Andrew Steckl
Distinguished University Research Professor; Gieringer Professor and Ohio Eminent Scholar
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Electrical and Computer Engineeri - 0030
Professional Summary
Current research directions in Dr. Steckl's group include: (1) novel bio/organic materials and sensors; (2) microfluidic devices; (3) electrospinning of novel nanofiber membrane and related bio/medical applications. More information on the activities of the Nanoelectronics Laboratory at the lab website - http://www.nanolab.uc.edu
Professional Recognition
2022 Electronics and Photonics Award of the Electrochemical Society for Outstanding Achievements in Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.
2016 Chair of the Fellows of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati.
2015 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
2014 William H. Middendorf Research Excellence Award, University of Cincinnati.
2013 Excellence in Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati.
2013 Distinguished University Research Professor, University of Cincinnati.
2013 Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE).
2010 Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), “For Distinguished Contributions to Optoelectronics”.
2009 University of Cincinnati Graduate Fellow.
2007 Distinguished Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati.
2006 Rieveschl Award for Distinguished Scientific Research, University of Cincinnati, “For Pioneering Inventions and Contributions in the Field of Rare-Earth-Doped Electroluminescent Materials and Devices”.
1999 Elected Scientific Member of the Bohmische Physikalische Gesselschaft: “For Original Research Contributions to Focused Ion Beam Interactions in Materials”.
1999 College of Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati.
1998 Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE): “For Contributions to Focused Ion Beam Implantation and Semiconductor Device Fabrication”.
To date, Prof. Steckl has educated 50+ Ph. D. students, multiple M.S. students and has supervised 13 post-doctoral fellows. Together with his students, he has published ~ 460 papers, which have received ~ 17,000 citations to date. This has resulted in a current citation h-index of 72 (including patent citations). Prof. Steckl has also obtained 28 patents on various bio/electronic materials and devices. He has been awarded ~ $20M+ in research funding at UC from a variety of sources, including federal agencies (such as Army Natick Soldier Research Laboratory, Army Research Office, Army Research Laboratory, Air Force Research Laboratory, DARPA, National Security Agency, NASA, NIH, NSF), State of Ohio agencies (Ohio Department of Development, Edison Materials Center, 3rd Frontier) and industry (Motorola, Dow Corning, Lion Apparel, Procter & Gamble, Rockwell, Raytheon, SAPPI, CDT, etc.).
Ph.D.: University of Rochester Rochester, NY, 1973 (Electrical Engineering/Materials Science)
B.S.E.: Princeton University Princeton, NJ, 1968 (Electrical Engineering)
M.S.: University of Rochester Rochester, NY, 1970 (Electrical Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
Electronic and photonic materials and devices, nano-materials, electrofluidics, biopolymers.
Positions and Work Experience
1972 -1973 Senior Research Engineer, Infrared Detectors, Honeywell Radiation Center, Lexington, MA
1973 -1976 Member of Technical Staff, Charge Coupled Devices for Infrared Sensors, Rockwell Electronics Research Center, Anaheim, CA
1976 -1987 Professor of Electrical Engineering, Semiconductor Devices, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
1981 -1986 Director, Center for Integrated Electronics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
1977 -1977 Faculty Fellow, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
1985 -1985 Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
1988 -To Present Ohio Eminent Scholar and Gieringer Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2015 -2015 Visiting Professor, Biomedical Enginering, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
2023 -2023 Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Research Support
Grant: #W911NF-06-1-0296 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-01-2006 -01-31-2010 Department of the Army Injection Laser Using Rare Earth Doped GaN Thin Films for Visible and Infrared Applications Role:PI $424,916.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #S000000941 & Chg.1 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-15-2005 -08-14-2006 Department of the Air Force Fluorescence Studies of Electro-Optic Polymers Role:PI $1,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #USAF-5408-04-SC-0007 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-14-2006 -08-31-2009 Department of the Air Force Biopolymers for Organic Light Emitting Diodes Role:PI $119,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ECS-0439074 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 11-15-2004 -10-31-2006 National Science Foundation Liquid Logic - The Third Wave in Electronics Role:PI $46,976.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DAAD19-02-2-0014/02 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-30-2002 -06-29-2005 Department of the Army Rare-Earth-Doped GaN Electroluminescent Semiconductor Technology for All Solid-State Displays Operating under Extreme Conditions Role:PI $760,351.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DAAD19-3-1-0101/P5 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-01-2003 -05-31-2006 Department of the Army Robust Visible and Infrared Light Emitting Devices Using Rare-Earth-Doped GaN Role:PI $360,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: ##650 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-15-2003 -06-14-2004 Ohio Board of Regents Dopant Compostion Measurement Equipment for Improved Rare-Earth-Doped Electroluminescent Devices Role:PI $100,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DAAD19-03-1-0154 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-15-2003 -06-14-2004 Department of the Army Dopant Composition Measurement Equipment for Improved Rare-Earth-Doped Electroluminescent Devices Role:PI $275,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DAAD19-03-1-0019 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 03-01-2003 -02-28-2004 Department of the Army Impurity Based Electroluminescence in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Role:PI $18,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Program Income Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 03-01-2003 -02-28-2004 Program Income Conference Grant Program Income Role:PI $3,990.00 Closed Level:Other
Grant: #2948S1 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 05-28-1999 -05-27-2000 Department of the Air Force Robust Micro Electro Mechanical Structures of Flow Control and Engine Sensors Role:PI $32,251.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2013 S1/CN 01 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 05-01-2000 -09-01-2002 Department of the Air Force Robust Microelectromechanical Systems of Flow Control and Engine Sensors Role:PI $311,550.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CT580265A4 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 01-10-2000 -01-09-2001 Edison Materials Technology Center Large Area Low Cost Semiconductors Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #TECH 00-082 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-01-2000 -02-28-2003 Ohio Department of Development Technology for Semiconductor Devices Operating under Extreme Conditions Role:PI $595,100.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #MDA904-00-C-2103/01 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-17-2000 -09-17-2003 National Security Agency Unique Applications of Focused Ion Beam Technology: Ion Sources and Optoelectronic Device Fabrication Role:PI $800,716.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OBR #493/1 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-18-2000 -09-17-2003 Ohio Board of Regents Unique Applications of Focused Ion Beam Technology: Ion Sources and Optoelectronic Device Fabrication Role:PI $90,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DAAH049510347 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-1995 -08-31-1999 Department of the Army Porous Si Laser Fabrication by FIB Implantation Role:PI $190,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DAAY049510626/P00004 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-15-1995 -07-14-1999 Department of the Army Novel Luminescent Materials and Processes for Optoelectronic Devices Role:PI $386,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #MDA9049710110/P00001 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-05-1997 -03-04-2000 National Security Agency Focused Ion Beam Nano-Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices Role:PI $500,216.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Amend. 1 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-05-1997 -03-04-2000 Ohio Board of Regents Focused Ion Beam Nano-Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices Role:PI $92,500.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSP97164 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 07-15-1997 -07-14-1999 Rockwell Automation, Inc. Growth of GaN Wafers on SiC SOL Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #F336159812865/P00004 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-24-1998 -12-23-2004 Department of the Air Force GaN Plasma-Based Etching Role:PI $256,350.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DAAG559810208/P00001 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-01-1998 -05-31-2002 Department of the Army Optical Characterization of Light Emitting Materials Role:PI $186,334.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ECS-9813588 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-15-1998 -11-30-1999 National Science Foundation Optical Memory Device Using Biphotonic Stimulation in Rare-Earth-Doped Material Role:PI $56,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: ##403 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-10-1999 -06-09-2002 Ohio Board of Regents Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Photonic Circuits for High Speed Memory Role:PI $170,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #MDA90499C2597/P00001 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-10-1999 -06-09-2002 National Security Agency Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Photonic Circuits for High Speed Memory Role:PI $1,007,388.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP99151 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 01-01-1999 -12-31-2000 Dow Corning Corporation SiC and GaN Thin Film Growth Role:PI $322,723.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #DAAD199910348/P00004 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 10-01-1999 -06-30-2003 Department of the Army Rare Earth Doped GaN Visible and Infrared Light Emitters Role:PI $280,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ECS-9906984-NCE Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-15-1999 -02-28-2003 National Science Foundation Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Optical Storage Structures using Biphotonic Stimulation in Rare Earth Doped Materials Role:PI $180,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #W911NF-07-1-0220 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-01-2007 -05-31-2008 Department of the Army Molecular Beam Epitaxy Equipment for Growth of Versatile Visible and Infrared Rare-Earth-Based GaN Lasers Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-07-C-7717 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-01-2007 -06-14-2009 Department of the Air Force Liquid Field Effect Transistors for Biocompatible Applications Role:PI $292,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ECCS-0725530 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-01-2007 -07-31-2011 National Science Foundation Liquid Field Effect Transistors Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #RSC06054 / FA8650-04-2-4201 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-15-2006 -06-30-2007 Department of the Air Force Optical Photoluminescence Correlation Role:PI $21,491.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #U54 EB007954 Investigators:Air, Dorothy; Beyette, Fred; Bishop, Paul; Broderick, Joseph; Clark, Joseph; Haridas, Balakrishna; Helmicki, Arthur; Jauch, Edward; Kanter, Daniel; Pancioli, Arthur; Papautsky, Ian; Privitera, Mary Beth; Shutter, Lori; Steckl, Andrew; Todd, Anita; Tomsick, Thomas; Wilsey, Philip 09-30-2007 -06-30-2014 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Point of Care-Care Center for Emerging Neurotechnologies Role:Collaborator $9,416,342.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #UDRI RSC 07028-ODOD W944SR-06-C-0043 Investigators:Cuppoletti, John; Heikenfeld, Jason; Heineman, William; Steckl, Andrew 02-26-2007 -02-26-2014 Ohio Department of Development Institute for Development Commercialization of Advanced Sensor Role:Collaborator $1,000,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #FA4869-07-1-4069 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-15-2007 -07-14-2010 Department of the Air Force Electronic, Photonic and Magnetic Properties of Natural and Modified DNA Complexed with Heavy Metal Ions Role:PI $210,151.41 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Ipitek / W31P4Q-08-C-0232 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 03-26-2008 -09-21-2008 Department of the Army Rare Earth Doped Organic Light Emitting Diodes for Infrared to Visible Upconversion Role:PI $29,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #TECH-09-022 Investigators:Abdallah, Shaaban; Cohen, Kelly; Hamed, Awatef; Jeng, San-Mou; Jog, Milind; Khosla, Prem; Lee, Jay; Qian, Dong; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Singh, Raj; Steckl, Andrew; Turner, Mark; Vasudevan, Vijay; Walker, Bruce 08-18-2008 -08-17-2013 Ohio Department of Development Intelligent Propulsion and Power Systems and Their Life Management Role:Collaborator $27,492,308.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SRS 006005 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 01-01-2009 -12-31-2010 Raytheon Company Research on Materials for Electrowetting (Phase I) Role:PI $198,509.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #W911NF-09-1-0201 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 05-01-2009 -04-30-2010 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Plasma Source for the Growth of Rare-Earth-Based GaN Laser Structures Role:PI $74,504.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #RX7-UC-09-3 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-22-2009 -12-31-2011 Ohio Board of Regents Electrospinning of Biological Materials Role:PI $151,030.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #FA9550-09-1-0497 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 07-01-2009 -06-30-2010 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Circular Dichroism Spectrometer System for the Optical Characterization of DNA Thin Films Role:PI $116,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #RX7-UC-09-3CG Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 10-01-2009 -03-31-2012 Multiple Sponsors Electrospinning of Fibers for Extreme Conditions Role:PI $80,000.00 Active Level:Other
Grant: #W911NF-10-1-0329 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-09-2010 -12-31-2013 Department of the Army Rare Earth Doped GaN Laser Structures Using Metal Modulated Expitaxy Role:PI $335,505.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #W911QY-10-C-0185 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-2010 -03-04-2013 Department of the Army Electrospinning of Enzyme Containing Fibers Role:PI $222,691.92 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #TECH 11-016 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Heikenfeld, Jason; Iyer, Suri; Papautsky, Ian; Son, Sang Young; Steckl, Andrew 07-19-2010 -06-30-2014 Ohio Department of Development The Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation Role:Collaborator $2,956,675.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SRS 007441 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 04-01-2011 -09-30-2011 Sappi Fine Paper North America Smart Packaging on Paper Role:PI $54,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #RAI000625-May2011 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 07-01-2011 -12-31-2013 RJ Reynolds Fluorine-Free Superhydrophobic Surfaces Role:PI $200,562.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Steckl 2012-2013 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 05-15-2012 -12-31-2013 Sappi Fine Paper North America Packaging on Paper Role:PI $122,236.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #ECCS-1236987 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 07-15-2012 -12-31-2014 National Science Foundation EAGER: Photonics-on-Paper - A New Paradigm in Low Cost Device Role:PI $150,010.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #PO 4534712328 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 03-01-2013 -10-31-2013 R. J. Reynolds Vapor Company PHASE I: Fiber Electrospinning Investigation for Improved Substrate Materials Role:PI $72,167.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #OPP1087022 Investigators:Pauletti, Giovanni; Steckl, Andrew 05-01-2013 -10-31-2014 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Paper Based Diagnostics for Tropical Disease Detection Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #PO US001-0000393878 / W911NF-11-D-0001 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-10-2013 -08-31-2014 Department of the Army Research Laboratory Multi-Axial Electrospun Fiber Mats for Controlled Release of Functional Materials Role:PI $125,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary Awards Investigators:Hegener, Michael; Pauletti, Giovanni; Steckl, Andrew 04-01-2014 -03-31-2015 UC's University Research Council Clinical Assessment of a Novel Paper-based Microfluidics Device: Towards Patient-Controlled Monitoring of Blood Coagulation Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #NSF IIP-1500236 Investigators:Hegener, Michael; Pauletti, Giovanni; Steckl, Andrew 04-01-2015 -09-30-2016 National Science Foundation Developing an Engineering Prototype for Ultra-Low-Cost Blood Coagulation Diagnostics Using Paper-Based Microfluidics Role:PI $200,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #SSP TCN 15-026/W911NF-11-D-0001 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 06-01-2015 -05-31-2016 Department of Defense Multi-axial Electrospun Fiber Mats for Controlled Release of Functional Materials Role:PI $150,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #S-104-000-001 / FA8650-15-C-6631 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 10-09-2015 -01-08-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Biomarker/Metric Identification and Sensor Development Role:PI $175,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ESpin Fibers SRA Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 04-11-2016 -04-10-2017 Cambridge Display Technology, Ltd. Electrospinning of Multi-Layer Fibers for Controlled Release of Active Materials Role:PI $150,000.00 Active Level:Foreign Industry
Grant: #2018 Exhibit A_10805 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-2018 -08-31-2019 Procter & Gamble Company Development of Aptamer Based Biosensors for Cortisol in Saliva Role:PI $55,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #2018 Exhibit A_PD 10806 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-2018 -08-31-2019 Procter & Gamble Company Development of Aptamer Sensors for Endotoxin Detection Role:PI $55,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #R40314 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 07-01-2019 -06-30-2020 UC's Faculty Bridge Program Electrospinning of Core-Sheath Fibers for Controlled Drug Release Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #840-1-01; 1R61HD117424-01 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew -01-31-2029 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Multipurpose Device for Female-initiated Nonsteroidal On-Demand Contraception Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Exhibit A_Project Specification Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-2019 -08-31-2020 Procter & Gamble Company Organic Electrochemical Transistors as Bacterial Biosensors Role:PI $70,000.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #P&G Exhibit A Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-2019 -12-31-2019 Procter & Gamble Company Aptamer-based LFA detection of cortisol and endotoxin Role:PI $40,000.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #012467-002 Exhibit A Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 01-01-2020 -12-31-2020 Procter & Gamble Company Fluid Volume Sensor Using Fiber Membrane Pressure Transducer Role:PI $95,000.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #820-1-01 / R61HD099748 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-13-2019 -08-31-2021 National Institutes of Health SMART Polymer Fibers For Tampon-Like Nonsteroidal Contraceptive Devices Role:PI $97,173.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #012998 Exhibit A Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 07-01-2020 -06-30-2021 Procter & Gamble Company Development of Aptamer Sensors for Endotoxin Detection Role:PI $58,500.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #R15CA252987 Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 09-01-2020 -08-31-2023 National Cancer Institute Controlled Release of Multiple Drugs from Electrospun Fiber Membranes in the Local Treatment of Glioblastoma Role:PI $481,543.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #65510.2012547.669301/3-SRA-2023-1425-S-B Investigators:Steckl, Andrew 08-01-2023 -07-31-2026 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Sequential multi-molecule release from nanofiber scaffolds for improved stem cell-derived islet transplantation under the skin Role:PI 100000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bedford, Nicholas M; Winget, G Douglas; Punnamaraju, Srikoundinya; Steckl, Andrew J (2011. ) Immobilization of stable thylakoid vesicles in conductive nanofibers by electrospinning.Biomacromolecules, , 12 (3 ) ,778-84 More Information
Punnamaraju, Srikoundinya; Steckl, Andrew J (2011. ) Voltage control of droplet interface bilayer lipid membrane dimensions.Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, , 27 (2 ) ,618-26 More Information
Kim, Duk Young; Steckl, Andrew J (2010. ) Electrowetting on paper for electronic paper display.ACS applied materials & interfaces, , 2 (11 ) ,3318-23 More Information
Wu, Dapeng; Han, Daewoo; Steckl, Andrew J (2010. ) Immunoassay on free-standing electrospun membranes.ACS applied materials & interfaces, , 2 (1 ) ,252-8 More Information
Han, Daewoo; Steckl, Andrew J (2009. ) Superhydrophobic and oleophobic fibers by coaxial electrospinning.Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, , 25 (16 ) ,9454-62 More Information
Wu, Dapeng; Steckl, Andrew J (2009. ) High speed nanofluidic protein accumulator.Lab on a chip, , 9 (13 ) ,1890-6 More Information
Mahalingam, Venkataramanan; Sudarsan, Vasanthakumaran; Munusamy, Prabhakaran; van Veggel, Frank C J M; Wang, Rui; Steckl, Andrew J; Raudsepp, Mati (2008. ) Mg 2+-doped GaN nanoparticles as blue-light emitters: a method to avoid sintering at high temperatures.Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), , 4 (1 ) ,105-10 More Information
Hagen, Joshua A; Li, Wei-Xin; Spaeth, Hans; Grote, James G; Steckl, Andrew J (2007. ) Molecular beam deposition of DNA nanometer films.Nano letters, , 7 (1 ) ,133-7 More Information
Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Birkhahn R.;Garter M.;Lee B.;Steckl A. (03-20-2000. ) Voltage-controlled yellow or orange emission from GaN codoped with Er and Eu.Applied Physics Letters, , 76 (12 ) ,1525-1527 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Lee D.;Garter M.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A. (03-13-2000. ) Low-voltage GaN:Er green electroluminescent devices.Applied Physics Letters, , 76 (11 ) ,1365-1367 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (11-27-2000. ) Alternating current thin-film electroluminescence of GaN:Er.Applied Physics Letters, , 77 (22 ) ,3520-3522 More Information
Lee B.;Chi R.;Chao D.;Cheng J.;Chry I.;Beyette F.;Steckl A. (07-20-2001. ) High-density Er-implanted GaN optical memory devices.Applied Optics, , 40 (21 ) ,3552-3558 More Information
Steckl A.;Garter M.;Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Birkhahn R. (10-11-1999. ) Blue emission from Tm-doped GaN electroluminescent devices.Applied Physics Letters, , 75 (15 ) ,2184-2186 More Information
Citrin P.;Northrup P.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A. (05-15-2000. ) Local structure and bonding of Er in GaN: A contrast with Er in Si.Applied Physics Letters, , 76 (20 ) ,2865-2867 More Information
Garter M.;Scofield J.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A. (01-11-1999. ) Visible and infrared rare-earth-activated electroluminescence from indium tin oxide Schottky diodes .Applied Physics Letters, , 74 (2 ) ,182-184 More Information
Steckl A.;Birkhahn R. (12-01-1998. ) Visible emission from Er-doped GaN grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy.Applied Physics Letters, , 73 (12 ) ,1700-1702 More Information
Birkhahn R.;Steckl A. (12-01-1998. ) Green emission from Er-doped GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si substrates.Applied Physics Letters, , 73 (15 ) ,2143-2145 More Information
Chi C.;Steckl A. (01-08-2001. ) Digital thin-film color optical memory.Applied Physics Letters, , 78 (2 ) ,255-257 More Information
Lee B.K.;Steckl A.J.;Zavada J.M.;Wilson R.G. (01-01-1998. ) Effect of hydrogen/deuterium introduction on photoluminescence of 3C-SiC crystals .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 513 ,445-450
Saxena V.;Steckl A.J. (12-01-1998. ) High voltage 4H SiC rectifiers using Pt and Ni metallization .Materials Science Forum, , 264-268 (PART 2 ) ,937-940
Devrajan J.;Steckl A.J.;Tran C.A.;Stall R.A. (12-01-1998. ) Optical properties of GaN films grown on SiC/Si .Materials Science Forum, , 264-268 (PART 2 ) ,1149-1152
Naghski D.;Boyd J.;Jackson H.;Steckl A. (05-01-1998. ) Potential for size reduction of AlGaAs optical channel waveguide structures fabricated by focused io.Optics Communications, , 150 (1-6 ) ,97-100 More Information
Steckl A.;Garter M.;Birkhahn R.;Scofield J. (12-01-1998. ) Green electroluminescence from Er-doped GaN Schottky barrier diodes.Applied Physics Letters, , 73 (17 ) ,2450-2452 More Information
Birkhahn R.;Garter M.;Steckl A. (04-12-1999. ) Red light emission by photoluminescence and electroluminescence from Pr-doped GaN on Si substrates.Applied Physics Letters, , 74 (15 ) ,2161-2163 More Information
Chao L.;Lee B.;Chi C.;Cheng J.;Chyr I.;St?eckl A. (09-27-1999. ) Upconversion luminescence of Er-implanted GaN films by focused-ion-beam direct write.Applied Physics Letters, , 75 (13 ) ,1833-1835 More Information
Chao L.;Steckl A. (04-19-1999. ) Room-temperature visible and infrared photoluminescence from Pr-implanted GaN films by focused-ion-b.Applied Physics Letters, , 74 (16 ) ,2364-2366 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Garter M.;Lee D.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A. (08-30-1999. ) Red light emission by photoluminescence and electroluminescence from Eu-doped GaN.Applied Physics Letters, , 75 (9 ) ,1189-1191 More Information
Saxena V.;Nong J.;Steckl A. (12-01-1999. ) High-Voltage Ni- And Pt-SiC Schottky Diodes Utilizing Metal Field Plate Termination.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 46 (3 ) ,456-464 More Information
Madapura S.;Steckl A.;Loboda M. (03-01-1999. ) Heteroepitaxial growth of SiC on Si(100) and (111) by chemical vapor deposition using trimethylsilan.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, , 146 (3 ) ,1197-1202 More Information
Chao L.C.;Lee B.K.;Chi C.J.;Cheng J.;Chyr I.;Steckl A.J. (12-01-1999. ) Rare earth focused ion beam implantation utilizing Er and Pr liquid alloy ion sources .Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 17 (6 ) ,2791-2794
Birkhahn R.;Hudgins R.;Lee D.;Lee B.;Steckl A.;Saleh A.;Wilson R.;Zavada J. (12-01-1999. ) Optical and structural properties of Er3+-doped GaN grown by MBE .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 537 ,
Steckl A.J.;Zavada J.M. (09-01-1999. ) Photonic applications of rare-earth-doped materials .MRS Bulletin, , 24 (9 ) ,16-17
Steckl A.J.;Zavada J.M. (01-01-1999. ) Optoelectronic properties and applications of rare-earth-doped GaN.MRS Bulletin, , 24 (9 ) ,33-38 More Information
Chyr I.;Steckl A. (12-01-1999. ) Focused ion beam micromachining of GaN photonic devices .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 537 ,
Steckl A.;Garter M.;Birkhahn R. (12-01-1999. ) Visible and infrared electroluminescence from Er-doped GaN Schottky diodes .Annual Device Research Conference Digest, , 200-201
Seshadri B.;Tang J.;Chyr I.;Steckl A.;Beyette F. (01-01-2000. ) Novel photoreceiver array with near field resolution capability .LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, , 59-60
Tang J.;Lee B.;Chi R.;Steckl A.;Beyette F. (01-01-2000. ) Optoelectronic page-oriented database filter based on a single chip photonic VLSI design .LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, , 71-72
Hommerich U.;Seo J.;MacKenzie J.;Abernathy C.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (01-01-2000. ) Comparison of the optical properties of Er3+ doped gallium nitride prepared b .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 595 ,
Chen J.;Steckl A.;Loboda M. (01-01-2000. ) Growth and characterization of N-doped SiC films from trimethylsilane .Materials Science Forum, , 338 ,
Lorenz K.;Vianden R.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A.;Da Silva M.;Scares J.;Alves E. (01-01-2000. ) RBS/Channeling study of Er doped GaN films grown by MBE on Si(111) substrates.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, , 161 ,946-951 More Information
Chen J.;Steckl A.;Loboda M.
(06-01-2000. )
In situ N
Tang J.;Seshadri B.;Naughton K.;Lee B.;Chi R.;Steckl A.;Beyette F. (09-01-2000. ) CMOS-based photoreceiver arrays for page-oriented optical storage access.IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, , 12 (9 ) ,1234-1236 More Information
Chao L.;Steckl A. (01-01-2000. ) CW blue-green light emission from GaN and SiC by sum-frequency generation and second harmonic genera.Journal of Electronic Materials, , 29 (9 ) ,1059-1062 More Information
Chen J.;Scofield J.;Steckl A. (10-01-2000. ) Formation of SiC SOI structures by direct growth on insulating layers.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, , 147 (10 ) ,3845-3849 More Information
Seshadri B.;Tang J.;Chyr I.;Steckl A.;Beyette F. (12-01-2000. ) Photoreceiver array with near-field resolution capability .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 4109 ,310-316
Tang J.;Konanki S.;Seshadri B.;Lee B.;Chi R.;Steckl A.;Beyette F. (12-01-2000. ) CMOS photodetectors/receivers for smart-pixel based photonic systems .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 4109 ,75-82
Beyette F.;Tang J.;Lee B.;Chi R.;Steckl A. (12-01-2000. ) Design and analysis of a smart optical storage read head for relational database applications .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 4109 ,317-327
Chi R.;Steckl A. (01-01-2001. ) Digital thin film non-volatile optical memory .Annual Device Research Conference Digest, , 137-138
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (01-01-2001. ) Rare-earth doped gan electroluminescent devices for robust flat panel displays .Annual Device Research Conference Digest, , 177-178
Cheng J.;Steckl A. (11-01-2001. ) Mg-Ga liquid metal ion source for implantation doping of GaN.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 19 (6 ) ,2551-2554 More Information
Chyr I.;Steckl A. (11-01-2001. ) GaN focused ion beam micromachining with gas-assisted etching.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 19 (6 ) ,2547-2550 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (12-01-2001. ) AC operation of GaN:Er thin film electroluminescent display devices .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 639 ,
Mitofsky A.;Papen G.;Bishop S.;Lee D.;Steckl A. (12-01-2001. ) Comparison of Er 3+ photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectr .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 639 ,
Hömmerich U.;Seo J.;Abernathy C.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (04-24-2001. ) Spectroscopic studies of the visible and infrared luminescence from Er doped GaN.Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, , 81 (1-3 ) ,116-120 More Information
Steckl A.;Heikenfeld J.;Lee D.;Garter M. (04-24-2001. ) Multiple color capability from rare earth-doped gallium nitride.Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, , 81 (1-3 ) ,97-101 More Information
Zavada J.;Gregorkiewicz T.;Steckl A. (04-24-2001. ) Rare earth doped semiconductors III.Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, , 81 (1-3 ) ,1-2 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A. (09-24-2001. ) Room-temperature-grown rare-earth-doped GaN luminescent thin films.Applied Physics Letters, , 79 (13 ) ,1962-1964 More Information
Garter M.;Steckl A. (01-01-2002. ) Temperature behavior of visible and infrared electroluminescent devices fabricated on erbium-doped G.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 49 (1 ) ,48-54 More Information
Nyein E.;Hömmerich U.;Heikenfeld J.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (01-01-2002. ) Spectroscopic evaluation of rare earth doped GaN for full-color display applications .Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, , 654
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (04-01-2002. ) Electroluminescent devices using a high-temperature stable GaN-based phosphor and thick-film dielect.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 49 (4 ) ,557-563 More Information
Lee B.;Chi C.;Chyr I.;Lee D.;Beyette F.;Steckl A. (04-01-2002. ) In-situ Er-doped GaN optical storage devices using high-resolution focused ion beam milling.Optical Engineering, , 41 (4 ) ,742-743 More Information
Cheng L.;Pan M.;Scofield J.;Steckl A.
(01-01-2002. )
Growth and doping of SiC-thin films on low-stress, amorphous Si
Steckl A.;Heikenfeld J.;Lee D.;Garter M.;Baker C.;Wang Y.;Jones R. (07-01-2002. ) Rare-earth-doped GaN: Growth, properties, and fabrication of electroluminescent devices.IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, , 8 (4 ) ,749-766 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (08-01-2002. ) Contrast-enhancement in black dielectric electroluminescent devices.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 49 (8 ) ,1348-1352 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (09-01-2002. ) Rare-earth-doped GaN switchable color electroluminescent devices.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 49 (9 ) ,1545-1551 More Information
Baker C.;Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A.
(11-01-2002. )
Photoluminescent and electroluminescent Zn
Cheng J.;Steckl A. (11-01-2002. ) Focused ion beam fabricated microgratings for integrated optics applications.IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, , 8 (6 ) ,1323-1330 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A. (01-06-2003. ) Selective enhancement of blue electroluminescence from GaN:Tm.Applied Physics Letters, , 82 (1 ) ,55-57 More Information
Nyein E.;Hömmerich U.;Heikenfeld J.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (03-17-2003. ) Spectral and time-resolved photoluminescence studies of Eu-doped GaN.Applied Physics Letters, , 82 (11 ) ,1655-1657 More Information
Wang Y.;Steckl A. (01-27-2003. ) Three-color integration on rare-earth-doped GaN electroluminescent thin films.Applied Physics Letters, , 82 (4 ) ,502-504 More Information
Chyr I.;Lee B.;Chao L.;Steckl A. (12-01-1999. ) Damage generation and removal in the Ga+ focused ion beam micromachining of G .Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 17 (6 ) ,3063-3067
Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A.;Hommerich U.;Seo J.;Braud A.;Zavada J. (08-06-2001. ) Optimum Er concentration for in situ doped GaN visible and infrared luminescence.Applied Physics Letters, , 79 (6 ) ,719-721 More Information
Pan M.;Steckl A. (07-07-2003. ) Red emission from Eu-doped GaN luminescent films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.Applied Physics Letters, , 83 (1 ) ,9-11 More Information
Cheng L.;Steckl A.;Scofield J. (10-01-2003. ) SiC thin-film Fabry-Perot interferometer for fiber-optic temperature sensor.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 50 (10 ) ,2159-2164 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A.
(09-15-2003. )
Enhanced blue emission from Tm-doped Al
Pacheco F.;Sánchez A.;Molina S.;Araújo D.;Devrajan J.;Steckl A.;García R. (01-01-1999. ) Electron microscopy study of SiC obtained by the carbonization of Si(111).Thin Solid Films, , 343-344 (1-2 ) ,305-308 More Information
Chen J.;Steckl A.J.;Loboda M.J. (05-01-1998. ) Molecular beam epitaxy growth of SiC on Si(111) from silacyclobutane .Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 16 (3 ) ,1305-1308
Baker C.;Heikenfeld J.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A.;Nyein E.;Hommerich U.
(12-09-2003. )
1.5 ?m Zn
Steckl A.;Heikenfeld J.;Munasinghe C.;Lee D.;Wang Y.;Jones W. (12-09-2003. ) Inorganic electroluminescent displays: The impact of new materials .Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, , 2 ,656-657
Pellé F.;Auzel F.;Zavada J.M.;Lee D.S.;Steckl A.J. (12-15-2003. ) New spectroscopic data of erbium ions in GaN thin films.Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, , 105 (1-3 ) ,126-131 More Information
Hömmerich U.;Nyein E.;Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (12-15-2003. ) Photoluminescence studies of rare earth (Er, Eu, Tm) in situ doped GaN.Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, , 105 (1-3 ) ,91-96 More Information
Banerjee S.;Baker C.;Klotzkin D.;Steckl A.;Nyieh E.;Hommerich H. (12-09-2003. ) Gain characteristics of Er-doped ZSG waveguide optical amplifiers .Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, , 1 ,136-137
Nyein E.;Hömmerich U.;Steckl A.;Lee D.;Zavada J. (12-09-2003. ) Spectroscopic studies of GaN:Er, GaN:Eu, and GaN/AlGaN:Tm prepared by solid-source molecular beam ep .Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, , 2 ,876-877
Hömmerich U.;Nyein E.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J.
(12-01-2003. )
Photoluminescence properties of in situ Tm-doped Al
Cheng L.;Steckl A.;Scofield J. (12-01-2003. ) Effect of trimethylsilane flow rate on the growth of SiC thin-films for fiber-optic temperature sens.Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, , 12 (6 ) ,797-803 More Information
Park J.;Steckl A. (11-15-2004. ) Laser action in Eu-doped GaN thin-film cavity at room temperature.Applied Physics Letters, , 85 (20 ) ,4588-4590 More Information
Saxena V.;Steckl A.J.
(12-01-1998. )
Fast and anisotropic reactive ion etching of 4H and 6H SiC in NF
Seo J.;Hömmerich U.;Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (07-17-2002. ) Thermal quenching of photoluminescence from Er-doped GaN thin films.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, , 341 (1-2 ) ,62-66 More Information
Munasinghe C.;Heikenfeld J.;Dorey R.;Whatmore R.;Bender J.;Wager J.;Steckl A. (02-01-2005. ) High brightness ZnS and GaN electroluminescent devices using PZT thick dielectric layers.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 52 (2 ) ,194-203 More Information
Steckl A.;Heikenfeld J. (12-01-2004. ) Emissive electrowetting devices for Hybrid I/O™ displays .Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, , 1 ,250-251
Baker C.;Heikenfeld J.;Yu Z.;Steckl A. (03-01-2004. ) Optical amplification and electroluminescence at 1.54 ?m in Er-doped zinc silicate germanate on sili.Applied Physics Letters, , 84 (9 ) ,1462-1464 More Information
Garter M.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A.;Scofield J. (12-01-1999. ) Visible and infrared rare-earth activated electroluminescence from erbium doped GaN .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 537 ,
Banerjee S.;Baker C.;Steckl A.;Klotzkin D.
(03-01-2005. )
Optical properties of Er in Er-doped Zn
Peng H.;Lee C.;Everitt H.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (01-31-2005. ) Effect of optical excitation energy on the red luminescence of Eu3+ in GaN.Applied Physics Letters, , 86 (5 ) ,1-3 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (04-29-2004. ) Fabrication and performance characteristics of black-dielectric electroluminescent 160 × 80-pixel di.Journal of the Society for Information Display, , 12 (1 ) ,57-64 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (01-01-2005. ) Intense switchable fluorescence in light wave coupled electrowetting devices.Applied Physics Letters, , 86 (1 ) , More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (07-04-2005. ) High-transmission electrowetting light valves.Applied Physics Letters, , 86 (15 ) ,1-3 More Information
Steckl A.J.;Chyr I. (12-01-1999. ) Focused ion beam micromilling of GaN and related substrate materials (sapphire, SiC, and Si) .Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 17 (2 ) ,362-365
Park J.;Steckl A. (09-01-2005. ) Demonstration of a visible laser on silicon using Eu-doped GaN thin films.Journal of Applied Physics, , 98 (5 ) , More Information
Wojtowicz T.;Ruterana P.;Lee D.;Steckl A. (11-07-2005. ) Transmission electron microscopy of GaN layers in-situ doped with Er during plasma assisted MBE.Physica Status Solidi C: Conferences, , 2 (7 ) ,2484-2487 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A.;Rack P.;Fitz-Gerald J.
(11-07-2005. )
Cathodoluminescence and its temperature dependence in Tm-doped Al
Nyein E.;Hömmerich U.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J.
(11-07-2005. )
Spectroscopic studies of the infrared emission from Tm doped Al
Steckl A.;Heikenfeld J.;Allen S. (09-01-2005. ) Light wave coupled flat panel displays and solid-state lighting using hybrid inorganic/organic mater.IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, , 1 (1 ) ,157-166 More Information
Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (02-21-2006. ) GaN:Eu electroluminescent devices grown by interrupted growth epitaxy.Thin Solid Films, , 496 (2 ) ,636-642 More Information
Vrielinck H.;Izeddin I.;Ivanov V.;Gregorkiewicz T.;Callens F.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Khaidukov N. (12-01-2005. ) On 2.7 ?m emission from Er-doped large bandgap hosts .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 866 ,85-90
Dierolf V.;Fleischman Z.;Sandmann C.;Wakahara A.;Fujiwara T.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (12-01-2005. ) Combined excitation emission spectroscopy of europium ions in GaN and AlGaN films .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 866 ,73-78
Munasinghe C.;Steckl A.;Nyein E.E.;Hömmerich U.;Peng H.;Everitt H.;Fleischman Z.;Dierolf V.;Zavada J. (12-01-2005. ) GaN:Eu interrupted growth epitaxy (IGE): Thin film growth and electroluminescent devices .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 866 ,41-52
Nyein E.E.;Hömmerich U.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A.J.;Zavada J.M. (12-01-2005. ) Excitation-wavelength dependent and time-resolved photoluminescence studies of europium doped GaN gr .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 866 ,67-72
Dierolf V.;Fleischman Z.;Sandmann C.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (12-01-2005. ) Site selective spectroscopy of Eu-doped GaN .2005 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, , 1 ,306-308
Lee C.;Everitt H.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (06-15-2004. ) Temperature dependence of energy transfer mechanisms in Eu-doped GaN.Journal of Applied Physics, , 95 (12 ) ,7717-7724 More Information
Diggs D.;Hagen J.;Yu Z.;Heckman E.;Kenneth Hopkins F.;Grote J.;Steckl A. (12-01-2005. ) Molecular binding and enhanced photoluminescence of bromocresol purple in marine derived DNA.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 5934 ,1-8 More Information
Grote J.G.;Heckman E.M.;Diggs D.E.;Hagen J.A.;Yaney P.P.;Steckl A.J.;Clarson S.J.;He G.S.;Zheng Q.;Prasad P.N.;Zetts J.S.;Kenneth Hopkins F. (12-01-2005. ) DNA-based materials for electro-optic applications: Current status.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 5934 ,1-6 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (11-01-2004. ) Liquid light .Information Display, , 20 (11 ) ,26-31
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (12-01-2005. ) Electrowetting-based pixelation for light wave coupling displays.Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium, , 36 (1 ) ,746-749 More Information
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A.J. (12-01-2005. ) Electrowetting light valves with greater than 80'% transmission, unlimited view angle, and video res .Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium, , 36 (2 ) ,1674-1677
Katchkanov V.;Mosselmans J.F.W.;O'Donnell K.P.;Nogales E.;Hernandez S.;Martin R.W.;Steckl A.;Lee D.S. (01-01-2006. ) Extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies of GaN epilayers doped with Er.Optical Materials, , 28 (6-7 ) ,785-789 More Information
Park J.;Steckl A. (01-01-2006. ) Visible lasing from GaN:Eu optical cavities on sapphire substrates.Optical Materials, , 28 (6-7 ) ,859-863 More Information
Nyein E.;Hömmerich U.;Zavada J.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Nepal N.;Lin J.;Jiang H. (01-01-2004. ) Ultraviolet and blue emission properties of Tm doped AlGaN and AlN .OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, , 96 A ,1281-1282
Park J.;Steckl A. (04-11-2006. ) Site specific Eu 3+ stimulated emission in GaN host.Applied Physics Letters, , 88 (1 ) , More Information
Hagen J.;Li W.;Steckl A.;Grote J. (05-15-2006. ) Enhanced emission efficiency in organic light-emitting diodes using deoxyribonucleic acid complex as.Applied Physics Letters, , 88 (17 ) , More Information
Yu Z.;Hagen J.;Grote J.;Steckl A. (05-23-2006. ) Red photoluminescence emission of laser dye doped DNA and PMMA.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 6117 , More Information
Hagen J.;Li W.;Grote J.;Steckl A. (05-23-2006. ) Red/Blue electroluminescence from Europium-doped organic light emitting diodes.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 6117 , More Information
Chen J.;Scofield J.;Steckl A. (12-01-2000. ) Formation of SiC SOI structures by direct growth on insulating layers .Journal of the Electrochemical Society, , 147 (10 ) ,3840-3844
Li W.;Jones R.;Allen S.;Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A.
(06-01-2006. )
Maximizing Alq
Park J.;Steckl A.;Rajagopal P.;Roberts J.;Piner E. (01-01-2006. ) Growth temperature dependence of optical modal gain and loss in GaN:Eu active medium on Si.Optics Express, , 14 (12 ) ,5307-5312 More Information
Seo J.;Hömmerich U.;Steckl A.;Birkhahn B.;Zavada J. (09-01-2006. ) Green luminescence and excited state thermalization in Er-doped gallium nitride .Journal of the Korean Physical Society, , 49 (3 ) ,943-946
Steckl A. (12-01-2005. ) Light emission from rare earth lumophores in inorganic and organic hosts.Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, , 2005 ,652-653 More Information
Hommerich U.;Seo J.T.;MacKenzie J.D.;Abernathy C.R.;Birkhahnt R.;Steckl A.J.;Zavada J.M. (01-01-2000. ) Comparison of the optical properties of er3+ doped gallium nitride prepared b.Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 595 ,W11651-W11656 More Information
Garter M.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A.J.;Scofield J. (12-01-1999. ) Visible and infrared rare-earth activated electroluminescence from erbium doped GaN .MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, , 4 (SUPPL. 1 ) ,
Birkhahn R.H.;Hudgins R.;Lee D.S.;Lee B.K.;Steckl A.J.;Saleh A.;Wilson R.G.;Zavada J.M. (12-01-1999. ) Optical and structural properties of Er 3+doped GaN grown by MBE .MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, , 4 (SUPPL. 1 ) ,
Chyr I.;Steckl A.J. (12-01-1999. ) Focused ion beam micromachining of GaN photonic devices .MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, , 4 (SUPPL. 1 ) ,
Chen J.;Steckl A.J.;Loboda M.J. (12-01-1998. ) Heteroepitaxial growth of SiC on Si by gas source MBE with silacyclobutane .Materials Science Forum, , 264-268 (PART 1 ) ,239-242
Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (12-01-2003. ) Inorganic EL displays at the crossroads .Information Display, , 19 (12 ) ,20-25
Dierolf V.;Fleischman Z.;Sandmann C.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (12-01-2005. ) Combined excitation emission spectroscopy of Eu-doped GaN.Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, , More Information
Saxena V.;Steckl A. (12-01-1998. ) Chapter 3 Building Blocks for SiC Devices: Ohmic Contacts, Schottky Contacts, and p-n Junctions.Semiconductors and Semimetals, , 52 (C ) ,77-160 More Information
Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Steckl A. (01-21-2002. ) Growth-temperature dependence of Er-doped GaN luminescent thin films.Applied Physics Letters, , 80 (3 ) ,344-346 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A. (03-18-2002. ) Lateral color integration on rare-earth-doped GaN electroluminescent thin films.Applied Physics Letters, , 80 (11 ) ,1888-1890 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A. (02-04-2002. ) Ga flux dependence of Er-doped GaN luminescent thin films.Applied Physics Letters, , 80 (5 ) ,728-730 More Information
Lee D.;Steckl A. (09-23-2002. ) Enhanced blue and green emission in rare-earth-doped GaN electroluminescent devices by optical photo.Applied Physics Letters, , 81 (13 ) ,2331-2333 More Information
Hömmerich U.;Seo J.T.;MacKenzie J.D.;Abernathy C.R.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A.J.;Zavada J.M. (12-01-2000. ) Comparison of the optical properties of Er 3+ doped gallium nitride prepared .MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, , 5 (SUPPL. 1 ) ,
Dierolf V.;Fleischman Z.;Sandmann C.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (01-01-2006. ) Site selective spectroscopy of Eu-doped GaN .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Grote J.; Hagen J.; Heckman E.; Hopkins F.; Steckl A.; Yaney P.; Zetts J. (01-01-2005. ) DNA based photonic materials .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Dierolf V.;Fleischman Z.;Sandmann C.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (01-01-2005. ) Site selective spectroscopy of Eu-doped GaN .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Everitt H.; Lee D.; Munasinghe C.; Peng H.; Steckl A. (01-01-2005. ) Relaxation dynamics in rare earth-doped GaN .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Steckl A.;Lee D.;Heikenfeld J.;Munasinghe C.;Pan M.;Wang Y.;Yu Z.;Park J.;Baker C.;Jones R. (01-01-2003. ) Rare earth doped GaN electroluminescent devices.IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Proceedings, , 2003-January ,147-148 More Information
Lee D.S.;Steckl A.J.;Hömmerich U.;Nyein E.E.;Rack P.;Fitzgerald J.;Zavada J.M. (01-01-2003. ) Enhanced blue emission from tm-doped AlxGa1-xN electroluminescent thin films.2003 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, ISDRS 2003 - Proceedings, , 5-6 More Information
Steckl A.;Allen S.;Heikenfeld J. (01-01-2003. ) Hybrid inorganic/organic luminescent devices.2003 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, ISDRS 2003 - Proceedings, , 38-39 More Information
Munasinghe C.;Heikenfeld J.;Dorey R.;Whatmore R.;Bender J.;Wager J.;Steckl A. (01-01-2003. ) Improved luminance and efficiency of ZnS:Mn and GaN:Eu TDEL devices using PZT thick dielectric films.2003 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, ISDRS 2003 - Proceedings, , 75-76 More Information
Citrin P.;Northrup P.;Birkhahn R.;Steckl A. (01-01-2000. ) Local structure and bonding of luminescent Er in GaN: A contrast with Er in Si.IEEE Semiconducting and Semi-Insulating Materials Conference, SIMC, , 2000-January ,15-22 More Information
Zavada J.;Gregorkiewicz T.;Steckl A. (04-24-2001. ) Preface: Rare earth doped semiconductors III.Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, , 81 (1-3 ) ,1-2 More Information
Sivaraman R.;Clarson S.J.;Lee B.K.;Steckl A.J.;Reinhardt B.A. (07-17-2000. ) Photoluminescence studies and read/write process of a strong two-photon absorbing chromophore.Applied Physics Letters, , 77 (3 ) ,328-330 More Information
Lee C.W.;Everitt H.O.;Javada J.M.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-2003. ) Temperature dependent visible photoluminescence of Eudoped GaN on silicon .OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, , 88 ,999-1000
Nyein E.;Hömmerich U.;Heikenfeld J.;Lee D.;Steckl A.;Zavada J. (01-01-2003. ) Characterization of the red light emission from Eu doped GaN .OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, , 88 ,1005-1006
Izeddin I.;Gregorkiewicz T.;Lee D.;Steckl A. (10-01-2004. ) Photoluminescence and excitation spectroscopy of the 1.5 ?m Er-related band in MBE-grown GaN layers.Superlattices and Microstructures, , 36 (4-6 ) ,701-705 More Information
Li J.;Steckl A.;Golecki I.;Reidinger F.;Wang L.;Ning X.;Pirouz P. (12-01-1993. ) Structural characterization of nanometer SiC films grown on Si.Applied Physics Letters, , 62 (24 ) ,3135-3137 More Information
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Residue-free reactive ion etching of ?-SiC in CHF
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Steckl A.;Mogren S.;Roth M.;Li J. (12-01-1992. ) Atomic probe imaging of ?-SiC thin films grown on (100) Si.Applied Physics Letters, , 60 (12 ) ,1495-1497 More Information
Steckl A.;Mogul H.;Mogren S. (12-01-1992. ) Localized fabrication of Si nanostructures by focused ion beam implantation.Applied Physics Letters, , 60 (15 ) ,1833-1835 More Information
Yuan C.;Steckl A.;Loboda M. (12-01-1994. ) Effect of carbonization on the growth of 3C-SiC on Si (111) by silacyclobutane.Applied Physics Letters, , 64 (22 ) ,3000-3002 More Information
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Fleischman Z.;Tafon P.;Dierolf V.;Munasinghe C.;Steckl A. (12-01-2007. ) Identification of defect-trap-related europium sites in gallium nitride.Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, , 4 (3 ) ,834-837 More Information
Nepal N.;Zavada J.;Lee D.;Steckl A. (08-25-2008. ) Dynamics of ultraviolet emissions in Tm-doped AlN using above band gap excitation.Applied Physics Letters, , 93 (6 ) , More Information
Steckl A. (09-22-2008. ) NanoBioMaterials - From BioLEDs to tissue engineering.Biennial University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium - Proceedings, , 41-43 More Information
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Jones R.;Li W.;Spaeth H.;Steckl A. (12-11-2008. ) Direct write electron beam patterning of DNA complex thin films.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 26 (6 ) ,2567-2571 More Information
Wang R.;Steckl A.J. (12-18-2008. ) Effect of Si and Er co-doping on green electroluminescence from GaN:Er ELDs .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 1068 ,83-88
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Glinka Y.;Everitt H.;Lee D.;Steckl A. (03-03-2009. ) Effect of Tm3+ -induced defects on the photoexcitation energy relaxation in Tm-doped Alx Ga1-x N.Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, , 79 (11 ) , More Information
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Gomez E.;Spaeth H.;Steckl A.;Grote J. (10-11-2011. ) Fabrication of natural DNA-containing organic light emitting diodes.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 8103 , More Information
Han D.;Filocamo S.;Kirby R.;Steckl A. (12-28-2011. ) Deactivating chemical agents using enzyme-coated nanofibers formed by electrospinning.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, , 3 (12 ) ,4633-4639 More Information
Punnamaraju S.;You H.;Steckl A. (05-22-2012. ) Triggered release of molecules across droplet interface bilayer lipid membranes using photopolymeriz.Langmuir, , 28 (20 ) ,7657-7664 More Information
Bedford N.;Pelaez M.;Han C.;Dionysiou D.;Steckl A. (07-07-2012. ) Photocatalytic cellulosic electrospun fibers for the degradation of potent cyanobacteria toxin micro.Journal of Materials Chemistry, , 22 (25 ) ,12666-12674 More Information
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Bedford N.;Dickerson M.;Drummy L.;Koerner H.;Singh K.;Vasudev M.;Durstock M.;Naik R.;Steckl A. (09-01-2012. ) Nanofi ber-based bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells using coaxial electrospinning.Advanced Energy Materials, , 2 (9 ) ,1136-1144 More Information
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Fraiwan A.;Sundermier S.;Han D.;Steckl A.J.;Hassett D.J.;Choi S. (06-01-2013. ) Enhanced performance of micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) microbial fuel cells using electrosp.Fuel Cells, , 13 (3 ) ,336-341 More Information
You H.;Steckl A. (08-26-2013. ) Versatile electrowetting arrays for smart window applications-from small to large pixels on fixed an.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, , 117 ,544-548 More Information
Han D.;Steckl A. (08-28-2013. ) Triaxial electrospun nanofiber membranes for controlled dual release of functional molecules.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, , 5 (16 ) ,8241-8245 More Information
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Ouchen F.;Gomez E.;Joyce D.;Yaney P.;Kim S.;Williams A.;Steckl A.;Venkat N.;Grote J. (12-11-2013. ) Investigation of DNA nucleobases - Thin films for potential applications in electronics and photonic.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 8817 , More Information
Zhong M.;Roberts J.;Kong W.;Brown A.;Steckl A. (01-06-2014. ) P-type GaN grown by phase shift epitaxy.Applied Physics Letters, , 104 (1 ) , More Information
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You H.;Steckl A. (10-01-2013. ) Electrowetting on non-fluorinated hydrophobic surfaces.Journal of the Society for Information Display, , 21 (10 ) ,411-416 More Information
Ouchen F.;Gomez E.;Joyce D.;Williams A.;Kim S.;Heckman E.;Johnson L.;Yaney P.;Venkat N.;Steckl A.;Kajzar F.;Rau I.;Pawlicka A.;Prasad P.;Grote J. (01-01-2014. ) Latest advances in biomaterials: From deoxyribonucleic acid to nucleobases.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 8983 , More Information
Blumenschein N.;Han D.;Caggioni M.;Steckl A. (06-11-2014. ) Magnetic particles as liquid carriers in the microfluidic lab-in-tube approach to detect phase chang.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, , 6 (11 ) ,8066-8072 More Information
Li H.;Han D.;Pauletti G.;Steckl A. (10-21-2014. ) Blood coagulation screening using a paper-based microfluidic lateral flow device.Lab on a Chip, , 14 (20 ) ,4035-4041 More Information
Chu S.;Steckl A. (01-01-1988. ) The Effect of Trench-Gate-Oxide Structure on EPROM Device Operation.IEEE Electron Device Letters, , 9 (6 ) ,284-286 More Information
Fraiwan A.;Adusumilli S.P.;Han D.;Steckl A.J.;Call D.F.;Westgate C.R.;Choi S. (01-01-2014. ) Microbial power-generating capabilitie on micro-/nano-structured anodes in micro-sized microbial fue.Fuel Cells, , 14 (6 ) ,801-809 More Information
Gomez E.;Steckl A. (03-18-2015. ) Improved performance of OLEDs on cellulose/epoxy substrate using adenine as a hole injection layer.ACS Photonics, , 2 (3 ) ,439-445 More Information
Gomez E.;Venkatraman V.;Grote J.;Steckl A. (11-24-2014. ) DNA bases thymine and adenine in bio-organic light emitting diodes.Scientific Reports, , 4 , More Information
Venkatraman V.;Steckl A. (12-05-2015. ) Integrated OLED as excitation light source in fluorescent lateral flow immunoassays.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, , 74 ,150-155 More Information
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Li H.;Han D.;Pauletti G.;Steckl A. (01-01-2014. ) Point-of-care blood coagulation monitoring using lateral flow device .18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014, , 1575-1577
Zhao D.;Wang T.;Han D.;Rusinek C.;Steckl A.;Heineman W. (09-15-2015. ) Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Modified Electrodes for Stripping Voltammetry.Analytical Chemistry, , 87 (18 ) ,9315-9321 More Information
Blumenschein N.;Han D.;Steckl A. (09-04-2015. ) Phase diagram characterization using magnetic beads as liquid carriers.Journal of Visualized Experiments, , 2015 (103 ) , More Information
Gomez E.;Venkatraman V.;Grote J.;Steckl A. (01-01-2015. ) Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Exploring the Potential of Nucleic Acid Bases in Organic Light Emitti.Advanced Materials, , 27 (46 ) ,7680 More Information
Gomez E.;Venkatraman V.;Grote J.;Steckl A. (01-01-2015. ) Exploring the Potential of Nucleic Acid Bases in Organic Light Emitting Diodes.Advanced Materials, , 27 (46 ) ,7552-7562 More Information
Han D.;Sherman S.;Filocamo S.;Steckl A. (04-15-2017. ) Long-term antimicrobial effect of nisin released from electrospun triaxial fiber membranes.Acta Biomaterialia, , 53 ,242-249 More Information
Han D.;Yu X.;Chai Q.;Ayres N.;Steckl A. (04-05-2017. ) Stimuli-Responsive Self-Immolative Polymer Nanofiber Membranes Formed by Coaxial Electrospinning.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, , 9 (13 ) ,11858-11865 More Information
Li H.;Han D.;Hegener M.;Pauletti G.;Steckl A. (03-01-2017. ) Flow reproducibility of whole blood and other bodily fluids in simplified no reaction lateral flow a.Biomicrofluidics, , 11 (2 ) , More Information
Han D.;Sasaki M.;Yoshino H.;Kofuji S.;Sasaki A.;Steckl A. (08-01-2017. ) In-vitro evaluation of MPA-loaded electrospun coaxial fiber membranes for local treatment of gliobla.Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, , 40 ,45-50 More Information
Hegener M.;Li H.;Han D.;Steckl A.;Pauletti G. (09-01-2017. ) Point-of-care coagulation monitoring: first clinical experience using a paper-based lateral flow dia.Biomedical Microdevices, , 19 (3 ) , More Information
Venkatraman V.;Steckl A. (12-15-2017. ) Quantitative Detection in Lateral Flow Immunoassay Using Integrated Organic Optoelectronics.IEEE Sensors Journal, , 17 (24 ) ,8343-8349 More Information
Han D.;Steckl A. (12-13-2017. ) Selective pH-Responsive Core-Sheath Nanofiber Membranes for Chem/Bio/Med Applications: Targeted Deli.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, , 9 (49 ) ,42653-42660 More Information
Venkatraman V.;Liedert R.;Kozak K.;Steckl A. (12-01-2016. ) Integrated NFC power source for zero on-board power in fluorescent paper-based lateral flow immunoas.Flexible and Printed Electronics, , 1 (4 ) , More Information
Ray P.;Han D.;Steckl A. (12-01-2016. ) Urine-powered (galvanic) electric cell and sensor on paper substrate.Flexible and Printed Electronics, , 1 (4 ) , More Information
Li H.;Han D.;Pauletti G.;Steckl A. (01-01-2018. ) Engineering a simple lateral flow device for animal blood coagulation monitoring.Biomicrofluidics, , 12 (1 ) , More Information
Tirgar A.;Han D.;Steckl A. (06-06-2018. ) Absorption of Ethylene on Membranes Containing Potassium Permanganate Loaded into Alumina-Nanopartic.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, , 66 (22 ) ,5635-5643 More Information
Li H.;Han D.;Pauletti G.;Hegener M.;Steckl A. (06-28-2018. ) Correction: Correcting the effect of hematocrit in whole blood coagulation analysis on paper-based l.Analytical Methods, , 10 (24 ) ,2939 More Information
Li H.;Han D.;Pauletti G.;Hegener M.;Steckl A. (06-28-2018. ) Correcting the effect of hematocrit in whole blood coagulation analysis on paper-based lateral flow .Analytical Methods, , 10 (24 ) ,2869-2874 More Information
Steckl A.;Ray P. (10-26-2018. ) Stress Biomarkers in Biological Fluids and Their Point-of-Use Detection.ACS Sensors, , 3 (10 ) ,2025-2044 More Information
Li H.;Steckl A. (01-02-2019. ) Paper Microfluidics for Point-of-Care Blood-Based Analysis and Diagnostics.Analytical Chemistry, , 91 (1 ) ,352-371 More Information
Dalirirad S.;Steckl A. (03-15-2019. ) Aptamer-based lateral flow assay for point of care cortisol detection in sweat.Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, , 79-86 More Information
Li H.;Han D.;Pauletti G.;Hegener M.;Steckl A. (01-01-2018. ) Cellulose-based lateral flow device for low-cost point-of-care blood coagulation monitoring .International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials 2018, , 1 ,255-264
Fraiwan A.;Adusumilli S.P.;Han D.;Steckl A.J.;Call D.F.;Westgate C.R.;Choi S. (01-01-2014. ) Micro-/nano-structured anodes for enhanced performance of micro-sized microbial fuel cells .Technical Digest - Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, , 203-206
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Han D.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-2019. ) Coaxial Electrospinning Formation of Complex Polymer Fibers and their Applications.ChemPlusChem, , More Information
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McDonald J.F.;Steckl A.J.;Neugebauer C.A.;Carlson R.O. (01-01-1986. ) Multilevel interconnections for wafer scale integration.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, , 4 (6 ) ,3127-3138 More Information
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Infrared optical properties of sputtered In
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Steckl A.J.;Tam K.Y.;Motamedi M.E. (01-01-1979. ) READ-OUT CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PbS-Si HJ DETECTOR. Advances in Chemistry Series, , 650-654
Chow T.;Steckl A.;Motamedi M.;Brown D.
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Sheu S.;Steckl A. (01-01-1979. ) FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS OF p-n PbS-Si HETEROJUNCTION IR DETECTORS. Infrared Physics, , 351-353
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Steckl A.;Elabd H.;Tam K.;Motamedi M.;Sheu S. (01-01-1980. ) The Optical and Detector Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 27 (1 ) ,126-133 More Information
Motamedi M.;Tam K.;Steckl A. (01-01-1980. ) Design and Evaluation of Ion-Implanted CMOS Structures.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 27 (3 ) ,578-583 More Information
Elabd H.;Steckl A. (05-01-1980. ) Auger analysis of the PbS-Si heterojunction.Journal of Electronic Materials, , 9 (3 ) ,525-549 More Information
Steckl A.;Mohammed G. (12-01-1980. ) The effect of ambient atmosphere in the annealing of indium tin oxide films.Journal of Applied Physics, , 51 (7 ) ,3890-3895 More Information
Steckl A.;Sheu S. (01-01-1980. ) The a.c. admittance of the p-n PbS?Si heterojunction.Solid-State Electronics, , 23 (7 ) ,715-720 More Information
Chow T.;Brown D.;Steckl A.;Garfinkel M. (12-01-1980. ) Silane silicidation of Mo thin films.Journal of Applied Physics, , 51 (11 ) ,5981-5985 More Information
Smith G.E.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1980. ) TWO-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PROCESS MODELING PROGRAM - RECIPE. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, , 227-230
Tiemann J.J.;Vogelsong T.L.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1980. ) CHARGE DOMAIN ANALOG SAMPLED DATA FILTERS. EASCON Record: IEEE Electronics and Aerospace Systems Convention, , 140-145
Chow T.;Steckl A.
(01-01-1980. )
Zetterlund B.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1980. ) LOW TEMPERATURE RECOMBINATION LIFETIME IN Si MOSFET's. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, , 284-288
Tam K.;Steckl A. (01-01-1981. ) Integrated PbS-Si IR Detector Read-Out.IEEE Electron Device Letters, , EDL-2 (5 ) ,130-132 More Information
Chow T.;Steckl A.;Brown D. (12-01-1981. ) The effect of annealing on the properties of silicidized molybdenum thin films.Journal of Applied Physics, , 52 (10 ) ,6331-6336 More Information
Okazaki S.;Chow T.;Steckl A. (01-01-1981. ) Edge-Defined Patterning of Hyperfine Refractory Metal Silicide MOS Structures.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 28 (11 ) ,1364-1368 More Information
Steckl A.;McDonald J.;Gutmann R. (01-01-1981. ) VLSI DESIGN AUTOMATION AND INTERACTIVE MODELING FOR ELECTRON BEAM LITHOGRAPHY. Journal of macromolecular science. Chemistry, , 172-176
Vidinski W.;Steckl A.;Corelli J. (01-01-1982. ) Photoexcitation properties of infrared active defects induced by neutron irradiation in silicon.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 108-109 (C ) ,693-699 More Information
Smith G.;Steckl A. (01-01-1982. ) RECIPE—A Two-Dimensional VLSI Process Modeling Program.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 29 (2 ) ,216-221 More Information
Chow T.;Steckl A. (01-01-1982. ) Refractory MoSi2 and MoSi2/Polysilicon Bulk CMOS Circuits.IEEE Electron Device Letters, , 3 (2 ) ,37-40 More Information
Tiemann J.J.;Vogelsong T.L.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1982. ) Charge Domain Recursive Filters.IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, , 17 (3 ) ,597-605 More Information
Chow T.P.;Steckl A.J.
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Plasma etching of sputtered Mo and MoSi
Rude C.;Chow T.;Steckl A.
(12-01-1982. )
Characterization of NbSi
Bencuya S.S.;Steckl A.J.;Vogelsong T.L.;Tiemann J.J. (01-01-1982. ) Dynamic Packet Splitting in Charge Domain Devices.IEEE Electron Device Letters, , 3 (9 ) ,268-270 More Information
Bencuya S.S.;STeckl A.J.;Vogelsong T.L. (12-01-1982. ) COEFFICIENT ACCURACY FOR CDD PACKET SPLITTING TECHNIQUES. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, , 123-126
Vidinski W.;Corelli J.;Steckl A. (12-01-1982. ) CORRELATION OF STRESS-SYMMETRY EXPERIMENTS WITH PHOTOEXCITATION AND DECAY PROCESSES FOR INFRARED-ACT .Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts, , 82-2 ,361-362
Chow T.;Steckl A. (12-01-1982. ) DEVELOPMENT OF REFRACTORY GATE METALLIZATION FOR VLSI. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts, , 82-2 ,353-354
Follett D.;Weiss K.;Moore J.;Steckl A.;Liu W. (12-01-1982. ) POLARITY REVERSAL OF PMMA BY TREATMENT WITH CHLOROSILANES. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts, , 82-2 ,321-322
Vogelsong T.L.;Tiemann J.J.;Steckl A.J. (12-01-1982. ) HIGH-Q BANDPASS FILTER DEMONSTRATING CHARGE DOMAIN TECHNOLOGY. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, , 123-126
Chow T.P.;Hamzeh K.;Steckl A.J. (12-01-1983. ) Thermal oxidation of niobium silicide thin films.Journal of Applied Physics, , 54 (5 ) ,2716-2719 More Information
Vidinski W.;Steckl A.;Corelli J. (12-01-1983. ) Correlation of photoluminescence and symmetry studies with photoexcitation and decay processes of in.Journal of Applied Physics, , 54 (7 ) ,4097-4103 More Information
Chow D.;McDonald J.;King D.;Smith W.;Molnar K.;Steckl A. (01-01-1983. ) IMAGE PROCESSING APPROACH TO FAST, EFFICIENT PROXIMITY CORRECTION FOR ELECTRON BEAM LITHOGRAPHY.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 1 (4 ) ,1383-1390 More Information
Chow T.;Steckl A. (01-01-1983. ) Refractory Metal Silicides: Thin-Film Properties and Processing Technology.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 30 (11 ) ,1480-1497 More Information
Chow T.;Steckl A. (12-01-1983. ) REVIEW OF REFRACTORY GATES FOR MOS VLSI. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, , 513-517
Chow T.;Steckl A. (12-01-1983. ) REVIEW OF PLASMA ETCHING OF REFRACTORY METAL SILICIDES. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society, , 83-10 ,362-381
Lu W.;Chow T.;Steckl A.;Katz W. (12-01-1983. ) THERMAL OXIDATION OF SPUTTERED SILICON CARBIDE THIN FILMS. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts, , 83-1 ,133
Chow T.;Steckl A. (12-01-1983. ) REVIEW OF PLASMA ETCHING OF REFRACTORY METAL SILICIDES. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts, , 83-1 ,328-329
Haslam M.;McDonald J.;King D.;Bourgeois M.;Chow D.;Steckl A. (01-01-1984. ) TWO-DIMENSIONAL HAAR THINNING FOR DATA BASE COMPACTION IN FOURIER PROXIMITY CORRECTION FOR ELECTRON .Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena, , 3 (1 ) ,165-173 More Information
Hamadeh H.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Berry I. (01-01-1984. ) FOCUSED Ga** plus BEAM DIRECT IMPLANTATION FOR Si DEVICE FABRICATION.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena, , 3 (1 ) ,91-93 More Information
Vogelsong T.L.;Tiemann J.J.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1985. ) Charge-Domain Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing.IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, , 20 (2 ) ,562-570 More Information
Liu W.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Moore J.;Silverman J. (12-01-1984. ) Polymethyl methacrylate resist sensitivity enhancement in x-ray lithography by in situ polymerizatio.Applied Physics Letters, , 44 (10 ) ,973-975 More Information
Moore J.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Warden J.;Tarro R.;Liu W.;Randall J. (08-01-1984. ) RESIST SENSITIVITY ENHANCEMENT IN MICROLITHOGRAPHY BY IN-SITU POLYMERIZATION. American Chemical Society, Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry, , 25 (2 ) ,105-106
Lu W.;Steckl A. (01-01-1984. ) Thermal Oxidation of Sputtered Silicon Carbide Thin Films.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, , 131 (8 ) ,1907-1914 More Information
Bencuya S.;Steckl A. (01-01-1984. ) Charge-Packet Splitting In Charge-Domain Devices.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 31 (10 ) ,1494-1501 More Information
McDonald J.;Rogers E.;Rose K.;Steckl A. (01-01-1984. ) TRIALS OF WAFER-SCALE INTEGRATION.IEEE Spectrum, , 21 (10 ) ,32-39 More Information
Steckl A.;Moore J.;Corelli J.;Liu W. (12-01-1984. ) IMAGE ENHANCEMENT IN HIGH-RESLUTION LITHOGRAPHY THROUGH POLYMER GRAFTING TECHNIQUES. Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, , 60-61
Lu W.;Steckl A.;Chow T. (01-01-1985. ) COMPLETELY CONSUMED CARBIDE (C**3) - A NEW PROCESS FOR DIELECTRIC ISOLATION. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts, , 85-1 ,327-329
Lu W.;Steckl A.;Chow T. (01-01-1985. ) COMPLETELY CONSUMED CARBIDE (C**3) - A NEW PROCESS FOR DIELECTRIC ISOLATION. Proceedings - The Electrochemical Society, , 85-5 ,244-252
Chow T.P.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1985. ) CRITIQUE OF REFRACTORY GATE APPLICATIONS FOR MOS VLSI. VLSI Electronics, Microstructure Science, , 9 ,37-91
Tarro R.;Warden J.;Corelli J.;Moore J.;Steckl A.;Kumar S. (12-01-1985. ) ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE STUDIES OF IRRADIATED POLYMETHYLMETHACRYLATE (PMMA). 537-544
King D.;Steckl A.;Morgenstern J.;McDonald J.;Bourgeois M.;Yemc D.;Elminyawi I. (01-01-1986. ) FLIP-AND-SHIFT SIGNAL ENHANCEMENT APPLICATION FOR A PREDICTIVE ELECTRON-BEAM PATTERN REGISTRATION MO.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 4 (1 ) ,273-279 More Information
Kim S.;Choi J.;Pulver D.;Moore J.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Randall J. (01-01-1986. ) OPTIMIZATION OF SOLVENT DEVELOPMENT IN RADIATION INDUCED GRAFT LITHOGRAPHY OF POLY(METHYLMETHACRYLAT.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 4 (1 ) ,403-408 More Information
Chu S.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Reuss R.;Clark W.;Rensch D.;Morris W. (01-01-1986. ) COMPARISON OF NPN TRANSISTORS FABRICATED WITH BROAD BEAM AND SPATIAL PROFILING USING FOCUSED BEAM IO.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 4 (1 ) ,375-379 More Information
Sugiura J.;Lu W.;Cadien K.;Steckl A. (01-01-1986. ) REACTIVE ION ETCHING OF SiC THIN FILMS USING FLUORINATED GASES.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, , 4 (1 ) ,349-354 More Information
Steckl A.;Murarka S.;Corelli J. (01-01-1986. ) IN-SITU PROCESSING OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND CUSTOM INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, , 586-590
Lu W.J.;Steckl A.J. (01-01-1986. ) Electrical Characteristics of Si Devices Fabricated with Completely Consumed Carbide (C3) Dielectric.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, , 133 (6 ) ,1180-1185 More Information
Steckl A. (01-01-1986. ) Particle-Beam Fabrication and In Situ Processing of Integrated Circuits.Proceedings of the IEEE, , 74 (12 ) ,1753-1774 More Information
Steckl A.;Lin C.;Chu S.;Corelli J. (01-01-1986. ) Simulation of graded-base bipolar transistor characteristics fabricated with a focused ion beam.Microelectronic Engineering, , 5 (1-4 ) ,179-189 More Information
Steckl A.;Balakrishnan S.;Jin H.;Corelli J. (01-01-1986. ) Micromachining of polyimide films with focused ion beams.Microelectronic Engineering, , 5 (1-4 ) ,461-462 More Information
Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Pulver D.;Randall J. (01-01-1987. ) Ultralow dose effects in ion-beam induced grafting of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA).Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, , 19-20 (PART 2 ) ,1009-1012 More Information
Zetterlund B.;Steckl A. (01-01-1987. ) Low-Temperature Operation of Silicon Surface-Channel Charge-Coupled Devices.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , 34 (1 ) ,39-51 More Information
Bencuya S.;Steckl A.;Burkey B. (01-01-1987. ) Impact of edge effects on charge-packet-splitting accuracy.Solid State Electronics, , 30 (3 ) ,299-305 More Information
Pan W.;Steckl A. (12-01-1987. ) ANISOTROPIC AND SELECTIVE REACTIVE ION ETCHING OF SiC IN CHF//3 AND OXYGEN PLASMA. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, , 76 ,157-162
Chow T.P.;Steckl A.J.
(12-01-1980. )
Plasma etching characteristics of sputtered MoSi
Steckl A.;Tam K.;Motamedi M. (12-01-1979. ) Direct injection readout of the p-n PbS-Si heterojunction detector.Applied Physics Letters, , 35 (7 ) ,537-539 More Information
Chow T.P.;Steckl A.J.
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Size effects in MoSi
Zetterlund B.;Steckl A. (12-01-1981. ) Low temperature recombination lifetime in Si metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors.Applied Physics Letters, , 39 (2 ) ,155-156 More Information
Higuchi-Rusli R.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Cadien K. (07-01-1987. ) Development of test bed system for high melting temperature alloy fabrication and mass spectroscopy .Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, , 5 (4 ) ,2073-2076 More Information
Steckl A. (01-01-1979. ) Call for Papers.Physics Today, , 32 (4 ) ,15 More Information
Hiouchi-Rusli R.;Corelli J.;Steckl A.;Jin H. (07-01-1987. ) Surface Analysis Of Palladium Boride Liquid Metal Ion Beam Deposition On Silicon Single-Crystal Soli.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, , 5 (4 ) ,1362-1366 More Information
McDonald J.;Rajapakse R.;Lin H.;Selvaraj R.;Corelli J.;Jin H.;Balakrishnan S.;Steckl A. (06-30-1987. ) Optimized focused ion beam inspection and repair of wafer scale interconnections.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 773 ,206-215 More Information
Steckl A. (01-01-1977. ) Low temperature signal linearity and harmonic distortion in charge coupled devices .European Solid-State Circuits Conference, , 1977-September ,97-100
Su J.; Steckl A. (01-01-1994. ) SiC devices for space electronics: Phase I-high voltage, temperature hard contacts.SAE Technical Papers, , More Information
Han D.; Serra R.; Gorelick N.; Fatima U.; Eberhart C.G.; Brem H.; Tyler B.; Steckl A.J. (12-01-2019. ) Multi-layered core-sheath fiber membranes for controlled drug release in the local treatment of brai.Scientific Reports, , 9 (1 ) , More Information
Tort S.; Han D.; Steckl A.J. (04-15-2020. ) Self-inflating floating nanofiber membranes for controlled drug delivery.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, , 579 , More Information
Dalirirad S.; Steckl A.J. (05-01-2020. ) Lateral flow assay using aptamer-based sensing for on-site detection of dopamine in urine.Analytical Biochemistry, , 596 , More Information
Frantz E.; Li H.; Steckl A.J. (09-01-2020. ) Quantitative hematocrit measurement of whole blood in a point-of-care lateral flow device using a sm.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, , 163 , More Information
Grote J.; Heckman E.; Hagen J.; Yaney P.; Steckl A.; Zetts J.; Hopkins F. (01-01-2005. ) DNA based photonic materials.Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, , More Information
Peng H.Y.; Everitt H.O.; Munasinghe C.; Lee D.S.; Steckl A.J. (01-01-2005. ) Relaxation dynamics in rare earth-doped GaN.Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, , More Information
Tort S.; Mutlu Agardan N.B.; Han D.; Steckl A.J. (10-02-2020. ) In vitro and in vivo evaluation of microneedles coated with electrosprayed micro/nanoparticles for m.Journal of Microencapsulation, , 37 (7 ) ,517-527 More Information
Han D.; Ray P.; Dalirirad S.; Steckl A. (08-01-2020. ) Novel point of care strategies for biomarker detection.2020 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference, RAPID 2020 - Proceedings, , More Information
Dalirirad S.; Han D.; Steckl A.J. (12-29-2020. ) Aptamer-Based Lateral Flow Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Salivary Cortisol.ACS Omega, , 5 (51 ) ,32890-32898 More Information
Tort S.; Han D.; Frantz E.; Steckl A.J. (03-15-2021. ) Controlled drug release of parylene-coated pramipexole nanofibers for transdermal applications.Surface and Coatings Technology, , 409 , More Information
Campbell B.; Anderson Z.; Han D.; Nebor I.; Forbes J.; Steckl A.J. (03-01-2022. ) Electrospinning of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives for human dural repair in endonasal surgery.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, , 110 (3 ) ,660-667 More Information
Riolo J.; Steckl A.J. (12-01-2022. ) Comparative analysis of genome code complexity and manufacturability with engineering benchmarks.Scientific Reports, , 12 (1 ) , More Information
Nyein E.E.; Hömmerich U.; Heikenfeld J.; Lee D.S.; Steckl A.J.; Zavada J.M. (01-01-2003. ) Characterization of the red light emission from Eu doped GaN .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Lee C.W.; Everitt H.O.; Javada J.M.; Steckl A.J. (01-01-2003. ) Temperature dependent visible photoluminescence of Eu-doped GaN on Silicon .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Nyein E.E.; Hömmerich V.; Heikenfeld J.; Lee D.S.; Steckl A.J.; Zavada J.M. (01-01-2002. ) Spectroscopic Evaluation of Rare Earth Doped GaN for Full-color Display Applications .Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ,
Frantz E.; Huang J.; Han D.; Steckl A.J. (12-01-2022. ) The effect of nutrient broth media on PEDOT:PSS gated OECTs for whole-cell bacteria detection.Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, , 12 , More Information
Han D.; Xie S.; Steckl A.J. (08-21-2023. ) Salivary endotoxin detection using combined mono/polyclonal antibody-based sandwich-type lateral flo.Sensors and Diagnostics, , 2 (6 ) ,1460-1468 More Information
Steckl A. (01-01-2023. ) Sensors for General Health Diagnostics Using Biomarkers in Bodily Fluids.Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, , More Information
Huang J.; Han D.; Steckl A.J. (03-01-2024. ) Flow-Cell Sensor for Bacteria Detection Using Gate-Modified Organic Electrochemical Transistor.IEEE Sensors Journal, , 24 (5 ) ,5797-5805 More Information
Kissell L.N.; Han D.; Vang D.; Cikanek A.W.R.; Steckl A.J.; Strobbia P. (03-28-2024. ) Improved point-of-care detection of P. gingivalis using optimized surface-enhanced Raman scattering .Sensors and Diagnostics, , 3 (5 ) ,839-849 More Information