Carolyn (Carney) D Sotto, PhD CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow
Professor Educator
Undergraduate Program Director
Communication Sciences and Disorders
3225 Eden Ave
384 Health Sciences Building
Cincinnati , Ohio 45267-0379
Phone 513-558-8528
Email sottocd@ucmail.uc.edu
Bachelor's Degree: San Diego State University (Speech Pathology and Audiology Psychology Minor)
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati (Speech-Language Pathology)
Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati (Speech Language Pathology)
Positions and Work Experience
2010 -To Present Associate Clinical Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cincinnati,
2001 -To Present Director of Undergraduate Studies in Communication Sciences & Disorders , University of Cincinnati,
2006 -To Present Director of First Year Experience of College of Allied Health Sciences ,
2006 -2010 Assistant Clinical Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cincinnati,
2001 -2006 Visiting Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cincinnati,
1998 -2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cincinnati,
1985 -1989 Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cincinnati,
2005 -2007 Visiting Faculty , University of Miami,
1991 -1997 Full Time Working Partner/Owner SLP, May 1991- March 1997; Consulting and implementing speech, language, voice, diagnostics and intervention in private practice with children and adults. In- service training experience , CALIFORNIA SPEECH & LANGUAGE SERVICES, Tarzana, California
1985 -1990 Speech-Language Pathologist, Private practice setting serving a diversified caseload., HEARING, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE SERVICES, Cincinnati, Ohio
2000 - Consulting Clinician for NY based actress needing speech therapy ,
Research Support
Investigators:Sotto, C.D., 03-01-2001 UC 21 Great Beginnings initiative Grant to Enhance Retention and Success of freshman students by facilitating out-of-class interaction between faculty, staff and students $1485.00 Type:Grant
Investigators:Sotto, C. 04-01-2004 University of Cincinnati Research Council Grant Relationship between early production of fricatives and language development $4000.00 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Sotto, C 03-01-2004 College of Allied Health Sciences Faculty Development Grant Relationship between early production of fricatives and language development $2100.00. Type:Grant
Investigators:Sotto, C University of Cincinnati Success Challenge Retention Grant to Enhance Retention and Success of freshman students by facilitating out-of-class interaction between faculty, staff and students $350.00/function
Investigators:Creaghead, N.A. & Sotto, C.D., 04-12-2011 ASHA Grant Program for Projects on Multicultural Activities Encouraging Leadership and Professional Development in Students from Diverse Backgrounds through Mentoring Development $14,852.00 Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Neils-Strunjas, J. (P.I.) Sotto, C.D., Boyce, S., Creaghead, N. (co-investigators) 2005 National Institute of Health Sound Production Trajectories in Infants. Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Neils-Strunjas, J., Sotto, C.D., & Redle-Creach, E. (Neils-Strunjas & Sotto, co-investigators) 2004 The Bamford-Lahey Foundation Relationship between early production of fricatives and language development Denied
Investigators:C.D. Sotto J. Prendeville & N. Creaghead (co-P.I.) 2003 -2007 Assistant Project Director & Clinical Supervisor for US Leadership Preparing Speech-Language Pathologists to take doctoral leadership roles in language and literacy Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:C.D. Sotto and J. Prendeville (P.I.) 1999 -2002 Assistant Project Director & Clinical Supervisor for U.S. DOE Preparing Slps, Regular and Special Educator to Work as Collaborative Teams In Serving Children with Language-related Literacy Disabilities Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Sotto, C. UC President’s Diversity Council Investment Proposal Preparation for Success and Leadership through Mentoring Role:PI $7000.00 Type:Grant
