Donna Zell shambley-ebron , BSN, MSN, PhD
Instructor - Adj
Associate Professor Director, PhD Program
Professional Summary
Donna Z. Shambley-Ebron, RN, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, PhD Program
CON Research 0038
PhD: Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA, 2003 (Nursing- Health Care Across the Lifespan)
MSN: Valdosta State College Valdosta, GA, 1993 (Community Health/Education)
BSN: Capital University Columbus, OH, 1974 (Nursing)
Research and Practice Interests
HIV/AIDS prevention, African American women and girls, Ethnography, Qualitative research methods, Health disparities, sexual health, Transcultural nursing
Positions and Work Experience
2003 -2009 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
1997 -2003 Assistant Professor/ Undergraduate Coordinator, Valdosta State University College of Nursing, Valdosta, GA
1994 -1997 Instructor, Valdosta State University College of Nursing, Valdosta, GA
1994 - Faculty Extender, University of Phoenix School of Nursing, Phoenix, AZ
1992 -1994 Women's Health Services Manager, Indian Community Health Services, Phoenix, AZ
1991 -1992 Community Health Nursing, Indian Community Health Services, Phoenix, AZ
1990 -1991 School Nurse, Dysart Unified School District, El Mirage, AZ
1990 - Senior Staff Nurse, Community Health, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Lowndes County Health Department, Valdosta, GA
1988 -1990 Senior Staff Nurse, Perinatal Case Management, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Lowndes County Health Department, Valdosta, GA
1986 -1988 Part-time Staff Nurse, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Children's Medical Services, Valdosta, GA
1984 -1986 Neonatal Care Instructor, Kadena Air Force Base Family Support Center, Okinawa, Japan
2009 -To Present Associate Professor, Director, PhD Program 2010-present Interim Director, PhD program 2009-2010, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH 45221
1979 -1983 Certified La Leche League Leader, Goldsboro, North Carolina
1977 - Staff Nurse Volunteer, Brevard County Mobile Cardiovascular Unit Brevard County Health Department , Cocoa Beach, Florida
1974 -1976 Staff Nurse, Clinical Research Center University of Washington Hospital, Seattle, Washington
Research Support
Investigators:Sommers, L & Shambley-Ebron, D 2007 -2011 National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR) National Insitutes of Mental Health (NIMH) Injury from Sexual Assault: Addressing Health Disparity Role:PI
2004 University of Cincinnati, University Research Council, Faculty Research Grant 2004 My Sister, Myself: Culture and Health for Africana Girls $3,000
2004 University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Rabinowitz Award 2004 My Sister, Myself: Culture and Health for Africana Girls $5,000
2002 American Nurses Foundation Research Grant/Gloria Smith RN/ANF Scholar 2002 Self-Care and Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV Illness $5,000
Investigators:University of Cincinnati. Research Director Team 2009 National Institutes of Health Community Translational Research Award $22.7 million over a 5 year span
2008 Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Grant Award Cultural Transmission of sexual knowledge, values and beliefs: A Qualitative study of young African American Women. Role:PI- Donna Shambley-Ebron $2,461
Investigators:PI-Yin, Xu 2009 Midwest Nursing Research Society New Investigator Seed Grant Diabetes self management: Perceptions in Chinese Americans Role:Co-PI- Shambley-Ebron $10,000
Grant: #542828 / NR005352 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 09-01-2007 -03-31-2011 National Institute of Nursing Research Injury from Sexual Assault: Addressing Health Disparity Role:PI $57,184.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005654 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 07-01-2008 -12-31-2012 Association of Community Health Nursing Educators Cultural Transmission of Sexual Knowledge, Values and Beliefs: An Ethnographic Study of Young African American Women Role:PI $2,461.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 006105 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna; Xu, Yin 04-01-2009 -03-30-2011 Midwest Nursing Research Society Diabetes Self Management: Perceptions of Chinese Americans Role:Collaborator $10,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Shambley-Ebron 2012 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 08-01-2012 -07-31-2014 Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholars Program Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Nursing Scholarships Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 08-01-2014 -07-31-2016 Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Jonas Nurse Leaders PhD & Jonas Veterans Healthcare PhD Programs Role:PI $30,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Future of Nursing Scholars Program Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 09-01-2014 -08-31-2015 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars Program Role:PI $75,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #72591 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 04-01-2015 -08-31-2018 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars Program AY15-16 Role:PI $150,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Jonas Scholorships 2016 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 06-01-2016 -07-31-2018 Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Jonas Nurse Leader PhD and Veterans Healthcare PhD Scholars Program 2016-2018 Role:PI $50,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #73529 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 04-15-2016 -07-31-2019 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation RWFJ Future Nursing Scholars Program 2016-2019 Cohort Role:PI $25,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #74334 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 04-15-2017 -07-31-2020 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation University of Cincinnati Future of Nursing Scholars Program 2017 Role:PI $100,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #CHMC Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 04-15-2017 -07-31-2020 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center RWFJ Future Nursing Scholars Program 2016-2019 Cohort (CCHMC portion) Role:PI $50,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #75248 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 04-01-2018 -07-31-2021 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation University of Cincinnati Future of Nursing Scholars Program 2018 Role:PI $100,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #CHMC C/S on RWJF 75428 Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 04-01-2018 -07-31-2021 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center University of Cincinnati Future of Nursing Scholars Program 2018 (CCHMC $50k portion) Role:PI $50,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2018-2020 Jonas Scholars Investigators:Shambley-Ebron, Donna 08-01-2018 -07-31-2020 Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Jonas Nurse Leader PhD Scholars Program 2018-2020 Role:PI $10,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sommers, MS; Zink, TM; Fargo, JD; Baker, RB; Buscher, C; Shambley-Ebron, DZ & Fisher, BS (2008. ) Forensic Rape Examination and Genital Injury: Is Skin Color a Source of Health Disparity? .American Journal of Emergency Medicine, ,
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2009. ) My Sister, Myself: Culture and Health for Africana Girls: Community Action for HIV/AIDS Prevention .Journal of Transcultural Nursing, ,
Shambley-Ebron, DZ & Boyle, JS (2006. ) In Our Grandmothers' Footsteps: Perceptions of Being Strong in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Advances in Nursing Practice, , 29 (3 ) ,195 -206
Shambley-Ebron, DZ & Boyle, JS (2005. ) Self-Care and Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Western Journal of Nursing Research, , 28 (1 ) ,42 -60
Shambley-Ebron, DZ & Boyle, JS (2004. ) New Paradigms for Transcultural Nursing: Frameworks fo Studying African American Women .Journal of Transcultural Nursing, , 15 (1 ) ,11 -17
Baker, R.B., Fargo, J.D., Shambley-Ebron, D., & Sommers, M.S. (2010. ) A source of healthcare disparity: Race, skin color, and injuries after rape among adolescents and young adults. Journal of Forensic Nursing, , 6 (3 ) ,144-150
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2011. ) Rites of passage: Cultural paths for HIV/AIDS prevention in African American girls. In A. Lemelle, W. Reed, & S. Taylor, .Handbook of African American health: Social and behavioral interventions. , , New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. ,
Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z (2009. ) My sister, myself: a culture- and gender-based approach to HIV/AIDS prevention.Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society / Transcultural Nursing Society, , 20 (1 ) ,28-36 More Information
Sommers, Marilyn S; Zink, Therese M; Fargo, Jamison D; Baker, Rachel B; Buschur, Carol; Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z; Fisher, Bonnie S (2008. ) Forensic sexual assault examination and genital injury: is skin color a source of health disparity?.The American journal of emergency medicine, , 26 (8 ) ,857-66 More Information
Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z; Boyle, Joyceen S (2006. ) In our grandmother's footsteps: perceptions of being strong in African American women with HIV/AIDS. ANS. Advances in nursing science, , 29 (3 ) ,195-206
Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z; Boyle, Joyceen S (2006. ) Self-care and mothering in African American women with HIV/AIDS. Western journal of nursing research, , 28 (1 ) ,42-60; discussion 61
Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z; Boyle, Joyceen S (2004. ) New paradigms for transcultural nursing: frameworks for studying African American women.Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society / Transcultural Nursing Society, , 15 (1 ) ,11-7 More Information
Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z (2015. ) Transcultural nursing promoting peace through practice and scholarship.Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society / Transcultural Nursing Society, , 26 (5 ) ,529-30 More Information
Smith, Carolyn R; Martsolf, Donna S; Draucker, Claire Burke; Shambley-Ebron, Donna Z; Pritchard, Tracy J; Maler, Jeffrey (2016. ) Stimulating Research Interest and Ambitions in Undergraduate Nursing Students: The Research-Doctorate Pipeline Initiative.The Journal of nursing education, , 55 (3 ) ,133-40 More Information
Burlew, K., Shambley-Ebron, D., Lannaway, D., McCuistian, C., Sherman, L., Steele,> (2017. ) Community Based Cultural Adaptation for HIV Prevention in African American Girls .Collaborations in Public Health , ,
Dole, D., Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2016. ) Cultural Meanings of Mothering through the eyes of African American Adolescent Mothers. Advances in Nursing Science, ,
Punsomreung, T., Schafer, J., Shambley-Ebron, D. (2012. ) Intimate Partner Violence, Factors influencing IPV, and Maternal Health Status .Journal of Women's Health , , 21 (4 ) ,15
Nypaver, C. & Shambley-Ebron, D. (2015. ) Using community-based participatory research to investigate meaningful prenatal care among African American Women .Journal of Transcultural Nursing , ,
Other Publications
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2003. ) Self-care and the cultural meanings of mothering in African American women with HIV/AIDS. Doctoral Dissertation . Medical College of Georgia
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (1993. ) A comparative study of the effects of joblessness on adult males. Masters thesis . Valdosta State University
Book Chapter
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. The cultural context in public health nursing Savage, Groves, & Kub. Eds. Public Health Science in Nursing Practice .F.A. Davis
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2011 ) Rites of passage: Cultural paths for HIV/AIDS prevention in African American Girls. Journal of African American Studies .
