James A. Swanson
Associate Professor
Baldwin Hall
CEAS - Civil Eng - 0071
Research Support
Grant: #TAA Investigators:Swanson, James 06-01-2004 -09-30-2004 Accutek Testing Laboratory Strength Testing of Conveyor Chains Role:PI $600.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #TAA Investigators:Swanson, James 06-01-2004 -09-30-2004 Steven Schaefer Associates, Inc. Strength Testing of Scaffolding Joints Role:PI $1,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #TAA Investigators:Swanson, James 03-01-2006 -05-31-2006 Accutek Testing Laboratory Fatigue Testing of Steel Tensile Specimens Role:PI $5,556.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #No Cost Extension Investigators:Swanson, James 09-08-2003 -01-31-2004 American Institute of Steel Construction Hole Making Practices in the Fabrication of Steel Structures Role:PI $20,491.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OSP05193 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 10-01-2005 -09-30-2007 Research Council on Structural Connections Investigation of Resistance Factors for Bolted Connections Role:Collaborator $81,532.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #TAA Investigators:Swanson, James 09-01-2004 -09-30-2004 GAMCO, Inc. Testing of GAMCO Aluminum Formwork Components Role:PI $600.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #15X8938 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 03-01-2005 -12-31-2010 Cincinnati, City of Load Testing of Fort Washington Way Bridge 29 Role:Collaborator $127,662.00 Active Level:Local Government
Grant: #OSP01121/Ltr NCE Investigators:Swanson, James 10-23-2000 -06-30-2004 Federal Highway Administration Field and Laboratory Testing and Analysis of Existing CR-79 Steel Truss Bridge in Delaware County Role:PI $113,406.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP 01163 Investigators:Swanson, James 04-01-2001 -04-30-2002 Research Council on Structural Connections Effects of Variable Pretension on Bolted Connection Behavior Role:PI $41,316.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #11009/D Investigators:Swanson, James 08-01-2001 -12-31-2005 Federal Highway Administration Verification of Performance and Design Criteria for High Performance Steel Bridge Girders Role:PI $178,158.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 07070668 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 03-01-2007 -03-31-2008 Metal Building Manufacturer Association Investigation of the Resistance Factors for Fully-Threaded Structural Bolts Role:Collaborator $14,995.00 Active Level:Other
Grant: #SRS 004869001 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 05-07-2007 -05-20-2010 Department of Transportation Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation of the Ironton-Russell Bridge Role:Collaborator $400,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005727 Investigators:Swanson, James 12-01-2006 -02-28-2007 Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co. Tensile Testing of Mining Chain and Mining Parts Role:PI $1,200.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #14172 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 08-01-2008 -07-31-2010 Ohio Department of Transportation Load Testing of WAR-71-1514 (Jeremiah Morrow Bridge, Washington Township, Ohio) Role:Collaborator $224,226.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #ODOT 15389 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 10-31-2008 -06-30-2009 Ohio Department of Transportation Load Testing of HAM-32-0014, Cincinnati, OH Role:Collaborator $44,569.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #108031 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 10-01-2008 -09-30-2009 Ohio Department of Transportation Truckload Testing of CUY-90-1524 on the Inner Beltway in Cleveland, OH Role:Collaborator $81,689.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #14174 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 10-19-2009 -05-30-2018 Ohio Department of Transportation LAW-93C-0.00 Bridge Monitoring System for the Ironton-Russell Bridge; Phase I: Preliminary Analysis and Design Role:Collaborator $1,214,009.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SRS 007216 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 11-01-2010 -03-31-2014 Ohio Department of Transportation Continued Monitoring of Jeremiah Morrow Truss Bridge Role:Collaborator $120,892.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #16474 Investigators:Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Swanson, James 11-01-2010 -12-31-2013 Ohio Department of Transportation Continued Testing and Evaluation of the Ironton-Russell Bridge/ Bridge Number: LAW-93C-0000 Role:Collaborator $299,732.