (1 ) ,13-18

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1987. ) Surface solidification with a moving heat source: A study of solidification parameters .Acta Metallurgica, 35 (1 ) ,81-87


Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1986. ) Rapid pressurization experiments on a liquid Al-Mn alloy .Nature, 320 (6058 ) ,153-155

Jainagesh A. Sekhar (1986. ) Comparative wear behaviour of aluminium alloys .Journal of Materials Science Letters, 5 (11 ) ,1186-1188

(1998. ) Ultrahigh Si+ implant activation efficiency in GaN using a high-temperature rapid thermal process system .73 ,

(1992. ) Numerical modeling of solidification combustion synthesis .23 ,

(1991. ) Solidification microstructure evolution in the presence of inert particles .147 ,

(1979. ) Effect of pressure on metal-die heat transfer coefficient during solidification .40 ,

(1992. ) Metal-ceramic composites based on the Ti-B-Cu porosity system .23 ,

(1994. ) Analytical modeling of the propagation of a thermal reaction front in condensed systems .77 ,

(1992. ) Reinforced solder, brazing and welding compositions and methods for preparation thereof .

(1989. ) Solidification microstructures near the limit of absolute stability .20 ,

(1993. ) An investigation of the effect of porosity and diluents on micropyretic synthesis .24 ,

(1994. ) Process for producing a porous ceramic and porous ceramic composite structure utilizing combustion synthesis .

(1995. ) The influence of the reactant size on the micropyretic synthesis of NiAl intermetallic compounds .10 ,

(1998. ) Modulated and regenerative ceramic filter with insitu heating element .

(1989. ) Development of solidification microstructures in the presence of fibers or channels of finite width .114 ,

(1996. ) Refractory protective coated electroylytic cell components .

(1994. ) Electrochemical cell component or other material having oxidation preventive coating .

(1993. ) Rapid solidification by unstable combustion synthesis .8 ,

(1993. ) Manufacture of net shaped metal ceramic composite engineering components by self-propagating synthesis .

(1994. ) Application of refractory protective coatings, particularly on the surface of electrolytic cell components .

(1983. ) Heat flow model for surface melting and solidification of an alloy .14 ,

(1994. ) Aluminum electrolytic cell method with application of refractory protective coatings on cello components .

(2003. ) Microstructure and properties of MoSi2â??MoB and MoSi2â??Mo5Si3 molybdenum silicides .340 ,

(1993. ) Composite electrode for electrochemical processing and method for using the same in an electrolytic process for producing metallic aluminum .

(1997. ) Porous membranes .

(1996. ) Stable anodes for aluminium production cells .

(1997. ) Micropyretic synthesis of tough NiAl alloys .28 ,

(1993. ) Influence of multi-dimensional oscillating combustion fronts on thermal profiles .28 ,

(1993. ) Interface configurations during the directional growth of salolâ??ii. thermal stress cracking .41 ,

(1985. ) Solidification by pressure application .19 ,

(1994. ) Anode-cathode arrangement for aluminum production cells .

(2000. ) Micropyretic synthesis of NiAl containing Ti and B .15 ,

(1987. ) Mechanical properties of large quasicrystals in the Alâ??Cuâ??Li system .327 ,

(1995. ) Numerical analysis for micropyretic synthesis of NiAl intermetallic compound .30 ,

(1986. ) Rapid pressurization experiments on a liquid Alâ??Mn alloy .320 ,

(1994. ) Solidification morphology and semi-solid deformation in superalloy Rene 108 .29 ,

(1990. ) Microstructural development in interfiber regions of directionally solidified composites .

(1994. ) Combustible slurry for joining metallic or ceramic surfaces or for coating metallic, ceramic and refractory surfaces .

(1989. ) Modeling of multidimensional solidification of an alloy .20 ,

(1993. ) Dimensional changes during micropyretic synthesis .160 ,

(1996. ) Application of phosphates of aluminum to carbonaceous components of aluminum production cells .

