Tasha R. Turner-Bicknell , DNP
Assoc Professor - Clin
Procter Hall
CON Population Health - 0038
Professional Summary
As a harm reductionist, population health nurse, and member of the board of directors for Harm Reduction Ohio, I have a long-standing demonstrated commitment to improving access to health services for people who use drugs. I have extensive experience in harm reduction including syringe service programs, overdose prevention, capacity building, mobile outreach, and legislative advocacy. I am committed to equality, social justice, and healthcare reform. I understand the importance of developing population health interventions that provide low-threshold services to meet populations on their own terms.
Areas of interest: harm reduction, drug user health, public health, global health and health disparities
BA: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2003 (Cultural Anthropology)
BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2005 (Nursing )
MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2012 (Occupational Health Nursing)
DNP: Mount St. Joseph University Cincinnati, Ohio, 2018 (Health System Leadership)
Research and Practice Interests
My doctoral work, from 2015-2018, included the research, review, and implementation of best-practice recommendations for a local syringe exchange program. I believe it is crucial for public health outreach efforts to engage individuals who are actively using drugs to prevent the spread of infectious disease and further disenfranchisement of an already vulnerable population. Through my experience working on a mobile syringe exchange unit, I understand the importance of developing culturally competent programs that implement best-practice recommendations within a harm reduction framework. I understand that the success of any syringe exchange program often hinges on the ability of the staff and volunteers to engage with clients and create a low-threshold environment where clients feel free of judgment.
Positions and Work Experience
11-01-2006 -08-15-2019 RN Case Manager, Provide skilled nursing care and case management to patients in their homes., Care Connection of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
08-15-2012 -05-30-2017 Assistant Professor , Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, Ohio
05-01-2014 -05-30-2017 BSN Program Director, Director of undergraduate programing for the Department of Health Sciences, Nursing. , Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, Ohio
09-01-2019 -03-2021 Naloxone Educator Trainer, Responsible for the development and implementation of the HRO Naloxone Educator Training, a state-wide training program for community-level naloxone distribution. Funded by the Ohio Department of Health Naloxone Distribution Grant. , Harm Reduction Ohio, Granville, OH
01-02-2023 - Consultant, Subject Matter Expert, Writer, Evolve: A National HIV E-Learning Training Center, ETR (Education, Training, and Research) , Scotts Valley, CA
Research Support
Grant: #G25RH32481 Investigators:Clark, Angela; Gerard, Daniel; Lanzillotta, Jennifer; Perazzo, Joseph; Turner-Bicknell, Tasha 09-30-2018 -09-29-2019 Health Resources and Services Administration Highland County CORPP: Collaborative Opioid Response Planning Project Role:Collaborator $200,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ODM202238/G-2223-05-0063 Investigators:Brammer, S. (co-PI), Gillespie, G. L. (co-PI), Regan, S. (co-PI). 2021 -2023 Ohio Department of Medicaid UC Social Determinants of Health Web-Based Simulation Project. Ohio Department of Medicaid/Providers as Allies in Equity and Care (PAEC), Role:co-investigator $1,055,999. Type:Grant
University of Cincinnati International Block Grant, Japan 2020 – funded $5000
University of Cincinnati International Block Grant, Japan 2019- funded $9000
HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response – Implementation Grant titled Highland County Collaborative Opioid Response Implementation Project (CORE) – co-investigator, 2019-2022 -funded $1,000,000
Peer Reviewed Publications
Turner-Bicknell, Tasha (2020. ) Implementing best‐practice with a local syringe service program: Needs‐based syringe distribution .Public Health Nursing, ,
More InformationBook Chapter
Turner-Bicknell, Tasha (2023 ) Health Planning with Rural and Urban Communities Public/Community Health Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations .Philadelphia, PA, F.A. Davis
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Tasha Turner-Bicknell (11-28-2018. ) (In Press. ) Generous syringe distribution: Best-practice recommendations for syringe service programs .Compassion, Community & Care - A Harm Reduction Approach to the Opioid Crisis Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Conference. . Level:State
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. & Reed, L. A (11-14-2018. ) (In Press. ) Transforming nursing education: Utilization of the iPad in laboratory and clinical settings .Sigma Theta Tau International, Leadership Connection 2018, Indianapolis, IN. . Conference. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. & Reed, L. A (07-08-2018. ) (In Press. ) Going Paperless in the Skills Lab: Challenges, Rewards, and Implications for Future Success .iCoN Istitute , UC College of Nursing. UC. . Level:College
Turner-Bicknell, T. R (07-28-2019. ) (In Press. ) Increasing client engagement in people who inject drugs: Implementing best-practice for syringe service programs. Sigma’s 30th International Nursing Research Congress,, Calgary, Canada. Conference. . Level:International
Lanzillotta-Rangeley, J. & Turner-Bicknell, T.R. (03-05-2020. ) (In Press. ) Quick Response Teams .HRSA Reverse Site Visit, RCORP 2020 Addressing the Opioid Crisis Through Sustainable Community Action, , Washington D.C.. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. (02-19-2020. ) How to implement evidence-based harm reduction services such as syringe service programs as part of the HRSA Rural Opioid Response Program Implementation grant .Ross County Hope Partnership Project Collaborative, Ross County Ohio. Level:State
