Seongho Song
Professor and Undergraduate Program Director in Statistics
French Hall
A&S Mathematical Sciences - 0025
Ph. D.: University of Connecticut 2005 (Statistics, Bayesian Statistics)
Positions and Work Experience
09-2005 -08-2011 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Mathematical Sciences
09-2011 -08-2019 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Mathematical Sciences
08-2019 -To Present Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences Division of Statistics and Data Science, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-2024 - Undergraduate Program director in Statistics, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #DARPA-11-66-Open-BAA-FP-004 Investigators:Seongho Song 01-2012 -12-2015 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Uncovering general principles of network dynamics of circadian rhythms, cell cycle, DNA damage response, and metabolism as interconnected modules Role:Co-PI 3.7M Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Seongho Song 06-2010 -08-2010 TAFT Research Foundation Role:PI 9,500 Completed Type:Fellowship Level:University
Investigators:Seongho Song 04-2010 -03-2011 Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training (CCTST) Baysian analysis of longitudinal binary data using Markov regression models with skewed links Role:PI 10,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Seongho Song 01-2009 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Development of NIHL risk assessment procedure for Chinchillas Role:Co-PI 936K Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Seongho Song 09-2007 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Development of NIHL risk assessment procedure for Chinchillas Role:Co-PI 909K Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Seongho Song 06-2006 -08-2006 TAFT Research Foundation Role:PI $6,500 Completed Type:Fellowship Level:College
Grant: #R01MH119814 Investigators:Herman, James; Song, Seongho; Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne; Wang, Xia 09-11-2019 -06-30-2024 National Institute of Mental Health Stress resilience by natural rewards: neurocircuit mechanisms Role:Collaborator $561,667.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary awards AY2014-15 Investigators:Herman, James; Song, Seongho; Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne; Wang, Xia 05-01-2015 -04-30-2016 UC Neuronal Network Discovery in ‘Comfort’ Food Model: A Bayesian Learning Approach Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Song, Seongho 05-01-2022 -12-31-2022 Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Research on the advance of Bayesian Ensemble method for Coastal KoreaOperational Oceanographic System (KOOS) Role:PI 36759.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Investigators:Song, Seongho 05-01-2022 -12-31-2022 Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Research on the advance of Bayesian Ensemble method for Coastal KoreaOperational Oceanographic System (KOOS) Role:PI 36759.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Song, S., Dey, D. K., & Holsinger, K. E. (2006) "Hierarchical Models with Migration, Mutation, and Drift: Implications for genetic inference" . Evolution, 60(1), 1-12.
Zhu, Xiangdong, Kim, Jay H, Song, Won Joon, Murphy, William J, & Song, Seongho (2009). "Development of a noise metric for assessment of exposure risk to complex noises." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(2), 703-12.
Chung, Y., Kim, C., & Song, S. (1998). "Linear estimators of a Poisson mean under balanced loss functions". Statistics and Decisions, 16, 245-257.
Lee, Soo-Jin, Kong, Yong-Ku, Lowe, Brian D, & Song, Seongho (2009). "Handle grip span for optimising finger-specific force capability as a function of hand size." Ergonomics, 52(5), 601-8.
Park, Woojin, Singh, Devender P, Huston, Ronald L, & Song, Seongho (2008). "A quantitative method for representing balance strategies of goal-directed human motions". Computers in biology and medicine, 38(10), 1094-102.
Song, Seongho, Dey, Dipak K, & Holsinger, Kent E (2011). "Genetic Diversityof Microsatellite Loci in Hierarchically Structured Populations." Theoretical Population Biology,80, 1, 29-37
Jang, J., Chung, Y., Kim, C. and Song, S. (2009) “Bayesian meta-analysis using skewed elliptical distributions”, Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 79, 691-704
Kim, C. and Song, S. (2010) “Bayesian Estimation of the Parameters of the Generalized Exponential Distribution from Doubly Censored Samples”, Statistical Papers, 51, 583-597
Rimler, M., Song, S. and Yi, D. T. (2010) “Estimating Production Efficiency in Men's NCAA College Basketball: A Bayesian Approach”, Journal of Sports Economics, 11, 287-315
Song, S. and Yi, D. T. (2011) “The fundraising efficiency in U.S. non-profit art organizations: an application of a Bayesian estimation approach using the stochastic frontier production model”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2011, v. 35, pp171-180.