Grant: #H325K070307 Investigators:Brown, Lionel; Givler, Susan; Prendeville, Jo-Anne; Sotto, Carolyn 09-01-2007 -08-31-2011 Department of Education Enhancing the Cultural Competence of SLPs Through Preparation in Authentic Assessment Role:Collaborator $796,275.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #H325D090059 Investigators:Creaghead, Nancy; Prendeville, Jo-Anne; Sotto, Carolyn 09-01-2009 -08-31-2013 Department of Education Preparing Speech-Language Pathologists to Take Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy Role:Collaborator $745,319.00 Active Level:Federal
Investigators:Sotto, C. 2012 -2013 UC President's Diversity Council Investment Proposal Preparation for Success and Leadership through Mentoring $7000.00
Published Abstracts
Wiig, E., Secord, W., Glaser, A., Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C. (2005. ) Classroom Performance Assessment .[Abstract]Red Rock Publications,
Steinsapir, C., Forner, L., & Stemple, J. (1986. ) Voice differences among black and white children. Do differences Exist? .[Abstract]nority focus: Selected abstracts from ASHA conventions , 94
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sotto, C.D. & Ball, A.L. (2006. ) Dynamic characters with communication disorders in children’s literature .Intervention in School & Clinic, , 42 ,40-45
Sotto, C.D., Redle, E., Bandaranayake, D., Neils-Strunjas, J., & Creaghead, N.A. (2013. ) Fricatives at 18 months as a measure for predicting vocabulary and grammar at 24 and 30 months .Journal of Communication Disorders, ,
Lieberman, R., Raisor-Becker, L., Sotto, C., & Redle, E. (2018. ) Investigation of graduate student stress in speech-language pathology .Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, , 2 ,103 -14
Dugan, S.H., Silbert, N., McAllister, T., Preston, J.L., Sotto, C., & Boyce, S.E. (2018. ) Modelling category goodness judgments in children with residual sound errors.Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, , More Information
Dugan, Sarah Hamilton; Silbert, Noah; McAllister, Tara; Preston, Jonathan L; Sotto, Carolyn; Boyce, Suzanne E (2019. ) Modelling category goodness judgments in children with residual sound errors.Clinical linguistics & phonetics, , 33 (4 ) ,295-315 More Information
Other Publications
Redle, E & Sotto, C.D. (2011. ) A toddler with delayed speech and developmental milestones .The Communication Disorders Casebook: Learning by Example, Boston: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson
Sotto, C.D. & Ball, A.L. (2006. ) Dynamic characters with communication disorders in children’s literature .Intervention in School & Clinic, 42 ,40-45
Wiig, E., Secord, W., Glaser, A., Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C. (2005. ) Classroom Performance Assessment . Red Rock Publications
Book Chapter
Sotto, C.D. & Erin Redle (2001 ) A toddler with delayed speech and developmental milestones S.S. Chabon & E. Cohn .
Encyclopedia Article
Sotto, C.D. & Garn-Nunn, P. (2018. ) Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology (2nd Ed.) .New York, Springer
Sotto, C.D. & Nessler, C. (2018. ) Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology (2nd Ed.) .New York, Springer
Sotto, C.D. Hallahan, K., & Perrault, L. (2018. ) Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology (2nd Ed.) .New York, Springer
Sotto, C.D. Hallahan, K., & Perrault, L. (2018. ) Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology (2nd Ed.) .New York, Springer
Sotto, C.D. & Garn-Nunn, P. (2018. ) Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology (2nd Ed.) .New York, Springer
Sotto, C.D. (2018. ) Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology (2nd Ed.) .New York, Springer
Technical Reports
Steinsapir C., Forner L.L., Chauvin L. & Stemple, J.C. (1986. ) Characteristics of Voice Production in the Headstart Preschool Population: Objective and Subjective Measures .Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association,
Invited Presentations
Sotto, C. D. & Prendeville J. (2009. ) Linking Evidence to Intervention in Language & Literacy .Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Level:State
Sotto, C.D. (2008. ) Those Confusing Test Scores: Key Concepts & Interpretation .Speechpathology.com, 2 hour National Webinar.
Prendeville, J. & Sotto C. (2008. ) , Literacy and Collaboration: Supportive Strategies that Work! .Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Two-Hour Miniseminar . Level:State
Sotto, C., & Prendeville, J. (2007. ) Classroom Performance: Assessment, Intervention and Tracking across The Curriculum .Miami Valley SERRC, Workshop.
Sotto, C., & Prendeville, J. (2007. ) Supporting Language & Literacy Within the Curriculum: A Collaborative Process at Work! .Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, Ohio. Level:State
Betts, D., Combs, S., Cone, S., Garrett, J., Kikuta, C., Reyes-Zayas, V., Sickman, L., Yeagers, C., (2007. ) Language and Literacy Research: Community Leadership to Research .Miniseminar presented at the Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, Ohio. Level:State
Prendeville, J. & Sotto C. (2007. ) Supporting Language & Literacy Within the Curriculum: A Collaborative Process at Work! .Miniseminar presented at the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Sotto, C., & Prendeville, J. (2006. ) Classroom Performance: Assessment, Intervention and Tracking across the Curriculum. Leading Best Practice in Language & Reading: A Vision for Excellence & Change! .Portland, ME.
Rivero, A., Sotto, C., Davidson, S., Whitelaw, G., & Visconti, C. (2006. ) Leadership Opportunities:Benefits of Student Membership/Involvement in Pre-Professional Organizations. .Miniseminar presented at Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, Ohio. Level:State
Glaser, A., Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C., (2006. ) Classroom Performance: A Model for Organizing Key Communication Skills .Miniseminar presented at the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Prendeville, J. & Sotto C. (2005. ) Literacy Teams: A Collaborative Process at Work. Leading Best Practice in Language & Reading: A Vision for Excellence & Change .California State University-Monterey Bay, Monterey, CA.
Sotto, C.D. (1999. ) Speech and Language Development in Your Preschooler .Early Childhood Education Fair (Speaker), Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Sotto, C. & Seid, J (1993. ) Speech and Language Development and Disorders .The monthly meeting of pediatricians at Encino-Tarzana Hospital, Tarzana, Ca..
Creaghead, N. & Sotto, C. (1989. ) Communication and Early Development .IBM Business, Cincinnati, OH.
Creaghead, N. & Sotto, C. (1989. ) Normal Language Development .Cincinnati Union Bethel,
Sotto, C. (1986. ) . Left Hemisphere vs. Right Hemisphere Impariment .Social Service Association in Long Term Care, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Steinsapir, C. (1985. ) Phonological Processes .Warren and Butler County Public Schools, Lebanon, OH.
Secord, W., Steinsapir, C., Palin, M. (1985. ) Phonological Analysis With and Without a Computer .Columbus Public Schools, Columbus, OH.
Steinsapir, C. (1985. ) What are Phonological Processes .. Seminar Presented at the Monthly Meeting at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital,
Steinsapir, C. (1984. ) The Assessment of Phonological Processes .Fairfield City Schools, Fairfield, OH.
Sotto, C.D. (06-2013. ) Speech Sound Disorders: An Update on Process and Treatment .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Poster Presentations
Sotto, C.D., Bowditch, P., Simpson, M., Redle, E. & Creaghead, N. (2009. ) Occurrence of Fricatives in Babbling & Early Words .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. . Level:National
Sotto, C.D., Metz, K., Prendeville, J., & Givler, S (2008. ) A Collaborative Team Approach for a First-Year Seminar: Supporting Active Learning .The National First Year Experience Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. . Level:National
Sotto, C.D., Nolan, S., Sankar, A., Schrader, K., Redle, E., Creaghead, N. (2007. ) Relationship Between Early Fricative Production and Later Syntactic Development .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. . . Level:National
Sotto, C.D., Meiers, S., Stoors, A., Redle, E., Creaghead, N., Neils-Strunjas, J (2007. ) Relationship Between Early Fricative Production and Articulation Development .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.. . Level:National
Maehl, K., Creaghead, N., Sotto, C. (2006. ) Relationship Between Pacifier Use & Fricative Production at 18 Months .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Miami, FL. . Level:International
Hines, M., Sotto, C., Grether, S., Chalfonte-Evans, M., Creaghead, N., Vatsa, R. (2006. ) Fricatives & Vocabulary in Children with Down Syndrome .The Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Columbus, OH. . Level:State
Hunter, M, Sotto, C., Redle-Creach, E., Neils-Strunjas, J., Creaghead, N., Vatsa, R. (2006. ) How Family and Pet Names Influence Fricative Acquisition .The Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Columbus, OH. . Level:State
Vatsa, R., Sotto, C., Hines, M., Grether, S., Creaghead, N. (2006. ) Fricatives in Babbling and First Words For Children who are Typically Developing and Children with Down Syndrome .The Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. , Columbus, OH. . Level:State
Hunter, M., Sotto, C., Creach, E., Vatsa, R., Neils-Strunjas, J. Creaghead, N. (2005. ) Influence of Family/Pet Names on the Acquisition of Fricatives. .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. . Level:National
Vatsa, R., Sotto, C., Creach, E., Hunter, M., Neils-Strunjas, J. Creaghead, N., Hines, M. (2005. ) Fricatives in Babbling and First Words: Is There a Relationship? .The American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.. . Level:National
Sotto, C., Creach, E., Hunter, M., Vatsa, R., Neils-Strunjas, J. Creaghead, N. (2005. ) Occurance of Fricatives in Babbling and Early Words .Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Columbus, OH. . . Level:National
Sotto, C., Creach, E., Hunter, M., Vatsa, R., Neils-Strunjas, J. Creaghead, N. (2004. ) Relationship Between Between Babbling and Fricative Production .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. . Level:National
Rosenbeck, L., Sotto, C., Secord, W. (2003. ) Becoming an ASHA leader: A Recipe for Success .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C. (2002. ) Literacy Adaptations and Modifications Across the Curriculum Using the PAC Model .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA. . Level:National
Sotto, C., Creaghead, N., Secord, W., Kretschmer, R. (1995. ) Riddle Development in Normally Developing Children and Learning Disability Children .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL. . Level:National
Sotto, C. & Creaghead, N. (1989. ) Results of a Questionnaire Regarding Classroom Intervention Models in Schools .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, St. Louis, Mo. . Level:National
Sotto, C.D., Bowditch, P., Simpson, M., Redle, E. & Creaghead, N. (11-2009. ) Occurrence of Fricatives in Babbling & Early Words .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:National
Sotto, C.D., & Dick Brown, K (2012. ) Creating a College Wide Culture of Civic Engagement in the First Year .San Antonio, TX.
Raisor-Becker, L. & Sotto, C.D. (2011. ) Handling Changing Times: Examining ‘Generation Me’ Expectations Against Our Own .San Diego, CA .
Bandaranayake, D., Neils-Strunjas, J., Sotto, C.D., & Creaghead, N (2011. ) An Auditory-Perceptual Intervention Program for Toddlers Without Fricatives .San Diego, CA .
Sotto, C.D., Hart, O., & Macke, B. (2011. ) Using a Virtual Librarian to Introduce Essential First-Year Information Literacy Skills .Atlanta, GA..
Hooper, C., Hall, K., Tanner, D., Sotto, C., Alvares, R., & Mitchell, P. Going to the Movies Teaching Communication Disorders through Film .Philadelphia, PA .
Creaghead, N.A., Sotto, C.D. & Martin, D.G. (2008. ) Distance Learning: Using Technology to Emulate On-Campus Experience .Chicago, IL.
Sotto, C.D., & Prendeville, J. (2007. ) Collaborative Support for Children’s Language/Literacy Skills Using Classroom Performance Data .Boston, MA. .
Wakefield, L., Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C. D., (2007. ) Winging it? Teacher-SLP Improvisations in Collaborative Classroom-Based Therapy: Case Study Results .Boston, MA.
Betts, D., Creaghead, N., Garrett, J., Kikuta, C., Prendeville, J., Sickman, L., Smith, A., Sotto, C.D. (2005. ) Language and Literacy Research: A Doctoral Leadership Experience .San Diego, CA.
Glaser, A., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C. & Secord, W. (2005. ) Classroom Performance: Communication Domains .Columbus, OH.
Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Raisor, L., Sickman, L., Smith, A. (2005. ) Preparing SLPs for Doctoral Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy .Columbus, OH.
Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Raisor, L., Rozier, H., Sickman, L., Smith, A.,Wakefield, L. (2004. ) Preparing SLPs for Doctoral Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy .Philadelphia, PA.
Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C. (2002. ) Collaborative Literacy Planning: We PAC it in .Dayton, OH.
Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C. (2001. ) Collaborative Literacy Planning: We PAC it in .New Orleans, LA..
Seid, J. & Sotto, C. (1995. ) A Social Skills Program for Children .Orlando, FL..
Steinsapir, C. & Castilla, C. (1986. ) A Hearing Aid-Habilitative Audiologic Program for the Geriatric Patient .Cincinnati, OH.
Paper Presentations
Sotto, C.D., & Dick Brown, K. (02-2012. ) Creating a College Wide Culture of Civic Engagement in the First Year .San Antonio, TX., . Level:National
Raisor-Becker, L. & Sotto, C.D. (2011. ) Handling Changing Times: Examining ‘Generation Me’ Expectations Against Our Own .San Diego, CA . Level:National
Bandaranayake, D., Neils-Strunjas, J., Sotto, C.D., & Creaghead, N. (2011. ) . An Auditory-Perceptual Intervention Program for Toddlers Without Fricatives .San Diego, CA . Level:National
Sotto, C.D., Hart, O., & Macke, B. (02-2011. ) Using a Virtual Librarian to Introduce Essential First-Year Information Literacy Skills .Atlanta, GA.
Hooper, C., Hall, K., Tanner, D., Sotto, C., Alvares, R., & Mitchell, P. (2010. ) Going to the Movies: Teaching Communication Disorders through Film. Philadelphia, PA . Conference.
Creaghead, N.A., Sotto, C.D. & Martin, D.G. (11-2008. ) Learning: Using Technology to Emulate the On-Campus Experience .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Sotto, C.D., & Prendeville, J. (11-2007. ) Collaborative Support for Children’s Language/Literacy Skills Using Classroom Performance Data .Boston, MA. . Conference. Level:National
Wakefield, L., Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C. D. Winging it? Teacher-SLP Improvisations in Collaborative Classroom-Based Therapy: Case Study Results. Boston, MA. Conference. Level:National
Redle-Creach, E., Sotto, C., Neils-Strunjas, J., Creaghead, N. (11-2006. ) Patterns of Fricative Development Prior to age Three .Miami, FL. Conference. Level:National
Neils-Strunjas, J., Sotto, C., Creach, E., Creaghead, N. (11-2005. ) Vocabulary Comparisons for Toddlers With and Without Fricatives in Words .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National
Betts, D., Creaghead, N., Garrett, J., Kikuta, C., Prendeville, J., Sickman, L., Smith, A., Sotto, C. (11-2005. ) Language and Literacy Research: A Doctoral Leadership Experience .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National
Glaser, A., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C. & Secord, W. (03-2005. ) Classroom Performance: Communication Domains .Columbus, OH. Conference. Level:National
Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Raisor, L., Sickman, L., Smith, A., Wakefield, L. (03-2005. ) Preparing SLPs for Doctoral Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy .Columbus, OH. Conference. Level:National
Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Raisor, L., Rozier, H., Sickman, L., Smith, A., Wakefield, L. (11-2004. ) SLPs for Doctoral Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:National
Prendeville, J. & Sotto, C. (03-2002. ) Collaborative Literacy Planning: We PAC it in .Dayton, OH. Conference. Level:National
Seid, J. & Sotto, C. Bridging the Gap - A Social Skills Program for Children .Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:National
Sotto, C., Creaghead, N. & Prendeville, J. (11-16-2012. ) Dream Big: A First-Year Experience for CSD Students .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
Sotto, C.D. & Raisor-Becker, L. Handling Changing Times: Examining ‘Generation Me’ Expectations Against Our Own .Columbus, OH. Conference. Level:State
Honors and Awards
2011 NSSLHA Chapter of the Year Award (out of 300+ chapters) Level:National Type:Recognition
2010 President’s Excellence Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2009 -2010 Greater Cincinnati Women’s Institute for Leadership Development (WILD), selected as one of six UC women identified as “a leader with great potential” Status:Recipient Level:Local Type:Recognition
2008 Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Type:Fellowship
2007 -2008 Excellence in Faculty Partnering for Freshman From - UC Office of First Year Experience Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
2005 -To Present Recognition of Faculty Excellence by Graduating Students to Commencement Planning Committee
2005 Award For Continuing Education (ACE) From American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association Level:National
2004 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award From University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2004 Just Community Award UC - NSSLHA Chapter – University of Cincinnati
2003 NSSLHA Chapter Advisor of the Year Honors (out of 300 U.S. chapters) Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
1999 Woman of The Year for the Leukemia Society Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Recognition
1987 National Collegiate of Speech Pathology
1987 Academic All-American University of Cincinnati
1986 Jean Rothenberg Award Recognition for services with the hearing-impaired
2013 -2014 Student Organization Advisor of the Year Award Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2013 NSSLHA Chapter Recognition Awards at ASHA Convention Chapter that donated the most money to the ASHFoundation Chapter with the most students registered for the ASHA Convention - 2nd Runner Up Chapter Poster Contest Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2016 Sarah Grant Barber Award Faculty Advisor Award, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2016 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Recognition, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University
2016 Faculty Advancement Award for Contributions to College’s Fundraising Efforts, Inaugural Recipient for Annual Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences
2016 Service Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences
2016 Sarah Grant Barber Faculty Advisor Award University of Cincinnati
2017 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Recognition University of Cincinnati
2017 NSSLHA Chapter of the Year Award national award, over 300 chapters ASHA
2017 Honors of the Association Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2018 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Recognition University of Cincinnati
2018 Faculty Recipient of Honorary membership in Mortar Board Senior Honorary
2018 Advocacy Recognition Award to UC NSSLHA Chapter Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2018 Student Organization of the Year Award, NSSLHA Chapter University of Cincinnati
2018 Fellowship American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
2020 Outstanding First-Year Advocate Award University of Cincinnati
Student Advising
Bowditch, Paige and Simpson, Megan (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2008
Nolan, Susan and Schrader, Katie (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2007
Meiers, Staci and Storrs, Anne (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2007
Cosmik, Meghan (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2006
Hines, Micah (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 2006
Ryle, Lisa (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2006
Sankar, Akila (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2006
Bohnert, Shannon (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2005
Hunter, Marilyn (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2005
Vatsa, Ritika (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 2005
Flores, Jeanine (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 2004
Rosenbeck, Lindsay (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2003
New, Erin and Price, Angela (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2002
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Speech Sound Disorders ) Coordinator 2010 -2010
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Research Across the Disciplines ) Committee Member 2009 -2009
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents ) Committee Member 2006 -2006
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Phonological and Articulatory Processes in Children ) Committee Member 2005 -2005
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Language, Speech & Hearing Services in the Schools ) Editor of Journal 2000 -To Present
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology ) Editor of Journal 2000 -To Present
American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (for Graduate Student Scholarship Applications ) Reviewer 2005 -To Present
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Legislative Council ) Program Coordinator 2010 -To Present
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Educational Activities & Convention ) Director 2006 -2010
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Student Scholarship & Honors Chair ) 2004 -2006
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention ) Co-Chair 2004
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Student Forum Section of “HEARSAY”- Journal of the Ohio Speech and Hearing Association ) Editor 1986 -1989
Southwestern Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Publicity Chairperson ) 1989 -1990
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders– University of Cincinnati (Director of Undergraduate Studies in Communication Sciences & Disorders ) 2001 -To Present
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati (Interim Graduate Director in Communication Sciences & Disorders ) 2005 -2006
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati (Multi-cultural Concerns in CSD (MC2 in CSD) – New Students Organization Advisor ) 2011 -To Present
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati (Chapter Advisor – National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association ) 2000 -To Present
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati (Department Recruitment Advisor ) 2000 -To Present
National Speech-Language Hearing Association Faculty Coordinator Type:Service to Student Groups Level:National
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (Committee Reviewer and Rater for Graduate Student Scholarship Applications ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (University Giving Circle Representative ) Representative Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
NSSLHA (Chapter Advisor Focuss Group ) Representative Type:Service to Student Groups Level:National 2012
Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association (Legislative Council Program ) Coordinator Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State
Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association President-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State
SpeechPathology.com (Advisory Board ) Committee Member
SpeechPathology.com (Videoconferencing ) Reviewer
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (Program Committee ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2014
American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (Graduate Student Scholarship Applications ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2013
Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (University Giving Circle ) Representative Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association Faculty Sponsor Type:Service to Student Groups Level:National
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Legislative Council Program ) Coordinator Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State
Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association President-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2013 -2014
speechpathology.com Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Type:University/College Service Level:International 05-01-2015 -05-08-2015
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Editor of Journal 2015
(Value Rubrics for Capstone Assessment ) Type:Departmental Service 2015 -To Present
(Pre-Allied Health Sciences Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Student Groups Level:College 2015 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
2010: ASHA SLP Program Topic Coordinator for Speech Sound Disorders ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA,
2009: Research Across the Disciplines, ASHA SLP Program Committee Member ASHA Convention, New Orleans, LA,
2006: Language and Learning in School Age Children and Adolescents, ASHA SLP Program Committee Member ASHA Convention, Miami, FL,
2005: Phonological and Articulatory Processes in Children, ASHA SLP Program Committee Member ASHA Convention, San Diego, CA,
2000 -To Present: Guest Journal Article Reviewer, Language, Speech & Hearing Services in the Schools
2000 -To Present: Guest Journal Article Reviewer, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
2005 -To Present: Committee Reviewer/Rater for Graduate Student Scholarship Applications American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation,
2010 -To Present: Legislative Council Program Coordinator Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
2006 -2010: Director of Educational Activities & Convention Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
2004 -2006: Student Scholarship & Honors Chair Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
2004: Program Co-Chair Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
1986 -1989: Contributing Editor, Student Forum Section of “HEARSAY” Journal of the Ohio Speech and Hearing Association,
1989 -1990: Publicity Chairperson Southwestern Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
2001 -To Present: Director of Undergraduate Studies in Communication Sciences & Disorders Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati,
2005 -2006: Interim Graduate Director in Communication Sciences & Disorders Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati,
2011: Multi-cultural Concerns in CSD (MC2 in CSD) – New Students Organization Advisor Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati,
2000 -To Present: Chapter Advisor – National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati,
2000 -To Present: Department Recruitment Advisor Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders – University of Cincinnati,
2012 -To Present: New Convocation and Welcome Weekend for Semesters Committee University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2012: Reviewer for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award Nominees for UC Annual Faculty Awards University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2011 -To Present: Office of Nationally Competitive Awards Committee, Representative from CAHS University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2011 -To Present: Member of College Diversity Committee University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2010 -2011: Member of CSD Department Committee to devise CSD Strategic Plan University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2009 -To Present: Member of CAHS Summer Exceptions Committee University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2009 -2010: Member of Student Group Advisor Task Force for CAHS University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2009 -To Present: Who’s Who Selection Committee, University committee University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2009: Member, Integrated Core Learning Faculty Advisory Group for CAHS University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2010 -To Present: International Service Learning Committee member for CAHS University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2009: Service Learning Panel Member for UC HLC University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2009: First Year Experience Panel Member for UC HLC University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2008 -2010: Honor’s Advisory Council, Representative from CAHS University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2008 -2009: Honors Council Programming Committee - Worked with 5 other faculty/staff to choose 21 Honors University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2008 -To Present: Service Learning Advisory Council, Representative from CAHS University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2008: Search Committee Member for Associate Director of Academic Community Programming University Charge from Provost’s office University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2006 -To Present: Student Affairs CAHS Committee University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2006 -2007: Integrated Core Learning – Great Beginnings University Committee University, College, Department Committees, Task Forces at The University of Cincinnati,
2011: ASHA CEU’s Enhancing Phonological and Metaphonological Skills of Children With Highly Unintelligible Speech (Master Clinician Series), Barbara W. Hodson, for ASHA Professional Development Peer Reviewer,
2010: ASHA CEU’s Receptive Language and Secondary Academic Success: Why teens can’t comprehend? (Kathleen Williams) – for speechpathology.com Peer Reviewer,
2005: ASHA CEU’s PAC Model for Expanding Service Delivery: Focus on Partner Providers (Jean Blosser) – for NCSLPS Web Site Peer Reviewer,
2008: Brookes Publishing Company Educationally Useful Assessment of Young Children with Severe Impairments. Text Book Reviewer,
2016: Inaugural Student Track Chair – OSLHA Convention Columbus, Ohio
2015 -2016: Immediate Past President – Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Courses Taught
Phonological & Articulatory Disorders Level:Graduate
Language Disorders in Early Childhood Level:Graduate
School-Age Language Disorders Level:Graduate
The Clinical Process II : Assessment Methods Level:Undergraduate
The Clinical Processes Level:Graduate
Phonetics Level:Undergraduate
Survey of Communication Disorders Level:Undergraduate
Communication Disorders in the Media & Literature Level:Undergraduate
Literacy Research for SLP’s Level:Graduate
Collaborative Literacy Level:Graduate
Collaborative Literacy Seminar III Level:Graduate
Collaborative Literacy Seminar II Level:Graduate
Collaborative Literacy Seminar I: Language and Literacy Level:Graduate
Child Language Disorders II Level:Graduate
Child Language Disorders III Level:Graduate
Communication Science Level:Undergraduate
Articulation & Phonological Disorders Level:Undergraduate
Speech & Language Development Level:Graduate
Introduction to Communication Disorders Level:Undergraduate
Success in Allied Health I Level:Undergraduate
Success in Allied Health II Level:Undergraduate
Success in Allied Health III Level:Undergraduate
Phonetics Level:Undergraduate
Introduction to Communication Disorders Level:Undergraduate
Language Disorders Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
2015 -2016 Workload Committee for the CSD Department University of Cincinnati
2015 Advising Strategic Plan Task Force University of Cincinnati
Other Information
Clayton, Lynn
Ostrowski, Mark
Snell, Kaci
Fisher, Jamie
Kruessel, Lori
Maehl, Kristin
Rausch, Stephanie
Schwager, Amy
Boyd, Becky
Cooks, Jomilla
Engel, Jenny
Hill, Katy
Lewis, Tracy
Neukam, Sharon
Powell, Randi
Becker, Kari
Dahlmeier, Michelle
Fossit, Lindsey
Hinkel, Maggie
Winget, Shelby
Sherrow, Meredith
Ellis, Kelly Coldiron
Even, Christy Hoffman
Haddix, Kathy
Smith, Kelly L.
Dickerson, Rhonda
Haumesser, Katie
Panaro, Jenifer
Satterfield, Melissa Berry
Weir, Carrie Kessler
Haerer, Erika
Hauck, Julie
Roddy, Tricia
Ryan, Michele
Conger, Holly
Graduate Student Supervision- on campus clinic, 1999 – PresentLanguage & Literacy Enrichment Group, 2000 - 2006
Cincinnati Public Schools – Supervision of second year graduate students for their student teaching
experience, 2000 - 2003
Sarah Cone 2005 - Present
Dawn Betts 2004 - 2006
Dakshika Bandaranayake 2008 - 2009
Lisa Froelich 2007 - 2009
Marie Centeno 2007 - 2009
Danielle Hayes 2007 -2009
Christina Yeager 2006 - 2008
Sandra Combs 2005 – 2007
Vilma Reyes 2005 - 2009
Jennifer Garrett 2004 - 2006
Claudia Kikuta 2004 - 2009
Linda Sickman 2003 – 2005
Allison Smith 2003 - 2006
Hope Rozier 2003 - 2007
Lara Wakefield 2002 – 2004
Dakshika Bandaranayake 2009 - Present
Dawn Betts Graduated June, 2008
Linda Sickman Graduated June, 2007
Lara Wakefield Graduated June, 2006
Lesley Raisor Graduated June, 2006
Contact Information
Academic - Communication Sciences and Disorders
3225 Eden Ave
Ohio, 45267-0379
Phone: 513-558-8528