Todd F Timney , MFA, BFA
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Aronoff Center
DAAP School of Design - 0016
Professional Summary
Todd Timney is a visual communication design educator, researcher, and practitioner with over 25 years of professional design experience. He is an Associate Professor in the Communication Design (CODE) program, Co-Director of the Master of Design (MDes), and a Design Research Fellow at the Livewell Collaborative.
At the Livewell Collaborative, he leads an interdisciplinary team of undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students from design, biomedical engineering, and computer science. For the past seven years, the team has taken a design-led, research-based, and patient-centric approach to improve the cancer patient and family experience at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Project outcomes range from physical to digital product design, visual communication design, user-experience design, and service design. Their work has been recognized with awards and/or grants from the Design Management Institute (DMI), Fast Company’s Innovative Health Projects, and Hyundai’s Hope on Wheels Impact Grant. To learn more about the team’s work, visit: https://www.livewellcollaborative.org/cbdi-microsite/home
Professor Timney was formally trained in graphic design, earning his MFA in visual communication design from Virginia Commonwealth University and BFA from the University of Hartford. He has taught courses in Typography, Design Aesthetics, Visual Symbols & Brand Identity, Packaging Design, Information Design, and Design Research Methods.
His professional work has been recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally for its excellence by professional organizations including the Columbus Society of Communication Arts (CSCA), the Connecticut Art Director's Club (CADC), the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), and International Council of Communication Design (ICOGRADA).
Prior to his arrival at the University of Cincinnati, Professor Timney held teaching appointments at The Ohio State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and the University of Hartford.
Master of Fine Art: Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia, 2007 (Visual Communication Design)
Bachelor of Fine Arts: University of Hartford, Hartford Art School West Hartford, Connecticut, 1997 (Graphic Design)
Research and Practice Interests
Todd Timney's academic research concerns information design — the creation and study of the visual form leading to increased audience understanding. Currently Professor Timney is collaborating with Cincinnati Children's Hospital's Gamble Center for Clincial Studies on a patient-centered approach to improving medical health literacy. Four areas have emerged from this collaboration: 1) Improving Understanding of the Assent and Consent Process and Document Through User-Journey Mapping and Image/Text Integration 2) Improving the Patient's Understanding of Their Clinical Study Committments Through Diagramming 3) Improving Patient Understanding of Common Clinical Procedures Through Visual Narrative 4) Symbolizing Common Clinical Procedures
Other area of interest include:
Brand Identity
Package Design
Design Research Methods
Visual Symbol Systems
Publication Design
Research Support
Grant: #LWC-CCHMC FS2016 Investigators:Timney, Todd 08-01-2016 -08-01-2017 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. LWC CCHMC 16FS Sponsored Studio - Optimization of Tailored Video Discharge Instructions for Acute Asthmatics Role:PI $10,219.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Kroger Bagless Studion FS16 Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Timney, Todd 09-01-2016 -08-31-2017 Kroger Company Kroger Bagless Sponsored Studio (16FS) Role:PI $70,000.00 Active Level:Industry
(Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure (RPT) ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:Department 10-2014 -BAD DATE
(DAAP Works Exhibition ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:Department 01-2015 -05-2015
(Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure (RPT) Criteria update ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 03-2015 -12-2015
(Communication Design Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2013 -04-2015
(Grading Policy Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 01-2014 -04-2014
AIGA (Design Educators Committee ) Conference Organizer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 05-2013 -03-2014
Faculty Development Activities
BAD DATE -BAD DATE New Ventures: Intersections in Design Education AIGA Design Educators Conference Portland, Oregon Type:Conference Attendance
BAD DATE -BAD DATE LextantU Experience Research Training A hands-on, 2-day training workshop designed to teach you how to conduct Experience Research. You will learn how to plan your research projects, develop the right methodologies, have unbiased conversations with your customers, analyze and synthesize data objectively, and communicate insights that engage and identify opportunities for innovation., Lextant Columbus, OH Type:Workshop
BAD DATE -BAD DATE Write Winning Grants A one-day workshop on the nuts and bolts of grant writing—the peer review process, submission, etc., Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops LLC Cincinnati, OH Type:Workshop
Contact Information
6485 Aronoff Center
Phone: 513-556-1072