Matia B Solomon , PhD
Assoc Professor
Reading Campus
2120 East Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45237-0506
Phone 513-558-3025
Fax 513-297-0966
Email solomomb@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
The Solomon laboratory overall research efforts are directed towards understanding sex differences in the neurobiology of stress related disorders including depression. We are also interested in understanding sex differences in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. For more information about our laboratory please visit: www.solomonlaboratory.com
Doctoral Degree: Georgia State University 2006 (Behavioral Neuroscience)
Research and Practice Interests
sex differences in antidepressant efficacy
rodent models of depression and anxiety
neural regulation of depression and complex social behavior
role of gonadal hormones in depression and anxiety
epigenetic regulation of steroid receptors in depression and anxiety
Research Support
Investigators:Matia B. Solomon 07-01-2013 -07-01-2015 National Institutes of Health Effects of Chronic Stress on Female Depression Role:PI $200,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Matia B. Solomon 2014 -2016 Corcept Therapeutics Identifying Biomarkers for Depression: Focus on Lateral Habenula Role:PI $30,000 Completed
Investigators:Matia B. Solomon Faculty Development Council Two Week Multi Modality Course to Study Human Brain Function In Vivo at Harvard University Role:PI $3,600 Completed Level:University
Grant: #2014 Solomon - Biomarkers for Depression Investigators:Solomon, Matia 04-01-2014 -03-31-2016 Corcept Therapeutics Identifying Biomarkers for Depression: Focus on the Lateral Habenula Role:PI $30,000.00
Grant: #LIFE2016 Investigators:Solomon, Matia 09-01-2016 -08-31-2018 Local Initiative for Excellence (L.I.F.E.) Exploring the role of the oncogene Dek as a novel player in Alzheimer's disease Role:PI $50,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #G-01323-01 Investigators:Solomon, Matia 09-01-2017 -08-31-2018 Lipedema Foundation A Mouse Model of Lipedema: Lower Body Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Specific Estrogen Receptor KO Role:PI $8,493.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2019 Award Investigators:Solomon, Matia 11-01-2019 -10-31-2020 Local Initiative for Excellence (L.I.F.E.) Functional Significance of DEK in Alzheimer's Disease and Age-Related Dementias. Role:PI $50,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R25NS115532 Investigators:Reyes, Teresa; Solomon, Matia 03-15-2020 -02-28-2025 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Research Innovation in NeuroScience Education for Underserved Populations (RISE UP) Role:Collaborator $105,721.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R01DK118292 Investigators:Solomon, Matia; Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne 05-08-2020 -04-30-2024 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Stress, 'comfort' food, and obesity Role:Collaborator $552,980.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Herman, J P; McKlveen, J M; Solomon, M B; Carvalho-Netto, E; Myers, B (2012. ) Neural regulation of the stress response: glucocorticoid feedback mechanisms. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas médicas e biológicas / Sociedade Brasileira de Biofísica ... [et al.], , 45 (4 ) ,292-8
Solomon, M B; Furay, A R; Jones, K; Packard, A E B; Packard, B A; Wulsin, A C; Herman, J P (2012. ) Deletion of forebrain glucocorticoid receptors impairs neuroendocrine stress responses and induces depression-like behavior in males but not females.Neuroscience, , 203 ,135-43 More Information
Flak, Jonathan N; Jankord, Ryan; Solomon, Matia B; Krause, Eric G; Herman, James P (2011. ) Opposing effects of chronic stress and weight restriction on cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and metabolic function.Physiology & behavior, , 104 (2 ) ,228-34 More Information
Carvalho-Netto, Eduardo F; Myers, Brent; Jones, Kenneth; Solomon, Matia B; Herman, James P (2011. ) Sex differences in synaptic plasticity in stress-responsive brain regions following chronic variable stress.Physiology & behavior, , 104 (2 ) ,242-7 More Information
Solomon, Matia B; Sakai, Randall R; Woods, Stephen C; Foster, Michelle T (2011. ) Differential effects of glucocorticoids on energy homeostasis in Syrian hamsters.American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, , 301 (2 ) ,E307-16 More Information
Krause, Eric G; de Kloet, Annette D; Flak, Jonathan N; Smeltzer, Michael D; Solomon, Matia B; Evanson, Nathan K; Woods, Stephen C; Sakai, Randall R; Herman, James P (2011. ) Hydration state controls stress responsiveness and social behavior.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, , 31 (14 ) ,5470-6 More Information
Castañeda, T R; Nogueiras, R; Müller, T D; Krishna, R; Grant, E; Jones, A; Ottaway, N; Ananthakrishnan, G; Pfluger, P T; Chaudhary, N; Solomon, M B; Woods, S C; Herman, J P; Tschöp, M H (2011. ) Decreased glucose tolerance and plasma adiponectin:resistin ratio in a mouse model of post-traumatic stress disorder.Diabetologia, , 54 (4 ) ,900-9 More Information
Jankord, Ryan; Solomon, Matia B; Albertz, Jennifer; Flak, Jonathan N; Zhang, Rong; Herman, James P (2011. ) Stress vulnerability during adolescent development in rats.Endocrinology, , 152 (2 ) ,629-38 More Information
Solomon, Matia B; Jankord, Ryan; Flak, Jonathan N; Herman, James P (2011. ) Chronic stress, energy balance and adiposity in female rats.Physiology & behavior, , 102 (1 ) ,84-90 More Information
Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne M; Christiansen, Anne M; Ostrander, Michelle M; Jones, Amanda A; Jones, Kenneth R; Choi, Dennis C; Krause, Eric G; Evanson, Nathan K; Furay, Amy R; Davis, Jon F; Solomon, Matia B; de Kloet, Annette D; Tamashiro, Kellie L; Sakai, Randall R; Seeley, Randy J; Woods, Stephen C; Herman, James P (2010. ) Pleasurable behaviors reduce stress via brain reward pathways.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 107 (47 ) ,20529-34 More Information
Zhang, Rong; Jankord, Ryan; Flak, Jonathan N; Solomon, Matia B; D'Alessio, David A; Herman, James P (2010. ) Role of glucocorticoids in tuning hindbrain stress integration.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, , 30 (44 ) ,14907-14 More Information
Wulsin, Aynara C; Herman, James P; Solomon, Matia B (2010. ) Mifepristone decreases depression-like behavior and modulates neuroendocrine and central hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis responsiveness to stress.Psychoneuroendocrinology, , 35 (7 ) ,1100-12 More Information
Jankord, Ryan; Zhang, Rong; Flak, Jonathan N; Solomon, Matia B; Albertz, Jennifer; Herman, James P (2010. ) Stress activation of IL-6 neurons in the hypothalamus.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, , 299 (1 ) ,R343-51 More Information
Solomon, M B; Jones, K; Packard, B A; Herman, J P (2010. ) The medial amygdala modulates body weight but not neuroendocrine responses to chronic stress.Journal of neuroendocrinology, , 22 (1 ) ,13-23 More Information
Solomon, Matia B; Karom, Mary C; Norvelle, Alisa; Markham, Chris A; Erwin, W Daniel; Huhman, Kim L (2009. ) Gonadal hormones modulate the display of conditioned defeat in male Syrian hamsters.Hormones and behavior, , 56 (4 ) ,423-8 More Information
Solomon, Matia B; Herman, James P (2009. ) Sex differences in psychopathology: of gonads, adrenals and mental illness.Physiology & behavior, , 97 (2 ) ,250-8 More Information
Solomon, Matia B; Karom, Mary C; Huhman, Kim L (2007. ) Sex and estrous cycle differences in the display of conditioned defeat in Syrian hamsters.Hormones and behavior, , 52 (2 ) ,211-9 More Information
Solomon, Matia B; Foster, Michelle T; Bartness, Timothy J; Huhman, Kim L (2007. ) Social defeat and footshock increase body mass and adiposity in male Syrian hamsters.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, , 292 (1 ) ,R283-90 More Information
Foster, Michelle T; Solomon, Matia B; Huhman, Kim L; Bartness, Timothy J (2006. ) Social defeat increases food intake, body mass, and adiposity in Syrian hamsters.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, , 290 (5 ) ,R1284-93 More Information
Faruzzi, Alicia N; Solomon, Matia B; Demas, Gregory E; Huhman, Kim L (2005. ) Gonadal hormones modulate the display of submissive behavior in socially defeated female Syrian hamsters.Hormones and behavior, , 47 (5 ) ,569-75 More Information
Huhman, Kim L; Solomon, Matia B; Janicki, Marcus; Harmon, Alvin C; Lin, Stacie M; Israel, Jeris E; Jasnow, Aaron M (2003. ) Conditioned defeat in male and female Syrian hamsters. Hormones and behavior, , 44 (3 ) ,293-9
Flak, J.N., Solomon, M.B., Krause, E.G., & Herman, J.P. (2012. ) Identification of chronic stress activated regions reveals a potential recruited circuit in rat brain .European Journal of Neuroscience, ,
Jasnow, A.M., Banks, M.C., Owens, E.C., & Huhman, K.L. (1999. ) Differential effects of two corticotropin-releasing factor antagonists on conditioned defeat in male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). .Brain Research, , 846 (1 ) ,122 -128
Book Chapter
Young, E.A., Korszun, A., Figueiredo, H.F., Solomon, M.B., & Herman, J.P. (2007 ) Sex differences in HPA axis Regulation. Sex Differences in brain: From Genes to Behavior .(pp. 95 -108).Oxford
Solomon, M.B., & Herman, J.P. (2009 ) Sex differences in HPA axis regulation: The role of gonadal hormones Hormones, Brain and Behavior 2nd Edition .(pp. 2291 -2306).Academic Press
Invited Presentations
Matia B. Solomon (2005. ) Conditioned defeat in female and Syrian hamsters .University of California San Francisco, Department of Physiology.