(1989. ) Moderate pressure solidification: Undercooling at moderate cooling rates .37 ,

(1994. ) Composite electrode for electrochemical processing having improved high temperature properties and method for preparation by combustion synthesis .

(1984. ) Rapid solidification by application of high pressure .18 ,

(1994. ) Bonding of bodies of refractory hard materials to carbonaceous supports .

(1979. ) Thixoforging of aluminum alloys .40 ,

(1985. ) Microstructure refinement with forced convection in aluminium and superalloys .20 ,

(2009. ) Generic innovation dynamics across the industrial technology life cycle: Platform equation modeling of invention and innovation activity .76 ,

(1985. ) Rapidly solidified aluminium-iron-misch metal alloys .20 ,

(1995. ) Dynamic modeling of the interaction of gas and solid phases in multistep reactive micropyretic synthesis .10 ,

(1995. ) Carbon containing body or mass useful as cell component .

(1987. ) Solidification of the quasi crystalline phase in the Alî?¸ Cuî?¸ Li system .21 ,

(1999. ) Redistribution and activation of implanted S, Se, Te, Be, Mg, and C in GaN .17 ,

(1999. ) Rapid thermal processing of implanted GaN up to 1500 C .4 ,

(2006. ) A common pattern in long-term metals production .31 ,

(1996. ) Porous membranes and methods for making .

(1998. ) Processing, microstructures, and properties of molybdenum aluminosilicide .81 ,

(1990. ) Solidification interface configurations during the processing of particulate composites .

(2011. ) The description of morphologically stable regimes for steady state solidification based on the maximum entropy production rate postulate .46 ,

(1999. ) Application of refractory borides to protect carbon-containing components of aluminium production cells .

(1999. ) Hot air blower having two porous materials and gap therebetween .

(1993. ) Semi-solid deformation in multi-component nickel aluminide .28 ,

(1996. ) Carbon masses for use in aluminium production cells and process .

(2002. ) Prevention of oxidation of carbonaceous and other materials at high temperatures .

(2011. ) New relationships between production and patent activity during the high-growth life cycle stage for materials .78 ,

(2010. ) Decay-dissipative Belousovâ??Zhabotinsky nanobands and nanoparticles in NiAl .58 ,

(1995. ) Production of carbon-based composite materials as components of aluminum production cells .

(1992. ) Planar to equiaxed transition in the .23 ,

(1999. ) Redistribution of implanted dopants in GaN .28 ,

(1986. ) Two types of icosahedral phases in the Alî?¸ Mn system .20 ,

(1994. ) Production of carbon-based composite materials as components of aluminium production cells .

(2012. ) US energy production activity and innovation .79 ,

(1996. ) Method of reducing erosion of carbon-containing components of aluminum production cells .

(1999. ) Micropyretic synthesis studies of Ni-, Al-, Ti-, and Nb-containing alloys .30 ,

(1998. ) Production of bodies of refractory borides .

(1996. ) Filter/heating body produced by a method of spraying a shape .

(1981. ) Analysis of proposed new process for crystal growth from glasses by direct control of interface mobility .16 ,

(1988. ) High pressure induced crystallization of rapidly solidified Alî?¸ Fe and Alî?¸ Mn quasi-crystalline alloys .99 ,

(1992. ) Nature and properties of semi-solid materials: proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the TMS Solidification Committee of the Materials Design and Manufacturing Division, held during the 1992 annual meeting, San Diego, California, March 1-5, 1992 .

(1981. ) Heat flow during surface melting: Effect of temperature dependent absorptivity .12 ,

(1992. ) Combustion synthesis of niobium aluminide and its mechanical properties .11 ,

(1997. ) Method for production of aluminum utilizing protected carbon-containing components .

