Makram Suidan

Makram T Suidan



Ph.D.: University of Illinois-UC Champaign, IL , 1975 (Environmental Engineering)

M.S.: University of Illinois-UC Champaign, IL , 1973 (Environmental Engineering)

B.S.: American University of Beirut Beirut, Lebanon, 1971 (Civil Engineering)

Research and Practice Interests

Fundamentals of Adsorption of natural and synthetic organic chemicals on GAC.
Biological treatment of gas-phase organic chemicals in natural and engineered systems.
Fundamental understanding of the application of ultrafiltration membranes in waste treatment.
Fundamentals of the use of electrolytic reactors for the dechlorination of low levels of contaminants.
Development of the expanded-bed GAC anaerobic bioreactor for the treatment of hazardous wastes.
Development and modeling of biofilm reactors with emphasis on microbial competition, biomass shear loss and chemical speciation.
Bioremediation of oil contaminated beaches, with emphasis on fate assessment, vehicles for nutrient delivery, and protocol development for the testing of bioremediation agents.
Physical, chemical and biological remediation of contaminated soils.
Anaerobic pretreatment of wastewater for the control of VOCs.
Fate of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Treatment.

Positions and Work Experience

2011 -To Present Dean, Faculty of Eng. and Architecture , American University of Beirut, Lebanon

2010 -2011 Director, School of Energy, Environmental, Biological and Medical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati

1995 -1998 Department Head, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1990 -2011 Herman Schneider Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati

1990 -1994 Environmental Program Director, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1985 -1989 Professor, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL

1980 -1985 Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL

1976 -1980 Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

1975 -1975 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL

Research Support

Grant: #EP-C-11-006 / PEG WA# 4-05 Task 1.1 Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 10-07-2014 -09-29-2015 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradbility of physically and chemically dispersed oil and Finasol OSR 52 dispersant at two temperatures. Role:Collaborator $112,144.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006 / PEG WA# 4-05 Task 1.2 Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 10-07-2014 -09-29-2015 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability of diluted and synthetic bitumen oil by Kalamazoo River cultures in freshwater Role:Collaborator $103,578.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006 / PEG WA# 4-05 Task 2.3 Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 10-07-2014 -09-29-2015 Environmental Protection Agency Complete Development of Solidifier Protocol Role:Collaborator $53,730.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG-UC-11-0002 WA #2-71 \ EP-C-11-006 Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 09-30-2012 -09-29-2013 Environmental Protection Agency Use of an Innovative Membrane Bioreactor for Sustainable Wastewater Reuse Role:PI $61,626.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG1-66UC Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 02-14-2012 -09-29-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Use of Halloysite for Remediation of Oil Spills on Salt Marshes and Wetlands Role:Collaborator $43,691.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEF0-24UC Investigators:Dionysiou, Dionysios; Suidan, Makram 04-01-2011 -09-29-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory and Analytical Support in the Area of Fate and Remediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) in Sediment Role:Collaborator $50,446.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #Task Order # 0310000364 / MSA 85X10431 Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Suidan, Makram; Wendell, David 03-15-2011 -08-31-2013 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Detention-Based Green Infrastructure (DBGI) Assessment for Combined Sewer Overflow Control Role:Collaborator $434,341.00 Active Level:Local Government

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-29UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-25-2011 -09-29-2011 Environmental Protection Agency Assessment of the Fate of Emerging Contaminants in the Biomass Concentrator Reactor (BCR) During Conventional Aerobic and Aerobic/Anoxic Wastewater Treatment Role:PI $7,746.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-11UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-24-2011 -09-29-2011 Environmental Protection Agency The Applicability of Sustainability Metrics to the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area Role:PI $22,126.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-066/PEG0-16UC Investigators:Dionysiou, Dionysios; Suidan, Makram 02-02-2011 -10-31-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory and Analytical Support in the Area of Nanomaterials Role:Collaborator $39,241.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/ PEG0-39UC Investigators:Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Suidan, Makram 01-20-2011 -05-31-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Disinfection of Bacillus Spores in Water Using Plasma Role:Collaborator $145,031.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEGO-17UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-20-2011 -12-31-2011 Environmental Protection Agency Research in the Area of Bioreactor Landfills Role:PI $32,450.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-23UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-13-2011 -09-29-2013 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Laboratory Protocol Testing the Effectiveness of Commercial Solidifiers in Cleaning Up Oil Spills on Water Role:PI $208,105.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-33UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-11-2011 -09-29-2013 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil at Two Temperatures Role:PI $425,847.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-35UC Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Suidan, Makram 01-10-2011 -05-14-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Water Treatment Adaptation Tool Development Role:Collaborator $158,241.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-19 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-10-2011 -09-29-2013 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability and Toxicity of Biodiesel Blends Role:PI $256,596.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-02UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-06-2011 -12-31-2011 Environmental Protection Agency Effect of Mixing Regime on Oxygen Depletion and Toxicity in a Receiving Water Body Impacted by a Vegetable Oil Spill Role:PI $152,100.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/ PEG0-01UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 01-01-2011 -09-29-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Pathogen-Biofilm Attachment Model for Drinking Water Systems Role:Collaborator $118,806.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #PEGSUB-11-0002 Investigators:Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 01-01-2011 -09-29-2015 Environmental Protection Agency Treatment, Control and Monitoring of Remediation Technologies, Contaminated Sites and Facilities, and Ecosystems ON-CAMPUS Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #PEGSUB-11-UC-0003 Investigators:Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 01-01-2011 -09-29-2015 Environmental Protection Agency Treatment, Control and Monitoring of Remediation Technologies, Contaminated Sites and Facilities, and Ecosystems OFF-CAMPUS Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-AUC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-01-2011 -09-29-2011 Environmental Protection Agency Treatment, Control and Monitoring of Remediation Technologies, Contaminated Sites and Facilities, and Ecosystems ADMINISTRATION Role:PI $62,738.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG0-BUC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-01-2011 -09-29-2011 Environmental Protection Agency Treatment, Control and Monitoring of Remediation Technologies, Contaminated Sites and Facilities, and Ecosystems OFF-CAMPUS Role:PI $19,204.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #OBR 957 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-01-2011 -09-29-2015 Ohio Board of Regents OBR Action Fund for Remediation Technologies Role:PI $500,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #EP-C-05-056 / PEG4-90UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-01-2010 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil at Two Temperatures Role:PI $61,304.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056 / PEG-64UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 12-09-2009 -06-09-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory and Analytical Support in the Area of Nanomaterials and Waste Evaluation and Reuse Role:PI $21,953.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056 / PEG4-86UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2009 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Assessment of the Fate of Emerging Contaminants in the Biomass Concentrator Reactor (BCR) during Conventional Aerobic and Aerobic/Anoxic Wastewater Treatment Role:PI $187,447.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056 / PEG4-77UC WA4-77 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2009 -09-29-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Fate and Transport of Silver Nanomaterials Role:PI $47,497.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056 / PEG4-84T4.1 Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Wang, Xinhao; Wei, Heng 09-30-2009 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Case Studies of Sustainable Water Resources and Infrastructure Adaptation to Climate and Socioeconomic Changes Role:Collaborator $129,178.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056 / PEG 4-84T4-2UC Investigators:Boccelli, Dominic; Suidan, Makram 09-30-2009 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Case Studies of Sustainable Water Resources and Infrastructure Adaptation to Climate and Socioeconomic Changes Role:Collaborator $75,820.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #85x10431 Task Ord 0210000209 Investigators:Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 08-01-2009 -02-28-2011 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Microalgae Culture for Nutrient Removal from Wastewater Treatment Role:Collaborator $50,000.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #WA #0-03 / EP-C-09-041 Investigators:Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 07-01-2009 -05-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Alternate Drinking Water and Waste Water Treatment Technologies for Small Communities Role:Collaborator $47,205.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG3-55UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-20-2009 -09-29-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Concentrating Natural Organic Matter from Water Matrices Role:PI $19,300.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-04-034, WA #4-15 Investigators:Kohls, Douglas; Suidan, Makram 01-23-2009 -05-31-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Fate and Toxicity of Inorganic Nanopowders Role:Collaborator $756.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG3-71UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2008 -09-29-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Corrosion and Drinking Water Research Study Role:PI $13,433.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG3-52T4UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Tong, Tak Yung 09-30-2008 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Multiscale infrastructure characterization studies task 4 Role:Collaborator $138,883.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-73UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-14-2008 -11-30-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Microcosm Study on the Biodegradability of Lingering Oil in Prince William Sound 19 Years after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Role:PI $262,019.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-04-034, WA4-05 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 07-28-2008 -05-31-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Membrane Technologies for VOC Recovery and Solvent Dehydration Role:PI $7,795.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-74UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 07-07-2008 -11-30-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Laboratory Protocol Testing the Effectiveness of Commercial Solidifiers in Cleaning Up Oil Spills on Water Role:PI $231,264.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-04-034, WA4-06 Investigators:Kohls, Douglas; Suidan, Makram 06-26-2008 -06-26-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Technical Support To Operate And Maintain EPA's Water Awareness Technology Evaluation Research and Security (WATERS) Center Role:Collaborator $756.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CBET - 0740061 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-01-2008 -09-30-2008 National Science Foundation Travel Grant for Young Water Professionals Conference Role:PI $24,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 006308 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-10-2008 -03-09-2009 Environmental Protection Agency EPA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Role:PI $3,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-67UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-28-2008 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability and Toxicity of Biodiesel Blends Role:PI $349,888.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-65UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-04-2007 -11-14-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Research in the Area of Bioreactor Landfills and Novel Contaminants Role:PI $46,668.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-66UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-02-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Research Support in the Area of Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Technologies Role:PI $73,472.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-51UC Investigators:Bishop, Paul; Boccelli, Dominic; Ioannides, Anastasios; Papautsky, Ian; Suidan, Makram 09-30-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Construction and Commencement: Pipe Leak Detection Experimental Station Role:Collaborator $44,549.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-02UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Treatment, Control and Monitoring of Remediation Technologies, Contaminated Sites and Facilities, and Ecosystems-Admin Support Role:PI $153,288.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-11UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Vanooij, Willy 09-30-2007 -01-30-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Impact of Corrosion Inhibitors on the Corrosion of Drinking Water Distribution System Materials Role:Collaborator $102,077.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-56UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Water Treatment and Reuse Treatment Technology Evaluation and Development Role:PI $109,909.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-52T1UC Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Suidan, Makram; Tong, Tak Yung 09-30-2007 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Multi-Scale Infrastructure Characterization Studies-Task 1 Role:Collaborator $480,547.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG2-53UC Investigators:Genaidy, Ashraf; Suidan, Makram 09-30-2007 -09-29-2009 Environmental Protection Agency An Examination of Pollution Prevention Strategies to Increase Lead Recycling and Identification of U.S. Facilities Receptive to Implementation Role:Collaborator $163,204.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 005856 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-29-2007 -02-28-2009 UN.E.CO Srl Design and Construction of a Large Scale, Working Model Biomass Concentrator Reactor Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Foreign Industry

Grant: #EP-C-05056/PEG1-52T2UC Investigators:Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 08-23-2007 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Multi-Scale Infrastructure Characterization Studies-Task 2 Role:Collaborator $235,448.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056-PEG1-46UC Investigators:Succop, Paul; Suidan, Makram 05-31-2007 -09-29-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Statistical Review of Biosolids Studies Role:Collaborator $6,890.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EPA EP-C-06-056 Investigators:Oerther, Daniel; Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 05-17-2007 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency The Applicability of Systainability Metrics to the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area Role:PI $86,121.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EPA EP-C-06-056 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-17-2007 -09-29-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Development and Use of Microelectrodes to Evaluate Nitrification within Chloraminated Drinking Water System Biofilms Role:PI $184,843.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #005017-001 Investigators:Oerther, Daniel; Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 05-14-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency The Applicability of Sustainability Metrics to the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area Role:PI $36,435.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG1-38UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-09-2007 -11-30-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Evaluating the Fate of Four Fluorotelomer based Polymer Products during Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Role:PI $134,359.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG1-40UC WA#1-40 Investigators:Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 04-04-2007 -09-29-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Mercury Speciationtechnique in Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Materials Role:Collaborator $21,062.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #AR 20544 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-01-2007 -02-29-2008 Dow Chemical Company Determination of the Biodegradation Rate of Specific Chemicals from the Freeport Waste Water Treatment Plant using 3% and 7% Salt MLSS Role:PI $56,723.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG1-37UC Investigators:Ioannides, Anastasios; Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 02-22-2007 -09-29-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Beneficial Use of Sediment Role:Collaborator $540,102.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #WA#1-36: PEG1-36UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-11-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Fate and Transport of Selected Pharmaceutical Compounds in Solids Waste Landfills Role:PI $178,075.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-31UC, PTS WA #1-31 Investigators:Bishop, Paul; Suidan, Makram 01-04-2007 -01-24-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Resistance of Spore Forming Bacteria on Drinking Water Biofilm and Evaluation of Decontamination Methods Role:Collaborator $156,779.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-30UC WA# 1-30 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 12-12-2006 -06-30-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Analytical Support for Membrane Research Activities Role:PI $21,882.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-24UC, PTS WA#1-24 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2006 -09-29-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Provide Research Support for the Soils and Sediments Branch, Land Remediation & Pollution Control Division, National Risk Mngmt Research Laboratory Role:PI $164,934.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-006UC, PTS WA#1-06 Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 09-30-2006 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Water Security Research to Extend EPANET, Quantify Uncertainty in Demand, and Develop a Framework for Evaluating Algorithms for Contamination Warning Role:Collaborator $1,568,330.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-020UC, PTS WA#0-20 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-31-2006 -05-05-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability of Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends Role:PI $366,446.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG018UC, PTS WA #0-18 Investigators:Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 08-17-2006 -08-31-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Removal of Perchlorate from Contaminated Site using Integrated Technologies Role:Collaborator $38,014.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG 1-17UC, WA #0-17 & 1-17 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-17-2006 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Effect of Particle Size, Oil Contamination, and water Table Level on the Effectiveness of Sorbents in Wicking Oil from the Subsurface Role:PI $165,082.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-12UC, PTS WA #0-12, 1-12 Investigators:Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 07-12-2006 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Develop Expanded Dispersant Effectiveness Data for a Suite of Environmental Conditions Role:Collaborator $193,292.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #58-3148-5-046 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 07-01-2005 -08-31-2008 Department of Agriculture Catalytic gasification of Biomass for Synthesis Gas Role:PI $16,625.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68C00159/TO87NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-31-2005 -07-31-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability and Toxicity of Commercial and Reconstituted Canola and Palm Oils Role:PI $150,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #TO 89 NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-24-2005 -06-30-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Analysis of Dispersant Effectiveness of Heavy Fuel Oils and Weathered Crude Oils Role:PI $70,500.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #TO 84/2/ NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-08-2005 -05-06-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Concentrating Natural Organic Matter with Integrated Membrane System Role:PI $263,542.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68C-00-159/TO 88 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-28-2005 -09-30-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Microcosm Studies on the In-Situ Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sediments Role:PI $223,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO86NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-20-2005 -07-31-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability of the Alternative Oxygenates called Alkylates Role:PI $140,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68C00159/TO85/2NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-01-2005 -09-30-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Developing Algorithms and Methodologies to Improve the Security of Drinking Water Distribution Systems Role:PI $378,086.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 82 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 11-18-2004 -06-30-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Bioavailability and Biodegradation of PCBs in Contaminated Sediments from Lake Hartwell and Other Sites Role:PI $186,500.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68C00159/TO83am2 NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 11-04-2004 -09-30-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Growth of Microbes within Distribution Systems Role:PI $125,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 73 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 11-03-2004 -12-31-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Degradation of Organics in Sediments by Field Effect TiO2 Catalysis Role:PI $60,828.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/8 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2004 -10-20-2005 Environmental Protection Agency On-Site Laboratory and Research Support Role:PI $2,109,864.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-16-2004 -03-31-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Protocol for Field-Testing the Effectiveness of Oil Spill Remediation Technologies for Spills of Opportunity Role:PI $10,600.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO71 #2 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-15-2004 -08-31-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Potential for Pathogen Regrowth in Water Distribution Systems Following a Bioterrorism Attack Role:PI $87,034.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 67 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-02-2004 -09-01-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Evaluation of Dispersant Effectiveness in a Wave Tank Role:PI $165,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO68/NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-01-2004 -08-31-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Background Sample Collection Role:PI $69,792.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 64 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-01-2004 -07-31-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Design Model Development for a Pervaporation Membrane System Role:PI $48,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO66/3 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-27-2004 -08-19-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability and Toxicity of the Constituents of Canola Oil and Its Metabolic Breakdown Products Role:PI $186,300.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 42/1 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-14-2003 -09-03-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Quality Assurance Plan for Multi-Media Sampling at Biosolids Land Application Sites Role:PI $115,587.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-s59/TO44/1 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-15-2003 -12-31-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Material Balances of EDCs in Pilot Scale Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants Role:PI $300,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 12-11-2002 -12-31-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Multimedia Field Study of the Aquatic Stressors from Hog Manure Role:PI $59,983.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 30 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-16-2002 -05-01-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Collection of Background Samples for Presence/Absence of B. Anthracis at the Andrew W. Briedenbach Research Center Role:PI $20,376.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #Internal NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-29-2002 -09-30-2003 Environmental Protection Agency On-Site Laboratory and Research Support Role:PI $1,403,513.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 29/1 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-27-2002 -02-01-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Phase II of Develop Dispersant Effectiveness Data for a Suite of Environmental Conditions Role:PI $59,996.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 28 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-24-2002 -01-31-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Design and Fabrication of a Field-Scale Bioreactor for Treating Methyl-t-butyl Ether Role:PI $62,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO #27 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-23-2002 -11-30-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Develop Plan to Prepare Contractor Personnel for Providing On-Site Support in the BioSafety Level Three Facility Role:PI $63,399.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-02-2002 -07-31-2005 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradation Patterns and Toxicity of the Constituents of Canola Oil and Its Intermediate Breakdown Products Role:PI $202,900.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-26-2002 -09-26-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Assessment of Mercury Methylation in Aquatic Sediments Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-17-2002 -04-16-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Suspended Particulate Impact on PCB Volatilization from Sediments Role:PI $53,826.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-07-2002 -08-05-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Project Development of Precursor rDNA Probes to Enumerate Active Mycobacteria spp in Drinking Water Biofilms Role:PI $86,646.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA88-92-D-0011/21 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-19-2002 -12-31-2002 Department of the Army Technical Assistance to Biofilter Demonstration Role:PI $14,348.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO #25 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-01-2002 -12-31-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Determination of the Fate of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA88-97D0011/0020 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-11-2002 -12-31-2002 Department of the Army Demonstration of New Biofilter Technology for Volatile Organic Chemical Removal from Gas Streams Role:PI $35,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 23 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-28-2002 -03-01-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Engineering Optimization of Pilot Scale-Biomass Concentrator Reactor for Ex-Situ Treatment of Methyl-t-butyl Ether Role:PI $106,659.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 16 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 12-17-2001 -09-20-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Assessment of Effects of Risk Management Activities on the Speciation and Transport of Mercury in Aquatic Sediments Role:PI $65,698.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO #19 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-15-2001 -10-14-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Use of Bioremediation Agents for Cleanup of Oil-Contaminated Estuarine Environments Role:PI $55,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO21/6 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2001 -09-28-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Evaluation of Technologies for Remediation of Hazardous Waste and Oil Spills Role:PI $1,328,613.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO17/3 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-26-2001 -10-30-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Dispersant Effectiveness Data for a Suite of Environmental Conditions Role:PI $49,932.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-12-2001 -11-15-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Surface Sample Analysis - Yerington, Nevada Role:PI $19,865.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-27-2001 -12-28-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds and Volatile Sulfur Compounds Role:PI $23,300.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-17-2001 -08-16-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Protocol for Field-Testing the Effectiveness of Oil Spill Remediation Technologies for Spills of Opportunity Role:PI $56,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO #10 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-14-2001 -08-14-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Application of Algal Toxicity Test as a Measure of Ecosystem Restoration Role:PI $45,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-02-2001 -01-07-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Development of Permeable Polymer/Carbon Composite Coatings on Alumina Tubes Role:PI $20,500.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 07-06-2001 -06-30-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Studies on Metal Recovery from Acid Mine Drainage and Production of Useful Products Role:PI $131,605.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: ##0019/Deobligate #02 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-18-2001 -08-13-2001 Department of the Army Mobile Plasma Arch Technology Demonstration and Commercialization to Lower Defense Costs Role:PI $3,053.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-15-2001 -06-15-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Adapting the Yeast Estrogen Screening Assay for National Risk Management Research Laboratory Role:PI $100,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-07-2001 -04-15-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Treatability of a Co-Mingled Groundwater Plume Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Gasoline Hydrocarbons, and Methyl-t-Butyl Ether Role:PI $140,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-04-2001 -02-28-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Sediment Monitored Natural Recovery Studies at the Sangmo-Weston Twelve Mile Creek Role:PI $407,132.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/0018 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-27-2001 -12-31-2001 Department of the Army New Biofilter for Volatile Organic Chemicals Removal from Gas Stream Role:PI $45,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO #8 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-27-2001 -12-31-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Guidance Document for Bioremediation of Oil Contaminated Salt Marshes Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 7/01 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-15-2001 -04-15-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Testing the Resource Ratio Theory as a Framework Supporting a Bioremediation Strategy for Clean-Up of Crude Oil Contaminated Environments Role:PI $256,109.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 2/01 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-04-2001 -08-31-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Development of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Quantitation Methods for Liquid and Sludge Streams Associated with Wastewater Treatment Role:PI $320,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EPA 68-C-00-159/TO 4 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-12-2001 -03-11-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Treatability and Biodegradation Kinetics of Methyl ter-Butyl Ether (MTBE) in Biomass Retaining Reactors Role:PI $113,500.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PO 192364 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-19-2001 -12-31-2002 Environmental Protection Agency Evaluation of the Removal of Potentially Hormonal Active Compounds by Drinking Water Treatment Processes Role:PI $142,180.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/DO 17 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-09-2001 -12-31-2001 Department of the Army Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Granular Activated Carbon Bioreactor for Treating Pink Water Role:PI $94,975.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #492 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2000 -09-29-2005 Ohio Board of Regents Evaluation of Technologies for Remediation of Hazardous Waste and Oil Spills Role:PI $285,750.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #68-C-00-159/TO 1 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-30-2000 -09-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Evaluation of Technologies for Remediation of Hazardous Waste and Oil Spills Role:PI $1,134,832.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO 26/02 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-29-2000 -09-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Characterization and pH-based Leaching Tests of Mercury Containing Mining Wastes from the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Role:PI $75,509.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #NCE Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-25-2000 -09-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Pore Water and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Advective Flux Measurements in Eagle Harbor Sediments at the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Role:PI $231,710.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO #34 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-07-2000 -03-31-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Accelerated Recoverey of an Oil-Contaminated Freshwater Wetland After Exposure to an Ammonium-Based Fertilizer Role:PI $40,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #159968 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-14-2000 -02-28-2001 Department of the Army Enhanced Anaerobic Dechlorination of Chlorinated Solvents in the Capillary Fringe Role:PI $42,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO # 30 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-04-2000 -03-31-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Treatability and Biodegradation Kinetics of Methyl-t-butyl Ether in Aqueous Solution Role:PI $100,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO # 27 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-26-2000 -04-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Aerobic Biodegradability and Toxicity of Vegetable Oils Role:PI $63,500.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO #29 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-19-2000 -09-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Field Measurement of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Volatilation from Sediments Role:PI $228,858.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/16-03 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-23-2000 -05-22-2001 Department of the Army Performance Results and Economic Data Evaluation for the Demonstration of Military Mobile Plasma Arc Units Role:PI $162,247.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO 24/01 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-16-2000 -05-31-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Ecosystem Restoration of Oil Contaminated Coastal Salt Marshes Role:PI $301,800.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/0015/1 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-10-2000 -12-31-2000 Department of the Army New Biofilter for Volatile Organic Chemical Removal from Gas Stream Role:PI $58,493.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO #23 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-23-2000 -12-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Guidance Documentation for Bioremediation of Marine Shorelines and Freshwater Wetlands Role:PI $150,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OSP00169 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-01-2000 -12-31-2000 Lyonnaise Des Eaux Demuz Municipal Wastewater and Sludge Treatments Role:PI $10,000.00 Closed Level:Foreign Industry

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/#13/01 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 12-17-1999 -12-31-2000 Department of the Army Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Granular Activated Carbon Bioreactor for Treating Pink Water Role:PI $89,748.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OSP 00140/2 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 11-01-1999 -10-31-2002 ONDEO Service Company Municipal Wastewater and Sludge Treatments Role:PI $60,000.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #114904-13/WA4-23/2 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-01-1999 -09-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Berkeley Pit, Ferrous Metals Recovery Role:PI $76,416.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #WA #4-24 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-01-1999 -09-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Development of Membrane Reactor Process for Biotreatment of Acid Mine Drainage to Produce Usable Water Role:PI $39,588.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO #19 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-29-1999 -05-31-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Treatment of Methyl-t-butyl Ether Contaminated Water Using Fenton's Reagent Role:PI $36,627.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO # 20 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-28-1999 -09-27-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Technical Support for Revisions to the Land Disposal Restrictions for Mercury Process Wastes Role:PI $26,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO #22 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-28-1999 -12-31-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Technical Support for Revisions to the Land Disposal Restrictions for Mercury Wastes Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO #21 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-20-1999 -12-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency The Effect of Pulsed Applications of Ammonium-N or Nitrate-N on the Bioremediation of Crude Oil Contaminated Shorelines Role:PI $34,464.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO18-01 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-13-1999 -05-31-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Application of Algal Toxicity Test as a Measure of Ecosystem Restoration Role:PI $107,812.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #99211-99-008 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-01-1999 -05-31-2004 Environmental Protection Agency Master Agreement Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO #17,01 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-25-1999 -09-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Treatability and Biodegradation Kinetics of Methyl-t-butyl Ether in Aqueous Solution Role:PI $169,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PO #114904 WA3-24 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-08-1999 -09-30-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Membrane Reactor Process for Biotreatment of Acid Mine Drainage to Produce Usable Water Role:PI $29,116.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/0012#2 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-20-1999 -05-19-2000 Department of the Army The Integration, Testing and Performing Analysis of Mobile Plasma Arc Units for Military Treatment Role:PI $166,763.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/DO 11 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-10-1999 -12-31-1999 Department of the Army The Modification of New Biofilter for Volatile Organic Compounds Removal from Gas Stream Role:PI $47,507.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EPA 68-C7-0057 TO 16 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-06-1999 -05-05-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Bioremediation of a Crude Oil Contaminated Riverine Shoreline Role:PI $300,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO#15 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 05-05-1999 -07-01-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Field Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration of Highly Stressed Coastal Salt Marshes Role:PI $300,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #WA 3-23/114904-11 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-06-1999 -09-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Berkeley Pit, Ferrous Metals Recovery Role:PI $41,645.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #TO 11, Phase 2 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-03-1999 -09-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency Fracture Enhanced Bioventing Role:PI $190,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EPA 68-C7-0057 TO 14 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 03-01-1999 -03-15-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Anaerobic Bioventing Research Role:PI $118,875.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/TO 12/02 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 02-01-1999 -04-30-2001 Environmental Protection Agency In-Situ Biorestoration of Contaminated Sediments and Determination of Natural Recovery Rates Role:PI $330,846.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/0010 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-20-1999 -12-31-1999 Department of the Army Biofiltration Process for Volatile Organic Compounds Removal from Waste Gas Streams Role:PI $73,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/0009 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-05-1999 -12-31-1999 Department of the Army The Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Granular Activated Bioreactor for Treating Pink Water Role:PI $95,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OSP99180 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 01-01-1999 -12-31-1999 ONDEO Service Company Engineered Process for Catalytic Oxidation of Organic Compounds Role:PI $15,000.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #TO #9, Amdmt. 3 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-27-1998 -04-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Sediment Water Air System Role:PI $120,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057 TO #10 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 09-29-1998 -04-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Stabilization and Testing of Mercury Containing Wastes Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057-7 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 08-05-1998 -08-05-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Bioremediation of a Crude Oil-Contaminated Riverine Shoreline Role:PI $135,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057-6 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 06-15-1998 -09-30-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Treatability and Biodegradation Kinetics of Methyl-t-butyl Ether (MTBE) in Aqueous Solutions Role:PI $125,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #TO #5, Amdmt 2 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-15-1998 -12-31-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Field Test of Anaerobic Bioventing Role:PI $214,900.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057--4 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-15-1998 -11-15-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Field Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration of Highly Stressed Coastal Salt Marshes Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #68-C7-0057/11 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 10-01-1997 -09-30-2000 Environmental Protection Agency Technologies for Remediation of Hazardous Waste and Oil Spills Role:PI $1,963,935.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DACA8897D0011/Master Investigators:Suidan, Makram 04-21-1997 -04-20-2001 Department of the Army Technical Support in the Area of Army Pollution Abatement and Prevention Engineering Research Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #97RKW-198299 Investigators:Suidan, Makram 12-01-1996 -10-01-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Provide Engineering Design and Analytical Support in the Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Freshwater Wetlands Role:PI $276,499.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG UC WA#3-85 Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 10-08-2013 -09-29-2014 Environmental Protection Agency Biodegradability and Persistence of Dilbit in the Environment, WA 3-85 Role:Collaborator $131,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006 / PEG WA#4-05 Task 1.4 Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; Sorial, George; Suidan, Makram 10-07-2014 -09-29-2015 Environmental Protection Agency Physico-Chemical and Toxicological Characterization of Diluted and Synthetic Bitumen Likely to be Transported in the U.S. Role:Collaborator $21,591.00 Closed Level:Federal


Published Abstracts

Boufadel, M.C. M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Tide-Driven Nutrient Transport in a Beach Mesocosm in the Absence of Waves .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1997 International Oil Spill Conference, Co-Author

Wrenn, B.A., M.C. Boufadel, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1997. ) Nutrient Transport during Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Beaches .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1997 In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation-Battle, Co-Author

Sayles, G.D., P. Mihopoulos, M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Anaerobic Bioventing of PCE .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1997 In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation-Battle, Co-Author

Steed, V.S., M.T. Suidan, M. Gupta, T. Miyahara, C. Acheson, G.D. Sayles (1997. ) Sulfate-Reducing Bioprocess to Remove Metals from Acid Mine Drainage .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1997 In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation-Battle, Co-Author

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1997. ) Nutrient and Electron Acceptors Effect in Vapor-Phase Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1997 In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation-Battle, Co-Author

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1997. ) Effect of Nitrate on VOC Removal in a Gas Phase Biofilter .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1997. ) Role of Phosphorus in Trickle-Bed Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Zhu, X, M.J. Rihn, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim, B.C. Paik (1996. ) Role of Nitrate in Trickle-Bed Biofilters: Nutrient or Electron Acceptor .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Steed, V.S., M.T. Suidan, M. Gupta, T. Miyahara, C. Acheson, G.D. Sayles (1996. ) Steed, V.S., M.T. Suidan, M. Gupta, T. Miyahara, C. Acheson, G.D. Sayles .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Khodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1996. ) Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes Using Solvent Washing .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Alonso, C., M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1996. ) Dynamic Mathematical Model for the Biodegradation of VOCs in a Biofilter: Biomass Accumulation Study .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Norton, J.W., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson (1996. ) Dehalogination of PCP in a Biofilm Electrode Reactor .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Cicek, N., M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1996. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor for the Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Compounds .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1996. ) Operation and Performance of Trickle Bed Air Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the World Environmental Congress (World ‘96), Co-Author

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1996. ) Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance for Treatment of Contaminated Air .[Abstract]Proceedings of the USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration, Co-Author

Zhu, X., Rihn, M.J., Suidan, M.T., Kim, B.J., Kim, B.R (1996. ) The Effect of Nitrate on VOC Removal in Trickle Bed Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of 18th IAWQ Biennial International Conference on Water Quality, Co-Author

Gupta, M. and M.T. Suidan (1996. ) Modeling Kinetics of Chloroform Cometabolism in Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Environments .[Abstract]Proceedings of 18th IAWQ Biennial International Conference on Water Quality, Co-Author

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1996. ) Abiotic Reduction of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in the Presence of Sulfide Minerals Under Anoxic Conditions .[Abstract]Proceedings of 18th IAWQ Biennial International Conference on Water Quality, Co-Author

Winnen, H, M.T. Suidan, P.V. Scarpino, B. Wrenn, N. Cicek, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1996. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor in the Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Compounds .[Abstract]Proceedings of 18th IAWQ Biennial International Conference on Water Quality, Co-Author

Acheson, C.M., R.C. Brenner, A.P. Khodadoust, K.M. Miller, G.W. Wilson, and M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Integrated System for Treating Soil Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 21st Annual U.S. EPA RREL Research Symposium, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Development of High-Rate Trickle Bed Biofilter .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 21st Annual U.S. EPA RREL Research Symposium, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., J.R. Haines, B.A. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, B.L. Eberhart, M.T. Suidan, B. Anderson (1995. ) Bioremediation of Crude Oil Released on a Sandy Beach in Delaware .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Second International Oil Spill Research and Development Forum, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., M.T. Suidan, J.R. Haines, B.A. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, M. Kadkhodayan, B.L. Eberhart, E. Holder (1995. ) Bioremediation of an Experimental Crude Oil Spill on the Shoreline of Fowler Beach, Delaware .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Co-Author

VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1995. ) VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, and S.W. Maloney .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation, Co-Author

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, A. Pandit, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Performance of Trickle Bed Biofilters Under High Toluene Loading .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Norton, J.W., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Reductive Electrolytic Dechlorination .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Management of High-Rate Trickle Bed Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Co-Author

Wrenn, B., M.T. Suidan, K.L. Strohmeier, L. Eberhardt, G.J. Wilson, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Nutrient Transport in a Sandy Beach .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 U.S. EPA Annual Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Suidan, M.T., F.L. Smith, G.A. Sorial, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Operation and Optimization of Granular Air Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 U.S. EPA Annual Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., M.T. Suidan, B. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, J. Haines (1995. ) Bioremediation of Crude Oil Intentionally Released on the Shoreline of Fowler Beach, Delaware .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 U.S. EPA Annual Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Suidan, M.T., A.P. Khodadoust, G.J. Wilson, K. Miller, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Integrated Systems to Remediate Soil Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 U.S. EPA Annual Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Author

Suidan, M.T., M. Gupta, G.D. Sayles, C.M. Acheson (1995. ) Development of a Sulfate-Reducing Bioprocess to Remove Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water and Soil .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 U.S. EPA Annual Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Author

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Effect of Primary Substrate on the Reduction of 2,4-DNT .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 U.S. EPA Annual Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Winnen, H., M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1995. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor in the Biodegradation of High Molecular Compounds .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1995 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, A. Pandit, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Further Evaluation of Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance as a Function of Loading, Residence Time, and Biomass Control .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Sharma, D., Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Chloroform and Dichloromethane Biodegradation Kinetics with Methanol as Primary Substrate .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Alonso, C., P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, G. Sorial, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Gas Treatment in Trickle-Bed Biofilters: A Modeling Approach and Experimental Study .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Flora, E.M.C.V., M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim (1995. ) Analysis of Biomass Distribution and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Wilson, G.J., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, A.P. Khodadoust, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using GAC Fluidized Bed Bioreactors: Optimization of the Empty Bed Contact Time .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Anaerobic Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene with Different Primary Substrates .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Co-Author

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Effect of Primary Substrate on the Reduction of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Suidan, M.T., A.D. Venosa, B.A. Wrenn (1995. ) Bioremediation of an Experimental Crude Oil Spill on the Shoreline of Delaware Bay .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference and Exhibition, Save the Environment, ASCE-Saudi Arabia Section, Lebanese International Group, Lebanese Ministry of Environment, Author

Venosa, A.D., B.A. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, J.R. Haines, B.L. Eberhart, M. Kadkhodayan, E. Holder, M.T. Suidan, D. King, B. Anderson (1995. ) Bioremediation Study of Spilled Crude Oil on Fowler Beach, DE .[Abstract]Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Conference, Co-Author

Flora, E.M.C.V., J.R.V. Flora, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim (1994. ) Analysis of Biomass Distribution and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1994 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 625Co-Author

VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, .W. Maloney (1994. ) Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in a Two Stage System .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1994 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 625Co-Author

D. Sharma, M. Gupta, M. T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chloroform Under Methanogenic Conditions .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1994 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 625Co-Author

Wilson, G.W., J.A. Wagner, A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) The Evaluation of Empty Bed Contact Time on the Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using an Anaerobic GAC Fluidized Bed .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1994 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 625Co-Author

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Evaluation of the Performance of Trickle Bed Biofilters-Impact of Periodic Removal of Accumulated Biomass .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Wilson, G.W., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, J.A. Wagner, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol: Optimization of Empty-Bed Contact Time in Fluidized-Bed GAC Bioreactors .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Vanderloop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Treatment of a Simulated High Strength Dinitrotoluene Wastewater in a Two Stage Biological System .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Gupta, M., D. Sharma, A. Gupta, M.T. Suidan, and G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Biodegradation of Chloroform Under Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Conditions Using Acetate as the Primary Substrate .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

VanderLoop, S., M.T. Suidan, M. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Two Phase Biodegradation of Ammunitions Wastes: Bench-Scale and Pilot Studies .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Islam, S., M.T. Suidan (1994. ) Electrolytic Denitrification: Long Term Performance and Effect of Current Intensity .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, D. Sharma, A. Gupta, and G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Biodegradation of Chloroform Under Methanogenic Conditions Using Different Primary Substrates .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Anaerobic Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene: The Impact of Sulfide in Batch Test .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance: Biomass Control and N-Nutrient Effects .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

VanderLoop, S., M.T. Suidan, M. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Effects of Molecular Oxygen on GAC Adsorption of Energetics .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, J.R. Haines, K. Strohmeier, E. Holder, L. Eberhart (1994. ) Nutrient Application Strategies for Oil Spill Bioremediation in the Field .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual RREL Research Symposium, 139Co-Author

Norton, J.W., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Dechlorination with a Biofilm-Electrode Reactor .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Kinetics of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Munitions Wastes .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Alternative Biofilter Attachment Media for Treatment of VOCs .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Boufadel, M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Nutrient Delivery for Oil Contaminated Beaches .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Khodadoust, A.P., G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Remediation of Contaminated Soils from Wood Preserving Sites Using Combined Treatment Technologies .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations,

Suidan, M.T., J.R.V. Flora, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Optimization of Anaerobic Biofilm Reactors .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, 648Author

Suidan, M.T., J.R.V. Flora (1994. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater Containing Chlorinated Organic Compounds .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, 313Author

Maloney, S.W., S. Vanderloop, M.T. Suidan, M. Moteleb (1994. ) Two Phase Biodegradation of Ordnance Waste: Bench-Scale and Pilot Studies .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 67th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, MT. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Alternative Biofilter Attachment Media for Treatment of VOCs .[Abstract]EPA Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Remediation, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Trickle Bed Biofilter Development for High VOC Removal Efficiency .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 7th International IGT Symposium on Gas, Oil, and Environmental Biotechnology, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., J.R. Haines, M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, B.L. Eberhart, E.L. Holder, X Wang (1994. ) Research Leading to the Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Beaches .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluation, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., M. Kadkhodayan, D.W. King, B.A. Wrenn, J.R. Haines, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Testing the Efficacy of Oil Spill Bioremediation Products .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1993 International Oil Spill Conference, Co-Author

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Development of Aerobic Biofilter Design Criteria for Treating VOCs .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Smith, P.J., P. Biswas, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Waste Gases Using a Trickling Biofilter System: A Modeling Approach .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Preliminary Evaluation of Attachment Media for Gas Phase Biofilters .[Abstract]EPA Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluation, Co-Author

Khodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of Aged PCP Contaminated Soils .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Co-Author

Wagner, J.W., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of PCP by Anaerobic Expanded-Bed Granular Activated Carbon Reactors .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Co-Author

Gupta, M., A. Gupta, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1993. ) A Fundamental Study of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chloroform under Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Co-Author

Maloney, S.W., E.R. May, S.R. Berchtold, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Summary of Bench Scale Evaluations of Expanded Bed Granular Activated Carbon Bioreactors for DNT Treatment .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 17th Annual Army Environmental R&D Symposium, Published by the U.S. Army Environmental Center, Co-Author

Vidic, R.D., M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Polimerization of Organic Compounds Catalyzed by Activated Carbon .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Co-Author

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, S. Islam, P. Biswas, Y. Sakakibara (1993. ) Numerical Modeling of a Biofilm Electrode Reactor Used for Enhanced Denitrification .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 2nd International Specialized Conference on Biofilm Reactors, Co-Author

Maloney, S., M.T. Suidan, S.R. Berchtold (1993. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of DNT in Fixed Film Reactors Applied to Industrial Wastewater .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 2nd International Specialized Conference on Biofilm Reactors, Co-Author

Franzke, U.S., M.T. Suidan, R.D. Vidic, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) What is Adsorbing? The Parent Compound, Its Degradation Intermediates, or its Polymers .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Islam, S., J.R.V. Flora, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, Y. Sakakibara (1993. ) Enhancement and Control of Denitrification Using a Biofilm Electrode Reactor .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1993. ) Modeling Chemical Interactions in Anaerobic Biofilm Systems .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Berchtold, S.R., M.T. Suidan, S.W. Maloney (1993. ) Treatment of Propellant Production Wastewaters Using Anaerobic Fluidized Bed GAC Bioreactors .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Gupta, A., J.R.V. Flora, M. Gupta, G.D. Sayles, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Methanogenesis and Sulfate Reduction in Chemostats: A Fundamental Experimental Study and Modeling .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Wagner, J.A., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of PCP Containing Wastewater Using Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed GAC Bioreactors .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Khodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Solvent Washing of Aged PCP Contaminated Soils .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P.J. Smith, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Evaluation of Biofilter Media for Treatment of Air Streams Containing VOC's .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Co-Author

Khodadoust A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of PCP-Contaminated Soils by Washing with Ethanol/Water Followed by Anaerobic Treatment .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Smith F.L., G.A. Sorial, P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Preliminary Evaluation of Attachment Media for Gas Phase Biofilters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Gheng J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1993. ) Cometabolic Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Using Ethanol as a Primary Substrate .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Flora J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1993. ) Chemical Interactions and pH Profiles in Microbial Biofilms .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Co-Author

Venosa, A.D., M.Kadkhodayan, D.W. King, B.A. Wrenn, J.R. Haines, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Testing the Efficacy of Oil Spill Bioremediation Products .[Abstract]Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Conference, Co-Author

Suidan, M. T., A. T. Schroeder, R. Nath, E. R. Krishnan, R. C. Brenner (1992. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates by Carbon-Assisted Anaerobic Fluidized Beds .[Abstract]Proceedings of the International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste, 345Author

Gupta, A., J. R. V. Flora, G. D. Sayles, M. T. Suidan (1992. ) A Fundamental Kinetic Study of the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chloroform and its Products with Various Co-Substrates in Mixed Culture Chemostats .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 18th Annual Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Research Symposium, 130Co-Author

Flora J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1992. ) Chemical Interactions and pH Profiles in Microbial Biofilms .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Vidic R.D., M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1992. ) Prediction of GAC Adsorptive Capacity with and without Molecular Oxygen .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Sorial G.A., M.T. Suidan, F.L. Smith, P.J. Smith, D. Strunk, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1992. ) Development of Aerobic Biofilter Design Criteria for Treating VOCs .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Cheng J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1992. ) Evaluation of Anaerobic Respirometry to Quantify Intrinsic Anaerobic Biodegradation Kinetics of Recalcitrant Organic Compounds .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Co-Author

Berchtold, S.R., M.T. Suidan, S.W. Maloney (1992. ) Treatment of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene by Anaerobic GAC Expanded-Bed Reactor .[Abstract]Treatment of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene by Anaerobic GAC Expanded-Bed Reactor, 573Co-Author

Narayanan, B., M. T. Suidan, A. B. Gelderloos, R. C. Brenner (1992. ) Anaerobic Treatment of High-Strength Industrial Wastes Bearing Semi-Volatile RCRA Compounds .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, Co-Author

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan, R. C. Brenner (1992. ) Oxidative Coupling of Phenolics on the GAC Surface .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, Co-Author

Flora, J. R. V., M. T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G. D. Sayles (1992. ) The Effect of Bulk pH and Alkalinity on Inorganic Carbon Flux Into Algal Biofilms .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, Co-Author

Sorial, G. A., M. T. Suidan, R. D. Vidic, S.W. Maloney (1992. ) Multicomponent Adsorption on GAC Oxygen Mediated Reversal of Breakthrough Patterns .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, Co-Author

Khadadoust, A., J. A. Wagner, M. T. Suidan, S. I. Safferman (1992. ) Solvent Washing of PCP Contaminated Soils with Anaerobic Treatment of Wash Fluids .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, Co-Author

Moloney, S. W., M. T. Suidan, S. A. Betchtold (1992. ) Treatment of Propellant Production Wastewater Containing DNT Using Expanded-Bed Granular Activated Carbon Anaerobic Reactors .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 16th Army Environmental Symposium, Co-Author

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Hazardous Wastes - An Innovation in Design .[Abstract]Proceedings of the National Research & Development Conference on the Control of Hazardous Materials, HMCRI, 239Co-Author

Suidan, M. T. (1991. ) The Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter: A Process for the Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastes .[Abstract]Proceedings of the National Research & Development Conference on the Control of Hazardous Materials, HMCRI, 270Author

Narayanan, B., M. T. Suidan, A. B. Gelderloos, R. C. Brenner (1991. ) Anaerobic Pretreatment of an Industrial Waste Containing Several VOC's .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 17th Annual RREL Hazardous Waste Research Symposium, 626Co-Author

Schroeder, A. T., M. T. Suidan, R. Nath, E. R. Krishnan, R. C. Brenner (1991. ) Carbon-Assisted Anaerobic Treatment of Hazardous Leachates .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 17th Annual RREL Hazardous Waste Research Symposium, 610Co-Author

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan (1991. ) Adsorption of Phenolic Compounds by GAC .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 23rd Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, 374Co-Author

Suidan, M. T., B. Narayanan, A. B. Gelderloos, A. T. Schroeder, R. C. Brenner (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment of VOC's in High-Strength Wastes .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Author

Vidic, R. D., G. A. Sorial, S. Papadimas, M. T. Suidan, T. F. Speth (1991. ) Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption of a Mixture of Natural Organic Matter and Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Presence and Absence of Molecular Oxygen .[Abstract]Proceedings of 1991 Annual Conference of the American Water Works Association, 613Co-Author

Sorial, G. A., M. T. Suidan, R. D. Vidic (1991. ) Role of Oxygen in Multicomponent Adsorption .[Abstract]Proceedings of 1991 Annual Conference of the American Water Works Association, 657Co-Author

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan (1991. ) Optimization of Innovative Biological Reactor Design .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1991 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 625Co-Author

Suidan M.T. (1991. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates by Carbon Assisted Anaerobic Fluidized Beds .[Abstract]Presented at the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: U.S. EPA's Biosystems Technology Development Program, Author

Suidan M.T., R.D., Vidic, R.C. Brenner (1991. ) Improved Prediction of GAC Capacity in a Biologically Active Fluidized Bed .[Abstract]Presented at the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: U.S. EPA's Biosystems Technology Development Program, Author

Harper, S. R., M. T. Suidan (1990. ) Anaerobic Treatment Kinetics .[Abstract]Proceedings of the IAWPRC Anaerobic Treatment Workshop, Co-Author

Suidan, M. T. (1990. ) Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastes with the Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Japanese Water Pollution Control Conference, Author

Suidan, M. T. (1990. ) Operation and Control of Expanded GAC Reactors Treating Inhibitory Wastewaters .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Biological Fluidized-Beds for Water and Wastewater Treatment Workshop,

Traegner, U. K., M. T. Suidan (1990. ) Dynamic Modeling of Multi-Species Anaerobic Biofilms Grown on Activated Carbon .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1990 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 196Co-Author

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan (1990. ) Ultimate and Working Capacities of GAC Adsorbers .[Abstract]Proceedings of 1990 Annual Conference of the American Water Works Association, 2039Co-Author

Suidan, M.T., A.T. Schroeder, M.T. Taylor, A.G. Safferman, R.C. Brenner (1990. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates in POTWs: Innovative Anaerobic Pretreatment .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, U.S. EPA, Author

Nakhla, G. F., M. T. Suidan, U. K. Traegner (1989. ) Steady-State Model for the Expanded-Bed Anaerobic GAC Reactor with GAC Replacement and Treating Inhibitory Wastewaters .[Abstract]Proceedings, Industrial Waste Symposium, (222-241), WPCF Annual Meeting, Co-Author

Suidan, M. T. (1989. ) Treatment of Inhibitory Wastes with the Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 1989 A&WMA/EPA International Symposium, 245Author

Pfeffer, J. T., M. T. Suidan (1986. ) Role of Carbon Replacement in the Biological Processing of Toxic Organics in the Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactor .[Abstract]Proceedings, Industrial Waste Symposium, WP Annual Meeting, Co-Author

Pfeffer, J. T., M. T. Suidan (1985. ) Anaerobic-Aerobic Process for Treating Coal Gasification Wastewater," Proceedings, Industrial Waste Symposium .[Abstract]Proceedings, Industrial Waste Symposium, WPCF Annual Meeting, Co-Author

Cross, W. H., M. T. Suidan, K. A. Khan (1981. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filters for the Treatment of Wastewaters Containing Phenols .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Seminar/Workshop, Anaerobic Filters: An Energy Plus for Wastewater Treatment, 77 ,59Co-Author

Chian, E.S.K., M. T. Suidan, W. H. Cross, S. Shah, S. B. Ghosh, S. S. Chang, D. B. Chang (1981. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Firefighting Wastewater .[Abstract]Proceedings of the National Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Co-Author