Oh, S.,Song, S., Grabowki, G., Zhao, H., and Noonan, J.P. (2013) “Time-series expression analyses using mRNA-Seq: A statistical approach.”, BioMed Research InternationalBioMed Research International, Published online, 2013. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/203681
Oh, S., Song, S., Dasgupta, N., Grabowski, G. (2014) “The analytical landscape of static and temporal dynamics in transcriptome data”, Frontiers in Genetics: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 5:35, 1-12, 2014. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00035
Jung, M., Song, S. and Chung, Y. (2015) “Bayesian Change-point Problem Using Bayes Factor with Hierarchical Prior Distribution”, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46:3, 1352-1366, 2017. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2015.1019143
Ulrich-Lai, Y.M., Christiansen, A.M., Wang, X., Song, S., and Herman, J.P. (2015) “Statistical Modeling Implicates Neuroanatomical Circuit Mediating Stress Relief by Comport Food”, Accepted in Brain Structure and Function
Li, D., Wang, X., Song, S., Zhang, N., Dey D.K. (2015) “Flexible Link Functions in a Joint Model of Binary and Longitudinal Data”, STAT, DOI: 10.1002/sta4.98
Kim, C., Song, S. and Kim, W. (2016) “Statistical Inference for Burr Type III Distribution on Dual Generalized Order Statistics and Real Data Analysis”, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 10, No. 14, 683-695, http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/ams.2016.615
Kim, M., Wang, X., Liu, C., Dorris, K., Fouladi, M., and Song, S. (2016) “Random-Effects Meta-Analysis for Systematic Reviews of Phase I Clinical Trials: Rare Events and Missing Data”, Accepted in Research Synthesis Methods.
Ren, Y., Hong, C., Lim, S., Song, S. (2016) “Finding clocks in genes: a Bayesian approach to estimate periodicity”, Article ID 3017475, BioMed Research International, 2016, DOI:10.1155/2016/3017475.
Tang, X., Roessingh, S., Hayley, S. E., Chu, M.L., Tanaka, N.K., Wolfgang, W., Song, S., Stanewsky, R. and Hamada, F.N., “The role of PDF neurons in setting preferred temperature before dawn in Drosophila”, DOI: 10.7554/eLife.23206, eLIFE, 2017.
Egan, A., Thompson, A., Buesing, D., Fourman, S.M., Packard, A.E.B., Terefe, T., Wang, X., Song, S., Solomon, M.B. and Ulrich-Lai, Y.M., “Palatable food affects HPA axis responsivity and forebrain neurocircuitry in an estrous cycle-specific manner in female rats”, Neuroscience (2018)
Oh, S., Li, C., Baldwin, R.L., Song, S. and Li, R.W. “Temporal dynamics in stimuli-response experimental design: further critical issues-systematic biases and isoform diversity”, Published online Jan. 2019, No. 9, v. 763, Scientific Reports.
Choi, J.H. and Song, S. Revisiting the PPP puzzle: Nominal exchange rate rigidity and region of inaction, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, v78, 2022
Lee, S., Lee, M., Yoo, K.S. and Song, S. "Assessment of MOF-801 synthesis for tolune adsorption by using design of experiment methodology:, July 2022, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.
