Laurah Lukin

Laurah Beth Lukin , PhD

Assistant Dean

Assistant Dean

Medical Sciences Building
Room 1057A
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-4450
Fax 513-558-4949

Professional Summary

Laurah's research and teaching interests are integrative and merge human behavior, biological anthropology and endocrinology. She is in the process of publishing her research which examines evolutionary discordance in dietary fat, exercise, reproduction and breast cancer in modern, industrialized women. During Turner’s graduate career she pursued teaching and learning opportunities around the world, in both traditional and non-traditional classrooms. She works to develop and employ evidence based, methodological approaches to faculty development and assessment that can easily adapt and supports the dynamic and interactive environment of modern higher education.

As Assistant Director for CET&L, Laurah designs and facilitates faculty development programs, and training aligned with institutional initiatives. She conducts continuous full-circle assessment of center activities including workshops, institutes, consultations, and IRB approved research. Turner works with faculty across disciplines on program, course and other pedagogically related assessment design and strategies. She also supervises Graduate Assistants in center assessment, program and research support and provides training and mentorship in research and professional development.

Co-development and continuous support of a highly effective multi-level program assessment strategy for academic units at the University of Cincinnati. The goal of this initiative is provide comprehensive and continuous support to academic units in the development and and implementation of program assessment plans. Co development and continuous support of New Faculty Institute, professional development program to first and second year pre-tenure faculty at the University of Cincinnati, with the goal of increasing retention, productivity, teaching quality and progression toward tenure. Design and execution of CET&L’s comprehensive report system to streamline workshop assessment report generation for facilitators.



Bachelor's Degree: University of Indianapolis 2004 (Anthropology, Archeology)

Master's Degree: University of Indianapolis 2007 (Human Biology)

Master's Degree: Indiana University 2010 (Biological Anthropology)

Doctoral Degree: Indiana University 2012 (Biological Anthropology, with a focus on Human Behavior and Statistics)

Positions and Work Experience

07-01-2012 - Assistant Director for The Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning, CET&L focuses on faculty development at the University of Cincinnati. My role specifically is concerned with assessment of CET&L faculty development programs/initiatives, institutional assessment consulting, and leading behavioral and faculty development research. , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Grant: #AMA Lukin 09-01-2023 -12-31-2023 American Medical Association Collecting Validity Evidence for AI Guided Personalized Assessment and Coaching Platform Role:PI 51175.13 Hold Level:Non Profit

Grant: #AMA Lukin 09-01-2023 -12-31-2023 American Medical Association Collecting Validity Evidence for AI Guided Personalized Assessment and Coaching Platform Role:PI 51175.13 Hold Level:Non Profit

Grant: #2024 ChangeMed 07-01-2024 -06-30-2026 American Medical Association FAIR AGent: An AI-Powered Agent for Fostering Assessment Equity through Retrieval-Augmented Generation Role:PI 60000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit

Grant: #2024 ChangeMed 07-01-2024 -06-30-2026 American Medical Association FAIR AGent: An AI-Powered Agent for Fostering Assessment Equity through Retrieval-Augmented Generation Role:PI 60000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit

Grant: #AMA-62773 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 American Medical Association Leveraging Agentic AI systems to Advance PrecisionMedical Education with 2-Sigma Role:PI 69720.87 Hold Level:Non Profit

Grant: #AMA-62773 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 American Medical Association Leveraging Agentic AI systems to Advance PrecisionMedical Education with 2-Sigma Role:PI 69720.87 Hold Level:Non Profit


Published Abstracts

Laurah Turner, John Langdon, Christopher Schmidt (2008. ) Sexual Dimorphism of Maxillary Molars: an odontometric analysis of cusp dimensions in the context of evolutionary and ontogenetic development .[Abstract]American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 135 (S46 ) ,71

L. Turner, Z. Throckmorton & J. Langdon, (2005. ) When Did Humans Become Ecologically Different? .[Abstract]PaleoAnthropology, A35

Peer Reviewed Publications

Laurah Turner (2011. ) A Meta-analysis of Fat Intake, Reproduction and Breast Cancer Risk: an evolutionary perspective .American Journal of Human Biology, , 23 (5 ) ,183

L. Jones & S. Davis (2008. ) Effects of Protandry on Levels of Self- Fertilization in Saponaria Officinalis (Caryophyllaceae) .Plant Species Biology , , 23 (3 ) ,183

Contact Information

Academic - Medical Sciences Building
Room 1057A
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-4450
Fax: 513-558-4949