Robert Skipper

Robert A Skipper , PhD


History and Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science

Clifton Court Hall, 5th Floor

Professional Summary

Robert Skipper is Professor of Philosophy and Fellow of the Graduate School in the Department of Philosophy and School of Environment and Sustainability (SEAS). He received the PhD from the Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, College Park. Prior to that, he received the BA and MA from the Department of Philosophy at Texas Tech University.

Skipper's main research focuses on the origins and development of evolutionary genetics. In particular, he works on problems about the structure of biological controversies, theory change, theory/model assessment, theory/model structure/interpretation, evolutionary dynamics, biological explanation, and epistemology of biological experiments.

In addition, Skipper has interests in environmental philosophy, philosophy of food, and obesity science.

Contact Information

Academic - Clifton Court Hall, 5th Floor