Carolyn R Smith , PhD, RN
Assoc Dean
Associate Professor
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
P.O. Box 210038
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-558-5240
Email carolyn.smith@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Carolyn R. Smith, PhD, RN, CNE, serves as Associate Dean for Research, Associate Professor, PhD Program Director, and Director of Occupational Health Nursing Graduate Programs at the College of Nursing (CON). A proud UC alum, Dr. Smith joined the UC CON team in 2012. Her research focuses on: violence experienced by women of all ages and in occupational health settings; the intersection of substance use disorder and violence against women; and promoting work-life balance and mental wellbeing among health workers. Her area of teaching expertise is research methods, theory, evidence-based practice, and active-learning strategies.
PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2012 (Nursing Research)
MSN: Indiana University Indianapolis, IN, 2005 (Community Health Nursing)
BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2000
Research and Practice Interests
Workplace Violence
Workplace Bullying
Worker Mental Health and Wellbeing
Technology-based Interventions
Violence Against Women (any form)
Teen Dating Violence
Active Learning Strategies
Positions and Work Experience
10-2012 -08-2013 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
08-2013 -08-2019 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
11-2012 -11-2013 Director of Nursing Research, The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
08-2019 -To Present Associate Professor with tenure, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
08-2020 -08-2022 Deputy Director, Occupational Health Nursing Graduate Program, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
07-2022 - PhD Program Director, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
09-2022 - Director of Occupational Health Nursing Graduate Programs, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
08-2023 - Associate Dean for Research, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
Research Support
Investigators:Smith, C. R. 02-2016 -06-2017 University of Cincinnati Research Council Technology-Based Health Behavior Intervention with At-Risk Teens in Shelters: A pilot study Role:PI $6000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Smith, C. R., & Hicks, N. 05-2015 -04-2016 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Dean's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award Impact of the Flipped Classroom on Student Outcomes Role:PI $4905 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #CAN# 9278418 Investigators:Smith, C. R. 08-2015 -09-2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Conduct qualitative analyses of focus group interviews on nursing students' experiences of workplace bullying Role:Contractor $3000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Smith, C. R., & Succop, P. 06-2013 -05-2014 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Dean's New Investigator Award Validation of Workplace Violence Instruments among Adolescent Employees Role:PI $7960 Completed
Investigators:Smith, C. R., & Martsolf, D. S. 2016 -2017 Society of Pediatric Nurses Technology-Based Health Behavior Intervention with At-Risk Teens in Shelters: A pilot study Role:PI $2500 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C. R., & Gillespie, G. L. 07-2016 -06-2017 University of Cincinnati – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center Pilot Research Project Training Program Advisory Board Intervention to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Feasibility Study Role:PI $6980 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Gillespie, G. L., Smith, C. R., McIntosh, D., & Bressler, S. 2016 -2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board Intervention to Prevent and Recover from Workplace Violence Role:Co-I $1,530,496 Denied
Investigators:Martsolf, D. S., Smith, C. R., & Draucker, C. B. 2014 -2015 NIH/NICHD Technology-Based Health Behavior Intervention with At-Risk Teens in Shelters Role:Co-I $275,000 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Martsolf, D. S., & Draucker, D. B. 2015 -2016 NIH/NICHD Technology-Based Health Behavior Intervention with At-Risk Teens in Shelters Role:PI $275,000 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Martsolf, D. S., & Draucker, C. B. 2017 -2018 NIH/NICHD Technology-Based Health Behavior Intervention with At-Risk Teens in Shelters Role:PI $275,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C. R., & Martsolf, D. S. 09-2016 -06-2018 American Nurses Foundation & Internation Association of Forensic Nurses Technology-Based Health Behavior Intervention with At-Risk Teens in Shelters: A Pilot Study Role:PI $9900.00 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., & Ying, J. 05-2018 -04-2020 Center for Disease Control and Prevention - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board Intervention to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Feasibility Study Role:PI 100,00 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Gillespie, G. L. & Smith, C. R. 2017 -2021 CDC/NIOSH Stopping the Contagion of Toxic Lateral Violence Behaviors against Newly Licensed Nurses Role:Co-PI Denied Type:Grant
Grant: #R21HD086749 Investigators:Martsolf, Donna; Smith, Carolyn 07-07-2017 -06-30-2019 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Technology-based health behavior intervention with at-risk teens in shelters Role:PI $248,842.00 Completed
Investigators:Gillespie, G.L., Smith, C.R., Palazzo, S.J., Lambert, J. 2020 -2023 CDC/NIOSH Stopping the Contagion of Toxic Negative Behaviors against Newly Licensed Nurses (R01) Role:Co-I $1,350,450 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Clark, A., Smith, C., & Lambert, J. 2019 -2021 Interact for Health Quick Response Team Program Evaluation Role:Co-PI $380,000 Denied Type:Contract
Investigators:Smith, C.R, & Droege, L. 2019 -2020 Center for Clinical Translational Science and Training Community Health Grant Development and Testing of Green Dot Program Expansion Role:Co-PI 20,000 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C.R, Gillespie, G.L., & Ying, J. 2019 -2021 CDC/NIOSH Advisory Board Intervention to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Feasibility Study (R03) Role:PI 158,859 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Gillespie, G. L., Smith, C. R., Palazzo, S. J., Lambert, J. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Stopping the Contagion of Toxic Negative Behaviors against Newly Licensed Nurses Role:Co-Investigator $1,350,450 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Lambert, J. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Multi-component Intervention to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Feasibility Study Role:PI 440,087.57 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Bhattacharyah, A. 07-2021 -06-2026 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center Role:Collaborator; Director of Occupational Health Nursing Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Bankson, K. J. University of California-Davis/Betty Irene Moore Nurse Leader and Innovator Fellowship Promoting Positive Peer Relationships in Children Through Gaming: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study Role:PI $500,000 Denied Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Hittle, B., Brammer, S. 06-2021 -05-2022 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Mental Health and Well-being App for Long-Term Care Workers Role:PI $10,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:College
Investigators:Punches, B. 2020 -2022 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Clinical Scholars Program Psychosocial RECovery for ED patients ENduring Trauma (PRECEDENT) Role:Co-I $550,00 Denied
Investigators:Punches, B. 08-2020 -12-2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Identifying Perceived Risks for First Responders and Emergency Personnel During the Opioid Crisis Role:Co-PI Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Lambert, J. 11-2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Multi-component Intervention to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Feasibility Study (R21) Role:PI $445,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Brammer, S., Gillespie, G. 11-2018 -06-2019 Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities Role:Co-I Completed Type:Contract Level:State
Investigators:Davis, K., Gillespie, G., Bhattacharya, A. 02-2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Total Worker Health Center for Mental Health and Well-Being of Workers in High Risk Industries Role:Collaborator Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Campbell, J. 2021 -2024 University of California-Davis/Betty Irene Moore Nurse Leader and Innovator Fellowship Mental Health and Well-Being in Healthcare Workers: Mobile App Intervention Development Role:PI $500,000 Denied Type:Fellowship Level:National
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Campbell, J. 2021 -2024 University of California-Davis/Betty Irene Moore Nurse Leader and Innovator Fellowship Mental Health and Well-Being in Healthcare Workers: Mobile App Intervention Development Role:PI $500,000 Denied Type:Fellowship Level:National
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Lambert, J. 10-2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Multi-component Intervention to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Feasibility Study Role:PI $445,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #75D30120P09344 Investigators:McMullan, Jason; Punches, Brittany; Smith, Carolyn 09-01-2020 -08-31-2023 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Identifying Risk Factors and Developing Education Materials for First Responders for Opioid Overdose Situations Role:PI 73223.86 Active
Grant: #22IPA2216207 04-01-2022 -03-31-2023 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention BetterTogether: A mental wellness support system (MWSS) for worker and employers in long-term healthcare Role:PI 27208 Completed Level:National
Grant: #22IPA2216207 M01 Investigators:Smith, C. R. 04-01-2023 -03-31-2024 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention BetterTogether: A mental wellness support system (MWSS) for worker and employers in long-term healthcare Role:PI 28000 Active Type:Contract Level:National
Investigators:Looye, J., Smith, C. R., Ramirez Loaiza, S. 05-2022 -05-2023 University of Cincinnati Office of Research Community Change Collaborative Grant Students Taking Ownership of Safety on an Urban Campus Role:Co-I $20,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Ryan, R. 01-2022 -09-2022 Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services UC Early Intervention Program - Use of Community Organizations for Integrated Behavioral Health System of Care Role:Co-I $150,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:State
Grant: #H79TI080732 Investigators:Brown, J. 09-2018 -09-2023 SAMHSA ASPIRE: Accelerating Substance use and Psychiatric screening among Individuals at-risk or HIV-infected and facilitated Referral via the Emergency Department Role:Sub-Investigator $2,322,305 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Smith, C. R., Wagner, R., Davis, K, & Kotowski, S. 04-2023 -04-2024 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Safe MovES: A Patient Handling & Ergonomic Simulation Role:PI 10000 Active Type:Grant Level:College
Investigators:Lyons, M. 03-2021 -08-2022 Ohio Department of Health Emergency Department Comprehensive Care Role:Sub-Investigator $1,983,000 Active Type:Grant Level:State
Investigators:Freiermuth, C. 09-2022 -06-2023 Ohio Department of Health Community Health Worker Workforce Development (WD23) Role:Co-I $100,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:State
Investigators:Brandau, M. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Development and Implementation of a Virtual Reality Training (MAP) to Reduce the Risk of Injury to Healthcare Workers During Aggressive Interactions Role:Co-I 275000 Pending Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Becker National Institutes of Health / National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute AEQUITAS: A Journey from Inquiry to Equity Through Innovative Clinical Research Training (T32) Role:Mentor Pending Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Freiermuth, C. 07-2022 -06-2023 Interact for Health – Opioid Harm Reduction Grant Utilizing Peers to Increase Naloxone Distribution and Combat Stigma Against People with OUD Role:Co-I $75,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:Regional
Grant: #03140014EC0323 Investigators:Freiermuth, Caroline; Jarrell, Kelli; Ryan, Richard; Smith, Carolyn 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Emergency Department Comprehensive Care (EC23) Role:Collaborator 400000.00 Active Type:Grant Level:State
Grant: #2023 Researchers in the Global South Grant Investigators:Mwandali, Bupe; Smith, Carolyn 08-01-2023 -07-31-2024 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Perceived Gender Inequality Among Female Emerging Adults and Psychological Well-being in Kigamboni, Tanzania: Interpretive Phenomenological Study Role:Collaborator 1000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #75D30123P18096 09-29-2023 -09-29-2023 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Development and Adoptability of Educational Materials for First Responders for Opioid Overdose Situations Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #75D30123P18096 09-29-2023 -09-29-2023 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Development and Adoptability of Educational Materials for First Responders for Opioid Overdose Situations Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Brown, K., & Grubb, P. L. (2016. ) “Seeing students squirm”: Student nurses’ experiences of bullying during clinical rotations. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38 (10 ) ,1397-1398Author
Beery, T. A., Smith, C. R., Kudel, I., & Knilans, T. (2009. ) Measuring sports participation decisional conflict in youth with cardiac pacemakers and/or ICDs. Heart Rhythm, 6 (5S ) ,S391Co-Author
Güler, A., & Smith, C. R. (2020. ) NNVAWI abstracts - The influences of psychosocial and cultural factors on women’s responses to intimate partner violence (IPV): An integrative review. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 7 ,29 -30 Co-Author
Güler, A., & Smith, C. R. (2020. ) NNVAWI abstracts - Self-Esteem in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV): A concept analysis. .[Abstract]Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 7 ,29Co-Author
Peer Reviewed Publications
Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Beery, T. A, & Fisher, B. S. (2015. ) Adolescent Workers’ Experiences of and Training for Workplace Violence.Workplace Health and Safety, , 63 (7 ) ,297-307 More Information
Smith, C. R., Fisher, B. S., Gillespie, G. L., Beery, T. A., & Gates, D. M. (2013. ) Adolescents’ experience with workplace aggression: School health implications.Journal of School Nursing, , 29 (6 ) ,464-474 More Information
Gates, D., Gillespie, G., Smith, C., Rode, J., Kowalenko, T., & Smith, B. (2011. ) Using action research to plan a violence prevention program for emergency departments.Journal of Emergency Nursing, , 37 (1 ) ,32-39 More Information
Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Brown, K., & Grubb, P. L. (2016. ) Nursing students’ experiences of bullying during clinical rotations.Journal of Nursing Education, , 55 (9 ) ,505-513 More Information
Smith, C. R., & Gillespie, G. L. (2016. ) Do adolescent employees perceive the risks of workplace violence? A mixed methods study.Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 6 (7 ) ,116-124 More Information
Smith, C. R., Martsolf, D. M., Draucker, C. B., Pritchard, T. J., Shambley-Ebron, D. Z., & Maler, J. (2016. ) Stimulating research interest and faculty career ambitions in undergraduate nursing students: The research-doctorate pipeline initiative.Journal of Nursing Education, , 55 (3 ) ,133-140 More Information
Miller, M. E., & Smith, C. R. (2016. ) Photovoice as a Tool to Enhance Mother/Daughter Communication about Girls’ Health Issues .International Journal of Communication and Health., , 8 ,22-33
Draucker, C. B., Smith, C., Mazurczyk, J., Thomas, D., Ramirez, P. McNealy, K., & Martsolf, D. S. (2016. ) Unique outcomes in the narratives of young adults who experienced dating violence as adolescents.Journal of American Psychiatric Nurse Association., , 22 (2 ) ,112-121 More Information
Tehan, R. I., Smith, C. R., Draucker, C. B., & Martsolf, D. S. (2018. ) Use of a Systematic Consultation Process to Facilitate Research and Program Evaluation Projects: An Exemplar.Clinical Nurse Specialist, , 32 (5 ) ,249 -259More Information
Stec, M., Smith, C., & Jacox, E. (2020. ) Technology enhanced teaching and learning: Exploration of faculty adaptation to iPad delivered curriculum. .Technology, Knowledge and Learning, , 25 ,651 -665More Information
Rutherford, D., Gillespie, G. L., & Smith, C. R. (2018. ) Interventions for Bullying of Nursing Students: An Integrative Review.Nursing Forum, , -1-7More Information
Smith, C. R., Palazzo, S. J., Grubb, P. L., & Gillespie, G. L (2020. ) Standing up against workplace bullying behavior: Recommendations from newly licensed nurses.Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 10 (7 ) ,35 -45More Information
Gillespie, G. L., Fisher, B., Kennebeck, S., Smith, C., Griffith, D., Matern, A., Richey, L., Pendleton, J. C., Cubbage, C., & Martsolf, D. (2019. ) Leveraging a public health framework and community advisory board to innovate workplace violence intervention strategies.Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, , 41 (4 ) ,357 -371More Information
Leslie, J., Smith, C. R., Schwytzer, D. J., Goodin, J., Little, M. K., Rota, M. C., & Glazer, G. (2020. ) Evaluation of a brief mindfulness strategy in the classroom: A feasibility study. .International Journal of Nursing Education, , 12 (4 ) ,68 -73More Information
Rutherford, D. E., Smith, C. R., Bressler, S., & Gillespie, G. L. (2020. ) Emotions and feelings evoked in nursing students exposed to bullying behaviors in clinical settings. .Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 10 (11 ) ,54 -61More Information
Rutherford, D. E., Smith, C. R., Bressler, S., Johnson, K. D., & Gillespie, G. L. (2020. ) Bullying behaviors in clinical settings: Potentially harmful distractions .
Johnson, K. D., Punches, B. E., & Smith, C. R. (2021. ) Perceptions of the essential components of triage: A qualitative analysis.Journal of Emergency Nursing, , 47 (1 ) ,192 -197More Information
Bennett, S. G., Smith, C. R., Pritchard, T. J., Vaughn, L. M., Gormley, D. K., & Bankston, K. J. (2021. ) Patient and family involvement in network-based learning health systems: a scoping review. Patient Education & Counseling, ,
Bennett, S. G., Vaughn, L. M., Smith, C. R., Pritchard, T. J., Gormley, D. K., & Bankston, K. J. (2021. ) Concept mapping with patients, parents, clinicians, and researchers to understand the perception of engagement and value in a learning network: A mixed methods study. Evaluation and Program Planning, ,
Small, T. F., Smith, C. R., Hutton, S., Davis, K. G., & Gillespie, G. L. (2022. ) Workplace violence prevention training, safety resources, and commitment to HHCWs’ safety.Workplace Health and Safety, , 70 (7 ) ,325-331 More Information
Small, T. F., Gillespie, G. L., Hutton, S., Davis, K. G., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Workplace violence prevalence and reporting in home health care: A cross-sectional study.Home Health Care Management & Practice, , 31 (5 ) ,31-39 More Information
Keller, E. G., Hittle, B. M., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Tiredness takes its toll: An integrative review on sleep and occupational outcomes for long-term care workers .Journal of Gerontological Nursing, , 49 (1 ) ,27-33 More Information
Güler, A., Bankston, K., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Self-esteem in the context of intimate partner violence: A concept analysis.Nursing Forum, , 57 (6 ) ,1484-1490 More Information
Güler, A., Lambert, J., Rojas-Guyler, L., Lee, R. C., & Smith, C. R. (2022. ) Shared risk factors among women for intimate partner violence in the United States: A secondary analysis .Violence Against Women, ,
Güler, A., Lee, R. C., Rojas-Guyler, L., Lambert, J. & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) The influences of sociocultural norms on women’s responses to IPV: An integrative review .Nursing Inquiry, ,
Güler, A., Lambert, J., Rojas-Guyler, L., Lee, R. C., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Feminist perspectives for understanding of modifiable risk factors in the help-seeking process for intimate partner violence: A mixed method study .Journal of Mixed Methods Research, ,
Bader, K. W., Smith, C. R., & Gillespie, G. L. (2023. ) Critical care nurses’ behaviors toward family presence during resuscitation: Integrative review .Critical Care Nurse, ,
Smith, C. R., & Keller, E. G. (2023. ) “Interacting with the material differently”: A mixed methods study exploring nursing student engagement and satisfaction with a flipped classroom approach.Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 13 (8 ) ,38-47 More Information
Alenezi, L., Gillespie, G. L., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) An integrative review of transformational leadership style and burnout: Implications for nurse leaders.International Healthcare Research Journal, , 39 (9 ) ,RV8-RB24 More Information
Shidende, P., Bates, R., Lee, R. & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Nurse-midwives' experiences of managing parental postpartum depression: A scoping review .Journal of Advanced Nursing, ,
Smith, C. R., Keller, E. G., Hittle, B., & Brammer, S. (2023. ) “A nice app to get more information on taking care of yourself”: A multi-phase pilot study to develop a digitally-based health promotion intervention for long-term care workers .Workplace Health & Safety, ,
Westman, J., Johnson, K. D., Smith, C. R., & Kelcey, B. (2023. ) The contributors to dosage calculation ability and its applicability to nursing education: An integrative review .Journal of Professional Nursing, ,
Westman, J., Johnson, K. D., Smith, C. R., & Kelcey, B. (2023. ) New graduate registered nurses’ confidence in medication administration: the correlation with educational preparedness .Journal of Nursing Education, ,
Westman, J., Johnson, K. D., Smith, C. R., & Kelcey, B. (2023. ) Perceived importance and confidence in new graduate registered nurses’ medication administration .Applied Nursing Research, ,
Alali, K., Lee, R. C., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Barriers and facilitators perceived by critical care nurses toward end-of-life care delivery in intensive care unit: An integrative review .Journal of Clinical Nursing, ,
Punches, B. E., Grubb, P., Gillespie, G. L., Clark, A. K., McMullan, J., & Smith, C. R. (2023. ) Substance use disorder and safety considerations for workplace violence in the ED .Journal of Emergency Nursing, ,
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Smith, C. R. (03-2017. ) Workplace bullying and incivility: Lessons from Oz. 2017 Social Work Education Day at The Cincinnati Veterans Administration Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Smith, C. R. (06-2016. ) Workplace incivility. . Continuing Education Program for Social Work staff at The Cincinnati Veterans Administration Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.
Smith, C. R. (07-2016. ) Personal response systems: Socrative & Top Hat. University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Summer iCoN Institute, Cincinnati, OH.
Smith, C. R. (07-2016. ) Framing outcomes research: Measuring technology innovation .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Summer iCoN Institute, Cincinnati, OH.
Stec, M., & Smith, C. (07-26-2017. ) Evidence-based research with the iPad .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Summer iCoN Institute, Cincinnati, OH. Conference. . Level:Regional
Pritchard, R., & Smith, C. R. (07-17-2018. ) Active learning strategies .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Summer iCoN Institute, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Pritchard, T., & Smith, C. R. (04-28-2020. ) Evaluation of active learning strategies .University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Continuing Medical Education Series, Cincinnati, OH. Level:College
Smith, C. R., Edgerly, A., Erbe, A., Holtz, T., Keller, E., & Purtee, E. (07-2022. ) Current trends in occupational health nursing research .Southwest Ohio Association of Occupational Health Nurses chapter meeting, West Chester, OH. Professional Meeting. . Level:Local
Poster Presentations
Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., Brown, K., & Grubb, P. L. (03-2016. ) “Seeing students squirm”: Student nurses bullying experiences in clinical settings. 2016 Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI. . Level:Regional
Smith, C. R., & Martsolf, D. M. (09-2016. ) Technology-based health behavior intervention with at-risk teens in shelters: A pilot study. International Association of Forensic Nurses 2016 Annual Conference, Denver, CO. . Level:International
Smith, C. R., & Hicks, N. (05-2015. ) Evaluation of the flipped classroom on student outcomes. University of Cincinnati Research Week, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University
Smith, C. R., Gates, D.M., Beery, T.A., & Gillespie, G.L. (10-2009. ) Exploring adolescent employees’ perceptions of safety from workplace violence. 10th Annual Pilot Research Project Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .
Beery, T.A., Smith, C. R., Kudel, I., & Knilans, T. (05-2009. ) Measuring sports participation decisional conflict in youth with cardiac pacemakers and/or ICDs .30th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society, Boston, MA. .
Smith, C. R., Jacox, E., Cairns, M., Martsolf, D. S., & Draucker, C. B. (04-2018. ) Preliminary efficacy of technology-based motivational interviewing health promotion intervention with adolescents exposed to parental intimate partner violence .2018 Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Research Conference, Cleveland, OH. . Level:Regional
Grubb, P., Smith, C., Palazzo, S., & Gillespie, G (06-2018. ) Newly licensed nurses and workplace bullying .Bullying 2018: Bullying2018: 11th International Conference of Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Bordeaux, France. . Level:International
Grubb, P. L., Smith, C. R., & Roberts, R. K. (06-2017. ) Violence prevention for Asian-American retail workers and business owners: Qualitative analyses .12th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Minneapolis, MN. . Level:International
Leslie, J. L., Smith, C. R., Schwytzer, D. J., Goodin, J., Little, M. K., Rota, M. C., & Glazer, G. L. (03-2020. ) Evaluation of a brief mindfulness strategy in the classroom .Sigma’s Nursing Education Research Conference 2020, Washington, DC. . Level:National
Punches, B., Smith, C., & Johnson, K. (09-2019. ) Perceptions on essential vs. non-essential screenings conducted in triage .Emergency Nursing 2019 Conference of the Emergency Nurses Association, Austin, TX. . Level:National
Smith, C. R., Hittle, B., Brammer, S., Keller, E., & Holtz, T. (06-2022. ) Partnering with stakeholders to develop a digitally-based health promotion intervention for long-term care workers .American Association of Occupational Health Nurses National Conference, Virtual. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Holtz, T., & Smith, C. R (06-2022. ) Associations between long-term care worker depression and anxiety and occupational outcomes: An integrative review. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses National Conference, Virtual. . Level:National
Keller, E., Hittle, B., & Smith, C. R. (06-2022. ) The impact of sleep on occupational outcomes for long-term care workers: An integrative review. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses National Conference, Virtual. . Level:National
Bader, K., Smith, C. R., & Gillespie, G. L. (03-2023. ) Critical care nurses’ behaviors toward family presence during resuscitation: Integrative review .2023 Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Research Conference, Des Moines, IA. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Paper Presentations
Smith, C. R., & Napierski, K. (05-2015. ) Using mixed methods to modify and validate three workplace violence related instruments in young workers .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:International
Raab, D. L., Smith, C. R., Blum, S., & Baker, R. (11-2010. ) Innovative solutions for ensuring the involvement of research RNs in decision-making and leadership around the professional practice of nursing at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center .Bethesda, MD. Conference. Level:International
Smith, C. R., Rode, J. M., Gates, D. M., Gillespie, G. L., Kowalenko, T., Mentzel, T., & Smith, B (11-2009. ) Patient and visitor violence against emergency department workers at six midwestern hospitals in the U.S. .San Juan, Puerto Rico. Conference. Level:International
Gates, D. M., Gillespie, G. L., Smith, C. R., Rode, J. M., Kowalenko, T., & Smith, B. (11-2009. ) Applying the Haddon Matrix to violence prevention planning in emergency departments .San Juan, Puerto Rico. Conference. Level:International
Smith, C. R., & McIntosh, D. (03-2016. ) “Let it go!”: Adolescent workers’ responses to workplace violence. .Milwaukee, WI. Conference. Level:Regional
Smith, C. R., & Ying, J. (03-2016. ) Risks for and consequences of workplace violence among adolescent workers .Milwaukee, WI. Conference.
Smith, C. R., Gillespie, G. L., & Beery, T. A. (03-2014. ) Do adolescent employees perceive the risks of workplace violence? A mixed methods study .St. Louis, MO. Conference.
Smith, C. R. (04-2012. ) Exploring adolescent employees’ perceptions of safety from workplace violence .Houston, TX. Conference. Level:National
Smith, C. R., Gates, D. M., Beery, T. A., & Gillespie, G. L. (10-2010. ) Exploring adolescent employees’ perceptions of safety from workplace violence .Cincinnati, OH. Conference.
Bolar, E., Brydon-Miller, M., Burrows, A., Dole, D., Eckler, J., Embry, D., Fullbright, K., Gomez, J., Howton, A., Micham, S., Miller, B., Smith, C. R., Suess, R., Thomas, J., & Woods, A. (04-2009. ) Using appreciative inquiry to improve the doctoral student’s quality of life (or How to move from Post-it notes to post-graduate degrees) .Louisville, KY. Workshop. Level:Regional
Smith, C. R., Martsolf, D. M., & Draucker, C. B (09-2018. ) Time4U: Leveraging technology to address potential health effects of parental IPV exposure in adolescents .Niagra-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. Conference. Level:International
Smith, C. R., Martsolf, D. M., & Draucker, C. B. (07-2018. ) Technology-based health interventions with at-risk teens in domestic violence shelters: A pilot study .Melbourne, Australia. Conference. Level:International
Stec, M., & Smith, C. R. (07-2018. ) Technology enhanced pedagogy: Exploration of faculty adaptation to iPad delivered curriculum .Melbourne, Australia. Conference. Level:International
Guler, A., & Smith, C. R. (06-2020. ) Self-Esteem in the context of intimate partner violence: A concept analysis .Malmo, Sweeden. Conference. Level:International
Guler, A., & Smith, C. R. (06-2020. ) The influences of psychosocial and cultural factors on women’s responses to intimate partner violence .Malmo, Sweeden. Conference. Level:International
Looye, J., Ramirez Loaiza, S., & Smith, C. R. (11-2022. ) Students taking ownership of safety on an urban campus .Toronto, CA. Conference. Level:International
Güler, A., Lambert, J., & Smith, C. R. (06-2022. ) Factors related to women exposure to intimate partner violence .Durham, NC. Conference. Level:International
Halabicky, O., Spurlock, E., Breen, K., Bennett, S., & Smith, C. R. (11-2023. ) Developing future PhD-prepared nurse leaders: Strategies to recruit, support, and retain PhD nursing students .San Antonio, TX. Conference. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2016 Abstract of Distinction The abstract "'Seeing students squirm': Student nurses bullying experiences in clinical settings" was recognized as one of 6 abstracts of distinction at the 40th annual Midwest Nursing Research Society conference in March 2016. Midwest Nursing Research Society Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
2016 Dean's Award for Faculty Excellence University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2018 Rosalie Yeaworth Excellence in Teaching Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
2018 Nurse of the Year Award - Research Category Ohio March of Dimes Status:Nomination Level:State
2020 Rosalie Yeaworth Excellence in Teaching Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
2020 Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati Division of Experience-Based Learning & Career Education Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2021 Meridel Newman Outstanding Teacher Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
2022 Faculty to Faculty Research Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati Office of the Provost and Office of Research Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Monetary
Student Advising
Anisa Ogboenyiya (Doctoral ) Advisor
Sarah Herrle (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 04-2017
Karen Montoya (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 04-0105
Beverly Hittle (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2015
Dawna Rutherford (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 06-2020
Stephanie Bennett (Doctoral ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 04-2020
Tamara Small (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 06-2020
Jennifer Murphy (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 12-2020
Ayse Guler (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 04-2022
Georganne Kincer (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 04-2022
Christine Alvarez (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Trevor Holtz (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Laura Pennington (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 04-2022
Emily Kean (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Latifah Alenezi (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Destini Thomas-Hayes (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Khairayah Alali (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Khaled Bader (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Bupe Mwandali (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Jessica Westman (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 04-2023
Afton Erbe (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Islam Banisalman (Doctoral ) Co-Chair Status:In Progress
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Class Size Task Force ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2013 -2014
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Council ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2013 -2014
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Office Space Task Force ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2014 -2014
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Research and Scholarly Activities Council ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2016 -08-2014
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (PhD Curriculum Review Task Force ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 10-2014 -02-2017
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Grant Administrator II Search Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 05-2015 -01-2015
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Faculty Affairs Task Force ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 01-2015 -08-2015
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Elections Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2015 -08-2019
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Active Learning Strategies Evaluation Team ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 11-2015 -2020
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Faculty Affairs Council ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2015 -08-2017
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Faculty Affairs Council ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2015 -08-2016
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Diversity Advisory Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2016 -08-2019
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (PhD Preliminary Exam Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:Department 02-2016 -08-2019
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (PhD Preliminary Exam Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2020
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Condo Placement Task Force ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 04-2016 -07-2016
University Research Council (Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Fellowships ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 01-2013 -04-2015
UC University Research Council (Advisory Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 05-2015 -06-2019
UC University Research Council (Social and Behavioral Section Graduate Student Research Fellowship ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 05-2015 -To Present
University of Cincinnati (Instructional Design/Pedagogy Governance Subcommittee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 10-2015 -05-2016
University of Cincinnati (Faculty Governance Research Council ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-2016 -08-2018
University of Cincinnati (Inter-Professional Education Faculty Development Subcommittee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2016 -2020
Society of Pediatric Nurses (Ohio River Valley Chapter ) President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-2015 -12-2015
Society of Pediatric Nurses (Ohio River Valley Chapter ) President-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-2014 -12-2014
Society of Pediatric Nurses (Ohio River Valley Chapter ) Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-2012 -12-2013
Midwest Nursing Research Societey (Adolescent Health Research Interest Group ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 04-2017 -04-2018
Midwest Nursing Research Society (Adolescent Health Research Interest Group ) Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 04-2016 -04-2017
Sigma Theta Tau International – Beta Iota Chapter (Research Committee ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 08-2014 -08-2016
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Alice Hamilton Award Committee ) Reviewer Type:Other Level:National 2016 -2021
Tri-Health (Nursing Research Council ) Consultant Type:Other Level:Local 11-2014 -To Present
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Student Affairs Council ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2017 -To Present
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (PhD Program Evaluation Task Force ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2017 -12-2019
University of Cincinnati (PhD Program Portfolio Exam Task Force ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 03-2021 -08-2021
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Undergraduate Tribunal ) Faculty Coordinator Type:Service to Student Groups Level:College 08-2020
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2019 -08-2023
Midwest Nursing Research Society (Engagement Committee ) Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 04-2019 -03-2021
Midwest Nursing Research Society (Engagement Committee ) Co-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 04-2021 -03-2023
Midwest Nursing Research Society (Engagement Committee - Membership workgroup ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 09-2019 -06-2022
PhD Program (PhD Candidacy Exam by Portfolio Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2021 -To Present
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Faculty Governance ) Vice-Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2021 -07-2022
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Faculty Governance ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2022 -08-2023
Post Graduate Training and Education
08-2021-To Present Certified Nurse Educator, National League for Nursing, ,
Professional Affiliation
1999 -To Present: Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nurses Member since induction in 1999
2011 -2015: Society of Pediatric Nurses Member of National Organization and Ohio River Valley (local chapter)
2008 -To Present: Midwest Nursing Research Society Member; Immediate Past Chair, Engagement Committee; Membership Committee - Ohio Representative 2018-present; Adolescent Health Research Interest Group chair-elect 2016-2017, chair 2017-2018, past chair 2018-2019
2016 -2017: International Association of Forensic Nurses Member
2016 -To Present: American Nurses Association Member
2016 -2023: Ohio Nurses Association Member
2018 -To Present: Nurses Network on Violence Against Women International Member
06-2021 -To Present: American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Member
06-2021: Ohio Association of Occupational Health Nurses Member
01-2022 -To Present: Southwestern Ohio AOHN Co-Chair
Courses Taught
Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Practice Level:Undergraduate
Complex Care of the Adult – Clinical Role Transition Level:Undergraduate
RN-BSN Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Level:Undergraduate
Complex Care of the Adult – Clinical Role Transition Level:Undergraduate
RN-BSN Capstone Level:Undergraduate
RN-BSN Capstone Level:Undergraduate
Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Practice Level:Undergraduate
RN-BSN Capstone Level:Undergraduate
RN-BSN Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Practice Level:Undergraduate
RN-BSN Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Practice Level:Undergraduate
Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Practice Level:Undergraduate
Senior Capstone Level:Undergraduate
Scientific Basis for Professional Nursing Practice Level:Undergraduate
Senior Capstone Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3003 SCIENTIFIC BAS NURS Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3003 SCIENTIFIC BAS NURS Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4020 CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4020 CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3003 SCIENTIFIC BAS NURS Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4001 LEADER-MANAGER Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4020 CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4020 CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3003 SCIENTIFIC BAS NURS Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4001 LEADER-MANAGER Level:Undergraduate
Scientific Basis and Informatics in Nursing Level:Undergraduate
Application of Evidence & Informatics in Nursing Level:Undergraduate
Philosophy of Science Level:Graduate
Foundations of Scientific Nursing Practice and Informatics Level:Undergraduate
Philosophy of Science Level:Graduate
Foundations of Scientific Nursing Practice and Informatics Level:Undergraduate
Scholarly Writing Level:Graduate
Research Practicum Level:Graduate
Occupational and Environmental Diseases and Injuries Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
P.O. Box 210038
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-558-5240