Professional Summary
Anna-Maria Senuysal is a sixth-year candidate in the dual PhD program at the Universities of Cincinnati and Duisburg Essen. Her dissertation project undertakes an anamnesis of Enlightenment thought in the 21st century and investigates, alongside three non-human agents - mushrooms, stones and stars - post-enlightenment and non-anthropocentric forms of ontology and epistemology in art, literature and theory. She is also currently working on a volume titled The Theatre of Milo Rau: Aesthetics – Ethics – Politics together with Tanja Nusser and Teresa Kovacs, forthcoming with Fink Verlag in 2024.
Broader interests include late 18th to early 19th century German literature, drama theory, movement and migration in the 21st century, and the intersection of (post-)colonialism and ecology, or ecology-as-intersectionality.
"Counterarchives, Appropriation and the Disobedient Gaze: Archival Structures in Ursula Biemann’s Contained Mobility and Charles Heller’s & Lorenzo Pezzani’s Death by Rescue", TRANSIT vol. 13, no. 2, University of Berkeley California, 2022.
“‘In totaler Verrükung / constant zu werden’. Verrückung als deterritorialisierende Textstrategie in Peter Weiss’ Hölderlin”. In: Textpraxis. Digitales Journal für Philologie. Graduate School Practices of Literature, 11/2022.
‘This is Africa – Agency, Representation and the Employment of Master Narratives in Edward Zwick's Blood Diamond”, Andererseits. Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies, VOL. 7/8, 2019.
Forthcoming 2024, co-edited with Teresa Kovacs and Tanja Nusser: The Theatre of Milo Rau: Aesthetics – Ethics – Politics. Fink Verlag.
co-edited with Mareike Lange: focus on German Studies. Special Issue: Spielformen des Authentischen. Vol. 27. University of Cincinnati, 2020.
co-edited with Tanja Nusser and Todd Herzog: 25 Years Berlin Republic. Reflections on/of German Unification (1990-2015), Fink 2019.
co-edited with Mareike Lange and Ellen Chew: focus on German Studies. Vol. 28. University of Cincinnati, 2019.