Raj N Singh
Emeritus Professor; National Academy of Engineering Member
Sc. D: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, 1973 (Ceramics)
M.S: University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada, 1969 (Physical Metallurgy )
B.S: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, 1967 (Metallurgical Eng. )
Research and Practice Interests
Novel Methods of Processing Thin Films, Nanomaterials, Ferroelectrics, Ceramics/Composites, Fuel Cells, and CVD Coatings; Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Novel Thin Films in Devices; Mechanical Behavior of Ceramics and Ceramic Composites; Role of Interfaces on Composite Behavior; Micromechanics of Composites and "Smart" Ferroelectric Materials; Non-Destructive Evaluations of
Materials; Testing and Characterization of Materials and Devices.
Positions and Work Experience
07-2007 -06-2010 Chemical & Materials Eng. Dept. Head , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
09-2003 -To Present Herman Schneider Professor of Materials Eng.Professor , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
01-1991 -To Present Materials Sci. & Eng. Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
07-1997 -12-1999 Materials Sci. & Eng. Dept. Head, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
12-1979 -12-1990 Ceramist , General Electric R&D Center, Schenectady, NY
12-1973 -12-1979 Ceramist, , Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
09-1972 -12-1973 DSR Staff, , Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Research Support
Grant: #N00014-04-1-0229 Investigators:Singh, Raj 03-01-2004 -02-28-2008 Department of the Navy Diamond Thin Films for Applications in High Performance Integrated Circuits Role:PI $172,662.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DE-FC26-04NT42227 Investigators:Singh, Raj 09-15-2004 -06-30-2008 Department of Energy Innovative Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Role:PI $470,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DMR-0200839 Investigators:Singh, Raj 06-01-2002 -05-31-2006 National Science Foundation Nano-Structured Materials of Covalently Bonded Networks Role:PI $450,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ECS-0110283 NCE Investigators:Singh, Raj 07-15-2002 -06-30-2004 National Science Foundation Synthesis of Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Nanoelectronics Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CMS-0210351 Investigators:Singh, Raj 07-01-2002 -12-31-2007 National Science Foundation Manufacturing/Synthesis and Nanostructures of Superhard Thin Films/Materials Role:PI $1,000,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ECS-0070004-NCE Investigators:Singh, Raj 07-01-2000 -06-30-2004 National Science Foundation High Temperature Electronic Devices Based on Polycrystalline Diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride Films Role:PI $222,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CMS-0070213-NCE Investigators:Singh, Raj 07-01-2000 -06-30-2004 National Science Foundation Novel Approach for Measuring Crack Bridging Fiber Stress Profile in a Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites Role:PI $240,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Singh, Raj 01-17-2001 -10-31-2002 Ohio Aerospace Institute A Novel Approach for Measuring In-Situ Crack Growth and Fracture Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites Role:PI $73,330.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #DMR-9307877-004 Investigators:Singh, Raj 08-15-1993 -07-31-1999 National Science Foundation Fracture and Crack Tip Behavior in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic-Matrix Composites Role:PI $366,440.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DEFG0201ER45459-A010 Investigators:Singh, Raj 09-01-1994 -08-31-2002 Department of Energy Interfacial Properties on Steady State and Non-Steady State Composites Role:PI $715,493.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CMS-9625750 Investigators:Singh, Raj 07-01-1996 -06-30-2000 National Science Foundation In Situ Studies of Crack Bridging and Fracture Behaviors in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites Role:PI $213,083.