(1989. ) Faceted-nonfaceted dendritic transitions during the laser processing of Al 2 O 3-1.0 Wt Pct MgO .20 ,

(1986. ) Electron and x-ray diffraction studies on Al 86 Fe 14, Al 82 Fe 18 and Al 75 Fe 25 quasicrystals .27 ,

(1987. ) Effect of moderate cooling rates on the formation temperatures of icosahedral and T-phases in the Al-14at.% Mn alloy .21 ,

(1997. ) Carbon containing ramming paste in aluminum production cells .

(1995. ) Processing of composite materials by the micropyretic synthesis method .108 ,

(2001. ) Method of producing aluminum in a drained cathode cell .


(1998. ) Micropyretic synthesis of nickel aluminides .51 ,

(1995. ) Electrical heating element, related composites, and composition and method for producing such products using dieless micropyretic synthesis .

(1987. ) Surface solidification with a moving heat source: A study of solidification parameters .35 ,

(2001. ) The sensitivity of the interface heat-transfer coefficient to pressure and fluid flow .32 ,


(2008. ) Invention and innovation: A case study in metals .380 ,

(2009. ) New relationships between patents and technological innovation: Modeling patent activity as a driver of innovation .

(1991. ) Analysis of the steady state molten pool obtained by heating a substrate with an electron beam .39 ,

(1997. ) Micropyretic synthesis of Ni-Al intermetallic composites .32 ,

(1986. ) Comparative wear behaviour of aluminium alloys .5 ,

(1985. ) Some characteristics of icosahedral aluminium alloys .20 ,

(2009. ) Belousovâ??Zhabotinsky dissipative reactions in Tiâ??B and Niâ??Al alloy systems .57 ,

(1992. ) Growth of noncrystallographic dendrites .7 ,

(2002. ) Start-up of aluminum electrowinning cells .


(1987. ) An icosahedral phase in the Pbî?¸ Bi system .21 ,

(1984. ) Characterization of a rapidly solidified aluminium-iron-misch metal alloy .66 ,

(1994. ) Quantitative microstructure maps for restrained directional growth .29 ,

(1996. ) Conditioning of cell components for aluminum production .

(2012. ) Nanostructured surfaces that show antimicrobial, anticorrosive, and antibiofilm properties .521 ,

(2008. ) Innovation in materials science .380 ,

(1979. ) Structure and Deformation Characteristics of Rheocast Metals.

(1998. ) Carbon bodies resistant to deterioration by oxidizing gases .

(2004. ) Mid temperature plasma device .

(2002. ) Aluminium production cell with an insulating cover having individually removable sections .

(1996. ) Modeling of sequential reactions during micropyretic synthesis .27 ,

(1992. ) Solder and brazing alloys having improved properties and method of preparation .

(2014. ) Morphological assessment with the maximum entropy production rate (MEPR) postulate .3 ,

(1997. ) A novel technique for RTP annealing of compound semiconductors .483 ,

(2003. ) Aluminium production cell design .

(1999. ) Carbon bodies resistant to deterioration by oxidizing gases .

(2002. ) The influence of heating element temperature on productivity .54 ,

(2000. ) Molybdenum silicide-containing products with high emissivity .

(1991. ) Principles of solidification and materials processing .1 ,

(2002. ) The location of the first side branch instabilty during directional solidification .50 ,

(2006. ) Heat-transfer enhancement using weakly ionized, atmospheric pressure plasma in metallurgical applications .37 ,

(1997. ) Sinter-homogenized heating products .

(1996. ) Electrical heating element, related composites, and composition and method for producing such products using dieless micropyretic synthesis .

(1995. ) Method for joining ceramic and metal-ceramic heating elements to electrical terminals by micropyretic synthesis, compositions for electrical terminals and heaters comprising the same .

(2008. ) A case study in metals for inventions and innovations .

(2000. ) Production of bodies of refractory borides for use in aluminum electrowinning cells .

(1987. ) Crystallization of Al-Fe icosahedral quasicrystals under high pressures .21 ,


(1992. ) Combustion Synthesis of Niobium Aluminide Intermetallics and Composites .