Matia B. Solomon (2005. ) Sex and estrous cycle differences in the display of conditioned defeat in Syrian hamsters .University of Cincinnati , Department of Psychiatry.
Matia B. Solomon (2007. ) What can rodent models of social stress teach us about depression? .Morehouse School of Medicine, Neuroscience Institute Spring Seminar Series.
Matia B. Solomon (2007. ) GPR30 (Membrane Bound Estrogen Receptor) and HPA axis Activation: What's the Connection? .Organization for Study of Sex Differences, Washington, DC.
Matia B. Solomon (2007. ) Sex differences in HPA axis Regulation and Depression-Like Behavior in Forebrain Glucocorticoid Receptor Knockout Mice .Neurobiology of Stress Conference, Boulder Colorado.
Matia B. Solomon (2011. ) Sex Differences in HPA axis Regulation and Depression-Like Behavior in Forebrain Glucocorticoid Receptor Knockout Mice .Department of Psychiatry Neuroscience Spring Seminar Series, Cincinnati Ohio.
Matia B. Solomon (06-2012. ) Sex Differences in HPA axis Regulation and Depression-Like Behavior .Elizabeth Young New Investigator Seminar (Organization for Study of Sex Differences), Baltimore, MD.
Matia B. Solomon (11-2012. ) Glucocorticoid Receptor Antagonists: Modulators of Neuroendocrine Stress Responses and Depression .Corcepts Therapeutics Inc, Half Moon Bay, CA.
Matia B. Solomon (10-05-2012. ) Sex Differences in Central GR Signaling: HPA axis and Depression .Kent State University Department of Biological Sciences, Kent, Ohio.
Matia B. Solomon Inspirational Speaker for Underrepresented Minorities .McNair Scholars Program , University of Cincinnati . UC. . Level:University
Matia B. Solomon My Path from Humans to Rodents towards Understanding Human Psychopathology .Research Experience for Undergraduates in Complex Psychology, Psychology Department . UC. . Level:Department
Matia B. Solomon Neurobiology of Female Depression .Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center , K Scholar's Meeting. Other Institution. .
Matia B. Solomon Impact of Chronic Psychosocial Stress on Brain and Behavior .Medical Sciences Building, University of Cincinnati (Neuroscience Seminar Speaker). UC. .
Event Organized
Who's Who in Psychology Faculty RetreatWho's Who in Psychology Faculty Retreat Other University of Cincinnati Level:Department
Honors and Awards
2005 American Neuroendocrine Society Travel Award
2007 Organization for Study of Sex Differences Young Investigator Travel Award
2008 Organization for Study of Sex Differences New Investigator Award Outstanding Research Presentation
2008 NMRI Midwest Conference National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases Excellence In Research Award 2nd Place
2010 National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Pathway to Independence Travel Award
2010 Stress Neurobiology Conference Travel Award
2012 Organization for Study of Sex Differences Young Investigator Travel Award
2012 Elizabeth Young New Investigator Award
Nominated to Represent UC as an Emerging Minority Faculty Scholar Status:Nomination
(Diversity Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-15-2012
(Honor's Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-15-2012
(Department Cohesion Committee ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience (UC) (Center for Diabetes and Obesity Center (grant reviewer) ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Isabel and Mary Neff Scholarship Committee ) Type:University/College Service Level:College
(NSF Accountability and Advocacy Council ) Type:University/College Service Level:University
Post Graduate Training and Education
2006-2011 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stress Neurobiology, University of Cincinnati, , Cincinnati Ohio
2011-2012 Research Scientist, University of Cincinnati , , Cincinnati, Ohio
behavioral neuroscience, stress, sex differences, gonadal hormones, antidepressants, depression, anxiety, obesity
Professional Affiliation
06-01-2008: Organization for Study of Sex Differences
08-01-2000: Society for Neuroscience
Reviewer for Hormones and Behavior
Reviewer for Journal for Neuroscience
Reviewer for Proceedings for National Academy of Science
Reviewer for Physiology and Behavior
Courses Taught
Research Methods in Stress and Health Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
12-05-2012 -12-05-2012 Google Tips and Tricks Type:Workshop
Contact Information
Academic - Reading Campus
2120 East Galbraith Road
Ohio, 45237-0506
Phone: 513-558-3025
Fax: 513-297-0966