Pat (Patricia) Tille
Professor Educator
Professor and Graduate Program Director Medical Laboratory Science
Professional Summary
Dr. Tille has over 30 years of laboratory experience from bench tech, lab manager and technical specialist to university professor, program director and administrator. In addition to her microbiology and molecular diagnostics expertise, Dr. Tille has worked with a variety of University and Hospital MLS programs to develop state of the art curriculum, program reviews, accreditation and implementation at the Assoc., Bachelors and graduate level. In addition, she is a three time National Cardinal Health UR Essential recognized laboratory professional and has received multiple accolades from ASCLS including professional achievement in microbiology twice and molecular diagnostics. She was most recently chosen as the ASCLS National Recipient of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022. Dr. Tille is the ASCLS National President-Elect, and will serve as President beginning in July of 2024. She currently chairs the Microbiology Advisory Committee and is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal for the International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science. Dr. Tille is also the author of the internationally recognized Diagnostic Microbiology Textbook, Bailey and Scott’s by Elsevier. Professor Tille, serves as the Graduate Program Director in laboratory science for the University of Cincinnati
Ph.D. : Sanford School of Medicine Vermillion South Dakota, 2002 (Biomedical Health Sciences-Microbial Genetics)
Bachelors of Science: University of Sioux Falls Sioux Falls South Dakota, 1992 (Biology)
Medical Laboratory Science: Sanford and University Medical Center Sioux Falls South Dakota, 1993 (Medical laboratory science)
Research and Practice Interests
Online education and molecular microbiology
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hassan A Aziz (Doha, Qatar) and Patricia Tille (2018. ) A Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Medical Laboratory Science Programs .Clinical Laboratory Science, ,
Brianne Weber and Patricia M Tille (2016. ) Transient Myeloproliferative Disorder in Neonate with Suspected Down Syndrome .Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis, , 16 ,1632
Rohde R, Felkner M, Reagan J, Mitchell AH and Tille Patricia M (2016. ) Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI): The Perfect Storm has Arrived! .Clinical Laboratory Science, , 29 (1 ) ,28 More Information
Tille Patricia M, Rohde R, Reagan J, Felkner M and Mitchell AH (2016. ) The Perfect Storm: Emerging Trends and Pathogens in Health Care.Clinical Laboratory Science, , 29 (1 ) ,32 More Information
Reagan J, Rohde R, Mitchell AH, Felkner M and Tille Patricia M (2016. ) The Legal Landscape: HAI reporting in the United States.Clinical Laboratory Science, , 29 (1 ) ,39 More Information
Mitchell AH, Rohde R, Tille Patricia M, Reagan J and Felkner M (2016. ) The changing Role of the Health Care Environment.Clinical Laboratory Science, , 29 (1 ) ,44 More Information
Tille Patricia M, Graves A, Lansink SL and Jacobsen S (2015. ) A Case of Injury Associated HELLP Syndrome in a Native American.Journal of Clinical Case Studies, , 1 (1 ) , More Information
Distal C, Jacobsen S and Tille Patricia M (2013. ) Alcohol Induced Diabetic Ketoacidosis Exacerbated by an Acute Respiratory Infection with Klebsiella pneumonia .Clinical Laboratory Science, , 26 (2 ) ,68
Patricia M. Tille and Heather Hall (2011. ) MLS Student Active Learning within a “Cloud” Technology Program .Clinical Laboratory Science, , 24 (4 ) ,5
Patricia Tille, Hassan Aziz, and Janice Conway-Klaassen (2020. ) Septicemia: An Extreme Host Response to a Global Healthcare Problem .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS), , 9 (1 ) ,1 -6
Hassan Aziz, Linda L. Ross, Janice Conway-Klaassen, Patricia Tille (2020. ) The Role of the Microbiology Laboratory in the Diagnosis of Sepsis .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS), , 9 (1 ) ,7 -14
Hassan Aziza, Linda L. Ross, Patricia Tille*, Janice Conway-Klaassen (2020. ) Rapid Identification of Pathogen Recovered from Blood Stream Infections .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS), , 9 (1 ) ,15 -22
Janice Conway-Klaassen, Patricia Tille*, Hassan Aziz (2020. ) The Use of Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Management of Sepsis .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS), , 9 (1 ) ,23 -31
Toni Ontiveros and Patricia Tille (2022. ) A Modified Approach to Medical Laboratory Science Clinical Experiences in a Health System in the United States .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, , 11 (2 ) ,59
Amanda Szymanski, Joel E. Mortensen, Patricia Tille (2022. ) Advancements in Targeted Molecular Therapy for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Related Cancer .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, , 11 (2 ) ,71
Advancements in Targeted Molecular Therapy for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Related Cancer
Lydia E. Mack, Patricia M. Tille, Stephanie Jacobson and Demetra Castillo (2023. ) A Narrative Review of the Clinical Utility of Next-Generation Sequencing and the Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, , 12 (1 ) ,18
Catherine Dixon and Patricia Tille (2021. ) Leveraging Creativity to Teach Science: Incorporating Sketchnotes in Medical Laboratory Science Curriculum, Catherine Dixon and Patricia Tille, Clinical Laboratory Science Journal, .Clinical Laboratory Science Journal, , 34 (3 ) ,25 More Information
David Hamilton, Demetra Castillo, Patricia M. Tille (2023. ) Harmonization of Thyroid Hormone Testing; A Complex Challenge to Improve Patient Outcomes .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, , 12 (2 ) ,85
Lori Minton, Stephanie Jacobson, Patricia M. Tille (2023. ) Benefits of Implementing Oral Fluid Testing for Opioid Pain Management Compliance .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, , 12 (2 ) ,96
Invited Publications
Patricia M Tille (2022. ) SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Continues to Challenge Health care, Workforce and Families Across the Globe .International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, 11 (1 ) ,3-5
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Continues to Challenge Health care, Workforce and Families Across the Globe
Other Publications
Patricia M. Tille, Valerie Dietz Polansky, Nadine M. Lerret (2021. ) Microbiology .Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science, 3rd Edition, ISBN-13 978-0803675698 , F.A. Davis Company
Patricia M. Tille (2018. ) Chapter 8: Microbiology .Harr, Robert: Medical Laboratory Science Review, F.A. Davis Company
Published Books
Patricia M Tille (2017. ) Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology 14th Edition .St. Louis Missouri , Elsevier, Inc. (Author)
Patricia M Tille (2014. ) Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology 13th Edition .St. Louis Missouri , Elsevier, Inc. (Author)
Patricia M. Tille (2022. ) Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology 15th Edition .St. Louis Missouri , Elsevier (Author)
Patricia M. Tille (2025. ) Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology, 16th Edition .St. Louis Missouri , Elsevier (Author)
Book Chapter
Patricia M. Tille (2015 ) Chapter 16: Microbiology An Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science .St. Louis Missouri, Elsevier, Inc. (Co-Author)
Patricia M. Tille (2022 ) Chapter 16: Microbiology Clinical Laboratory Science, Linnes and Ringrud's .St. Louis Missouri, Elsevier (Co-Author)
Patricia M. Tille and John Flynn (2024 ) Chapter 3: Infectious Diseases and Prevention Procedures in Phlebotomy, 4th Edition .St. Louis Missouri, Elsevier (Editor)
Additional Publications
Patricia M. Tille (2021. ) The 117th Congress and the "State of Play" on Capital Hill-A Government Affairs Update .(pp. page 7).Electronic Newsletter, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science South Dakota
Patricia M. Tille (2021. ) Alpha Mu Tau: More than a Fraternity .September 17, 2021 Volume 35 Number 5 , American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Patricia M. Tille (2020. ) The Medical Laboratory Profession Outlook and Opportunities with Advanced Education, .On-Line, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science South Dakota
Patricia M. Tille (2020. ) Viewing Intelligent Diversity-Become the Solution. .Online, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science South Dakota
Patricia M. Tille (2020. ) Covid-19: How to expect the unexpected from infection to recovery .American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Patricia M. Tille (2023. ) An Unexpected Professional Journey: Taking the Next Steps, ASCLS Today National Newsletter, October 5, 2023 .(pp. 73 -Volume 37 Number 5.).American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science (Author)
Patricia M. Tille (2023. ) Professional Challenges in Healthcare, Workforce and Education and Hope for the Future, Editorial, Int J. Bio. Lab Scie 2023 12 (1): 4. . (Author)
Patricia M. Tille (2023. ) Technology, Molecular Diagnostics and Current Challenges in Educating Laboratory Professionals and Clinical Practice, Patricia Tille, Editorial, International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, October 2022, Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)2:52. (Author)
Patricia M. Tille (2022. ) SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Continues to Challenge Health care, Workforce and Families Across the Globe; International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science- Editorial, April 2022. Int. J. Bio. Lab. Sci 2022(11)1:3-5.
