Howard G Shertzer , PhD
Department of Environmental Health
Kettering Hall, Room 116
Phone 513-558-0522
Research and Practice Interests
The major research theme involves the regulation of redox homeostasis in cells and tissues. A current focus regards the role of oxidative stress in mediating human disease conditions, and developing strategies for reducing oxidative stress and resulting dysfunction. My group is examining the regulation of the expression and intracellular targeting of enzymes involved in oxidative stress signaling pathways, such as members of the aromatic hydrocarbon and electrophile gene batteries, with an emphasis on mitochondrial pathways for producing reactive oxygen, and subsequent impact on cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and cell proliferation. I am also involved in the design and synthesis of novel compounds, or identification of natural dietary compounds, for the purpose of intervention or treatment of cancer, precancerous conditions, and inflammatory diseases.
Research Support
Investigators:Shertzer, Howard 12-01-2005 -11-30-2008 McNeil Consumer and Specialty Pharmaceuticals 2005 Tylenol Research Grant Award Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #R01-ES-012463 Investigators:Shertzer, Howard 09-01-2003 -05-31-2008 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Glutathione in Environmental Toxicity and Disease Role:PI $1,594,882.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-ES-10133-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Shertzer, Howard 09-30-2000 -09-29-2005 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Receptor-Mediated Oxidative Stress Role:PI $888,037.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005851 Investigators:Genter, Mary Beth; Nasrallah, Henry; Shertzer, Howard 09-15-2008 -09-14-2011 National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Acetaminophen vs. Metformin and Rosiglitazone: Can an OTC Replace Prescription Drugs in the Reversal of Antipsychotic Drug-Induced Metabolic Complicat Role:Collaborator $100,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R21 ES016900 Investigators:Kadekaro, Ana Luisa; Shertzer, Howard; Tam, Neville Ngai Chung 07-07-2010 -06-30-2013 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Defining a New Role for Alpha-MSH: Antioxidant in UVB-Irradiated Melanocytes Role:Collaborator $429,788.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Study ILO522DUSNC05T Investigators:Genter, Mary Beth; Shertzer, Howard 07-15-2012 -10-15-2013 Novartis AG Effects of Iloperidone on Neuron Mitochondrial Function Role:PI $138,090.00 Active Level:Industry
Oxidative Stress,Gene Regulation,Free Radicals,Chemoprevention,Biotransformation,Antioxidants,Antioxidant Enzymes,Liver,Lung,Cancer,Cardiovascular
Contact Information
Academic - Department of Environmental Health
Kettering Hall, Room 116
Phone: 513-558-0522