Invited Presentations
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2007. ) From Dissertation to Funded Research .University of Texas at Austin, CHPR Summer Research Intensive, Austin, TX.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2004. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Scholarly Roundtable, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2004. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Southern Regional Transcultural Nursing Conference, Savannah, GA.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2003. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Ryan White Consortium, South Health District "What's Age Got to Do with It?" HIV/AIDS Across the Lifespan, Valdosta, GA.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2002. ) Critical Ethnography and Nursing Research .Valdosta State University College of Nursing, Scholarship Day, Valdosta, GA.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2002. ) The Making of a Transcultural Dissertation .Southern Regional Transcultural Nursing Conference, Savannah, GA.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2001. ) Generations of HIV: Self-Care Practices in HIV-Positive African American Women .International Interdisciplinary Conference, Advances in Qualitative Methods, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2000. ) Out of Many, One, Out of One, Many: Diversity Within African American Culture, Implications for Transcultural Nursing .Southern Regional Transcultural Nursing Conference, Savannah, GA.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (1999. ) Nursing in Jamaica, Transcultural Nursing Concepts .Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Pi Chapter, Education Day, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
(2015. ) Healing Communities through Community Partnerships .Cincinnati Public Allies Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:Local
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2007. ) Honoring our Past by Preserving our future: Eliminating Health Disparities in America .USAF Research Lab African American History Month, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. Level:Regional
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2007. ) African American Women and HIV/AIDS .Cincinnati Urban League African American Leadership Class, Cincinnati, Ohio . Level:Local
Poster Presentations
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2005. ) My Sister, Myself, Culture and Health for Africana Girls .Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Cincinnati, OH. .
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2004. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .18th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society, Louisville, KY. .
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2003. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Graduate Student Research Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. .
Kosak, B.J., Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2014. ) Parental experiences of having a child diagnosed with schizophrenia .American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2006. ) My Sister, Myself, Culture and Health for Africana Girls .Milwaukee, WI.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ; Enah, C (2006. ) Two Culturally Appropriate Interventions for HIV/AIDS Prevention in Black Girls .Milwaukee, WI.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2005. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Cincinnati, OH.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2004. ) Self-Care and the Cultural Meanings of Mothering in African American Women with HIV/AIDS .Washington, DC.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (1999. ) Afrocentric and Feminist Ways of Knowing: New Directions for Transcultural Nursing .Columbia, SC.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (1999. ) Afrocentric and Feminist Ways of Knowing: New Directions for Transcultural Nursing .Memphis, TN.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (1999. ) Afrocentric and Feminist Ways of Knowing: New Directions for Transcultural Nursing .Augusta, GA.
Karikari, A., Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2008. ) Cultural Preparation for Womanhood in urban Black girls .Indianapolis, Indiana.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2005. ) My Sister, Myself, Culture, and Health for Africana Girl .Cincinnati, OH.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2004. ) My Sister, Myself, Culture, and Health for Africana Girl .Cincinnati, OH.
Burlew, K., Shambley-Ebron, D. (2016. ) Empowering Communities in the Cultural adaptation of Evidence Based Interventions .Port au Prince, Haiti. Conference. Level:International
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. & Leung, J. (2016. ) Pre and Post Liver Transplant Experiences in African Americans .Cincinnati, Ohio. Professional Meeting.
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2012. ) Appreciative Inquiry as a Guiding Framework for Transcultural Nursing Research .Orlando, Florida. Conference.
Morris, E., Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2012. ) Qualitative Research Pilot Studies: Do They Inform the Dissertation? .Orlando, Florida. Conference.
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2011. ) Cultural preparation for womanhood in urban Black girls .Las Vegas, NV. Conference.
Shambley-Ebron, D.Z. (2001. ) Generations of HIV: Self-Care Practices in HIV-Positive African American Women .Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Conference.
Shambley-Ebron, D., Stec, M., Werdman, E. (2015. ) Accelerated Pathways to Leadership in Nursing .University of California, Davis.
Shambley-Ebron, DZ (2004. ) Spirituality in the Context of Caregiving .Louisville, KY.
Honors and Awards
2007 Dean's Research Award, University of Cincinnati for "Cultural Preparation for Womanhood in Urban Black Girls"
2004 Faculty Millenium Award for Outstanding Commitment and Support to RN/BSN University of Cincinnati
2004 Vickie and Clinton Lambert Award - Excellence in Scholarly Writing Medical College of Georgia
2002 Gloria Smith, RN/American Nurses Foundation Scholar
2002 -2003 Faculty and Spouse Club Award Medical College of Georgia
2002 -2003 Dr & Mrs David Jerram Scholar Medical College of Georgia
2000 Who's Who Among American Teachers Also 2002, 2004, & 2005
2000 -2001 Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities
1989 Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities
1989 Award for Innovative Nursing Practice Sigma Theta Tau
1989 Georgia State Rural Health Nursing Award Status:Nomination
Transcultural Nursing Society Newsletter member spotlight
2007 -2009 Darwin T. Turner Scholarship Program award Selecting by students for outstanding support University of Cincinnati
2016 Academic -Community Research Partnership Award Presented by the Center for Clinical and Translational Science & Training (CCTST) for outstanding academic-community research partnership. Type:Recognition
Student Advising
Debora Dole (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2009
Cynthia Nypaver (Doctoral ) Chair 2013
Barbara Skinn (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2006
Rachel Baker (Doctoral ) Committee Member 2007
Kathie York (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2011
Karen Burkett (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2011
Treechada Punsomreung (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2011
Bernard young (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2014
Joe Perazzo (Doctoral ) Committee Member 2015
Sarah Herrle (Doctoral ) Chair 2017
Amy Costanzo (Doctoral ) Co-Chair 2017
Cassie Wardlaw (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Benjamin Fishback (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
(Dean's Executive Advisory Council ) Type:University/College Service 2009 -To Present
(Research Council, member ) Type:University/College Service 2008 -2009
(Grievance Hearing Member ) Type:University/College Service 2008
(Decanal Review Committee ) Type:University/College Service 2008
(College of Nursing, Caring through Sharing Mentoring Program ) Type:University/College Service 2006 -2008
(Student Affairs Council, chair ) Type:University/College Service 2006 -2007
(Coordinating Council ) Type:University/College Service 2007 -2008
(BSN Program Committee ) Type:University/College Service 2004
(Search Committee, Associate Dean for Research, College of Nursing ) Type:University/College Service 2006
Interviewer, Search for Associate Dean for Research, College of Allied Health Type:University/College Service 2006 -2007
(PhD Preliminary Exam Panel, Chair ) Type:University/College Service 2005 -2006
(Faculty Assembly, Secretary ) Type:University/College Service 2004 -2005
(PhD Program Committee ) Type:University/College Service 2004
(PhD Recruitment Subcommittee, Chair ) Type:University/College Service 2006
(Faculty Search and Screen Committee ) Type:University/College Service 2004
(Pediatric Continuum of Care Curriculum Revision Task Force ) Type:University/College Service 2004
(Community Health Curricuclum Revision Task Force ) Type:University/College Service 2004
(College of Nursing Convocation subcommittee ) Type:University/College Service 2004 -2005
(College of Nursing Retention subcommittee ) Type:University/College Service 2004 -2005
(UC 21 Goal 4 - "Forging Key Partnerships and Relationships" - leader for document preparation for College of Nursing ) Type:University/College Service 2005
University of Cincinnati (Graduate Council ) Type:University/College Service 2010 -2011
University of Cincinnati (Veterans Task Force, Academic Subcommittee ) Type:University/College Service 2008 -2009
University of Cincinnati (Faculty Grievance Council ) Type:University/College Service 2007 -2008
(Faculty Senate subcommittee on Faculty Development ) Type:University/College Service 2007
(UC 21 Implementation Task Force - "Forging Key Partnerships and Relationships" ) Type:University/College Service 2005
(UC 21 Implementation sub group - "Improving the health and wellness of the UC community and surrounding Greater Cincinnati region." - Covener ) Type:University/College Service 2005