Palipana, A.K., Gecili, E., Song, S., Johnson, S. and Szczesniak, R.D. "Predicting Individualized Lung Disease Progression in Treatment Naive Patients with Lymphangioleiomyomatosis", published online, Jan. 2023 CHEST
Zhou, C.G., Song, S. and Szczesnaik, R.D. "multilevel joint model of longtudinal continuous and binary outcomes for hierarchically structured Data", accepted in Statistics in Medicine, June 2023
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Kong, Y., Lee, S., Lowe, B. D. and Song, S. (2007) “Evaluation of various handle grip spans for optimizing finger specific force based on the users’ hand sizes”, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings, Industrial Ergonomics , 884-888
Book Chapter
Oh. S., and Song, S. (2015) “Differential Gene Expression (DEX) and Alternative Splicing Events (ASE) for Temporal Dynamic Processes Using HMMs and Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling Approaches”, Methods in Molecular Biology, David R. Westhead and M.S. Vijayabaskar (eds.), v1552, p165-176, 2017, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6753-7_12.
Oh, S. and Song, S., “Bayesian Modeling Approaches for Temporal Dynamics in RNA-seq Data”, New Insights into Bayesian Inference, Mohammad Saber Fallah Nezhad (eds.), Chapter 2, pp7-20 (2018)
Invited Presentations
(11-2006. ) Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.
(12-2005. ) Department of Statistics, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea .
Seongho Song (02-2009. ) University of Connecticut, Department of Statistics. Other Institution. . Level:National
Seongho Song (10-2009. ) Pusan National University, Department of Statistics. Other Institution. . Level:International
Seongho Song (12-2009. ) Pusan National University, Department of Statistics. Other Institution. . Level:International
Seongho Song (12-10-2013. ) Bayesian Analysis of Longitudinal Binary Data Using Markov Regression Models with Skewed Links .Cincinnati, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Seongho Song (03-2017. ) Bayesian Multivariate Gamma-Frailty Cox Model for Clustered Current Status Data .Dept. of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Other Institution. . Level:National
Seongho Song (06-2017. ) Bayesian Multivariate Gamma-Frailty Cox Model for Clustered Current Status Data .Pusan National University, Busan, Korea. Other Institution. . Level:International
Seongho Song (07-2018. ) Flexible Link Functions in a Joint Model of Binary and Longitudinal Data .Department of Statistics, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea. Other Institution. . Level:International
Seongho Song (07-2018. ) Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis for Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model .The 3rd Eastern Asia meeting on Bayesian statistics EAC-ISBA 2018, Seoul, Korea. Level:International
Seongho Song (10-2018. ) Flexible Link Functions in a Joint Model of Binary and Longitudinal Data .Invited talk in the Department of Statistics, Miami University, Oxford OH. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Seongho Song (07-2018. ) Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis for Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model .Seoul, Korea. Conference. . Level:International
Seongho Song (03-2019. ) Dept. of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Louisville. Level:State
Seongho Song (12-16-2021. ) Bayesian Analysis for a joint model with Integrated Fractional Brownian Motion .Department of Statistics, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea. Level:International
Seongho Song (12-07-2021. ) Recent Development on Bayesian Ensemble Prediction method for Coastal Korean Operational Oceanographic System (KOOS) .Marine Disaster Research Center, Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technologies (KIOST), Busan, South Korea. Level:International
Seongho Song (12-2009. ) College of Nursing. Other Institution. Level:International
Seongho Song (07-2010. ) Department of Atmospheric Science, Kongju National Univ. Other Institution. Level:International
Seongho Song (12-08-2021. ) Introduction to Bayesian Statistics using Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Ocean Science .Busan, South Korea. Other Institution. Level:International
Seongho Song (12-15-2021. ) Understanding Bayesian Statistics .Suwon, South Korea. Other Institution. Level:International
Paper Presentations
(08-2006. ) Seattle, WA.
(06-2006. ) Alicante, Spain.
(08-2005. ) Minneapolis, MN.
(04-2005. ) Storrs, CT.
(08-2004. ) Toronto, Canada.
(04-2004. ) Boston, MA.
Seongho Song (03-2009. ) San Antonio, TX. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Seongho Song (11-2009. ) Jukjeon, Korea. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Seongho Song (08-2010. ) Vancouver BC,Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Seongho Song (08-2013. ) Montreal, Canada. Conference. Level:International
Seongho Song (11-2013. ) Seoul, Korea. Conference. Level:International
Seongho Song (11-2014. ) Seoul, Koea. Conference. Level:International
Seongho Song (08-2016. ) Conference. Level:National
Seongho Song (04-2017. ) Storrs, CT. Conference. Level:National
Seongho Song (06-2017. ) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China. Conference. Level:International
Seongho Song (07-2017. ) Baltimore, MD. Conference. Level:National
Seongho Song (08-2018. ) Vancouver, BC, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Seongho Song (08-2019. ) Hierarchical Bayesian Link model for Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model .Denver, CO. Conference. Level:National
Seongho Song (11-16-2021. ) Multilevel Joint Model of Longitudinal and binary outcomes in a hierarchically structured data .Virtual Meeting. Conference. Level:International
Statistical Methodology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2006
Metrika Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2009
IEEE transactions on Reliability Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2011
Cincinnati Children's Hosptali Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Development Programs Level:National 2011 -2015
Cincinnati Children's Hospital (Board Member as the statistician on the Data safety and management board (DSMB) for a therapeutic clinical trial in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Cincinnati Children’s hospital ) Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2010 -2012
Sankhya Series B (Associate Editor ) Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 01-01-2016 -12-31-2018
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2018
EAC-ISBA Special Interest Group Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 07-2018
BMC Bioinformatics Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National 08-2018
Courses Taught
15-STAT-534 SAS PROGRAMMING Level:Graduate
15-STAT-614 LIN MOD/MULT ANALYS Level:Graduate
15-STAT-523 MATH STATISTICS Level:Graduate
15-STAT-615 LIN MOD/MULT ANALYS Level:Graduate
Linear Models and Multivariate Analysis I Level:Graduate
Advanced Statistical Computing Level:Graduate
Advanced Theory of Statistics Level:Graduate
-STAT-7023 LM AND MULTIVAR I Level:Graduate
-STAT-8023 ADV STAT COMP Level:Graduate
-STAT-6022 MATH STATS II Level:Both
Advanced Statistical Theory Level:Graduate
Statistical Theory Level:Graduate
Advanced Statistical Modeling Level:Graduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-7023 LM AND MULTIVAR I Level:Graduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
Advanced Theory of Statistics Level:Graduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-7023 LM AND MULTIVAR I Level:Graduate
-STAT-8023 ADV STAT COMP Level:Graduate
-STAT-1031 INTRO STAT Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-1034 ELEMENTARY STAT I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-6031 APPLIED STATS I Level:Graduate
-STAT-7023 LM AND MULTIVAR I Level:Graduate
-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-7023 LM AND MULTIVAR I LM and Multi Analysis III Level:Graduate
STAT 7031 Statistic Theory Level:Graduate
STAT 8022 Advanced Bayesian Analysis Level:Graduate
-STAT-6043 APPLIED BAYESIAN Level:Graduate
MATH 2010 - Actuarial Science Seminar Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-1034 ELEMENTARY STAT I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-1034 ELEMENTARY STAT I Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-6043 APPLIED BAYESIAN Level:Graduate
Actuarial Science Seminar Level:Undergraduate
-STAT-7023 LM AND MULTIVAR I Level:Graduate
Actuarial Science Seminar Level:Undergraduate
Probability and Statistics II Level:Undergraduate
Advanced Statistical Modeling Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Research - 5322 French Hall West, ML 210025
Ohio, 45221-0025
Phone: (513) 556 -4826
Fax: (513) 556-3417
Home - 9827 Orchard Club Dr.
Ohio, 45242