Turner-Bicknell, Tasha (09-30-2020. ) The Changing Landscape of Harm Reduction Outreach. CaraConference 2020 HIV: Now + Next,, Cincinnati, Ohio.. Conference. . Level:Regional
Bachmeyer, S., Goeller, R., Brogan, J., Majesky, L., & Turner-Bicknell, T. (12-2021. ) (In Press. ) Innovative Strategies to Decrease the Incidence of HCV: Safer Smoking Kits .United States Conference on HIV/AIDS, Virtual. Conference. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. (02-2022. ) (In Press. ) Seats At the Table: Creating Meaningful Partners with PWUD .The Southern Regional Syringe Services Program and Drug User Health Institute, NASTAD (National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors), Virtual. Workshop. . Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. R., Bachmeyer, S., Goeller, R., & Majesky, L. (04-2022. ) (In Press. ) Implementing a Harm Reduction Vending Machine .Association of Public Health Nurses National Conference , Virtual. Conference. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. R., & Bachmeyer, S. (04-19-2023. ) Strength in Solidarity: Responsive Programs to meet Changing Client Needs- Vending Machines, Safer Smoking Kits, and Mobile Units .The Harm Reduction International Conference 2023, Melbourne, Australia. Conference. . Level:International
Turner-Bicknell, T. R., Bicknell, T. J., & Huang, K. (10-14-2022. ) Sex Work, Human Rights, and Public Health: A Harm Reduction Approach to Population Health .The 13th National Harm Reduction Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Conference. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. R., & Bachmeyer, S. (10-14-2022. ) Implementing a Harm Reduction Vending Machine. The 13th National Harm Reduction Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Conference. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. (06-26-2023. ) Wound Care Basics for Syringe Services Programs .Kentucky Department for Public Health, Public Health Nursing Webinar. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. (05-23-2023. ) Skills Building: Xylazine and Wound Care. .Ohio Syringe Services Programs Conference, Building Evidence, Empathy, and Equity, Columbus, Ohio. Workshop. . Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. (03-24-2023. ) Wound Care- A Skill Building Workshop .NASTAD (National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors) Southern Syringe Program Annual Institute, Louisville, Kentucky. Workshop. . Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. (05-2024. ) Addressing the Harms of Xylazine: Implications for Population Health, .7th Annual Education Summit: Crafting Change on the Road to Recovery, Podium Presentation, Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky & Southwest Ohio,, Erlanger, Kentucky. Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. (06-2024. ) Wound Care and Drug Checking, .The Southern Regional Syringe Services Program and Drug User Health Institute, Panelist, NASTAD (National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors),, Austin, Texas. Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. (06-2024. ) SSPs and Health Departments: Collaborative Approaches and Integrating Health Services at SSPs .The Southern Regional Syringe Services Program and Drug User Health Institute, Panelist, NASTAD (National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors),, Austin, Texas. Level:Regional
Turner-Bicknell, T. & Reed, L. A. (05-2024. ) Bridging Nursing Education and Practice: Operationalizing a Competency-based Curriculum, .Podium Presentation, KLN 20th Annual Nurse Educator Conference,, Louisville, Kentucky. Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Tasha Turner-Bicknell and Lu Ann Reed (05-17-2018. ) (In Press. ) Going paperless in the skills lab: Challenges, rewards, and implications for future success .Kentucky League for Nursing Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. . Conference. . Level:State
Turner-Bicknell, T. R. & Bicknell, T. J. (04-30-2019. ) (In Press. ) The opioid test: How Ohio’s heroin crisis is challenging the punishment and treatment paradigm .Harm Reduction International Conference: People Before Politics, Porto, Portugal. . Conference. . Level:International
Jennifer Lanzillotta, PhD, CRNA; Angela Clark, PhD, RN; Tasha Turner-Bicknell, DNP, RN; Joe Perazzo, PhD, RN; Dan Gerard, MS; Meghan Johnson, MSN, CRNA; Jack Stem, CDCA; Creed Culbreath. (06-26-2019. ) (In Press. ) Highland County RCOR-P: Collaborative Opioid Response Planning Project .Responding to the Rural Substance Abuse Crisis: Promoting Community Action and Tele-Behavioral Health Conference by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (HRSA) , Rockville, Maryland. . Conference. . Level:National
Lanzillotta, J., Clark, A., Stem, J., Turner-Bicknell, T. R., Johnson, M., Hook, S., Shaw, J., Rezzae, S., Perazzo, J., Gerard, D., & Culbreath, C. (03-04-2020. ) Collaborative Opioid Response Implementation Project Highland County RCORP-I. HRSA Reverse Site Visit, RCORP 2020 Addressing the Opioid Crisis Through Sustainable Community Action, Washington D.C.. . Conference. . Level:National
Turner-Bicknell, T. R., Smith-Steinert, R., Ota, E., & Umeda, M. (11-18-2020. ) Reaching across the pond: Global collaboration to enhance teaching and learning .Convention Connect. Collaborate. Catalyze. Sigma’s 45th Biennial , Washington D.C.. . Level:International
Honors and Awards
2018 -2018 Cincinnati Business Courier Health Care Hero Award Finalist: Community Outreach Status:Recipient Level:Local Type:Non-Monetary
05-09-2023 Caracole Living Award Dedication and Commitment to the HIV/AIDS Community Caracole Cincinnati, Ohio Status:Recipient Level:Local Type:Recognition
04-2024 Meridel Newman Outstanding Teaching Award Type:Recognition
Contact Information
Phone: 513-558-5433