(Decanal Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2016
(Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2014 -2015
(Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2015 -2017
(Bylaws Revision Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2013 -2014
(Curriculum Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2012 -BAD DATE
(Appointment, Reappointment, & Tenure ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2012 -2014
Undergraduate Research Scholars Co-Coordinator Type:University/College Service Level:College 2014 -BAD DATE
Cincinnati Board of Health Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2010 -2016
Cincinnati Board of Health Vice-Chair Type:Community Service Level:Local 2015
Cincinnati Health Department (Institutional Review Board ) Member Type:Community Service 2010 -BAD DATE
(Faculty senate human relations ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014 -2016
(Graduate Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2010 -2012
Graduate Council (New Programs subcommittee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2012
Journal of Transcultural Nursing Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2012 -BAD DATE
Journal of Transcultural Nursing Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2006 -2012
Journal of Nurses in AIDS Care Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service 2008 -BAD DATE
Professional Affiliation
2010 -2016: Cincinnati Board of Health, appointed by Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory
2007 -To Present: Cincinnati Nutrition Council, Board of Trustees
2008 -2009: Evaluation subcommittee
2007: Cincinnati Urban League African American Leadership Class. Invited Speaker on African American Women and HIV/AIDS
2006 -2008: Closing the Health Gap in Greater Cincinnati. Annual Conference on Health Disparities. Planning committee. Coordinator of Student and faculty volunteers.
2005 -2007: National Speaking of Women's Health Conference. "Universal Sisters" Health for Women of Color. Conducted Depression and Anxiety Screening with the Northern Kentucky Mental Health Association.
2004 -2005: Academic community Partnership on Reducing Low-Birth Weight in Winton Terrace. Consultant.
2005: Cincinnati Public Schools, John Parker Elementary School. Culture and Health for Africana Girls. Cincinnati, OH
2004: Cincinnati Public Schools, South Avondale Elementary School. Reader for kindergarten and first grade classes. Cincinnati, OH
2004: Community Health Fair speaker and participant. Southern Baptist Church Cincinnati, OH
2003 -2005: "Walk as One" for a Just Community Cincinnati, OH
1999 -2003: Lowndes-Valdosta YMCA. Board of Directors
1998 -To Present: Lowndes County Child Advocacy Resource Center
1998 -2001: Member of The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Lowndes County Chapter - an organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black women and the strengthening of communities
2000: Coordinator of "Women's Holistic Health" seminar sponsored by Valdosta State University and the 100 Black Women, Lowndes County Chapter
1995 -2003: Coastal Plains Head Start Health Advisory Council, secretary
1995 -2003: Provide free physical assessments and screenings for at-risk children at Head Start during personal time
2006 -To Present: Peer review Board, Journal of Transcultural Nursing
2006 -2010: Ronald McNair Research Scholars Program, Research mentor University of Cincinnati,
2009 -2011: Midwest Nursing Research Society, conference planning committee
2007 -To Present: Peer reviewer for Journal of Community Action Research
2008: Peer reviewer for Western Journal of Nursing Research
2008: Peer reviewer for Journal of Nurses in AIDS Care
Abstract Reviewer 2000 Southern Regional Transcultural Nursing Conference
American Nurses Association
Ohio Nurses’ Association
2005: Southwestern Ohio Nurses’ Association nomination committee
1996 -1998: Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Pi Chapter treasurer
2001 -2003: Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Pi Chapter Vice-President
2006 -2008: Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Iota Chapter program committee
American Association of University Professors - UC Chapter
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators
Transcultural Nursing Society
Courses Taught
29-NURS-464-RN Seminar I Community
29-NURS-464-RN Seminar I Community
29-NURS-466-RN Practicum I Community
29-NURS-465-RN Seminar II Community
29-NURS-467-RN Practicum II Community
29-NURS-890 Culture, Health, and Community
29-NURS-890 Culture, Health, and Community
29-NURS-941 Nursing Inquiry II
29-NURS-941 Nursing Inquiry II
29-NURS-941 Nursing Inquiry II
29-NURS-711 Community as Partner (accelerated track)
29-NURS-878 Advanced Qualitative Methods
29-NURS-878 Advanced Qualitative Methods
29-NURS-940 History and Philosophy of Nursing Science
29-NURS-940 History and Philosophy of Nursing Science
Faculty Development Activities
2009 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference Kansas City, Missouri Type:Conference Attendance
2008 Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute Atlanta, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
2008 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference Indianapolis, Indiana Type:Conference Attendance