(1984. ) An electron microscope study of the featureless zone obtained during rapid solidification .15 ,

(1999. ) Micropyretic synthesis of MoSi 2 powders through an aluminothermic reaction .14 ,

(2004. ) Convective system .

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(2007. ) Platform Equation Modeling of Innovation Activity Across the Industrial Technology Life Cycle .

(1991. ) Processing Ti--B--Cu Composites by Combustion Synthesis .

(2012. ) The Sgen rate maximization postulate: Applications to process-path analysis for solidification and micropyretic synthesis .521 ,

(1993. ) Processing maps for the micropyretic synthesis of structural composites and intermetallics .25 ,

(1991. ) Evolution of solidification microstructures at high interface growth rates .109 ,

(1988. ) X-ray diffraction from single Al 6 CuLi 3 grains showing five-fold symmetry .30 ,


(2002. ) Slurry and method for producing refractory boride bodies and coatings for aluminium electrowinning cell apparatus .

(1998. ) Micropyretically-produced components of aluminum production cells .

(1984. ) Crystal growth in glasses and amorphous semiconductors .

(2015. ) Ancient metal mirror alloy revisited: quasicrystalline nanoparticles observed .67 ,

(2003. ) Carbon-containing components of aluminium production cells .

(1998. ) Evaluation of colloidal alumina bonded TiB2 coatings for improving the carbon cathode performance in Hall-Heroult cells .25 ,


(1982. ) Errors in the DTA and DSC measurement of crystallization interface temperature .17 ,

(1997. ) Treated carbon or carbon-based cathodic components of aluminum production cells .

(1985. ) Lattice parameter measurements on rapidly pressurized Snî?¸ Pb alloys .3 ,

(1988. ) Positron annihilation and Mössbauer effect studies in rapidly solidified aluminium based iron misch metal alloys .49 ,

(1995. ) Electric heating element assembly .

(1991. ) High Pressure Induced Slow and Rapid Solidification .10 ,

(1989. ) X-Ray studies of Al6CuLi3 quasicrystal .16 ,

(1998. ) Ultra high temperature rapid thermal annealing of GaN .1 ,

(1998. ) Composite refractory/carbon components of aluminium production cells .

(2008. ) Air plasma induced low metal loss .

(2004. ) Slurry and method for producing refractory boride bodies and coatings for use in aluminium electrowinning cells .

(2009. ) Recognition of Belousov-Zhabotinsky-type oscillations in autosynthetic micropyretic reactions .18 ,


(2016. ) Materials having an enhanced emissivity and methods for making the same .

(1990. ) Solidification microporosity in equiaxed multi-component nickel aluminide .213 ,

(1992. ) Mushy Zone Morphologies Observed During Directional Growth of Composite Materials .

(2011. ) One sided electrode for manufacturing processes especially for joining .

(1984. ) A unidirectional atomizer for rapid solidification processing .2 ,

(2016. ) Antimicrobial materials and coatings .

(1985. ) The Use of Electromagnetics in Metallurgical Processing: a Review .38 ,

(2016. ) Interfacial instability of a planar interface and diffuseness at the solid-liquid interface for pure and binary materials .

(2006. ) Treatment for improving the stability of silicon carbide heating elements .

(1990. ) Phase and microstructure morphologies in combustion synthesized Nb-Al-B composites .213 ,

(2002. ) Simulating convective die heating for forgings and pressure casting .54 ,

(2014. ) A compilation of modern research in materials science and engineering .

(2012. ) Convective heating system for industrial applications .

(1998. ) Activation annealing of Si-implanted GaN up to 1500° C using a novel RTP technique .27 ,

(1985. ) On the improvement in fatigue resistance of Ti-6Al-4V castings .4 ,

(2002. ) Start-up of aluminium electrowinning cells .

(1997. ) Combustion Synthesis of Niobium Intermetallics and Composites.

(1998. ) Hard and abrasion resistant surfaces protecting cathode blocks of aluminium electrowinning cells .

(2011. ) Dimensions of innovation during the high growth stage of materials and energy production .

