Dr. R. Lee Tyson
Assoc Professor - Clin
DNP, DMin, MSN, MDiv, BSN, BA, APRN-CNP, PMHNP-BC, ANP-BC, CARN-AP, CNE, CTMH, FAAN, FAANP, FIAAN / Director, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Programs
Procter Hall
CON Advanced Practice Nursing - 0038
Professional Summary
Dr. Tyson is a distinguished advanced practice nurse with dual doctorates in psychiatric-mental health nursing practice and theology/spiritual formation. He holds quintuple-board certifications as a Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), Adult Nurse Practitioner, Certified Addictions Registered Nurse—Advanced Practice, Certified Nurse Educator, and Clinical Tele-mental Health provider. He is a respected fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the International Academy of Addictions Nursing.
Prior to his tenure in academia and clinical practice, Dr. Tyson devoted many years to professional ministry and continues to serve in select clergy roles. His extensive clinical experience spans various high-profile settings, including the nation’s top-ranked pediatric hospital, federally qualified health centers, and private psychiatric and addictions treatment hospitals.
Currently, Dr. Tyson is an Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing and the Director of PMHNP Programs at the UC College of Nursing, overseeing one of the largest programs in the institution. He is the founder, owner, and CEO of Lee Side Wellness, a leading outpatient psychiatric practice in the Cincinnati metro area and a pioneering NP-owned practice nationally.
Dr. Tyson has developed an innovative, replicable, and sustainable business model for NP-led practices, significantly increasing access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment by expanding and empowering the psychiatric provider workforce across the country. His visionary leadership in academia led to the early national approval of telehealth as a standardized modality for clinical hours, establishing critical protocols well before the COVID-19 pandemic. He more recently established Concierge Mental Wellness of Cincinnati, a “white glove” mental health agency serving southwest Ohio.
In addition to his academic and clinical responsibilities, Dr. Tyson is actively involved in several professional committees and advisory boards. He serves on the Mental Health Team of the UC Urban Health Pathway, the Ohio Board of Nursing APRN Advisory Committee, and the Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses Education Committee. He is also an advisor for the Attorney General’s All-Ohio Healthcare Substance Use Disorder Interprofessional Educational Symposium Committee.
Furthermore, Dr. Tyson holds an instrumental role as the chair of the ANCC PMHNP Content Expert Panel, where he oversees the role delineation of PMHNPs and the development of their national certification exam. His contributions to the field are marked by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the advancement of psychiatric-mental health nursing practice.
DNP: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2013 (Psychiatry)
DMin: Knox Theological Seminary Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2001 (Theology, Spiritual Development)
MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2010 (ANP)
MDiv: Anderson University School of Theology Anderson, IN, 1995 (Theology/Professional Ministry)
BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2008 (Nursing (Accelerated Path))
BA: Anderson University Anderson, IN, 1992 (Mathematics, Chemistry, Pre-Med)
Post-Master's: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2010 (Psychiatry (Adult))
Post-Master's: University of Louisville Louisville, KY, 2014 (Psychiatry (Family))
Research Support
Grant: #OSU 60062166 sub OMD G-1819-05-0094 / OMD201807 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Bankston, Karen; Bernheisel, Christopher; Brammer, Susan; Donnelly, John; Elder, Nancy; Fathman, Amy; Gillespie, Gordon; Kiesler, H. Joseph; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Lewis, Christopher; Mount, Hillary; Nandyal, Lauri; O'Dea, Christine; Perraud, Suzanne; Shomo, Anisasattara; Tobias, Barbara; Tyson, Ronald; Weinstock, Keri; White, Christopher; Wilder, Christine 10-01-2017 -06-30-2018 Ohio Department of Medicaid Training an Interprofessional Workforce Prepared to Care for the Medicaid Population through Community-Academic Partnerships Role:PI $119,953.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSU 60068340 sub MEDTAPP ODM201938 / G-1819-05-0094 Investigators:Brammer, Susan; Gillespie, Gordon; Sostok, Michael; Tobias, Barbara; Tyson, Ronald; White, Christopher 11-07-2018 -06-30-2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Virtual Reality: Educating Medicaid Providers on Health Disparities Role:Collaborator $618,563.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Tyson, Ronald Lee (2010. ) Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal angina.The Nurse practitioner, , 35 (11 ) ,16-22; quiz 22-3 More Information
Gregg, Jason A; Tyson, Ronald L; Cook, Donna (2016. ) Benzodiazepines and Geriatrics: What Clinical Practice Strategies Can Be Used to Reduce the Inappropriate Prescribing?.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 41 (5 ) ,270-5 More Information
Tyson, R.L., McIntosh, D., & Gregg, J. (2017. ) An evidence-based program for enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration to promote spiritual care in an adolescent psychiatric residential facility. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 7 (4 ) ,15
Gregg, J.A., Tyson, R.L., & Alvarez, A.W. (2018. ) Gabapentin abuse: A case presentation on how to manage this growing concern .Journal of Nursing Education and Practice , , 8 (11 ) ,43 -44, 45, 46
Tyson, R.L., Brammer, S., & McIntosh, D. (2018. ) Telehealth in psychiatric nursing education: Lessons from the field .Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association , ,
Tyson, Ronald Lee (2010. ) Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal angina.The Nurse practitioner, , 35 (11 ) ,16-22; quiz 22-3 More Information
Gregg, J.A., Tyson, R.L., & Hachey, L. (2021. ) Cannabidiol: A case presentation on the shortcomings in clinical application .Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 11 (3 ) ,53 -56
Corn, A., Sevy-Majors, J., Tyson, R.L. (2020. ) Using evidence: a nursing assessment protocol for acute geropsychiatric patients .Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, ,
Berry, P.A., Tyson, R.L. (2023. ) Suicide is painful: we all count.The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing., , 28 (2 ) , More Information
Published Books
Patricia Schweikert & Carolyn Rutledge (2020. ) Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing .
Book Chapter
Patty Schweickert, Carolyn Rutledge (2020 ) Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Telehealth Practice Modalities Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing .(pp. 141).SLACK Incorporated
Invited Presentations
Brammer, S., & Tyson, R.L. (07-24-2019. ) Increasing Access to Mental Health Care through Teleheath: Training the Next Generation of Nurse Practitioners .Ft. Wayne, IN. Conference. . Level:Regional
Tyson, R.L., Ballman, K., & Brammer, S. (2018. ) Telehealth/Telepsychiatry .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. . Level:National
Altman, A., & Tyson, R.L. (10-13-2018. ) A guide to finding the Lee Side: Navigating the unknown waters of opening a private practice .Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. Conference. . Level:National
Tyson, R.L., & Altman, A. (04-17-2019. ) STAR*D Trials: Implications for Practice .Providence Medical Group, Dayton Ohio. Professional Meeting. .
R. Lee Tyson (01-28-2020. ) Community-Academic Partnerships for Reducing Urban Health Disparities .The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:National
R. Lee Tyson, Susan Brammer (07-15-2020. ) Increasing Access to Mental Health Care through Telehealth .Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center Annual Conference, South Bend, Indiana. Conference. . Level:Regional
R. Lee Tyson, Ashley Altman (06-08-2020. ) Mental Health & COVID-19 .Radio, Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. . Level:International
R. Lee Tyson, Ashley Altman (05-21-2020. ) Mental Health & COVID-19 .Mental Health Experts Podcast, Podcast . Workshop. . Level:International
Tyson, R.L., & Brammer, S (2022. ) Strategies for Nursing Resilience Amidst a Global Pandemic .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Alumni Association Webinar Series, Virtual. UC. . Level:Regional
Tyson, R.L., & Adams, E. (2022. ) Mental Health Awareness .The Open Table Church, Mason, Ohio. Level:Local
Tyson, R.L. (2021. ) COVID-19 as Collective Trauma .University of Cincinnati Emeriti Association Speaker Series, Virtual. Level:University
Tyson, R. L. (2023. ) Documentation of the psychiatric safety assessment .OAAPN Statewide Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Conference. . Level:State
Tyson, R. L. & Gregg, J. (2024. ) Gabapentin abuse: clinical practice implications for a growing concern .International Nurses Society on Addictions Annual Conference, Charleston, SC. Conference. . Level:International
Tyson, R. L. & Gregg, J. (2024. ) Cannabidiol: A case presentation on the shortcomings in clinical application .International Nurses Society on Addictions Annual Conference, Charleston, SC. Conference. . Level:International
Poster Presentations
Gregg, J. & Tyson, R.L. (04-27-2019. ) Gabapentin Abuse: Clinical Practice Implications for a Growing Concern. .Minneapolis, MN. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Honors and Awards
2022 Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing My significant contributions with national impact are in practice. I created an innovative, scalable business model for nurse-led interprofessional practices that expand the psychiatric-mental health (PMH) provider workforce, increases patient access to PMH services and amplifies the voice of nursing in fighting the PMH and opioid crises in the U.S. Also, by pioneering approval of telehealth as an accepted modality for clinical hours for nearly 1,500 PMHNP students throughout the country and adding buprenorphine waiver training as a required component of their education, I have promoted the adoption of telehealth services in practice, helping decrease PMH care inequities. American Academy of Nursing Level:National Type:Fellowship
2020 Fellow in the International Academy of Addictions Nursing Teaching/Learning innovation in addictions nursing Faculty development in addictions nursing Primary Research in addictions nursing Translational Research in addictions nursing Leadership in addictions nursing Public policy related to addictions nursing at a local, state, or national level Collaborative education/practice/ administration/research/community partnerships International Academy of Addictions Nursing Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship
2023 Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Dr. Tyson is Founder and President of Lee Side Wellness, an Associate Professor and Director of PMHNP programs at University of Cincinnati College of Nursing. He created an innovative, replicable, sustainable business model for NP-led practices that increases access to mental health and opioid use disorder treatment by expanding and empowering the psychiatric provider workforce throughout the country. Dr. Tyson leveraged his academic influence to pioneer national approval of telehealth as a standardized modality for procuring clinical hours years before COVID-19, affirming his stratagems as critically influential. American Association of Nurse Practitioners Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
2023 APNA Ohio APRN of the Year Award American Psychiatric Nursing Association, Ohio Chapter Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
Courses Taught
-ANPS-8028 SUP CLINICAL/LIFE I Level:Graduate
-ANPS-8007 SYSTEMS, IND/GROUP Level:Graduate
-ANPS-8032 SUP CLINICAL LIFE 3 Level:Graduate
-ANPS-8008 ROLE PMH NP Level:Graduate
-ANPS-8014 PSYCH MANAGE CHILD Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8080 FNP SEMINAR 1 Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8082 FNP SEMINAR II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8084 FNP SEMINAR III Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8070 FNP PRACTICUM I Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8072 FNP PRACTICUM II Level:Graduate
-ANNP-8044 ADULT NP PRACT III Level:Graduate
Developmental Issues & Traumatic Brain Injuries Level:Graduate
Complex Psychiatric Mental Health Disorders Level:Graduate
Child Adolescent Mental Health Therapies & Treatment Level:Graduate
Environmental Issues in Adult/Geriatric Treatment Level:Graduate
Advanced Health Assessment Level:Graduate
Psychiatric Supervised Clinical Practicum Across the Lifespan Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Home - 119 Cincinnati Ave.
Ohio, 45036
Phone: 5133170720