Jason Shearn
Associate Professor
Associate Professor and Graduate Recruitment Director
Ph.D.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2002 (Engineering Mechanics)
M.S.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1998 (Engineering Mechanics)
B.S.: Wright State University Dayton, OH, 1996 (Biomedical Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
2006 -To Present Assistant Professor, establishing a program to improve the functional success of soft tissue repairs (tendon and ligament) by understanding the in vivo environment of native tissue and creating tissue engineered constructs, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2002 -2006 Research Assistant Professor, establishing a program to improve the functional success of soft tissue repairs (tendon and ligament) by understanding the in vivo environment of native tissue and creating tissue engineered constructs , Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH
1998 -2002 Ph.D. Dissertation, worked with Dr. Edward S. Grood on investigating the effect of one and two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions on the return of abnormal posterior translation during cyclic fatigue testing , Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH
1996 -1998 M.S. Thesis, worked with Dr. Edward S. Grood on investigating the effect of graft placement and graft tension on two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions; developed and validated a method for adjusting and measuring graft bundle tension, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
09-2005 -08-2010 National Institute of Health (R01), Co-PI In Vitro Mechanical Stimulation to Enhance Tendon Repair $2,889,718
07-2009 -06-2010 University of Cincinnati Research Council, Co-PI Regional Compressive Mechanical Stimulation of Tendon Tissue Engineered Constructs to Enhance Tendon to Bone Insertional Healing $25,000
07-2008 -06-2010 National Institute of Health (R21), Investigator Angiogenic Peptide Scaffolds to Enhance Diabetic Wound Healing $193,704
06-2008 -09-2009 LifeCell, Inc., Co-Pl Design and Development of ACL Prosthesis: A Collaborative Project between the University of Cincinnati and LifeCell, Inc. $56,547
04-2006 -03-2008 National Institute of Health (R21) Robotic Simulation: Tissue Function with In Vivo Motions $401,365
01-2005 -12-2007 Department of Defense, Consultant Acellular Human Tissue Matrix Research: Matrix-mediated Regeneration of Orthopedic Tissues for Military Application $999,744
11-2003 -10-2004 University Research Council, PI Development of an in vitro device to deliver physiologically relavent mechanical signals to soft tissue repairs $6,500
12-2002 -11-2003 National Football League Charities, PI Analysis of factors for improving the surgical outcome of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructions: The effect of knee flexion and external loading on graft longevity $71,000
07-2009 -06-2014 National Institute of Health (R01), Investigator A Developmentally-Based Tissue Engineering Approach to Improve Tendon Repair $3,406,852
07-2010 -06-2014 National Institute of Health (R01), PI Establishing Design Criteria and Large Animal Model for Evaluation of ACL Repair $1,375,027
Grant: #2003-UC-29 Investigators:Shearn, Jason 02-19-2003 -02-18-2005 NFL Charities Analysis of Factors for Improving the Surgical Outcome Role:PI $142,001.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Powell, Heather M; Boyce, Steven T; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L (2010. ) Chondroitin-6-sulfate incorporation and mechanical stimulation increase MSC-collagen sponge construct stiffness.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 28 (8 ) ,1092-9 More Information
Butler, David L; Gooch, Cynthia; Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Nirmalanandhan, V Sanjit; Shearn, Jason T; Dyment, Nathaniel A; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia (2010. ) The use of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen-based scaffolds for tissue-engineered repair of tendons.Nature protocols, , 5 (5 ) ,849-63 More Information
Nirmalanandhan, Victor Sanjit; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L (2009. ) Combined effects of scaffold stiffening and mechanical preconditioning cycles on construct biomechanics, gene expression, and tendon repair biomechanics.Tissue engineering. Part A, , 15 (8 ) ,2103-2111 More Information
Butler, David L; Hunter, Shawn A; Chokalingam, Kumar; Cordray, Michael J; Shearn, Jason; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Nirmalanandhan, Sanjit; Jain, Abhishek (2009. ) Using functional tissue engineering and bioreactors to mechanically stimulate tissue-engineered constructs.Tissue engineering. Part A, , 15 (4 ) ,741-9 More Information
Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Jain, Abhishek; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L (2008. ) Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components of the mechanical stimulus.Tissue engineering. Part A, , 14 (11 ) ,1883-91 More Information
Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Rao, Marepalli; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Gooch, Cindi; Butler, David L (2008. ) Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness of the engineered tendon construct.Journal of biomechanics, , 41 (4 ) ,822-8 More Information
Butler, David L; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Shearn, Jason T; Gooch, Cynthia; Awad, Hani (2008. ) Functional tissue engineering for tendon repair: A multidisciplinary strategy using mesenchymal stem cells, bioscaffolds, and mechanical stimulation.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 26 (1 ) ,1-9 More Information
Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Dressler, Matthew R; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L (2007. ) Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: effect of scaffold materials.Journal of biomechanical engineering, , 129 (6 ) ,919-23 More Information
Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Goodwin, Wendy; Gooch, Cynthia; Dunn, Michael G; Butler, David L (2007. ) Mechanical stimulation of tendon tissue engineered constructs: effects on construct stiffness, repair biomechanics, and their correlation.Journal of biomechanical engineering, , 129 (6 ) ,848-54 More Information
Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Gooch, Cynthia; Galloway, Marc T; West, John R; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L (2006. ) Effects of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics and histology of stem cell-collagen sponge constructs for rabbit patellar tendon repair.Tissue engineering, , 12 (8 ) ,2291-300 More Information
Shearn, Jason; Hellmann, Lauren; Boivin, Gregory Effect of initial cell-seeding density on postoperative cell number and dispersion.Tissue engineering, , 11 (11-12 ) ,1898-904 More Information
Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S (2005. ) One- and two-strand posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: cyclic fatigue testing.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 23 (4 ) ,958-63 More Information
Butler, David L; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa, Natalia; Dressler, Matthew R; Hunter, Shawn A (2004. ) Functional tissue engineering parameters toward designing repair and replacement strategies. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , (427 Suppl ) ,S190-9
Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S (2004. ) Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: how bundle tension depends on femoral placement. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 86-A (6 ) ,1262-70
Herfat, Safa T; Shearn, Jason T; Bailey, Denis L; Greiwe, R. Michael; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Butler, David L Effect of Surgery to Implant Motion and Force Sensors on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in the Ovine Model .Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, ,
Boguszewski, Daniel V; Shearn, Jason T; Wagner, Christopher T; Butler, David L Investigating the Effects of Anterior Tibial Translation on Anterior Knee Force in the Porcine Model: Is the Porcine Knee ACL Dependent? .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, ,
Mannor, Dana; Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank; Levy, Martin (2000. ) An in vitro analysis of graft placement and tension .American Journal of Sports Medicine, , 28 (6 ) ,833 - 45
Schuler, Nisha B; Bey, Michael J; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L (2005. ) Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in-vivo, dynamic joint kinematics: application to functional tissue engineering .Journal of Biomechanics, , 38 (10 ) ,2113 - 7
Sipes, Nisha S; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L (2005. ) The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics system accuracy .Journal of Biomechanics, , 38 (12 ) ,2486 - 90
Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (02-01-2018. ) The influence of internal and external tibial rotation offsets on knee joint and ligament biomechani.Clinical Biomechanics, , 52 ,109-116 More Information
Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. (02-01-2018. ) Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 46 (2 ) ,284-297 More Information
Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (10-01-2017. ) Knee Abduction Affects Greater Magnitude of Change in ACL and MCL Strains Than Matched Internal Tibi.Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, , 475 (10 ) ,2385-2396 More Information
Bates N.;McPherson A.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (02-28-2017. ) Robotic simulation of identical athletic-task kinematics on cadaveric limbs exhibits a lack of diffe.Journal of Biomechanics, , 53 ,36-44 More Information
Arble J.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Joshi P.;Shin D.;Gooch C.;Grawe B.;Rowe D.;Shearn J. (11-01-2016. ) The LG/J murine strain exhibits near-normal tendon biomechanical properties following a full-length .Connective Tissue Research, , 57 (6 ) ,496-506 More Information
Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (07-01-2016. ) Posterior Tibial Slope Angle Correlates with Peak Sagittal and Frontal Plane Knee Joint Loading duri.American Journal of Sports Medicine, , 44 (7 ) ,1762-1770 More Information
Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (06-14-2016. ) Sex-based differences in knee ligament biomechanics during robotically simulated athletic tasks.Journal of Biomechanics, , 49 (9 ) ,1429-1436 More Information
Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (12-01-2015. ) Effect of ACL graft material on anterior knee force during simulated in vivo ovine motion applied to.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 33 (12 ) ,1789-1795 More Information
Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (10-22-2015. ) A Novel Methodology for the Simulation of Athletic Tasks on Cadaveric Knee Joints with Respect to In.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 43 (10 ) ,2456-2466 More Information
Bates N.;Myer G.;Shearn J.;Hewett T. (01-01-2015. ) Anterior cruciate ligament biomechanics during robotic and mechanical simulations of physiologic and.Clinical Biomechanics, , 30 (1 ) ,1-13 More Information
Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. (01-01-2015. ) Relative Strain in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Medial Collateral Ligament during Simulated Ju.American Journal of Sports Medicine, , 43 (9 ) ,2259-2269 More Information
Haworth K.;Weidner C.;Abruzzo T.;Shearn J.;Holland C. (01-01-2015. ) Mechanical properties and fibrin characteristics of endovascular coil-clot complexes: Relevance to e.Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, , 7 (4 ) ,291-296 More Information
Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Rowe D.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (01-01-2015. ) Improved biomechanical and biological outcomes in the MRL/MpJ murine strain following a full-length .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 33 (11 ) ,1693-1703 More Information
Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. (01-01-2015. ) Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage.Tissue Engineering - Part A, , 21 (3-4 ) ,438-450 More Information
Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. (01-01-2015. ) Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 33 (8 ) ,1142-1151 More Information
Gilday S.;Chris Casstevens E.;Kenter K.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (06-27-2014. ) Murine patellar tendon biomechanical properties and regional strain patterns during natural tendon-t.Journal of Biomechanics, , 47 (9 ) ,2035-2042 More Information
Nesbitt R.;Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Engel A.;Galloway M.;Shearn J. (06-27-2014. ) Primary and secondary restraints of human and ovine knees for simulated in vivo gait kinematics.Journal of Biomechanics, , 47 (9 ) ,2022-2027 More Information
Breidenbach A.;Gilday S.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (06-27-2014. ) Functional tissue engineering of tendon: Establishing biological success criteria for improving tend.Journal of Biomechanics, , 47 (9 ) ,1941-1948 More Information
Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (01-01-2014. ) Effect of ACL graft material on joint forces during a simulated in vivo motion in the porcine knee: .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 32 (11 ) ,1458-1463 More Information
Gilday S.;Casstevens C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (12-01-2013. ) Analysis of regional strain patterns following surgical disruption of the enthesis in a murine model.ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, , 1 B , More Information
Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Schaffner G.;Hewett T.;Shearn J. (12-01-2013. ) Correlating knee characteristics and dynamic load to customize gait simulation in vitro.ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, , 1 B , More Information
Breidenbach A.P.;Dyment N.A.;Lu Y.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Butler D.L. (12-01-2013. ) Combined effects of scaffold material and mechanical stimulation on the formation of tissue engineer.ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, , 1 B , More Information
Galloway M.;Lalley A.;Shearn J. (09-04-2013. ) The role of mechanical loading in tendon development, maintenance, injury, and repair.Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, , 95 (17 ) ,1620-1628 More Information
Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (04-01-2013. ) The native cell population does not contribute to central-third graft healing at 6, 12, or 26 weeks .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 31 (4 ) ,638-644 More Information
Dyment N.;Liu C.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Kenter K.;Breidenbach A.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Rowe D.;Butler D. (03-26-2013. ) The Paratenon Contributes to Scleraxis-Expressing Cells during Patellar Tendon Healing.PLoS ONE, , 8 (3 ) , More Information
Butler D.;Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Breidenbach A.;Lalley A.;Gilday S.;Gooch C.;Rao M.;Liu C.;Wylie C. (02-18-2013. ) Evolving strategies in mechanobiology to more effectively treat damaged musculoskeletal tissues.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 135 (2 ) , More Information
Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J. (10-16-2012. ) Effect of perturbing a simulated motion on knee and anterior cruciate ligament kinetics.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 134 (10 ) , More Information
Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. (07-01-2012. ) Applying simulated in vivo motions to measure human knee and ACL kinetics.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 40 (7 ) ,1545-1553 More Information
Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. (01-01-2012. ) The relationships among spatiotemporal collagen gene expression, histology, and biomechanics followi.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 30 (1 ) ,28-36 More Information
Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. (12-01-2011. ) Intact knee and ACL forces for the human and ovine model during simulated in vivo human and in vivo .ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,1231-1232 More Information
Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (12-01-2011. ) MPc-collagen gel biologic augmentations do not promote patellar tendon integration into bone.ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,1021-1022 More Information
Boguszewski D.;Herfat S.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (12-01-2011. ) Characterization of a biomechanical animal model for intact knee kinematics and ACL function using 6.ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,645-646 More Information
Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. (12-01-2011. ) The relationships among spatiotemporal gene expression, histology, and biomechanics following full-l.ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,493-494 More Information
Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. (10-19-2011. ) Effect of implanting a soft tissue autograft in a central-third patellar tendon defect: Biomechanica.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 133 (9 ) , More Information
Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Dyment N.;Galloway M.;Kenter K.;Wylie C.;Butler D. (06-01-2011. ) Tendon tissue engineering: Progress, challenges, and translation to the clinic .Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, , 11 (2 ) ,163-173
Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. (05-01-2011. ) Investigating the effects of anterior tibial translation on anterior knee force in the porcine model.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 29 (5 ) ,641-646 More Information
