Hayden Marie Shelby
Assistant Professor
DAA Addition
DAAP School of Planning - 0016
Professional Summary
Hayden Shelby researches how place-based communities are created by policies, politics, and the efforts of individual people. Her work has analyzed community development and housing policy efforts all over the world, from Honolulu to Bangkok to Cincinnati. Her current work examines the how collective housing models such as cooperatives and community land trusts travel the globe through networks of policy experts and grassroots activists. Previously, she has used qualitative methods to investigate how resident perceptions of community differ from many academic portrayals of areas said to suffer from "neighborhood effects." Her work has appeared in Housing Policy Debate, the Interational Journal of Housing Policy, and Berkeley Planning Journal. In the School of Planning, she teaches courese in housing and community development and urban theory, including Housing Systems, Community Development Planning, and Urban Spatial Structures.
B.A. : Cornell University Ithaca, NY, 2007 (Economics)
MCRP: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2014 (City and Regional Planning)
M.A.: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2014 (Geography)
Ph.D.: University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA, 2019 (City and Regional Planning)
Positions and Work Experience
2019 -2021 Assistant Professor , Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI
Research Support
Grant: #SSRC Short-term seed grant 2023 Investigators:Shelby, Hayden 09-01-2022 -12-31-2022 Social Science Research Council Development Imaginaries, Infrastructure and Climate Subjectivities in Asia Role:PI 4905.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Shelby, Hayden (2017. ) Why Place Really Matters: A Qualitative Approach to Housing Preferences and Neighborhood Effects.Housing Policy Debate, , 27 (4 ) ,547-569 More Information
Shelby, Hayden (2017. ) The Right to Remain in the City: How One Community Has Used Legal Rights and Rights Talk to Stay Put in Bangkok.Berkeley Planning Journal, , 29 ,129-151 More Information
Shelby, Hayden (2020. ) Empowerment or Responsibility? Collective Finance for Slum Upgrading in Thailand.International Journal of Housing Policy, , More Information
Shelby, Hayden (2021. ) Commoning or Being Commoned? Institutions, Politics, and the Role of the State in Collective Housing Policy in Bangkok, Thailand .Planning Theory, ,