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #26601_135031_E140888 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 11-03-2014 -11-03-2015 Ohio Department of Transportation Inspection, Repair, and Retrofit Procedures, and Design Recommendations for Non-Redundant Steel Structures Role:PI $87,534.19 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #2017 Research Agreement Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 10-01-2017 -10-01-2018 American Institute of Steel Construction Extra-Long Slots for Slip-Critical Bolts Role:Collaborator $44,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OU UT20480 su ODOT 31795 sub FHWA E180338 Investigators:Chicchi, Rachel; Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 05-23-2018 -02-06-2020 Federal Highway Administration Division of Engineering Research On-Call Services #31795 Task 2 Role:PI $48,284.09 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #UT20480 / ODOT 31795 - Task 4 Investigators:Chicchi, Rachel; Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 02-28-2019 -10-01-2019 Ohio Department of Transportation Load Rating of the Combs-Hehl Stringers under Permit Vehicles Role:PI $39,841.11 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #24803 / ODOT 34655 Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 05-01-2021 -10-31-2022 Federal Highway Administration Evaluation of the Effects of Wind Loads on Flexible Backing Plates Role:PI 45290.13 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Research Agreement Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 12-20-2021 -08-19-2022 American Institute of Steel Construction Influence of Hole Making Processes on the Low and High Cyclic Strength of Plates Role:Collaborator 79354.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #RCSC(AISC); Cross Investigators:Cross, Rachel; Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 04-01-2023 -10-01-2024 Research Council on Structural Connections Research on Slip Coefficients of Metallic Coatings Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Investigators:Rassati, Gian; Swanson, James 12-01-2023 -05-31-2024 Hytorc, Inc. HyTorc Research and Development for Structural Bolting Role:Collaborator 59659.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #Teaching Aid Investigators:Swanson, James 09-27-2024 -05-30-2025 American Institute of Steel Construction Steel Capstone Course Material Role:PI 7933.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #ECC Loaded Bolt Investigators:Rassati, Gian Andrea; Swanson, James 12-01-2024 -01-31-2026 American Institute of Steel Construction Experimental Investigation of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Role:PI 100154.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Butler M.;Swanson J.;Rassati G.;Dues E. (12-01-2018. ) High Resolution Modeling and Modeling of Connections in Pony-Truss Bridges.Transportation Research Record, , 2672 (41 ) ,186-195 More Information
Butler M.;Swanson J.;Rassati G. (09-20-2018. ) Structural health monitoring for combined damage states.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 419 (1 ) , More Information
Tartaglia R.;D'Aniello M.;Rassati G.;Swanson J.;Landolfo R. (03-15-2018. ) Full strength extended stiffened end-plate joints: AISC vs recent European design criteria.Engineering Structures, , 159 ,155-171 More Information
Tartaglia R.;D’Aniello M.;Rassati G.A.;Swanson J.;Landolfo R. (01-01-2017. ) Influence of composite slab on the nonlinear response of extended end-plate beam-to-column joints.Key Engineering Materials, , 763 ,818-825 More Information
Tartaglia R.;D'Aniello M.;Landolfo R.;Rassati G.;Swanson J. (01-01-2017. ) Finite element analyses on seismic response of partial strength extended stiffened joints.COMPDYN 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, , 2 ,4952-4964 More Information
Hantouche E.G.;Kukreti A.R.;Rassati G.A.;Swanson J.A. (01-01-2015. ) Prying models for strength in thick-flange built-up T-stubs with complete joint penetration and fill.Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), , 141 (2 ) , More Information
Swanson J. (01-01-2014. ) Steel design.Bridge Engineering Handbook: Fundamentals, Second Edition, , 305-340 More Information
Hantouche E.G.;Kukreti A.R.;Rassati G.A.;Swanson J.A. (01-01-2013. ) Modified stiffness model for thick flange in built-up T-stub connections.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 81 ,76-85 More Information
Kangas S.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V.;Sexton R.;Swanson J. (11-01-2012. ) Cable-stayed bridges: Case study for ambient vibration-based cable tension estimation.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 17 (6 ) ,839-846 More Information
Hantouche E.G.;Rassati G.A.;Kukreti A.R.;Swanson J.A. (10-01-2012. ) Built-up T-stub connections for moment resisting frames: Experimental and finite element investigati.Engineering Structures, , 43 ,139-148 More Information
Kangas S.;Helmicki A.;Hunt Y.;Sexton R.;Swanson J. (12-01-2010. ) Identification of cable forces on cable-stayed bridges: A novel application of the MUSIC algorithm .Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc., , 67 ,957-968
Moore A.;Rassati G.;Swanson J. (09-01-2010. ) An experimental analysis of strength and ductility of high-strength fasteners .Engineering Journal, , 47 (3 ) ,161-173
Kangas S.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V.;Sexton R.;Swanson J. (01-01-2010. ) Identification of Cable Forces on Cable-Stayed Bridges: A Novel Application of the MUSIC Algorithm.Experimental Mechanics, , 50 (7 ) ,957-968 More Information
Bennett C.;Swanson J.;Linzell D. (10-22-2009. ) Fatigue resistance of HPS-485 W (70 W) welded butt-splice connections using narrow gap improved elec.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 14 (6 ) ,529-536 More Information
Wu Z.;Mirmiran A.;Zhu Z.;Swanson J. (03-01-2009. ) Flexural behavior of prestressed FRP tubular bridge deck.Composites Part B: Engineering, , 40 (2 ) ,125-133 More Information
Chauhan S.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V.;Swanson J.;Saini J.;Kangas S.;Nims D.;Allemang R. (01-01-2008. ) Application of OMA-EMIF algorithm to cable stayed bridges .23rd International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2008, ISMA 2008, , 4 ,2427-2444
Chauhan S.;Saini J.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V.;Swanson J.;Allemang R.;Kangas S.;Saxton R.;Martell R. (11-19-2007. ) Operational modal analysis of the US Grant Bridge at Portsmouth, Ohio .Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics 2007, , 3 ,1913-1929
Wang X.;Swanson J.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V. (08-20-2007. ) Development of static-response-based objective functions for finite-element modeling of bridges.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 12 (5 ) ,544-551 More Information
Wang X.;Swanson J.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V. (08-20-2007. ) Development of dynamic-response-based objective functions for finite-element modeling of bridges.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 12 (5 ) ,552-559 More Information
Bennett C.;Swanson J.;Linzell D. (06-22-2007. ) Closure to "Characterization of Material Properties of HPS-485W (70 W) TMCP for Bridge Girder Applic.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 12 (4 ) ,530-531 More Information
Bennett C.;Swanson J.;Linzell D. (01-01-2007. ) Fatigue resistance of HPS-485W (70 W) continuous plate with punched holes.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 12 (1 ) ,98-104 More Information
Salem O.;Basu B.;Miller R.;Randall J.;Swanson J.;Engel R. (05-01-2006. ) Accelerating the construction of a highway bridge in Ohio.Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, , 11 (2 ) ,98-104 More Information
Kayser C.;Swanson J.;Linzell D. (04-10-2006. ) Characterization of material properties of HPS-485W (70 W) TMCP for bridge girder applications.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 11 (1 ) ,99-108 More Information
Wang X.;Kangas S.;Swanson J.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V. (10-01-2005. ) Dynamic characterization of slab on steel stringer bridges .Materials Evaluation, , 63 (10 ) ,1039-1045
Schechter E.;Eder R.;Miller R.;Baseheart T.;Swanson J. (09-01-2005. ) Testing of two 50-year-old precast post-tensioned concrete bridge girders .PCI Journal, , 50 (5 ) ,116-117
Wang X.;Kangas S.;Padur D.;Liu L.;Swanson J.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V. (07-01-2005. ) Overview of a modal-based condition assessment procedure.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 10 (4 ) ,460-467 More Information
Choo T.;Linzell D.;Lee J.;Swanson J. (05-01-2005. ) Response of a continuous, skewed, steel bridge during deck placement.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 61 (5 ) ,567-586 More Information
Li Z.;Swanson J.;Helmicki A.;Hunt V. (03-01-2005. ) Modal contribution coefficients in bridge condition evaluation.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 10 (2 ) ,169-178 More Information
Kayser C.;Amrine J.;Swanson J. (01-01-2005. ) Use of in-class streaming of material in engineering .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, , 14985-14997
Eder R.;Miller R.;Baseheart T.;Swanson J. (01-01-2005. ) Testing of two 50-year-old precast post-tensioned concrete bridge girders.PCI Journal, , 50 (3 ) ,90-95 More Information
Amrine J.;Swanson J. (08-27-2004. ) Effects of variable pretension on the behavior of bolted connections with prying .Engineering Journal, , 41 (3 ) ,107-116
Swanson J.;Windau J. (06-01-2004. ) Rapid rehabilitation .Modern Steel Construction, , 44 (6 ) ,53-54
Wu Z.;Mirmiran A.;Swanson J. (01-01-2004. ) Fatigue behavior of prestressed tubular bridge deck of fiber-reinforced polymer.Transportation Research Record, , (1892 ) ,246-255 More Information
Swanson J.A.;Linzell D.G. (12-01-2003. ) Field verification of construction procedures for skewed steel bridges through monitoring of a HPS b .Proceedings of the Structures Congress and Exposition, , 1133-1134
Mangelsdorf C.P.;Baker T.H.;Swanson J.A. (12-01-2002. ) Predicting deflections in concrete-filled grid deck panels .Transportation Research Record, , (1814 ) ,17-26
Baseheart T.;Miller R.;Bowers M.;Ioannides A.;Swanson J.;Eckart R. (12-01-2002. ) Teaching strength of materials using Web-based, streaming video, and interactive video technologies .ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, , 8077-8087
Swanson J. (09-01-2002. ) Ultimate strength prying models for bolted T-stub connections .Engineering Journal, , 39 (3 ) ,136-147
Swanson J.;Kokan D.;Leon R. (01-01-2002. ) Advanced finite element modeling of bolted T-stub connection components.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, , 58 (5-8 ) ,1015-1031 More Information
Swanson J.;Leon R. (05-01-2001. ) Stiffness modeling of bolted T-stub connection components.Journal of Structural Engineering, , 127 (5 ) ,498-505 More Information
Swanson J.;Leon R. (01-01-2000. ) Bolted steel connections: Tests on T-stub components.Journal of structural engineering New York, N.Y., , 126 (1 ) ,50-56 More Information
Other Information