Herfat S.;Shearn J.;Bailey D.;Greiwe R.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Butler D. (01-31-2011. ) Effect of surgery to implant motion and force sensors on vertical ground reaction forces in the ovin.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 133 (2 ) , More Information
Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. (12-01-2010. ) Effect of acl reconstruction graft material on joint force loss during cyclic fatigue testing using .ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,855-856 More Information
Dyment N.;Chokalingam K.;Shoemaker A.;Gooch C.;Wylie C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (12-01-2010. ) Effects of tensile stimulation on gene expression and in vitro stiffness of murine tissue engineered.ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,963-964 More Information
Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. (12-01-2009. ) Effect of anterior translation on anterior knee force in a porcine model .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, , (PART A ) ,375-376
Boguszewski D.;Dyment N.;Bailey D.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (12-01-2009. ) Biomechanical comparison of abdominal wall hernia repair materials .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, , (PART A ) ,89-90
Jain A.;Kinneberg K.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Powell H.;Gooch C.;Butler D. (12-01-2009. ) Regulation of tendon tissue engineered construct stiffness by culture time, mesenchymal stem cells a.Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, , (PART B ) ,1203-1204 More Information
Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Greiwe R.;Kenter K.;Hasan S.;Butler D.;Boivi G. (12-01-2009. ) Comparative histological and biomechanical effects of prostaglandin-e2 and bacterial collagenase on .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, , (PART A ) ,275-276
Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. (11-01-2008. ) Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o.Tissue Engineering - Part A., , 14 (11 ) ,1883-1891 More Information
Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.T.;Galloway M.T.;Boivin G.P.;Gooch C.;Butler D.L. (12-01-2007. ) Effect of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics of stem cell - Collagen sponge constructs for p .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 983-984
Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. (12-01-2006. ) Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair .MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, , 3 (4 ) ,131-133
Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Hunter S.;Chokalingam K.;Frede C.;Florer J.;Wenstrup R. (12-01-2006. ) Functional tissue engineering to repair tendon & other musculoskeletal tissues .MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, , 3 (4 ) ,127-129
Sipes N.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (12-01-2005. ) The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics syste.Journal of Biomechanics, , 38 (12 ) ,2486-2490 More Information
Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Boivin G.;Gooch C. (12-01-2005. ) Evolution of an MSC-based tissue engineered construct to improve patellar tendon repair .Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, , 2005 ,1146-1147
Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Butler D.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Goodwin W.;Gooch C. (12-01-2005. ) Effect of in vitro mechanical stimulation of an engineered tendon construct on the repair biomechani .Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, , 2005 ,1164-1165
Schuler N.;Bey M.;Shearn J.;Butler D. (10-01-2005. ) Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in vivo, dynamic joint kinem.Journal of Biomechanics, , 38 (10 ) ,2113-2117 More Information
Mannor D.;Shearn J.;Grood E.;Noyes F.;Levy M. (01-01-2000. ) Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t.American Journal of Sports Medicine, , 28 (6 ) ,833-845 More Information
Shearn J.;Mannor D.;Levy M.;Grood E.;Noyes F. (12-01-1999. ) Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED, , 43 ,29-30
Invited Publications
Herfat ST, Shearn JT, Bailey DL, Greiwe RM, Galloway MT, Gooch C, Butler DL Effect of Surgery to Implant Motion and Force Sensors on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in the Ovine Model .Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL Investigating the Effects of Anterior Tibial Translation on Anterior Knee Force in the Porcine Model: Is the Porcine Knee ACL Dependent? .Journal of Orthopaedic Research,
Kinneberg KRC, Nirmalanandhan VS, Juncosa-Melvin N, Powell H, Boyce ST, Shearn JT, Butler DL (2010. ) GAG Cross-Linking and Mechanical Stimulation Increase MSC-Collagen Sponge Construct Stiffness .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 28 (8 ) ,1092-1099
Butler DL, Gooch C, Kinneberg KR, Boivin GP, Galloway MT, Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Dyment NA, Juncosa-Melvin N (2010. ) The use of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen-based scaffolds for tissue-engineered repair of tendons .Nature Protocols, 5 (5 ) ,849-863
Nirmalanandhan VS, Juncosa-Melvin N, Shearn JT, Boivin GP, Galloway MT, Gooch C, Bradica G, Butler DL (2009. ) Combined Effects of Scaffold Stiffening and Mechanical Preconditioning Cycles on Construct Biomechanics, Gene Expression, and Tendon Repair Biomechanics .Tissue Eng Part A, 15 (8 ) ,2103-2111
Butler DL, Hunter SA, Chokalingam K, Cordray MJ, Shearn J, Juncosa-Melvin N, Nirmalanandhan S, Jain A (2009. ) Using functional tissue engineering and bioreactors to mechanically stimulate tissue-engineered constructs .Tissue Eng Part A, 15 (4 ) ,741-749
Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Rao M, Gooch C, Jain A, Bradica G, Butler, DL (2008. ) Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components of the mechanical stimulus .Tissue Engineering Part A, 14 (11 ) ,1883-1891