Patricia M Tille (07-22-2022. ) Fundamentals of Virology and Molecular Diagnostics .Virtual Webinar. Other Institution. Level:University
Patricia M Tille (2022. ) Student Centered Teaching, Changing the Paradigm .Denver, Colorado. Conference. Level:National
Patricia M Tille (02-11-2022. ) Validation and Verification in Molecular Diagnostics .Virtual Webinar. Workshop. Level:National
Patricia M Tille (01-31-2022. ) Alpha Mu Tau Ask Me Anything .Virtual Webinar. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Patricia M. Tille (11-2021. ) Covid-19 A Personal Experience .Virtual Webinar. Conference. Level:State
Patricia M Tille (10-2021. ) Who are you and Who am I? .Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Conference. Level:Regional
Patricia M Tille (05-05-2021. ) Covid-19: 1 year later Viruses, Variants and Vaccines, .Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Other Institution. Level:Regional
Patricia M. Tille (04-2021. ) Who are you and Who is Everyone Else? Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. .Spearfish South Dakota. Conference. Level:State
Patricia M. Tille (04-2021. ) Medical Ethics: Then and Now .Virtual Webinar. Conference. Level:State
Patricia M. Tille (01-2021. ) Medical Ethics: Then and Now .Virtual Webinar. Conference. Level:National
Pat Tille, Perry Scanlan, Kristen Landis-Piwowar, Janice Conway-Klaassen, Teresa Nader, (06-29-2020. ) Becoming an Expert: Professional Writing, Reviewing, and Publishing, Panel Presentation, .Chicago, Illinois. Conference. Level:National
Catherine Dixon, Patricia M. Tille, Robert Harper (06-30-2020. ) Leveraging Creativity to Teach Science: Incorporating Sketchnotes in the Medical Laboratory Science Curriculum .Virtual Conference. Conference. Level:National
Patricia M Tille (04-2020. ) Covid-19, A Global Pandemic .Virtual Webinar. Other Institution. Level:National
Patricia M Tille (03-2020. ) Why Being a “Novel” Virus, turned COVID-19 into a Pandemic.; .Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Other Institution. Level:Regional
Patricia M Tille and Janice Conway-Klaassen (02-2020. ) Best Practices in Laboratory Simulation: Eliminating The Need for Rotations. .Orlando Florida. Conference. Level:National
Patricia M Tille and Perry Scanlan (02-2020. ) Publish or Perish: The Need for scholarly activity in medical laboratory science .Orlando Florida. Conference. Level:National
Patricia M Tille (11-2019. ) What’s in a name? Nomenclature changes and the impact on microbiology. .Virtual Webinar. Conference. Level:National
Patricia M Tille (10-2019. ) Building emotional intelligence: A practical approach! .Fargo North Dakota. Conference. Level:Regional
Patricia M Tille (04-2019. ) Ouch! Did you really mean that? Diversity, Instersectionality and Privilege .Rapid City South Dakota. Conference. Level:State
Patricia M Tille (04-2019. ) Transitioning from the Lab into Education, How to be a Quick Start Faculty .Appleton Wisconsin. Conference. Level:State
Patricia M Tille (04-2019. ) Balancing a Microbiology Laboratory, Molecular Diagnostics and the Budget, .Appleton Wisconsin. Conference. Level:State
Patricia M Tille and Perry Scanlan (02-2019. ) CLS Journal: Your Place for Articles and Enhanced Author Content .Baltimore Maryland. Conference. Level:National
Patricia M. Tille (2021. ) Covid-19 Vaccines and Prevention .Virtual Webinar. Other Institution. Level:National
Event Organized
Joint Annual Meeting-American Society for Clinical Laboratory ScienceJoint Annual Meeting-American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Conference 2021 2022 Grand Rapids Michigan Level:National
Alpha Mu Tau National Laboratory Fraternity Annual MeetingAlpha Mu Tau National Laboratory Fraternity Annual Meeting Prof. Meeting 2021 2022 Grand Rapids Michigan Level:National
Alpha Mu Tau National Laboratory Fraternity Annual MeetingAlpha Mu Tau National Laboratory Fraternity Annual Meeting Prof. Meeting 2020 2021 Louisville Kentucky Level:National
ASCLS Region V SymposiumASCLS Region V Symposium Symposium 2020 2021 Sioux Falls South Dakota Level:Regional
ASCLS Region V SymposiumASCLS Region V Symposium Symposium 2021 2022 Mankato Minnesota Level:Regional
ASCLS Region VASCLS Region V Symposium 09-28-2023 09-29-2023 Eau Claire WI Level:Regional
ASCLS Joint Annual MeetingASCLS Joint Annual Meeting Conference 07-08-2024 07-12-2024 Pittsburgh, PA Level:National
Honors and Awards
09-2022 US Army Certificate of Appreciation United States Department of the Army, Certificate of Appreciation, The Bravo Company, 407th Civil Affairs Battalion (Tactical) US Army Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
08-2022 Faculty Excellence in Service Award College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Annual Faculty Award CAHS-University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
06-2022 Lifetime Achievement Award The purpose of the ASCLS Lifetime Achievement Award is to recognize and honor an ASCLS member who has “made a difference” in ASCLS and the profession of clinical laboratory science. This award provides special recognition to an individual who has provided dedicated and outstanding service at all levels of the organization over a sustained period of time. In addition, the individual has demonstrated outstanding career achievements in clinical laboratory science and has significantly promoted the profession to the public and other health care professionals. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
06-2022 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award National First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
06-2022 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award-Regional First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
06-2022 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award-South Dakota First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
08-2021 Faculty Excellence in Scholarship and Research Award College of Allied Health Sciences annual faculty award in Scholarship and Research CAHS-University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2021 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award National First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2021 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award-Regional First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
2020 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award National First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2020 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award-Regional First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
2020 Omicron Sigma Presidential Service Award-South Dakota First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
2020 Faculty Excellence in Scholarship and Research Award CAHS faculty excellence annual award in scholarship and research CAHS-University of Cincinnati Status:Nomination Level:College Type:Recognition
2020 Nexstar Media Inc, Remarkable Woman of the Year Nexstar Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nexstar Media Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: NXST) The nationwide initiative is part of Nexstar’s celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8th) and is designed to honor the influence that women have had on public policy, social progress, and the quality of life in the United States. Nexstar will spotlight local women that inspire, lead, and forge the way for other women. Nexstar, Incorporated Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
2019 CAHS Advancement Award Recognition for fund-raising activities in support of the UC Foundation CAHS-University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2019 Professional Achievement Award-Microbiology The purpose of the ASCLS Scientific Assembly Professional Achievement Award is to recognize outstanding professional achievement of an individual ASCLS member within his or her chosen area of academic, scientific or vocational interest American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2011 Professional Achievement Award-Molecular Diagnostics The purpose of the ASCLS Scientific Assembly Professional Achievement Award is to recognize outstanding professional achievement of an individual ASCLS member within his or her chosen area of academic, scientific or vocational interest American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2005 Professional Achievement Award-Microbiology The purpose of the ASCLS Scientific Assembly Professional Achievement Award is to recognize outstanding professional achievement of an individual ASCLS member within his or her chosen area of academic, scientific or vocational interest American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2016 Fellow of Association of Clinical Scientists Scientists who have received an earned doctoral degree, and who, through training, experience, publications, and activities, have demonstrated an interest and expertise in clinical science, are eligible to become Fellows. The Association has a long and distinguished history of over 70 years (established in 1949). The Association provides a collegial forum for clinical scientists from many disciplines to interact and share research and related topics in several ways. Fellows must be nominated by a member, and approved by the Board of Directors. Some of our members are nationally (and world) renowned physicians and scientists Association of Clinical Scientists Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship
2020 Robin S. Mendelson Award The purpose of the ASCLS Board of Directors Award is to recognize persons in the Society who have given exemplary service to the Society in the past year. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2015 Cardinal Health UR-Essential The urEssential Award was created to honor exceptional medical laboratory professionals that truly demonstrate how passion and dedication in the field can advance health care. Cardinal Health Status:Nomination Level:National Type:Recognition
2016 Cardinal Health UR-Essential The ur-Essential Award was created to honor exceptional medical laboratory professionals that truly demonstrate how passion and dedication in the field can advance health care. Cardinal Health Status:Nomination Level:National Type:Recognition
2018 Cardinal Health UR-Essential The ur-Essential Award was created to honor exceptional medical laboratory professionals that truly demonstrate how passion and dedication in the field can advance health care. Cardinal Health Status:Nomination Level:National Type:Recognition
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (National Nominations Committee ) Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 06-2020 -06-2023
International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science ) Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 06-2020
International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (Microbiology Advisory Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2016
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS Education and Research (E and R) Board of Directors ) Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2020 -2021