2008 Understanding & Implementing a Quality Improvement Process University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Type:Conference Attendance
2007 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance
2006 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference Milwaukee, Wisconsin Type:Conference Attendance
2005 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference Cincinnati, Ohio Type:Conference Attendance
2005 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance
2004 State of the Science in Nursing Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Washington, D.C. Type:Conference Attendance
2004 Writing Award Winning Grants University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance
2004 18th Annual Southern Nursing Research Conference Louisville, Kentucky Type:Conference Attendance
2004 Southern Regional Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society Savannah, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
2003 What’s Age Got to do with it? HIV/AIDS Across the Lifespan South Health District Ryan White Consortium Valdosta, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
2001 Advances in Qualitative Methods 2nd international interdisciplinary conference Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Type:Conference Attendance
2000 Research Career Development in the New Millennium Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
2000 Keeping With the Pace IX: An HIV Update University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Type:Conference Attendance
2000 Reclaiming Our Souls, Survival and Coping of African American Women Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia. Type:Conference Attendance
2000 Transcultural Nursing in the New Millennium Southern Regional Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society Savannah, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
1999 Toward the 21st Century: Transcultural Nursing Approaches to Health Care Delivery and Policy. Southern Regional Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society Memphis, Tennessee Type:Conference Attendance
1999 Women’s Studies on the Move: Envisioning the Future University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina Type:Conference Attendance
1998 Collaboration for Healthy Children in Schools: Exemplars in Nursing Education and Practice Southern Regional Education Board, Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing Atlanta, Georgia. Type:Conference Attendance
1998 Transcultural Nursing: A Paradigm for Innovative Health Care Systems Southern Regional Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Type:Conference Attendance
1997 HIV in Women and Families Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
1997 Cultural Diversity and Health Care - Focus on Migrant Health Center for Applied Research in Anthropology Georgia State University Type:Conference Attendance
1997 Cultural Diversity and Health Care – Focus on the African and Afro-Caribbean Client Center for Applied Research in Anthropology Georgia State University Type:Conference Attendance
1996 Multicultural education conference Valdosta Project Change Valdosta, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
1995 Connecting Teachers and Technology Georgia Board of Regents University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Type:Conference Attendance
1995 Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking Center for Nursing Education and Testing, Inc. Tifton, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
1995 Improving Test Construction Skills Center for Nursing Education and Testing, Inc. Tifton, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
1995 Test Item Writing and Critical Thinking University of North Florida Jacksonville, Florida. Type:Conference Attendance
1995 Are They Troublesome Students or Students with Troubles Georgia Board of Nursing Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia Type:Conference Attendance
Transcultural Nursing Society Conference Transcultural Nursing Society Cincinnati, OH Type:Conference Attendance
2016 AACN Doctoral Education Conference AACN Naples, FL Type:Conference Attendance
2015 AACN Doctoral Education Conference AACN San Diego, CA Type:Conference Attendance
2014 AACN Doctoral Education Conference AACN Naples, FL Type:Conference Attendance
2013 AACN PhD Summit AACN Chicago, Illinois Type:Conference Attendance
2013 Transcultural Nursing Society Conference Transcultural Nursing Society Albuquerque, NM Type:Conference Attendance
2012 Transcultural Nursing Society Conference Transcultural Nursing Society Orlando, FL Type:Conference Attendance
2012 AACN Doctoral Education Conference AACN Ft. Myers, FL Type:Conference Attendance
2011 Transcultural Nursing Society Conference Transcultural Nursing Society Las Vegas, NV Type:Conference Attendance
2011 AACN Doctoral Education Conference AACN San Diego, CA Type:Conference Attendance
2010 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference Midwest Nursing Research Society Columbus, OH Type:Conference Attendance
2009 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference Midwest Nursing Research Society Kansas City, MO Type:Conference Attendance
Contact Information
235 Procter Hall
3110 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio
Phone: 513-558-5248