Nirmalanandhan VS, Rao M, Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Gooch C, Butler, DL (2008. ) Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness of the engineered tendon construct .Journal of Biomechanics, 41 (4 ) ,822-828
Butler DL, Juncosa-Melvin N, Boivin GP, Galloway MT, Shearn JT, Gooch C, Awad H (2008. ) Functional Tissue Engineering for Tendon Repair: A Multidisciplinary Strategy using Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Bioscaffolds and Mechanical Stimulation .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 26 ,1-9
Shearn J, Juncosa-Melvin N, Butler D, Boivin G, Galloway M, Goodwin W, Gooch C (2007. ) Mechanical Stimulation of Tendon Tissue Engineered Constructs: Effects on Construct Stiffness, Repair Biomechanics and their Correlation .Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 126 ,848-854
Nirmalanandhan VS, Dressler MR, Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Rao M, Gooch C, Bradica G, Butler, DL (2007. ) Mechanical Stimulation of Tissue Engineered Tendon Constructs: Effect of Scaffold Material .Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 129 ,919-923
Juncosa-Melvin N, Shearn J, Boivin G, Gooch C, Galloway M, West J, Nirmalanandhan V, Butler D (2006. ) Effects of Mechanical Stimulation on the Biomechanics and Histology of Stem Cell - Collagen Sponge Constructs for Rabbit Patellar Tendon Repair .Tissue Engineering , 12 ,2291-2300
Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Rao M, Jain A, Gooch C, Butler DL (2006. ) Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair .Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics , 3 ,131-133
Butler DL, Juncosa-Melvin N, Boivin GP, Galloway MT, Gooch C, Shearn JT, Nirmalanandhan VS, Hunter SA, Chokalingam K, Frede C, Florer J, Wenstrup R (2006. ) Functional tissue engineering to repair tendon & other musculoskeletal tissues .Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 ,127-129
Shearn J, Hellmann L, Boivin G (2005. ) Effect of initial cell seeding density on final cell number and dispersion .Tissue Engineering, 11 ,1898-1904
Sipes NS, Shearn JT, Butler DL (2005. ) The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics system accuracy .Journal of biomechanics , 38 ,2486-2490
Shearn J, Grood E, Noyes F, Levy M (2005. ) One and Two-Bundle Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructions: Cyclic Fatigue Testing .Journal of Orthopaedic Research , 23 ,958-963
Schuler N, Bey M, Shearn J, Butler D (2005. ) Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in-vivo, dynamic joint kinematics: application to functional tissue engineering .Journal of Biomechanics , 38 ,2113-2117
Shearn J, Grood E, Noyes F, Levy M (2004. ) Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a study of how bundle tension depends on femoral placement .Journal of bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume , 86 (6 ) ,1262-1270
Mannor D, Shearn J, Grood E, Noyes F, Levy M (2000. ) Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and tension .American Journal of Sports Medicine , 28 (6 ) ,833-845
Other Publications
Butler D, Shearn J, Juncosa N, Dressler M, Hunter S (2004. ) Functional Tissue Engineering Parameters (FTEP) for Designing Repair and Replacement Strategies .Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research , (427 ) ,S190-S199
Kinneberg, KRC Galloway MT, Butler DL, Shearn JT Effect of Implanting a Soft Tissue Autograft in a Central Third Patellar Tendon Defect: Biomechanical and Histological Comparisons .American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Dyment NA, Kazemi N, Aschbacher-Smith LE, Barthelery NJ, Kenter K, Gooch C, Shearn JT, Wylie C, Butler DL Transgenic Murine Full-Length Central Patellar Tendon Defect Model for Studying Midsubstance and Insertional Healing .Tissue Engineering,
Shearn JT, Kinneberg KRC, Dyment NA, Galloway MT, Kenter K, Wylie C, Butler DL Tissue Engineering Approaches to the Management of Tendon Injuries .Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions,
Herfat MT, Boguszewski DV, Nesbitt RJ, Shearn JT Effect of Perturbing a Simulated In Vivo Motion on Knee and ACL Force .Journal of Biomechanics,
Herfat MT, Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT Primary and Secondary Contributions to the Knee Force during Simulated Gait in the Ovine .Journal of Biomechanics,
Herfat MT, Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT Comparison of Knee and ACL Force during Species Specific Gait: Human vs. Sheep .Journal of Biomechanics,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL Effect of Graft Material on the Restoration of Knee Force Following ACL Reconstruction in a Porcine Model .Journal of Orthopaedic Research,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL Effect of Graft Material on Knee Force Loss during Fatigue Testing Following ACL Reconstruction in a Porcine Model .Journal of Orthopaedic Research,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL Effect of Graft Material on the Primary and Secondary Contributions to Knee Force Following ACL Reconstruction in a Porcine Model .Journal of Orthopaedic Research,
Kinneberg, KRC Galloway MT, Butler DL, Shearn JT Effect of Implanting a MSC-Collagen Gel Tissue Engineered Construct at the Tendon-Bone Interface Following Repair of the Central Third Patellar Tendon Defect with a Soft Tissue Autograft .American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Kinneberg, KRC Galloway MT, Butler DL, Shearn JT Effect of Time Post Surgery and Cells on the Repair of a Central Third Patellar Tendon Defect with a Soft Tissue Autograft .American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Book Chapter
Butler DL, Juncosa-Melvin N, Shearn J, Hunter S (2008 ) Translational Approaches in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Functional Tissue Engineering .(pp. 409-420).
Invited Presentations
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL (2010. ) Effect of ACL Reconstruction Graft Material on Joint Force Loss During Cyclic Fatigue Testing Using a 6-DOF Motion .Proceedings of the 2010 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference ,
Dyment N, Shoemaker A, Chokalingam K, Gooch C, Shearn J, Wylie C, Butler D (2010. ) Tensile Stimulation on Gene Expression and In Vitro Stiffness of Murine Tissue Engineered Constructs .Proceedings of the 2010 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Herfat M, Boguszewski D, Shearn J (2010. ) Effect of Perturbing a Simulated In Vivo Motion on Knee and ACL Force .Proceedings of the 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Kinneberg K, Drexler J, Dyment N, Powell H, Shearn J, Butler, David (2010. ) Pore Size and Mechanical Stimulation Effect Stiffness and Col1 Expression of Collagen-C6S Constructs .Proceedings of the 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL (2010. ) Effect of ACL Graft Material on the Restoration of Total Joint Force during a Simulated In Vivo Motion .Proceedings of the 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Jain A, Kinneberg K, Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Powell H, Butler DL (2009. ) Regulation of Tendon Tissue Engineered Construct Stiffness by Culture Time, Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Mechanical Stimulation .Proceedings of the 2009 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Kinneberg KRC, Galloway MT, Shearn JT, Gooch C, Boivin GP, Butler DL (2009. ) Autograft Repair of Central-Third PT Defect is Biomechanically and Histologically Inferior to Normal and TE Repair .Proceedings of the 2009 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Jain A, Shearn JT, Gooch C, Galloway MT, Boivin GP, Powell HM, Boyce ST, Butler DL (2009. ) Effects of Mechanical Stimulation of MSC-Seeded Collagen-GAG Constructs on Construct and Repair Biomechanics .Proceedings of the 2009 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Dyment N, Boivin GP, Galloway M, Shearn J, Greiwe RM, Kenter K, Hasan S, Butler DL (2009. ) Collagenase vs. Prostaglandin-E2 for Inducing Degenerative Changes in the Rabbit Patellar Tendon .Proceedings of the 2009 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Herfat ST, Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Butler DL (2009. ) Total knee and ACL force for a stimulated in-vivo motion: A comparative study between human and ovine .Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Boguszewski DV, Herfat ST, Shearn JT, DL Butler (2009. ) Force contributions in an ovine knee during simulated in-vivo motion .Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL (2008. ) Effect of anterior translation on anterior knee force in a porcine model .Proceedings of the 2008 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Boguszewski DV, Dyment NA, Bailey DL, Shearn JT, Butler DL (2008. ) Biomechanical comparison of abdominal wall hernia repair materials .Proceedings of the 2008 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Dyment NA, Shearn JT, Galloway MT, Greiwe RM, Kenter K, Hasan SS, Butler DL, Boivin GP (2008. ) Comparative histological and biomechanical effects of prostaglandin-e2 and bacterial collagenase on the rabbit patellar tendon .Proceedings of the 2008 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Nirmalanandhan V, Juncosa-Melvin N, Shearn J, Boivin G, Galloway M, Gooch C, Bradica G, Butler D (2008. ) Combined Effects of Scaffold Stiffening and Mechanical Preconditioning Cycles on Construct Biomechanics, Gene Expression and Tendon Repair Biomechanics .Proceedings of the 2008 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting ,
Herfat MT, Shearn JT, Bailey D, Mehl ME, Perry N, Galloway M, Greiwe M, Gooch C, Butler DL (2008. ) The Effect of In Vivo Sensor Implantation in the Sheep Knee .Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Dyment N, Shearn J, Greiwe M, Kenter K, Boivin G, Galloway M, Hasan S, Butler D (2008. ) Inducing Tendon Degeneration Using Prostaglandin-E2: In Vitro Release From Poly(lactic-co-glycolide) Films .Proceedings of the 2008 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Kinneberg KRC, Nirmalandhan VS, Bradica G, Shearn JT (2008. ) Growth Factor Stimulation of MSC-Collagen Constructs to Improve Construct Linear Stiffness .Proceedings of the 2008 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Boguszewski DV, Shearn JT, Wagner CT, Butler DL (2008. ) Effect of Anterior Translation on Total Knee Force in a Porcine Model .Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Jain A, Kinneberg K, Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Powell HM, Boyce ST, Rao MB, Butler DL (2008. ) The effects of mesenchymal stem cells and mechanical stimulation on in vitro biomechanics of collagen sponge constructs .Proceedings of the 2008 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Rao M, Gooch C, Jain A, Bradica G, Butler DL (2007. ) Effects of Mechanical Stimulation on the In Vitro Biomechanical Properties of MSC-Seeded Collegen Sponge Constructs .Proceedings of the 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Shearn JT, Herfat MT, Bailey D, Mehl ME, Gooch C, Butler DL (2007. ) Analysis of Level and Inclined Gait in a Sheep Model .Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Rao M, Jain A, Gooch C, Butler DL (2007. ) Optimizing the Mechanical Stimulus in Culture to Improve Construct Biomechanics for Tendon Repair .Proceedings of the 2007 Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine Conference,
Nirmalanandhan VS, Shearn JT, Rao M, Juncosa-Melvin N, Gooch C, Bradica G, Butler DL (2006. ) Mechanical Stimulation of Tissue Engineered Tendon Constructs; Effect of Scaffold Materials .Proceedings of the 2006 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference ,
Juncosa-Melvin N, Shearn JT, Boivin GP, Gooch C, Galloway MT, West JR, Bradica G, Butler DL (2006. ) Effects of Mechanical Stimulation on the Biomechanics of Stem Cell - Collagen Sponge Constructs For Patellar Tendon Repair .Proceedings of the 2006 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting ,
Nirmalanandhan, VS, Juncosa-Melvin, N, Shearn JT, Rao, M, Bradica, G, Butler, DL (2006. ) Effects of Mechanical Stimulation on the In Vitro Biomechanical Properties of MSC-Seeded Collagen Sponge Constructs .Proceedings of the 2006 Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting,
Asif I, Franklin J, Shearn J, Kenter K, Stern P (2005. ) The Use of Small Intestine Submucosa as a Scaffold in Flexor Tendon Repair .Proceedings of the 2005 American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting,
Shearn J, Juncosa-Melvin N, Butler D, Boivin G, Galloway M, Goodwin W, Gooch C (2005. ) Effect Of In Vitro Mechanical Stimulation Of An Engineered Tendon Construct On The Repair Biomechanics And Tangent Stiffness .Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Butler D, Juncosa-Melvin N, Shearn J, Galloway M, Boivin G, Gooch C (2005. ) Evolution Of An MSC-Based Tissue Engineered Construct To Improve Patellar Tendon Repair .Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Summer Bioengineering Conference,
Shearn J, Juncosa-Melvin N, Butler D, Boivin G, Galloway M, Goodwin W, Gooch C (2005. ) Mechanical Stimulation of Tendon Tissue Engineered Constructs: Effects on Construct Stiffness, Repair Biomechanics and their Correlation .Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Shearn J, Goodwin W, Butler D (2005. ) Effects of Collagenase on the Material Properties of Small Intestinal Submucosa .Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Shearn J, Noyes F (2005. ) Posterior Cruciate Ligament: Effect of Deficiency and Reconstruction on Joint Kinematics .Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon Meeting,
Shearn J, Gooch C, Butler D (2004. ) Effects of load magnitude and frequency on the kinetics of scaffold degradation .Proceedings of the 2004 Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium Meeting ,
Shearn J, Hellmann L, Boivin G (2004. ) Effect of initial cell seeding density on final nuclear concentration and dispersion .Proceedings of the 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society annual meeting ,
Shearn J, Noyes F (2004. ) Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: effect of flexion angle on graft longevity during cyclic fatigue testing .Proceedings of the 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society annual meeting,
Butler D, Shearn J, Juncosa N, Dressler M, Hunter S (11-2003. ) Functional Tissue Engineering Parameters (FTEP) for Designing Repair and Replacement Strategies .Proceedings of the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons Workshop,
Shearn J, Butler D, Boivin G (2003. ) Morphological Analysis of Tissue Engineered Patellar Tendon Repairs .Proceedings of the 2003 Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium Meeting,
Shearn J, Grood E, Noyes F, Levy M (2002. ) Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: graft longevity and cyclic fatigue .Proceedings of the 2002 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine annual meeting,
Shearn J, Grood E, Noyes F, Levy M (2002. ) The effects of one and two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on bundle tension .Proceedings of the 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society annual meeting,
Shearn J, Mannor D, Grood E, Levy M, Noyes F (1999. ) Two-Bundle Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. An In Vitro Analysis of Graft Placement and Tension .Proceedings of the 1999 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (Bioengineering Division),
Mannor D, Shearn J, Grood E, Noyes F (1999. ) Biomechanics of Two Bundle Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction .Proceedings of International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 1999 Biennial Congress,
Grood E, Noyes F, Galloway M, Saddler S, Rubman M, Mannor D, Levy M, Shearn J, Knochenmuss D Biomechanics of PCL Reconstruction .Presented at the 8th European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy ,
Shearn JT (06-2010. ) Establishing Design Criteria and Large Animal Model for Evaluation of ACL Repair .Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Cincinnati.
