Susan Watts-Taffe
Associate Professor
Teachers College
CECH Literacy & Second Language Studies - 0022
Ph.D.: State University of New York at Buffalo 1991 (Major: Reading Education, Minor: Cognitive Psychology)
Ed.M.: State University of New York at Buffalo 1988 (Reading Education)
B.S.: State University College at Buffalo, NY (Major: Exceptional Education, Concentration: Mathematics)
Positions and Work Experience
09-2007 -To Present Associate Research Professor, University of Cincinnati, Division of Teacher Education,
06-2004 -To Present Educational Researcher and Consultant, Cincinnati, Ohio
06-2004 -To Present Affiliated Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, Education Department,
09-2003 -05-2004 Visiting Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, Education Department,
09-1997 -05-2004 Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
09-1991 -06-1997 Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
06-1991 -08-1991 Instructor, State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Learning and Instruction,
09-1988 -08-1989 Instructor and Clinical Supervisor, The Reading Center at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Learning and Instruction ,
1989 -1991 Reading Diagnostician, Private Consultant,
1987 -1988 Substitute Teacher, Williamsville Central School District, Williamsville, New York
1986 -1987 Special Education Teacher, Country Parkway Elementary School, Williamsville, New York
06-1986 -08-1986 Substitute Teacher, Cantilician Center for Learning, Amherst, New York
Research Support
Investigators:Watts-Taffe, S. 07-2002 The Spencer Foundation If not a quick fix, then what? Understanding an innovative school structure, inquiry-based teacher professional development, and school-university collaboration in an urban school $30,950
Investigators:Ginsburg-Block, M. & Watts-Taffe, S. 04-1999 University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) Improving reading achievement through an extended learning and community literacy initiative $20,000
Investigators:Watts, S. M. 12-1995 University of Minnesota Faculty Summer Research Fellowship Program Strategy instruction and independent practice in grades four and six $5,000
Investigators:Espin, C.; Watts, S. M.; Markell, M. 11-1995 Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, University of Minnesota Survey of reading instruction for middle and secondary students $2,500
Investigators:Watts, S. M. 05-1992 Graduate School Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship, University of Minnesota A comparison of two methods of teaching vocabulary in grade five $12,442
Investigators:Watts, S. M. & Hansen, H. 11-1991 The Bush Foundation Project on Excellence and Diversity in Teaching, University of Minnesota The preparation of teachers for culturally diverse student populations $2,500
Investigators:Graham, D. M., & Watts, S. M. 10-1991 Research and Creative Endeavors Committee (RACE), Eastern Montana College An examination of the applicability of remedial reading clinical experiences across three states $400
Investigators:Watts, S. M. 10-1990 The Mark Diamond Research Fund, State University of New York at Buffalo Vocabulary instruction across homogeneous ability groups in grades five and six $430
Grant: #R25MD019150 Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Jacquez, Farrah; Maynard, Kathie; Watts Taffe, Susan 07-05-2023 -01-31-2028 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities NIH SEPA: Growing and Sustaining Community Change Researchers in STEM Role:PI 264356.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Graves, M. F. & Watts Taffe, S. (2008. ) For the love of words: Fostering word consciousness in young readers .The Reading Teacher, , 62 ,185-193
Blachowicz, C. L. Z.; Fisher, P. J.; Ogle, D.; Watts-Taffe, S. (2006. ) Vocabulary: Questions from the classroom .Reading Research Quarterly, , 41 ,524-539
Watts-Taffe, S.; Gwinn, C. B.; Johnson, J. R.; Horn, M. L. (2003. ) Preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology into the elementary literacy program .The Reading Teacher, , 57 ,130-138
Barr, R.; Watts-Taffe, S.; Yukota, J.; Ventura, M.; Caputi, V. (2000. ) Preparing teachers to teach literacy: Rethinking preservice literacy education .Journal of Literacy Research, , 32 ,463-470
Watts-Taffe, S. & Truscott, D. M. (2000. ) Using what we know about language and literacy development for ESL students in the mainstream classroom .Language Arts, , 77 ,258-265
Cerra, K. K.; Watts-Taffe, S.; Rose, S. (1997. ) Fostering reader response and developing comprehension strategies in deaf and hard of hearing children .American Annals of the Deaf , , 142 (5 ) ,379-386
Taylor, B. T.; Hansen, B.; Swanson, K.; Watts, S. M. (1997. ) Helping struggling readers: Linking small-group intervention with cross-age tutoring .The Reading Teacher, , 51 (3 ) ,196-209
Watts, S. M. & Graves, M. F. (1997. ) Fostering middle school students’ understanding of challenging texts .Middle School Journal, , 29 (1 ) ,45-51
Rothenberg, S. & Watts, S. M. (1997. ) Students with learning difficulties meet Shakespeare: Using a scaffolded reading experience to support English literature instruction .Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, , 40 (7 ) ,532-539
Watts, S. M., & Truscott, D. M. (1996. ) Using contextual analysis to help students become independent word learners .New England Reading Association Journal, , 32 (3 ) ,13-20
Watts, S. M. & Bucknam, J. (1996. ) Using vocabulary studies to teach contextual analysis in grade four .Reading Horizons, , 37 (2 ) ,168-181
Andersen, D. & Watts, S. M. (1996. ) Enhancing beginning reading achievement among urban Native American children .The Reading Instruction Journal, , 40 (1 ) ,7-12
Graves, M. F., & Watts, S. M. (1996. ) Literacy for today’s world: Creating thinkers and doers for the world outside of school .California English Journal, , 2 (1 ) ,16-17
Watts, S. M. & Cerra, K. C. (1996. ) Can you teach reading comprehension with children’s books? Fostering reader response and developing comprehension strategies .Balanced Reading Instruction, , 3 (1 ) ,1-11
Watts, S. M. & Graves, M. F. (1996. ) Expanding your vocabulary program to foster word consciousness .Wisconsin State Reading Association Journal, , 40 (2 ) ,19-24
Taylor, B.; Watts, S. M.; Hanson, B.; Swanson, K. (1995. ) Classroom support for struggling readers: Linking early reading intervention and cross-age partner reading in grades one through four .Reading Manitoba, , 16 (1 ) ,4-9
Watts, S. M. (1995. ) Vocabulary instruction during reading lessons in six classrooms .Journal of Reading Behavior, , 27 (4 ) ,399-424
Watts, S. M. & Johnson, A. P. (1995. ) Using dialogue journals to improve literacy teacher education .Journal of Reading Education, , 21 (1 ) ,27-38
Watts, S. M. (1994. ) Considering issues of diversity in the creation of an effective reading program .Illinois Council Reading Journal, , 22 (1 ) ,21-24
Watts-Taffe, S. (2009. ) Teaching the meanings of specific words .Language Magazine: The Journal of Communication and Education, , 9 (7 ) ,18 -23
Cerra, K K; Watts-Taffe, S; Rose, S (1997. ) Fostering reader response and developing comprehension strategies in deaf and hard of hearing children.American annals of the deaf, , 142 (5 ) ,379-86 More Information
Published Books
Watts-Taffe, S. (2007. ) Integrating literacy and technology: Effective practice in grades K-6 .New York , Guilford Press
Graves, M. F.; Watts-Taffe, S.; Graves, B. B. (1998. ) Essentials of elementary reading (2nd ed.) .Needham Heights, MA , Allyn & Bacon
Graves, M. F.; Watts, S. M.; Graves, B. B. (1994. ) Essentials of classroom teaching:Elementary reading .Needham Heights, MA , Allyn & Bacon
Book Chapter
Watts-Taffe, S.; Fisher, P. J.; Blachowicz, C. L. Z. (2009 ) Vocabulary instruction for diverse students Handbook of Research on Literacy Instruction: Issues of Diversity, Policy, and Equity .New York, Guilford Press
Watts-Taffe, S. (2006 ) Textbook selection and respect for diversity in the United States Promoting social cohesion through education: Case studies and tools for using textbooks and curricula .(pp. 107-121).Washington, DC, World Bank Institute
Watts-Taffe, S. & Gwinn, C. B. (2005 ) Viewing professional development through the lens of technology integration: How do beginning teachers navigate the use of technology and new literacies? The 54th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference .(pp. 443-454).Oak Creek, WI, National Reading Conference
Truscott, D. M., & Watts-Taffe, S. M. (2002 ) Supporting the English literacy development of ESL students in mainstream classrooms Multicultural issues in literacy research and practice .Hillsdale, NJ, Eribaum
Graves, M. F. & Watts-Taffe, S. (2002 ) The place of word consciousness in a research-based vocabulary program What research has to say about reading instruction (3rd ed.) .Newark, DE, International Reading Association
Watts, S. M. (1997 ) Cultural and linguistic diversity Reading and learning in the content areas (2nd ed.) .Columbus, OH, Merrill/Macmillan
Watts, S. M. (1996 ) Improving literacy instruction and assessment for all students: A response to Robert Calfee and Kathryn Au The First R: A Right of All Children .New York, Teachers College Press
Watts, S. M. & Peacock, J. (1994 ) Cultural and linguistic diversity Reading and learning in the content areas .Columbus, OH, Merrill/Macmillan
Truscott, D. M. & Watts-Taffe, S. Literacy instruction for second language learners: A study of best practices National Reading Conference Yearbook .(pp. 242-252).
