Siva Sivaganesan
Professor and Director, Division of Statistics and Data Science.
French Hall
A&S Mathematical Sciences - 0025
Professional Summary
Research interest is in the general area of Bayesian analysis, with methodological focus in robust and objective Bayesian methods, subgroup analysis, multiple testing, nonparametrics, and nonlinear modeling, with applications in biomedical areas, with a particular focus on bioinformatics, clinical trials, and epidemiology.
Ph.D Statistics: Purdue University 1986 (Statistics)
M. Sc.: University of Birmingham U.K., 1979 (Statistics)
B. Sc: University of Colombo Sri Lanka, 1976 (Mathematics)
Positions and Work Experience
1986 -1987 Visiting Assistant Professor, Southern Mehodist University, Dallas, Texas
1987 -1993 Assistant Professor, Unversity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
1994 -1994 Research Visitor, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
1994 -1994 Research Visitor, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
1996 -1996 Research Visitor, CNR-IAMI, Milan, Italy
1999 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2001 -2003 Co-Director, Statistical Consulting Lab, University Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2005 - Visiting assistant {Professor, University of Texas, MD Anderson cancer Center, Houston, Texas
1999 -2001 Associate Editor, ISBA Bulletin,
2006 - Working Group Co-Leader, Subgroup Analysis, SAMSI, RTP, NC
2010 - Working Group Leader, PK Clustering, SAMSI, RTP, NC
Research Support
Grant: #0255-7855-4609 / U54 HL127624 Investigators:Medvedovic, Mario; Meller, Jaroslaw; Sivaganesan, Siva 09-29-2014 -04-30-2019 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Data Coordination and Integration Center for LINCS-BD2K Role:Collaborator $609,822.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Award No. 245670 Investigators:Sivaganesan, Siva 09-01-2012 -08-31-2017 Simons Foundation Bayesian Analysis and its Applications Role:PI $35,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #1009958 09-2012 -08-2017 Simons Foundation Bayesian Analysis and its Applications Role:PI $35,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #U01HL111638 Investigators:Medvedovic, Mario; Reichard, John; Sivaganesan, Siva 09-24-2011 -06-30-2014 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Integrative Statistical Methods and Tools for Analysis of Perturbation Signatures Role:Co-I $1,111,422.00 Active
Grant: #1009788 Investigators:Funded joint with M. Medvedovic(PI) 09-2011 -06-2013 NIH Integrative statistical methods and tools for analysis of perturbation signatures, U01 HL111638-01. Role:Co-I $57,000 Active Type:Grant
06-2011 Taft Summer Fellowship
06-2011 Taft Int. Travel Grant
01-2011 Faculty Development Council Grant, Bayesian Semi-Parametric Modeling PK/PD
Investigators:Funded joint with Bin-Huang (Co-PI) 05-2010 -04-2011 CCTST- An NIH funded UC Institute CCTST Grant, Supported a graduate student. Co-PI Active
Investigators:Funded jointly with INTEROCC Investigators(PI) 06-2009 -10-2011 NIOSH/NIH Occupational Exposure to EMF Studying risk of EMF exposure. Also supported a graduate student. PI for UC Portion, Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #RAD/08/10 Investigators:Sivaganesan, Siva 08-01-2008 -11-30-2010 National Cancer Institute Occupational Exposures and Brain Cancer Role:PI $122,695.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Design Collaboration Agreement - Statistical Analysis Investigators:Sivaganesan, Siva 09-01-2007 -06-30-2014 Cincinnati Children Statistical Analysis Role:PI $1,107,879.79 Active Type:Contract
Grant: #1006149 Investigators: PI 09-2007 -06-2013 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Statistical Analysis - CCHMC/ DCA 1,007,499.00 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Funded Joint with Dr. Mario Medvedovic(PI) 07-01-2006 -Bad Format: 20100631 NIH-NHGRI Bayesian mixtures for modeling functional genomics data, R01HG003749, Co-I Completed Type:Grant
06-2006 -07-2006 CNR-IAMI (Milano, Italy) Robust Bayesian Analysis. Grant provided cost of travel.