Shearn JT (02-2005. ) Posterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics .Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Orthopaedic Center.
Shearn JT (12-2004. ) Isometric Length Tension Concepts of the ACL and PCL .Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Orthopaedic Center.
Shearn JT (10-2003. ) Posterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics .Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Orthopaedic Center.
Shearn JT (12-2002. ) Posterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics .Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Orthopaedic Center.
Honors and Awards
2007 Kappa Delta Ann Doner Vaughn Award
1997 University Research Council Summer Fellowship
1995 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
1995 Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Association Scholarship
1994 Millie Waddell Scholarship
1993 Armed Forces Electronics and Communications Association Scholarship
Student Advising
Andrea Lalley (Doctoral ) Advisor
Rebecca Nesbitt (Doctoral ) Advisor
Kirsten Kinneberg (Doctoral ) Advisor
Daniel Boguszewski (Master ) Advisor
Safa Herfat (Doctoral ) Advisor
Nisha Schuler (Master ) Advisor
Matthew Stonecash (Master ) Advisor
American Journal of Sports Medicine Reviewer Type:Other
Tissue Engineering Reviewer Type:Other
Journal of Orthopaedic Research Reviewer Type:Other
Journal of Biomechanics Reviewer Type:Other
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Reviewer Type:Other
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Reviewer Type:Other
2008 Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium Meeting Co-Chair Type:Other 2008
Medical School Flex Applicants Reviewer Type:Other
Connections E program Other Type:Other
Graduate Student Research Forum Judge Type:Other
SEEBME Committee Member Type:Other
University Research Council Science and Engineering Committee Committee Member Type:Other
Professional Affiliation
2010: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 601: Biomedical Engineering Survey “Establishing Design Criteria and Large Animal Model for Evaluation of ACL Repair” University of Cincinnati,
2010: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 621: Tissue Biomechanics “Tendon and Ligament: Function, Injury and Repair” University of Cincinnati,
2010: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 521: Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory University of Cincinnati,
2010: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 624: Joint Biomechanics University of Cincinnati,
2009: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 601: Biomedical Engineering Survey “Establishing Design Criteria and Large Animal Model for Evaluation of ACL Repair” University of Cincinnati,
2009: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 220: Introduction to Human Body Dynamics University of Cincinnati,
2009: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 624: Joint Biomechanics University of Cincinnati,
2008: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 601: Biomedical Engineering Survey “Establishing Design Criteria and Large Animal Model for Evaluation of ACL Repair” University of Cincinnati,
2008: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 220: Introduction to Human Body Dynamics University of Cincinnati,
2008: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 624: Joint Biomechanics University of Cincinnati,
2007: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 220: Introduction to Human Body Dynamics University of Cincinnati,
2007: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 602: Bioinstrumentation University of Cincinnati,
2007: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 624: Joint Biomechanics University of Cincinnati,
2006: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 220: Introduction to Human Body Dynamics University of Cincinnati,
2006: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 602: Bioinstrumentation University of Cincinnati,
2005: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 220: Introduction to Human Body Dynamics University of Cincinnati,
2004: Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 410: Biomaterials University of Cincinnati,
2003: Guest Lecturer Engineering Fundamentals 116: Engineering Concepts Biomedical Engineering Representative – Provided overview on biomedical engineering and demonstrated experimental procedures for the three rotations of students University of Cincinnati,
2003: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 601: Biomedical Engineering Survey “Soft Tissue Repair: Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Construct Development” University of Cincinnati,
2002: Guest Lecturer Engineering Fundamentals 100: Introduction to Engineering Biomedical Engineering Representative – Provided overview on biomedical engineering and demonstrated experimental procedures for the three rotations of students University of Cincinnati,
2002: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 601: Biomedical Engineering Survey “Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction” University of Cincinnati,
2002: Guest Lecturer Biomedical Engineering 220: Introduction to Human Body Dynamics “The Knee” University of Cincinnati,
2000: Guest Lecturer Engineering Mechanics 616: Kinematics of Biologic Joints “Instrumented Spatial Linkage: Use and Motion Calculation” University of Cincinnati,
Orthopaedic Research Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers