Nury Evelyn Nuila-Stevens , B.A in Humanities and M.A in Spanish
Instructor - Adj
Doctoral Student
Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures
Email stevennu@mail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Nury Nuila-Stevens holds a BA in Humanities with concentration in Literature and Minor and Theory History. She also holds a MA of Spanish. Each from the University of Louisville, Ky. She also has a Secondary Teacher Certificate to teach Literature by the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” known as UCA, El Salvador. Before coming to study a Ph.D. in Spanish at the University of Cincinnati, Nury taught for 17 years in Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Nury returned to literature studies after teaching Spanish for 22 years. Returning to college, was a huge life challenge to attain her lifelong dream. It's been an act of perseverance. She encourages anyone who reads this biography to never quit pursuing one's dreams. Two phrases became cornerstones in her journey. One by Winston Churchill "Never, never, never give up" and the other by Joseph Campbell "Follow your bliss". Her major research interest are: Poetry, Latin American Contemporary Literature, Women and Gender Studies and Central American Literature.
MA in Spanish: University of Louisville, KY Kentucky, 1993 (Latin American Literature)
BA in Humanities: University of Louisville, KY Louisville, Kentucky, 05-1990 (Major in Humanities (Literature) and Minor in Theatre History)
Literature teacher: Universidad Jose Simeon Canas El Salvador, 05-1990 (Latin American Literature)
Research and Practice Interests
Major research interest are: Poetry, Latin American Contemporary Literature, Women and Gender Studies and Central American Literature.
Positions and Work Experience
2001 -2018 Spanish Instructor, Created and instructed classes in Spanish, Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced and Literature levels. Instructed classes in Pastoral Spanish (related to rites and sacraments as well as preaching in the Catholic Church). Selected and evaluated textbooks and manuals for use in Spanish Classes and US Hispanic Ministry. Created and wrote Spanish exams and worksheets for ministry students. Oversees Spanish Language immersion program at Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala and Guadalajara, Mexico for ministry students. Elected to work in the Personnel Committee three times. Elected fourth time the Chair of the Pastoral Division. Consequently, working in the Academic Committee. , Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, Saint Meinrad, Indiana
Other Publications
Ronald Knott (2014. ) El párroco como director espiritual: ser bueno y ser bueno en lo que haces. . Sophronismos Press
Kenneth Davis (2008. ) Misa, Mesa y Musa .
Thomas J. Steele (2007. ) The Alabados of New Mexico .Georgetown University Press,
Paper Presentations
Nury Stevens (02-2010. ) Claribel Alegría: Mitos y delitos (2008). .University Of Arizona, Tucson. Conference. Level:Department
Nury Stevens (02-2009. ) Las figuras míticas en Fugas (1993), Saudade (1999) y Soltando Amarras (2003) de Claribel Alegría. University Of Arizona, Tucson. Conference. Level:Department
(2007. ) participant .San Antonio, Texas. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Dr. Cristo Rafael Figueroa Sanchez (2008. ) participant .Cartagena, Colombia.. Workshop. Level:Department
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (06-2017. ) participant .Loveland, Colorado. Workshop. Level:International
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (06-2016. ) participant .Loveland, Colorado. Workshop. Level:International
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (06-2015. ) participant .Loveland, Colorado. Workshop. Level:International
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (06-2014. ) participant .Loveland, Colorado. Workshop. Level:International
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (05-2014. ) participant .Loveland, Colorado. Workshop. Level:International
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes (09-2013. ) Loveland, Colorado. Workshop. Level:International
Honors and Awards
08-2018 -05-2019 Yates Fellowship The mission of the Albert C. Yates Fellowship Program at the University of Cincinnati is to enrich the educational environment for all graduate students by supporting the recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority groups who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents with high potential for academic success to graduate programs at the University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship
1988 -1990 Dean’s Honor List a category of students in a college or university who achieve high grades during their stay in an academic term or academic year. Univeristy of Louisville Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
1988 -1990 Fulbright scholar CAMPUS (Central American Program of Undergraduate Scholarships) was a pilot program. It was created in response to the insurgencies in Central America during the 1980’s and brought undergraduate students to the United States from 1988-1999. The Fulbright Program initiated CAMPUS to enable academically gifted students to obtain bachelor’s degrees at U.S. colleges and universities. CAMPUS provided scholarships for students to complete 30 months of academic course work, including intensive English language training, general education courses, and specialization in disciplines including business administration, communications, computer science, education, natural sciences, and social sciences. It was required to return returned home to pursue professional careers. USIA (United States Information Agency) through US embassy in El Salvador Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship
Hispanic Ministry Other Type:Community Service Level:Local 1996 -2016
Professional Affiliation
2018 -2019: member MLA,
Courses Taught
Contact Information
Academic - Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures