Eric J Tepe
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor
Curator of the Herbarium
Rieveschl Hall
A&S Biological Sciences - 0006
Professional Summary
Plant systematics, including taxonomy, phylogenetics, biogeography, and diversification of “giant genera” – those with over 1000 species – including Piper (Piperaceae) and Solanum (Solanaceae). Evolution of ant-plant associations. Visit my webpage for more details. Click here for the CINC herbarium webpage.
Ph.D.: Miami University Oxford, Ohio, USA, 2005 (Botany)
Research and Practice Interests
In my research into plant systematics I make use of both traditional and contemporary techniques to study evolutionary relationships among species, morphological evolution, and the diversification of plant groups in both space and time.
I am currently working on the taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of the giant genus Solanum. With over 1000 species, the genus Solanum presents the opportunity to work on both large and small-scale questions within the same group of plants. The informally named “Potato Clade” is one of 12-15 well-supported major clades within Solanum, and since it includes the potato (S. tuberosum), tomato (S. lycopersicum), and pepino (S. muricatum), it is one of the most economically important clades of plants in the world. The potato clade is exclusively New World in distribution, with most groups centered in the Andes of South America.
Relationships within the Potato Clade
Most of the 200-300 species in the potato clade belong to a group of species closely related to tomato and potato and, as a result, are the focus of intense research; however, the clade contains four other smaller groups that remain virtually unknown and relationships among all of these groups are poorly understood. The purpose of this study is to use DNA sequences from the nuclear and chloroplast genomes to resolve relationships among the groups that make up the potato clade and to identify morphological traits that make each of the groups easily identifiable in the field.
This study is in its preliminary stages, but the potato clade consists of five major groups: section Anarrhichomenum; section Basarthrum; section Herpystichum; and section Pteroidea; and a strongly supported clade composed of sections Petota (containing the potato), Lycopersicon (containing the tomato), Lycopersicioides, Juglandifolium, and Etuberosum.
Revision of Solanum section Herpystichum
Despite the intense research focused on potato and its close relatives, other parts of the "potato clade" are very poorly known. I am currently working on a revision of Solanum section Herpystichum, one of the most poorly known and undercollected of these groups. The section consists of viny plants that root at the nodes. This research has resulted in the discovery of three new species of Solanum from Ecuador.
Research Support
Investigators:Smilanich, A., Tepe, E.J., Dyer, L.A., Forister, M., Jeffrey C., Dodson, C., Whitfield, J. 01-01-2012 -12-31-2014 The National Science Foundatoin COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Phylogenetic and phytochemical cascades in the evolution of tropical diversity Role:co-PI $ 658,967 Active Type:Grant Level:International
Grant: #2012-00109-01 / DEB-1146119 Investigators:Tepe, Eric 02-01-2012 -01-31-2015 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Phylogenetic and Phytochemical Cascades in the Evolution of Tropical Diversity Role:PI $38,137.00 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #EF-1410548 Investigators:Culley, Theresa; Rogstad, Steven; Tepe, Eric 07-01-2014 -06-30-2016 National Science Foundation Digitization PEN: Digitization of North American Bryophyte and Lichen Specimens from Two Ohio Herbaria at the University of Cincinnati (CINC) Role:PI $166,627.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DEB-1442075 Investigators:Tepe, Eric 11-01-2014 -10-31-2019 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Dimensions US-Biota Sao Paulo: Chemically mediated multi-trophic nteraction diversity across tropical gradients Role:PI $78,664.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #A21-0345-S003 / DBI-2001500 Investigators:Tepe, Eric 09-15-2020 -08-31-2023 National Science Foundation Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research: Building a global consortium of bryophytes and lichens: keystones of cryptobiotic communities Role:PI $20,393.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DBI-2053302 Investigators:Culley, Theresa; Lentz, David; Tepe, Eric 09-15-2021 -08-31-2024 National Science Foundation CSBR: Natural History: Relocation and critical upgrades to storage, curation, and digital access to the Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI 524176.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #BCS-2048440 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Jackson, Sarah; Lentz, David; Tepe, Eric 09-01-2021 -08-31-2025 National Science Foundation Sustaining an Early Tropical Metropolis: Land, Water, and Forest Management at Calakmul, Mexico Role:Collaborator 226489.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #SUBK00014300/NSF DBI-2101868 Investigators:Tepe, Eric 09-15-2021 -08-31-2023 University of Michigan Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research: Bringing Asia to digital life: mobilizing underrepresented Asian herbarium collections in the US to propel biodiversity discovery Role:PI 32000.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Grant: #NSF EF-2133818 Investigators:Tepe, Eric 01-15-2022 -12-31-2026 National Science Foundation URoL:EN Quantifying the phytochemical landscape through indigenous knowledge, interaction diversity, genomics Role:PI 356285.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Tepe, E.J., G. Ridley, and L. Bohs (2012. ) A new species of Solanum named for Jeanne Baret, an overlooked contributor to the history of botany .PhytoKeys, ,
Tepe, E.J., and L. Bohs. (2011. ) A revision of Solanum sect. Herpystichum .Systematic Botany, , 36 ,1068-1087
Pelser, P.B., E.J. Tepe, A.H. Kennedy, and L.E. Watson (2010. ) The fate of Robinsonia (Asteraceae): sunk in Senecio, but still monophyletic? .Phytotaxa, , 5 ,31-46
Leiva González, S., F.T. Farruggia, E.J. Tepe, and C.T. Martine (2010. ) Browallia sandrae (Solanaceae) una nueva especie del Departamento Cajamarca, Perú / Browallia sandrae (Solanaceae) a new species from Cajamarca Department, Peru .Arnoldoa, , 17 ,9–17
Stern, S.R., E.J. Tepe, and L.A. Bohs (2008. ) Checklist of Solanum of north-central Peru, a hotspot of biological diversity .Arnoldoa, , 15 ,277-284
Crawford, D.J., E. Ruiz, T.F. Stuessy, E.J. Tepe, P. Aqeveque, F. Gonzalez, R.J. Jensen, G.J. Anderson, G. Bernardello, C.M. Baeza, U. Swenson and M. Silva O (2001. ) Allozyme diversity in endemic flowering plant species of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile: ecological and historical factors with implications or conservation .American Journal of Botany, , 88 ,2195-2203
Lentz D.L.; Hamilton T.L.; Dunning N.P.; Jones J.G.; Reese-Taylor K.; Anaya Hernández A.; Walker D.S.; Tepe E.J.; Carr C.; Brewer J.L.; Ruhl T.; Meyers S.A.; Vazquez M.; Golden A.; Weiss A.A. (06-02-2022. ) Paleoecological Studies at the Ancient Maya Center of Yaxnohcah Using Analyses of Pollen, Environmental DNA, and Plant Macroremains,.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, , 10 , More Information
Massad T.J.; Richards L.A.; Philbin C.; Yamaguchi L.F.; Kato M.J.; Jeffrey C.S.; Oliveira C.; Ochsenrider K.; de Moraes M.M.; Tepe E.J.; Cebrian Torregon G.; Sandivo M.; Dyer L.A. (01-01-2022. ) The chemical ecology of tropical forest diversity: Environmental variation, chemical similarity, herbivory, and richness.Ecology, , More Information
Uckele K.A.; Jahner J.P.; Tepe E.J.; Richards L.A.; Dyer L.A.; Ochsenrider K.M.; Philbin C.S.; Kato M.J.; Yamaguchi L.F.; Forister M.L.; Smilanich A.M.; Dodson C.D.; Jeffrey C.S.; Parchman T.L. (12-01-2021. ) Phytochemistry reflects different evolutionary history in traditional classes versus specialized structural motifs.Scientific Reports, , 11 (1 ) , More Information
Lentz D.L.; Hamilton T.L.; Dunning N.P.; Tepe E.J.; Scarborough V.L.; Meyers S.A.; Grazioso L.; Weiss A.A. (12-01-2021. ) Environmental DNA reveals arboreal cityscapes at the Ancient Maya Center of Tikal.Scientific Reports, , 11 (1 ) , More Information
Rabelo R.S.; Dyer L.A.; Lepesqueur C.; Salcido D.M.; da Silva T.P.; Rodrigues H.P.A.; Trindade T.B.; Diniz I.R.; Nascimento A.R.; Tepe E.J.; Massad T.J. (10-01-2021. ) Tritrophic interaction diversity in gallery forests: A biologically rich and understudied component of the Brazilian cerrado.Arthropod-Plant Interactions, , 15 (5 ) ,773-785 More Information
Campos-Moreno D.F.; Dyer L.A.; Salcido D.; Massad T.J.; Pérez-Lachaud G.; Tepe E.J.; Whitfield J.B.; Pozo C. (07-01-2021. ) Importance of interaction rewiring in determining spatial and temporal turnover of tritrophic (Piper-caterpillar-parasitoid) metanetworks in the Yucatán Península, México.Biotropica, , 53 (4 ) ,1071-1081 More Information
Amazonas D.R.; Oliveira C.; Barata L.E.S.; Tepe E.J.; Kato M.J.; Mourão R.H.V.; Yamaguchi L.F. (01-01-2021. ) Chemical and Genotypic Variations in Aniba rosiodora from the Brazilian Amazon Forest.Molecules, , 26 (1 ) , More Information
Lentz D.L.; Hamilton T.L.; Dunning N.P.; Scarborough V.L.; Luxton T.P.; Vonderheide A.; Tepe E.J.; Perfetta C.J.; Brunemann J.; Grazioso L.; Valdez F.; Tankersley K.B.; Weiss A.A. (12-01-2020. ) Molecular genetic and geochemical assays reveal severe contamination of drinking water reservoirs at the ancient Maya city of Tikal.Scientific Reports, , 10 (1 ) , More Information
Egydio Brandão A.P.M.; Yamaguchi L.F.; Tepe E.J.; Salatino A.; Kato M.J. (10-01-2020. ) Evaluation of DNA markers for molecular identification of three Piper species from Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest.PLoS ONE, , 15 (10 October ) , More Information
Mardonovich S.; Tepe E.J.; Moore R. (01-01-2019. ) The natural diversity of Carica papaya in Panama.Acta Horticulturae, , 1250 ,99-109 More Information
Tepe E.J. (01-01-2018. ) A series of unfortunate events: The forgotten botanist and the misattribution of a type collection.PhytoKeys, , (109 ) ,33-39 More Information
Jahner J.; Forister M.; Parchman T.; Smilanich A.; Miller J.; Wilson J.; Walla T.; Tepe E.J.; Richards L.; Quijano-Abril M.; Glassmire A.; Dyer L. (12-01-2017. ) Host conservatism, geography, and elevation in the evolution of a Neotropical moth radiation.Evolution, , 71 (12 ) ,2885-2900 More Information
Glassmire A.E.; Jeffrey C.S.; Forister M.L.; Parchman T.L.; Nice C.C.; Jahner J.P.; Wilson J.S.; Walla T.R.; Richards L.A.; Smilanich A.M.; Leonard M.D.; Morrison C.R.; Simbaña W.; Salagaje L.A.; Dodson C.D.; Miller J.S.; Tepe E.J.; Villamarin-Cortez S.; Dyer L.A. (10-01-2016. ) Intraspecific phytochemical variation shapes community and population structure for specialist caterpillars.The New phytologist, , 212 (1 ) ,208-219 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Anderson G.J.; Spooner D.M.; Bohs L. (05-03-2016. ) Relationships among wild relatives of the tomato, potato, and pepino.Taxon, , 65 (2 ) ,262-276 More Information
Bornstein A.J.; Smith J.F.; Tepe E.J. (02-01-2014. ) Two new species of piper from the greater antilles.Systematic Botany, , 39 (1 ) ,10-16 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Rodríguez-Castañeda G.; Glassmire A.; Dyer L. (01-01-2014. ) Piper kelleyi, a hotspot of ecological interactions and a new species from Ecuador and Peru.PhytoKeys, , 2014 (34 ) ,19-32 More Information
Wilson J.S.; Forister M.L.; Dyer L.A.; O (03-01-2012. ) Host conservatism, host shifts and diversification across three trophic levels in two Neotropical forests.Journal of Evolutionary Biology, , 25 (3 ) ,532-546 More Information
Sanchez-Puerta M.; Abbona C.; Zhuo S.; Tepe E.J.; Bohs L.; Olmstead R.; Palmer J. (10-04-2011. ) Multiple recent horizontal transfers of the cox1 intron in Solanaceae and extended co-conversion of flanking exons.BMC Evolutionary Biology, , 11 (1 ) , More Information