Electronic Journal
Ehren, B. J.; Laster, B.; Watts-Taffe, S. (2009. ) Creating shared language for collaboration in RTI .RTI Action Network Website,
Paper Presentations
Watts-Taffe, S. (05-2008. ) Using rich conversation and structured academic routines for vocabulary development in preschool and the primary grades .Atlanta, GA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Gwinn, C. B., & Watts-Taffe, S. (05-2007. ) How technology use extends the boundaries of the literacy environment and the literacy teacher .Toronto, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Gwinn, C. B., & Watts-Taffe, S. (05-2006. ) Building capacity through ongoing, scaffolded professional development experiences related to technology integration .Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Watts-Taffe, S., & Gwinn, C. B. (2005. ) Studying effective literacy-technology integration over the course of four years: One teacher’s journey .San Antonio, TX. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Watts-Taffe, S., & Gwinn, C. B. (12-2004. ) Viewing professional development through the lens of technology integration: How do beginning teachers navigate the use of technology and new literacies? .San Antonio, TX. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts-Taffe, S., & Gwinn, C. B. (05-2003. ) Preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology into the elementary literacy program: A snapshot of instructional practices two years later .Orlando, FL.. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Watts-Taffe, S. (03-2003. ) Textbook selection practices and promoting respect for diversity: U.S. experiences .Washington, D. C.. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Gwinn, C. B., Watts-Taffe, S., & Horn, M. (05-2002. ) Preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology into the elementary literacy program .San Francisco, CA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Watts-Taffe, S., Johnson, J., & Appelsies, A. (12-2001. ) Understanding a process of urban teacher development through guided inquiry and reflection .San Antonio, TX. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts-Taffe, S., Byrn, K. M., & Madvig, J. C. (12-1999. ) If not a quick fix, then what? One school’s effort to improve reading achievement from the inside out .The meeting of the National Reading Conference. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Truscott, D. M., & Watts-Taffe, S. (12-1997. ) Literacy instruction for second language learners: A study of best practices and supportive ecological conditions .Scottsdale, AZ. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Espin, C. A., Watts, S. M., & Markell, M. A. (03-1997. ) Survey of reading instruction in middle school and high school .Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Taylor, B. M., Watts, S. M., & Hanson, B. (12-1996. ) Supplemental reading support for second and fourth grade struggling readers .Charleston, S.C. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts, S. M. (12-1995. ) Ethnographic investigation of vocabulary instruction during reading lessons in six classrooms. Constructing grounded theories of reading instruction .New Orleans, LA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts, S. M., & Cerra, K. K. (05-1995. ) Engaging children with literature and teaching comprehension strategies: Applying theory to practice .The meeting of the International Reading Association. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Watts, S. M., & Johnson, A. P. (03-1995. ) A conversation on growth through reflection .Minneapolis, MN. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts, S. M. (10-1994. ) A response to Kathryn Au and Robert Calfee .Minneapolis, MN. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts, S. M. (04-1994. ) Teacher preparation for diversity: A study of preservice teacher attitudes, influential program variables, and community recommendations .New Orleans, LA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Cerra, K. K., & Watts, S. M. (03-1994. ) Children’s literature and reading comprehension instruction: A marriage made in Heaven? .Portland, OR.. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts, S. M., & Wenda, W. (12-1993. ) A comparison of semantic mapping and definition plus context for teaching vocabulary in fifth grade .Charleston, SC. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Watts, S. M. (04-1993. ) Actions speak louder than words: Teaching our preservice and in-service teachers in the way we expect them to teach .San Antonio, TX. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Watts, S. M. (05-1992. ) Vocabulary instruction in six urban elementary schools: Results of classroom observations and teacher interviews .Orlando, Fl. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Villegas, A. M., & Watts, S. M. (04-1991. ) Villegas, A. M., & Watts, S. M. .Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Gwinn, C. B., Watts-Taffe, S., & Horn, M. (11-2001. ) Technology integrated into the elementary literacy curriculum: Preservice teachers plan for and practice its potential .Professional Meeting. Level:State
Watts, S. M. (01-1993. ) Words are like crayons: Vocabulary instruction to meet individual needs and promote independence .River Falls, WI. Professional Meeting.
Graham, D. M., & Watts, S. M. (10-1990. ) Contextual analysis in naturally occurring prose: Effects ofpassage length, word frequency, and grade .Ellenville, NY. Professional Meeting.
Watts, S. M. (10-1993. ) New directions in vocabulary instruction for grades 4-8 .St. Cloud, MN. Professional Meeting. Level:Local
Watts, S. M., & Williams, S. T. (07-1993. ) teachers for diverse student populations .University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Professional Meeting. Level:Local
Watts, S. M. (05-1990. ) Vocabulary instruction in three urban school classrooms .State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:Local
Watts-Taffe, S. (05-2009. ) What research says about technology integration .Minneapolis, MN.
Watts-Taffe, S.; Kinney, A. (12-2009. ) Theory meets practice: Teaching sophisticated vocabulary in six linguistically diverse classrooms .Albuquerque, NM.
Watts-Taffe, S. (05-01-2012. ) How Can Research in Vocabulary Change Your Instruction: A Discussion of Key Ideas Presented in The Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts, Vol. 3 .Chicago, IL.
Honors and Awards
1996 Distinguised Teaching Award College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
1996 Outstanding Article Award Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading
1996 Faculty Summer Research Fellowship University of Minnesota
1994 Faculty Single Quarter Leave University of Minnesota
1991 Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Award SUNY at Buffalo
1990 Predoctoral Summer Internship Educational Testing Service
1987 -1991 Underrepresented Minority Graduate Fellowship SUNY at Buffalo
1986 President's Award SUNY at Buffalo
1986 Outstanding Student in Mental Retardation/Physical Handicap SUCAB
1984 -1986 Joseph T. Weingold Scholarship SUCAB
1982 -1986 All-College Honors Activity Council SUCAB
Reading Research Quarterly Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service 2001 -To Present
Journal of Literary Research Guest Co-Editor Type:Editorial Service 1999 -2000
Journal of Literacy Research Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service 1998 -2001
Journal of Educational Psychology Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service 1996 -2001
Review of Educational Research Outside Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1999
National Reading Conference Yearbook Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service 1999
Annual Reading Research Conference, International Reading Association Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1998 -To Present
Strong Souls Singing: African American Books for our Daughters and our Sisters Consultant Type:Editorial Service 1998
Journal of Reading Behavior Outside Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1995
Twin Cities Area Reading Council Newsletter Editor Type:Editorial Service 1994 -1995
American Educational Research Association Type:Editorial Service 1998
National Reading Conference Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1994
AERA Student Research Award Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1993
Northeastern Educational Research Association Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1991
International Reading Association (Subcommittee on Research Publication Awards ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 2001 -2002
Twin Cities Area Reading Council President Type:Service to Professional Associations 1994 -1996
Twin Cities Area Reading Council Vice President Type:Service to Professional Associations 1993 -1994
Response to Intervention (RTI) Commission of the International Reading Association Member 2008 -To Present
American Montessori Association (AMA) and the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) of The New School Montessori, North Avondale (Steering Committee for Re-Accreditation ) Co-Chair 2007 -2010
Professional Affiliation
2011 -2013: Member (by invitation of IRA President) International Reading Association's Response to Intervention Task Force. IRA is the largest professional organization in the field of literacy with over 90000 members. This is a position appointed by the President of the organization.
Courses Taught
Reading, Language and Literature: Primary Level:Undergraduate
Reading, Language and Literature: Intermediate Level:Undergraduate
Reading for Learners with Special Needs Level:Undergraduate
Literacy Development in the Intermediate Grades Level:Graduate
Teaching Students with Learning Difficulties Level:Graduate
Authentic Assessment in Literacy Level:Graduate
Facilitating the Comprehension of Informational Texts Level:Graduate
Reading Instruction that Promotes Critical Thinking in Grades 3-8 Level:Graduate
Language Arts for Elementary Students Level:Graduate
Seminar: Recent Research in Reading Level:Graduate
Seminar: Research in Reading Comprehension