Peer Reviewed Publications

Zhuang, M, G. Abulikemu, P. Campo, W.E. Platten, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, and R.N. Conmy (2016. ) Effect of Dispersants on the Biodegradation of South Louisiana Crude Oil at 5 and 25 °C .Chemosphere, , 144 ,767-774

Inturi, S.N.R., M. Suidan, and P.G. Smirniotis (2016. ) Influence of Synthesis Method on Leaching of the Cr-TiO2 Catalyst Visible Light Liquid Phase Photocatalysis and their Stability .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 180 ,351-361

Sundaravadivelu, D., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, P.I. Rozales, P. Campo-Moreno, and R.N. Conmy (2016. ) Development of a Testing Protocol for Oil Solidifier Effectiveness Evaluation .Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, ,

Sundaravadivelu, D., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2015. ) Parametric Study to Determine the Effect of Temperature on Oil Solidifier Performance and the Development of a New Empirical Correlation for Predicting Effectiveness .Marine Pollution Bulletin, , 95 (1 ) ,297-304

Geng, X., M.C. Boufadel, K. Lee, S. Abrams, M. Suidan (2015. ) Biodegradation of Subsurface Oil in a Tidally Influenced Sand Beach: Impact of Hydraulics and Interaction with Pore Water Chemistry .Water Resources Research, , 51 (5 ) ,3193-3218

Wu, S., M.H. Yassise, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2015. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Soybean Biodiesel and Diesel Blends Under Methanogenic Conditions .Water Research, , 87 ,395-402

Inturi, S.N.R., T. Boningaria, M. Suidan, P.G. Smirniotis (2014. ) Visible-Light-Induced Photodegradation of Gas Phase Acetonitrileusing Aerosol-Made Transition Metal (V, Cr, Fe, Co, Mn, Mo, Ni, Cu, Y,Ce, and Zr) Doped TiO2 .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 144 ,333-342

Mancipe-Munoz, N.A., S.G. Buchberger, M.T. Suidan, T. Lu (2014. ) SITES – A Novel Approach for Controlling Combined Sewer Overflows .Procedia Engineering, , 89 ,767-772

Inturi, S.N.R., T. Boningari, M. Suidan, P.G. Smirniotis (2014. ) Flame Aerosol Synthesized Cr Incorporated TiO2 for Visible Light Photodegradation of Gas Phase Acetonitrile .Journal of Physical Chemistry C, , 118 (1 ) ,231-242

Campo, P., A.D. Venosa, M.T. Suidan (2013. ) Biodegradability of Corexit 9500 and Dispersed South Louisiana Crude Oil at 5 and 25 °C .Environmental Science and Technology, , 47 (4 ) ,1960-1967

Yassine, M.H., MT. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2013. ) Aerobic Biodegradation Kinetics and Mineralization of Six Petrodiesel Soybean-Biodiesel Blends .Environmental Science and Technology, , 47 (9 ) ,4619-4627

El Badawy, A.M., A. Aly Hassan, Scheckel, K.G., M.T. Suidan, T. Tolaymat (2013. ) Key Factors Controlling the Transport of Silver Nanoparticles in Porous Media .Environmental Science and Technology, , 47 (9 ) ,4039-4045

Gonzalez-Mejia, A.M., Eason, T., Cabezas, H., Suidan, M.T (2012. ) Computing and Interpreting Fisher Information as a Metric of Sustainability: Regime Changes in the United States Air Quality .Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, , 14 (5 ) ,775-788

Campo, P., Zhao, Y., Suidan, M.T., Venosa, A.D.b (2012. ) Aerobic Fate and Impact of Canola oil in Aquatic Media .Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, , 14 (1 ) ,125-132

Salam, D.A., Naik, N., Suidan, M.T., Venosa, A.D (2012. ) Assessment of Aquatic Toxicity and Oxygen Depletion During Aerobic Biodegradation of Vegetable Oil: Effect of Oil Loading and Mixing Regime .Environmental Science and Technology, , 46 (4 ) ,2352-2359

Marfil-Vega, R., Suidan, M.T., Mills, M.A (2012. ) Assessment of the Abiotic Transformation of 17β-Estradiol in the Presence of Vegetable Matter - II: The Role of Molecular Oxygen .Chemosphere, , 87 (5 ) ,521-526

Salam, D.A., Suidan, M.T., Venosa, A.D (2012. ) Effect of Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) on the Aerobic Biodegradation of a Model Vegetable Oil in Aquatic Media .Environmental Science and Technology, , 46 (12 ) ,6798-6805

El Badawy, A.M., Scheckel, K.G., Suidan, M., Tolaymat, T (2012. ) The Impact of Stabilization Mechanism on the Aggregation Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticles .Science of the Total Environment, , 429 ,325-331

Chung, S., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2012. ) Effect of Environmental Factors on the Effectiveness of Ammoniated Bagasse in Wicking Oil from Contaminated Wetlands .Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, , 24 (8 ) ,1371-1377

Yassine, M.H., S. Wu, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2012. ) Partitioning Behavior of Petrodiesel/Biodiesel Blends in Water .Environmental Science & Technology, , 46 (14 ) ,7487-7494

Gonzalez-Mejia, A.M., Eason, T., Cabezas, H., Suidan, M.T (2012. ) Assessing Sustainability in Real Urban Systems: the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Area in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana .Environmental Science & Technology, , 46 (17 ) ,9620-9629

Yassine, M.H., S. Wu, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2012. ) Microtox Aquatic Toxicity of Petrodiesel and Biodiesel Blends: The Role of Biodiesel's Autoxidation Products .Environmental toxicology and chemistry/SETAC, , 31 (12 ) ,2757-2762

Marfil-Vega, R., M.T. Suidan, and Marc Mills (2011. ) Assessment of the Abiotic Transformation of 17beta-Estradiol in the Presence of Vegetable Matter .Chemosphere, , 82 (10 ) ,1468-1474

El Badawy, A.M., R.G. Silva, B. Morris, K.G. Scheckel, M.T. Suidan, and T.M. Tolaymat (2011. ) Surface Charge-Dependent Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles .Environmental Science and Technology, , 45 (1 ) ,283-287

Medella, A., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2011. ) Performance Assessment of a New Type of Membrane Bioreactor Under Steady State and Transient Operating Conditions .J. Environmental Engineering-ASCE, , 137 (9 ) ,817-825

Campo, P., Platten, W., Suidan, M.T., Chai, Y., Davis, J.W (2011. ) Aerobic Biodegradation of Amines in Industrial Saline Wastewaters .Chemosphere, , 85 (7 ) ,1199-1203

Aad, M.P.A, M.T. Suidan, and W.D. Shuster (2010. ) Modeling Techniques of Best Management Practices: Rain Barrels and Rain Gardens Using EPA SWMM-5 .Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, , 15 (6 ) ,434-443

Platten, W.E., D. Bailey, M.T. Suidan, and S.W. Maloney (2010. ) Biological Transformation Pathways of 2,4-Dinitro Anisole and N-Methyl Paranitro Aniline in Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Bioreactors .Chemosphere, , 81 (9 ) ,1131-1136

Campo, P, M.T. Suidan, Y.Z. Chai (2010. ) A Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Study of Ethanolamines in High Salinity Industrial Wastewaters .Talanta, , 80 (3 ) ,1110

Tolaymat, TM; A.M. El-Badawy, A. Genaidy, K.G. Schekel, T.P. Luxton, M.T. Suidan (2010. ) An Evidence-Based Environmental Perspective of Manufactured Silver Nanoparticle in Syntheses and Applications: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers .Science of the Total Environment, , 408 (5 ) ,999

Capodaglio, AG; M. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, A. Callegari (2010. ) Efficient Degradation of MtBE and Other Gasoline-Originated Compounds by Means of a Biological Reactor of Novel Conception: Two Case Studies in Italy and the USA .Water Science and Technology, , 61 (3 ) ,807

Musson, SE; P. Campo, T. Tolaymat, M.T. Suidan (2010. ) Assessment of the Anaerobic Degradation of Six Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients .Science of the Total Environment, , 408 (9 ) ,2068

El Badawy, A., T.P. Luxton, R.G. Silva, K.G. Schekel, M.T. Suidan, T.M. Tolaymat (2010. ) The Impact of Environmental Conditions (pH, Ionic Strength and Electrolyte Type) on the Surface Charge and Aggregation of Silver Nanoparticles Suspensions .Environmental Science and Technology, , 44 ,1260

Yang, C.P., H. Chen, G.M. Zeng, M.T. Suidan (2008. ) Performance of Rotating Drum Biofilter for Volatile Organic Compound Removal at High Organic Loading Rates .Journal of Environmental Science, China, , 20 (3 ) ,285

Atikovic, E., M.T. Suidan, and S.W. Maloney (2008. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Army Ammunition Production Wastewater Containing Perchlorate and RDX .Chemosphere, , 72 (11 ) ,1643

Yang, C.P, M.T. Suidan, X.Q. Zhu (2008. ) Effect of Gas Empty Bed Contact Time on Performance of Various Types of Rotating Drum Biofilters for Removal of VOCs .Water Research, , 42 (14 ) ,3641

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan (2008. ) Effect of Oxidant-to-Substrate Ratios on the Degradation of MTBE with Fenton Reagent .Water Research, , 42 (12 ) ,3225

Maloney, S.W., E. Atikovic, M.T. Suidan (2007. ) Treatment of Perchlorate Contaminated Industrial Wastewater Comingled with High Explosives During Wide Concentration Variations .Water Practice, , 2 (2 ) ,1

Esperanza, M, M.T. Suidan, R. Marfil-Vega, C. Gonzalez., G.A. Sorial, P. McCauley, R. Brenner (2007. ) Fate of Sex Hormones in Two Pilot-Scale Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Conventional Treatment .Chemosphere, , 66 (8 ) ,1535

Cho, J.H., M.M. Zein, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2007. ) Biodegradability of Alkylates as a Sole Carbon Source in the Presence of Ethanol or BTEX .Chemosphere, , 68 (2 ) ,266

Campo-Moreno, P, Y. Zhao, M.T. Suidan, .D. Venosa (2007. ) Biodegradation Kinetics and Toxicity of Vegetable Oil Triacylglycerols under Aerobic Conditions .Chemosphere, , 68 (11 ) ,2054

Garcia-Blanco, S., A.D. Venosa, M.T. Suidan, K. Lee, S. Cobanli, J.R. Haines (2007. ) Biostimulation for the Treatment of an Oil-Contaminated Coastal Salt Marsh .Biodegradation, , 18 (1 ) ,1

Boufadel, M.C., H.L. Li, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2007. ) Tracer Studies in a Laboratory Beach Subjected to Waves .Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE, , 133 (7 ) ,722

Cacho-Rivero, J.A., N. Madhavan, M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J.M. Audic (2006. ) Oxidative Co-Treatment Using Hydrogen Peroxide with Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .Water Environment Research, , 78 (7 ) ,691

Cacho-Rivero, J.A., M.T. Suidan (2006. ) Anaerobic Digestion of Thermo-Oxidized Excess Municipal Sludge .Water Environment Research, , 78 (5 ) ,510

Rivero, J.A.C., M.T. Suidan (2006. ) Effect of H2O2 Dose on the Thermo-Oxidative Co-Treatment with Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .Water Science and Technology, , 54 (2 ) ,253

Rivero, J.A.C., N. Madhavan, M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J.M. Audic (2006. ) Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge with Thermal and/or Oxidative Treatment .ournal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 132 (6 ) ,638

Campo-Moreno, P., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Statistical Evaluation of an Analytical GC/MS Method for the Determination of Long Chain Fatty Acids .Talanta, , 68 ,888

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Bioremediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Gasoline Hydrocarbons and Oxygenates Using a Membrane-Based Reactor .Environmental Science and Technology, , 40 (6 ) ,1997

Lei, L., R. Bagchi, A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, H. Tabak (2006. ) Bioavailability Prediction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Field-Contaminated Sediment by Mild Extractions .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 132 (3 ) ,384

Yang, C.P., H. Chen, G.M. Zeng, W. Qu, Y.Y. Zhong, X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan (2006. ) Modeling Biodegradation of Toluene in Rotating Drum Biofilter .Water Science and Technology, , 54 (9 ) ,137

Boufadel, M.C., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Tracer Studies in Laboratory Beach Simulating Tidal Influences .Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE, , 132 (6 ) ,616

Qi, S., M.T. Suidan, C. Alonso, G.D. Sayles (2006. ) PCB Volatilization from Sediments .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 132 (1 ) ,106

Zein, M.M., P.X. Pinto, S. Garcia-Blanco, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Treatment of groundwater contaminated with PAHs, gasoline hydrocarbons, and methyl tert-butyl ether in a laboratory biomass-retaining bioreactor .Biodegradation, , 17 (1 ) ,57

Boufadel, M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Tracer studies of nutrient transport in a laboratory beach .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 132 (6 ) ,616

Cacho-Rivero, J.A., N. Madhavan, M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J. M. Audic (2006. ) Oxidative and Thermo-Oxidative Co-Treatment with Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .Water Science and Technology, , 52 (1-2 ) ,237

Pruden, A., M.A. Sedran, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2005. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Under Iron Reducing Conditions in Batch and Continuous-Flow Cultures .Water Environment Research, , 77 ,297

Khodadoust, A.P., L. Lei, J. E. Antia, R. Bagchi, M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak (2005. ) Adsorption of PAHs in Aged Harbor Sediments .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 131 (3 ) ,403

Macomber, J., N. Cicek, M.T. Suidan, J. Davel, P. Ginestet, J.M. Audic (2005. ) Biological Kinetic Data Evaluation of an Activated Sludge System Coupled with an Ultrafiltration Membrane .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 131 (4 ) ,579

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, T.L. Richardson (2005. ) Oxidation Kinetics and Effect of pH on the Degradation of MTBE with Fenton Reagent .Water Research, , 39 (1 ) ,107

Lei, L., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak (2005. ) Biodegradation of Sediment-Bound PAHs in Field Contaminated Sediment .Water Research, , 39 (2-3 ) ,349

Suidan, M.T., M. Esperanza, M. Zein, P. McCauley, R.C. Brenner, A.D. Venosa (2005. ) Challenges in Biodegradation of Trace Organic Contaminants – Gasoline Oxygenates and Sex Hormones .Water Environment Research, , 77 ,4

Balasubramanian, G., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laîné (2004. ) Evaluating the Activities of Immobilized TiO2 Powder Films for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Water .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 47 (2 ) ,87

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, A. Pruden, C. Yang, C. Alonso, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (2004. ) Effect of Substrate Henry’s Constant on Biofilter Performance .Journal, Air and Waste Management Association, , 54 ,409

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, B.J. Kim (2004. ) Removal of a VOC in a Rotating Drum Biofilter .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 130 (3 ) ,282

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laîné (2004. ) Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Destruction of Organic Contaminants-Synergism and Inhibition in a Continuous-mode Photocatalytic Reactor .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 50 (4 ) ,259

Lei, L., M.T. Suidan, A.P. Khodadoust, H.H. Tabak (2004. ) Assessing the Bioavailability of PAHs in Field-Contaminated Sediment Using XAD-2 Assisted Desorption .Environmental Science and Technology, , 38 (6 ) ,1786

Esperanza, M., M.T. Suidan, F. Nishimura, Z. Wang, G.A. Sorial, A. Zaffiro, P. McCauley, R.C. Brenner, G.D. Sayles (2004. ) Determination of Sex hormones and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates in the Aqueous Matrices of Two Pilot-Scale Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants .Environmental Science and Technology, , 38 (11 ) ,3028

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2004. ) Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Using an Innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor .Environmental Science and Technology, , 38 (12 ) ,3449

Pruden, A., M.A. Sedran, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2004. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether .Water Environment Research, , 76 (1 ) ,47

Pruden, A., M.T. Suidan (2004. ) Effect of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and p-Xylene (BTEX) Mixture on Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) by Pure Culture UC1 .Biodegradatiom, , 15 ,213

Sedran, M.A., A. Pruden, G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2004. ) Biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX at Varying Hydraulic Retention Times .Water Environment Research, , 76 (1 ) ,47

Balasubramanian, G., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, V. Subramanian, I. Baudin, J.M. Laine (2003. ) Titania Powder Modified Sol-Gel Process for Photocatalytic Applications .Journal of Material Science, , 38 (4 ) ,823

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson, M.T. Suidan (2003. ) Chemical Destruction of MTBE Using Fenton’s Reagent: Effect of Ferrous Iron/Hydrogen Peroxide Ratio .Water Science and Technology, , 47 (9 ) ,162

Pruden, A., M.A. Sedran, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX in an Aerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor .Water Science and Technology, , 47 (9 ) ,123

Davel, J., M.T. Suidan, N. Adrian (2003. ) Biodegradation of the Energetic Compound TNT Through a Multiple-Stage Treatment Approach .Water Science and Technology, , 47 (9 ) ,129

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, B.J. Kim (2003. ) Comparison of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Rotating Drum Biofilters for VOC Removal .Environmental Progress, , 22 (2 ) ,87

Tabak, H.H., J.W. Lazorchak, L. Lei, A.P. Khodadoust, J.E. Antia, R. Bagchi, M.T. Suidan (2003. ) Studies on Bioremediation of PAH Contaminated Sediments: Bioavailability, Biodegradability, and Toxicity Issues .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 22 (3 ) ,473

Cicek, N., M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J.M. Audic (2003. ) Impact of Soluble Organic Compounds on Permeate Flux in an Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor .Environmental Technology, , 24 (2 ) ,249

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, B.R. Kim (2003. ) Biomass Accumulation Patterns for Removing Volatile Organic Compounds in Rotating Drum Biofilters .Water Science and Technology, , 48 (8 ) ,89

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Bioremediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Gasoline Hydrocarbons and Oxygenates Using a Membrane-Based Reactor .Environmental Science and Technology, , 40 (6 ) ,1997

Lin, Q., I.A. Mendelssohn, M.T. Suidan, K. Lee, A.D. Venosa (2002. ) The Dose-Response Relationship Between No. 2 Fuel Oil and the Growth of Salt Marsh Grass, Spartina alterniflora .Marine Pollution Bulletin, , 44 (9 ) ,897

Dionysiou, D.D., A.A. Burbano, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laine (2002. ) Effect of Oxygen in a Thin-Film Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor .Environmental Science and Technology, , 36 (17 ) ,3834

Pruden, A., M. Suidan, J. Morrison, A. Venosa (2002. ) Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of a Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Degrading Culture Applied in Membrane Bioreactor .Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, , 2 (2 ) ,207

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laine (2002. ) Oxidation of Organic Contaminants in a Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor: Reaction Kinetics in the Liquid Phase and the Role of Mass Transfer Based on the Dimensionless Damkohler Number .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 38 (1 ) ,1

Suidan, M.T., D.D. Dionysiou, G.A. Sorial (2002. ) Why MTBE and Gasoline Oxygenates? .Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE, , 128 (9 ) ,772

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson, M.T. Suidan (2002. ) Degradation of MTBE Intermediates Using Fenton’s Reagent .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 128 (9 ) ,799

Wilson, G.J., A. Pruden, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2002. ) Biodegradation Kinetics of MTBE in Laboratory Batch and Continuous Flow Reactors .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 128 (9 ) ,824

Sedran, M.A., A. Pruden, G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2002. ) Effect of BTEX on Degradation of MTBE and TBA by Mixed Bacterial Consortium .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 128 (9 ) ,830

Morrison, J.R., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2002. ) Use of Membrane Bioreactor for Biodegradation of MTBE in Contaminated Water .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 128 (9 ) ,836

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (2002. ) Development and Demonstration of an Explicit Lumped-Parameter Biofilter Model and Design Equation Incorporating Monod Kinetics .Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, , 52 (2 ) ,208

Moteleb, M.A., M.T. Suidan, J. Kim, S.W. Maloney (2002. ) Pertubated Loading of a Formaldehyde Waste in an Anaerobic Granular Activated Carbon Fluidized Bed Reactor .Water Research, , 36 (15 ) ,3775

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles, S. Kaskassian (2002. ) Numerical Modeling of Oxygen Exclusion Experiments of Anaerobic Bioventing .Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, , 58 (3-4 ) ,209

Nakhla, G.F., M.T. Suidan (2002. ) Determination of Biomass Detachment Rate Coefficients in Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactors .Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 80 (6 ) ,660

Venosa, A.D., K. Lee, M.T. Suidan, S. Garcia-Blanco, S. Cobanli, M. Moteleb, J.R. Haines, G. Tremblay, M. Hazelwood (2002. ) Bioremediation and Biorestoration of a Crude Oil-Contaminated Freshwater Wetland on the St. Lawrence River .Bioremediation Journal, , 6 (3 ) ,261

Sorial, G.A., Smith, F.L., Suidan, M.T., Brenner, R.C. (2001. ) Removal of Ammonia from Contaminated Air by Trickle Bed Air Biofilters .Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, , 51 (5 ) ,756

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (2001. ) Mathematical Model of Biofiltration of VOCs: Effect of Nitrate Concentration and Backwashing .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 127 (7 ) ,655

Wilson, G.J., A.P. Richter, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Aerobic Biodegradation of Gasoline Oxygenates MTBE and TBA .Water Science and Technology, , 43 (2 ) ,277

Moteleb, M.A., M.T. Suidan, J. Kim, J.L. Davel, N.R. Adrian (2001. ) Anaerobic Degradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene in a Granular Activated Carbon Fluidized Bed and Batch Reactors .Water Science and Technology, , 43 (1 ) ,67

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, C. Alonso, T. Yu, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (2001. ) Biofilm Structure and Masss Transfer in a Gas Phase Trickle-Bed Biofilter .Water Science and Technology, , 43 (1 ) ,285

Shah, J.K., G.D. Sayles, M.T. Suidan, P.G. Mihopoulos, S.R. Kaskassian (2001. ) Anaerobic Bioventing of Unsaturated Zone Contaminated with DDT and DNT .Water Science and Technology, , 43 (2 ) ,35

Cicek, N., J. Macomber, J. Davel, M.T. Suidan, J.M. Audic, P. Genestet (2001. ) Effect of Solids Retention Time on the Performance and Biological Characteristics of a Membrane Bioreactor .Water Science and Technology, , 43 (11 ) ,43

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (2001. ) Complete Remediation of PCE Contaminated Unsaturated Soils by Sequential Anaerobic-Aerobic Bioventing .Water Science and Technology, , 43 (5 ) ,365

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laine, T.L. Huang (2001. ) TiO2-Assisted Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorobenzoic Acid in Water: Effect of Type of Catalyst, Catalyst Loading, Initial Contaminant Concentration, and Buffer System .Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, , 1 (4 ) ,139

Koran, K.M., M.T. Suidan, A.P. Khodadoust, G.A. Sorial, R.C. Brenner (2001. ) Effectiveness of an Anaerobic Granular Activated Carbon Fluidized-Bed Bioreactor to Treat Soil Wash Fluids - A Proposed Strategy for Remediating PCP/PAH Contaminated Soils .Water Research, , 35 (10 ) ,2363

Pruden, A., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, G.J. Wilson (2001. ) Biodegradation of Methyl ter.Butyl Ether Under Various Substrate Conditions .Environmental Science and Technology, , 32 (21 ) ,4235

Dionysiou, D.D., A.P. Khodadoust, A.M. Kern, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin J.M. Laîné (2000. ) Continuous-Mode Photocatalytic Degradation of Chlorinated Phenols and Pesticides in Water using a Bench-Scale TiO2 Rotating Disk Reactor .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 24 (3-4 ) ,139

Mihopoulos, P.G., G.D. Sayles, M.T. Suidan, J. Shah, D.F. Bishop (2000. ) Vapor Phase Treatment of PCE in a Soil Column by Laboratory-Scale Anaerobic Bioventing .Water Research, , 34 (12 ) ,3231

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, E. Bekou, I. Baudin, J.M. Laîné (2000. ) Effect of ionic strength and hydrogen peroxide on the photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorobenzoic acid in water .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 26 (3 ) ,153

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (2000. ) Parameter Estimation in Biofilter Systems .Environmental Science and Technology, , 34 (11 ) ,2318

Dionysiou, D.D., G. Balasubramanian, M.T. Suidan, A.P. Khodadoust, I. Baudin, J.M. Laîné (2000. ) Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor: Development, Characterization, and Evaluation for the Destruction of Organic Pollutants in Water .Water Research, , 34 (11 ) ,2927

Khodadoust, A. P., R. Bagchi, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner, N.G. Sellers (2000. ) Removal of PAHs from Highly Contaminated Soils Found at Prior Manufactured Gas Operations .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 80 (1-3 ) ,159

Steed, V.S., M.T. Suidan, M. Gupta, T. Miyahara, C. Acheson, G.D. Sayles (2000. ) Development of a Sulfate-Reducing Bioprocess to Remove Heavy Metals from Acid Mine Drainage .Water Environment Research, , 72 (5 ) ,530

Kim, B.R., M.T. Suidan, T.J. Wallington, X. Du (2000. ) Is Trifluoroacetic Acid Biologically Degradable? .Environmental Engineering Science, , 17 (6 ) ,337

Manilal, V.B., S.B. Litvin-Schramm, M.T. Suidan (2000. ) Effect of Sulphidogenesis on Acid-Phase Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge .Bioprocess Engineering, , 23 (6 ) ,595