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS Education and Research (E and R) Board of Directors ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2021 -2022
Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity (Board of Directors ) President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2021 -2022
Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity (Board of Directors ) President-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2020 -2021
Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity (Board of Directors ) Executive Board Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2019 -2020
Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity (Board of Directors ) Executive Board Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2018 -2019
Journal of Clinical Case Studies (Supporting Editor ) Editorial Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2016
Region V-American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Board of Directors-Secretary/Treasurer ) Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2020 -2022
Region V-American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Leadership Academy ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2019 -2020
Clinical Health and Information Sciences (Review, Promotion and Tenure Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2021 -2022
Clinical Health and Information Sciences (Review, Promotion and Tenure Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2020 -2021
Clinical Health and Information Sciences (MS-MLSL Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2021 -2022
College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati (Decanal Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2021 -2022
College of Allied Health Sciences, Health Administration (Masters in Health Administration Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2020 -2021
College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati (Interprofessional Teamwork and Communication (iTALC) ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2020
College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati (Interprofessional Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2020
Enterprise Academic Technology (EAT) University of Cincinnati (Video Repository and Media Taskforce ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2021
University of Cincinnati-Faculty Senate (Academic Affairs Standing Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2022
Clinical Health and Information Sciences (Medical Laboratory Science Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2020 -2021
Enterprise Academic Technology (EAT) University of Cincinnati (Digital Video Meetings ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:Local 2019 -2019
Cincinnati Children's Master's in Education Program (Master's Committee-Student ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -2020
Medical Laboratory Science Leadership (Masters Program ) Director Type:University/College Service Level:College 2019
University of Pennsylvania Health System (Medical Laboratory Science Program ) Consultant Type:Other Educational Service Level:Public 2022
University of North Dakota (Master's in Medical Laboratory Science ) Reviewer Type:Other Educational Service Level:Public 2018 -2019
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (Faculty Promotion External Review ) Committee Member Type:Other Educational Service Level:National 11-2018
University of Cincinnati (COACHE Working Group on Shared Governance ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -2020
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (Faculty Promotion External Review ) Committee Member Type:Other Educational Service Level:National 2019
Rush University Medical Center (Faculty Promotion External Review ) Committee Member Type:Other Educational Service Level:National 2019
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS Education and Research (E and R) Grant Review Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Grant Panel Level:National 2020 -2023
National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (Accreditation Team ) Committee Chair Type:Other Educational Service Level:National 2010
Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity (Board of Directors ) Executive Board 2022 -2023
Journal of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology of South Africa (Editorial Board ) Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 08-24-2022
Post Graduate Training and Education
2006-2009 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dr. Tille was a post-doctoral fellow under the guidance of Martin Gerdes, Ph.D.. Dr. Gerdes and team defined how these cardiac myocytes remodel in physiological and pathological conditions. He demonstrated that the dilated, thin-walled ventricle characteristic of systolic heart failure was due to a maladaptive change in myocyte shape (increased length with no change in diameter) rather than slippage of myocytes past each other. Dr. Gerdes currently serves as a Professor and the Dept. Chair at the New York Institute of Technology, Long Island New York, Sanford and University Medical Center Cardiovascular Research Institute-, , Sioux Falls South Dakota
Professional Affiliation
2021 -2023: ASCLS Committee on Educational Programs and Initiatives National Elected Committee Member American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, National
Contact Information
Academic -