Susan Trusty

Susan E. Trusty

Associate Professor - Educator

Professional Summary

Sue Trusty has a BS in Horticulture and teachers certification in Agricultural Education from Purdue University and a Masters in Horticulture and Plant Science from the University of Arizona. She has taught Horticulture at the high school and university levels and has been an extension agent and a Master Gardener trainer. She served as the director of education at the Civic Garden Center and she is a Regional Director for the Garden Writerʼs Association.

Research Support

Grant: #R40750 Investigators:Bicknaver, Britni; Harris, Mark; Trusty, Susan 07-01-2019 -12-31-2020 UC's AHSS Faculty Research Summer Stipend Program Songs the Plants Taught Us Role:Collaborator $9,667.98 Active Level:Internal UC

Contact Information

Phone: (513)265-7633