Investigators:Funded Joint with Dr. Bin Huang(PI) 04-10-2006 -12-31-2009 NIH Innovative Modeling of Puberty and Substance Use Risk Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #CHMC 520 Investigators:Sivaganesan, Siva 04-10-2006 -06-30-2010 National Institute on Drug Abuse Risk Factors of Psychopathology Using Existing Data Sets Role:PI $36,492.00 Closed Level:Federal
Investigators:Taft Grants 2005 -2009
Grant: #R03LM8248 Investigators:Funded Joint with Dr. Mario Medvedovic (PI) 04-19-2004 -03-31-2006 Joint modeling of genomic and functional genomic data, Co-I Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Funded joint with Dr. Mario Medvedovic (PI) 09-30-2003 -06-30-2005 NIH-NHGRI Computational Tools for Bayesian Mixture Modeling, Co-I Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #0255-C015-4609 / U54HL127624 Investigators:Medvedovic, Mario; Meller, Jaroslaw; Sivaganesan, Siva 07-01-2019 -06-30-2020 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Data Coordination and Integration Center for LINCS-BD2K Role:Collaborator $551,515.00 Active Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sivaganesan, S. “Range of posterior measures for priors with arbitrary contaminations”. Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods, Volume 17, 5 1988 , pp. 1591 - 1612
Sivaganesan, S. “Sensitivity of Posterior Mean to Unimodality Preserving Contaminations”. Statistics and Decisions , 7 1989.77-93.
Sivaganesan, S. and Berger, J. “Ranges of Posterior Measures for Priors with Unimodal Contaminations”. The Annals of Statistics , 17, 1989, 868-889.
Sivaganesan, S. “Sensitivity of Some Posterior Measures When Prior is Unimodal with Specified Quantiles”. Canadian Journal of Statistics , v.19, No. 1, 1991, pp. 57-66.
Sivaganesan, S. “An Evaluation of robustness in the Binomial Empirical Bayes Testing”. Bayesian Statistics 4, 1992, pp783-789.
Sivaganesan, S. and Berger, J. “Robust Bayes Analysis of the Binomial Empirical Bayes Problem”. Canadian Journal of Statistics , vol. 21, 1, 1993, pp. 107-119.
Sivaganesan, S. “Range of the posterior probability of an interval for priors with unimodality preserving contaminations”. Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, vol 45,1,1993, 171-188.
Sivaganesan, S. “Robust Bayesian Diagnostics”. The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 35, 1993, pp.171-188.
Sivaganesan, S. “Bounds on Posterior Expectations for density priors with constant bandwidth (with discussion)”. The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 1994, 40, 331-343.
Sivaganesan, S. Berliner, M. and Berger, J. “Optimal Robust Credible Sets for Contaminated Priors”. Statistics and Probability Letters ,18 1993, 383-388
Sivaganesan, S. Discussion to "An Overview of Bayesian Robustness"
by J. Berger. Test , V.3, 1994,116-120
Meng, Q. and Sivaganesan, S. “Local sensitivity of density bounded priors”. Statistics and Probability Letters, 27, 1996, 163-169
Sivaganesan, S. “Asymptotics of some local and global robustness
measures (with discussion)”. IMS Monograph , v. 29, pp 195-210, 1996
Lingham, R. and Sivaganesan, S. “Testing for Homogeneity in Power law Processes using IBF”. The Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics Vol. 49, No. 4, 693-710, 1997.
Sivaganesan, S. “Optimal Robust Sets for a Density Bounded Class”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 63, No. 1, 9-17, 1997.
Sivaganesan, S. “Likelihood based robust Bayesian Summaries”. Statistics Probability Letters , 43, 5-12,1999.
Lingham, R. and Sivaganesan, S. “An Intrinsic Bayes Approach to a test of the Power Law Process”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 77, 195-220, 1999.
Ruggeri, F and Sivaganesan, S. “On a Global Robustness Diagnostic for Bayesian Inference”. Sankhya , vol. 62, 110-127. 2000.
Sivaganesan, S. and Lingham, R. “Bayes Factors for a test about the Drift of the Brownian Motion using Noninformative priors”. Statistics and Probability Letters , 48, 163-171, 2000.
Sivaganesan, S. “Global and Local Robustness Approaches: Uses and Limitations.” In Robust Bayesian Analysis by Rios Insua, D. and Ruggeri, F.(Eds.),Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer, 89-108,2000.
Medvedovic, M. and Sivaganesan, S. “Bayesian Infinite Mixture Model Based Clustering of Gene Expression Profiles”. Bioinformatics, Vol. 18, no. 5, 1194-1206, 2002.
Sivaganesan, S. and Lingam, R. “Bayes Factors for model selection with Diffusion Processes under Improper Priors”. The Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2002, Vol. 54, No. 3, 500-516.
Huang, B., Sivaganesan, S., Succoup, P. and Goodman,E. “Statistical Assessment of Mediational Effects for Generalized Mediational Models”.
Statistics in Medicine, 2004; 23:2713–2728.