(1987. ) Pulsed laser control of surface solidification .18 ,

(2001. )


(2006. ) Low Ionization Plasma Sources for Enhanced Aluminum Processing for Energy Savings, Environmental Benefit and Increased Productivity .73 ,

(1992. ) Interface Morphologies and Cracking of the Solidification Interface During Directional Growth of Faceted Materials .

(2016. ) Method and apparatus for energy and water efficient labeling .

(2011. ) New Entropic Routes for Nanoâ??Bands and Nanoâ??Particles .229 ,

(1998. ) Ultra-high implant activation efficiency in GaN using novel high temperature RTP system .512 ,


(2004. ) Lightweight, High-Strength, Age-Hardenable Nanoscale Materials .

(1998. ) Method for eliminating porosity in micropyretically synthesized products and densified .

(1979. ) Forging of liquid and partially solid aluminum alloys .

(2014. ) Silicide materials, method to produce and protective treatment for same .


(2005. ) Processing bulk structures from nanoparticles of aluminum .58 ,

Electron and x-ray diffraction studies on AlBGFe149 AlmFe18 and A175Fe25 quasicrystals .

(1986. ) High pressure studies on Al-Fe quasi crystals .8 ,

(1996. ) Robust ceramic and metal-ceramic radiant heater designs for thin heating elements and method for production .

(1991. ) Nature of Intercellular Phase in Al-Fe-MM System .10 ,

(1991. ) The Impact of the High Power Laser on Solidification .

(1992. ) New Solidification Morphologies Observed During Directional Growth on Wettable Surfaces .

(1991. ) Electromagnetics in Metallurgical Processing .10 ,

(2016. ) One atmosphere boiler instant superheated steam apparatus and method .

Editorial overview: Materials engineering: The shape of materials engineering for the next 100 years doi: 10.1016/j. coche. 2014.12. 002 .


(1985. ) Eutectic Solidification .3 ,

(2016. ) Compact steamer .

(1982. ) Aligned crystallization in glasses: An analysis of heat transport and interface kinetics .47 ,


(1985. ) Technology of fabricating bulk rapidly solidified aluminium alloys .38 ,

(1993. ) Microstructure Evolution in the Presence of Constraints and Implications on the Properties of Mg-Li and Nb-Al Constraints.

(2016. ) Pressurized point-of-use superheated steam generation apparatus and method .


(2016. ) Editorial overview: Materials engineering: Coatings and interfaces .100 ,

(1989. ) A Computational Teddqae for Heat W arhe to a Fast Movhg Hl (lf 80urce .39 ,

(1984. ) Preparation and shaping of magnesium lithium alloys containing ceramic dispersoids .37 ,

(1999. ) PART I-Electronic Materials and Processing-Electronic Materials and Processing Poster Session-Redistribution and activation of implanted S, Se, Te, Be, Mg, and C in GaN .17 ,

(2013. ) Porous Sphere-like Objects, Method to Form Same and Uses Thereof Involvoing the Treatment of Fluids Including Anti-bacterial Applications .

(1991. ) Microstructure Evolution in the Presence of Constraints and Implications on the Properties of Mg-Li and Nb-Al Composites .

(1993. ) Processing of niobium aluminide composites by micropyretic synthesis and directional solidification .

(2005. ) IMECE2005-79782 Enhancement of Heat Transfer Due to Plasma Flow in Material Processing Applications .376 ,

(2001. ) Carbon bodies resistant to deterioration by oxidizing gases .

(1986. ) Rapid Pressure Application for Rapid Solidification Processing .

(1979. ) Structure and deformation characteristics of rheocast metals[Interim Report, 24 Jun. 1977- 23 Jun. 1978] .

(2008. ) Yashwant Mahajan & .

(1999. ) Activation Characteristics of Donor and Acceptor Implants in GaN .572 ,

(2014. ) Anti-smudging, better gripping, better shelf-life of products and surfaces .

(1993. ) Investment casting technique for the formation of metal matrix composite bodies and products produced thereby .5 ,

(1986. ) Electron and X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Al sub 86 Fe sub 14, Al sub 82 Fe sub 18 and Al sub 75 Fe sub 25 Quasicrystals .27 ,

(2011. ) Green Energy and Green Materials Production Activity and Related Patents .227 ,

(2012. ) Coatings with small particles that effect bulk properties .

(1990. ) Crystal Properties and Preparation .22 ,

(1997. ) Stable anodes for aluminium production cells .82 ,

(2007. ) A technique to determine the emissivity with the temperature of a Fe-5.8 pct Al-22 pct Cr alloy .38 ,


(1995. ) Combustible slurry for joining metallic or ceramic surfaces or for coating metallic, ceramic and refractory surfaces .

(2013. ) Antibiofilm nanoporous nanostructures and method to produce same .

(1992. ) Mushy Zone Morphologies Observed During .

(1994. ) Processing of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds by micropyretic synthesis .


(2008. ) Innovation with Low-Ionization Plasma Sources for Enhanced Aluminum Processing .380 ,

(1998. ) SPECIAL SECTION ON TRANSIENT THERMAL PROCESSING OF ELECTRONIC MATERIAL-Activation Annealing of Si-Implanted GaN up to 1500 (degree) C Using a Novel RTP Technique .27 ,

(2005. ) Enhancement of Heat Transfer Due to Plasma Flow in Material Processing Applications .

X-ray diffraction from single Al, CuLi, grains showing five-fold .

Electron and x-ray diffraction studies on Alg, Fe, Al, Fe, and Al, Fe, quasicrystals .

(2017. ) Antimicrobial and anticorrosive efficacy of inorganic nanoporous surfaces .19 ,

(2017. ) Thermal Plasma Treatment Method .

(2017. ) Method of joining metals and non-metals with foil and products so joined .

(1990. ) Principles of Solidification and Materials Processing: Indo-US Workshops on" Solidification Principles and Materials Processing" .

(1991. ) Solidification microporosity in directionally solidified multicomponent nickel aluminide .22 ,

(2017. ) Industrial heating apparatus and method employing fermion and boson mutual cascade multiplier for beneficial material processing kinetics .

(2015. ) Apparatus and method for sterilizing items .

(2013. ) Heating and sterilizing apparatus and method of using same .

(1994. ) Materials used in the Hall-Heroult cell for aluminum production .

(1995. ) Micropyretic synthesis of carbonaceous composite materials .

Phase Stability and Phase Transformations .

(2018. ) Tunable coefficient of friction with surface texturing in materials engineering and biological systems .19 ,

(2018. ) Editorial overview-Materials engineering: Surface properties as related to friction, wear and chemical reactivity .

(2000. ) Ignition phenomena and reaction mechanisms of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction in the Ti+ C system. 5 ,

(2014. ) Heating and sterilizing apparatus and method for using same .

(2001. ) Modeling and experimental studies on the effect of thermophysical properties on field-activated combustion synthesis reactions. 5 ,

(2018. ) High temperature devices and applications employing pure aluminum braze for joining components of said devices .

Photonic, Low-Friction and Antimicrobial Applications for an Ancient Icosahedral/Quasicrystalline Nano-composite Bronze Alloy .

(2011. ) Edited by SK Sundaram, Kevin Fox, Tatsuki Ohji and Elizabeth Hoffman Copyright© 2011 The American Ceramic Society .

(2004. ) Intermediates for the production of quinolone carboxylic acid derivatives .


(1993. ) Microstructure evolution in the presence of constraints and implications on the properties of Mg-Li and Nb-Al constraints(Final Report, 1 Jun. 1990-31 May 1993) .

(1993. ) Interface configurations during the directional growth of Salolâ??I. Morphology .41 ,


Encyclopedia Article

J. A. Sekhar (2024. ) Encyclopedia .https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/1296,

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Materials, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati