Quinn Smith

Quinn Smith

Medical Resident/Fellow

Professional Summary

Personal Statement
With research an ongoing thread in my professional and academic journey and the completion of my core rotations so fresh in my memory, I am often reminded of the pledge made when we started medical school, to remain steadfast in our pursuit of lifelong learning. While this pledge is inherent in a field such as the ever-changing and growing field of oncology, I have found almost all facets of medicine intriguing during my medical education. I found myself delving into lives and personalities and demographics equally varied and complex on the inpatient floors. I saw patients from small French colonial islands in the North of Africa, to farmers and gardeners from Kansas, all with differing medical concerns and yet a similar underlying thread of faith in those caring for them. I had many opportunities to learn from my patients on the medicine service, and the privilege of being trusted with a part of their care and a glimpse into their story is something I cherish and look forward to continuing in the years to come. I strive to be a leader in patient centered care and clinical excellence and hope to have the privilege of training in an environment committed to constant improvement in pursuit of such excellence.

Why I Chose CincinnatiĀ 
Cincinnati had the very best interview day and resident meet and greet of any program I applied to. Everything felt relaxed and the residents had fantastic things to say about the program and the training they had experienced. The interview day itself made me certain that I would be given the opportunity to become an outstanding physician no matter what my career goals may become. It is an excellent program for those looking to help shape the future of medical training!