Daniel Murray Sturmer
Assoc Professor
Geology-Physics Building
A&S Geology - 0013
Professional Summary
My research interests lie in using geological, geophysical, and petrophysical tools to understand basin formation, evolution, and resource potential. I am particularly interested in interactions between sedimentation and tectonic processes.
Ph.D.: University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV, 2012 (Geology)
M.S.: University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV, 2007 (Geology)
B.S.: California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, CA, 2004 (Geology)
B.A.: California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, CA, 2003 (Business Administration)
Positions and Work Experience
2017 -2023 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2016 -2016 Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
2012 -2015 Geologist, Shell E&P, Houston, TX
2011 -2012 Lecturer, Western Nevada College, Carson City, NV
2010 -2011 Geochemistry Intern, Shell International E&P, Houston, TX
2004 -2012 Graduate TA/RA, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV
2023 -To Present Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #EAR#1038702 Investigators:James H. Trexler, Jr., Simon Poulson, Daniel Sturmer (grad student) 2010 -2012 NSF EAGER: Carbon stable isotope ratio stratigraphy: a test of the method in Pennsylvanian limestones 59,736 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #URS Sturmer New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Investigators:Sturmer, Daniel 06-01-2018 -06-30-2019 UC's Research Support URS Sturmer New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #PRF# 58626-DN18 Investigators:Sturmer, Daniel 08-01-2018 -08-31-2020 American Chemical Society - National Chapter ACS PRF DOCTORAL NEW INVESTIGATOR Role:PI $110,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #G22AC00439 Investigators:Sturmer, Daniel 07-26-2022 -07-25-2023 Department of the Interior EDMAP: Late Paleozoic tectonism and sedimentation at Spruce Mountain, Nevada Role:PI 34815.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Sturmer, D.M. 2019 -2024 NSF CAREER: How things fall apart: assessing the role of mega-landslides in denudation of the Basin and Range Province, western USA Role:PI Pending Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Wanda Taylor (UNLV), Daniel Sturmer (UC), and Tandis Bidgoli(Mizzou) 2019 -2022 NSF Collaborative Research: Construction and destruction of the southern Nevadaplano: Uplift and erosion history of the southern Sevier orogenic plateau Role:Co-PI Pending Type:Grant
Grant: #GR129186-SPC-1000007100 Investigators:Soltanian Pereshkafti, Mohamad Reza; Sturmer, Daniel; Ward, Dylan 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 U.S. Geological Survey Imaging hyporheic exchange dynamics in a headwaters stream impacted by urban karst (full proposal) Role:Collaborator 34264.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #G23AP0024-00 Investigators:Sturmer, Daniel 05-15-2023 -05-14-2024 Federal Emergency Management Agency Building a CVM for Seismic Resilience in Western Nevada's Industrial Base: Collaborative Research with the Univ. of Nevada, Reno and Univ. of Cincinnati Role:PI 30156.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #GR129186-SPC-1000007100 Investigators:Soltanian Pereshkafti, Mohamad Reza; Sturmer, Daniel; Ward, Dylan 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 U.S. Geological Survey Imaging hyporheic exchange dynamics in a headwaters stream impacted by urban karst (full proposal) Role:Collaborator 34264.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #GR129186-SPC-1000007100 Investigators:Soltanian, Reza; Sturmer, Daniel; Ward, Dylan 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 U.S. Geological Survey Imaging hyporheic exchange dynamics in a headwaters stream impacted by urban karst (full proposal) Role:Collaborator 34264.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #GR129186-SPC-1000007100 Investigators:Soltanian, Reza; Sturmer, Daniel; Ward, Dylan 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 U.S. Geological Survey Imaging hyporheic exchange dynamics in a headwaters stream impacted by urban karst (full proposal) Role:Collaborator 34264.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #G24AC00185-00 Investigators:Sturmer, Daniel 08-01-2024 -07-31-2025 U.S. Geological Survey Origin, emplacement, and timing of the Spruce Mountain landslide deposit, Elko County, Nevada Role:PI 44327.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Sturmer, D., Koo, W.M., Mohrig, D., Buttles, J., Ponten, A., and Messina, C. (2017. ) Physical models of subaqueous transitional sediment-gravity flows: stacked flow interaction and remobilization .[Abstract]AAPG 2017 annual convention & exhibition abstracts,
Sturmer, D.M. (2016. ) Carlin-Type Gold Deposit Development as an Analogue for Unconventional Hydrocarbon Field Development .[Abstract]2016 PS-RMS AAPG joint section meeting abstracts,
Sturmer, D.M. (2016. ) Subsidence patterns and tectonic drivers of deformation revealed from carbonate-carbon isotopes: the case of the Early Pennsylvanian Ely-Bird Spring basin .[Abstract]Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
Cashman, P.H., Trexler, J.H., and Sturmer, D.M. (2016. ) Spatial and temporal distribution of Late Paleozoic structures in Nevada: progressive tectonic evolution of the western Laurentian margin .[Abstract]Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
Cashman, P., Trexler, J.H., Taylor, W.J., and Sturmer, D.M. (2016. ) The Pinon orogeny, a newly defined Pennsylvanian tectonic event recorded in the Basin and Range .[Abstract]Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
Sturmer, D.M., Trexler, J.H., Jr., Cashman, P.H., and Poulson, S.R. (2013. ) How far west does the Ancestral Rocky Mountains orogen extend? Tectonic analysis of the late Paleozoic Ely-Bird Spring basin of Nevada and Utah .[Abstract]Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7 ) ,888
Sturmer, D.M., Trexler, J.H., Jr., and Poulson, S.R. (2013. ) Low latitude isotopic responses to the late Paleozoic ice age: tracking icehouse carbonate facies shifts with whole-rock carbonate carbon and oxygen isotopes, the Ely-Bird Spring basin, Nevada and Utah .[Abstract]Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7 ) ,615
Sturmer, D.M., and Trexler, J.H., Jr. (2013. ) Is the Late Paleozoic Ely-Bird Spring basin of Nevada an unrecognized Ancestral Rocky Mountains basin? .[Abstract]2013 SPE Western Regional/Pacific Section AAPG Joint Technical Conference abstracts with programs, 76
Koo, W.M., Mohrig, D., Buttles, J., and Ponten, A. (2017. ) Hybrid-bed deposition by remobilization in subaqueous sediment-gravity flows .[Abstract]AAPG 2017 annual convention & exhibition abstracts,
Sturmer, D.M. (2017. ) Using geohistory analysis to unravel the complex history of Late Paleozoic basins and tectonics in southwestern Laurentia .[Abstract]GSA Abstracts with Programs, 49 (6 ) ,
Koo, W.M., Mohrig, D., Buttles, J., Sturmer, D.M., and Ponten, A. (2018. ) Simplicity versus complexity in lobes deposited by transitional sediment-gravity flows: results from 3D flume experiments .[Abstract]AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Sturmer, D.M. (2018. ) The Role of the Western Laurentia Plate Margin in the Ancestral Rocky Mountains Orogeny: Insights from Tectonic Subsidence Analysis .[Abstract]AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Jones, A., and Sturmer, D.M. (2018. ) Tectonic subsidence analysis and evolution of the Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Oquirrh Basin, Utah .[Abstract]AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Clemens-Knott, D., van der Kolk, D., Sturmer, D.M., and Saleeby, J.B. (2013. ) The Goldstein Peak Formation: record of a nonmarine intra-arc basin within the Early Cretaceous Sierra Nevada arc.Geosphere, , 9 (4 ) ,18 p More Information
Tempel, R.N., Sturmer, D.M., and Schilling, J.M. (2010. ) Geochemical modeling of the near-surface hydrothermal system beneath the southern moat of Long Valley Caldera, California .Geothermics, , 40 ,91
Sturmer, D.M., Trexler, J.H., Jr., and Cashman, P.H. (2018. ) Tectonic analysis of the Pennsylvanian Ely-Bird Spring Basin: Late Paleozoic tectonism on the southwestern Laurentia margin and the distal limit of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains.Tectonics, , More Information
Sturmer, D.M., and Faulds, J.E. (2018. ) Kinematic evolution of the Olinghouse fault and the role of a major sinistral fault in the Walker Lane dextral shear zone, Nevada, USA.Journal of Structural Geology, , 115 ,47-63 More Information
Koo, W.M., Mohrig, D., Buttles, J., Sturmer, D., Pontén, A., and Hess, T. (2019. ) Sand-mud couplets deposited by spontaneous remobilization of subaqueous transitional flows.Sedimentology, , More Information
Hannon, J.S., Huff, W.D., and Sturmer, D.M. (2019. ) Geochemical relationships in Cretaceous bentonites as inferred from linear discriminant analysis.Sedimentary Geology, , 390 ,1 More Information
Sturmer, D.M., Tempel, R.N., and Price, J.G. (2019. ) Modeling mafic carbonation efficieny using mafic rock chemistries from Nevada, USA.Computers and Geosciences, , 123 ,149 More Information
Other Publications
Sturmer, D.M., Trexler, J.H., Jr., Cashman, P.H., Dolbier, R., and Anderson, T. (2011. ) Late Paleozoic basins, tectonism, and resources of north-central Nevada .Pacific Section SEPM - Field trip guidebook, 110 , -41 p.
Carraher, R., and Sturmer, D. (2010. ) Epithermal deposits of central Nevada: Reno/Sparks, Nevada, Great Basin Evolution and Metallogeny .Geological Society of Nevada Symposium 2010, -124 p.
Sturmer, D.M., La Pointe, D.D., Price, J.G., and Hess, R.H. (2007. ) Assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration by reactions with rocks in Nevada .Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report , 52 ,
Sturmer, D.M., and Cashman, P.H. (2018. ) Unraveling tectonic histroy through sedimentation and structural geology: a trip in memory of Jim Trexler .Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society Field Trip Guidebook, NPS27 ,
Student Advising
Jones, Adam (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2019
Ferry, Nicholas (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2020
Frommer, Greg (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 2018
Neale, Shannon (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2018
Deighton, Jake (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2019
Hannon, Jeff (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2020
Young, Allison (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Aucoin, Christopher (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Jones, Adam (Doctoral ) Chair
Vincent Nowaczewski (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Jake Parsons (Undergrad ) Status:Completed
Elizabeth Shade (Master ) Co-Chair Status:In Progress
Emily Simpson (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Kimberly Moore (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Reza Ershadnia (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2021
Cole Farnam (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Tom Uhl III (Master ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Andrew Michel (Master ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Tyler McGarr (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Nirusha Shrestha (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Geological Society of America (Graduate Student Grants Committee ) Committee Member Type:Grant Panel Level:Prof. Org. 2015 -2017
Pacific Section - SEPM (Awards ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2013 -To Present
Courses Taught
Careers in the Geosciences Level:Both
Basin Dynamics Level:Both
Structural Geology for Field Camp Level:Undergraduate
Careers in the Geosciences - Grad version Level:Both
Careers in the Geosciences Level:Undergraduate
Virtual Capstone Level:Undergraduate
Applied Geophysics Level:Both
Structural Geology Level:Both
Earth Surface Processes and Environmental Issues Level:Undergraduate
Natural Hazards Level:Undergraduate
Regional Geology and Tectonics Level:Both
Contact Information
Phone: 513-556-5705