Zhou, R. Sivaganesan, S. and Longla, M. An Objective Bayesian estimation of parameters in a log-binomial model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. (2014) pp. 113-121
Jing Chen, Zhen Hu, Mukta Phatak, Johannes M Freudenberg, John Reichard, Siva Sivaganesan and Mario Medvedovic. Genome-wide signatures of transcription factor activity: connecting transcription factors, disease, and small molecules. PLoS Comp Biol, September 2013 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e1003198
Ruggeri, F. and Sivaganesan, S. “On modeling change points in non-homogeneous Poisson processes”. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 2005, vol. 8, 311-329.
Sivaganesan, M and Sivaganesan, S. “The Effect of Lot Variability and UV Radition on the Inactivation Kinetics of Cryyptosporidium Parvum Ooocysts”. Environmental Science and Technology, 2005; 39(11); 4166-4171.
Liu, X., Sivaganesan, S., Yeung K.Y., ,Bumgarner R. E., and Medvedovic M. “Bayesian context- specific infinite mixture model for clustering of gene expression profiles across diverse Microarray data sets”. Bioinformatics, 2006, 22(14):1737-44
Sartor M., Tomlinson C.R., Wesselkamper S.C., Sivaganesan S., Leikauf G.D., and Medvedovic M. “Intensity-based hierarchical Bayes method improves esting for differentially expressed genes in microarrays”. 2006, BMC Bioinformatics 7: 538.
Liu X, Jessen W, Sivaganesan S, Aronow BJ, Medvedovic M: Bayesian hierarchical model for transcriptional module discovery by jointly modeling gene expression and ChIP-chip data. 2007, BMC Bioinformatics, 8(1):283.
Sivaganesan, S and Jiang, D. “Objective Bayesian testing of Poisson Means”, Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 39: 1887–1897, 2010.
Freudenberg JM, Sivaganesan S, Wagner M, Medvedovic M. Semi-parametric Bayesian model for unsupervised differential co-expression analysis identifies novel molecular subtypes. BMC Bioinformatics, 11:234, 2010
Jiang, D. and Sivaganesan, S. Objective Bayesian Approach to comparing Poisson Means. The Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 85-110, March 2010.
Muller, P., Sivaganesan, S. and Laud, P. A Bayes Rule for Subgroup Reporting. In Frontiers Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis, In Honor of James O. Berger, Eds. Chen, M. et. al. Springer, pp. 277-284, 2010.
Freudenberg JM, Sivaganesan S, Phatak M, Shinde K, Medvedovic M. Generalized Random Set Framework for Functional Enrichment Analysis Using Primary Genomics Datasets. Bioinformatics, 27(1):70-7. 2011
Sivaganesan, S., Laud, P., Mueller, P. “A Bayesian Subgroup Analysis using Zero-inflated Polya-Urn Scheme”. ”. Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 30, 4, 312-323, 2011.
Wang, G. and Sivaganesan, S. “Objective Priors for Measurement Error Models”. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, Vol. 42 Issue 15 pp 2694-2713, 2013.
Dandan Li and Siva Sivaganesan “On the role of prior in multiplicity adjustment”, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 10, 2016.
Li, Dandan and Sivaganesan, Siva. "An Objective Bayesian Analysis of a Crossover Design via Model Selection and Model Averaging" Statistics in Medicine, 35: 4509–4527; 2016.
Li, Dandan and Sivaganesan, Siva. "An Objective Bayesian estimation in a Two-period Crossover Design" Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. Published on line, July 2016. To appear in print.
Arya R, Sivaganesan S, Holland KD, Greiner HM, Mangano FT, Horn PS. "A probabilistic approach for lateralization of seizure onset zone in drug-resistant epilepsy with bilateral cerebral pathology". Math Biosci. 2016 Jul;277:136-40.
Oraby, T. Sivaganesan, S. , Bowman, J., Kincld, L. Richardsone, L. McBridef, M. Siemiatyckie, J. Cardis, E. Krewskih, D. (2017). Berkson Error Adjustment and Other Exposure Surrogates in Occupational Case-control Studies, with Application to the Canadian INTEROCC Study. Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology..
Sivaganesan, S, Mueller, P and Huang, B.(2017). Subgroup Finding via Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. Statist. Med., 36: 2391–2403.
Liu, J., Sivaganesan, S., Laud, P. Mueller, P. (2017). A Bayesian subgroup analysis using collections of ANOVA models. Biom. J., 59: 746–766.
Gecili, E., Sivaganesan, S., Asar, O., Clancy, J., Ziady, A. and Szczesniak, R. Bayesian regularization for a non-stationary Gaussian linear mixed effects model”, Statistics in Medicine. 2022, 41, 4err. On hypothesis transfer learning of functional linear models.
Christianson, A. and Sivaganesan, S. An Approximate Posterior Simulation for GLMM with Large Samples. J Stat Theory Practice, 13: 45. 2019.
Ren Y, Sivaganesan S, Clark NA, et al. Predicting mechanism of action of cellular perturbations with pathway activity signatures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 11]. Bioinformatics. 2020;btaa590. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa590
Ren Y, Sivaganesan S, Clark NA, et al. Predicting mechanism of action of cellular perturbations with pathway activity signatures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 11]. Bioinformatics. 2020;btaa590. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa590
Ren Y, Sivaganesan S, Clark NA, et al. Predicting mechanism of action of cellular perturbations with pathway activity signatures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 11]. Bioinformatics. 2020;btaa590. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa590
Ren Y, Sivaganesan S, Clark NA, et al. Predicting mechanism of action of cellular perturbations with pathway activity signatures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 11]. Bioinformatics. 2020;btaa590. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa590
Ren Y, Sivaganesan S, Clark NA, et al. Predicting mechanism of action of cellular perturbations with pathway activity signatures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 11]. Bioinformatics. 2020;btaa590. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa590
Ren Y, Sivaganesan S, Clark NA, et al. Predicting mechanism of action of cellular perturbations with pathway activity signatures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 11]. Bioinformatics. 2020;btaa590. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa590
Gecili, E., Sivaganesan, S. A default Bayesian multiple comparison of two binomial proportions.
Statistics and its Interface, 2023, 26, 1.
Huang, B., Chen, C. Liu, J. and Sivaganesan, S. GPMatch: A Bayesian Causal Inference using Gaussian Process Covariance function as a matching tool. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 2023, Vol. 3
Oraby, T., Chakraborty, S., Sivaganesan, S. et al. Adjusting for Berkson error in exposure in ordinary and conditional logistic regression and in Poisson regression. BMC Med Res Methodol 23, 225 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-023-02044-x
Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Huang, S. and Sivaganesan, S. “Marginally least Informative prior for estimation of Attributable Risk”. In The Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings; 2003.
Huang, B. and Sivaganesan, S. “Bayesian Interval Estimate for Attributable Risk under Cross-Sectional Study Design using Probability Matching Prior”. The Proceedings of The American Statistical Association, 2006.
Huang, B. Altaye, M., Martin, L., Sivaganesan, S. Assessing Gene-Environment Interaction for Case-Control Study: Without Independence and Rare Disease Assumptions. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings, Alexandria, VA, American statistical Association. Available in library in CD ROM.
Ding, L. Huang, B, Sivaganesan, S. Bayesian Mixture Modeling for Interval-Censored Age Onset of Puberty. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings, Alexandria, VA, American statistical Association. Available in library in CD ROM.
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Purushottam W. Laud, Siva Sivaganesan and Peter Muller, "Subgroup Analysis". Bayesian Theory and Applications, Edited by Paul Damien, Petros Dellaportas, Nicholas G. Polson and David A. Stephens. Oxford University Press. 2013.
Subgroup Analysis , Purushottam W. Laud, Siva Sivaganesan and Peter Muller. In Bayesian Theory and Applications. Edited by Paul Damien, Petros Dellaportas, Nicholas G. Polson and David A. Stephens, Oxford University Press, 2013
Sivaganesan, S. Discussion of “Overall Objective Priors” by Bernardo et all. Bayesian Analysis Volume 10, Number 1, 223-226, 2015.
Invited Presentations
Siva Sivaganesan (06-2104. ) “Role of Prior in Bayesian Multiplicity Adjustment” .International Workshop on Multiplicity, Shanghai. Level:International
Laud,P. Sivaganesan and Muller,P (06-2014. ) ANOVA Based Bayesian Subgroup Analysis .International Workshop on Multiplicity, Shanghai. Level:International
(03-2010. ) Bayesian Frailty Models for Correlated Interval Censored data. Frontiers of Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis, March 2010, San Antonio, TX.
Prakash laud (Invited Presenter), Joint with Peter Muller and Siva Sivaganesan Bayesian Subgroup Analysis .Crete, Greece, Level:International
(07-2010. ) How Many Subjects? .SAMSI,Workshop on Bayesian Semi-Parametric Methods in PK/PD , RTP, NC. Level:International
(03-2013. ) Invited discussant of Model Selection via EM-Algorithm .University of padua, Padua, Italy. Level:International
(12-2013. ) Invited Discussant of reference Priors for thick-talied distributions .OBayes-2013, Duke University.
(BAD DATE. ) Objective Bayesian Analysis with Log-Binomial Model .ECNU, Shanghai, China. Level:International
(05-2010. ) Objective Bayesian Testing of Poisson Models .SAMSI,, RTP, NC. Level:International
Siva Sivaganesan (08-2014. ) Subgroup Finding via Bayesian Additive Regression trees .Joint stat meetinS, Boston, MA. Level:National
Siva Sivaganesan (09-2015. ) 1 “On the Role of Prior Distribution in Multiplicity Adjustment.” .MCP 2015, Hyderabad, India. Level:International
Siva Sivaganesan (2021. ) Non-Local Objective Priors .EAC-ISBA, Virtual.
Siva Sivaganesan (2021. ) Non-Local Objective Priors .EAC-ISBA, Virtual.
Poster Presentations
Siva Sivaganesan, Dandan Li Objective Bayesian Analysis of Coross-Over design .OBayes 2013, Duke Univesrity, . .
Paper Presentations
Yang Xiao(Presenter), Siva Sivaganesan, Prakash Laud, Peter Muller (08-2011. ) Bayesian Subgroup Analysis .Miami, FL. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Yan Ren(Presenter), Siva Sivaganesan, Mekibib Altayee, Jane Khoury, Rhonda Vandyke A Non-parametric Bayesian Method for Hierarchical Clustering of Longitudinal Data .Miami, FL. Professional Meeting. Level:International
(08-2012. ) Robust Non-Linear Modeling .San Diego, CA. Professional Meeting.
Dandan Li (08-2012. ) On Baysian Multiplicity Adjustment .San Diego, CA. Professional Meeting.
Siva Sivaganesan, Emrah Gecili (2019. ) An Objective Bayesian Multiple Testing for Correlated Binomial Proportions. .Denver, Colarado. Professional Meeting.
Honors and Awards
2017 Graduate Fellow Graduate School, University of Cincinnati
2015 Excellence in Mentoring of Doctoral Students Award Graduate School, University of Cincinnati
(Executive Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-24-2013 -12-31-2013
Taft (Taft Executive Board ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-01-2013 -To Present
(TT Hiring Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-01-2013 -05-31-2013
(Stat&Probability Prelim, Linear Models Prelim, and Stat Qualifying ) Member Type:Departmental Service 08-01-2013 -07-31-2014
(Graduate Students Advisers ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-01-2013 -To Present
(Graduate affairs Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-01-2013 -07-31-2013
(VAP Hiring Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 01-01-2013 -08-01-2013
Taft (faculty Travel Awards ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-15-2012 -08-01-2013
(Taft Faculty Travel ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2012 -05-2013
(Taft Executive Board ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2012 -05-2013
(A&S DIVERSITY TASK FORCE ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2012 -05-2013
(Graduate Affairs Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2012 -05-2013
(Stat Qualifying Exam ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2012 -05-2013
(Academic Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2012 -05-2013
(Graduate Students Evaluation Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2011 -06-2012
(Graduate Student Advising ) Member Type:Service to Student Groups Level:Department 09-2011 -06-2012
(Ad Hoc Committee on Journals and Books ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -07-2011
(Hiring Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -06-2011
(Executive Commiittee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -06-2012
(Graduate Affairs Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -06-2012
(Hiring Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -06-2010
(Graduate Students Evaluation Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2009 -06-2010
(Executive Commiittee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2009 -06-2010
(RPT ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -06-2010
(RPT ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2008 -06-2009
(Graduate Students Evaluation Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2008 -06-2009
(Stat Prlims and Qualifying Exam Comm ) Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2008 -06-2009
(Prelim and Qualifying Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Stat Prelim and Qualifying Exam Comm ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Bayesian statistics; theory and applications
Courses Taught
15-MATH-599 SPEC TOPICS: MATH Level:Graduate
Advanced Theory of Statistics Level:Graduate
15-STAT-573 AP BAYESIAN ANALYS Level:Graduate
15-MATH-631 ADV THR OF STAT I Level:Graduate
15-MATH-599 SPEC TOPICS: MATH Level:Graduate
15-STAT-147 ELEM PROB AND STAT Level:Undergraduate
15-MATH-632 ADV THR OF STAT II Level:Graduate
15-MATH-366 ENGINEERING STATS Level:Undergraduate
15-MATH-632 ADV THR OF STAT II Level:Graduate
15-STAT-573 AP BAYESIAN ANALYS Level:Graduate
Time Series Level:Both