Cicek, N., J.P. Franco, M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1999. ) Characterization and Comparison of a Membrane Bioreactor and a Conventional Activated Sludge System in the Treatment of Wastewater Containing High Molecular Weight Compounds .Water Environment Research, , 71 (1 ) ,64

VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1999. ) Biotransformation of 2,4-DNT Under Different Electron Acceptor Conditions .Water Research, , 33 (5 ) ,1287

Kodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1999. ) Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Wood Preserving Wastes: Crosscurrent and Countercurrent Solvent Washing .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 64 (2 ) ,167

Boufadel, M.C., P. Reeser, M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, J. Cheng, X. Du, Tiehung L. Huang, A.D. Venosa (1999. ) Optimal Nitrate Concentration for the Biodegradation of n-Heptadecane in a Variably-Saturated Sand Column .Environmental Technology, , 20 (2 ) ,191

Khodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1999. ) Solvent Extraction of Pentachlorophenol from Contaminated Soils Using Water-Ethanol Mixtures .Chemosphere, , 38 (11 ) ,2681

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1999. ) Mathematical Model for the Biodegradation of VOCs in Trickle Bed Biofilters .Water Science and Technology, , 39 (7 ) ,139

Boufadel, M.C., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, M.T. Bowers (1999. ) Steady Seepage in Trenches and Dams: Effect of Capillary Flow .Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, , 125 (3 ) ,286

Boufadel, M.C., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1999. ) A Numerical Model for Density-and- Viscosity-Dependent Flows in Two-Dimensional Variably-Saturated Porous Media .Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, , 37 (1-2 ) ,1

Cicek, N., J.P. Franco, M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain (1999. ) Effect of Phosphorus on the Operation and Characteristics of a Membrane Bioreactor .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 125 (8 ) ,738

Flora, E.M.C.V., M.T. Suidan, J.R.V. Flora, B.J. Kim (1999. ) Speciation and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms. I. Model Development .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 125 (9 ) ,871

Flora, E.M.C.V., M.T. Suidan, J.R.V. Flora, B.J. Kim (1999. ) Speciation and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms. II. Sensitivity Analysis .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 125 (9 ) ,878

Cicek, N., D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J.M. Audic (1999. ) Performance Deterioration and Structural Changes for a Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor due to Inorganic Abrasion .Journal of Membrane Science, , 163 (1 ) ,19

Boufadel, M.C., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1999. ) Numerical Modeling of Water Flow below Dry Salt Lakes: Effect of Capillarity and Viscosity .Journal of Hydrology, , 221 (1-2 ) ,55

Khodadoust, A.P., G.A. Sorial, G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, R.A. Griffith, R.C. Brenner (1999. ) An Integrated System for Remediation of Contaminated Soils .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 125 (11 ) ,1033

Khodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1999. ) Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Wood Preserving Wastes: Crosscurrent and Countercurrent Solvent Washing .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 64 (2 ) ,167

Khodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, D.D. Dionysiou, R.C. Brenner (1999. ) Desorption of Pentachlorophenol from Soils Using Mixed Solvents .Environmental Science and Technology, , 33 (24 ) ,4483

VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1998. ) Two-Stage Biotransformation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Under N-Rich and N-Limiting Conditions .Water Environment Research, , 70 (2 ) ,189

Maloney, S.W., E.G. Engbert, M.T. Suidan, R.F. Hickey (1998. ) Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Treatment of Propellant Wastewater .Water Environment Research, , 70 (1 ) ,52

Cicek, N, H. Winnen, M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1998. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor in the Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Compounds .Water Research, , 32 (5 ) ,1553

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1998. ) Evaluation of Trickle-Bed Air Biofilter Performance for Styrene Removal .Water Research, , 32 (5 ) ,1593

Uraizee, F.A., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1998. ) A Model for Diffusion Controlled Bioavailability of Crude Oil Components .Biodegradation, , 8 ,287

Smith, F.L., G.A Sorial, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1998. ) Evaluation of Trickle Bed Air Biofilter Performance as a Function of Inlet VOC Concentration and Loading, and Biomass Control .Journal of the Air & Waste Managment Association, , 48 (7 ) ,627

Boufadel M. C., M. T. Suidan, A. D. Venosa (1998. ) Two-Dimensional Variably-Saturated Flow: Physical Scaling and Bayesian Estimation of Unsaturated-Flow Parameters .Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, , 3 (4 ) ,223

Alonso, C., M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1998. ) Dynamic Mathematical Model for the Biodegradation of VOC’s in a Biofilter - Biomass Accumulation Study .Environmental Science and Technology, , 32 (20 ) ,3118

Cicek, N., J.P. Franco, M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain,J. Manem (1998. ) Using a membrane bioreactor to reclaim wastewater .Journal of the American Water Works Association, , 90 (11 ) ,105

Zhu, X., C.A. Alonso, H. Cao, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1998. ) The Effect of Liquid Phase on VOC Removal in Trickle-Bed Biofilters .Water Science and Technology, , 38 (3 ) ,315

Miller, K.M., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, A.P. Khodadoust, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1998. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Soil Wash Fluids from a Wood Preserving Site .Anaerobic Treatment of Soil Wash Fluids from a Wood Preserving Site, , 38 (7 ) ,63

Wilson, G.J., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner, C.M. Acheson (1998. ) Anaerobic/Aerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using GAC Fluidized Bed Reactors: Optimization of Empty Bed Contact Time .Water Science and Technology, , 38 (7 ) ,9

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1998. ) Anaerobic Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluent with Ethanol, Methanol, Acetic Acid, and Hydrogen as Primary Substrates .Water Research, , 32 (10 ) ,2921

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1997. ) Performance of Peat Biofilter - Impact of EBRT, Temperature, and Toluene Loading .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 53 (1-3 ) ,19

Suidan, M.T., P. Biswas (1997. ) Specialist or Generalist at the Undergraduate Level .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 123 (3 ) ,203

Wrenn, B.A., M.T. Suidan, K.L. Strohmeier, B.L. Eberhart, G.J. Wilson, A.D. Venosa (1997. ) Nutrient Transport during Bioremediation of Contaminated Beaches: Evaluation with Lithium as a Conservative Tracer .Water Research, , 31 (3 ) ,515

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1997. ) Evaluation of Trickle-Bed Air Biofilter Performance for BTEX Performance,” Feature Article .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 123 (6 ) ,530

Alonso, Cristina, M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, F.L. Smith, R.C. Brenner (1997. ) Gas Treatment in Trickle-Bed Biofilters, How Much is Enough? .Biotechnology and Bioengineering,, , 54 (6 ) ,583

Venosa, A.D., M.T. Suidan, D. King, B.A. Wrenn (1997. ) Use of Hopane as a Conservative Biomarker for Monitoring the Bioremediation Effectiveness of Crude Oil Contaminating a Sandy Beach .Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, , 18 ,131

Rihn, M.J., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1997. ) The Effect of Nitrate on VOC Removal in Trickle Bed Biofilters .Water Research, , 31 (12 ) ,2997

Kodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1997. ) Anaerobic Treatment of PCP in Fluidized-Bed GAC Bioreactors .Water Research, , 31 (7 ) ,1776

Wrenn, B.A., M.T. Suidan, K.L. Strohmeier, B.L. Eberhart, G.J. Wilson, A.D.Venosa, J.R. Haines, E. Holder (1997. ) Influence of Tide and Waves on Washout of Dissolved Nutrients from the Bioremediation Zone of Coarse Sandy Beach: Application in Oil-Spill Bioremediation .Spill Science and Technology Bulletin, , 4 (2 ) ,99

VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, S.R. Berchtold, M.A. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1997. ) Effects of Molecular Oxygen on GAC Adsorption of Energetics .Water Science and Technology, , 35 (7 ) ,197

Wilson, G.J., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1997. ) Anaerobic/Aerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using GAC Fluidized Bed Reactors: Optimization of the Empty Bed Contact Time .Water Science and Technology, , 36 (6-7 ) ,107

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1997. ) Kinetics of Anaerobic Cometabolism of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene with Ethanol as the Primary Substrate .Water Science and Technology, , 36 (6-7 ) ,271

Boufadel, M.C., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1997. ) Density Dependant Flow in One-Dimensional Variably-Saturated Media .Journal of Hydrology, , 202 (1-4 ) ,280

Islam, S., M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Electrolytic Denitrification: Long-Term Performance and Effect of Current Intensity .Water Research, , 32 (2 ) ,528

Suidan, M.T., J.R.V. Flora, T.K. Boyer, A.M. Wuellner (1996. ) Anaerobic Dechlorination Using a Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactor .Water Research, , 30 (1 ) ,160

Cheng, J., Y. Kanjo, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1996. ) Anaerobic Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene: Its Effect on the Pathway of Microbial Utilization of Ethanol .Water Research, , 30 (2 ) ,307

Fox, P. M.T. Suidan (1996. ) Shock and Transient Loading Studies on an Innovative GAC Anaerobic Reactor . Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 122 (1 ) ,18

Gupta, M., D. Sharma, M.T. Suidan, .D. Sayles (1996. ) Biotransformation Rates of Chloroform under Anaerobic Conditions: I. Methanogenesis .Water Research, , 30 (6 ) ,1377

Gupta, M., D. Sharma, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1996. ) Biotransformation Rates of Chloroform Under Anaerobic Conditions: II. Sulfate Reduction .Water Research, , 30 (6 ) ,1387

Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1996. ) Modeling Kinetics of Chloroform Cometabolism in Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Environments .Water Science and Technology, , 34 (5-6 ) ,403

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1996. ) Abiotic Reduction of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in the Presence of Sulfide Minerals Under Anoxic Conditions .Water Science and Technology, , 34 (10 ) ,25

Zhu, X, M.J. Rihn, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1996. ) The Effect of Nitrate on VOC Removal in Trickle Bed Biofilters .Water Science and Technology, , 34 (3-4 ) ,573

Winnen, H, M.T. Suidan, P.V. Scarpino, B. Wrenn, N. Cicek, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1996. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor in the Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Compounds .Water Science and Technology, , 34 (9 ) ,197

Venosa, A.D., M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, J.R. Haines, B.L. Eberhart, D. King, E. Holder (1996. ) Bioremediation of an Experimental Oil Spill on the Shoreline of Delaware Bay .Environmental Science and Technology, , 30 (5 ) ,1764

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, A.W. Breen, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1996. ) Development of Two Biomass Control Strategies for Extended, Stable Operation of Highly Efficient Biofilters with High Toluene Loadings .Environmental Science and Technology, , 30 (5 ) ,1744

Taegner, U.K., M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim (1996. ) Considering Age and Size Distributions of Activated Carbon Particles in a Completely-Mixed Adsorber at Steady State .Water Research, , 30 (6 ) ,1495

Narayanan, B, M.T. Suidan, A.B. Gelderloos, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Narayanan, B, M.T. Suidan, A.B. Gelderloos, and R.C. Brenner, .Research Journal of WEF, , 67 (1 ) ,45

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Modeling Algal Biofilms: Role of Carbon, Light, Cell Surface Charge, and Ionic Species .Research Journal of WEF, , 67 (1 ) ,87

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Optimization of Anaerobic Biofilm Systems: I. Detailed Biofilm Modeling .Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 46 ,43

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Optimization of Anaerobic Biofilm Systems: II. Reactor Modeling . Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 46 ,54

Nakhla, G.F., M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Effect of Anaerobic Biological Activity in the Working Adsorptive Capacity of GAC .Journal Water Environment Research, , 67 (7 ) ,1020

Nakhla, G.F., M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Evaluation of Competitive Adsorption in Anaerobic GAC Reactors .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 121 (10 ) ,712

Nakhla, G.F., M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Anaerobic Toxic Wastes Treatment: Dilution Effects .Journal of Hazardous Material, , 42 ,71

Berchtold, S.R., S.L. Vanderloop, M.T. Suidan, S.W. Maloney (1995. ) Treatment of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Using a Two Stage System: Fluidized-Bed Anaerobic GAC Reactors and Anaerobic Activated Sludge Reactors .Research Journal of WEF, , 67 (7 ) ,1081

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Evaluation of Trickle Bed Biofilter Media for Toluene Removal .Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, , 45 ,801

Liu, B.Y., J.T. Pfeffer, M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Equilibrium Model of Anaerobic Reactors .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 121 (1 ) ,58

Warta, C.L., S.P. Papadimas, G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, T.F. Speth (1995. ) The Effect of Oxygen Tension on the Activated Carbon Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter in Ohio River Water .Water Research, , 29 (2 ) ,551

Cerminara, P.J., G.A. Sorial, S.P. Papadimas, M.T. Suidan, T.F. Speth (1995. ) Effect of Influent Oxygen Concentration on the GAC Adsorption of VOCs in the Presence of BOM .Water Research, , 29 (2 ) ,409

Suidan, M.T., J.R.V. Flora, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Optimization of Anaerobic Biofilm Reactors," Water Science and Technology .Water Science and Technology, , 30 (12 ) ,347

Sakakibara, Y., J.R.V. Flora, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, M. Kuroda (1994. ) Measurement of Mass Transfer Coefficients with an Electrochemical Method Using Dilute Electrolyte Solutions .Water Research, , 28 (1 ) ,9

Vidic, R.D., M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Impact of Oxygen Mediated Oxidative Coupling on Adsorption Kinetics .Water Research, , 28 (2 ) ,263

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, A.M. Wuellner, T.K. Boyer (1994. ) Anaerobic Treatment of a Simulated High Strength Industrial Wastewater Containing Chlorophenols .Water Environment Research, , 66 (1 ) ,21

Gupta, A., J.R.V. Flora, G.D. Sayles, M.T. Suidan (1994. ) Methanogenesis and Sulfate-Reduction in Chemostats: II. Model Drevelopment and Verification .Water Research, , 28 (4 ) ,781

Gupta, A., J.R.V. Flora, M. Gupta, G.D. Sayles, .T. Suidan (1994. ) Methanogenesis and Sulfate-Reduction in Chemostats: I. Kinetic Studies and Experiments .Water Research, , 28 (4 ) ,781

Sakakibara, Y., J.R.V. Flora, M.T. Suidan, M. Kuroda (1994. ) Modeling of Electrochemically-Activated Denitrifying Biofilms .Water Research, , 28 (5 ) ,1077

Kim, B.R., M.T. Suidan, U.K. Traegner (1994. ) Considering Age Distribution for a PAC/Water Slurry Reactor Model .Water Research, , 28 (5 ) ,1241

Sorial, G.A., P.J. Cerminara, S.P. Papadimas, M.T. Suidan, T.F. Speth (1994. ) Competitive Adsorption of VOCs and BOM - Role of Molecular Oxygen .Journal of the American Water Works Association, , 86 (3 ) ,80

Gupta, M., A. Gupta, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles, J.R.V. Flora (1994. ) ORP Measurement in Anaerobic Systems Using Flow-Through Cell .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 120 (6 ) ,1639

Khodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1994. ) Solvent Washing of PCP Contaminated Soils with Anaerobic Treatment of Wash Fluids .Water Environment Research, , 66 (5 ) ,692

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan (1994. ) Adsorption of Biologically Inhibitory Compounds as a Process Control Mechanism in Biological Reactors .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 28 (3 ) ,389

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan, G. A. Sorial, R. C. Brenner (1994. ) Effect of Molecular Oxygen on Adsorptive Capacity and Extraction Efficiency of Granulated Activated Carbon for Three Ortho Substituted Phenols .Journal of Hazardous Material,, , 28 (3 ) ,373

Wrenn, B., J.R. Haines, M. Kadkhodayan, A.D. Venosa, M.T. Suidan (1994. ) Effects of Nitrogen Source on Crude Oil Biodegradation .Journal of Industrial Microbiology, , 13 ,279

Sorial, G.A., S.P. Papadimas, M.T. Suidan, T.F. Speth (1994. ) Competitive Adsorption of VOCs and BOM - Oxic and Anoxic Environments .Water Research, , 28 (9 ) ,1907

Nakhla, G.F., M.T. Suidan (1994. ) Effect of Process Variables on the Treatment of Toxic Wastewater with Anaerobic GAC Reactors .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 39 (3 ) ,335

Krovvidy, S., W.G. Wee, M.T. Suidan, R.S. Summers, J.J. Coleman, L. Rossman (1994. ) SOWAT: Sequence Optimizer for Wastewater Treatment .IEEE Expert, , 9 (6 ) ,15

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, S. Islam, P. Biswas, Y. Sakakibara (1994. ) Numerical Modeling of a Biofilm-Electrode Reactor Used for Enhanced Denitrification .Water Science and Technology, , 29 (10-11 ) ,517

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1993. ) Modeling Substrate Transport into Biofilms: Role of Multiple Ions and pH Effects .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 119 (5 ) ,908

Narayanan, B., M. T. Suidan, A. B. Gelderloos, R. C. Brenner (1993. ) Treatment of VOC's in High Strength Wastes Using an Anaerobic Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor .Water Research, , 27 (1 ) ,181

Narayanan, B., M. T. Suidan, A. B. Gelderloos, R. C. Brenner (1993. ) Treatment of Semivolatile Compounds in High Strength Waste Using an Anaerobic Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor .Water Research, , 27 (1 ) ,171

Vidic, G.S., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Molecular Oxygen and the Adsorption of Phenols-Effect of Functional Groups .Water Environment Research, , 65 (2 ) ,156

Sorial, G.A., M.T. Suidan, R.D. Vidic, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Effect of GAC Characteristics on Adsorption of Organic Pollutants .Water Environment Research, , 56 (1 ) ,53

Suidan, M. T., A. T. Schroeder, R. Nath, E. R. Krishnan, R. C. Brenner (1993. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates by Carbon-Assisted Anaerobic Fluidized Beds .Water Science and Technology, , 27 (2 ) ,273

Sorial, G.A., M.T. Suidan, R.D. Vidic, S.W. Maloney (1993. ) Competitive Adsorption of Phenols on GAC - I. Adsorption Equilibrium .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 119 (6 ) ,1026

Sorial, G.A., M.T. Suidan, R.D. Vidic, S.W. Maloney (1993. ) Competitive Adsorption of Phenols on GAC - II. Adsorption Dynamics under Anoxic Conditions .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 119 (6 ) ,1044

Vidic, R.D., M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Oxidative Coupling of Phenols on Activated Carbon-Impact on Adsorption Equilibrium .Environmental Science and Technology, , 27 (10 ) ,2079

Fox, P., M.T. Suidan (1993. ) A Comparison of Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor Designs for the Treatment Of Refractory/Inhibitory Wastewaters .Water Research, , 27 (5 ) ,769

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan (1992. ) Selecting Batch Studies for Adsorber Design: Molecular Oxygen's Role .Journal of the American Water Works Association, , 84 (3 ) ,101

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan (1992. ) Operating Capacity of GAC Adsorbers: Dissolved Oxygen and Extended Service Life .Water Environment Research, , 64 ,798

Vidic, R. D., G. A. Sorial, S. P. Papadimas, M. T. Suidan, T. F. Speth (1992. ) Molecular Oxygen Effect on the Scale-Up of GAC Adsorbers .Journal of the American Water Works Association, , 84 (8 ) ,98

Nakhla, G. F., M. T. Suidan (1992. ) Modeling of Toxic Wastewater Treatment by Expanded-Bed Anaerobic GAC Reactors .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 118 (4 ) ,495

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan, R. C. Brenner (1992. ) Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Phenols Breakthrough from GAC Adsorbers .Water Science and Technology, , 26 (5-6 ) ,1185

Suidan, M. T., A. M. Wuellner, T. K. Boyer (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment of High Strength Industrial Waste Bearing Inhibitory Concentrations of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane .Water Science and Technology, , 23 ,1385

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan (1991. ) A Fed-Batch Technique to Evaluate Biodegradation Rates of Inhibitory Compounds with Anaerobic Biofilms Attached to Granular Activated Carbon .Water Science and Technology, , 23 ,1337

Traegner, U. K., M. T. Suidan (1991. ) Steady State Performance of Activated Carbon Contactors .Water Science and Technology, , 23 ,1677

Harper, S.R. M.T. Suidan (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment Kinetics-Discussers Report .Water Science and Technology, , 24 (8 ) ,61

Liu, B. Y. M., J. T. Pfeffer, M. T. Suidan (1991. ) Loading Capacity of Packed-Bed Anaerobic Reactor .Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, , 63 (2 ) ,142

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan (1990. ) Role of Dissolved Oxygen on the Adsorptive Capacity of Activated Carbon for Synthetic and Natural Organic Matter .Environmental Science and Technology, , 25 (9 ) ,1612

Gee, C. S., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1990. ) Modeling of Nitrification Under Substrate Inhibiting Conditions .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 116 (1 ) ,18

Najm, I. N., V. L. Snoeyink, M. T. Suidan, C. H. Lee, Y. Richard (1990. ) Adsorption of Powdered Activated Carbon: Effect of Particle Size and Background Organics .Journal of the American Water Works Association, , 82 (1 ) ,65

Nakhla, G. F., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1990. ) Control of Anaerobic GAC Reactors Treating Inhibitory Wastewaters .Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, , 62 (1 ) ,65

Liehr, S. K., M. T. Suidan, J. W. Eheart (1990. ) A Modeling Study of Carbon and Light Limitation in Algal Biofilms .Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 35 ,233

Gee, C. S., J. T. Pfeffer, M. T. Suidan (1990. ) Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter Interactions in Biological Nitrification .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 116 (1 ) ,4

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer, J. T. Bandy (1990. ) Hybrid Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor for Treating Inhibitory Wastewaters .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 116 (3 ) ,738

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1990. ) Batch Tests to Determine Activity Distribution and Kinetic Parameters for Acetate Utilization in Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Reactors .Applied and Environmental Microbiology, , 56 (6 ) ,887

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Bandy (1990. ) A Comparison of Media Types in Acetate Fed Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Reactors .Water Research, , 24 (7 ) ,827

Vidic, R. D., M. T. Suidan, U. K. Traegner, G. F. Nakhla (1990. ) Adsorption Isotherms: Illusive Capacity and Role of Oxygen .Water Research, , 24 (10 ) ,1187

Nakhla, G. F., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1989. ) Operational Control of an Anaerobic GAC Reactor Treating Hazardous Wastes .Water Science and Technology, , 21 ,167

Suidan, M. T., Y. T. Wang, B. R. Kim (1989. ) Performance Evaluation of Biofilm Reactors Using Graphical Techniques .Water Research, , 23 ,267

Pfeffer, J. T., M. T. Suidan (1989. ) Continuous Processing of Toxic Organics in a Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactor Employing Carbon Replacement .Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 33 ,139

Traegner, U. K., M. T. Suidan (1989. ) Evaluation of Surface and Film Diffusion Coefficients for Carbon Adsorption .Water Research, , 23 ,267

Liehr, S. K., M. T. Suidan, J. W. Eheart (1989. ) Effect of Concentration Boundary Layer on Inorganic Carbon Limited Algal Biofilms .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 115 (2 ) ,320

Traegner, U. K., M. T. Suidan (1989. ) Parameter Evaluation for Carbon Adsorption," Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 115 (1 ) ,109

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer, I. N. Najm (1989. ) The Effect of Concentration of Phenols on their Batch Methanogenesis .Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 33 ,1353

Kim, B. R., M. T. Suidan (1989. ) Approximate Algebraic Solution for a Biofilm Model with Monod Kinetic Expression .Approximate Algebraic Solution for a Biofilm Model with Monod Kinetic Expression, , 23 (12 ) ,1491

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan, and J. T. Bandy (1989. ) Comparison of Media Types for Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Reactors .Physiochemical and Biological Detoxification of Hazardous Wastes, , 803

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1988. ) Anaerobic Treatment of a Biologically Inhibitory Wastewater .Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, , 60 (1 ) ,86

Gardner, D. A., M. T. Suidan, H. A. Kobayashi (1988. ) Role of GAC Activity and Particle Size during the Fluidized-Bed Anaerobic Treatment of Refinery Sour Water Stripper Bottoms .Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, , 60 (4 ) ,505

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer, I. N. Najm (1988. ) The Effects of Some Alkyl Phenols on the Methanogenic Degradation of Phenol .Applied Environmental Microbiology, , 54 (5 ) ,1277

Liehr, S. K., M. T. Suidan, J. W. Eheart (1988. ) Effect of pH on Inorganic Carbon Limited Algal Biofilms .Water Research, , 22 (8 ) ,1033

Suidan, M. T., I. N. Najm, J. T. Pfeffer, Y. T. Wang (1988. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Phenol: Inhibition Kinetics and System Stability .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, , 114 (6 ) ,1359

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, B. E. Rittmann (1987. ) Modeling Biofilm Kinetics for a Low-Loaded Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Reactor .Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 30 (1 ) ,15

Suidan, M. T., B. E. Rittmann, U. K. Traegner (1987. ) Criteria Establishing Biofilm-Kinetic Types .Water Research, , 21 (4 ) ,491

Pohland, F. G., M. T. Suidan (1987. ) Anaerobic Research Spreads Worldwide .Water Quality International, , 2 ,31

Suidan, M. T (1986. ) Performance of Deep Biofilm Reactors .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 112 (1 ) ,78

