Fu-Lin Tsung
Associate Professor - Practice
Associate Professor - Practice
Phone 1-513-253-1590
Email fu-lin.tsung@uc.edu
Professional Summary
- 15 years industrial research and product development at GE Aviation
- 8 years government research at NASA Glenn Research Center
- Engineering simulation to design-tool integration and development
- Compressor stall and turbine aerodynamics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and turbulence modeling
- Engine inlet/exhaust aerodynamics
- Fixed and rotary wing aircraft aerodynamics
- Secondary and leakage flow modeling
MS: Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Ga, 1988 (Aerospace Engineering, CFD)
BS: Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Ga, 1987 (Aerospace Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
-CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics fidelity and Accuracy
-Industrial integration and applicaiton of design tools
Positions and Work Experience
1993 -2001 Senior Research Associate, -CFD algorithm R&D -Unsteady, Unstructured, internal/external flow, ICOMP/ NASA Glenn Research Ctr, Cleveland, OH
2001 -2016 Principal Engineer, -Aero systems -CFD Tools Development -Compressor/Turbine Aero , GE Aviation, Cincinnati, OH
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lee, D., Orkwis, P., Tsung, F.-L., Magnuszewski, M., Noll, C., McNulty, G. (2013. ) Tip Flow Unsteadiness and Blade Row Interactions for a Low-Speed Compressor Rotor .J of Propulsion and Power, , 29 (6 ) ,1346 -1346-1356
Sankar, L. N., Bharadvaj, B. K., Tsung, F.-L. (1993. ) A Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes/Full-Potential Coupled Analysis for Viscous Tran¬sonic Flow .AIAA Journal, , 31 (10 ) ,1857 -1857-1862
Electronic Journal
Mao, Y., Ettorre, S., Tsung, F.-L. (2022. ) Analysis of Employer Views on Cooperative Engineering Education in China .Experience Magazine,
Paper Presentations
Lee, D., Orkwis, P., Tsung, F.-L., Magnuszewski, M., Noll, C., McNulty, G. (2008. ) Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Self-Excited Tip Flow Unsteadiness and Blade Row Interactions on the Performance of a Low Speed Compressor Rotor .Berlin. Conference. Level:International
Lee, D., Orkwis, P., Tsung, F.-L., Magnuszewski, M., Noll, C. (2008. ) Effect of Temporal Accuracy on the Numerical Prediction of an Isolated Transonic Rotor at Near Stall Conditions .Berlin. Conference. Level:International
Gorrell, S.E., Tsung, F.-L., Yao, J., Vickery, R.J. (2006. ) Computational Science and Engineering Advances Understanding of Complex Unsteady Flows in High Performance Fans and Compressors .Denver, CO. Conference. Level:International
Tsung, F.-L., Hah, C. (1999. ) Fluid Analysis Using Unstructured-Grid Procedures .San Francisco. Conference. Level:International
Tsung, F.-L., Loellbach, J. (1997. ) Assessment of an Unstructured-Grid method with a 1-equation turbulence model for vis¬cous internal flows .Snowmass, CO. Conference. Level:International
Hah, C., Tsung, F.-L., Loellbach, J. (1997. ) Unsteady flow Analysis in a High Work Turbine Stage with Two Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Codes .Reno, NV. Conference. Level:International
Hah, C., Loellbach, J., Tsung, F.-L (1997. ) Comparison of 3-D Unsteady Navier-Stokes Codes Based on Structured and Unstruc¬tured Grids for Rotor-Stator Interaction .Chattanooga, TN. Conference. Level:International
Tsung, F.-L., Loellbach, J., Hah, C. (1996. ) Development of an Unsteady Unstructured Navier-Stokes Solver for Stator-Rotor Inter¬action .Lake Buena Vista, FL. Conference. Level:International
Tsung, F.-L., Hah, C., Loellbach, J. (1995. ) Development of an Unstructured Navier-Stokes Solver for Transonic Compressor Calcu¬lations .San Diego, CA. Workshop. Level:International
Loellbach, J., Tsung, F.-L., Hah, C. (1995. ) Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Analysis of a Turbine Blade Row with Structured and Unstructured Grid Methods .Reno, NV. Conference. Level:International
Tsung, F.-L., Loellbach, J., Kwon, O., Hah C. (1994. ) A Three-Dimensional Structured/Unstructured Hybrid Navier-Stokes Method for Tur¬bine Blade Rows .Huntsville, AL. Conference. Level:International
Hah C., Kwon, O., Loellbach, J., Tsung, F.-L. (1994. ) Development of a Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Code on Unstructured Meshes for Turbomachinery .Huntsville, AL. Conference. Level:International
Event Organized
IGTI ASME Turbo ExpoIGTI ASME Turbo Expo Conference 2014 Dusseldorf, Germany Level:International
IGTI ASME Turbo ExpoIGTI ASME Turbo Expo Conference 2013 San Antonio, TX Level:International
IGTI ASME Turbo ExpoIGTI ASME Turbo Expo Conference 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark Level:International
IGTI ASME Turbo ExpoIGTI ASME Turbo Expo Conference 2020 Glasgow, UK Level:International
Contact Information
Academic - UC / CQU
Phone: 1-513-253-1590