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #N00014-06-1-1147 Investigators:Singh, Raj 09-21-2006 -09-30-2009 Department of the Navy Diamond Thin Films for Applications in High Performance Integrated Circuits (ICS) Role:PI $262,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #235-433 Investigators:Singh, Raj 07-01-2007 -06-30-2012 Ohio Board of Regents Economic Growth Challenge/Innovation Incentive Program in Emerging Energy Systems Role:PI $1,250,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #TECH-09-022 Investigators:Abdallah, Shaaban; Cohen, Kelly; Hamed, Awatef; Jeng, San-Mou; Jog, Milind; Khosla, Prem; Lee, Jay; Qian, Dong; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Singh, Raj; Steckl, Andrew; Turner, Mark; Vasudevan, Vijay; Walker, Bruce 08-18-2008 -08-17-2013 Ohio Department of Development Intelligent Propulsion and Power Systems and Their Life Management Role:Collaborator $27,492,308.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #ECCS-0853789 Investigators:Kosel, Peter; Singh, Raj 08-01-2009 -07-31-2012 National Science Foundation High Temperature Electronic Devices Based on Wide Bandgap Thin Films Role:PI $263,419.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DE-FE0001390 Investigators:Singh, Raj 10-01-2009 -06-30-2012 Department of Energy Innovative Self Healing Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) Role:PI $199,998.99 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CBET 1133516 Investigators:Singh, Raj 08-15-2011 -07-31-2014 National Science Foundation Thermal Transport in Diamond Thin Films: Roles of the Nanostructure and Interfaces Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1147812 Investigators:Singh, Raj 09-01-2011 -08-31-2012 National Science Foundation Self-Repairable Glass-Ceramic Composites for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Role:PI $92,581.00 Closed Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
N. Govindaraju, D. Das, R.N. Singh, and P.B. Kosel (2008. ) High-Ttemperature Electrical Behavior of Nanocrystalline and Microcrystalline Diamond Films .Journal of Material Research , , 23 (10 ) ,1
N. Govindaraju, W.N. Liu, X. Sun, P. Singh, R.N. Singh (2009. ) A Modeling Study on the Thermomechanical Behavior of Glass-ceramic and Self-healing Glass Seals at Elevated Temperatures .Journal of Power Sources, , 190 (2 ) ,467
R.N. Singh, (2007. ) Sealing Technology for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells .Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Tech., , 4 (2 ) ,134
R.N. Singh and S.V. Chavan (2007. ) Processing and Properties of Scandia-doped Zirconia Electrolyte for Intermediate Temperature SOFC .
S.V. Chavan and R.N. Singh, (2008. ) Processing and Properties of Lanthanum Strontium Ferrite Cathode for Intermediate Temperature SOFC .Proc. 32nd Int. Conf. & Exp. Of Advanced Ceramic and Composites, ,
D. Das and R.N. Singh (2007. ) A Review on Nucleation, Growth, and Low-Temperature Synthesis of Diamond Thin Films .International Materials Review, , 52 (2 ) ,1
R.N. Singh, (1987. ) Asymmetric Polarization Behavior of Sodium Beta”-Alumina Electrolyte .J. Am. Ceram. Soc., , 704 (4 ) ,221
R.N. Singh, J.T. Dusek, and J.W. Sim, (1981. ) Fabrication and Properties of Porous Lithium Aluminate Electrolyte Retainer for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells .J. Am. Ceram. Soc., , 60 (6 ) ,629
Book Chapter
R.N.Singh (1987 ) Metallurgical Properties of Thin Metal Films VLSI Microelectronics: Microstructure Science; VLSI Metallization . (Author)
N.G.Einspruch, S.S.Cohen, and R.N.Singh (1989 ) Beam Processing Technologies VLSI Electronics: Microstructure Science .Academic Press, (Co-Author)
Honors and Awards
2007 Fellow of the Graduate School- University of CIncinnati
2005 -2006 Outstanding Research Faculty Awards, College of Engineering
2003 Herman Schneider Professor of Materials Engineering
1996 Fellow of the ASM International
1995 Faculty Achievement Award, University of Cincinnati
1992 Fellow of the American Ceramic Society
1990 Whitney Gallery of Technical Achievers; GE-CR&D
1978 -1984 Distinguished Service Awards; Argonne National Lab (1978), GE-CR&D (1984)
1984 -1988 Publication Awards; GE-CR&D (1984, 1988).
1967 -1983 Patent Awards: GE-CR&D: Bronze, Silver, and Gold Patent Medallions (1983, 1987, 1988). Research Assistantship; M.I.T. (1969-1972)., Fellowship; University of Manitoba (1967-1969)., Scholarship; I.I.T. Kanpur (1962-1967)
Professional Affiliation
The American Ceramic Society, ASM International