Matthew Tubb

Matthew R Tubb , MD,PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor

Medical Sciences Building

COM Fam Med PCN 15 - 0582

Professional Summary

Matthew Tubb MD PhD, associate professor of family and community medicine, completed his combined MD PhD training at UC studying lipid metabolism in the laboratory of Sean Davidson PhD. He then completed his family medicine residency at The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, serving as chief resident in his final year. He cares for patients at the Wyoming location of UC Health Primary Care. His clinical and academic interests include health IT, evidence-based medicine, preventive care, and quality chronic disease management. He has served as PI on a federally-funded AHRQ research grant.  He teaches medical students and precepts medical students in his Wyoming office.


Bachelor's Degree: University of Dayton; Dayton, OH;, 2003 (Major Biology; Minor Chemistry.)

Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Dept of Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine Cincinnati, OH;, 2008 (Dissertation Research: "Apolipoprotein A-IV structural models and functional implications". Advisor: W. Sean Davidson, PhD (resulted in 10 publications to date including 3 first-author papers).)

Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Cincinnati, OH;, 2010

Chief Residency: University Of Cincinnati- - Christ Hospital Cincinnati, OH , 2013 (Family Medicine )

Fellowship: Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA, 2015 (Grant Generating Project and grant writing )

Physician Build Basic Course: EPIC course Madison, WI, 2017

Physician Build Advanced: EPIC course Madison, WI, 2017

Clinical Interests

Adolescent Medicine

Family Medicine




Preventive Health

Primary Care


Well child care


Family Medicine

Positions and Work Experience

08-2013 -08-2021 Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, University of Cincinnati;, Cincinnati, OH.

08-2013 -To Present Family Physician, UC Health Primary Care - Wyoming, 175 West Galbraith Rd Cincinnati, OH 45216

07-2010 -07-2013 Resident Physician;, Cincinnati Health Care for the Homeless Program;, Cincinnati, OH.

08-2017 -06-2019 Learning Community Preceptor, facilitate case-based learning in a small group of 12 medical students. follow the same group from year 1 through year 2., UC COM,

06-01-2017 -To Present Epic physician lead and builder, physician builder in a group to support IT initiatives to enhance Epic EMR to enhance primary care and CPC+ within UC Health , UC Heath Primary Care Network,

2012 -To Present Community Preceptor, Longitudinal Primary Care Clerkship, precept a medical student in the clinical office twice monthly over a 2 year period., UC COM,

05-2019 -To Present Medical Director, UC Physicians/ UC Health, Primary Care Wyoming

09-2021 -To Present Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Grant: #R21HS023994; Investigators:Tubb M; Doarn CR; Elder NC; Magee J; Regan SL 06-2015 -05-2017 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; A Mobile App to Enhance Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making in Primary Care; Role:PI $298,245 Completed Type:Grant

Grant: # not assigned; Investigators:Diller, Philip; Tubb, Matthew, et. al; 2013 -2015 Rieveschl Foundation; Diabetes Research Group; Role:Co-I; Completed Type:Grant

Grant: # not assigned; Investigators:Elder, Nancy; Tubb, Matthew; et. al; 2013 -2014 Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati. Evaluation of a social media based community engagement program to reduce inappropriate ED use, "Make the Right Call"; Role:Co I; $15,000; Completed Type:Contract

Grant: # not assigned; Investigators:O'Dea, Christy; Tubb, Matthew; 2011 -2014 University of Cincinnati Dept of Family and Community Medicine, Departmental Funding; Current Intestinal Parasite Burden in Rural Honduras; Role:Co-I; Completed Type:Grant

Grant: # N/A (unfunded research); Investigators:Rosentahal, Montiel; et. al; 2011 -2013 Centering Pregnancy Research Group; The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency Program; Cincinnati, OH; Role:Member Completed

Grant: # N/A (unfunded research); Investigators:Elder, Nancy; Tubb, Matthew; 2010 -2010 Diabetes in Homeless Persons: Barriers and enablers to health as perceived by patients, medical and social service providers. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Cincinnati, OH; Advisor: Nancy Elder, MD MSPH; Role:PSTP Senior Project; Completed

Grant: #0715386B; Investigators:Davidson, William; Tubb, Matthew Robert; 07-2007 -06-2009 American Heart Association - Great Rivers Affiliate; The Structure and Function of Apolipoprotein A-IV; Role:PI; $21,000; Completed Type:Fellowship


Peer Reviewed Publications

Elder NC; Tubb, MR (2014. ) Diabetes in homeless persons: barriers and enablers to health as perceived by patients, medical, and social service providers.Social work in public health, , 29 (3 ) ,220-31 More Information

Wigle P, Hein B, Bloomfield HE, Tubb M, Doherty M (2013. ) Updated guidelines on outpatient anticoagulation .American Family Physician, , 87 (8 ) ,556-66

Deng X, Morris J, Dressmen J, Tubb MR, Tso P, Jerome WG, Davidson WS, Thompson TB (2012. ) The structure of dimeric apolipoprotein A-IV and its mechanism of self-association.Structure, , 20 (5 ) ,767-79 More Information

White C, Wigle PR, Tubb MR, Deckter LA, Rosser SM, Denka ZD (2010. ) Atypical Antipsychotics from a Primary Care Perspective .Primary Care Reports, , 16 (8 ) ,81-92

Tubb M.;White C.;Wigle P. (12-2009. ) Case report of valproate-induced hypothermia in a patient with schizoaffective disorder.Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, , 11 (6 ) ,363-364 More Information

Tubb MR, Smith LE, Davidson WS (2009. ) Purification of recombinant apolipoproteins A-I and A-IV and efficient affinity tag cleavage by tobacco etch virus protease.Journal of Lipid Research, , 50 (7 ) ,1497-504 More Information

Massey JB, Pownall HJ, Macha S, Morris J, Tubb MR, Silva RAGD (2009. ) Mass spectrometric determination of apolipoprotein molecular stoichiometry in reconstituted high density lipoprotein particles.Journal of Lipid Research, , 50 (6 ) ,1229-36 More Information

Lo C, Xu M, Yang Q, Zheng S, Carey KM, Tubb MR, Davidson WS, Liu M, Woods SC, Tso P (2009. ) Effect of intraperitoneal and intravenous administration of cholecystokinin-8 and apolipoprotein AIV on intestinal lymphatic CCK-8 and apo AIV concentration.American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, , 296 (1 ) ,R43-50 More Information

Tubb MR, White CC, Wigle PR (2009. ) Case report of valproate-induced hypothermia in a patient with schizoaffective disorder.Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, , 11 (6 ) ,363-4 More Information

Silva G.;Tubb M.;Davidson S. (02-2008. ) Apolipoprotein A-I structure in high-density lipoproteins.Annals of Medicine, , 40 (SUPPL. 1 ) ,5-13 More Information

Silva RA, Tubb MR, Davidson WS (2008. ) Apolipoprotein A-1 structure in high-density lipoproteins .Annals of Medicine Review, , 40(1,S1): 5-13 ,

Tubb MR, Silva RAGD, Fang J, Tso P, Davidson WS (2008. ) A three-dimensional homology model of lipid-free apolipoprotein A-IV using cross-linking and mass spectrometry.The Journal of Biological Chemistry, , 283 (25 ) ,17314-23 More Information

Jenkins KT, Merkens LS, Tubb MR, Myatt L, Davidson WS, Steiner RD, Woollett LA (2008. ) Enhanced placental cholesterol efflux by fetal HDL in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, , 94 (2 ) ,240-7 More Information

Tubb MR, Silva RA Gangani D, Pearson KJ, Tso P, Liu M, Davidson WS (2007. ) Modulation of apolipoprotein A-IV lipid binding by an interaction between the N and C termini.The Journal of Biological Chemistry, , 282 (39 ) ,28385-94 More Information

Davidson WS, Ghering AB, Beish L, Tubb MR, Hui DY, Pearson K (2006. ) The biotin-capture lipid affinity assay: a rapid method for determining lipid binding parameters for apolipoproteins.Journal of Lipid Research, , 47 (2 ) ,440-9 More Information

Pearson K, Tubb MR, Tanaka M, Zhang XQ, Tso P, Weinberg RB, Davidson WS (2005. ) Specific sequences in the N and C termini of apolipoprotein A-IV modulate its conformation and lipid association.The Journal of Biological Chemistry, , 280 (46 ) ,38576-82 More Information

Tubb, Matthew R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Regan, Saundra; Doarn, Charles R (2019. ) Clinical evaluation of e-Quit worRx: a mobile app to enhance smoking cessation shared decision making in primary care.mHealth, , 5 ,22 More Information

Doarn, Charles R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Acquavita, Shauna P; Regan, Saundra; Elder, Nancy; Tubb, Matthew R (2019. ) Challenges in the Development of e-Quit worRx: An iPad App for Smoking Cessation Counseling and Shared Decision Making in Primary Care.JMIR formative research, , 3 (1 ) ,e11300 More Information

Chona, Deepika L; Tubb, Matthew R; Gilinsky, Norman H (2021. ) Dyspepsia: A stepwise approach to evaluation and management.The Journal of family practice, , 70 (7 ) ,320-325 More Information


Invited Presentations

Tubb MR (12-2014. ) Grand Rounds presentation on Thyroid disease .Dept of Family and Community Medicine, Univ of Cincinnati. Level:Department

Tubb MR, Meganathan K, Leonard A, Pallerla H, Vonder Meulen MB, Smith R, Diller P (11-2014. ) A Model Predicting Glycemic Control in Primary Care .North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, New York, New York. Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Tubb M, Chang L, Elder NC, Hirsh J (11-2014. ) Return on Investment for a social media campaign to help consumers "MakeTheRightCall" about primary care versus emergency department use .An oral presentation at the North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting, New York City, NY. Conference. . Level:National

Tubb MR (2014. ) Presentation for undergraduate members of Caduceus pre-health professions honor society .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University

Tubb MR, Cano R, Glass E, Mortensen J, Schlaudecker L, Tubb A, Martinez R, O'Dea C (11-2013. ) Current Intestinal Parasite Burden in Rural Honduran Children .NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON. Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Kiesler J; Elder NC; White C; Regan SL; Tubb M; Busick C; Jacobson CJ; Collins D; Bernheisel C (11-2013. ) Community and Academic Partnerships to Train Community Responsive Physicians .American Public Health Association November 2-6, 2013, Boston, MA. Conference. . Level:National

Rosenthal M, Mount H, Kaur G, Gonzalez C, Tubb MR (09-2012. ) Evaluating the Effects of Centering Pregnancy Prenatal Care in an Urban Prenatal Clinic .Family Medicine Education Consortium, Inc. Northeast Region Meeting, Cleveland, OH. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional

Rosenthal M, Mount H, Regan SL, Hoffrogge B, Piron J, Gonzalez C, Tubb MR, Klass A (03-2012. ) Primary Outcomes of Prenatal Care: Centering Pregnancy vs. Traditional Model .Ohio Family Medicine Symposium on Research & Education, Dublin, OH. Professional Meeting. . Level:State

Tubb MR, Elder N (11-16-2010. ) Diabetes in Homeless Persons: Barriers and Enablers to Health as Perceived by Patients, Medical and Social Service Providers .2010 NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Fang J, Silva RAGD, Davidson WS (05-2007. ) Structural model of lipid-free apolipoprotein A-IV using chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry .39th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional

Poster Presentations

Tubb MR; Magee J; Regan SL; Elder NC; Doarn C; Acquavita S; Ralescu A (10-2015. ) eQuit WorRx: Development of a Mobile App to Enhance Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making in Primary Care .North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Cancun, Mexico. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Austin O, Ng A, Tubb MR (04-2015. ) Practical Prostate Cancer Screening Decision Aid for Use by Family Physicians .Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, Orlando, Florida. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Cano R, Glass E, Mortensen J, Schlaudecker E, Tubb A, Martinez R, O’Dea D (05-2014. ) Current intestinal parasite burden in rural Honduran children .Fifth Annual Global Health Conference, Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Washington, DC. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Boyle S, Evans J, Busick C, Kiesler J, Donovan R, Elder N. (05-2013. ) A Simple Chart Tool to Improve Efficiency and Quality in Urban Homeless Diabetes Care .Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, Baltimore, MD. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Silva RAGD, Fang J, Davidson WS. (04-2008. ) Structural Models of Apolipoprotein A-IV in Lipid-Free and Lipid-Bound States Determined by Cross-Linking Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry . 9th Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Atlanta, GA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Silva RAGD, Fang J, Davidson WS (11-2007. ) A Three-Dimensional Homology Model of Lipid-Free Apolipoprotein A-IV using Cross-Linking and Mass Spectrometry .Graduate Student Research Forum, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:University

Tubb MR, Fang J, Silva RAGD, Davidson WS (04-2007. ) The Structure of Lipid-Free Apolipoprotein A-IV: Evidence of an Interaction Between the N- and C-Termini That Modulate Lipid Binding .8th Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Silva RAGD, Davidson WS (11-2006. ) Evidence for an Interaction Between the N- and C-termini of Apolipoprotein A-IV Including a Preliminary 3-D Model of the Lipid-Free Protein .Graduate Student Research Forum, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:University

Tubb MR, Silva RAGD, Davidson WS (10-2006. ) Evidence for an Interaction Between the N- and C-termini of Apolipoprotein A-IV Including a Preliminary 3-D Model of the Lipid-Free Protein .Gill Heart Institute Cardiovascular Research Day, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. . Other Institution. . Level:University

Tubb MR, Pearson K, Davidson WS (04-2006. ) Structural Determinants of Apolipoprotein A-IV Lipid Binding Affinity .7th Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Denver, CO. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tubb MR, Pearson K, Davidson WS (03-2006. ) A Possible Interaction Between the N- and C-Termini of Apolipoprotein A-IV: Implications for Ability to Bind to Lipid .Graduate Poster Forum (Interdisciplinary), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:University

Tubb MR, Pearson K, Weinberg RB, Davidson WS (11-2005. ) Structural Determinants of Apolipoprotein A-IV Lipid Binding Affinity .Graduate Student Research Forum, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:University

Tubb MR, Pearson K, Weinberg RB, Davidson WS (10-2005. ) Structural Determinants of Apolipoprotein A-IV Lipid Binding Affinity .Gill Heart Institute Cardiovascular Research Day, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. . Other Institution. . Level:University

Tubb MR, Baskaran B, Subramanian N, Vonder Meulen MB, Boling H, Regan S, Acquavita S, Harnett B, Elder NC, Pallerla H, Doarn C (11-2016. ) Iterative Usability Testing and Design of eQuit WorRx: an iPad App for Use in Primary Care Practices to Promote Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making .2016 Annual Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group, Colorado Springs, Colorado. . Professional Meeting. .

Vonder Meulen, MB, Regan, S, Elder N, Pallerla H, Abdullah N, Tubb, M (11-17-2017. ) e-Quit worRx: An iPad App to Enhance Smoking Cessation Shared Decision Making in Primary Care .North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec. . Level:International

Honors and Awards

06-2013 "Resident as Teacher Award" The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency Program, Cincinnati, OH.

11-2012 "Academic-Community Partnership Student Award" Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST), University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.

07-2011 "OAFP Resident Alternate Delegate", The AAFP National Congress of Family Medicine Residents.

05-2011 "Dr. J. Harry and Ruth Stagaman Intern of the Year Award" The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency Program, Cincinnati, OH.

05-2010 "The Hunnicutt Award" University of Cincinnati Department of Family & Community Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

2007 "ATVB Travel Award for Young Investigators" American Heart Association, Cincinnati, OH ($1,000).

2007 -2008 "Predoctoral Fellowship" American Heart Association, Great Rivers Affiliate ($22,000 per year).

2006 "University Research Council Summer Graduate Fellowship" University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH ($3,000).

2005 "Best Graduate Student Poster" Gill Heart Institute Cardiovascular Research Day, University of Kentucky ($500 award).

2003 "John J. Comer Biomedical Undergraduate Research Award" (one awarded each year).

06-2002 -08-2002 "University of Cincinnati PSTP Summer Internship" - $2,000 stipend.

2002 "Learn, Lead and Serve Grant" Recipient University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. ($2,500 awarded to support undergraduate research).

2018 -2018 Rising Star Medical Leader awardee I was recognized in Venue/LEAD Magazine as part of a regional group of medical leaders in 2018.

Student Advising

2016-2017; Neelab Abdullah; (Undergrad ) Lab Rotation Preceptor Status:Completed

2015-2016; Haley Boling; (Undergrad ) Lab Rotation Preceptor Status:Completed

2015; Kelsie Dirksing; (Undergrad ) Lab Rotation Preceptor Status:Completed

2014; Gina Cano; (Postdoctoral ) Advisor Status:Completed

2014; Allison Ng; (Doctoral ) Lab Rotation Preceptor Status:Completed


University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (Medical School year 2 lecturer - treatment of lipid disorders ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 01-2015 -To Present

College of Medicine Dean's Office (Clinical Research Strategic Planning Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2015

Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati (Resident Core Curriculum - presenter for Family Medicine Residency Program on cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid disease, ) Type:Service to Student Groups Level:Local 2014 -2016

Clinician's Research Advisory Group (CRAG) for the UC Health Primary Care Network Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:Regional 2014 -2015

Caduceus pre-health professions honor society (Undergraduate clinical shadowing ) Member Type:Service to Student Groups Level:Local 2014

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Longitudinal Primary Care Clerkship Faculty Grader ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 12-2013 -07-2013

University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Clerkship preceptor Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-2013 -To Present

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Fundamentals of Doctoring Preceptor ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 03-2013 -To Present

UC Health (Health fairs for UC Health and UC employees ) Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2013 -2014

Global Health Brigade to San Lucia, Honduras (Univ of Cincinnati Dept of Family and Community Medicine ) University Coordinator Type:Community Service Level:International 2011

AAFP National Congress of Family Medicine Residents (OAFP Resident Alternate Delegate ) Type:Service to Student Groups Level:National 2011

Global Health Brigade to Santo domingo, Ecuador (Univ of Cincinnati, Dept of Family and Comm Medicine ) Member Type:Community Service Level:International 2011

Global Health Brigade to San Lucia, Honduras (Univ of Cincinnati, Dept of Family and Comm Medidcine ) Member Type:Community Service Level:International 2010

Univ of Cincinnati (Student Health Insurance Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2005 -2006

University of Cincinnati (Men's Choir Co-founder ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2004 -2010

Annals of Family Medicine - Manuscript review, 4 per year Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2013 -2018

UC Health Primary Care Network (Clinical Advisory Group ) Member Type:Departmental Service 01-2017 -To Present

UC Health (Ambulatory Informatics Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 08-2017 -To Present

UC Health (Telemedicine Taskforce ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2023

UC Health (e-consult workgroup ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2023

UC Health (CY21 E/M Update Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2022

UC Health (CY21 E/M Update Committee: Workflow and LOS Calculator subgroups ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2022

Professional Affiliation

2014 -2015: Member Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

10-2011: : Team Leader, Global Health Brigade to San Lucia, Honduras. University of Cincinnati Department of Family & Community Medicine.

04-2011: : Participant, Global Health Brigade to Santo Domingo, Ecuador. University of Cincinnati Department of Family & Community Medicine.

11-2010 -2018: : Member, North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG).

07-2010 -07-2013: : Member, Patient-Centered Medical Home/Quality Improvement Committee. The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency Program. Cincinnati, OH.

07-2010 -06-2012: : Member, Graduate Medical Education Committee. The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.

04-2010: : Participant, Global Health Brigade to San Lucia, Honduras. University of Cincinnati Department of Family & Community Medicine.

04-2009: : Volunteer, Science and Math Night, Woodland Elementary, West Chester, OH.

2009 -To Present: : Member, Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP).

2009 -To Present: : Member, American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

10-2008: : Volunteer, Women's Health Fair. Madisonville Recreation Center, Cincinnati, OH.

2005 -2008: : Member, American Heart Association (AHA).

2005 -2006: : Member, Student Health Insurance Committee, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH. (Obtained coverage for oral contraceptives and began talks on preexisting conditions).

2004 -2010: : Co-Founder and Member, University of Cincinnati Men's Choir. Benefit Concert, Cadaver Memorial Service.

2003 -2010: : Member, American Medical Student Association (AMSA).

Other Information

Effort: 60% Clinical, 40% Administrative
Date of Preparation: Sept 13, 2021,

Contact Information

Practice - UC Health Primary Care Wyoming
175 W. Galbraith Rd.
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45216
Phone: 513-821-0275
Fax: 513-821-3621