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, B. E. Rittmann (1986. ) Kinetics of an Expanded-Bed Methanogenic Reactor .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 112 (1 ) ,155

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, B. E. Rittmann (1986. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Phenol by an Expanded-Bed Reactor .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 58 (3 ) ,227

Suidan, M. T., P. Fox, J. T. Pfeffer (1986. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater .Water Science and Technology, , 19 ,229

Suidan, M. T., B. F. Severin (1986. ) Light Intensity Models for Annular UV Disinfection Reactors .Journal American Institute of Chemical Engineers, , 32 (11 ) ,1902

Baskin, D. E., M. T. Suidan (1985. ) Unified Analysis of Thickening," .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 111 (1 ) ,10

Suidan, M. T., Y. T. Wang (1985. ) Unified Analysis of Biofilm Kinetics .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 111 (5 ) ,634

Severin, B. F., M. T. Suidan (1985. ) Ultraviolet Disinfection for Municipal Wastewater .Chemical Engineering Progress, , April ,37

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, B. E. Rittmann (1985. ) Performance of an Expanded-Bed Methanogenic Reactor .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 111 (4 ) ,460

Severin, B. F., M. T. Suidan, B. E. Rittmann, . S. Engelbrecht (1984. ) Inactivation Kinetics in a Flow Through UV Reactor .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 56 (2 ) ,164

Severin, B. F., M. T. Suidan, R. S. Engelbrecht (1984. ) Series-Event Kinetic Model for Chemical Disinfection .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 110 (2 ) ,430

Severin, B. F., M. T. Suidan, R. S. Engelbrecht (1984. ) Mixing Effects in UV Disinfection .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 56 (7 ) ,881

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1984. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter for the Degradation of Polycyclic N-Aromatic Compounds .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 56 (12 ) ,1247

Wang, Y. T., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1984. ) Anaerobic Degradation of Indole to Methane .Journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, , 48 (5 ) ,1058

Suidan, M. T., F. M. Saunders, C. S. Godfrey, H. T. Stewart (1983. ) Wastewater Treatment: Sensitivity Analysis .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 109 (EE1 ) ,120

Severin, B. F., M. T. Suidan, R. S. Engelbrecht (1983. ) Kinetic Modeling of UV Disinfection of Water .Water Research, , 17 (11 ) ,1669

Severin, B. F., M. T. Suidan, R. S. Engelbrecht (1983. ) Effects of Temperature on UV Disinfection .Environmental Science & Technology, , 17 (12 ) ,717

Suidan, M. T., G. L. Siekerka, S. W. Kao, J. T. Pfeffer (1983. ) Anaerobic Filters for the Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater . Biotechnology and Bioengineering, , 25 (6 ) ,1581

Suidan, M. T., C. E. Strubler, S. W. Kao, J. T. Pfeffer (1983. ) Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater with Anaerobic Filter Technology .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 55 (10 ) ,1263

Khan, K. A., M.T. Suidan, W.H. Cross (1982. ) Role of Surface Active Media in Anaerobic Filters .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 108 (EE2 ) ,269

Rollor, M. A., M. T. Suidan, W. H. Cross, S. A. Vargo (1982. ) Regeneration of Five Activated Carbons with Methanol .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 108 (EE6 ) ,1361

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, M. Fong (1981. ) Continuous Bioregeneration of Granular Activated Carbon During the Anaerobic Degradation of Catechol .Water Technology, , 13 (4-5 ) ,1209

Khan, K. A., M. T. Suidan, W. H. Cross (1981. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter for the Treatment of Phenol Bearing Wastewaters .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 53 (10 ) ,1519

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, M. Fong, J. W. Calvert, Jr. (1981. ) Anaerobic Carbon Filter for Degradation of Phenols .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 107 (EE3 ) ,563

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, K. A. Chacey (1980. ) Extended Dechlorination Studies with Granular Activated Carbon Filters .Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, , 52 (11 ) ,2634

Suidan, M. T., K. A. Chacey, W. H. Cross (1978. ) Pulsating Bed Activated Carbon Dechlorination .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 104 (EE6 ) ,1223

Suidan, M. T., V. L. Snoeyink, R. A. Schmitz (1977. ) Reduction of Aqueous HOCl with Granular Activated Carbon .Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, , 103 (EE4 ) ,677

Suidan, M. T., V. L. Snoeyink, R. A. Schmitz (1977. ) Reduction of Aqueous Free Chlorine with Granular Activated Carbon - pH and Temperature Effects .Environmental Science and Technology, , 11 (8 ) ,785

Suidan, M. T., V. L. Snoeyink, and R. A. Schmitz (1977. ) Performance Predictions for the Removal of Aqueous Free Chlorine by Packed Beds of Granular Activated Carbon .Water-1976: I-Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment, G. F. Bennett, (ed.), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, , 73 ,18

Rosales, P.I, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa A Laboratory Screening Study on the Use of Solidifiers as a Response Tool to Remove Crude Oil Slicks on Seawater .Chemosphere, ,

Marfil-Vega, R., M.T. Suidan, and M.A. Mills Abiotic Transformation of Estrogens in Municipal Wastewater: an Alternative for Treatment? .Abiotic Transformation of Estrogens in Municipal Wastewater: an Alternative for Treatment? , ,

Venosa, A.D., P. Campo, and M.T. Suidan Biodegradability of Lingering Crude Oil 19 Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill .Environmental Science and Technology, ,

Chung, S, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa Effectiveness of Plant-Derived Sorbents for the Remediation of Low Energy Intertidal Wetlands Contaminated by Oil Spills .

Chung, S, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa Influences of Environmental Factors on the Effectiveness of Ammoniated Bagasse in Wicking Oil from Contaminated Wetlands for Stimulating Aerobic Biodegradation .

Chung, S, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa Acetylation of Sugarcane Bagasse: Preparation and Characterization of Sorbent for Wicking Oil and Stimulating Hydrocarbon Biodegradation in Contaminated Wetlands .

Book Chapter

Balasubramanian G., D.D. Dionysiou and M.T. Suidan (2003 ) Titanium Dioxide Coatings on Stainless Steel Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology .(pp. 3917).Marcel Dekker (Co-Author)

Dionysiou, D.D., G. Balasubramanian, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laîné (2000 ) Thin Film Photocatalytic Reactor for the Destruction of Organic Contaminants in Industrial Wastewater and Drinking Water Reaction Engineering for Pollution Prevention .(pp. 137).Elsevier Science B.V. (Co-Author)

Suidan,M.T., R.C. Brenner (1998 ) Expanded-Bed GAC Anaerobic Bioreactors: an Innovative Technology for Treatment of Hazardous and Inhibitory Wastes,” in Bioremediation: Principles and Practice Biodegradation Technology Developments .(pp. 637).CRC Press (Author)

Suidan, M.T., F.L. Smith, G.A. Sorial, R.C. Brenner (1997 ) Development of Trickle-Bed Air Biofilters Environmental Technologies and Trends .(pp. 98).Springer (Author)

Sayles, G.D., M.T. Suidan (1993 ) Biological Treatment of Industrial and Hazardous Wastewater Biotreatment of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes .(pp. 245).McGraw-Hill (Co-Author)

Suidan, M.T. (1988 ) Environmental engineering unit operations and unit processes laboratory manual

Suidan, M. T., G. F. Nakhla (1988 ) Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Treatment of Hazardous Wastes Reducing Risks from Environmental Chemicals Through Biotechnology, Volume 45 .(pp. 295).Plenum Press (Author)

Suidan, M. T., J. T. Pfeffer, G. F. Nakhla (1988 ) Anaerobic Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor for the Treatment of Biologically Inhibiting Wastes Generated During Coal and Petroleum Distillation Anaerobic Digestion .(pp. 249). (Author)

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, K. A. Khan, M. Fong (1981 ) Treatment of Phenol and Substituted Phenols with an Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter Chemistry in Water Reuse .(pp. 509).Ann Arbor Science Publishers (Author)

Suidan, M. T., B. R. Kim, V. L. Snoeyink (1980 ) Reduction of Free and Combined Chlorine with Granular Activated Carbon Activated Carbon Adsorption of Organics from the Aqueous Phase, Vol. I .(pp. 397).Ann Arbor Science Publishers (Author)

Suidan, M. T., V. L. Snoeyink, W. E. Thacker, D. W. Dreher (1978 ) Influence of Pore Size Distribution on the HOCl-Activated Carbon Reaction Chemistry of Wastewater Technology .(pp. 161).Ann Arbor Science Publishers (Author)

Pohland, F. G., M. T. Suidan (1978 ) Prediction of pH Stability in Biological Treatment Systems Chemistry of Wastewater Technology .(pp. 441).Ann Arbor Science Publishers (Co-Author)

Suidan, M. T., V. L. Snoeyink, R. A. Schmitz (1977 ) Performance Predictions for the Removal of Aqueous Free Chlorine by Packed Beds of Granular Activated Carbon Water-1976: I-Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment .(pp. 18).American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Author)

Dick, R. I., M. T. Suidan (1975 ) Modeling and Simulation of Clarification and Thickening Processes Mathematical Modeling of Water Pollution Processes .(pp. 147).Ann Arbor Science Publishers (Co-Author)

Snoeyink, V. L., M. T. Suidan (1975 ) Dechlorination by Activated Carbon Disinfection of Water and Wastewater .(pp. 339).Ann Arbor Science Publishers (Co-Author)

Technical Reports

Suidan, M. T., V. L. Snoeyink (1975. ) Reduction of Aqueous Free Chlorine with Granular Activated Carbon .108

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, K. A. Khan (1979. ) Removal of Chlorinated Organic Compounds by Activated Carbon and Other Adsorbents .61

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, K. A. Khan (1979. ) The Treatment of Phenolic Wastewater with Anaerobic-Activated Carbon Filters .223

Suidan, M. T., W. H. Cross, M. Fong, J. W. Calvert, Jr., K. A. Khan (1979. ) Anaerobic-Activated Carbon Filters for the Removal of Refractory and Toxic Organic Compounds in Wastewater .163

Chian, E.S.K., M. T. Suidan, W. H. Cross, S. Shah, S. B. Ghosh (1980. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter for the Treatment of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Wastewater .48

Cross, W. H., M. T. Suidan, M. A. Rollor, B. R. Kim, J. P. Gould (1982. ) Organic Solvent Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon," Final Report to Department of Interior .261

Wang, Y.T., M. T. Suidan, B. E. Rittmann (1983. ) Microbial Attachment Properties in Expanded-Bed, Activated Carbon Anaerobic Filters .52

Suidan, M. T., M. A. Deady, C. J. Gee (1983. ) Treatment of Coke-Oven Wastewater with the Powdered Activated Carbon Contact Stabilization Activated Sludge Process .136

Suidan, M. T., D. A. Gardner (1984. ) Treatment of Refinery Sour Water Stripper Bottoms in Completely Mixed, Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Filters .55

Suidan, M. T., J. T. Pfeffer, Y. T. Wang, M. A. Deady, P. Fox, S. W. Kao, M. A. Johnson (1985. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Gasifier Effluents .120

Sheridan, W. G., W. J. Jones, R. S. Wolfe, M. T. Suidan (1985. ) Fundamentals Associated with Biodegradation of Phenols and Polycyclic N-Aromatic Compounds .

Suidan, M. T., J. T. Pfeffer, Y. T. Wang, C. E. Strubler, G. L. Siekerka, S. W. Kao, P. Fox (1986. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter for the Treatment of the Constituents of Coal Conversion Wastewaters - Treatment and Toxicity Studies, .

Mueller, P. A., M. T. Suidan, J. T. Pfeffer (1987. ) Mueller, P. A., M. T. Suidan, and J. T. Pfeffer .

Suidan, M. T., J. T. Pfeffer, G. F. Nakhla, J. Fraser, B. E. Klepp, P. A. Mueller (1987. ) Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment .

Suidan, M. T., J. T. Pfeffer, G. F. Nakhla, U. K. Traegner, R. Vidic (1989. ) Anaerobic Fluid-Bed Treatment of Coal Conversion Wastewater .

Fox, P., M. T. Suidan (1989. ) An Innovative Reactor Design for the Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastewater .

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Biofilters Treat Contaminated Air .Water Environment Technology, 50

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Treating Dinitrotoluene in Propellant Wastewater Using Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Bioreactors Containing Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) .


Invited Presentations

Suidan, M.T. (2009. ) Fate of Estrogens During Wastewater Treatment .Keynote Address Presented at the 2009 Wuhan (China) International Conference on the Environment, Wuhan.

Suidan, M.T. (2004. ) Biofilm Treatment of MTBE .2nd IWA Leading Edge Technology Conference, Prague.

Suidan, M.T. (2004. ) Challenges in Biodegradation of Trace Organic Contaminants – Gasoline Oxygenates and Sex Hormones .77th WEF Annual Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans.

Suidan, M.T. (2004. ) Use of Gravity Operated Membrane Bioreactor for Groundwater Remediation. Use of Gravity Operated Membrane Bioreactor for Groundwater Remediation., Mumbai.

Suidan, M.T. (2004. ) Ex-Situ Treatment of Groundwater Plume Contaminated with MTBE and Other Gasoline Additives at Pascoag, RI Using a Biomass Concentrator Reactor .2nd European Conference on MTBE, Barcelona.

Suidan, M.T. (2003. ) Biodegradation of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether Using an Innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor .1st IWA Leading Edge Conference: Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Noordwijk/Amsterdam.

Suidan, M.T. (2003. ) Membrane Bioreactors-Treatment and Reuse .Platform Presentation at the 2nd FEA Student Conference, American University of Beirut, Beirut.

Suidan, M.T. (2002. ) The Use of Membrane Bioreactors for the Biodegradation of MTBE/TBA and Other Gasoline Components .5th Symposium in GRA’s Series on Groundwater Contamination: Biological Treatment of MTBE Contamination in Groundwater-Ex-Situ and In-Situ Challenges, San Jose.

Suidan, M.T. (2000. ) Use of Biomembrane Reactors for the Effective Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater .Key Note Address presented at the 3rd Annual Workshop on Water Conservation in the Kingdom, Dhahran.

Suidan, M.T. (2000. ) Anaerobic Bioventing for the Bioremediation of Soils Contaminated with Aerobically Recalcitrant Organic Compounds .Environmental Symposium of the U.S.-China AIChe Conference, Beiging.

Suidan, M.T. (1999. ) The Fluidized-Bed Anaerobic Bioreactor .Special Seminar on Anaerobic Digestion at Tohoku University, Sendai.

Suidan, M.T. (1999. ) Treatment of Energetics in Fluidized-Bed Bioreactors .1999 Borchardt Conference, “Advancements in Water & Wastewater Treatment, Ann Arbor.

Suidan, M.T. (1999. ) Long Term Performance and Characterization of a Membrane Bioreactor in the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater .1999 International Workshop on Mambrane Applications for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Beijing.

Suidan, M.T. (1998. ) State of Bioremediation & Biodegradation: Progress and Development is Excellent .6th Annual Industry Event, Oil Spill Response ‘98, Preparing Today for Tomorrow, Singapore.

Suidan, M.T. (1998. ) Undergraduate Education in Environmental Engineering .Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas, Ciudad Universitaria, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Suidan, M.T. (1998. ) Graduate Education in Environmental Engineering .Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas, Ciudad Universitaria, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Suidan, M.T. (1998. ) Comparison of a Membrane Bioreactor and a Conventional Activated Sludge System .Illinois Institute of Technology Chemical and Environmental Seminar Series, Chicago.

Suidan, M.T. (1996. ) Adsorption, Polymerization, and Fragmentation Reactions on Activated Carbon-Influence of Dissolved Oxygen .1996 AEEP Distinguished Lecturer Tour. University of Nevada (March 6), Tennessee Technological University, Vanderbilt University, and University of Tennessee (April 25),

Suidan, M.T. (1996. ) Development of Granular Bed Biofilter for the Treatment of Gas-Phase Pollutants .AEEP Distinguished Lecturer Tour. Arizona State University (March 8), Clemson University and Georgia Institute of Technology (March 14), New Mexico State University (March 18), North Carolina State University (March 25), Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (March 29), Rice University (April 2), University of Kentucky (April 9), Washington University (April 12), University of Illinois (April 15), Drexel University (May 10),

Suidan, M.T. (1996. ) Development of the Anaerobic GAC Expanded-Bed Bioreactor for the Treatment of Refractory and Inhibitory Wastes .AEEP Distinguished Lecturer Tour. University of Pittsburgh (March 20), Tennessee Technological University, Vanderbilt University, and University of Tennessee (April 27),

Suidan, M.T. (1996. ) Role of Nitrogen in Trickle Bed Biofilters: Nutrient or Electron Acceptor .Key Note Address Presented at the USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration, Los Angeles.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Reactor for the Treatment of Hazardous and Toxic Wastes .Samsong Corporation, Seoul.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Biofiltration, a Process for Treating Gaseous Emissions .National Institute of Environmental Research, Seoul.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Effects of Oxygen on the Adsorptive Capacity of GAC .Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Seoul.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Effects of Oxygen on the Adsorptive Capacity of GAC .Seoul National University, Seoul.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter Interactions in Biological Nitrification .Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Treatment of Chlorinated Phenols in an Anaerobic, Expanded-Bed GAC Bioreactor .IBC International Symposium on Biological Dehalogination, Annapolis,.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) The Granular Bed Biofilter for the Treatment of Gas Phase Pollutants .Southern Methodist University Seminar Series, Dallas.

Suidan, M.T. (1995. ) Bioremediation of Crude Oil Released on a Sandy Beach .Second Regional Conference and Exhibition “Save the Environment” Hosted by the ASCE-Saudi Arabia Section, Lebanese International Group, and Lebanese Ministry of Environment, Beirut.

Suidan, M.T. (1994. ) Biofilters for Treating Gas Phase Pollutants .BASF, Ludwigshafen.

Suidan, M.T. (1994. ) Surface Reactions and Polymerization on Activated Carbon Surfaces .Bayer, Colon.

Suidan, M.T. (1991. ) Anaerobic Pretreatment of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes .1991 US/USSR Technical Exchange in the Soviet Union on "Prevention of Water Pollution from Industrial and Municipal Sources",

Suidan, M.T. (1990. ) Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastes with the Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter .Keynote Address at the Japanese Water Pollution Control Conference, Kyoto.

Suidan, M.T. (1990. ) Operation and Control of Expanded GAC Reactors Treating Inhibitory Wastewaters .Biological Fluidized-Beds for Water and Wastewater Treatment Seminar, Ann Arbor.

Suidan, M.T. (1990. ) Toxic Pollutants Removal from Water by Fluidized Bed Bioreactors .1990 Mid-South Industrial Instrumentation and Chemical Show, Memphis.

Suidan, M.T. (1990. ) Effect of Oxygen on the Adsorptive Capacity of GAC .Effect of Oxygen on the Adsorptive Capacity of GAC, Nashville.

Suidan, M.T. (1989. ) Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastes with the Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter .AWMA/EPA International Symposium on Hazardous Waste Treatment: Biosystems for Pollution Control, Cincinnati.

Suidan, M.T. (1989. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Wastes from the Chemical Processing Industries .Anaerobic Treatment of High-Strength Wastes-A Civil Engineering Short Course, Milwaukee.

Suidan, M.T. (1989. ) The Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactor: A System for Treating Toxic Wastes .Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.

Suidan, M.T. (1989. ) An Innovative Process for Treating Toxic/Inhibitory Wastes .University of Delaware, Newark.

Suidan, M.T. (1988. ) Anaerobic Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor for the Treatment of Biologically Inhibiting Wastes Generated During Coal and Petroleum Distillation .5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Bologna.

Suidan, M.T. (1988. ) Treatment of High-Strength Wastewaters Containing Chlorinated Hydrocarbons .California Water Pollution Control Association 1988 Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Anaheim.

Suidan, M.T. (1987. ) Conference on Reducing Risks from Environmental Chemicals Through Biotechnology .Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Treatment of Hazardous Wastes, Seattle.

Suidan, M.T. (1985. ) Simplified Design Procedure for Biofilm Reactors .Suidan, M.T., Detroit.

Suidan, M.T. (1982. ) Design Operation and Control of Anaerobic Filters .Educational Conference on Wastewater Treatment , Minneapolis.

Suidan, M.T. (1981. ) Application of the Anaerobic Filter for the Treatment of Chemical Wastewaters .Union Carbide Corporation, South Charleston.

Suidan, M.T. (1980. ) Applications of Activated Carbon in Dechlorination, Organic Solvent Regeneration and Anaerobic Filters .Calgon's Research and Development Laboratory,, Pittsburgh.

Suidan, M.T. (1980. ) Treatment of Phenol, Catechol and o-Cresol Using the Anaerobic Granular Activated Carbon Filter .Environmental Engineering Seminar at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Suidan, M.T. (1979. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filters for the Treatment of Wastewaters Containing Phenols .Workshop on Anaerobic Fixed-Film Bioreactors,

Suidan, M.T. (1978. ) Reduction of Free and Combined Chlorine with Granular Activated Carbon .A.S.C. Meeting, Miami Beach.

Suidan, M.T. (1978. ) A Novel Design Concept in Activated Carbon Dechlorination .Clemson University, Clemson.

Suidan, M.T. (1978. ) Desalination and Waste Disposal Alternatives .Arab Development Institute Research Staff, Tripoli.

Poster Presentations

El Badawy, A., T.P. Luxton, R.G. Silva, K.G. Schekel, M.T. Suidan, and T.M. Tolaymat (2010. ) Purification of Silver Nanoparticles Using Diafiltration Membranes and its Applications for Testing the Fate, Transport and Toxicity of Silver .Presented at the American Chemical Society 237th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. .

Salam, D., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2009. ) Biodegradability and Toxicity of Canola Oil under Different Mixing Regimes .Presented at the 10th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, Baltimore, MD. .

El Badawy, A., T.P. Luxton, T.M. Tolaymat, K.G. Schekel, and M.T. Suidan (2009. ) Evaluating the Impact of Varying Synthesis Methods on Surface Charging and Aggregation of Silver Nanoparticles .Presented at the American Chemical Society 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. .

El Badawy, A., T.P. Luxton, T.M. Tolaymat, K.G. Schekel, and M.T. Suidan (2009. ) Silver Speciation and Leachability form Consumer Fabrics Containing Silver Nanomaterials .Presented at the American Chemical Society 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. .

Marfil-Vega, R., M.T. Suidan, and M.A. Mills (2009. ) Abiotic transformations of 17β-estradiol in simulated wastewater influent .Presented at the SETAC North America 30th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. .

Marfil-Vega, R., R.G. Silva, Q. Zhang, A. Medalla, J. Yang and M.T. Suidan (2009. ) Performance Evaluation for the Removal of Micropollutants: Membrane Biorreactor vs Conventional Activated Sludge Treatment .Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting AIChE, Nashville, TN. .

Marfil-Vega, R., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Mills (2009. ) Abiotic Processes Involved in the Removal of Estrogens from Wastewater .Poster presentation at the Micropol & Ecohazard 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA. .

Venosa, A.D., P. Campo, S. Chung, and M.T. Suidan (2009. ) Biodegradability of Lingering Oil 19 Years After EVOS Spill .Proceedings in In-situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium Battelle , Baltimore, MA. .

Yassine, M.H., S. Wu, S. Atgin, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2009. ) Microtox Toxicity of the Water-Accommodated Fraction of Six Diesel/Biodiesel Blends and Correlations with Organic Carbon Levels .Proceedings in In-situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium Battelle May 5-8, Baltimore, MA. .

Campo, P., Y. Zhao, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2008. ) Fate and Impact of Canola Oil in Aqueous Media Under Aerobic Conditions .Proceedings of IOSC 2008 International Oil Spill Conference, May 4-8, Savannah, GA USA. .

Marfil-Vega, R., M.T. Suidan, and M.A. Mills (2008. ) Interaction of Estrogens with Wastewater Solids: Insights for an Improved Removal .Poster presentation, IWA 2008 World Water Congress and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria. .

Cho, J.H., M.M. Zein, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2008. ) Biodegradability of Alternative Oxygenates .Presented at the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, China. .

Yang, C., H. Chen, G.M. Zeng, W. Qu, Y.Y. Zhong, X. Zhu, and M.T. Suidan (2008. ) Modeling Biodegradation of Toluene in Rotating Drum Biofilter .Presented at the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, China. .

Marfil-Vega, R. and M.T. Suidan (2007. ) Interaction of Estrogens with the Solid Components in Wastewater .Presented at the SETAC North America 28th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA. .

Campo, P., Y. Zhao, M. Suidan, and A. Venosa (2007. ) Biodegradation and Toxicity of Canola Oil .Proceedings of the 37th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, March 21-23, Cincinnati, OH USA. .

Campo, P., Y. Zhao, M. Suidan, and A. Venosa (2006. ) Biodegradation and Toxicity of Canola Triglycerides .Proceedings of the IWA World Water Congress September 10-14, Beijing, China. .

Cho, J.H., M.M. Zein, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Biodegradation of Alternative Oxygenates as a Sole Carbon Source or in the Presence of BTEX .Proceedings of WEFTEC 79th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX. .

Zhang, Q., M.T. Suidan, K. Zhang, D.B. Oerther, and A.D. Venosa (2006. ) Comparison of Biomass Selection Between a Novel Membrane Bioreactor and Activated Sludge Process .Proceedings of WEFTEC 79th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX. .

Campo, P., Y. Zhao, M. Suidan, G. Sorial, and A. Venosa (2005. ) Biodegradation Patterns and Toxicity Constituents of Canola Oil .Presented at the In-situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium Battelle June 6-9, Baltimore, MA USA. .

Campo-Moreno, P., Y. Zhao, M.T. Suidan, and G.A. Sorial (2005. ) Biodegradation Patterns and Toxicity of the Constituents of Canola Oil .Presented at the 8th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, Baltimore, MD. .

Garcia-Blanco, S., S. Surendran, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, and D.B. Oerther (2005. ) Impact of Phosphorus Supply on Biostimulation of Oil Bioremediation .Presented at the 8th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, Baltimore, MD. .

Zein, M., M. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2005. ) Ex-Situ Treatment of Groundwater Plume Contaminated with MTBE and Other Gasoline Additives at Pascoag, Rhode Island, Using a Biomass Concentrator Reactor .Presented at the 8th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, Baltimore, MD. .

Campo, P., Y. Zhao, M. Suidan, G. Sorial, and A. Venosa (2005. ) Biodegradation Patterns and Toxicity Constituents of Canola Oil .Proceedings of the In-situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium Battelle June 6-9, Baltimore, MA USA. .

Atikovic, E., M.T. Suidan, and S.W. Maloney (2005. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Army Ammunition Production Wastewater Containing Perchlorate and RDX .Proceedings of WEFTEC 78th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C.. .

Cacho-Rivero, J.A., and M.T. Suidan (2005. ) Anaerobic Digestion of Thermo-Oxidized Excess Municipal Sludge .Proceedings of WEFTEC 78th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C.. .

Zhao, Y., P. Campo-Moreno, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2005. ) Biodegradation Patterns and Toxicity of the Constituents of Canola Oil .Proceedings of WEFTEC 78th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C.. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2004. ) Biodegradation of methyl tert-butyl ether using an innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor .In Proceedings of the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Marrakech, Morocco. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2004. ) Ex-situ treatment of groundwater plume contaminated with MTBE and other gasoline additives at Pascoag, Rhode Island using a Biomass Concentrator Reactor .In Proceedings of WEFTEC 77th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA. .

Cacho-Rivero, J.A., and M.TT. Suidan (2004. ) Effect of Thermo-Oxidative Co-Treatment with Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .In Proceedings of WEFTEC 77th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2004. ) Ex-situ treatment of groundwater plume contaminated with MTBE and other gasoline additives at Pascoag, Rhode Island using a Biomass Concentrator Reactor .In Proceedings of 2004 NGWA Conference on MTBE and Perchlorate: Assessment, Costa Mesa, CA. .

Qi, S., M.T. Suidan, and P. de Percin (2004. ) Suspended Particulates Impact on PCB Volatilization from Sediments .Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA. .

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, and B.J. Kim (2004. ) Performance Evaluation of Rotating Drum Biofilters for VOC Removal: Effects of Gas Contact Time and VOC Properties .Proceedings of WEFTEC 77th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA. .

Qi, S.A., M.T. Suidan, P. dePercin (2004. ) Impact of Suspended Particulares on PCB Volatilization from Sediments .Presented at the American Chemical Society Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .

Cacho-Rivero, J.A, N. Madhavan, M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, and J.M. Audic (2004. ) Oxidative and Thermo-oxidative Co-Treatment with Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .Presented at the 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Montreal, CA. .

Cacho-Rivero, J.A, N. Madhavan, M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, and J.M. Audic (2004. ) Effect of Oxidative and Thermal Pretreatment on the Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .Presented at the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Marrakech, Morocco. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Using an Innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor .Presentedat the 1st European Conference on MTBE, Dresden, Germany. .

Suidan, M.T., A.D. Venosa, and J.M. Morrison (2003. ) Aerobic Biodegradation of MTBE Using Membrane Bioreactor .Presented at the 1st European Conference on MTBE, Dresden, Germany. .

Esperanza, M., C. González, A. Zaffiro, M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, P. McCauley, and R.C. Brenner (2003. ) Analysis of Steroids in Wastewater .Presented at the Seventh Battelle In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation International Symposium, Orlando, FL. .

Esperanza, M., A. Zaffiro, M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, P. McCauley, and R.C. Brenner (2003. ) Determination of Steroids in the Aqueous Matrices of Two Pilot-scale Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants .Presented 3rd International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water. National Ground Water Association, Minneapolis, MN. .

Sedran, M.A., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, and A. Pruden (2003. ) Analysis of an Aerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor Degrading MTBE and BTEX at Reduced EBCTs .Presented at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, and M.T. Suidan (2003. ) Influence of Oxidant Concentration on the Remediation of MTBE-Contaminated Water Using Fenton Reagent .Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water and Air Remediation (AOTs-9), Montreal, Quebec, CA. .

Zein, M.M., J.R. Morisson, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Comparative Performance of MTBE Biodegradation in two types of membrane bioreactors .Proceedings of In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Seventh International Symposium, Orlando, FL. .

Zein, M.M., P.X. Pinto, S. Gracia-Blanco, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Treatability of PAHs and Gasoline Hydrocarbons from a contaminated Groundwater Plume .Proceedings of In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Seventh International Symposium, Battelle, Orlando, FL. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Ex-Situ Biological Treatment of MTBE .Proceedings of 2003 NGWA Conference on MTBE: Assessment, Remediation, and Public Policy, NGWA, Baltimore, MD. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Using an Innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor .Proceedings of the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA. .

Zein, M.M., M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Using an Innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor .In Proceedings of the 76th WEF Annual Conference and Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA. .

Sedran, M.A., A. Pruden, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2003. ) Ethanol and BTEX Biodegradation in a Porous Pot Reactor by a Mixed Culture .In Proceedings of the 76th WEF Annual Conference and Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA. .

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, and B.J. Kim (2002. ) Removal of Diethyl Ether in Rotating Drum Biofilter at High Loading Rates .Presented at the 2002 AWMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, Baltimore, MA. .

Balasubramanian, G., A.A. Burbano, D.D. Dionysiou and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) Development of Highly-Active, Mechanically-Stable Thin Films of TiO2 Nanocatalyst Immobilized on Stainless Steel .Poster Presentation at the General Session of the Division of Environmental Chemistry, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL. .

Balasubramanian, G., D.D. Dionysiou and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) Development of Highly-Active, Mechanically-Stable Thin Films of TiO2 Nanocatalyst Immobilized on Stainless Steel .Presented at the 224th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) Influence of Oxidant Concentration and Process Configuration on the Remediation of MTBE-Contaminated Water Using the Fenton’s Reagent .Presented at the American Water Works Association Ohio Section Conference, Columbus, OH. .

Burbano, A., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.-M.Laîné (2002. ) Performance Evaluation of Highly-Active, Mechanically-Stable Thin Films of TiO2 Nanocatalyst .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Burbano, A., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, and T. Richardson (2002. ) Chemical Destruction of MTBE Using Fenton’s Reagent: Effect of Ferrous Iron/Hydrogen Peroxide Ratio .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, C. Yang, and B.J. Kim (2002. ) An Innovative Biofilter for Treating VOCs and Odors in Air Emissions: a New Concept of Biofiltration .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Qi, S., C. Alonso, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles, and P. de Percin (2002. ) Measurement of PCB Volatilization from Lake Hartwell Sediments .Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Monterey, CA. .

Pruden, A., M.A. Sedran, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2002. ) Biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX in an Aerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Qi, S., C. Alonso, and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) PCB Volatilization from Sediments .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Garcia-Blanco, S., A. Pruden, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, and K. Lee (2002. ) Study of Bioremediation Treatment Effects on Microbial Populations in a Crude Oil-Contaminated Coastal Marsh by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Davel, J., M.T. Suidan, and N. Adrian (2002. ) Biodegradation of the Energetic Compound TNT Through a Multiple-Stage Treatment Approach .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Melbourne, Australia. .

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu and B.J. Kim (2002. ) Biomass Accumulation Patterns for Removing Volatile Organic Compounds in Rotating Drum Biofilters .Proceedings of 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, Palmerston North, New Zealand. .

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, and B.J. Kim (2002. ) Comparison of Structures and Performances of Two Types of Rotating Drum Biofilters for VOC Removal .Proceedings of the USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration, Newport Beach, California, Newport Beach, California. .

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, and B.J. Kim (2002. ) Development and Evaluation of Rotating Drum Biofilter for VOC Removal .Proceedings of the 75th Annual WEF Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL . .

Yang, C., M.T. Suidan, X. Zhu, and B.J. Kim (2002. ) Removal of Diethyl Ether in a Rotating Drum Biofilter at High Loading Rates .Proceedings of the AWMA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. .

Kim, B.J., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, and C. Yang (2002. ) An Innovative Biofilter for Treating VOCs in Air Emissions .Proceedings of the AWMA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. .

Qi, S., C.Alonso, M. Suidan, G. Sayles (2002. ) Model Simulation of PCB Volatilization from Sediments .Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Chicago, IL . .

Cacho-Rivero, J.A., M.T. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J.-M. Audic (2002. ) Effect of SRT on the Anaerobic Digestion of Excess Municipal Sludge .Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Chicago, IL . .

Lei, L., M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak, and R. Lewis (2002. ) Use of Nonionic Polymeric Adsorbent to Assess PAH Bioavailability in Contaminated Marine Sediment .Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Chicago, IL . .

Cicek, N., M.R. Suidan, P. Ginestet, J.-M. Audic (2002. ) Role of Soluble Organic Matter in the Filtration Performance of a Membrane Bioreactor .Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Chicago, IL . .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) MTBE Degradation Using the Fenton’s Reagent: The Effect of Ferrous and Ferric Iron Mixtures on the Efficiency of the Overall Reaction .Proceedings of the Division of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 42, No. 1, paper 123, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson, and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated Water Using the Fenton’s Reagent .Proceedings of 75th Annual Water Environment Federation (WEF) Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL . .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou and M.T. Suidan (2002. ) MTBE Oxidation Using Fenton’s Reagent: Effect of Humic Substances-Based Iron Chelates at Neutral pH .Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water and Air Remediation (AOTs-8), Ontario, CA. .

Garcia-Blanco, S., M. Motelrb, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, K. Lee, and D.W. King (2001. ) Restoration of an Oil-Contaminated St. Lawrence River Shoreline: Bioremediation and Phytoremediation .Proceedings of the 2001 International Oil Spill Conference, Tampa, FL. .

Garcia-Blanco, S., M.T. Suidan, T. Huang, J. Cacho-Rivero, and A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Microcosm Study of Effect of Different Nutrient Addition on Bioremediation of Fuel Oil No. 2 in Soil from Nova Scotia Coastal Marshes .Proceedings of the 2001 International Oil Spill Conference, Tampa, FL. .

Lee K, K.G. Doe, M.T. Suidan, L.E.J. Lee, A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Remediation of an Oil-Contaminated Experimental Freshwater Wetland: II. Habitat Recovery and Toxicity Reduction .Proceedings of the 2001 International Oil Spill Conference, Tampa, FL. .

Lei, L., A.P. Khodadoust, R. Bagchi, M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak, and R. Lewis (2001. ) Effects of Redox Conditions and Cosubstrates on Biodegradation of PAH-Contaminated Marine Sediments .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Bagchi, R., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak, and R. Lewis (2001. ) Effectiveness of Cosolvents in Solubilizing PAHs from Marine Sediments .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Khodadoust, A.P., R. Bagchi, M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak, and R. Lewis (2001. ) Determination of Bioavailability through Adsorption and Desorption of PAHs in Marine Sediments .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Venosa, A.D., K. Lee, M.T. Suidan, S.E. Cobanli, S. Garcia-Blanco, and J.R. Haines (2001. ) Biorestoration of Crude Oil-Contaminated Freshwater and Saltwater Wetlands .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Davel, J.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, J.R. Macomber, J. Kim, N.R. Adrian (2001. ) Anaerobic/Aerobic Biodegradation of Energetic Compounds .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Pruden, A., G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, M.A. Sedran, and A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Characterization and Degradation Kinetics of Aerobic MTBE Degrading Cultures .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Xu, Y., M.T. Suidan, S. Garcia-Blanco, and A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Biodegradation of Crude Oil at High Oil Concentrations in Microcosms .Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA. .

Pruden, A., Sedran, M.A., Wilson, G.J., Suidan, M.T., and Venosa, A.D. (2001. ) Effect of BTEX on the Degradation of MTBE and TBA by a Mixed Bacterial Consortium .Proceedings of American Chemical Society 222nd National Meeting, Chicago, IL . .

Morrison, J., Suidan, M., and Venosa, A.D. (2001. ) MBR Application for MTBE Remediation in Contaminated Water .Proceedings of American Chemical Society 222nd National Meeting, Chicago, IL . .

Burbano, A.A., Dionysiou, D.D., Richardson, T.L., and Suidan, M.T. (2001. ) Remediation of MTBE Contaminated Water: Studies on the Degradation of MTBE Intermediates Using the Fenton's Reagent .Proceedings of American Chemical Society 222nd National Meeting, Chicago, IL . .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson, and M.T. Suidan (2001. ) Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated Water Using the Fenton’s Reagent .Proceedings of the 74th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Atlanta, GA. .

Davel, J.L., M.T. Suidan, J.R. Macomber, and N.R. Adrian (2001. ) Biodegradation of Energetic Compounds Under Varying Co-Substrate Loading Conditions .Proceedings of the 74th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Atlanta, GA. .

Lei, L., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, H.H. Tabak, and R. Lewis (2001. ) Feasibility of PAH Biodegradation in Contaminated Marine Sediments .Proceedings of the 74th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Atlanta, GA. .

Morrison, J.R., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, and A. Pruden (2001. ) Use of a Membrane Bioreactor for Removal of MTBE .Proceedings of the 74th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Atlanta, GA. .

Pruden, A., M.T. Suidan, J. Morrison, and A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of a Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Degrading Culture Applied in a Membrane Bioreactor .Proceedings of the IWA Conference, Berlin, Germany. .

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, and J.-M. Laine (2001. ) Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water and Wastewater Using a Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor: Factors Affecting Interfacial Transport, Adsorption and Reaction .Proceedings of Nanotechnology in Catalysis, the 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. .

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, and J.-M. Laine (2001. ) Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor (RDPR): Fundamental and Applied Studies for its Development and Evaluation for the Destruction of Recalcitrant Organic Contaminants in Water .Proceedings of the First International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies, Applications of UV Processes-Part II, Washington, D.C.. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, and J.-M.Laine (2001. ) Development of Highly Active, Mechanically-Stable Thin Films of TiO2 Nanocatalyst Immobilized on Stainless Steel: Performance Evaluation Using a Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air (TiO2-6) .Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Treatment of Water and Air (AOT-7), Ontario, CA. .

Dionysiou, D.D. and M.T. Suidan (2001. ) Oxidation of Organic Contaminants Using a Thin-Film Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor (RDPR): Effect of Oxygen Concentration in the Gas Phase and Influence of Oxygen Mass Transport in the Liquid Film .Proceedings of Environmental Chemistry of the 222nd ACS National Meeting, Vol. 41, No. 2, Environmental Chemistry Awards, Paper 29, Chicago, IL . .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson and M.T. Suidan (2001. ) Remediation of MTBE-Contaminated Water: Studies on the Degradation of MTBE Intermediates Using the Fenton’s Reagent .Proceedings of Environmental Chemistry of the 222nd ACS National Meeting, Vol 41., No 2, Remediation of Water and Soil Contaminated with Gasoline Oxygenates: In Situ and Ex situ Treatment Technologies, paper 29, Chicago, IL . .

Sedran, M.A., A. Pruden, G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2001. ) Biodegradation of MTBE in the Presence of BTEX under Batch and Continuous Feed Conditions .Presented at the 74th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, Atlanta, GA. .

D. Dionysiou, D.D., A.A. Burbano, M.T. Suidan, G.P. Anipsitakis, I. Baudin, and J.-M. Laîné (2001. ) The Role of Hydrogen Peroxide as a Supplemental Electron Acceptor on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) and Other Persistent Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water: The Ranges of Synergism and Inhibition .Presented at the AWWA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.. .

Burbano, A.A., G.P. Anipsitakis, D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson and M.T. Suidan (2001. ) Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated Water: Studies on MTBE Mineralization using the Fenton’s Reagent .Presented at the 7th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Treatment of Water and Air (AOT-7), Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin and J.-M. Laîné (2001. ) Development of Highly Active, Mechanically-Stable Thin Films of TiO2 Nanocatalyst Immobilized on Stainless Steel: Performance Evaluation Using a Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor (RDPR) .Poster Presentation at the 6th International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air (TiO2-6), Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson, and M.T. Suidan (2001. ) Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated Water Using the Fenton’s Reagent .Presented at the Annual Conference of the Ohio American Water Works Association (OAWWA), Cleveland, OH. .

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, and B.J. Kim (2000. ) Mathematical Model of the Effect of Nitrate on Gas Phase Biofilters .Presented at the 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, C. Alonso, T. Yu, B.J. Kim, and B.R. Kim (2000. ) Biofilm Structure and Masss Transfer in a Gas Phase Trickle-Bed Biofilter .Presented at the 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laine, T.L. Huang (2000. ) TiO2-Assisted Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorobenzoic Acid in Water: Effect of Type of Catalyst, Catalyst Loading, Initial Contaminant Concentration, and Solution Characteristics .Presented at the 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin and J.M. Laîné (2000. ) Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor: Influence of Mass Transfer and Incident Light Intensity on the Degradation Rates. Podium .Presented at the 219th National Meeting of American Chemical Society (ACS), Division of Ind. & Eng. Chem., paper 292, San Francisco. .

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin and J.M. Laîné (2000. ) Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor: Influence of Electron Acceptors on the Degradation Efficiency of Organic Compounds in Water .Presentation at the 5th International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air, London Ontario, Canada. .

Burbano, A.A., D.D. Dionysiou, T.L. Richardson, and M.T. Suidan (2000. ) Mechanistic Studies for the Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated Water in situ using the Fenton’s Reagent .Presented at the 6th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water and Air Remediation, London Ontario, Canada. .

Davel, J.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, J.R. Macomber, J. Kim, N.R. Adrian (2000. ) Biodegradation of Energetic Compounds in Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactors .Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference and Exposition on the Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment, Anaheim, CA. .

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles, S. Kaskasian (2000. ) Modeling Application Strategies for Anaerobic Bioventing .Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference and Exposition on the Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment, Anaheim, CA. .

Qi, S., C. Alonso, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (2000. ) Investigation of PCB Volatilization from Sediment .Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference and Exposition on the Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment, Anaheim, CA. .

Richter, A.P., G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (2000. ) Identification and Monitoring of MTBE Degraders by DGGE Analysis .Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference and Exposition on the Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment, Anaheim, CA. .

Khodadoust, A. P., M.T. Suidan, J. Antia, H.H. Tabak, J.M. Lazorchak (2000. ) Studies on In-Situ Bioremediation of PAH Contaminated Sediments: Bioavailability, Biodegradability and Toxicity Issues .Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA. .

Wilson, G.J., A.P. Richter, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (2000. ) Aerobic Biodegradation of Gasoline Oxygenates MTBE and TBA .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Moteleb, M.A., M.T. Suidan, J. Kim, J.L. Davel, and N.R. Adrian (2000. ) Anaerobic Degradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene in a Granular Activated Carbon Fluidized Bed and Batch Reactors .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, C. Alonso, T. Yu, B.J. Kim, and B.R. Kim (2000. ) Biofilm Structure and Mass Transfer in a Gas Phase Trickle-Bed Biofilter .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Shah, J.K., G.D. Sayles, M.T. Suidan, P.G. Mihopoulos, S.R. Kaskassian (2000. ) Anaerobic Bioventing of Unsaturated Zone Contaminated with DDT and DNT .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, Paris, France. .

Cicek, N., J. Macomber, J. Davel, M.T. Suidan, J.M. Audic, P. Genestet (2000. ) Effect of Solids Retention Time on the Performance and Biological Characteristics of a Membrane Bioreactor .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan, and G.D. Sayles (2000. ) Complete Remediation of PCE Contaminated Unsaturated Soils by Sequential Anaerobic-Aerobic Bioventing .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Dionysiou, D.D., M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, J.M. Laine, T.L. Huang (2000. ) TiO2-Assisted Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorobenzoic Acid in Water: Effect of Type of Catalyst, Catalyst Loading, Initial Contaminant Concentration, and Buffer System .Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France. .

Purandare, J., P. Reeser, T. Huang, M.T. Suidan, Ben Johnston, A.D. Venosa, and P. Pier (1999. ) Microcosm Study of Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Freshwater Wetlands .Proceedings of the 1999 International Oil Spill Conference, Seattle, Washington. .

A.D. Venosa, G.A. Sorial, F. Uraizee, T.L. Richardson, and M.T. Suidan (1999. ) Research Leading to Revisions in EPA’s Dispersant Effectiveness Protocol .Proceedings of the 1999 International Oil Spill Conference, Seattle, Washington. .

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan, and G.D. Sayles (1999. ) Anaerobic Bioventing: Reaction and Transport Processes in the Unsaturated Zone .Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, The Fifth International Symposium, San Diego, CA. .

Antia, J.E., H.H. Tabak, and M.T. Suidan (1999. ) Impact of Adsorption and Desorption on Bioremediation of PAH-Contaminated Estuarian Sediments .Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, The Fifth International Symposium, San Diego, CA. .

Wrenn, B.A., A.D. Venosa, and M.T. Suidan (1999. ) Contaminant Redistribution Can Confound Interpretation of Oil-Spill Bioremediation Studies .Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, The Fifth International Symposium, San Diego, CA. .

Cicek, N., M.T. Suidan, J. Macomber, J. Davel, V. Urbain, and J. Manem (1999. ) Long Term Performance and Characterization of a Membrane Bioreactor in the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater .Proceedings of the International Workshop on Membrane Applications for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Beijing, China. .

Antia, J.E., M.T. Suidan, and H.H. Tabak (1999. ) Studies on Bioavailability of PAHs in Harbor Sediment .Proceedings of the 72nd WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. .

Alonso, C, X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, and B.J. Kim (1999. ) Mathematical Model and Parameter Estimation for Treatment of VOCs in Trickle Bed Biofilters .Proceedings of the 72nd WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. .

Wilson, G.J., A.P. Richter, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa (1999. ) Biodegradation of MTBE .Proceedings of the 72nd WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. .

Ahn, C.H., X. Du, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, M.C. Boufadel, T. Huang, M.A. Moteleb (1999. ) The Characteristics of Crude Oil Biodegradation in Sand Columns Under Tidal Cycles .Proceedings of the 72nd WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. .

Dionysiou, D.D., G. Balasubramanian, M.T. Suidan, E. Bekou, I. Baudin, and J.M. Laine (1999. ) Photocatalytic Treatment of Organic Contaminants in Water Using a Novel TiO2 Rotating Disk Reactor .Proceedings of the 72nd WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. .

Dionysiou, D.D., A.M. Kern, A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, I. Baudin, and J.M. Laine (1999. ) Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor (RDPR): Continuous Flow Operation for the Degradation of Phenol, Chlorinated Phenols, and Lindane in Water .Presented at the 1999 Fourth International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air, May 24-28, Albuquerque, New Mexico. .

Dionysiou, D.D. and M.T. Suidan (1999. ) Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorobenzoic Acid Using TiO2 Nanoparticles .Presented at the Symposium of Nano-, Micro-, and Mesoscale Technologies in Science and Engineering, May 13, Cincinnati, OH. .

Zhu, X, M.T. Suidan, C. Alonso, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim, S.H. Lee, C. Yang (1999. ) The Influence of Liquid Flow Rates on VOC Removal in Trickle-Bed Biofilters .Presented at the 1999 Air & Waste Management Association 92nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, June 20-24, St. Louis, Missouri. .

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan, and G.D. Sayles (1999. ) Modeling of Anaerobic Bioventing Radius of Influence: Comparison with Experimental Measurements .Presented at the 1999 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13-17, San Diego, CA. .

Khodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, J.E. Antia, H.H. Tabak, and J.M. Lazorchak (1999. ) Studies on In-Situ Bioremediation of PAH Contaminated Sediments: Bioavailability and Toxicity .Presented at the 12th IGT International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnologies and Site Remediation Technologies & Utility Industry Environmental Issues, Challenges, and Solutions, Orlando, FL. .

Du, X., P. Reeser, M.T. Suidan, T. Huang, M. Moteleb, M.C. Boufadel, A.D. Venosa (1999. ) Optimum Nitrogen Concentration Supporting Maximum Crude Oil Biodegradation in Microcosms .1999 International Oil Spill Conference, Seattle. . Conference. .

Zhu, X., C. Alonso, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1998. ) The Effect of Liquid Phase on VOC Removal in Trickle Bed Biofilters .Proceedings of 19th IAWQ Biennial International Conference on Water Quality, Vancouver, Canada. .

Miller, K.M., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, A.P. Khodadoust, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1998. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Soil Washed Fluids from a Wood Preserving Site .IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver. . Conference. .

Zhu, X, C. Alonso, H. Cao, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1998. ) The Effect of Liquid Phase on VOC Removal in Trickle-Bed Biofilters .IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver. . Conference. .

Wilson, G., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1998. ) Anaerobic/Aerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using GAC Fluidized Bed Reactors: Optimization of the Empty Bed Contact Time .IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver. . Conference. .

Franco, J.P., N. Cicek, M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain (1998. ) Comparative Advantage of the Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment under Sludge Bulking Conditions .IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver. . Conference. .

Zhu, X., H. Cao, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1998. ) The Effect of Moisture Content on VOC Removal in Trickle-Bed Biofilters .91st AWMA Annual Conference, San Diego. . Conference. .

Dionysios, D.D., G. Balasubramanian, M.T. Suidan, J.M. Laine (1998. ) TiO2 Rotating Disk Photocatalytic Reactor: Characterization and Evaluation for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Water .1998 Pan-American Workshop on Commercialization of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Ontario. . Workshop. .

Dionysios, D.D., G. Balasubramanian, M.T. Suidan, J.M. Laine (1998. ) Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorobenzoic Acid with UV Radiation and TiO2 Powders or TiO2 Composite Ceramic Balls .998 Pan-American Workshop on Commercialization of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Ontario. . Workshop. .

Alonso, C, X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1998. ) Mathematical Model for the Biodegradation of VOCs in Trickle Bed Biofilters .International Specialty Conference Microbial Ecology of Biofilms: Concepts, Tools, and Applications, Lake Bluff. . Conference. .

Zhu, X, H. Cao, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, and B.R. Kim (1998. ) The Effect of Moisture Content on VOC Removal in Trickle Bed Biofilters .91st AWMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego. . Conference. .

Khodadoust, A.P., G. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, R.A. Griffiths, .C. Brenner (1998. ) Countercurrent Solvent Washing of Soils Contaminated with Wood Preserving Wastes: Bench Scale and Pilot Scale Studies .71st WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Orlando. . Conference. .

Kim, J., Moteleb, M.A., Wilson, G.J., Suidan, M.T., Maloney, S.W. (1998. ) The Biodegradation of Chlorinated Wastewater Utilizing an Anaerobic GAC-FBR .71st WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Orlando. . Conference. .

Miller, K.M., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, A.P. Khodadoust, R.C. Brenner, C. Acheson (1998. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Wood Preserving Contaminants From a Soil Washing Process .71st WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Orlando. . Conference. .

Moteleb, M.A., J. Kim, M.T. Suidan, S.W. Maloney (1998. ) Effect of Periodic Substrate Perturbations on the Treatment of Formaldehyde in an Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Granular Activated Carbon Reactor (AFBGAC) .71st WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Orlando. . Conference. .

Steed, V.S., R. Blackert, M.T. Suidan, C. Acheson, T. Miyahara (1998. ) Effect of pH on Removal of Heavy Metals by a Sulfate-Reducing Bioprocess .71st WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Orlando. . Conference. .

Alonso, C, X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1998. ) Modeling of the Biodegradation Process in a GAS Phase Bioreactor-Estimation of Intrinsic Parameters .1998 USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration, Los Angeles. . Conference. .

Mihopoulos, P.G., M.T. Suidan G.D. Sayles (1998. ) Anaerobic Bioventing: Reaction and Transport Processes in the Unsaturated Zone .AICHE, 1998 Annual Meeting, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Dionysiou, D.D., G. Balasubramanian, M.T. Suidan, J.M. Laine (1998. ) Thin Film Photocatalytic Reactor for the Destruction of Organic Contaminants in Industrial Wastewater and Drinking Water .AICHE, 1998 Annual Meeting, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Boufadel, M.C., M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Tide-Driven Nutrient Transport in a Beach Mesocosm in the Absence of Waves .1997 International Oil Spill Conference, Fort Lauderdale. . Conference. .

Wrenn, B.A., M.C. Boufadel, M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1997. ) Nutrient Transport During Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Beaches .Fourth International Symposium In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Battle Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Sayles, G.D., P. Mihopoulos, M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Anaerobic Bioventing of PCE .Fourth International Symposium In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Battle Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Steed, V.S., M.T. Suidan, M. Gupta, T. Miyahara, C. Acheson, G.D. Sayles (1997. ) Sulfate-Reducing Bioprocess to Remove Metals from Acid Mine Drainage .Fourth International Symposium In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Battle Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1997. ) Nutrient and Electron Acceptors Effect in Vapor-Phase Biofilters .Fourth International Symposium In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Battle Conference., New Orleans. . Conference. .

Alonso, C., X. Zhu, M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1997. ) Effect of Nitrate on VOC Removal in a Gas Phase Biofilter .70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Zhu, X., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1997. ) Role of Phosphorus in Trickle-Bed Biofilters .70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Steed, V.S., R. Blackert, M.T. Suidan, T. Miyahara, C.M. Acheson, G.D. Sayles (1997. ) Optimization of a Sulfate Reducing Bioprocess to remove Heavy Metals from Acid Mine Drainage .70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Wilson, G.J., M.T. Suidan, S.W. Maloney, R.C. Brenner (1997. ) The Biodegradation of 24D Bearing Industrial Wastewater Utilizing a Pilot-Scale Anaerobic GAC-FBR in Eastern Europe .70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Mihopoulos, P., G.S. Sayles, M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Anaerobic Bioventing of Tetrachloroethylene in the unsaturated Zone .70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Cicek, N., J.P. Franco, M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain, J. Manem, N. Cicek (1997. ) Characteristics and Comparison of a Membrane Bioreactor and a Conventional Activated Sludge System in the Treatment of Wastewater Containing High Molecular Weight Compounds .70th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Sayles, G.D., P.G. Mihopoulos, M.T. Suidan (1997. ) Anaerobic Bioventing of PCE .3rd International Symposium of In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Gupta, M. M.T. Suidan (1996. ) Modeling Kinetics of Chloroform Cometabolism in Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Environments .18th Biennial Conference and Exhibition of the International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), Singapore. . Conference. .

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1996. ) Abiotic Reduction of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in the Presence of Sulfide Minerals Under Anoxic Conditions .18th Biennial Conference and Exhibition of the International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), Singapore. . Conference. .

Zhu, X, M.J. Rihn, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim (1996. ) The Effect of Nitrate on VOC Removal in Trickle Bed Biofilters .18th Biennial Conference and Exhibition of the International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), Singapore. . Conference. .

Winnen, H, M.T. Suidan, P.V. Scarpino, B. Wrenn, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1996. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor in the Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Compounds .18th Biennial Conference and Exhibition of the International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), Singapore. . Conference. .

Zhu, X, M.J. Rihn, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim, B.R. Kim, B.C. Paik (1996. ) Role of Nitrate in Trickle-Bed Biofilters: Nutrient or Electron Acceptor .69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas. . Conference. .

Steed, V.S., M.T. Suidan, M. Gupta, T. Miyahara, C. Acheson, G.D. Sayles (1996. ) Development of a Sulfate-Reducing Bioprocess to Remove Heavy Metals from Acid Mine Drainage .69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas. . Conference. .

Khodadoust, A.P., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1996. ) Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes Using Solvent Washing .69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas. . Conference. .

Alonso, C., M.T. Suidan, B.R. Kim, B.J. Kim (1996. ) Dynamic Mathematical Model for the Biodegradation of VOCs in a Biofilter: Biomass Accumulation Study .69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas. . Conference. .

Norton, J.W., M.T. Suidan, C.M. Acheson (1996. ) Dehalogination of PCP in a Biofilm Electrode Reactor .69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas. . Conference. .

Cicek, N., M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1996. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor for the Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Compounds .69th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas. . Conference. .

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1996. ) Operation and Performance of Trickle Bed Air Biofilters .World Environmental Congress (World 96), Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner, (1996. ) Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance for Treatment of Contaminated Air .Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance for Treatment of Contaminated Air, Los Angeles. . Conference. .

Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, D. Sharma, and G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Kinetics and Modeling of Chloroform Biodegradation by Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Cultures .Summer National Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Boston. . Professional Meeting. .

C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner, A.P. Khodadoust, K.M. Miller, G.W. Wilson, M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Integrated System for Treating Soil Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes .21st Annual RREL Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Norton, J.W., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Reductive Electrolytic Dechlorination .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Pittsburgh. . Conference. .

Wrenn, B., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, K.L. Strohmeier, (1995. ) Nutrient Retention in the Bioremediation Zone of a Sandy Beach .International Oil Spill Conference-Achieving and Maintaining Preparedness, Long Beach. . Conference. .

Venosa, A.D., B.E. Wrenn, K.L. Strohmeier, J.Hainz, M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Field Bioremediation Study of Spilled Crude Oil on Fowler Beach, Delaware .International Oil Spill Conference-Achieving and Maintaining Preparedness, Long Beach. . Conference. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Development of High-Rate Trickle Bed Biofilter. 21st Annual RREL Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Acheson, C.M., R.C. Brenner, A.P. Khodadoust, G.W. Wilson, K.M. Miller, M.T. Suidan (1995. ) Integrated System for Treating Soil Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes .21st Annual RREL Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Winnin, H., M.T. Suidan, V. Urbain, J. Manem (1995. ) Effectiveness of the Membrane Bioreactor in the Biodegradation of High Molecular Compounds .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Pittsburgh. . Conference. .

Norton, J. Jr., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa, C.M. Acheson (1995. ) Reductive Electrolytic Dechlorination .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Pittsburgh. . Conference. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Management of High-Rate Trickle Bed Biofilter .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Pittsburgh. . Conference. .

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, A. Pandit, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Performance of Trickle Bed Biofilters Under High Toluene Loading .88th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the AWMA, San Antonio. . Professional Meeting. .

Sorial G.A., F.L. Smith, A. Pandit, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Comparison of Two Similarly Toluene Loaded Biofilters-Impact of Residence Time .1995 AIChE Summer Meeting, Boston. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan, M.T., M. Gupta, G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Kinetics and Modeling of Chloroform Biodegradation by Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Cultures .1995 AIChE Summer Meeting, Boston. . Professional Meeting. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Maintaining High Removal Efficiencies in Trickle Bed Air Biofilters: Development of Media Backwashing Strategies .3rd International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation, San Diego. . Conference. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, A. Pandit, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Further Evaluation of Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance as a Function of Loading, Residence Time, and Biomass Control .68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Sharma, D., Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1995. ) Chloroform and Dichloromethane Biodegradation Kinetics with Methanol as Primary Substrate .68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Alonso, C., P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, G. Sorial, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) A Comprehensive Mathematical Model for the Biodegradation of VOCs in Trickle-Bed Air Biofilters .68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Flora, E.M.C.V., M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim (1995. ) Analysis of Biomass Distribution and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms .68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Wilson, G.J., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, A.P. Khodadoust, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using GAC Fluidized Bed Bioreactors: Optimization of the Empty Bed Contact Time .68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Anaerobic Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene with Different Primary Substrates .68th WEF Annual Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach. . Conference. .

Wrenn, B.A., M.T. Suidan, B.L. Eberhardt, G.D. Wilson, K.L. Strohmeier, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Nutrient Transport in a Sandy Beach .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Rye Brook. . Conference. .

Venosa, A.D., J.R. Haines, M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, B.L. Eberhardt, M. Kadkhodayan, E. Holder, K.L. Strohmeier, D. King, B. Anderson (1995. ) Bioremediation of Crude Oil Intentionally Released on the Shoreline of Fowler Beach, Delaware .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Rye Brook. . Conference. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, A. Pandit, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Operation and Optimization of Granular Air Biofilters .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Rye Brook. . Conference. .

Suidan, M.T., A.P. Khadadoust, G.J. Wilson, K.M. Miller, C.M. Acheson, R.C. Brenner (1995. ) Integrated Systems to Remediate Soil Contaminated with Wood Treating Wastes .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Rye Brook. . Conference. .

Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles, C.M. Acheson (1995. ) Development of Sulfate Reducing Biprocess to Remove Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water and Soil .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Rye Brook. . Conference. .

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1995. ) Effect of Primary Substrate on the Reduction of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Rye Brook. . Conference. .

Flora, E.M.C.V., J.R.V. Flora, M.T. Suidan, B.J. Kim (1994. ) Analysis of Biomass Distribution and Chemical Interactions in Nitrifying Biofilms .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Boulder. . Conference. .

VanderLoop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in a Two Stage System .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Boulder. . Conference. .

Sharma D., M. Gupta, M. T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chloroform under Methanogenic Conditions .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Boulder. . Conference. .

Wilson, G.W., J.A. Wagner, A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) The Evaluation of Empty Bed Contact Time on the Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol Using an Anaerobic GAC Fluidized Bed .Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Boulder. . Conference. .

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Evaluation of the Performance of Trickle Bed Biofilters-Impact of Periodic Removal of Accumulated Biomass .87th AWMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Cincinnati. . Professional Meeting. .

Wilson, G.W., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, J.A. Wagner, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol: Optimization of Empty-Bed Contact Time in Fluidized-Bed GAC Bioreactors .87th AWMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Cincinnati. . Professional Meeting. .

Vanderloop, S.L., M.T. Suidan, M.A. Moteleb, and S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Treatment of a Simulated High Strength Dinitrotoluene Wastewater in a Two Stage Biological System .87th AWMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Cincinnati. . Professional Meeting. .

Gupta, M., D. Sharma, A. Gupta, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Biodegradation of Chloroform Under Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Conditions Using Acetate as the Primary Substrate .87th AWMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Cincinnati. . Professional Meeting. .

VanderLoop, S., M.T. Suidan, M. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Two Phase Biodegradation of Ammunitions Wastes: Bench-Scale and Pilot Studies .67th WEF annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Islam, S., M.T. Suidan (1994. ) Electrolytic Denitrification: Long Term Performance and Effect of Current Intensity .67th WEF annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, D. Sharma, A. Gupta, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Biodegradation of Chloroform Under Methanogenic Conditions Using Different Primary Substrates .67th WEF annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Anaerobic Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene: The Impact of Sulfide in Batch Test .67th WEF annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Smith, F.L., M.T. Suidan, G.A. Sorial, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Trickle Bed Biofilter Performance: Biomass Control and N-Nutrient Effects .67th WEF annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

VanderLoop, S., M.T. Suidan, M. Moteleb, S.W. Maloney (1994. ) Effects of Molecular Oxygen on GAC Adsorption of Energetics .67th WEF annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago. . Conference. .

Venosa, A.D., M.T. Suidan, B.A. Wrenn, J.R. Haines, K. Strohmeier, E. Holder, L. Eberhart (1994. ) Nutrient Application Strategies for Oil Spill Bioremediation in the Field .Twentieth Annual RREL Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Norton, J.W., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Dechlorination with a Biofilm-Electrode Reactor .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Cheng, J., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Kinetics of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Munitions Wastes .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Alternative Biofilter Attachment Media for Treatment of VOCs .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Boufadel, M., M.T. Suidan, A.D. Venosa (1994. ) Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Nutrient Delivery for Oil Contaminated Beaches .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Khodadoust, A.P., G.J. Wilson, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Remediation of Contaminated Soils from Wood Preserving Sites Using Combined Treatment Technologies .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Suidan, M.T., J.R.V. Flora, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Optimization of Anaerobic Biofilm Reactors .Seventh International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Cape Town. . Conference. .

Suidan, M.T., J.R.V. Flora (1994. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater Containing Chlorinated Organic Compounds .Seventh International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Cape Town. . Conference. .

Nakhla, G.F., M.T. Suidan (1994. ) Determination of Biomass Shear Loss Coefficients in Expanded Bed Anaerobic GAC Bioreactor .17th Biennial Conference and Exhibition of the International Association on Water Quality, Budapest. . Conference. .

Suidan, M.T., G.A. Sorial, F.L. Smith (1994. ) The Long-Term Performance of Pelletized Media Biofilters Under High Loading .Summer National Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Denver. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan, M.T. (1994. ) Scaleup of GAC Adsorbers .International Symposium Assessing and Managing Health Risks from Drinking Water Contamination: Approaches and Applications, Rome. . Conference. .

Gupta, M., M.T. Suidan, D. Sharma, G.D. Sayles (1994. ) Kinetics of Chloroform Biodegradation by an Acetate-Fed Methanogenic Culture .17th Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop, East Lansing. . Workshop. .

Smith, F.L., G.A. Sorial, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, R.C. Brenner (1994. ) Trickle Bed Biofilter Development for High VOC Removal Efficiency .7th International IGT Symposium on Gas, Oil, and Environmental Biotechnology, Colorado Springs. . Conference. .

Cheng J., Kanjo Y., Venosa A.D., Suidan M.T. (1993. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene and its Effect on Biotransformation of Ethanol .American Society for Microbiology Conference, Atlanta. . Conference. .

Khodadoust A.P., Wagner J.A., Suidan M.T., Safferman S.I. (1993. ) Treatment of PCP-Contaminated Soils by Washing with Ethanol/Water Followed by Anaerobic Treatment .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Dallas. . Conference. .

Smith F.L., Sorial G.A., Smith P.J., Suidan M.T., Biswas P., Brenner R.C. (1993. ) Preliminary Evaluation of Attachment Media for Gas Phase Biofilters .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Dallas. . Conference. .

Gheng J., Suidan M.T., Venosa A.D. (1993. ) Cometabolic Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Using Ethanol as a Primary Substrate .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Dallas. . Conference. .

Flora J.R.V., Suidan M.T., Biswas P., Sayles G.D. (1993. ) Chemical Interactions and pH Profiles in Microbial Biofilms .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development and Field Evaluations, Dallas. . Conference. .

Maloney, S.W., E.R. May, S.R. Berchtold, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Summary of Bench Scale Evaluations of Expanded Bed Granular Activated Carbon Bioreactors for DNT Treatment .17th Annual Army Environmental R&D Symposium, Published by the U.S. Army Environmental Center, Williamsburg, VA. . Conference. .

Sorial, G.A., F.L. Smith, P.J. Smith, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Development of Aerobic Biofilter Design Criteria for Treating VOCs .86th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Denver. . Professional Meeting. .

Smith, P.J., P. Biswas, M.T. Suidan, R.C. Brenner (1993. ) Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Waste Gases Using a Trickling Biofilter System: A Modeling Approach .Denver, 86th Annual Meeting of AWMA. . Professional Meeting. .

Khodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of Aged PCP Contaminated Soils .86th Annual Meeting of AWMA, Denver. . Professional Meeting. .

Wagner, J.W., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of PCP by Anaerobic Expanded-Bed Granular Activated Carbon Reactors .25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Baltimore. . Conference. .

Gupta, M., A. Gupta, M.T. Suidan, G.D. Sayles (1993. ) A Fundamental Study of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chloroform under Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis .25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Baltimore. . Conference. .

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, S. Islam, P. Biswas, Y. Sakakibara (1993. ) Electrolytically Enhanced Biological Denitrification .AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio. . Conference. .

Suidan, M.T., G.A. Sorial, P.J. Cerminara, S.P. Papadimas, T.F. Speth (1993. ) Competitive Adsorption of VOCs and Background Organic Matter (BOM) in Fixed Beds: Role of Molecular Oxygen .AIChE 1993 Summer National Meeting, Seattle. . Professional Meeting. .

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, S. Islam, P. Biswas, Y. Sakakibara (1993. ) Numerical Modeling of a Biofilm Electrode Reactor Used for Enhanced Denitrification .2nd International Specialized Conference on Biofilm Reactors, Paris. . Conference. .

R.D. Vidic, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) What is Adsorbing? The Parent Compound, Its Degradation Intermediates, or its Polymers .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Islam, S., J.R.V. Flora, M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, Y. Sakakibara (1993. ) Enhancement and Control of Denitrification Using a Biofilm Electrode Reactor .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Flora, J.R.V., M.T. Suidan, P. Biswas, G.D. Sayles (1993. ) Modeling Chemical Interactions in Anaerobic Biofilm Systems .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Berchtold, S.R., M.T. Suidan, S.W. Maloney (1993. ) Treatment of Propellant Production Wastewaters Using Anaerobic Fluidized Bed GAC Bioreactors .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Gupta, A., J.R.V. Flora, M. Gupta, G.D. Sayles, M.T. Suidan (1993. ) Methanogenesis and Sulfate Reduction in Chemostats: A Fundamental Experimental Study and Modeling .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Wagner, J.A., A.P. Khodadoust, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Treatment of PCP Containing Wastewater Using Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed GAC Bioreactors .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Khodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, S.I. Safferman (1993. ) Khodadoust, A.P., J.A. Wagner, M.T. Suidan, and S.I. Safferman .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Brenner, R.C., G.A. Sorial, F.L. Smith, M.T. Suidan, P.J. Smith, P. Biswas (1993. ) Evaluation of Biofilter Media for Treatment of Air Streams Containing VOC's .66th WEF Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Maloney, S., M.T. Suidan, S.R. Berchtold (1993. ) Anaerobic Biodegradation of DNT in Fixed Film Reactors Applied to Industrial Wastewater .2nd International Specialized Conference on Biofilm Reactors, Paris. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Schroeder A.T., Nath R., Krishnan E.R., Brenner R.C. (1992. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates by Carbon-Assisted Anaerobic Fluidized Beds .Venice, International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste. . Conference. .

Berchtold S.R., Suidan M.T., Maloney S.W. (1992. ) Treatment of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene by Anaerobic GAC Expanded-Bed Reactor .24th Mid-Atlantic Waste Conference, Morgantown. . Conference. .

Narayanan B., Suidan M.T., Gelderloos A.B., Brenner R.C. (1992. ) Anaerobic Treatment of High-Strength Industrial Wastes Bearing Semi-Volatile RCRA Compounds .Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T., Brenner R.C. (1992. ) Oxidative Coupling of Phenolics on the GAC Surface .Water Environment Control Federation 65th Annual Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Flora J.R.V., Suidan M.T., Biswas P., Sayles G.D. (1992. ) The Effect of Bulk pH and Alkalinity on Inorganic Carbon Flux Into Algal Biofilms .Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Sorial G.A., Suidan M.T., Vidic R.D., Maloney S.W. (1992. ) Multicomponent Adsorption on GAC Oxygen Mediated Reversal of Breakthrough Patterns .Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Khadadoust A., Wagner J.A., Suidan M.T., Safferman S.I. (1992. ) Solvent Washing of PCP Contaminated Soils with Anaerobic Treatment of Wash Fluids .Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Flora J.R.V., Suidan M.T., Wuellner A.M., Boyer T.K. (1992. ) Treatment of Chlorinated Phenols Using an Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactor .Minneapolis, Summer National AIChE Meeting. . Professional Meeting. .

Sorial G.A., Suidan M.T., Papadimas S.P., Speth T.F. (1992. ) Competitive Adsorption of VOCs and NOM-Oxic and Anoxic Environments .Summer National AIChE Meeting, Minneapolis. . Professional Meeting. .

Khadadoust A., Wagner J.A., Suidan M.T., Safferman S.I. (1992. ) Treatment of PCP Contaminated Soils by Solvent Washing with Anaerobic Biodegradation of Wash Fluids .Summer National AIChE Meeting, Minneapolis. . Professional Meeting. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T., Brenner R.C. (1992. ) Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Phenols Breakthrough from GAC Adsorbers .16th Biennial Conference and Exposition, IAWPRC, Washington, DC. . Conference. .

Flora J.R.V., Suidan M.T., Biswas P., Sayles G.D. (1992. ) Chemical Interactions and pH Profiles in Microbial Biofilms .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Chicago. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T., Brenner R.C. (1992. ) Prediction of GAC Adsorptive Capacity with and without Molecular Oxygen .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Chicago. . Conference. .

Sorial G.A., Suidan M.T., Smith F.L., Smith P.J., Strunk D., Biswas P., Brenner R.C. (1992. ) Development of Aerobic Biofilter Design Criteria for Treating VOCs .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Chicago. . Conference. .

Cheng J., Suidan M.T., Venosa A.D. (1992. ) Evaluation of Anaerobic Respirometry to Quantify Intrinsic Anaerobic Biodegradation Kinetics of Recalcitrant Organic Compounds .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Chicago. . Conference. .

Gupta A., Flora J.R.V., Sayles G.D., Suidan M.T. (1992. ) A Fundamental Kinetic Study of the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chloroform and its Products with Various Co-Substrates in Mixed Culture Chemostats .18th Annual Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Moloney S.W., Suidan M.T., Betchtold S.A. (1992. ) Treatment of Propellant Production Wastewater Containing DNT Using Expanded-Bed Granular Activated Carbon Anaerobic Reactors .16th Army Environmental Symposium, Williamsburg. . Conference. .

Khodadoust A.P., Wagner J.A., Suidan M.T., Safferman S.I. (1992. ) Innovative Procedures for Recovering Pentachlorophenol from Chlorinated Soils .I&EC Special Symposium, American Chemical Society, Atlanta. . Conference. .

Fox P., Suidan M.T. (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Hazardous Wastes - An Innovation in Design .National Research & Development Conference on the Control of Hazardous Materials, HMCRI, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T. (1991. ) The Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter: A Process for the Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastes .National Research & Development Conference on the Control of Hazardous Materials, HMCRI, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T. (1991. ) Adsorption of Phenolic Compounds by GAC .23rd Mid-Atlantic Waste Conference, Pittsburgh. . Conference. .

Narayanan B., Suidan M.T., Gelderloos A.B., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Anaerobic Pretreatment of an Industrial Waste Containing Several VOC's .17th Annual RREL Hazardous Waste Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Schroeder A.T., Suidan M.T., Nath R., Krishnan E.R., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Carbon-Assisted Anaerobic Treatment of Hazardous Leachates .17th Annual RREL Hazardous Waste Research Symposium, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T. (1991. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates by Carbon Assisted Anaerobic Fluidized Beds .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: U.S. EPA's Biosystems Technology Development Program, Falls Church. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Vidic R.D., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Improved Prediction of GAC Capacity in a Biologically Active Fluidized Bed .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: U.S. EPA's Biosystems Technology Development Program, Falls Church. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Sorial G.A., Papadimas S., Suidan M.T., Speth T.F. (1991. ) Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption of a Mixture of Natural Organic Matter and Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Presence and Absence of Molecular Oxygen .AWWA Annual Conference, Philadelphia. . Conference. .

Sorial G.A., Suidan M.T., Vidic R.D. (1991. ) Role of Oxygen in Multicomponent Adsorption .AWWA Annual Conference, Philadelphia. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Narayanan B., Gelderloos A.B., Schroeder A.T., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment of VOC's in High-Strength Wastes .Sixth International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Sao Paulo. . Conference. .

Fox P., Suidan M.T. (1991. ) Optimization of Innovative Biological Reactor Design .1991 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Reno. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T., Sorial G.A., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Molecular Oxygen and the Adsorption of Phenols - Effect Of Functional Groups .Water Pollution Control Federation 64th Annual Conference, Toronto. . Conference. .

Sorial G.A., Suidan M.T., Vidic R.D., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Effect of GAC Characteristics on Adsorption of Organic Pollutants .Water Pollution Control Federation 64th Annual Conference, Toronto. . Conference. .

Narayanan B., Suidan M.T., Gelderloos A.B., Brenner R.C. (1991. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Volatile and Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Municipal Wastewater .Water Pollution Control Federation 64th Annual Conference, Toronto. . Conference. .

Sorial, G.A., Suidan M.T., and Vidic, R.D. (1991. ) Evaluation of Multicomponent Adsorption in Fixed Beds .1991 Annual Meeting of the AIChE, Pittsburgh. . Professional Meeting. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T. (1990. ) Enhanced Removal of Organic Compounds in GAC Adsorbers .Water Pollution Control Federation 63rd Annual Conference, Washington, DC. . Conference. .

Schroeder A.T., Suidan M.T., Brenner R.C., Krishnan E.R. (1990. ) Pretreatment of CERCLA Leachates in Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Bioreactors .Water Pollution Control Federation 63rd Annual Conference, Washington, DC. . Conference. .

Narayanan B., Suidan M.T., Gelderloos A.B., Brenner R.C. (1990. ) Anaerobic Treatment of VOC's in High-Strength Wastes .Water Pollution Control Federation 63rd Annual Conference, Washington, DC. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Nakhla G.F., Traegner U.K. (1990. ) Steady-State Model for an Expanded-Bed Anaerobic GAC Reactor Operating with GAC Replacement and Treating Inhibitory Wastewaters .Water Pollution Control Federation 63rd Annual Conference, Washington, DC. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Schroeder A.T., Taylor M.L., Safferman A.G., Brenner R.C. (1990. ) Treatment of CERCLA Leachates in POTWs: Innovative Anaerobic Pretreatment .Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes, Arlington. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T. (1990. ) GAC Adsorption Isotherms, An Illusive Capacity .AWWA Annual Conference, Cincinnati. . Conference. .

Traegner U.K., Suidan M.T. (1990. ) Dynamic Modeling of Multi-Species Anaerobic Biofilms Grown on Activated Carbon .ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference, Washington, DC. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T. (1990. ) The True Adsorptive Capacity of GAC .1990 Annual Meeting of the AIChE, Chicago. . Professional Meeting. .

Fox P., Suidan M.T. (1990. ) Adsorption of Biologically Inhibitory Compounds as a Process Control Mechanism for Biological Reactors .1990 Annual Meeting of the AIChE, Chicago. . Professional Meeting. .

Fox P., Suidan M.T., Bandy J.T. (1989. ) A Hybrid Reactor for the Biological Treatment of Hazardous Wastewaters .Water Pollution Control Federation 62nd Annual Conference, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Vidic R.D., Suidan M.T., Traegner U.K., Nakhla G.F. (1989. ) Adsorption Isotherms: Helpful or Misleading .Water Pollution Control Federation 62nd Annual Conference, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Traegner U.K., Suidan M.T. (1989. ) Dynamic Modeling of an Expanded-bed Anaerobic GAC Reactor Treating Inhibitory Wastes .Water Pollution Control Federation 62nd Annual Conference, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Kim B.R., Suidan M.T. (1989. ) Approximate Algebraic Solution for a Biofilm Model with Monod Kinetic Expression .Water Pollution Control Federation 62nd Annual Conference, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Nakhla G.F., Suidan M.T. (1989. ) Steady-State Model for the Expanded-Bed Anaerobic GAC Reactor Operating with GAC Replacement and Treating Inhibitory Wastewater .Water Pollution Control Federation 62nd Annual Conference, San Francisco. . Conference. .

Nakhla G.F., Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T. (1988. ) Operational Control of an Anaerobic GAC Reactor Treating Hazardous Wastes .14th IAWPRC Biennial International Conference, Brighton. . Conference. .

Nakhla G.F., Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T. (1988. ) Control of Anaerobic GAC Reactor Treating Inhibitory Wastes .Water Pollution Control Federation 61st Annual Conference, Dallas. . Conference. .

Liehr S.K., Suidan M.T., Eheart J.W. (1988. ) Interaction of Light and Inorganic Carbon Limitation in Algal Biofilms .Water Pollution Control Federation 61st Annual Conference, Dallas. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T. (1988. ) Development of Anaerobic Attached Film System for Treating Toxic/Hazardous Wastes .Annual AIChE Meeting, Denver. . Professional Meeting. .

Fox P., Suidan M.T., Bandy J.T. (1988. ) Comparison of Media Types for Expanded-Bed Anaerobic Reactors .Conference on Physiochemical and Biological Detoxification of Hazardous Wastes, Atlantic City. . Conference. .

Gee C.S., Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T. (1987. ) Biological Nitrification and the Interrelationship between Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter .60th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Philadelphia. . Professional Meeting. .

Fox P., Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T. (1987. ) Treatment of Biologically Inhibitory Wastewater .Philadelphia, 60th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T., Wang Y.T. (1986. ) Kinetics of Anaerobic Phenol Degradation .59th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Los Angeles. . Professional Meeting. .

Gee C.S., Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T. (1986. ) Biological Oxidation of Concentrated Nitrogenous Wastewaters .59th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Los Angeles. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Fox P., Pfeffer J.T. (1986. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater .IAWPRC 13th International Conference, Rio de Janeiro. . Conference. .

Pfeffer J.T., Suidan M.T. (1986. ) Role of Carbon Replacement in the Biological Processing of Toxic Organics in the Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed GAC Reactor .59th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Los Angeles. . Professional Meeting. .

Pfeffer J.T., Suidan M.T. (1985. ) Anaerobic-Aerobic Process for Treating Coal Gasification Wastewater .58th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Kansas City. . Professional Meeting. .

Gardner D.A., Suidan M.T., Kobayashi H.A. (1985. ) Role of Surface Activity and Particle Size During the Fluidized Bed Treatment of Refinery Sour Water Stripper Bottoms .58th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Kansas City. . Professional Meeting. .

Wang Y.T., Suidan M.T., Rittmann B.E. (1985. ) Modeling Biofilm Activity in an Expanded-Bed, Activated-Carbon, Anaerobic Filter for Two-Stage Substrate Conversion .58th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Kansas City. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Severin B.F. (1985. ) Light Intensity Models for Annular UV Disinfection Reactors .Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chicago. . Professional Meeting. .

Severin B.F., Suidan M.T. (1984. ) Challenges in UV Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater .1984 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering, San Francisco. . Professional Meeting. .

Wang Y.T., Suidan M.T., Pfeffer J.T. (1983. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter for the Degradation of Polycyclic N-Aromatic Compounds .1983 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Gee C.S., Deady M.A. (1982. ) Treatment of Coke-Oven Wastewater with the PAC-Contact Stabilization Activated Sludge Process .3rd Annual Meeting of the Illinois Water Pollution Control Association, Naperville. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Strubler C.E., Kao S.W., Pfeffer J.T. (1982. ) Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater with Anaerobic Filter Technology .St. Louis, 55th Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Chian E.S.K., Cross W.H., Chan D.B. (1981. ) Treatment of Foam Forming Firefighting Wastewater with the Fluidized Granular Activated Carbon Anaerobic Bioreactor .181st National American Chemical Society Meeting, Atlanta. . Professional Meeting. .

Chian E.S.K., Suidan M.T., Cross W.H., Shah S., Gosh S.B., Chang S.S., Chan D.B.B. (1981. ) Anaerobic Treatment of Firefighting Wastewater .1981 National Conference of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Atlanta . . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Pirbazari M., Gee C.S., Deady M.A. (1981. ) Treatment of Coke Oven Wastewater with the PAC-Contact Stabilization Activated Sludge Process .182nd National American Chemical Society Meeting, New York. . Professional Meeting. .

Rollor M.A., Suidan M.T., Cross W.H., Gould J.P. (1981. ) Effect of GAC Structure on Solvent Regeneration .1981 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New Orleans. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Cross W.H. (1980. ) Treatment of Phenol and Substituted Phenol with an Anaerobic-Activated Carbon Filter . 179th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Chemistry and Chemical Analysis of Water/Wastewater Intended for Reuse, Houston. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Cross W.H., Fong M. (1980. ) Continuous Bioregeneration of Granular Activated Carbon During the Anaerobic Degradation of Catechol .IAWPR 10th International Conference, Toronto. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Cross W.H., Gould J.P., Spiegelberg D.L., Humphreys R.B. (1980. ) Regeneration of Dye Laden Activated Carbon with Methanol .Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chicago. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T. (1978. ) Pulsating Bed-Moving Bed Dechlorination .Annual Conference of the Georgia Water and Pollution Control Association Annual Conference, Savannah. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Cross W.H. (1978. ) Treatment of Phenol and Glucose with Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filters .Fifth Annual DOE/Fossil Energy Conference, Lexington. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Chacey K.A., Cross W.H. (1978. ) Extended Dechlorination Studies with Activated Carbon Filters .51st Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Pohland F.G., Suidan M.T. (1978. ) Stability and Control of pH during Anaerobic Biological Treatment .51st Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Anaheim. . Conference. .

Hudson J.W., Pohland F.G., Suidan M.T. (1978. ) Analysis and Significance of Hydrodynamic Properties in Functioning Anaerobic Packed Columns .52nd Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Houston. . Conference. .

Khan K.A., Suidan M.T., Cross W.H. (1978. ) Anaerobic Activated Carbon Filter for the Treatment of Phenol Bearing Wastewaters .52nd Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Houston. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Snoeyink V.L. (1977. ) Influence of Pore Size Distribution on the HOCl - Activated Carbon Reaction .Division of Environmental Chemistry of the Annual Conference of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Pohland F.G., Suidan M.T. (1977. ) Prediction of pH Stability in Biological Treatment Systems .Division of Environmental Chemistry of the Annual Conference of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans. . Conference. .

Suidan M.T., Snoeyink V.L., Schmitz R.A. (1975. ) Reduction of Aqueous Free Chlorine with Granular Activated Carbon - pH and Temperature Effects .Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Los Angeles. . Professional Meeting. .

Suidan M.T., Snoeyink V.L. (1973. ) Dechlorination by Activated Carbon .Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry of the Annual Conference of the American Chemical Society, Chicago. . Conference. .

Dick R.I., Suidan M.T (1972. ) Computer Aided Analysis of Clarification and Thickening Processes .Proc. 8th Annual Workshop, Assoc. Envir. Engr. Prof., Nassau. . Workshop. .

Marfil-Vega, R. and M.T. Suidan Interaction of Estrogens with Wastewater Solids .Presented at the 6th International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. .

Marfil-Vega, R. and M.T. Suidan Behavior of Selected Sex Hormones in Synthetic Influent of a Pilot-scale Wastewater Treatment Plant .Presented at the 80th Annual Water Environment Federation, San Diego, CA, USA. .

Salam, D., N. Naik, M.T. Suidan, and A.D. Venosa Affect of Oil Loading & Mixing Regime on Oxygen Depletion & Toxicity in Aqueous Media Impacted by Vegetable Oil Spill .Presented at the World Congress on Oils and Fats and 28th ISF Congress, Sydney, Australia. .

Honors and Awards

2008 George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research

2008 Frederick G. Pohland Medal, AEESP/AAEE

2006 Life Member - American Waterworks Association

2006 Distinguished Research Award, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnat

2006 Distinguished Research Professor-University of Cincinnati

2004 Doctoral Mentoring Award, Outstanding Contributions to Doctoral Education, University of Cincinnati

2004 Gave the AEESP Address at the 2004 WEFTEC Annual Conference

2003 American University of Beirut Distinguished Alumnus

2003 University of Cincinnati Fellow of the Graduate School

2003 Herman Schneider Lecture: “Membrane Bioreactors-Approaching Water Reuse”

2002 AWWA Academic Achievement Award for Best Dissertation Major Advisor (Awardee: my advisee Dionysios D. Dionysiou)

2002 Publication Committee Award, ASCE

2002 Original Member of the ISI Highly Cited Researchers Database of the Science Citation Index

2000 University of Illinois Distinguished Alumnus

1999 Appreciation Award, Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE

1999 Lifetime Membership, ASCE

1998 Distinguished Engineer of the Year given by Engineers and Scientists of Greater Cincinnati

1996 Association of Environmental Engineering Professors Distinguished Lecturer

1995 Received a Grant from the Ohio Board of Regents for a “Testing Facility for Large-Scale Environmental Systems” $2,400,000

1994 Unsolicited and Unrestricted Research Grant from the Ford Motor Co., 3-yr, $120,000

1994 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award

1994 Received the first Herman Schneider Professorship in the College of Engineering at UC

1993 College of Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati

1993 Association of Environmental Engineering Professors, CH2MHILL Ph.D. thesis supervisor award

1991 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award

Student Advising

A. Buff (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1980

A. Deininger (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1989

A. Gupta (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

A. Khodadoust (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1997

A. Medella (Master ) Chair 2009

A. Pruden (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

A.A. Burbano (Doctoral ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 2003

A.B. Gelderloos (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1990

A.M. Kern (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1998

A.M. Wuellner (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

A.T. Schroeder (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1990

B. Narayanan (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1990

B.E. Klepp (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1986

B.F. Severin (Doctoral ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1982

B.L. Russell (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1980

B.S. Liu (Doctoral ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1989

C. Alonzo (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

C. Luedeker (Master ) Chair 2009

C. Yang (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2004

C.E. Strubler (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1983

C.H. Ahn (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

C.L. Warta (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

C.M. Paulk (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1979

C.S. Gee (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1986

C.S. Godfrey (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1977

C.S. Leder (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1997

D. El-Khatib (Master ) Chair 2010

D. Sharma (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1996

D.A. Gardner (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1986

D.D. Dionysiou (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2001

D.L. Spiegelberg (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1979

D.S. Tucker (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

E. Atikovic (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2006

E. J. Kleiner (Master ) Chair 2010

E.M.C.V. Flora (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1995

F.L. Smith (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed

G. Balasubramanian (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

G. De Franchi (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2005

G. Weinkam (Master ) Chair 2007

G.F. Nakhla (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1987

G.F. Nakhla (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

G.L. Siekerka (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1982

Gregory Wilson (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

H. Nakazawa (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1988

H. Winnen (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1995

H.T. Keough (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1990

H.T. Stewart (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1979

I.N. Najam (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1987

J. Cacho-Rivero (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2005

J. Gundee (Master ) Chair 2007

J. Kim (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1995

J. Morrison (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

J.A. Purandare (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

J.A. Wagner (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1998

J.Cheng (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1996

J.K. Moore (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1983

J.K. Shah (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

J.L. Davel (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

J.P. Franco (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1997

J.R. Flora (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

J.R. Macomber (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2001

J.S. Fraser (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1986

J.W. Calvert (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1979

J.W. Norton (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

K. Miller (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

K.A. Chacey (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1977

K.A. Khan (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1980

K.E. Lewis (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1978

L. Lei (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2003

L.A. Hatchett (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1997

L.A. Michilin (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1985

M. Abi Aad (Master ) Chair 2009

M. Boufadel (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1998

M. Esperanza-Quintana (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2001

M. Gupta (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1994

M. Islam (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

M. Sedran (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

M. Sedran (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2004

M. Zein (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2005

M.A. Deady (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1984

M.A. Johnson (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

M.A. Rollor (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1982

M.C. Fong (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1978

M.J. Rihn (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1995

N. Cicek (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

N. Madhavan (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2004

N. Naik (Master ) Chair 2009

N.K. Kapur (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1977

P. Campo-Moreno (Doctoral ) Chair 2009

P. Fox (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1985

P. Fox (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

P. Mihopoulos (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2001

P. Pinto (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2005

P.A. Mueller (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1987

P.G. Muhs (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1985

P.J. Cerminara (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

P.J. Smith (Master ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1993

Qiang Zhang (Master ) Chair 2007

R. Bagchi (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2001

R. Marfil-Vega (Doctoral ) Chair 2010

R. Nath (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1992

R.D. Vidic (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

R.D. Vidic (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1992

R.S. McWilliams, Jr. (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1980

R.T. Herrington (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1996

R.V. Humphreys (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1979

S. Chung (Doctoral ) Chair 2009

S. Garcia-Blanco (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2004

S. Herald (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1995

S. Islam (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1996

S. Kaskassian (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2002

S. Papadimas (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1992

S. Qi (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2003

S. Surendran (Master ) Chair 2010

S. Vanderloop (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1995

S.A. Vargo (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1980

S.F. Magram (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1989

S.I. Shah (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1981

S.K. Liehr (Doctoral ) Co-Chair Status:Completed 1988

S.L. Hill (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1982

S.R. Berchtold (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

S.W. Kao (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1985

T.K. Boyer (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1988

U.K. Traegner (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1990

U.S. Franzke (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1993

V.S. Steed (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1997

W. Platten (Master ) Chair 2010

W.Mundy (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1981

X. Du (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 1999

X. Zhu (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2000

Y. Meng (Master ) Chair 2007

Y. Meng (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2007

Y. Xu (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2001

Y. Zhao (Master ) Chair 2009

Y.T. Wang (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 1984


National Science Foundation (ERC Preproposals Panelist ) Member Type:Public 2002 -2002

U.S. EPA (Science Advisory Board Consultant, Surface Impoundment Study ) Member Type:Public 2001 -2001

National Science Foundation (Unsolicited Proposals Panelist ) Member Type:Public 2001 -2001

National Science Foundation (Career Award Panelist ) Member Type:Public 2000 -2000

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Panelist for Networks of Centers ) Member Type:Public 2000 -2000

(Search Committee for 3 Junior Environmental Engineering and Science Faculty Members ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 1999 -2000

Advances in Gas-Phase Emission Reduction and/or Control Member Type:Public 1998 -To Present

Association of Environmental Engineering Professors (Distinguished Lecturer Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 1996 -1999

(Search Committee for Senior Geotechnical Faculty Member ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 1993 -1993

(Search Committee for Junior Environmental Science Faculty Member ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 1993 -1993

Texas Oil Spill Program (Science Advisory Member of the Texas Oil Spill Program ) Consultant Type:Public 1993 -1997

Army Environmental Policy Institute (Environmental Technology and Policy Group ) Committee Member Type:Public 1992 -To Present

(Departmental RP&T Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 1992 -1995

(College RP&T Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 1992 -1995

Water Environment Federation (Research Symposium Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 1992 -1995

International Association on Water Quality (Biofilm Specialist Group ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 1992 -1994

(Search Committee for Associate Dean for Research ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 1991 -1992

(Dean's Committee for Cost Recovery ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 1991 -1995

(Sabbatical Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 1991 -1995

American Society of Civil Engineers (Publications Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 1989 -To Present

U.S. EPA (Science Advisory Committee for the Region 7&8 U.S. EPA HSRC ) Committee Chair Type:Public 1988 -1992

Journal of Environmental Engineering Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service 1987 -1989

International Association on Water Quality (Anaerobic Digestion Specialist Group ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 1987 -To Present

International Association on Water Quality (Anaerobic Digestion Specialist Group ) Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations 1987 -1992

Association of Environmental Engineering Professors (Unit Operations Manual Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 1985 -2002

Water Environment Federation (Program Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 1985 -1995

Association of Environmental Engineering Professors (Distinguished Lecturer Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 1985 -1989

Water Environment Federation (Standard Methods Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 1984 -To Present

Water Environment Research Foundation Project 98-CTS-4. (Science Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Public

Professional Affiliation

2005 -2005: Consultant LFR, Evaluation of Membrane Bioreactors for MTBE Remediation-State of the Art.

2005 -2005: Consultant Cooper Industries, Impact of Capacitor Fluid Spill on Lakes

2004 -2005: Consultant BASF, Treatment of Nitrophenol Wastewaters

1994 -1994: Consultant Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Evaluation of Two Hazardous Materials Management Systems

1994 -2000: Consultant Lane, Aitken & McCann, Expert Testimony on Reactions of Oxygen with GAC Surface

1992 -To Present: American Society for Microbiology

1991 -1991: Consultant Reed Smith Shaw & McClay, Expert Witness Soil Contamination

1991 -1991: Consultant Warzyn Inc., Design of Fluidized Bed Reactor

1991 -1995: Consultant Calgon Carbon Corporation, Design of Biocarbon Systems and Interpretation of Fundamental Adsorption Data

1990 -1993: Consultant PEI, Consultant on Research Coordination

1989 -1989: Consultant U.S. Information Service, Accredit JUST University in Amman, Jordan

1989 -1990: Consultant U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

1989 -1992: Consultant City of Sanger, California

1988 -1988: Consultant EPA Review Panel for Hazardous Substances Center

1987 -1987: Consultant Radian Corporation, Review of treatment technology for hazardous chemicals

1986 -1986: Consultant Tennessee Eastman Company, Anaerobic Treatment Technology as Applied to the Treatment of Chemical Plant Wastewater

1986 -1995: Consultant General Motors Corporation Research Laboratory, Treatment of Metal Cutting Fluids

1985 -1985: Consultant General Motors Corporation Research Laboratory, Use of the Expanded-Bed GAC Reactor for Treating Refractory Industrial Wastewater

1984 -1987: Consultant SOHIO, Sulfur Oxidation in Sour Water Stripper Bottoms

1983 -1984: Consultant SOHIO, Treatment of Sour Wastewater Stripper Bottoms

1982 -1983: Consultant Amoco Oil Company, Treatment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater

1981 -1981: Consultant Union Carbide: Design Experiments for Anaerobic Filter Wastewater Treatment

1978 -1978: Consultant Libyan Government: Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Practices in Libyia

1977 -To Present: International Association on Water Quality

1976 -To Present: Association of Environmental Engineering Professors

1974 -To Present: Sigma XI

1973 -1982: Special Consultant on Computer Simulation and Process Design Snell Environmental Group

1972 -To Present: Water Environment Federation

1972 -To Present: American Society of Civil Engineers

1972 -To Present: American Water Works Association

Patents and Inventions

US2015329393-A1 Treating municipal wastewater plant sludge involves introducing waste activated sludge into reactor, adjusting concentration of activated sludge, mixing contents, heating reactor, and subsequently introducing hydrogen peroxide solution BRENNER R C; GROSSER R J; HOLDER E L; et al,

US 6821425 Biomass concentrator reactor Venosa, Albert D.; Suidan, Makram T,

WO2003066536-A US2003146152-A1 WO2003066536-A1 AU2003210861-A1 US6821425-B2 EP1483213-A1 AU2003210861-B2 CA2478812-C Gravity-flow biomass concentrator reactor for biological water treatment has intake for water leading into housing enclosing porous barrier through which water permeates under gravity pressure, and outflow through which treated water flows VENOSA A; SUIDAN M T; VENOSA A D,

WO200151204-A EP1251962-A FR2803540-A1 WO200151204-A1 AU200121850-A EP1251962-A1 ES2183753-T1 JP2003519567-W EP1251962-B1 US2003176279-A1 DE60004107-E Production of shell catalyst for selective hydrogenation of acetylene in gas stream BAUDIN I; SUIDAN M; BALASUBRAMANIAN G; et al,

EP422585-A CA2027487-A JP3207485-A Filtration system for aq. stream|comprises activated carbon bed for removing oxygen reactive organic cpds. and appts. for infusing mol. oxygen into aq. stream SUIDAN M T.,