Tepe E.J.; Bohs L. (10-01-2011. ) A revision of Solanum section herpystichum.Systematic Botany, , 36 (4 ) ,1068-1087 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Farruggia F.T.; Bohs L. (08-01-2011. ) A 10-gene phylogeny of Solanum section Herpystichum (Solanaceae) and a comparison of phylogenetic methods.American Journal of Botany, , 98 (8 ) ,1356-1365 More Information
Rodríguez-Castañeda G.; Forkner R.E.; Tepe E.J.; Gentry G.L.; Dyer L.A. (05-01-2011. ) Weighing defensive and nutritive roles of ant mutualists across a tropical altitudinal gradient.Biotropica, , 43 (3 ) ,343-350 More Information
Pelser P.B.; Kennedy A.H.; Tepe E.J.; Shidler J.B.; Nordenstam B.; Kadereit J.W.; Watson L.E. (05-01-2010. ) Patterns and causes of incongruence between plastid and nuclear Senecioneae (Asteraceae) phylogenies.American Journal of Botany, , 97 (5 ) ,856-873 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Bohs L. (01-01-2010. ) A molecular phylogeny of Solanum sect. Pteroidea (Solanaceae) and the utility of COSII markers in resolving relationships among closely related species.Taxon, , 59 (3 ) ,733-743 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Bohs L. (11-25-2009. ) Three new species of solanum section herpystichum (Solanaceae) from Ecuador .Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, , 3 (2 ) ,511-519
Tepe E.J.; Kelley W.A.; Rodriguez-Castañeda G.; Dyer L.A. (02-04-2009. ) Characterizing the cauline domatia of two newly discovered Ecuadorian ant-plants in Piper: an example of convergent evolution.Journal of Insect Science, , 9 , More Information
Jaramillo M.A.; Callejas R.; Davidson C.; Smith J.F.; Stevens A.; Tepe E.J. (10-01-2008. ) A phylogeny of the tropical genus Piper using ITS and the chloroplast intron psbJ-petA.Systematic Botany, , 33 (4 ) ,647-660 More Information
Smith J.F.; Stevens A.C.; Tepe E.J.; Davidson C. (10-01-2008. ) Placing the origin of two species-rich genera in the Cretaceous with later species divergence in the Tertiary: a phylogenetic, biogeographic, and molecular dating analysis of Piper and Peperomia (Piperaceae).Plant Systematics and Evolution, , 275 (1-2 ) ,9-30 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Vincent M.; Watson L. (02-01-2007. ) The importance of petiole structure on inhabitability by ants in Piper sect. Macrostachys (Piperaceae).Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, , 153 (2 ) ,181-191 More Information
Tepe E.J.; Vincent M.; Watson L. (01-01-2007. ) Stem diversity, cauline domatia, and the evolution of ant-plant associations in Piper sect. Macrostachys (Piperaceae).American Journal of Botany, , 94 (1 ) ,1-11 More Information
Crawford D.; Landolt E.; Les D.; Tepe E.J. (07-01-1997. ) Allozyme variation and the taxonomy of Wolffiella.Aquatic Botany, , 58 (1 ) ,43-54 More Information
Lentz D.L.; Hamilton T.L.; Meyers S.A.; Dunning N.P.; Reese-Taylor K.; Hernández A.A.; Walker D.S.; Tepe E.J.; Esquivel A.F.; Weiss A.A. (04-01-2024. ) Psychoactive and other ceremonial plants from a 2,000-year-old Maya ritual deposit at Yaxnohcah, Mex.PLoS ONE, , 19 (4 ) , More Information
Joy Massad T.; Rangel Nascimento A.; Fernando Campos Moreno D.; Simbaña W.; Garcia Lopez H.; Sulca L.; Lepesqueur C.; Richards L.A.; Forister M.L.; Stireman J.O.; Tepe E.J.; Uckele K.A.; Braga L.; Walla T.R.; Smilanich A.M.; Grele A.; Dyer L.A. (02-01-2024. ) Variation in the strength of local and regional determinants of herbivory across the Neotropics.Oikos, , 2024 (2 ) , More Information
Hilgenhof R.; Gagnon E.; Knapp S.; Aubriot X.; Tepe E.J.; Bohs L.; Giacomin L.L.; Gouvêa Y.F.; Martine C.T.; Orejuela A.; Orozco C.I.; Peralta I.E.; Särkinen T. (08-01-2023. ) Morphological trait evolution in Solanum (Solanaceae): Evolutionary lability of key taxonomic charac.Taxon, , 72 (4 ) ,811-847 More Information
Grele A.; Massad T.J.; Uckele K.A.; Dyer L.A.; Antonini Y.; Braga L.; Forister M.L.; Sulca L.; Kato M.; Lopez H.G.; Nascimento A.R.; Parchman T.; Simbaña W.R.; Smilanich A.M.; Stireman J.O.; Tepe E.J.; Walla T.; Richards L.A. (01-01-2023. ) Intra- and interspecific diversity in a tropical plant clade alter herbivory and ecosystem resilienc.eLife, , 12 , More Information
Book Chapter
Tepe, E.J., M.A. Vincent and L.E. Watson (2004 ) Phylogenetic patterns, evolutionary trends and the origin of ant-plant associations Piper section Macrostachys: Burger’s hypotheses revisited Piper: a model genus for studies of phytochemistry, ecology, and evolution .(pp. 157-178).Boston, Kluwer Academic (Author)
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Tepe, E.J. (03-12-2015. ) Convergent morphology and the evolution of ant–plant associations in neotropical Piper (Piperaceae) .Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan, Bahia, Brazil. Workshop. . Level:International
Tepe, E.J. (04-23-2014. ) Taming the Green Giants: making sense of two of the world’s largest plant genera .Givaudan Flovour Corporation, Cincinnati, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Local
Tepe, E.J. (11-18-2013. ) Potatoes and peppers gone wild: taming the systematics of two of the world's largest plant 5 CV April 2015 – E.J. Tepe  genera .Department of Biological Sciences, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. Other Institution. . Level:University
Tepe, E.J. (09-21-2012. ) Potatoes gone wild: phylogeny and the search for synapomorphies among relatives of Solanum tuberosum .Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Tepe, E.J. (2011. ) Black peppers and wild potatoes: systematics of two of the world's largest plant genera .Faculty Center for Biodiversity, University of Vienna, Austria. Other Institution. . Level:International
Tepe, E.J. (11-13-2015. ) Room and board provided: the evolution of an ant–plant symbiosis, or Morphology, phylogeny, and the evolution of ant-plant associations in neotropical Piper (Piperaceae).” .Meeting of the Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society, Avon Woods Nature Center, Cincinnati, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Tepe, E.J. (03-22-2018. ) Convergent morphology and the evolution of ant–plant associations in neotropical Piper (Piperaceae). Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil. Other Institution. . Level:International
Tepe, E.J. (04-10-2018. ) Room and board provided: ant-plant symbioses in one of the world’s largest plant genera. Oxbow, Inc., Lawrenceburg, IN. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Tepe, Eric J. & Theresa Culley (08-2018. ) The contribution to Native Voices to medicine through botany .University of Cincinnati Health Sciences Library, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:Regional
Tepe, Eric J. & Theresa Culley (08-2018. ) The contribution to Native Voices to medicine through botany .University of Cincinnati Health Sciences Library, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:Regional
Tepe, Eric J. (09-2018. ) Mosquitoes, Jesuits, and Botanical Expeditions: The Cinchona Tree and the Fight Against Malaria .Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Local
Tepe, Eric J. & Maria Paz Moreno (02-2019. ) Tasting the Food of the Gods: The Natural and Cultural Histories of Chocolate .Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Tepe, Eric J. & Maria Paz Moreno (10-2019. ) Tasting the Food of the Gods: The Natural and Cultural Histories of Chocolate .Institute for Learning in Retirement, Miami University, Oxford, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Local
Tepe, Eric J. (02-2020. ) Taming the green giants: making sense of two of the world’s largest plant genera .Meeting of the Herb Society of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Professional Meeting. . Level:Local
Tepe, Eric J. (08-2024. ) From Green Potatoes to Toxic Honey: The Ecology of Plant Defenses .Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, OH. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Tepe, Eric J. (06-2022. ) Mosquitoes, Jesuits, and Botanical Expeditions: The Cinchona Tree and the Fight Against Malaria .Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine, Kalamazoo, MI. Other Institution. . Level:University
Tepe, Eric J. (04-2023. ) Convergent morphology and interspecies networks in neotropical Piper (Piperaceae) .University of Texas at Austin, Department of Integrative Biology, Austin, TX. Other Institution. . Level:University
Poster Presentations
Culley, T., J. Lee, B. Merritt, R. Tunison, J. Barreiro-Sanchez, M. Philpot, M. Torres, M. Ammar, R. Elam, A. Koshoffer, A. Johnson, and E. Tepe (2017. ) UC Data Day .University of Cincinnati. . Conference. . Level:University
Koshoffer, A. and E.J. Tepe (2016. ) Challenges and Opportunities in an Institutional Repository Self-Submission Model .Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) Summit, Atlanta, Georgia. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Miller, L. and E.J. Tepe (2016. ) Root beer plant” and its relatives: a molecular phylogeny of Piper sect. Pothomorphe .Meetings of the Botanical Society of America and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Savannah, Georgia. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Egydio, A.P.M., N.C. Yoshida, L.Y.V. Gutiérrez, L.L.F. Yamaguchi, L.B. Motta, E.J. Tepe, M.L. Salatino, A. Salatino, and M.J. Kato (09-2014. ) Phylogenetic studies of Peperomia and Piper: reconstruction of secondary metabolite evolution .62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Guimãres, Portugal. . Conference. . Level:International
Tepe, E.J. and L. Bohs (07-2014. ) The spud family tree: relationships within the Potato clade of the giant genus Solanum (Solanaceae) .Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Boise, ID. . Conference. . Level:International
Tepe, E.J. and L. Bohs (2014. ) The spud family tree: relationships within the Potato clade of the giant genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Boise, Idaho. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Mardonovich, S., E.J. Tepe, and R. Moore (07-2013. ) Morphological diversity of natural Carica papaya populations in Panama .Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:International
Tepe, E.J., Smilanich, A., M.L. Forister, L.A. Dyer, C.S. Jeffrey, L. Richards, C.D. Dodson, Wilson, J.S., Whitfield, J.B., Jaramillo, M.A., Jahner, J., Glassmire, A.E., Leonard, M., McMahon, K., Miller, J.S., Parks, K. (07-2013. ) Phylogenetic and phytochemical cascades in the evolution of tropical diversity .Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:International
Smilanich, A., M.L. Forister, L.A. Dyer, C.S. Jeffrey, L. Richards, C.D. Dodson, Wilson, J.S., Tepe, E.J., Whitfield, J.B., Jaramillo, M.A., Jahner, J., Glassmire, A.E., Leonard, M., McMahon, K., Miller, J.S., Parks, K. (03-2013. ) Phylogenetic and phytochemical cascades in the evolution of tropical diversity .Gordon Research Conference: the changing face of plant-herbivore studies, Ventura, CA. . Conference. . Level:International
Glassmire, A.E., C.S. Jeffrey, M.L. Forister, J.S. Wilson, M. Leonard, T. Walla, J.S. Miller, E.J. Tepe and L.A. Dyer (03-2013. ) Phytochemical variation as a mechanism for diversification .Gordon Research Conference: the changing face of plant-herbivore studies, Ventura, CA. . Conference. . Level:International
Hansel, N., V. Pence, and E.J. Tepe (07-2018. ) Comparison of post cryopreservation survival of hyperhydric and more normal phenotypes of Cycladenia humilis var. jonesii, and Crotalaria avonensis .Meetings of the Botanical Society of America and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Rochester, MN. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Tepe, E.J., K.A. Uckele, and T.L. Parchman (07-2018. ) New insights into the phylogeny of New World Piper based on genome-wide RAD sequence data .Meetings of the Botanical Society of America and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Rochester, MN. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Miller, L., and E.J. Tepe (06-2019. ) Evolutionary, biogeographic, and cultural insights into the current distribution of Piper umbellatum .60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Bryant, J. and E.J. Tepe (07-2023. ) Morphometrics of Mesoamerican Solanum sect. Anarrhichomenum .Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Boise, ID. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Mardonovich, S., E.J. Tepe, and R.C. Moore (07-29-2015. ) Population structure in Carica papaya in Panama .Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Tepe, E.J. A.J. Bornstein, M. Carvalho-Silva, A.P.M. Egydio, M.A. Jaramillo, and J.F. Smith (07-28-2015. ) Creating order out of chaos: a phylogeny of the Radula clade of Piper .Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Tepe, E.J., K.A. Uckele, and T.L. Parchman (10-2018. ) Genome-wide RAD sequence data provides new insights into the phylogeny of New World Piper: a preliminary analysis .Quito, Ecuador. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Merritt, B., M. Philpott, R. Tunison, J. Barreiro Sanchez, E.J. Tepe, M.F. Torres, and T. Culley (07-2019. ) Receiving proper credit for research in developing countries: A study of co-authorship in plant conservation genetics .Tucson, AZ. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Keshtvarz, J.K., E.J. Tepe, and S. Marino (07-2020. ) Unraveling the species complex of black pepper wild relative neotropical Piper arboreum: a Brazilian case study .virtual. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Budke, J.M., M. von Konrat, B. Aguero, J.A. Alexander, R. Allen, P.J. Anders, E. Benamy, J.C. Brinda, L. Briscoe, F. Bungartz, K.M. Cameron, A. Chandler, M. Chansler, D.A. Clark, A. Davis, N.M. Franz, E.E. Gilbert, A. Harmon, T.M. Hogan, S.M. Ickert-Bond, T.Y. James, K. Kersh, J.S. Kluse, L.P. Lagomarsino, S. LaGreca, S.D. Leavitt, J.C. Lendemer, A. Liston, H.T. Lumbsch, F.M. Lutzoni, L.C. Majure, S.F. McDaniel, J. Mickley, A.N. Miller, B.D. Mishler, C. Mozzicato, T. Nash, M.G. Oliver, K.D. Pearson, K. Perkins, L.A. Prather, W. Quinlan, K. Scharnag, B. Schuh, A.J. Shaw, J. Smith, D. Stanton, P.W. Sweeney, J.K. Teisher, E.J. Tepe, B.M. Thiers, E. Tripp, J.K. Uehling, G.D. Weiblen, T. Whitfeld, T.J. Widhelm, M. Zwingelberg (07-2021. ) Building a Global Consortium of Bryophytes and Lichens: Keystones of Cryptobiotic Communities (GLOBAL) .Montreal, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Hilgenhof, R., E. Gagnon, S. Knapp, X. Aubriot, E.J. Tepe, L. Bohs, L. Giacomin, Y.F. Gouvêa, C. Martine, A. Orejuela, C.I. Orozco, I. Peralta, T. Sarkinen (07-2022. ) Morphological trait evolution in the mega-diverse genus Solanum (Solanaceae) - lability of key taxonomic characters at clade level .Anchorage, AK. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Bryant, J. and E.J. Tepe (07-2022. ) Morphometric analysis of the Solanum appendiculatum species complex (Solanum sect. Anarrhichomenum) .Anchorage, AK. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Bryant, J. and E.J. Tepe (06-2024. ) Dioecy and breeding system diversity in Mexican potato relatives .Grand Rapids, MI. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Tepe, E.J. and J, Bryant (07-2024. ) Untangling the web of Solanum sections Herpystichum and Pteroidea .Madrid, Spain. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Professional Affiliation
1997 -To Present: Botanical Society of America
1999 -To Present: American Society of Plant Taxonomists
2000 -To Present: Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
2004 -To Present: International Association of Plant Biosystematists
2013 -To Present: Society of Herbarium Curators
2013 -To Present: Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
2014 -To Present: Ohio Moss and Lichen Association
Courses Taught
-BIOL-1005 GENETICS & SOCIETY Level:Undergraduate
-BIOL-3052 MEDICAL BOTANY Level:Undergraduate
-BIOL-3052 MEDICAL BOTANY Level:Undergraduate
-BIOL-3010C BOTANY Level:Undergraduate
-BIOL-2082C EVOL ECOL GENETICS Ecology and Evolution Level:Undergraduate