Braden Widmeyer Trauth , MA
Asst Professor
Assistant Professor of Industrial Design
School of Design, College of DAAP
342 Clifton Ct.
PO Box 210016
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0016
Phone 513-556-6673
Email TrauthBW@UCMail.UC.edu
Professional Summary
Braden's work experience and research focus on Mutualistic Design, a form of Sustainable Design with a focus in Sustainable Industrial Design, founded in the Ecological Theory of keystone species, that his master's thesis pioneered. He has extensive experience and research in Permaculture Design, Regenerative Farming and Agroecology, Natural and Sustainable Building, Ecological Energy Theory and Sustainable Industrial Design. He and some colleagues created the World's first Regenerative Farming certification approved by the USPTO in 2017 called Permaganic Authenticated, which he is involved with scaling up. He co-founded the Cincinnati Permaculture Institute in 2008 and its Edible Perennial Landscape Nursery, Growing Value in 2011. He has presented about Permaculture to the Haitian Ministry of Agriculture as well as at National Agriculture Universities in Haiti, including University of Limonade. He serves on several boards and is the Board President of the Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Insitute, the Midwest's professional Permaculture Association. He was appointed by the City Manager to the City of Cincinnati's Urban Agriculture Advisory Board, where he served as Chairman as well as the City of Cincinnati's Environmental Advocacy Council, where he served for several years. He also serves on Lincoln Heights CDC where they seek to redevelop the historically black Village by embracing its heritage and redevelop in a sustainable and resilient way to empower its residents. He continues to research design practices and processes that can help further sustainable/mutualistic product design and the renewable and non-renewable resources, manufacturing, use and environments, repair and disposal that products are created from & exist within.
Master of Design: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2017 (Symbiotic/Mutualistic Design)
Bachelor's of Science in Industrial Design: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2004 (Sustainable Product Design)
Positions and Work Experience
08-15-2022 -To Present Assistant Professor of Industrial Design, Research in Sustainable Design with a focus in Mutualistic Design, University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning
08-15-2019 -08-14-2022 Annualized Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-22-2016 -04-30-2022 Adjunct Professor of Land, Farming & Community, Headed up Senior Capstone and taught Agro-ecology for the Land, Farming & Community Degree, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
01-10-2020 -08-14-2020 Program Coordinator - Horticulture Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
02-01-2012 -08-14-2019 Adjunct Professor of Horticulture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
05-10-2017 -08-14-2019 Adjunct Professor of Master of Design & Industrial Design, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
01-01-2008 -07-01-2022 Executive Director & Co-Founder , Organized Permaculture Design Certification Trainings, Created the Growing Value Edible Landscaping Nursery, operated the 501c-3 and promoted and implemented Permaculture and CPI's work around the city and the region, Cincinnati Permaculture Institute, Cincinnati, OH
Peer Reviewed Publications
Oygur Ilhan I.; Ilhan A.; Trauth B.; Vogel C. (01-01-2023. ) PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SERVICE DESIGN FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGN EDUCATION: CURRENT CLAIMS AND FUTUR .Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Responsible Innovation for Global Co-Habitation, E and PDE 2023, , 181-186
Braden Trauth & Brigid O'Kane (08-06-2024. ) Educating Students on Sustainability and Recyclability in a World with Underdeveloped Recycling Systems .Proceedings of the Academic Design Management Conference 2024, , 746-761
Proceedings of the Academic Design Management Conference 2024
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Braden Trauth (07-01-2015. ) (In Press. ) Permaculture in Haiti .(MARNDR) Ministere de L'Agriculture des Ressources Naturelles et du Developpement Rural, Port Au Prince, Haiti. Other Institution. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Braden Trauth (07-24-2023. ) Synthesizing Humans with the Planet: Regenerative Agriculture and Its Relevance and Application to Industrial Design .Association of Human Factors and Engineering. Conference. Level:International
Braden Trauth (07-26-2024. ) Applying Pattern Awareness to Human Centered Design and Systems Thinking .Nice, France. Conference. Level:International
Applying Pattern Awareness to Human Centered Design and Systems Thinking
Event Organized
Cincinnati Regional Permaculture Convergence 2017Cincinnati Regional Permaculture Convergence 2017 Conference 01-14-2017 01-14-2017 Baker Hunt Arts & Cultural Center Level:Local
Cincinnati Regional Permaculture Convergence
Cincinnati Regional Permaculture Convergence 2019Cincinnati Regional Permaculture Convergence 2019 Conference 01-20-2019 01-20-2019 Dan Bear Council 10078 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241 Level:Local
Lecturer at 2019 Cincinnati Permaculture Convergence
Midwest Permaculture Convergence 2017Midwest Permaculture Convergence 2017 Conference 09-02-2017 09-03-2017 Enright Ridge Urban Eco-Village, Cincinnati, OH Level:Regional
2017 Midwest Permaculture Convergence
Midwest Permaculture Convergence 2024Midwest Permaculture Convergence 2024 Conference 06-28-2024 06-30-2024 Bloomingdale, Michigan, USA Level:Regional
Contact Information
Academic - School of Design, College of DAAP
342 Clifton Ct.
Ohio, 45221-0016
Phone: 513-556-6673